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Grade 11 City and Guilds For Sepr 19-23, 2016

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Names: Teika Anderson

Subject: City and Guilds English

Grade: 11T

Date: February 1-11, 2022

Duration: Two Weeks

Topic: Writing- Using Grammar, Sentence Construction, Punctuation and


Sub-topics: Subject/Verb Agreement, Punctuation Marks, Spellings, Vocabulary


Aim: The aim of this unit is to develop skills in punctuation, grammar and spelling to
enable the learner to develop an understanding when writing a range of
complete sentences and to use reference sources to ensure accuracy.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Use grammar and punctuation to aid understanding when writing.

2. Construct complete written sentences to suit the text type, audience and purpose
3. Use correct subject-verb agreement.
4. Use correct tense for purpose.
5. Refer to sources of correct spellings of common and relevant key terms.
6. Develop vocabulary relevant to own work and special interests.
7. Use methods to improve own spelling
Resources and Materials:

1. Whiteboard and whiteboard marker, multi-media projector, laptop, Textbooks:

2. Webpages:
3. ICT Equipment:

Content Notes:

1. Conjunction

Conjunctions are words used as joiners. Different kinds of conjunctions join different
kinds of grammatical structures.



for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

either. . .or both. . . and

neither. . . nor not only. . .  but also


These words are commonly used as subordinating conjunctions

after in order (that) unless

even if so that
even though supposing (that)
how than
if that
inasmuch as though
in case (that) till
2. Subject-verb agreement
1. A verb agrees with its subject in number. Singular subjects take singular verbs: The
car stays in the garage. The flower smells good. There is an old saying: “Opposites
attract.” The rule for singular and plural verbs is just the opposite of the rule for
singular and plural nouns. Remember this when you match subjects and verbs. You
might guess that stays and smells are plural verbs because they end in s. They aren’t.
Both stays and smells are singular verbs.
2. The number of the subject (singular or plural) is not changed by words that come
between the subject and the verb. One of the eggs is broken. Of the eggs is a
prepositional phrase. The subject one and the verb is/are both singular. Mentally omit
the prepositional phrase to make the subject verb-agreement easier to make.
3. Capitalization
Capital letters play an important role in reading and writing. They are used to start
a sentence, to signal a proper noun, and to show the title of a work. Proper use of
capitalization is vital for students as they learn formal writing. 

4. Prefixes and suffixes

Prefixes and suffixes

Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another
word. They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence:
if they are printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them.
Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word
with a different meaning. For example:
word prefix new word
happy un- unhappy
multi- multicultural
work over- overwork
space cyber- cyberspace
market super- supermarket

Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example:
word suffix new word
child -ish childish
-er worker
taste -less tasteless
idol -ize/-ise idolize/idolise
like -able likeable


Step 1:

The students will be arranged in groups of threes. Each group will be asked to research
on ta given topic: conjunction, subject-verb agreement, capital letters and homophones.
Additionally, each group will be asked to take notes as well as present some examples.
The groups will be asked to make a brief presentation on the topic that they were asked to

Group 1: Conjunction

Group 2: Subject-Verb Agreement

Group 3: Capital Letters

Group 4: Homophones

Evaluation: (Differentiation)
The students will be asked to write a song, poem or essay on any topic that specifically
deals with technology. They will be encouraged to produce texts that use grammatically
correct and have complete sentences.

Step 2:
Ten sentences will be written on ten pieces of cartridge papers and pasted around the
classroom. The students will be asked to take part in a “Gallery Walk” activity. They will
be asked to walk around to each chart and examine the sentences. They will be asked t0
identify if all the sentences are punctuated correctly with capital letters. Each person will
be given some sticky pads. They will be asked to correct the errors on each sticky pad
and paste them on each strip of chart. The students and the teacher will go through each
comment and clarify whether they are correct or not.

Evaluation 1:

The students will be asked to identify capitalization errors in at least ten sentences.
The sentences will be written on the whiteboard. The students will write the sentences in
their notebooks and complete the exercise on their own.

Instruction: Use capitals in the appropriate places in these sentences.

1. she received a trophy because of her excellent performance.

2. english, mathematics and science are my favourite subjects.
3. most children are afraid of the dark but johhny finds if fascinating.
4. when our aunt arrived from new york she came to our place.
5. i have heard him say he trusts everyone.
6. mr. smith said that many children stay at home.
7. mother washed the clothes and hung them on the line.
8. he was surprised when his name was called.
9. last friday we met aunt ruby at the airport.
10. doctor ralph chen will operate on patients who need heart surgery.

Home Work 1:

The students will be asked to research prefixes and suffixes. They will also be asked to
compile a mini dictionary with fifteen suffixes and fifteen prefixes.

Step 3:

A PowerPoint presentation on Prefixes and suffixes will be shown to the class to

reinforce what the students had previously done for their homework.
Evaluation 1:

The student will be asked to identify and correct the errors in a letter which has a variety of
misspelt words.

Evaluation II:


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