Atoms and Elements Student Notebook

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Atoms and Elements

Ms. Wray & Mr. Jackson

Room 233


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Table of Contents

What is Chemistry? 🖉 3
🎥 WATCH: Importance of Chemistry in Life, Everyday Uses 3
The History of Chemistry 🖉 4
The Atomic Model 🖉 8
Activity: Atomic Theory Development – Who Believed What? 13
Activity: The Atom As We Know It 14
Meet the Elements 🖉 15
Activity: Getting To Know the Elements 20
Activity: An Elemental Tale: The Gold Dust Kid 21
The Modern Periodic Table 🖉 22
Activity: Determining Number of Atomic Particles 25
Bohr Models 🖉 26
Activity: Drawing Bohr Models Step By Step 30
Activity: Practice Drawing Bohr Models 32
Lewis Dot Diagrams 🖉 34
Activity: Practice Drawing Lewis Dot Diagrams 37
Activity: Compare Bohr Models and Lewis Dot Diagrams 39
Handout Activity: Organization of the Periodic Table 40
Organization of the Periodic Table 🖉 43
Properties of Elements 🖉 46
Activity: Compare and Contrast Metals and Non-Metals 50
Compounds 🖉 51
Activity: Element or Compound? 54
Activity: Compare and Contrast 55
Chemical Formulas 🖉 56
Activity: Practice with Compounds 59
Properties and Change 🖉 60
Activity: Classifying Changes 65

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

What is Chemistry? 🖉

_________________ is a branch of physical science that studies the

_______________________, ___________________, _______________________

and _______________ of matter.

What is Matter?

_______________ is anything that has __________ and occupies _____________


● Is a ___________________ of matter. It is how much matter an object has.

● Measured in _______

○ Also measured in pounds, grams, mg, tonnes, etc.

● Mass is commonly measured by how much something weighs. But

________________________________ for different locations (such as on the

moon) while the ________________________________________.

🎥 WATCH: Importance of Chemistry in Life, Everyday Uses

Who are chemists? _____________________

What are 2 places that chemical reactions occur?



Chemistry is the study of _______________________!

Have you used chemistry before? (circle one) YES NO

Can you think of 2 places you have used chemistry before?



Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

The History of Chemistry 🖉

Science and is approximately 4000 years old. But, there are also many

historians who trace the beginning of science even further back in time.

Takeaway: Science has been around _______________________________!

Greek Ideas on the Nature of Matter

The first ideas about chemistry began in ____________ around 450

BCE. A man named Empedocles began

_______________________________ around him. He performed

_______ experiments and only used __________________ to come up

with reasons for what he saw in nature. He thought that everything in the world was

made up of four substances:

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

We call this model of matter the ___________________________________.

Democritus lived during the same time and disagreed with Empedocles and

thought that matter was made up of __________________________.

For example: Wood was made up of tiny particles of wood. He did a “thought

experiment” and tried to imagine what would happen if you ripped apart a piece of

matter and kept ripping it into ________________

__________________________________________________. He believed

eventually you would be unable to rip apart any more pieces. You would then have

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

the __________________________________. He called these smallest particles

____________________which means __________________________.

For example: In this theory, wood would be made up of atomos of wood.

THINK: Apply Democritus’ thinking to the following:

Water would be made up of ______________________

______________ would be made up of atomos of earth.

Aristotle and Socrates who lived around 350 BCE, did

_________________________with Democritus. Rather, they believed that the

________________________________________ was correct. Because they were

prominent philosophers, the four-element model was the model that became the

accepted way to explain what made up the universe.


The field of alchemy began when the Greeks combined

______________________________________ and other views of science that they

adopted from Egypt. In the beginning most of the alchemy was based in mysticism

and magic, but over time other ideas developed.

Eventually people who practiced alchemy had 3 ____________.

1. To change metals that were more valuable into metals that were


2. To find a substance that would give them


3. To find a substance that would dissolve all other substances, a


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Alchemists (people who study alchemy) were the first people to perform

_______________ to prove their ideas.

None of the experiments that were performed by alchemists helped them reach their

goals, but many of the experiments resulted in products that we use today.

