5 5 5
edited by
Dr. Claudia Haarmann
Dr. Dirk Haarmann
Email: cd.haarmann@gmx.net
ISBN: 978-99916-842-0-8
This is a publication of the Desk for Social Development (DfSD) of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN). The DfSD currently receives financial support for
its programmes from the United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Bread for the World (BftW) and
the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The support to this publication is hereby gratefully ac-
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................................2
FIGURES ..............................................................................................................3
ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................4
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................1
IN VAT OF 4.8%)............................................................................................................................23
GRANT AND 6.3% INCREASE IN VAT ..............................................................................................25
HIGHEST NET GRANT AND LOWEST TAX INCREASES. .....................................................................27
MODEL ...........................................................................................................................................36
FIGURE 8: THE LAYERS OF POVERTY .....................................................................................................43
FIGURE 9: NAMIBIAN POPULATION 2004...............................................................................................44
FIGURE 10: NAMIBIA’S TAX CAPACITY ..................................................................................................45
ARV Antiretroviral (ARV) Treatment
BIG Basic Income Grant
CCN Council of Churches in Namibia
DfSD Desk for Social Development (ELCRN)
ELCRN Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia
EPRI Economic Policy Research Institute, South Africa
HANIS Home Affairs National Identity System, South Africa
MDG Millennium Development Goals
NAMTAX The Namibian Tax Consortium
NANASO Namibia Network of AIDS Service Organisations
NANGOF Namibian NGO Forum
NDP2 Second National Development Plan
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
NUNW National Union of Namibian Workers
SACU Southern African Customs Union
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
TB Tuberculosis
VAT Value Added Tax
In recent months, the Basic Income Grant proposal has generated an
overwhelming response in Namibia, and the launch of the Basic In- This resource
book is com-
come Grant Coalition has added further public debate. This resource piled in order
book is compiled in order to inform policy makers and civil society role to inform
players about the background and the details of the proposal for a Ba- policy mak-
ers and civil
sic Income Grant in Namibia. In addition, it provides the results of re-
society role
search of the social, economic and financial implications of a BIG in players about
Namibia. the back-
ground and
The first section of the book documents the launch of the Basic In- the details of
come Grant Coalition. The Council of Churches, the National Union of the proposal
Namibian Workers, the National NGO Forum, the Namibian Network of for a Basic
Income Grant
AIDS Service Organisations, the Legal Assistance Centre, and the La- in Namibia.
bour, Resource and Research Institute committed themselves to the
common platform on April 27th 2005. The platform of the coalition as
well as the speeches at the launch of Bishop Dr. Z. Kameeta (Evangeli-
cal Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN) and Vice
President of the Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN)), Mr. P. Naholo,
Acting General Secretary of the National Union of Namibian Workers
(NUNW), and Mr. S. Tjaronda, Chairperson of the Namibian NGO Fo-
rum (NANGOF), are published in this first section.
The second section explains the underlying concept of the Basic In-
come Grant. Crucial questions of understanding and clarification are
addressed in order to form the basis for an informed debate about the
The third section introduces the key passages of the findings and rec-
ommendations made by the Government appointed Namibia Tax Con-
sortium (NAMTAX). In 2002 the tax consortium “found that by far the
best method of addressing poverty and inequality would be a universal
income grant [= Basic Income Grant]” (NAMTAX, 2002:60). This re-
search is crucial as it lays the foundation on the basis of which the
churches, unions, NGOs and AIDS Service organisations have now
formed the coalition to join hands with Government to see that this
proposal can be implemented effectively.
The fourth and fifth sections provide relevant results stemming from
social and economic analysis. The fourth section by Dr. C. and Dr. D.
Haarmann is based on a Microsimulation Model modelling the devel-
opmental impact of a Basic Income Grant on poverty and inequality.
