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Tech-Gude CRAFTster Manual Chain Hoist

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manual lifting parts

- - - -

SWF Krantechnik GmbH

Postbox 310410
68264 Mannheim

Boehringerstraße 4
SUPDOC3DA9ADE0100-0 PS23349 27.4.2016

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This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of SWF Krantechnik GmbH and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that may not be
reproduced, disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of SWF Krantechnik GmbH. Copyright © (2013) SWF
Krantechnik GmbH. All rights reserved.

Table of contents

1 UPDATE HISTORY ............................................................................................................................ 3

2 HAND CHAIN BLOCK MHS............................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Standard features ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Optional features..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Capacity with a galvanized load chain ..................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Hand chain block 250–3000 kg (1 fall)..................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Hand chain block 5000 kg (2 falls)........................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Hand chain block 7500 kg (3 falls)........................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Hand chain block 10000 kg, 12500 kg (4 - 5 falls).................................................................................... 9
2.8 Hand chain block 16000 kg, 20000 kg (6 – 8 falls) ................................................................................. 10
2.9 Capacity with a stainless steel load chain .............................................................................................. 10
2.10 Capacity with a stainless steel load chain and a stainless steel lower hook ............................................ 11
2.11 Hand chain block MHH......................................................................................................................... 12
2.11.1 Standard features.......................................................................................................................... 12
2.11.2 Optional features ........................................................................................................................... 12
3 MANUAL TROLLEY, NORMAL HEADROOM FND AND FNH..........................................................13
3.1 Standard features ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Optional features................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Manual FND with normal headroom 500–2000 kg ................................................................................. 14
3.4 Manual FNH with normal headroom 500–2000 kg ................................................................................. 15
3.5 Manual FND with normal headroom 3000–20000 kg ............................................................................. 17
3.6 Manual FNH with normal headroom 3000–20000 kg ............................................................................. 18
4 MANUAL TROLLEY, LOW HEADROOM FKD AND FKH..... ............................................................ 20
4.1 Standard features ................................................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Optional features................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Manual FKH with low headroom 500–3000 kg ....................................................................................... 21
4.4 Manual FKH with low headroom 5000 kg ............................................................................................... 22
4.5 Manual FKH with low headroom 7500–12500 kg ................................................................................... 23
4.6 Manual FKH with low headroom 16000–20000 kg ................................................................................. 24
5 LEVER PULLER MLP.......................................................................................................................26
5.1 Standard features and dimension...........................................................................................................27
6 BEAM CLAMP BC............................................................................................................................ 28
6.1 Standart features and dimensions......................................................................................................... 29
7 EXPLOSION-PROTECTED MANUAL PRODUCTS ........................................................................30
7.1 Explosion-protected hand chain block MHSex .................................................................................31
7.1.1 Standard features............................................................................................................................. 31
7.1 .2 Optional features.............................................................................................................................. 31
7.2 Explosion-protected manual trolley, norma headroom FNDex and FNHex............................................ 32
7.2.1 Standard features............................................................................................................................ 32
7.3 Explosion-protected manual trolley, low headroom FKHex .......................................................................... 33
7.3.1 Standard features............................................................................................................................. 33

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Section Changes Date Handled by

Whole document First version 03/2016 XLUOSAHI

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2.1 Standard features

 Galvanized load chain in grade 80 in accordance with EN818
 Rugged construction featuring steel gear case and hand wheel cover
 Dual pawl Weston-style brake with two brake friction discs providing four braking surfaces
 Galvanized hand chain
 ISO style hooks in alloy steel, heat treated, equipped with safety latches
 Temperature range: -20°C… +50°C
 12-month warranty
 Hoists do not have IP protection against water.
 (IP = International Protection Marking, IEC standard 60529)

Color coating for covers:

Dark gray RAL 7021 powder coating.
This coating matches the C3 category in DIN EN ISO 12944-2.