Chemistry As We Know It

In the 1600s the field of chemistry as we know it today began. At this time

some of the men investigating science began looking at science and experimenting

in a way that allows us to call them “chemists”. They began to take

____________________and ___________________________________. These

chemists tried to determine the properties of pure substances and attempted to

explain what makes up pure substances.

A major contribution was from Robert Boyle (approx 1680), who believed that

elements __________________________________ to form compounds.

Antoine de Lavoisier (late 1700s) defined the term element:



He also discovered 23 elements and recognized that __________________ existed.

Lavoisier identified _______ as a mixture of _______________ and some other

_______________. He was the first to base his investigations on careful

measurement and observations.

Until the 1800’s the four element model was still generally accepted by the

scientific community. It wasn’t until John Dalton proposed

the__________________________________________, based on Democritus’ idea

of _____________________ that the scientific community changed they way they

viewed matter.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• How long science has been around • Greek Philosophers

• Alchemist

Additional Notes























Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

The Atomic Model 🖉

REMEMBER: Atomos means_______________ and represents the

______________ piece possible.

What is an Atom?

An atom is the ___________________________ of any element that still

retains the characteristics of __________________________________.

Subatomic Particles

Sub = ________________ in _____________

Sub + Atomic Particles = Particles that are ________________________________

Development of Atomic Theory

______________________; 1805

● Suggested that matter is made of small, hard spheres called

__________________ that are different for


● Element = a ____________________________ made up of one type of

particle_____________. Each element Dalton’s Model of the Atom:

has its own

_________________________ and

cannot be broken down into simpler

substances by means of


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

1. All matter is made of____________________________________________.

2. Atoms cannot be__________________, ____________________or divided

into ______________________________________.

3. All atoms of the same element are identical in__________ and __________,

but they are different in mass and size from the atoms of


4. Compounds are created when atoms of different elements link together in


_________________________; 1904

● Discovered the ________________ in a series of experiments designed to

study the nature of electric discharge in a high-


● Thomson interpreted the deflection of the rays by electrically charged plates

and magnets as evidence of

________________________________________ .

● This lead to his ________________________model

(_________________________ are The “Plum Pudding” Model of the Atom:

embedded in a sphere of



Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

_____________________________________; 1911

● Rutherford designed an experiment to probe the atom by using alpha particles

as __________________________

● A beam of alpha particles was shot at a thin sheet ______________________

● He observed:

○ Most alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil as if it were

made of __________________________

○ A few alpha particles __________________________ from the foil

Rutherford Model of the Atom:

● He concluded an atom is made of:

○ __________________________: a tiny core that is very small in

volume, dense and __________________________

○ __________________________: an “envelope” very large in volume,

light and __________________________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

_____________________________________; 1913

● He studied ______________ samples of atoms, which were made to glow by

passing an ____________________________________through them.

● Bohr proposed that electrons surround the nucleus in specific

“_____________________________” or “shells.”

● In the Bohr model, the electron moves in a _____________________at a

fixed distance from the__________________________.

Bohr Model of the Atom:

The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom

● The quantum mechanical model is based on_____________________.

Although it is more difficult to understand than the Bohr model, it can be used

to explain observations made


● According to quantum theory, it’s impossible to know the


_________________________________at the same


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Atom • Subatomic Particles

• Dalton’s Atomic Theory • Thomson’s Model

• Rutherford’s Model • Bohr’s Model

• Quantum Model

Additional Notes


















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Atomic Theory Development – Who Believed What?

The Theory of the Atom Who The Features of the Theory
(Diagram) Developed
the Theory
John Dalton

“Plum Pudding” or “Raisin Bun

Model” of the atom

● Most of the atom is empty

space. Electrons are able to
move in this space.
● Most of the mass of the atom
is concentrated in a tiny,
dense positively charged
central core called the

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: The Atom As We Know It

Fill in the Below Table on Subatomic Particles:

a b c




Location in



Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Meet the Elements 🖉

Element = a ____________________________that cannot be broken down or separated

into simpler substances.