The fifth and final section by Prof. M. Samson and Ms. I. van Niekerk
calculates the costs of the Basic Income Grant and its various financ-
ing options. Based on a comparative international Tax Effort Analysis,
the affordability given Namibia’s current economic capacity is as-
sessed. This section concludes by looking at likely second round ef-
fects on Namibia’s economy if a Basic Income Grant is to be intro-
Section 1: The Basic Income Grant Coalition
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
The BIG What is the role of Government in this? To set up the Basic Income
poses impor- Grant poses important challenges to Government. One of the main
tant chal- challenges will be to set-up the initial delivery system to each and
lenges to
every Namibian citizen. This is not easy. But I am confident that our
To set-up the Government can manage that. In fact, I was proud to learn at last
initial deliv- years Greiters’ Conference that our payout system of Old Age and Dis-
ery system to ability Grants is technologically far more advanced than that of
each and
every Namib-
neighbouring South Africa. Our Government is able to manage the
ian citizen. payouts at a friction of the cost and has built a system, which reliably
can service even the most remote areas of our country. So, with the
Basic Income Grant, we do not have to start from scratch, but can
build on this system.
The tax sys- The second challenge will be to revise our tax system. It needs to be
tem needs to redesigned in such a way that the money paid to those who do not
be redesigned
need the support pay it back to the state. From the richer members of
to redistrib-
ute to the our country, it needs to be redistributed to the benefit of the majority.
benefit of the Government’s NAMTAX commission has made a proposal how this
majority. could be done, and there are other options. The policies to implement
this, need to be discussed and developed.
On behalf of This is not going to be an easy road, but a bumpy one. In this process
our constitu- we therefore need the Basic Income Grant Coalition to keep the public
encies, we,
support and not to lose focus. On behalf of our constituencies, we, the
the four um-
brella or- four umbrella organisations from the Unions, NGOs, AIDS Service Or-
ganisations ganisations and the Churches are joining hands and extend a joint
from the Un- and concrete proposal for poverty reduction to Government. It is our
ions, NGOs,
AIDS Service commitment to work together with Government, jointly - as we have
Organisa- fought colonialism and apartheid - we will bear fruits, from which we
tions and the will be known.
Churches are
joining hands Redistribution means sharing the fruits of this country more equally.
and extend a This also means to give away, and the beginning of this process is al-
joint and
ways difficult. But as Martin Luther King said: “The Christian victory
concrete pro-
posal for against oppression will be twofold: liberating the oppressed and at the
poverty re- very same time liberating the oppressor.” I believe that the same holds
duction to for closing the gap between the rich and the poor. And therefore I am
confident that together we can manage this. When you look to the
posters on the side you will see the signatures of the CCN member
• churches from North to South
• churches from different church traditions.
This demonstrates to me that we can get support for the Basic Income
Grant beyond ideological lines. This Coalition today here re-affirms
this. While this has started off as a small initiative from the side of the
church, it has grown into a big and joint conference with civil society
and government, and now into a social movement comprising such a
broad and diverse group of civil society organisations, joint in this ef-
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
(…) viewed in The point that I am trying to drive home is that when viewed in the
the context of context of the MDGs there is really nothing untoward regarding the
the MDGs introduction and implementation of the Basic Income Grant Scheme.
there is
really noth- For instance, goal number one of the MDGs calls for the eradication of
ing untoward extreme poverty and hunger. Its target was to halve, between 1990-
regarding the
2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than US$1 a day.
and imple- Furthermore, as a universally agreed agenda, MDGs bring unprece-
mentation of
the BIG
dented clarity to the shared responsibilities and objectives of all devel-
Scheme. opment stakeholders such as governments, international and civil so-
ciety organisations and the private sector.
Under these premises we as a labour movement in Namibia, which is
part and parcel of the civil society, will always remain firm and ready
to embrace and support the struggle for social justice and economic
emancipation. It has always been and remains our sacred belief that
there will be nothing about us without us as workers. Therefore we
have come out in our multitudes today to support this noble initiative
(Basic Income Grant).