2.2 Optional features

 Stainless steel load chain
 Stainless steel hand chain
 Stainless steel hook blocks
 Chain collector
 Chain certificate

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2.3 Capacity with a galvanized load chain

Extra per
Load Weight Effort to chain
Capacit Body Ø a1 A2 weight meter
Falls chain A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] for 3-m raise needing
y [kg] size [mm] [mm] per m operati
size lift SWL [N] to lift 1
lift [kg] ng
m [m]
250 250 1 4x12 121 115 280 70 69 31 21 6.5 0.4 0.9 235 17.7
500 500 1 5x15 148 132 345 85 83 35 22 9.3 0.6 0.9 240 32.5
1000 1000 1 6x18 172 151 376 95 88 40 26 12.2 0.8 0.9 250 53.9
1500 1500 1 7x21 196 173 442 115 93 45 31 16.5 1.1 0.9 265 78.9
2000 2000 1 8x24 210 175 470 120 94 49 35 19.5 1.4 0.9 335 92.8
3000 3000 1 10x28 255 205 548 160 104 55 39 32 2.2 0.9 372 105.6
5000 5000 2 9x27 280 189 710 180 100 65 45 41.3 3.6 0.9 360 395
7500 7500 3 9x27 433 189 690 274 110 75 54 62 5.4 0.9 380 590
10000 10000 4 9x27 433 189 765 275 110 80 54 78.5 7.2 0.9 380 790
12500 12500 5 9x27 430 220 835 290 130 80 54 110 9.0 0.9 380 1180
16000 16000 6 9x27 718 200 900 359 110 95 71 135 10.8 1.8 380 2 x 590
20000 20000 8 9x27 840 200 950 420 110 106 75 192 14.4 1.8 380 2 x 790

Lower and upper hooks have same dimensions.

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2.4 Hand chain block 250–3000 kg (1 fall)

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2.5 Hand chain block 5000 kg (2 falls)

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2.6 Hand chain block 7500 kg (3 falls)

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2.7 Hand chain block 10000 kg, 12500 kg (4 - 5 falls)

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2.8 Hand chain block 16000 kg, 20000 kg (6 – 8 falls)

2.9 Capacity with a stainless steel load chain

Hook size is the same as with the galvanized load chain.

Effort to raise SWL

Capacity [kg] Body size Falls Load chain size

250 250 1 4x12 235

450 500 1 5x15 216
700 1000 1 6x18 175
950 1500 1 7x21 167
1250 2000 1 8x24 210
1950 3000 1 10x28 241
3000 5000 2 9x27 216
4500 7500 3 9x27 228
6000 10000 4 9x27 228

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2.10 Capacity with a stainless steel load chain and a stainless steel lower
The same hook size for the top hook as with the galvanized load chain.

Lower hook
Capacity Load chain DIN15401- Effort to
Body size Falls C [mm] Ø a1 [mm] a2 [mm] raise SWL
[kg] size M
EN1.4404 /
250 250 1 4x12 300 30 21 RSN012 235
450 500 1 5x15 360 36 22 RSN025 216
700 1000 1 6x18 385 40 26 RSN04 175
950 1500 1 7x21 460 48 33 RSN08 167
1250 2000 1 8x24 480 48 33 RSN08 210
1950 3000 1 10x28 570 55 41 RSN1.6 241
3000 5000 2 9x27 810 63 41 RSN2.5 216

Hook block material, AISI:

 Half bottle and hook: 316
 Screw, washer, and nut: A4-80.
 Safety latch: 304
 Latch spring: 304
 Load screw: 431
 Load chain: 316
 Hand chain: 316

Stainless steel designation:

304 1.4301 - X 5 CrNi 18 10 Z 6 CN 18 09
316 bolt fastener A4 1.4401 - X 5 CrNiMo 17 12 2 Z 6 CND 17 11
316 L 1.4404 - X 2 CrNiMo 17 12 2 Z 2 CND 17 12
431 1.4057 - X 17 CrNi 16 2 Z 15 CN 16 02

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2.11 Hand chain block MHH

2.11.1 Standard features

 Same features as in HCB, and additionally:
 Torque limiter (overload limiter, adjusted to 125% to 180%).
 Additional bearings to support the load wheel and pinions.
 Dimensions as in HCB.
 Hoists do not have IP protection against water.
 (IP = International Protection Marking, IEC standard 60529)

Color coating for covers:

RAL 7021 dark gray.

This coating is C5-IM according to the standards EN ISO

12944-2 and EN ISO 12944-5.

2.11.2 Optional features

 Stainless steel load chain
 Stainless steel hand chain
 Stainless steel hook blocks
 Chain collector
 Chain certificate

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Manual trolleys are available as hand push trolleys (FND) and hand driven trolleys (FNH).