Each element has:

● _________________

● _________________

● _________________ in the periodic table

The _________________________________ is the best way to list the atoms of the

different __________________.

Remember: An element is a pure substance made out of ________________________.

Naming the Elements

● The first Chemist to report a new element had the right to


● For example, Marie Curie ___________________________________ and named it

after her country of birth, _______________.

● Einsteinium was named after______________________________.

● Because the names of elements came from many different sources (different

languages and different countries) a system of ___________________________

was introduced by Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius.

● He provided ________________________________________________ and

showed how to create symbols for any ___________________________that might

be discovered later.

● Unlike the naming of the elements, the system used for determining the symbols for

elements follows a ___________________________.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Chemical/Elemental Symbols

● Each element has a ________________.

o For _____ letter symbols use a _______________________.

(for example: C, S, O, F, H, N, K, B)

● For _____ letter symbols use a capital letter for the _____________ and a lowercase

letter for the ______________.

(for example: Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, Sn, Sb, Ti, Mg)

● Chemical symbols are used to ____________________ the language of chemistry

● Chemistry is used by scientists ______________________________ and the names

of __________________ are _________________ in different _________________.

● Chemical symbols are named using ____________ rules



● Chemical symbols also provide chemists with a ______________________ way to

write the elements

● Several element symbols are related to their _____________________________.

o Gold = _____ (___________ name ____________)

o Silver = _____ (___________________)

o Tungsten = ____ (from the ______________ Wolfram)

o Lead = _____ (____________________)

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Sorting the Elements

● By the 1850’s chemists had identified a total of ___________________________.

● By the 1860’s several scientists were trying to sort the known elements according


● Thanks to Russian chemist Dmitri ___________________________, the

___________________________ came to be.


● Mendeleev made a card for each___________________________. On the card he

put data for_______________________ of the elements, such as:

o ______________________

o ______________________

o ______________________

o ______________________

o ______________________

● He pinned all the cards to the wall in order of

_______________________________________________, moving elements

around and looking for ___________________.

● He arranged elements in _______________________________ and


● He found that the properties of the elements repeated at definite (or periodic)


● Because of these___________________________, the pattern he discovered

became known as the___________________________.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

● He left gaps in his table, blank spaces predicting the existence of elements not yet


● He even predicted the properties of these unknown elements which encouraged

other scientists to investigate further.

● By 1915, chemists and physicists had developed models of


● The periodic table was reorganized with a focus on atomic structure

● The resulting modern periodic table is based on a special number for each element:


Henry Moseley - 1901

● He created the ___________________________: with the number of

___________________________ directly related to atomic number not atomic


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Elements • Elemental Symbol

• Mendeleev • Moseley

Additional Notes




















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Getting To Know the Elements

State the element for each symbol:

1. ____ Helium 2. ____ Gold 3. ____ Lithium 4. ____ Beryllium

5. ____ Sodium 6. ____ Copper 7. ____ Magnesium

8. ____ Hydrogen 9. ____ Potassium 10. ____ Calcium 11. ____ Iron

12. ____ Nickel 13. ____ Boron 14. ____ Carbon 15. ____ Aluminum

16. ____ Silicon 17. ____ Neon 18. ____ Fluorine 19. ____ Oxygen

20. ____ Nitrogen 21. ____ Phosphorous 22. ____ Sulfur*

23. ____ Argon 24. ____ Zinc 25. ____ Silver 26. ____ Tin

27. ____ Mercury 28. ____ Lead 29. ____ Uranium

Write the element name for each symbol:

1. __________________ U 2. _______________Pb 3. ________________ C

4. ________________ Ca 5. _______________Fe 6. ________________ F

7. ________________ N 8. ________________ Ni 9. ________________ Ne

10. ________________ He 11. ________________ H 12. ________________ Si

13. ________________ Na 14. ________________ S* 15. ________________ P

16. ________________ K 17. ________________ Be 18. ________________ B

19. ________________ Ar 20. ________________ Al 21. ________________ Li

22. ________________ Mg 23. ________________ Cu 24. ________________ Zn

25. ________________ I 26. ________________ Ag 27. ________________ Au

28. ________________ W 29. ________________ Hg

*Sulphur/Sulfur has 2 correct spellings.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: An Elemental Tale: The Gold Dust Kid

The Kid mounted his trusted steed, old (B) ___________ . His shooting (Fe) ________

strapped to his side, he headed out for the bright (Ne) ________ lights of Sabuttus, aiming

to rob the Litchfield stage. There was sure to be a load of precious (U) __________ aboard,

and probably (K) ____________ too. Inhaling a deep breath of (O) ___________ he

coughed on the (S) ___________ from the nearby mills. Since the (Hg) ___________ in the

thermometer was climbing, he quenched his thirst with some H2O, tasting the

(Cl) ___________ all big cities like Wales had. As he headed north, his riding bones ached

from (Ca) __________ deposits built up over years of riding the (Zn) ________ trail.

Overhead a (He) __________ - filled balloon floated in the breeze; the sun beat down like

burning (P) ____________ . Soon he spotted the stage, guarded only by a sheriff with a

(Sn) ___________ badge. “Halt”, he yelled, “or I’ll fill you full of (Pb) ________ .” The sheriff

drew his gun, but alas, was too slow. The Kid’s gun, blazing like flaming

(Mg) _______________ did the (Cu) ___________ in. Anyone who drew on the Kid should

know his life wasn’t worth a plugged (Ni) ___________ . A (Pt) ___________ blond riding

beside the (Al) ___________ - framed coach rode for her life when the Kid pulled out some

(N) ____________ compounds, preparing to blow the safe to atoms. Suddenly, a shout

rang out, “Hi Ho (Ag) ___________ !” and a masked man on a white horse raced across the

(Si) _____________sands like (Na) ____________ skittering on H2O. A (H) ___________

bomb would not have stopped the lawman; the Kid had met his doom. The rest of his life

was to be spent behind (Co) _____________ steel bars, a warning to all who flirt with

danger. Your detention may be the initial step in a (C) __________ copy life of the saga of

the (Au) ________ Dust Kid.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

The Modern Periodic Table 🖉

● Period: ___________________________on the periodic table

● Groups: ___________________________on the periodic table.

o Groups contain elements with similar ___________________________.


● There are about ___________________________called elements that occur


● There are more than ___________________________

● All other forms of matter are made from ________________________ of elements.

What is the Periodic Table?

● Shows all known ________________ in the universe.

● Organizes the elements by ________________________________.

How do you read it?

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

What is the Atomic Number?

● The number of _______________ in the ______________ of an atom

● The order of the ______________ on the periodic table are organized by


● The number of _______________ is equal to the number of ________________

What is the Symbol?

● A one or two letter _____________________ of the element name, derived from the

element’s English or Latin name

What is the Atomic Weight (or Mass)?

● The number of ______________ + _________________ in the atom

How do you determine the number of Neutrons?

● Number of Neutrons = ________________ of the element - the atomic number

How to Find Subatomic Particles of an Element

● Number of PROTONS = __________________________________________

● Number of ELECTRONS = __________________________________________

● Number of NEUTRONS = __________________________________________

Example: Carbon

o Protons =

o Electrons =

o Neutrons =

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Atomic Number • Atomic Mass

• Nucleus • Protons

• Neutrons • Electrons

• Periodic Table • How to read the periodic table

Additional Notes


















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Determining Number of Atomic Particles

Number of Number of Number Atomic Atomic Element Chemical

Protons Electrons of Mass Number Name Symbol

7 7
5 5 6
1 1 0
30 35
13 27 13
9 19
23 28 Vanadium V
17 35 17
3 Li
79 Au
11 23 11
33 33

19 K

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Bohr Models 🖉

Elements ______________________ with each other to form _______________

For compounds to be formed, _________________from elements must interact with each


We need to learn how to represent these electrons

Bohr models are a way to_____________________________________________

They help us to:

a) Understand __________________________ of an element

b) _________________ how atoms can __________________ with one another

to form _______________________________

Atoms are mostly empty space with a _____________________________ nucleus

surrounded by electrons that travel in ________________________________

Three important things to keep in mind:

i. Each _____________________________ in an atom has a definite amount of


ii. The farther away the electron is from the nucleus, the


iii. Electrons cannot exist between orbitals, but can only

_____________________________ from one orbital to another.

An orbit full of __________________ is __________________.

