Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
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Student Name *
Sandipan Dawn
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Management by objectives
Paired comparison
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29/03/2022, 23:09 Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
The term performance appraisal is concerned with the process of valuing an 1/1
employee’s worth to an organization, with a view to increasing it. In this
regard, which of the following is/are the objective(s) of performance
appraisal? I. It facilitates optimization of employee performance. II. It helps in
identifying areas of development. III. It is useful in taking administrative
decisions relating to the purchase of raw material. *
The performance appraisal system in any organization has to face some major 1/1
challenges. These lead to potential errors in individual appraisals. Which of the
following is true regarding fundamental attribution error? *
The performance of the appraisee at the beginning of the appraisal period dominates
the evaluation
The appraiser tends to get influenced by the performance of the employee over the
last 2-3 months of the appraisal period.
The appraiser underestimates the influence of the external factors and overestimates
the influence of internal factors
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29/03/2022, 23:09 Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
Having the feed back evaluated by a third party like the human resource department
In which of the following factors that affect the appraisal process at an 1/1
individual level, the appraiser rates most of the appraisees' in the middle of
the performance scale? *
Primary effect
Stringency error
Perceptual set
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29/03/2022, 23:09 Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
The atmosphere in an appraisal interview is usually quite tense and not very 1/1
comfortable, because the appraisee is apprehensive about receiving any
negative feedback, while the appraiser is wary of giving such feedback.
Which of the following help the appraisee to face the challenges of appraisal
interview? I. The organization has to develop the culture wherein the process
of appraisal is viewed as a productive and constructive contributor. II. Setting
flexible and varied goals at the beginning of the appraisal period . III. Training
employees who are not familiar with the process of conducting an appraisal
interview. IV. The appraisee and the appraiser should both give each other a
chance to reflect and respond on every debatable aspect. *
An appraisal interview is usually not a pleasant experience for the appraiser o 1/1
r the appraisee. In this regard, which of the following challenges determine
the nature of the appraisal interview? *
Wary appraiser
Apprehensive employee
Organizational culture
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29/03/2022, 23:09 Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
Employee himself
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29/03/2022, 23:09 Quiz 6 (HRM 2022)
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