3.1 Standard features

 Available for manual and electric top hook hoists *
 Adjustable to flange widths up to 310 mm **
 Galvanized hand chain
 Delivered preassembled up to 2000kg (width to be adjusted on site)
 Single flanged machined steel wheels add to the smooth motion
 Crown-tread wheels, compatible with all types of I and H shaped profiles
 Sealed and maintenance free wheel ball bearings
 Safety drop lugs
 Temperature range: -20°C… +50°C
 Serial number plated on the frame
 Rubber buffer
 12-month warranty

* Following EN 13157

** Not available for 250 kg

Color coating for side plates:

Dark gray RAL 7021 powder coating.
This coating matches the C3 category in DIN EN ISO 12944-2.

3.2 Optional features

• Available with stainless steel hand chain

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3.3 Manual FND with normal headroom 500–2000 kg

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3.4 Manual FNH with normal headroom 500–2000 kg

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Following table gives information on both FND and FNH, 500 – 2000 kg.

Capacity [kg] 250 500 1000 2000

Range 1 50… 202 50… 202 65… 202 88… 202

Range 2 - 188… 310 188… 310 188… 310
Range 1 278 303 316 340
D Range 2 - 411 424 448
B 32 32 39 42
B0 18 24 28 36
B1 48 52 57 61
B2 16 20 25 28
C 60 62 81 96
E 12.5 17 20 22
F 173 186 225 272
G 80 84 101 124
H 190 210 242 296
J 15 20 24 30
K 50 55 62 76
L 62 67 76 92
N 30 34 38 38
P 99 106 135 159
Q - - 146 146
S - 4.3 5.7 3.4

U 19 19 24 27

Minimum Radius
1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0
of Track Curve [m]
Push Range 1 3.5 8 12 20
Net Weight Range 2 - 10 14 22
Geared Range 1 - - 14 22
Net Weight Range 2 - - 16 24
Effort on
hand chain
- - 36 60
to move
trolley [N]
Distance for 1 meter
- - 0.275 0.285
of hand chain
Dimensions applicable only to a geared travel trolley.

One meter of hand chain weighs 0.450 kg.

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3.5 Manual FND with normal headroom 3000–20000 kg

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3.6 Manual FNH with normal headroom 3000–20000 kg

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Following table gives information on both FND and FNH, 3000 – 20000 kg.

Capacity [kg] 3000 5000 7500 10000 12500 16000 20000

100… 202 114… 202 124… 202 124… 202 124… 202 136… 202 136… 202
188… 310 188… 310 188… 310 188… 310 188… 310 188… 310 188… 310
356 325 394 400 358 416 449
464 434 502 508 464 522 551
D 2
B 49 60 68 70 70 92 88
B0 44 48 50 50 50 50 50
B1 70 73 78 76 76 91 93.5
B2 30 39 49 53 53 75 75
C 140 161 176 187 187 283 278
E 25 33 38 39 39 51 51
F 322 360 410 434 442 555 555
G 144 158 185 200 200 272 272
H 346 384 434 458 466 579 579
J 28 35 43 50 50 64 68
K 96 108 130 132 134 168 175
L 114 126 150 155 155 197 217
N 42 42 45 46 45 64 60
P 192 226 247 265 265 390 390
Q 38 58 68 67 64 78 78
S 6.5 10.8 22 35 35 7 3.5

U 32 36 45 49 50 77 77

Minimum Radius 2.0

2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5
of Track Curve [m]
Push Travel 38 59 100 116 - - -
Net Weight
[kg] 40 61 103 119 - - -
Geared Range
42 63 104 120 125 215 220
Travel 1
Net Weight Range
44 65 107 123 130 220 228
[kg] 2
Effort on
hand chain to
55 83 96 123 154 81 102
move trolley
Distance for
1 meter of [m] 0.216 0.221 0.205 0.204 0.204 0.105 0.110
hand chain
Dimensions applicable only to a geared travel trolley.

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Manual trolleys with low headroom are available as hand pushed (FKD) and hand driven (FKH) variants. They
are combined with a manual hoist.

4.1 Standard features

 Low headroom trolley with rigid connection to the HCB and HCZ range.
 Geared trolley (galvanized hand chain).
 Trolley adjustable according to the beam size up to width of 305 mm (except for 500 kg).
 Delivered pre-assembled.
 Rubber buffers.
 Crown-tread wheels, compatible with all types of I and H shape profiles.
 Sealed and maintenance free wheel ball bearings.
 Temperature range: -20°C… +50°C.
 Rubber buffer
 12-month warranty

Color coating for side plates:

Dark gray RAL 7021 powder coating.
This coating matches the C3 (optionally C5) category in DIN EN ISO 12944-2.