In view of the In view of the current onslaught on the job opportunities of our mem-
current on- bers whereby retrenchments and job losses are the order of the day,
slaught on
obviously the Basic Income Grant would ultimately serve as a fall-back
the job op-
portunities position for the retrenched workers. When a worker is retrenched, it
(…) the BIG simply means loss of income. Loss of income means loss of hope.
would ulti- Without hope, life is shattered. Therefore, we need to provide hope for
mately serve
as a fall-back them, we must enable them to appreciate that there is always life after
position for retrenchment.
the re-
trenched However, it is highly disturbing that while we are pushing the agenda
workers. of poverty reduction the private sector is still sharpening the contra-
dictions. They are designing policies, which have negative conse-
quences for workers. This is contrary to the objectives of the MDGs.
Retrenching people means increasing poverty instead of reducing it.
The private sector is really not helpful in these endeavours. Time has
now come that they realise they have a role to play. They should no
longer ignore the plight of the workers and therefore should help cre-
ate decent jobs in response to the Global Call to Action Against Pov-
With these few words, I thank you!
Peter Naholo
NUNW Secretary General (Acting)
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
This makes the reduction of inequality not only a justice issue but also
a fundamental human rights issue. Poverty is the evil of the highest
degree! It destroys people. It is a beast that inhabits in prejudice, as-
sumption and attitudes.
Already as we discuss the Basic Income Grant in Namibia, many of
you are holding tight to your purses thinking this is another scheme
that will coerce you to part with your hard-earned cash.
The BIG is
Ladies and Gentlemen; The Basic Income Grant is one of the measures
one of the we can and must use to re-distribute wealth to all Namibians. It must
measures we be shameful to all development agencies in the world to continue to
can and must quote the current statistics on injustice and imbalance in people’s live-
use to re-
distribute lihoods for the sake of “good reports” and fundraising intentions. We
wealth to all must move beyond talk shop to real workshop to be true architects of
Namibians. a world that creates positive reflections of the status of humanity by
embracing not only the needs of citizens but engaging our whole being
to seek solutions to their challenges.
Ladies and Gentlemen; The Basic Income Grant could not have come
at a better time for Namibia. With the new administration of His Excel-
lency President Hifikepunye Pohamba, the emphasis is on good gov-
ernance and accountability of state and any other public funded
agency including civil society. We need to embrace this bold stance of
the President and the current government but go a step further to say,
now that we will be making savings in public spending, it is time we
invest more in sustainable livelihood for the citizens both on a short
and long term basis. On a short term basis people need constant and
reliable supply of food, which we in other words define as food secu-
rity. The shortcomings with these concepts are that they create limit-
ing images in our minds about how for instance food security should
be achieved. You are sitting there and thinking food security must be
connected to crop production and as a result you miss the crucial
component of production-seeds, fertilizers, land, and labour. Where
Where does does one get the money to buy seeds and fertilizers?
one get the
money to buy We are now here back from our short tour through livelihood lane to
seeds and the basics. Let us think again.
(…) The truth How much more can it assist the people to achieve their dreams with a
of the matter universal income like the Basic Income Grant, which can serve as a
is, the BIG
safety net, but sustainable income that is not attached to a means
will stimu-
late economic test.
growth and
activate Na-
I appeal to you all, peace-loving Namibians, to reach into your heart
mibia’s full and support this noble cause. While the critics want us to believe that
potential to the Basic Income Grant is going to be a burden to the economy, the
produce for truth of the matter is, it will stimulate economic growth and activate
and commer- Namibia’s full potential to produce for subsistence and commercial
cial pur- purposes.