Stable Octet =

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Steps to Drawing a Bohr Diagram:

1. Determine the number of _____________________________ for that element


2. Determine the number of electrons/energy shells to be draw

▪ __________________________________________________________

▪ __________________________________________________________

3. Draw a circle for the nucleus and write the element below. In the nucleus, write the

number of __________________________________________.

4. Then, draw _____________________________around the nucleus.

5. Fill the orbitals with electrons according to the following pattern:

Energy Shell (orbital) Number of Electrons it can hold


● 1st Orbital (Nearest to the Nucleus): Filled first, with a maximum of 2


● 2nd Orbital: Filled with a maximum of 8 electrons; draw electrons in pairs

for more than 4 electrons in this orbital;

● 3rd Orbital: Filled with a maximum of 8 electrons; draw electrons in pairs for

more than 4 electrons in this orbital

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Benefits to Bohr Models

● They show ________ of the ___________________

● They show the ____________ that the electrons ______________

Examples: Draw the Bohr Models for the following

Helium Carbon

Fluorine Sodium

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Bohr Model Diagram • How to Draw Bohr Model Diagram

• Electron Shells • Stable Octet

Additional Notes



















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Drawing Bohr Models Step By Step

Example: Fluorine F

Step 1: Determine the number of fundamental particles found in the element.

● Number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in a neutral atom. This value

is equal to the atomic number.

● Number of neutrons is calculated using the equation: atomic mass minus atomic


○ Number of protons = ______(equal to atomic number)

○ Number of electrons = _____(equal to atomic number)

○ Number of neutrons = _____________(atomic mass – atomic number)

Step 2: Draw a circular nucleus with the correct number of and symbol for both protons

and neutrons. The nucleus contains both neutrons and protons

Step 3: Draw the correct number of electron shells. The number of shells/orbits is equal to

the period of the element on the periodic table. Therefore, fluorine is found in period #2 and

contains two electron shells.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Step 4: Represent electrons as dots and position electrons in orbits or energy levels/shells.

● The electrons will fill the orbit of lowest energy first (i.e., first electron shell closest to

nucleus). The first shell can hold a maximum of two electrons.

● An electron shell must be filled with its maximum number of electrons before any

subsequent electron shell can be filled.

● Electrons should be distributed equally and symmetrically throughout shell.

Therefore, in the fluorine atom, the first shell contains two electrons, and the second

shell contains seven electrons.

Notice that the number of valence electrons or outer shell electrons is equal to the Roman

Numeral (A VII) of the group in which the fluorine is located.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Practice Drawing Bohr Models

For the following, draw the Bohr Model for the element and fill out the blanks. Make sure to
clearly include Chemical Symbol, Number of Protons, and Number of Neutrons.

1. Oxygen
Number of Electrons ______

Atomic Number _______ Atomic Mass ________

2. Magnesium
Number of Electrons ______

Atomic Number _______ Atomic Mass ________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

3. Argon
Number of Electrons ______

Atomic Number _______ Atomic Mass ________

4. Aluminum
Number of Electrons ______

Atomic Number _______ Atomic Mass ________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Lewis Dot Diagrams 🖉

Valence Shell = The _______________ shell/ourbit that electrons occupy

Valence Electrons = ______________ found in the

____________________________________ shell/orbit

Lewis Dot Diagrams

● Are another way to __________________________________.