4.2 Optional features

 Hand pushed version available only for capacities: 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 kg.
 Available with stainless steel hand chain

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4.3 Manual FKH with low headroom 500–3000 kg

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4.4 Manual FKH with low headroom 5000 kg

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4.5 Manual FKH with low headroom 7500–12500 kg

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4.6 Manual FKH with low headroom 16000–20000 kg

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Following table gives information on both FKD and FKH, 500 – 20000 kg.

Capacity [kg] 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 7500 10000 12500 16000 20000

Range [mm] 50… 203 64… 305 74… 305 88… 305 100… 305 114… 305 124… 305 124… 305 124… 305 136… 305 136… 305

Number of falls 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8

Chain type 5x15 6x18 7x21 8x24 10x28 9x27 9x27 9x27 9x27 9x27 9x27

C ]mm] 299 331 383 424 486 636 760 780 850 930 965

A [mm] 258 292 319 358 434 472 624 640 668 791 891

B0 Ø [mm] 24 28 28 36 44 48 50 50 50 50 50

B1 [mm] 43 54 54.5 55.5 58 61.5 75 68 75 78 84

B2 [mm] 17 20 21.5 23.5 25 38 39 45 45 60 72

D [mm] 265 380 383 383 400 416 452 439 443 508 508

E [mm] 18 20 20 20 20 20 40 41 44 53 54

G [mm] 100 125 130 135 158 170 190 200 200 272 272

G1 [mm] 19 19 19 19 19 33 0 0 0 0 0

K [mm] 55 68 74 80 100 108 130 134 150 166 172

L [mm] 67 82 88 94 115 126 153 155 170 196 198

N [mm] 29 37 38 38 40 42 45 45 50 50 58

Q [mm] 57 57 57 61 61 61 66 66 66 92 92

S [mm] 9 9 18 18 8 25 20 35 26 8 5

U [mm] 18 21 21 21 21 21 44 46 46 76 75

unchained with
the hoist [kg]
no hand wheel 17.5 26 - 48 65 - - - - - -
with hand wheel 21 29 39 52 69 96 141 159 265 291 361
Effort to move
on hand chain 21 35 49 61 55 83 92 123 143 84 105
Distance for 1
meter of hand 0.287 0.291 0.296 0.300 0.225 0.225 0.205 0.205 0.212 0.109 0.113

Note! 1-3 mm clearance should be given between the beam flange and trolley wheels.

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5.1 Standard features

 Steel construction with chrome finish
 Ideal for construction, maintenance, and service
 360° handle rotation
 Rubber grip
 Galvanized load chain in grade 80, in accordance with EN818.
 ISO style hooks in alloy steel, heat treated, equipped with a self-positioning hook
 Encased brake provides protection against dirt
 Dual pawl Weston-style brake with two friction discs provides four braking surfaces
 Lifting mechanism can be released when unloaded
 Chain and hook certificate
 12-month warranty
 Optional load limiter

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Capacity [kg] 250 750 1500 3000

Height of lift [m] 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

Falls 1 1 1 1

Chain diameter [mm] 4x12 6x18 7x21 10x30

Weight kg / meter 0.64 0.78 1.39 2.17

A [mm] 92 149 171 204

B [mm] 71 89 102 114

C [mm] 245 310 385 460

D [mm] 168 284 385 418

E [mm] 21 22 31 39

F [mm] 50 85 130 150

G [mm] 70 128 145 203

Diameter [mm] 31 37 45 55

Weight [kg] 2.1 6.2 9.5 20.2

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6.1 Standard features

 Versatile jaws designed to mount on a wide range of I and H beams
 Branded unit with the brand logo
 Built-in suspension bar allowing a low headroom
 Easily installed and adjusted by hand
 Locking safety screw
 Provides temporary or permanent mounting point for hook-mounted hoists or lever pullers
 Temperature range: -20°C… +50°C
 Designed to minimize stress applied to beam

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Capacity [kg] 1000 2000 3000 5000

I-beam width range

75… 230 75… 230 80… 310 90… 310
Net weight [kg] 4 5 9 11

A [mm] 271 284 310 310

B min. [mm] 180 180 220 220

B max. [mm] 362 375 445 455

C [mm] 68 90 105 114

D [mm] 4 6 8 10

E [mm] 220 220 250 250

F min. [mm] 102 102 207 210

F max. [mm] 160 160 240 240

G min. [mm] 25 28 63 57

H [mm] 20 22 24 30

I [mm] 24 24 39 40

J [mm] 185 185 261 251

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7.1 Explosion-protected hand chain block MHXex

