Basic 7 Music 1ST Term E-Notes
Basic 7 Music 1ST Term E-Notes
Basic 7 Music 1ST Term E-Notes
JS 1 (BASIC 7)
1. Introduction to Music: (a) Definition of Music (b)Qualities of Music (c) Music Making in the
society. (d) Occasions for music making.
2. Elements and Classification of music: (a) Elements of Music – Definition of elements, Elements
of Music – Pitch, Rhythm, Melody and Harmony. (b) Classification – Description of groups or
classes of Music – Vocal Music, Instrument Music and Dance.
3. Kinds of Music: Folk Music, Classical Music, Sacred Music, Popular Music, Martial Music and Arts
4. Uses of Music and impact of music on human Life: (a) Uses of Music – Religious Worship, Social
ceremonies, Work, games and sports, healing, etc. (b) Impact of Music on Human Life –
Religious Worship, Lullabies, etc.
5. Sound: Definition of sound, sources of sound, qualities of sound.
6. Functions of Musical Instruments: Names of musical instruments. Musical function and Non –
Musical functions of instruments.
7. Making of Musical instrument: Production of local musical instruments.
8. Classification of instruments: Names of Nigeria instruments. Classification of Musical
instruments – Idiophones, Aerophones, Membranophones and chordophones.
9. Revision.
10. Examination.
Music is a term we use always. When we sing, dance or play musical instruments, we are involved in a
musical activity. These aspects of music are enjoyable because they are organized. This is why the term
Music is regarded as the combination of an organized sound. It is important to know that all organized
music might not be pleasing to everyone at the same time since one man`s food is another man`s
poison. The most important thing in the definition of music is that it must be an organized sound.
However not all sounds produce music. For instance, when a baby is crying, he produces sounds, but
these sounds are not organized. For sound to be regarded as music it must be organized in an artistic
manner, otherwise it produces noise.
Qualities of Music
Every society have their own way of making music , it takes place in every social activities and
ceremonies, now think of your society or community and tell us how the music of your locality is
There are different occasions for music making in rural communities. It is already stated that music is
organized as a social event in the society and plays very vital role in all religious and social activities.
1. Birth Ceremony
2. Naming ceremony
3. Marriage Ceremony
4. Funeral Ceremony
5. Title – taking Ceremony
6. New Yam Festival
7. Sporting activities
8. Work sessions
9. Moonlight plays.
1. Religious worship
2. Wedding ceremony
3. Burial ceremony
4. Religious ceremonies, such as Christmas, Easter, Mothering Sunday e.t.c.
Musical terms
P Piano soft
F Forte Loud
Reference Text: Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper Basic Education 1, DR.H.C.
The term elements refer to those factors or component which makes up a music, without those factors,
music has no meaning and effect.
1. Pitch: This refers to height or depth of sound. This means the highest or lowness of sound.
2. Rhythm: This refers to the movement of music. The movement of music depends on the time
arrangement of notes, beats, accents, and so on. Thus, music can move in 2 (duple) 3 (triple) 4
(quadruple) time. Similarly, the movement of music can be fast, slow or moderate.
3. Melody: This means the main tune of a piece of music. It is a succession of musical notes
arranged to produce a tune.
4. Harmony: This means combination of musical notes to form chords. It is the clothing of
1. Define pitch.
2. List some elements of music.
3. Describe rhythm as an element of music.
Music can be classified into three principal groups, namely Vocal music, Instrumental music and Dance
music pointing that:
1. Vocal Music refers to music for the voice. It involves singing of songs, hymns, anthems, and so
on. Vocal music can be performed with or without instruments.
2. Instrumental music means music for instruments only. It does not involve singing and dancing. It
is purely instrumental work, often played for listening pleasures and appreciation.
3. Dance Music It is designed for body expression. In most cases, dance music involves vocal
music(singing), instrumental work (instrumentation) and costumes
Reference Text: Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper Basic Education 1, Dr.H.C.
Content development
1. Folk Music: This is refers to the traditional music of a people, which is performed in the
people`s community according to the culture of the people. Usually, folk music is not written,
rather it is transmitted orally from generation to generation.
2. Classical Music: This is refers to real standard music which develops as a result of education. It
originated from Germany, France, England, Austra and other western countries. This class of
music was composed by great masters like Bach, Handel, Schubert, Beethoven, Haydn etc.
some examples of classical music are operas, symphonies, oratorios, sonatas, suites, chorales
and so on.
3. Sacred Music: This is also called Religious music. It is mainly used for worship. Examples
include hymns, anthems, canticles, masses, cantatas, organ music, and also traditional
worship songs used for rituals.
4. Popular Music: This refers to the current music of the present time. It is designed for
entertainment and commercial purposes. Some of them are reggae, disco, highlife, etc.
5. Martial Music: This is military music, usually played by the Army, Navy, Air force, and Police. It
is played during official functions and in time of war.
6. Art Music: this is a musical composition of a trained composer whose work is accepted as
having reached a reasonable standard.
Musical word
Reference Text: Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper Basic Education 1, Dr.H.C.
Content: i. Uses of music- Religious Worship, Social Ceremonies, Work, Games & Sports,
Healing etc.