● They are a ________________________ of the

______________________________________ of an atom

Steps to Drawing a Lewis Dot Diagram

1. Write the ______________________________________

2. Determine the number of _____________________________ for that element


The number of dots you will draw will be the same as the number of valence


3. Begin drawing dots around the symbol.

a. Draw single dots (electrons) around the element first

b. If you still have valence electrons to draw begin to pair up the dots


Remember: We are only drawing the VALENCE electrons

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Benefits to Lewis Dot Diagrams

● _______________ to draw

● Show only the ________________ that will be used in __________________ (the

valence electrons).

Examples: Draw the Lewis Dot Diagram for the following

Helium Carbon

Fluorine Sodium

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Valence Shell • Valence Electron

• How to Draw Lewis Dot Diagram

Additional Notes



















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Practice Drawing Lewis Dot Diagrams

For the following, draw the Lewis Dot Diagram for the element and fill out the blanks.

1. Lithium
Number of Valence Electrons ______

The Valence Shell is Shell Number _______

2. Sulfur
Number of Valence Electrons ______

The Valence Shell is Shell Number _______

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

3. Nitrogen
Number of Valence Electrons ______

The Valence Shell is Shell Number _______

4. Calcium
Number of Valence Electrons ______

The Valence Shell is Shell Number _______

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Compare Bohr Models and Lewis Dot Diagrams

Bohr Model Lewis Dot Diagram

Orbits Represented

True or False: The

model shows which
orbit valence
electrons are in
Draw the Model for
Hydrogen (H)

Draw the Model for

Silicon (Si)

How do the models

of silicon (Si) you
drew compare to the
models you
previously drew for
carbon (C)? Are they
similar? Why?

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Classifying Elements on the Periodic Table 🖉


● The __________________________tells us how many ______________

______________there are in the element’s atom.

● Numbered from _____ to _____ from top to bottom

● Elements in the same _______________________all have the same number of


o Each _______________ represents an __________ in the Bohr Model

● Examples:

o Elements in the ________ period have ____ orbit (example: ________)

o Elements in the ________ periodi have _____ orbits (example:______)


● Numbered from _____ to ______ from left to right (or I to VIII in Roman Numerals)

● Elements in the same ______________ have the same number of

____________________________(electrons in their outer orbit)

● Elements in the same _______________ have similar ___________________ and

________________ properties

● Elements within groups______________the same way with other elements.

● Elements react with each other because they all want to have a full
_________________________ by _____________________________ (LOSE or
GAIN electrons).

Handout Activity: Organization of the Periodic Table


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

1. Sodium
a. How many electron shells? How can you tell?


b. How many valence electrons? How can you tell?


2. Bromine
a. How many electron shells? How can you tell?


b. How many valence electrons? How can you tell?


3. Nitrogen
a. How many electron shells? How can you tell?


b. How many valence electrons? How can you tell?


4. Silicon
a. How many electron shells? How can you tell?


b. How many valence electrons? How can you tell?


5. Calcium
a. How many electron shells? How can you tell?


b. How many valence electrons? How can you tell?


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

•Period • Group

Additional Notes




















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Organization of the Periodic Table 🖉

Classifying Elements: By Group

Group 1 🡪 ___________________________________

● Have ___ valence electron

● One of the ______________ reactive groups, ___________ their electron to the

Halogens (Group ____)

● _________________ is an example of a ___________________.

NOTE: Hydrogen is in a group to itself because of its unique properties

● Hydrogen has ______ electron

● It is _____________ to group 1 in some ways

● It is __________ reactive

Group 2 🡪 __________________________________

● Have _____ valence electrons

● Also reactive, but ____________________than Alkali Metals

● _________________ is an example of a ___________________.

Groups 3-12 🡪 ________________________________

● Different metals in groups 3 - 12.

● _________________ is an example of a ___________________.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Group 16 🡪 ________________________________

● Reactive __________________

● Have ______ valence electrons

● _________________ is an example of a ___________________.

Group 17 🡪 _______________________________

● Have _________ valence electrons

● Only need to _________ 1 electron to have a full valence shell

● One of the ______________ reactive groups of non-metals

● _________________ is an example of a ___________________.