The Basic Income Grant Coalition
Section 2: What is it all about? – The
What is it all about? – The concept
The rich will With a BIG the rich will at first also receive the grant. However,
be paying through adjustments in the tax system the money is gradually recu-
more in taxa- perated. The adjustments in the tax system are made in such a way,
tion than
what they
that middle-income earners will receive the grant, but at the same
receive time their tax is increased so that they pay back the amount of the
through the grant The rich, however, will be paying more in taxation than what
grant. They they receive through the grant. They become net payers and income is
become net
payers and effectively redistributed. By doing so, social assistance becomes a
income is right, not labelling people as poor, and at the same time an effective
effectively tool in redistribution.
What is it all about? – The concept
What is it all about? – The concept
living standard of people but also increase the tax revenue of the gov-
What is it all about? – The concept
Section 3: How it all started –
Government’s Namtax commission
Proposal for a Development Grant to the Poor Financed out of a
Progressive Expenditure Tax on the Affluent5
3.1 Introduction
This appendix contains the Consortium’s tax proposal to address the
serious problem of poverty and income inequality in Namibia.
Following an extensive review of the relevant literature and an analysis Following an
of possible alternative strategies, we found that by far the best method extensive
review of the
of addressing poverty and inequality would be a universal income
relevant lit-
grant of at least N$70 per month to all Namibians of six years and erature and
older. This grant is to be financed out of an increase in indirect taxes an analysis
earmarked for a universal income grant. of possible
Provided that an effective delivery system can be implemented, such a strategies,
grant funded by an increase in indirect taxes will: we found
that by far
• Significantly reduce absolute poverty levels the best
method of
• Significantly reduce the degree of inequality, bringing the Gini addressing
coefficient down from 0.68 to 0.60 poverty and
• Target those most in need without requiring a complex adminis- would be a
trative system universal
• Be sustainable and affordable without retarding economic grant.
• Avoid the negative consequences of alternative strategies to
transfer income from the rich to the poor.
We found that a universal income grant financed out of indirect taxes
will effectively offer a progressive anti-poverty grant to the poor, and
impose a progressive expenditure tax on the affluent.
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
the grant through additional taxes than the monthly benefit of N$70
he receives through the grant.
Conversely, a person who neither drinks alcohol nor smokes, will have
a far higher “break-even” point of about N$1,460. Such persons will
benefit more from the grant than they contribute towards funding it, if
they spend less than N$1,460 per month.
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
Despite the challenges posed by the above conditions, we believe it is Despite the
possible for Namibia to develop the institutional capacity to fulfil them. challenges
The biggest challenge that must be met is the establishment of an effi- posed by the
above condi-
cient and cost effective delivery system. Unless this condition is met,
tions, we be-
the universal income grant cannot be implemented. The development lieve it is
of an appropriate delivery system will take at least four years and re- possible for
quire substantial donor assistance. Namibia to
develop the
capacity to
3.5 The Nett Impact of a Grant Combined with an fulfil them.
Increase in Indirect Taxes
Figure 1 illustrates this very clearly:
100 68 67 63 57 50 43 36 33
9 3 -22 -31
25 50 100 200 300 400 500 550 750 906 1,000 1,375 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 7,500 10,000
expenditure tax (-)per person (N$)
Net Anti-poverty grant (+) or
-300 -265
Monthly per person expenditure (N$) -601
Figure 1: Nett anti-poverty grant received or progressive expenditure tax paid with
grant of N$70 financed by increasing indirect taxes by 6.7% (including an increase
in VAT of 4.8%)
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
Negative tax rate
Effective Tax Rate
17% 1.02% 0.3%
11% 7.3% 6.0% 2.6%
25 50 100 200 300 400 500 550 750 906 1,000 1,375 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
-5.3% 7,500
-5.8% 10,000
Monthly Expenditure per person (N$) -1.61% -2.0% -3.2% -4.4% -5.0%
Figure 2: Net grant (-) and net tax (+) burden as percentage of expenditure, with a
N$70 grant and 6.3% increase in Vat
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
On the con- If Namibia were to introduce a N$70 monthly grant financed by an in-
trary, it is crease in indirect taxes, a poor person would lose only N$6,70 for
far more every N$100 by which the person’s expenditure increases. This is a
likely to offer
marginal tax rate of 6,7% compared to the 100% rate in the German
to the poor to example used above. Because everyone gets a grant, which is funded
improve the by the wealthier who spend more, the grant is perfectly targeted with-
opportunities out requiring an expensive bureaucracy. A small grant of $N70 is very
of earning
unlikely to create dependency. On the contrary, it is far more likely to
income. Chil- offer opportunity to the poor to improve the opportunities of earning
dren can be additional income. Children can be better nourished, youth can pay
better nour- for additional training opportunities or transport costs in looking for
ished, youth
can pay for work. The poorer one is, the more support one gets from the grant.