1. Music is used for Religious Purpose i.e. in Churches & Mosque (the Muslims)
2. It is used for Social Functions .e.g. Wedding Ceremony, Chieftaincy title, lullaby(making
babies to sleep), Naming Ceremony, Birthday, Burial Ceremony, Launching of an event,
House warming etc.
3. It is used as a means of pronouncements and announcement e.g. the use of talking
drums and town criers in the villages by the town crier to pass a specific message across
to the entire community by the Obas.
4. Advertisement of a product through the media houses and campaign through jingles.
5. It is used for therapeutic cure .i.e. to heal the sick. Music therapy is an allied health
profession and one of the expressive therapies, consisting of an interpersonal process in
which a trained music therapist uses music and all of its facets .i.e.—physical, emotional,
mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual—to help clients to improve or maintain their
health. Music therapists primarily help clients improve their health across various
domains (e.g., cognitive functioning, motor skills, emotional and affective development,
behavior and social skills, and quality of life) by using music experiences (e.g., singing,
songwriting, listening to and discussing music, moving to music) to achieve treatment
goals and objectives.
6. Ringing tones are used on phones to alert owners.
7. Sports make use of music to support and encourage participants’ .e.g. during a football
match, Table tennis, Basketball etc.
As music is a sound that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to the ear, it also
serves as an entertainment tool .e.g. in an occasion or event, music play a vital role that makes
the event to be lively for the people in that event. Also, it creates cordial relationship among
the people. It also serves as a tool for corrective measure .i.e. music tell the people on the habit
that is uncultured so that such behavior can be improve upon. Music is also an agent that is
used to educate people .e.g. if leaders or people in control of a particular society are bad, music
is used to influence such leader(s) that people under his/their control shows their conceived
about the regime. However, it serves as tool to settle dispute between two or more people. It
serves as a source of income to human life. Also it is a profession of particular classes of people.
Lastly, music serves as a message or symbol that indicates an occurrence that is going on in a
particular place or event. For instance. If bad occurrence happened in a particular place, the
type of music played there will make people around or people hearing from a far distance to
know what is going on in that ;particular area (NIGERIA AS A CASE STUDY)During wedding
ceremony, Burial, Naming ceremony etc. The type of music played there will be justified to the
listeners about what is actually going on there.
Sound is a vibration of air which is heard when it is produced. It is also a sensation produced by
objects through striking, plucking, bowing and blowing. Human being can produce sound by
singing, clapping and of course by playing musical instruments. Sound also vibrates the air like a
slinky .e.g.
The source of sound varies. In music, one could refer to the following different sounds as other
source of sound .e.g. wind, stream or river, birds, other animals, musical instruments.
Sounds may be generally characterized by pitch, loudness, and quality. Sound "quality" or
"timbre" describes those characteristics of sound which allow the ear to distinguish sounds
which have the same pitch and loudness. Timbre is then a general term for the distinguishable
characteristics of a tone. Timbre is mainly determined by the harmonic content of a sound and
the dynamic characteristics of the sound. Raw sound is has irregular and indefinite and that is
why it produces noise because it is unorganized. But when a sound is organized, it will be
regular and definite, and it will definitely produce a good music.
1. What is sound?
2. Name 4 sources of music with example.
Names and Functions of musical instruments, Musical and non-musical functions of instruments.
Metal gong, slit wooden drum, pot drum, Rattles, Hourglass, Kakaki, Goje.
Musical functions
Instructional materials
Local flute with pawpaw stalk, get a stalk from pawpaw tree, cut into size and smoothen the two edges.
Cover one of the ends with a piece of nylon, then tie it with a little thread or rubber bind.
Place the open edge on your lower lip and blow air into it.
Wooden clappers can be produced by cutting a piece of wood of about 6 inches long, then smoothen it
with sandpaper. Sekere [Ichaka] which is a type of rattle.
Sekere is made by using threaded beads on the small calabash. Fix the beads on the thread, knot it and
finally put the net like threaded bead on the calabash.
Adagio slow.
A Piacere At pleasure
There are many traditional musical instruments in our various communities. Below are some of them.
African musical instruments are classified into four groups namely Idiophone, Chordophone, Aerophone
and Membranophone.
1. Idiophone; These instruments produce sound by the vibration of their body. They can be beaten,
struck or shaken .Examples are Metal gongs, Rattles, Clappers, Pot drums, Thumb piano, Bells, Slit
wooden drums.S
2 .Chordophone; These group of instrument produce sound by the vibration of their chords[strings]
A large variety of them are found in the Northern part of Nigeria, though a few are found in the South.
Examples Lutes, Harps, Zithers, Goje Molo, Garaya,Tabulu, Gurmi ,Une, and Anana.
4 Membranophone; These instruments are made of animal skin and they produce sound by vibration of
the stretched membrane.
A hallowed wood covered with animal skin, held tightly with pegs which are also used in tuning the
drums. They can be single headed, like igba or doubled headed like hour glass. Examples are skin drum,
talking drum, Kanango, Gudugudu, Tambari, kazage, Nsing obon.