7.1.1 Standard features

Same features as in hand chain block (MHS),and additionally:
 Suitable for gas and dust hazard areas:
 Zone 1 and Zone 2
 Zone 21 and Zone 22
 ATEX markings:
 Ex II 2G c IIC T4
 Ex II 2G c IIB T4
 Ex II 3G c IIC T4
 Ex II 3G c IIB T4
 Ex II 2D c T120°C
 Ex II 3D c T120°C
 ATEX registration numbers:
 PTB 14 ATEX D051
 PTB 14 ATEX D052
 Loads: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 12500, 16000, 20000 kg
 Torque limiter (overload limiter, adjusted to 125%-180%)
 Dimensions the same as in MHS
 Stainless steel hand chain
 Copper coated hooks (20-30µm)
 Ambient temperature: -20°C… +60°C
 Hoists do not have IP protection against water.
 (IP = International Protection Marking, IEC standard 60529)

Color coating:
White aluminum RAL 9006 powder coating.
This coating matches C3 category in DIN EN ISO 12944-2.

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This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of SWF Krantechnik GmbH and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that may not be reproduced,
disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of SWF Krantechnik GmbH. Copyright © (2013) SWF Krantechnik GmbH. All rights

7.1.2 Optional features

 Stainless steel load chain with loads: 450, 700, 1250, 1950, 3000, 4500, and 6000 kg
 Stainless steel hook block
 Chain collector

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This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of SWF Krantechnik GmbH and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that may not be reproduced,
disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of SWF Krantechnik GmbH. Copyright © (2013) SWF Krantechnik GmbH. All rights

7.2 Explosion-protected manual trolley, normal headroom FNDex and

Manual trolleys are available as hand push trolleys (FNDex) and hand driven trolleys (FNHex).

7.2.1 Standard features

 Suitable for gas and dust hazard areas:
 Zone 1 and Zone 2
 Zone 21 and Zone 22
 ATEX markings:
 Ex II 2G c IIC T4
 Ex II 2G c IIB T4
 Ex II 3G c IIC T4
 Ex II 3G c IIB T4
 Ex II 2D c T120°C
 Ex II 3D c T120°C
 ATEX registration numbers:
 PTB 14 ATEX D051
 PTB 14 ATEX D052
 FNDex: 500 kg
 FNHex: 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 12500, 16000, 20000 kg
 Dimensions the same as in HPT/HDT
 Geared trolley with a stainless steel hand chain
 Copper coated wheels (20-30µm)
 Ambient temperature: -20°C… +60°C
 Hoists do not have IP protection against water.
 (IP = International Protection Marking, IEC standard 60529)

Color coating:
White aluminum RAL 9006 powder coating.
This coating matches C3 category in DIN EN ISO 12944-2.

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This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of SWF Krantechnik GmbH and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that may not be reproduced,
disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of SWF Krantechnik GmbH. Copyright © (2013) SWF Krantechnik GmbH. All rights

7.3 Explosion-protected manual trolley, low headroom FKHex

7.3.1 Standard features

 Suitable for gas and dust hazard areas:
 Zone 1 and Zone 2
 Zone 21 and Zone 22
 ATEX markings:
 Ex II 2G c IIC T4
 Ex II 2G c IIB T4
 Ex II 3G c IIC T4
 Ex II 3G c IIB T4
 Ex II 2D c T120°C
 Ex II 3D c T120°C
 ATEX registration numbers:
 PTB 14 ATEX D051
 PTB 14 ATEX D052
 Loads: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 12500, 16000, 20000 kg
 Dimensions the same as in FKH
 Geared trolley with a stainless steel hand chain
 Safety drop lugs and rubber buffers
 Copper coated wheels (20-30µm)
 Ambient temperature: -20°C… +60°C
 Hoists do not have IP protection against water.
 (IP = International Protection Marking, IEC standard 60529)

Color coating:
White aluminum RAL 9006 powder coating.
This coating matches C3 category in DIN EN ISO 12944-2.

English 27/04/2016 33 / 33
This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of SWF Krantechnik GmbH and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that may not be reproduced,
disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of SWF Krantechnik GmbH. Copyright © (2013) SWF Krantechnik GmbH. All rights

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