The grant will be a very effective way of targeting households for sup-
training op-
portunities or port in which the breadwinner has become unemployed because of ill
transport health, e.g. because of AIDS.
costs in look-
ing for work. Another great advantage of paying out the grant to individuals, or in
the case of children, to the caregiver, is that it enables the grant to
reach the needy within households.
This system, For example, if a husband earns N$1,900 a month and keeps N$1,100
in contrast to for himself and gives the rest to his wife and three children, he himself
any other will pay as much in tax as he receives from the grant. However, his
system, has
wife and three children, with a per person expenditure of N$200 per
the great ad-
vantage of month, will benefit by N$56 per person per month (or N$224 together)
being able to from their grant. This system, in contrast to any other system, has the
address ine- great advantage of being able to address inequality in power relation-
quality in
power rela-
ships within households by automatically targeting those who get the
tionships least, to benefit most from the grant. This would be greatly assisted if
within house- the grant could be delivered in the form of electronic money to a smart
holds by card which can only be accessed by the caregiver and if it is possible
cally target- to store the money on the card if required.
ing those
who get the
least, to
benefit most
from the
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
69 68 67 68 67 64 65 63
58 60 57 56
46 50 51 46
43 43
50 34 36 33 34
22 26 22
10 9
4 3 4
25 50 100 200 300 400 500 550 750 906 1,000 1,375 -21,500 2,000 3,000
-20 -22
-31 -26
Net benefit or tax
Ms Cleanliving Green: Does not smoke, drink or guzzle -111
-150 Average Consumer: Sins moderately
Mr Tough Guy: Heavy drinker and smoker and guzzles gas
-300 -292
Monthly expenditure per person (N$)
Figure 3: Proportional increase of all indirect taxes target Ms Cleanliving Green for
highest net grant and lowest tax increases.
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
Should a Should a grant of N$70 be paid out today, it would bring down the
grant of Namibian Gini coefficient from 0.68 to about 0.60. Namibia would no
N$70 be paid longer have the dubious distinction of having the highest measured
out today, it
would bring Gini coefficient in the world.10
down the
Gini coeffi-
5 Appendix 4: Income Redistribution and Poverty Relief - A Universal In-
cient from come Grant Combined with Indirect Tax Increases (Namtax Report,
0.68 to about 2004,60-72 as published on the IPPR Web Page:
0.60. Na- http://www.ippr.org.na/other_research.htm)
mibia would 6 Increases in excise taxes could, however, only be made with the agree-
no longer ment of the other SACU members.
have the du- 7 We recommend that the existing pension of N$250 be retained, and not,
bious distinc- as has been argued in some quarters, replaced by a “means tested”
tion of hav- pension. A means test is extremely difficult and costly to administer ef-
ing the high- ficiently. If the recommendations of this report are accepted, the pen-
est measured sioners with a high per person expenditure will in any case be worse off,
Gini coeffi- because of the increase in the indirect taxes. The pensioners with a low
cient in the per person expenditure will probably be better off if our recommenda-
world. tions are implemented, because the other members of the household
who at present also live off the pension, will then be receiving a grant.
