Eac Scholarship Application Form Cohort 3

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1. Applications must be received by 17th September 2021, not later than 17:00 hours, East African
Time. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
2. All relevant sections must be accurately and dully completed.
3. Applications lacking any of the supporting documents will not be considered.
4. The scholarship application form and the supporting documents should be submitted in
pdf format in one zipped folder to the specified email addresses.
5. Applicants may apply to more than one University and more than one programme.
However, each programme should have its own application form and attachments.
6. Only the first submission for each programme will be considered.
7. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
8. Female applicants are encouraged to apply. This programme will include a minimum of
30% female students and a special consideration will be given to Burundi and South
Sudan female applicants.
9. All applicants should adhere to the immigration requirements of their potential host

Application process

The application process is two- fold and each MUST be completed separately.

1) Application for admission to the university

Step 1: Identify the programme and University of their choice from section 4 above
that contains Eligible Programmes;
Step 2: Fill the application form for admission to the university of choice (this can be found
on the university website). Ensure you pay the University application fee.
Step 3: Submit the completed university application form and its supporting documents to
the university indicating that you intend to apply for the EAC Scholarship

Notes: (1) Candidates may apply to more than one University.

(2) Candidates may apply for more than one programme; however, each programme
should have its own application form and attachments.

2) Application for the EAC Scholarship

Step 4: Register online for the EAC scholarship at https://forms.gle/Nh36sAxUc4Vsn1ex8
Step 5: Download the scholarship application form from the IUCEA website
(www.iucea.org) under Scholarships and fill it.
Step 6: Submit the filled application form in step 5 and supporting documents in pdf
format as one zipped folder electronically to;
✓ scholarships@iucea.org and
✓ projects@adroitconsultinternational.com
indicating the subject line as; YOUR NAME, PROGRAMME APPLIED
FOR AND UNIVERSITY e.g. Tsavo Simba, MBA at Adroit University

1. PERSONAL INFORMATION (as they appear in your passport or national ID)


Other names



Passport or National ID Number

Country of residence

Date of birth

Postal address

Physical Address (if different from above)

Telephone number(s) (include country


Email address

Alternative email address

Are you able to pay for your-self for the Yes/No:

programme that you are applying for?

If unable to pay for yourself, why? (Please

provide evidence eg bank statements or
any equivalent)
During your undergraduate studies did you
miss classes and or exams due to lack of
fees/tuition? (If yes, please provide
evidence eg a letter written to your
academic institution etc)
If yes, how did you cope or solve the
Do you have any disability? If yes, kindly
describe and provide evidence (such as a
medical report):
Are you entitled to any form of inheritance
from your Parents/ Guardians/ any other
source? If yes, describe

Do you currently have any

dependents? State how many and attach
birth certificates or any other evidence
What is your average income per month
(USD) – Please attach evidence e.g. bank
statement, pay slips or any equivalent
What is your source of income in the
question above
What would be the following groups
contribution towards your studies:

Parents (USD)

Family and community members (USD)

Parents’/Guardians’ information

Indicator (Specify) Father Mother

Male guardian Female guardian
Names of your parents/guardians
Telephone contact of your
Citizenship of your
Age of your parents/guardians
Education level of your
Does any of your parents/guardians suffer
from chronic disabling medical condition?
Describe and Provide evidence (such as
medical report):

Are your parents/guardians employed?

Give details of job and salary per month

Do your parents/guardians own a

business? Describe and show the average
monthly income
Do your parents/guardians own land/plot?
State number of acres, type of crops grown,
number of cows/sheep/ goats/donkeys and
income from such assets

Family information

Indicator Description
During your lifetime have you or your family
been affected by civil conflict and natural
disasters such as displacement, flooding,
drought, fire or famine? Describe

What type of house do you live in? describe

such as grass thatched, iron sheet,
cemented etc (Please attach a photo)

Please describe any other cause of

disadvantage or vulnerability. maximum 25
words. Provide evidence

2. MASTER’S PROGRAMME DETAILS (Please note that each programme should

have its own application form and documents as described in the application

a. Country you are applying to

b. University Applied to

c. Master’s Programme(s) Applied

3. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (Educational background)

Beginning with the most recent institution, list all universities and colleges attended
and qualifications obtained:

# University/college, Dates Degree/diploma Specialization CGPA or Out of the

Country obtained, and class of degree or equivalent at highest
diploma (e.g. the end of attainable
(e.g. BSc. 2nd class - the grade/
upper division or BSC in …)
Start Finish programme CGPA


Please summarize your three most recent positions, employment or gainful engagements.

# Institution Dates Position Professional Key achievements

held responsibilities
in this position


List up to two professional societies or other organizations in which you hold/held

membership and state key roles and impacts (if any) you had on them.

# Professional society or Key role/ Key achievements/impact Dates

organization responsibility

6. STUDY LEAVE FROM HOME ORGANISATION (for those who are employed)

Will you require study leave from your current Yes/No:

If yes, will you be able to acquire study leave if Yes/No:
given the scholarship?
If yes, give contact details of the person who can Name:
confirm your release for the Masters study Position:
Name of organization:
Mobile no.:
Email address: Alternative
email address:

Please provide the following information for two referees who can provide information
on your qualifications and experience (professional & academic) and attach their
reference letters to your application.

Referee 1 Referee 2

Title and Name



Physical Address

Email address

Alternative email address

Referee 1 Referee 2

Office telephone number

Mobile phone number

How long have you known this referee?

What is his/her academic/professional relationship to you?

Please provide the following information for next of kin who is able to provide
information about you and is able to locate you in case we cannot reach you.

Next of kin 1:
Telephone contact
Email address
Physical Address
How long have you known this person?
Next of kin 2:

Telephone contact
Email address
Physical Address
How long have you known this person?


I declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge
that any falsehood provided in the above information forms grounds for immediate disqualification
of my application.
Name of applicant:



Please ensure that you submit this form and the following supporting documents in pdf
format in one zipped folder electronically to;
✓ scholarships@iucea.org and
✓ projects@adroitconsultinternational.com

a) A letter of motivation for applying for the scholarship (with not more than 500 words) as
✓ Well written (grammatically and professionally)
✓ Demonstrates a convincing motivation for wanting to pursue the Master’s
Programme chosen
✓ Adequately demonstrates the applicant’s foreseen professional engagement
in EAC Integration agenda after completing the Master’s Programme
✓ Demonstrates how they expect to apply the acquired skills and knowledge
from the Master’s Programme to contribute to the EAC Integration Agenda
✓ Demonstrates where they anticipate seeing themselves professionally and
academically in 5 and 10 years.
b) Signed curriculum vitae
c) Certified copies of all university degree certificates and transcripts.
d) A copy of the university Application Form and its attachments.
e) Recent passport photograph in colour of your full head and upper shoulders.
f) Evidence of Nationality of a Partner State in the East African Community such as copy
of national identity card/ passport/birth certificate.
g) Any other form of evidence required in the application form e.g. medical reports, photos
and letters of reference.
Note: (1) Applicants with academic qualifications obtained from foreign institutions must be
equated by the National Council/ Commission for Higher Education in their
respective countries.

(2) Applicants with supporting documents (transcripts, certificates among

others) in languages other than English are required to submit both the
originals and copies translated to English language by an accredited
language translations provider.

The deadline for receiving applications is 17th September 2021, not later than 17:00 hours
East African Time. Only successful candidates will be contacted after the selection process is

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