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Options3 LSC WB 26694
Options3 LSC WB 26694
Module 1, page 12 (CD 5, Track 01) William: What things did you see?
Jane: e saw the Museum of Tomorrow. It’s a
Interviewer: Today’s guest is Simon Parsons, owner of
science museum, but it’s different from most
a company called Run the World. Simon is
museums. It doesn’t really have many things
going to tell us about a new type of
from the past. It presents what the future will
tourism – running tourism. Firstly, Simon,
be like and what technology we will use.
can you tell us what running tourism is?
Simon: It’s sightseeing together with running. We William:
Did you visit that big statue on a mountain
started the company five years ago and we above the city?
were one of the first in the world to offer this. Jane:
Do you mean Christ the Redeemer? Yes,
Interviewer: Can you tell us more about what you do? I did. Did you know it took nine years to
Simon: We do almost everything… except pack
your bag! We plan your route, arrange your William: No, I didn’t!
accommodation and organise local runners to Jane:
And it’s 38 metres tall. The views of the city
lead groups. and the ocean are wonderful. But the thing I
Interviewer: What are your most popular destinations? enjoyed the most was a trip to the Pantanal, a
Simon: We’ve got two types of tours: adventure and huge area of wetlands.
urban. Our adventure tours are to remote William: What’s special about it?
places. For example, we’ve taken runners
to Greenland and the Amazon. Runners Jane: ou can see different species of exotic
spend six days travelling along trails in the animals there. You can’t believe what
mountains or jungle. Every day, we stop happened to us! We were touring the area
at a beautiful location and spend the night in a boat when we noticed a jaguar! It was
outdoors there. Our urban tours are in cities looking at the caimans in the water. It was an
like Copenhagen, Dublin or Buenos Aires. amazing sight!
Runners run around these cities visiting the William: Wow! That’s quite an experience.
local sights.
Interviewer: Do you need to be athletic to participate in Module 2, page 24 (CD 5, Track 04)
these tours?
Simon: It depends. Our urban tours require you to ood evening. This is Jeff Wallace for Night Talk
run 10 kilometres a day. However, on our Radio, reporting today on three robberies in the city.
adventure tours, you must run 25 or Earlier today a young man with brown hair and
30 kilometres a day. You can’t quit because glasses approached two young women on the Tube.
you’re in the middle of a jungle or up a He started to make friendly conversation. Before they
mountain. realised anything was wrong, he had grabbed one
of their purses and had run off the train. There was
Interviewer: Is running in the jungle dangerous?
another report a few hours later from outside the Royal
Simon: It can be. There are poisonous snakes and Opera House. A young woman with long, blonde hair
other dangerous animals. I remember one approached Alfred Smith without making a noise. She
occasion. We were putting up our tents stole his wallet while he was waiting in line to enter
when we noticed a giant spider. One of the the theatre. By the time Smith noticed, the thief had
runners was afraid to sleep in his tent, but we already disappeared. Finally, there was another report
helped him overcome his fear. just one hour ago. Kelly Matthews was walking across
Interviewer: Thanks, Simon. It sounds like quite a the Westminster Bridge when two women asked her
challenge – but I don’t think it’s for me! for directions. They were wearing baseball caps and
looked like tourists. Before she knew it, they had
taken her watch and mobile phone. Matthews was so
Module 1, page 19 (CD 5, Track 03) frightened that she fainted.
Police think the thieves are working together. There
William: Hi, Jane. How was your holiday in Brazil?
have been similar attacks recently throughout the city.
Jane: h, hi William. It was fantastic. I had the
O Police officer Carl Donaldson said, “We need to find
time of my life. out who the thieves are and if there is a connection
William: What did you do while you were there? between them. Until we do, no one will feel safe.
Everyone must be careful. Avoid talking to strangers
Jane: h, lots of things! I’ve always dreamed of
O and pay attention to what is happening around you.”
sitting on one of the beaches, so I made sure
my accommodation was close to the Ipanema
William: Did you go to the beach every day?
Jane: I went most days, but some days I went
sightseeing around the city.
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Module 2, page 31 (CD 5, Track 06) Jamie: I can’t go on that date. My computer course starts
that evening and I don’t want to miss my first
Lisa: Hey, Dan! How was your weekend? lesson.
Dan: Great! How was yours, Lisa? Mum: Well, the flight is in the morning – the arrival time
Lisa: Well actually, I saw two men break into my is 13.00. I’m sure we’ll get to the hotel before it
neighbour’s house on Saturday. starts and you can do the lesson there.