8 If the expenditure level increases with the full amount of the indirect tax
increase, in other words, if expenditure is not cut back at all because of
the tax increases, the increase in indirect taxes required to finance the
How it all started – Government’s Namtax commission
grant is 6.7%. If, on the other hand, the affluent cut back on their ex-
penditure levels by the amount that tax increases, so that the overall
expenditure remains the same, then the increase in indirect taxes re-
quired will be about 7.1%. Assuming that the expenditure of the afflu-
ent increases by half the increase in indirect taxes, an increase of 6.9%
in indirect taxes is required.
9 If one assumes that the rich cut their expenditure back by half of the
indirect tax increase (which means that indirect taxes have to be in-
creased by 6.9%), this amount will by N$516 million, and if the rich cut
back their expenditure by the full amount, they will contribute only
N$509. The higher the required tax rate, the lower the net benefit and
the net burden. The more the affluent cut back their expenditure be-
cause of the tax increases, the less the actual additional tax burden is,
even though the indirect tax increase is higher.
10 Countries such as Brazil and Guatemala have Gini coefficients of higher
than 0,6.
Section 4: The developmental
impact of a Basic Income Grant
4.1 Introduction
This paper assesses the developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
given Namibia’s poverty and inequality situation.
Firstly, the paper provides a brief overview of the current levels of pov-
erty in Namibia. A framework, against which the developmental impact
of a poverty reduction policy needs to be assessed, is introduced. Sec-
ondly, the paper visualises the current income distribution and ine-
quality in Namibia and then depicts the measurable impact of a BIG
on income security. The third and final section, by taking into account
the findings before, outlines the developmental impact of the BIG.
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
• Employment opportunities
A score of 1 and 2 is regarded as below the poverty line.
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
Measure Percentage of
people below
poverty line
Bottom two quintiles people living in the 48.1%
poorest 40% of HH
Household N$ 409.37 per adult 82.2%
Subsistence Level equivalent
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
US$ 1
160,000 per day
Poverty line
Number of people in Namibia
per adult eq.
N$ 11
N$ 14
N$ 19
N$ 25
N$ 33
N$ 44
N$ 58
N$ 78
N$ 103
N$ 138
N$ 183
N$ 244
N$ 325
N$ 432
N$ 575
N$ 765
N$ 1,019
N$ 1,356
N$ 1,805
N$ 2,402
N$ 3,197
N$ 4,255
N$ 5,664
N$ 7,538
N$ 10,034
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
As the graph is extremely broad, it becomes clear that Namibia has a As the graph
highly unequal distribution of income. The Gini-coeffiecient of 0.68 in is extremely
fact documents the highest inequality in the world. While Figure 4 broad, it be-
comes clear
shows many people with nearly no cash income available in their
that Namibia
households (up to 180,000), this goes along with wealth pockets where has a highly
there are people in households with an adult equivalent income of N$ unequal dis-
10,000 and above. tribution of
The red line in the middle visualises the crude international poverty
line of US$1 per day. Even according to this crude standard, 62% have
to struggle for survival on less than US$1. It becomes clear that desti-
Destitution is
tution is ripe in many communities in Namibia. ripe in many
in Namibia.
Namibia with a Basic Income Grant
The next graph models the effect, which would be achieved, if every
Namibian citizen from birth up to the age of 60, the qualifying age for
a social pension, would receive N$100 per month. The model is based
on the assumption that the money from people living in the richest
40% of households (4th and 5th top quintile), is recuperated tax neu-
tral. Meaning the richest 40% do receive N$100 per month but at the
same time N$100 is recuperated through adjustments in the tax sys-
tem, so that their net benefit / cost is kept at N$0.
The total net cost for a BIG in this scenario would be N$1,251 million
per year. And out of this NS$978 million would go into rural areas.
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
Destitution is
effectively Many people
80,000 eradicated. escape poverty.
20,000 Inequality
is reduced
per adult eq.
N$ 11
N$ 14
N$ 19
N$ 25
N$ 33
N$ 44
N$ 58
N$ 78
N$ 103
N$ 138
N$ 183
N$ 244
N$ 325
N$ 432
N$ 575
N$ 765
N$ 1,019
N$ 1,356
N$ 1,805
N$ 2,402
N$ 3,197
N$ 4,255
N$ 5,664
N$ 7,538
N$ 10,034
Figure 5: The impact of a BIG on Namibia’s income distribution compared to the
current income distribution (dotted line) - Source: DfSD Microsimulation Model
Figure 5 shows the dramatic effect the BIG has on income security.
Destitution is
effectively Destitution is effectively eradicated. As the BIG is a right, each and
eradicated everybody has at least some income. This would go a long way to
through a eradicate hunger and malnutrition.
With the BIG, many people escape poverty and are brought over the
crude poverty line. The head count index of people having to live below
The head
count index an acceptable minimum income would drastically be reduced.
of people As the graph in Figure 5 is much narrower than in Figure 4, it be-
having to live
below an ac- comes obvious that the BIG reduces inequality. The gap between the
ceptable rich and the poor would be no longer as extreme as it currently is.
income would
be reduced. 4.4 The developmental impact of a Basic Income
The positive impacts of the BIG, despite being straightforward and
simple, are nevertheless extremely manifold and cut across many
fields. Although it is clear that N$100 is not adequate for a person to
live on, on household level the proposal makes a decisive difference
(e.g. a household of six people would receive N$600 per month). The
next part of this paper is going to look at the developmental effects.
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
People living
Capability (“real opportunity”) in formerly
• The following two graphs explain why people living in formerly taged com-
disadvantaged communities, still continue to carry a dispropor- munities,
still continue
tionally high burden of caring for other poor people. It can be to carry a
argued that this informal social security system effectively im- dispropor-
poses an informal tax on the poor, which prevents people from tionally high
escaping poverty and developing their own full potential as well burden of
caring for
as that of the whole economy. other poor
% of people paying remittances
10% 11 12
poorest 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th top
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
Mean % expenditure on remittances
19 18
10% 11
9 9
poorest 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th top
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
The developmental impact of a Basic Income Grant
The Basic cially women would be empowered to say ‘no’ to abusive rela-
Income Grant tionships. This would also go a long way to strengthening work-
is not a ers’ bargaining power against exploitative labour practices (e.g.
panacea, but
domestic or farm workers etc.).
a big step
that has the It can be concluded that the extremely unequal distribution of wealth,
potential to
the high levels of poverty, as well as the HIV/AIDS pandemic, necessi-
yield crucial
developmen- tate urgent measures in Namibia. The Basic Income Grant is not a
tal benefits panacea, but a big step that has the potential to yield crucial develop-
for the ma- mental benefits for the majority of Namibians while being economically
jority of Na-
mibians sensible and socially acceptable.
while being
sensible and
11 This paper is written by Claudia and Dirk Haarmann. They are pastors
socially ac- of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN)
ceptable. and are currently working as the Project Directors of the Desk for Social
Development (DfSD-ELCRN). Both hold a PhD in Social Development
from the Institute for Social Development (UWC, South Africa) and a
Masters in Theology (Germany).
12 RAVALLION, Martin 1994. Poverty comparisons Switzerland, Australia,
Belgium etc. (Harwood Academic Publishers). (Fundamentals of Pure
and Applied Economics).
13 For a detailed discussion of the methodology see Haarmann 1999 and
HAARMANN, Dirk 1999. The living conditions of South Africa's children.
Cape Town (Applied Fiscal Research Centre). (= Research Monograph
HAARMANN, Dirk 1999. The use of microsimulation in social policy
planning and implementation: The case of the child support grants.