Dan: Really? What happened? Jamie: I’m not sure. The hotel probably won’t have a good
Wi-Fi connection.
Lisa: I had just come home from football practice when I
saw a strange car drive up to my neighbour’s house. Mum: Hmm, I’m sure it will. When we book a room, we
Mrs Johnson wasn’t home and she doesn’t usually have can check. There’s also a cheap flight on
visitors, so I was worried. 28th August – only £79, but then we won’t have
time to see all the attractions of Istanbul. We have to
Dan: Wow! Did they get out of the car?
be home by 1st September because school starts on
Lisa: Yes. Two men wearing hats and sunglasses got out, 2nd September.
looked around, and then entered the house.
Jamie: Oh, well, I guess we should take the first option and
Dan: I can’t believe it! What did you do? hopefully the hotel will have a good Wi-Fi
Lisa: I was too nervous to go into the house myself, so I connection.
called the police.
Dan: Did the police come quickly? Module 3, page 43 (CD 5, Track 09)
Lisa: Yes! The police had arrived before I could even call
Mrs Johnson to tell her what was happening. One Jack: Hi everyone, I’m Jack Chan, and today in
police officer stood outside the door in case the thieves Chat with a Local, we’re in Taipei City,
tried to escape. Then, two other police officers went Taiwan, in an amazing artist village called
inside to search the house. Treasure Hill. I’ve just met Chia-Wei. She’s
here with her boyfriend for a visit, right Chia?
Dan: Did they capture the thieves?
Chia-Wei: Hi Jack – yeah, actually, we come to Treasure
Lisa: Yes. They found them in Mrs Johnson’s bedroom Hill pretty much every weekend to look at
stealing her jewellery. the art and have a coffee.
Dan: Wow! I can’t believe they just walked into her house. Jack: I’ve heard this place has got an interesting
Had Mrs Johnson locked her doors before she left? history.
Lisa: No. She’s getting older and it seems that she forgot. Chia-Wei: It does. So, the houses in this village were
They probably knew the door would be unlocked. built by homeless military families in the
Dan: It sounds like Mrs Johnson needs some extra help. 1960s and it became a community. They
Lisa: I agree. I volunteered to check on her once a day, actually built the houses illegally and the
but I don’t think she should live alone any more. residents produced everything themselves.
Dan: That’s nice of you! What an interesting weekend! I think there was even an urban farm here.
Lisa: Yes, it was, but I felt awful for Mrs Johnson. I hope Jack: But now it’s very different, right?
nothing like this happens again. Chia-Wei: Ah yes, it’s different. So, the government
wanted to destroy Treasure Hill because the
houses were built without permission, but in
Module 3, page 36 (CD 5, Track 07) the end, they gave in. Instead, to make it
Mum: Jamie! It’s really hard to book a flight with you. more attractive, some of the houses were
You’re always on your phone. Do you actually want rebuilt and it was made into an artist village.
to go to Istanbul? Lots of artists moved in to use the rooms as
studios and galleries. There are some modern
Jamie: Actually, I’m looking for flights, Mum, but on
cafés too and I think they’ll be opening a
a different website. And I’ve found a cheaper
youth hostel soon. Taipei City is really
flight – £85 instead of £110 like you found.
crowded and full of traffic jams, so this is a
Mum: Oh, great! What’s the name of the website? calm place to come and relax.
Jamie: soon2fly.com Jack: I see you’ve got your bikes. Where are you
Mum: How do you spell that? going to cycle next?
Jamie: s-o-o-n, then the number 2, then f-l-y.com Chia-Wei: We’re going to have coffee here at the Tadpole
Mum: OK, great. Let me see – London to Istanbul. Oh, it’s Point Café. Then, we’ll leave Treasure Hill and
coming up here as £130. I wonder why. probably continue along the Xindian River bike
Jamie: That’s strange. Oh, look! You put the month as
April. We want to go in August, during the school Jack: Sounds fun – thanks for being on Chat with
holiday. a Local, Chia. Have a great day.
Mum: Oh, yes, silly me … got it. Look, we can get a really
cheap flight, only £69, but we have to travel on the
22nd August. That’s the best price.
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Module 4 page 48 (CD 5, Track 10) Module 5 page 60 (CD 5, Track 13)
Nurse: How can I help you today, Kelly? Dean: What are you doing, Alice?