Cape Town (Applied Fiscal Research Centre). (= Research Mono-
HAARMANN, Claudia 2001. Social assistance programmes: Options and
impact on poverty and economic development in South Africa Cape
Town (Applied Fiscal Research Centre). (= Research Monograph Series.
Section 5: Financing a Basic Income
Grant in Namibia
5.1 Introduction
On one level, the affordability of a Basic Income Grant poses a simple
question—how much will it cost, and what is the capacity of Namibia’s
public finances to generate the necessary resources? The affordability
of poverty-reducing policy initiatives depends critically on how they
affect the lives of the poor. The diagram below models the complexity
of poverty, illuminating how policy interventions can succeed or fail to
tackle the core of poverty. Economists often focus on the top layer—
“Livelihoods and Assets” can be measured with economic data, and
policy analysts can assess the impact of income support programmes.
Increasingly, economists are also incorporating the role of capabilities
and geography in poverty impact assessments, as depicted in the sec-
ond level.
Capabilities: Places:
Lack of information, Isolated, risky, unserviced
education, skills, stigm atised
Lack of protection and
Source : Deepa Narayan, Robert Chambers, Meera
Peace of mind
Shah and Patti Petesch Voices of the Poor. Crying
out for Change, page 249
Financing a Basic Income Grant in Namibia
Financing a Basic Income Grant in Namibia
Assuming a grant size of N$100 per month, with an age-eligible pro- Assuming a
portion of 93.1%, the net cost ranges from N$0.8 to N$1.4 billion per grant size of
year. Given the Gross Domestic Product estimate in 2004 of N$37 bil- N$100 per
month, with
lion, these net cost estimates range from 2.2% to 3.8% of national in-
an age-
come. The actual net cost will depend on how it is financed—with a eligible pro-
VAT-financed grant leading to a lower net cost (as low as 40% of the portion of
gross cost) while greater reliance on income taxes raises both the net 93.1%, the
net cost
cost (70% of the gross cost) and the total amount transferred to the ranges from
poor. N$0.8 to
N$1.4 billion
per year.
These net
5.3 The cost of a Basic Income Grant cost esti-
The second step in assessing affordability is determining how much mates range
from 2.2% to
additional tax revenue Namibia can afford. Economists usually ad- 3.8% of na-
dress this question with “tax effort” analysis, a type of econometric tional in-
modelling based on cross-country comparisons. Tax effort models come.
evaluate the taxable capacity of a country based on the structural
characteristics of the economy and the country’s ability to raise taxes.
The graph below documents the growing tax capacity of the Namibian
economy from 2001 to 2007.
30 unutilised
25 tax capacity
20 tax/GDP
Financing a Basic Income Grant in Namibia
Financing a Basic Income Grant in Namibia
Financing a Basic Income Grant in Namibia
5.5 Conclusions
The Basic The Basic Income Grant is more than an income support programme.
Income Grant It provides security that reinforces human dignity and empowerment.
is more than
an income It has the capacity to be the most significant poverty-reducing pro-
support pro- gramme in Namibia, while supporting household development, eco-
gramme. It nomic growth and job creation. While the cost is substantial—ranging
provides se- from 2.2% to 3.8% of national income, Namibia has the capacity to
curity that
reinforces mobilise the necessary resources without undermining international
human dig- competitiveness. Over time Namibia’s economy will benefit from the
nity and em- long-term growth impact of the Basic Income Grant.
It has the
capacity to 14 This paper is written by Prof. Dr. Michael Samson and Ms. Ingrid van
be the most Niekerk. Dr. Samson is the Director of the Economic Policy Research
significant Institute in South Africa (EPRI) and is also an Associate Professor of
poverty- economics at the Williams College Center for Development Economics in
reducing pro-
the United States. Ms van Niekerk is a Co-Director of EPRI. Both have
gramme in
done extensive work on the Basic Income Grant in South Africa et al. for
the Cabinet appointed Taylor Commission.
while sup-
growth and
job creation.