Kelly: It seems that everyone around me has got a cold or Alice: I’m looking for a Christmas present. Felix Brown,
flu. Can you give me some tips to stay healthy? the most popular boy in our class, has organised a
Nurse: Definitely! The most important thing is to wash Secret Santa.
your hands. People often get bacteria and viruses Dean: What’s a Secret Santa?
when they touch something and then touch their
Alice: It works like this. Everyone puts their name in a hat.
faces. If people washed their hands more often and
Then, you close your eyes and take a name. That’s
more carefully, they wouldn’t be ill as much.
the person who you buy a present for. We’re
Kelly: How can I be more careful? exchanging Christmas gifts on 20th December, the
Nurse: Wash your hands with soap and warm water for last day of term. Today’s the 14th, so I’ve only got
twenty seconds or more many times a day. six days to find a gift.
Kelly: That’s helpful, thanks. Dean: Relax! It’s for someone you know, so you’ll think of
Nurse: No problem. Have you got any other questions? something easily.
Kelly: Yes. When I’m ill, how can I protect the people Alice: Well, I usually buy gifts for my close friends. But
around me? for this Secret Santa, I have to buy a present for
Pam Lane. She’s just moved to our school. I don’t
Nurse: One thing you can do is pay attention to how you
know her as well as I know everyone else.
Dean: How about earrings? There’s a sale on at Jule’s
Kelly: Interesting! What do you mean?
Accessories right now -- half off everything.
Nurse: Well, sneezes can travel up to 50 kilometres per
Alice: I don’t think she wears earrings.
hour! For that reason, it’s important to cover your
mouth when you sneeze. But not with your hand! Dean: OK, I’ve got an idea. Take a look at Pam’s
It’s better to cough or sneeze into your elbow. If you Instagram photos. Give me your phone … Pam
follow this simple rule, you will protect others from Lane. It seems she cooks frequently and she’s a
your illness. vegan. Hey, what about a cookbook from that vegan
café and gift shop on Reed Street? They’ve got a
Kelly: Well of course! I learned proper sneezing etiquette
website. Here, use my credit card and pay me back.
at a young age!
Alice: Can you drive me there? It’ll be faster than waiting
Nurse: Many people don’t. 13.4% of people think it’s OK
for a delivery.
to sneeze into their hands.
Dean: OK, I’ll borrow Mum’s car.
Kelly: I can’t believe it! If I were you, I would tell as many
patients as possible about this. It would definitely Alice: Thanks, Dean. You’re the best.
help keep more people healthy.
Nurse: I agree! Module 5 page 67 (CD 5, Track 15)
Conversation 1
Module 4 page 55 (CD 5, Track 12) Mark: Sophie, our new desk is arriving tomorrow. What
Hello everyone! This is Jackson Brown speaking.
should we do with our old one?
Welcome to my podcast Staying Healthy. Today, I want Sophie: We could give it away, Mark, like we did with the
to talk about ways to keep your brain healthy. You table.
probably know that keeping your brain active is Mark: We shouldn’t do that. The wood is really good
important. This is because your brain is like a muscle: if quality, and there are lots of people in our area who
you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. To keep your brain active, would happily buy second-hand furniture.
consider doing puzzles or sudoku, reading, or learning a Sophie: OK, but where should I put the advert?
new language. Socialising is also great for your brain. Mark: I’ll put it on Facebook Marketplace. We’ll sell it
That’s right – being with family and friends can help to quickly there, I’m sure.
prevent dementia. Here’s another idea. Do you know
Conversation 2
that sport is good for your brain, not only your body?
Your brain needs oxygen, and when you exercise, your Jan: I love that top, Elaine. Where’s it from?
heart sends more oxygen to your brain. Eating well is Elaine: Thanks, Jan. It’s from Etsy, you know the online
also good for your brain. Eat fruit, vegetables, market where independent shops sell handmade and
wholegrains, fish, and healthy fats. These foods will help vintage products.
your brain to think and learn. Avoid eating foods with Jan: Yeah, I know Etsy. So you probably paid a lot for it,
too much fat or sugar such as fried foods or fizzy drinks. right?
These foods make it harder for your brain to do its job. Elaine: Actually, it was quite inexpensive, and it’s good
Finally, sleep is important. Try to get seven to eight value because it’s organic cotton and beautifully
consecutive hours of sleep per night. For this reason, I made. Better than fast fashion, that’s for sure!
would turn off my phone at night if I were you! Too ➔
many people get up in the middle of the night to check
their phones. Do you think you can try any of these
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