Group 18 🡪 _________________________________

● Are all non-metals, and are _______ chemically ______________

o Unreactive, _____________, _______________

● These elements have a ___________ outer shell, with ______ valence electrons

● _________________ is an example of a ___________________.

Atoms want to have a _________________________________.

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Halogens • Alkali Metals

• Alkaline Earth Metals • Chalcogens

• Noble Gases • Reactivity

Additional Notes


















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Properties of Elements 🖉


● Most of the elements on the periodic table are ______________.

● Starting at______________ (like a staircase) and going all the way down to


Physical Properties

● ____________________ (most metals can be hammered into thin sheets)

● High density

● Luster (shininess)

● _______________________ of heat and electricity

● High ___________________________

● Ductile (most metals can be drawn

into thin wire)

Chemical Properties

● Easily ____________________

● Corrodes easily

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson


● Are found to the ________________ of the staircase

● Their characteristics are __________________ those of metals

Physical Properties:

● No luster

● ________________________ of heat and electricity

● __________________ (break easily)

● Not Ductile

● Not malleable

● Low density

● ______________________________

Chemical Properties:

● Tend to ________________ electrons

● Since metals tend to ____________ electrons and non-metals tend to ___________

electrons, metals and non-metals ____________________________ with each


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson


Elements on both sides of the _____________________ have __________________of

both metals and non-metals

Physical Properties:

● _________________ ● Malleable

● Can be shiny or dull ● _______________ heat and

● ___________ electricity better than nonmetals but

not as well metals

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Metals • Properties of Metals

• Non-Metals • Properties of Non-Metals

• Metalloids • Properties of Metalloids

• Ductile • Malleable

• Conductivity

Additional Notes
















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Compare and Contrast Metals and Non-Metals

Metals Metalloids Non-Metals

Location on
the Periodic

(Solid, Liquid,






3 Examples

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Compounds 🖉


● Everything is made up of _______________________.

● Matter is anything that has ____________________________ and


Classifying Matter

● Matter can be classified according to its state:

1. _________________

2. _________________

3. _________________

● Matter can be classified according to its composition:

1. _________________

2. ____________________________

Pure Substance

● Pure substance is matter that contains only ________ type of particle.

o These particles may be:

1. __________________

● Examples:_______________________________

2. __________________

● Examples:_______________________________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson


● A molecule is the smallest independent _________ of a pure substance and is

generally a cluster of


● A molecule may consist of:

o A ____________________________, as in a molecule of a noble gas

such as helium (He)

o ______________________________________ such as a molecule of

water (H2O) held together by valence forces.

● Molecules are represented by ____________________________.






● A compound is a _____________________ that consists of


● A compound has molecules that are made of __________________ kinds of

atoms joined by ____________________________

● Made of ______________________ in a specific _________________

● Have a ____________________________

● Can only be separated by ____________________________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Matter • Pure Substance

• Compound • Molecule

• Classifying Matter

Additional Notes


















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Element or Compound?

Material Made Up Of: Element or Compound?



Carbon Dioxide




Table Salt


Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Compare and Contrast

Molecules vs. Compounds

How are they different?

Molecules Compounds

How are they the same?

Elements vs. Compounds

How are they different?

Elements Compounds

How are they the same?

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Chemical Formulas 🖉

● There are ________ important parts to a __________________________

1. The combination of ____________________________that indicate what

elements make up the ____________________________

2. The ___________________________________ of each element present.

● For example: H2O (water)

o H2 = ____________________________________________________

o O = ____________________________________________________

o According to the chemical formula, H2O water must ALWAYS contain

______________________________________________ (law of definite


Name of Compound Formula of Molecule Elements How many atoms of

Present each?

Water H2O

Carbon dioxide CO2

Propane C3H8

Glucose C6H12O6

Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2

A group of atoms in ________________means that this group of atoms is _____________

in the molecule (or particle). The _________________ that follows the bracket tells us how

many times the group is ___________________.

Monatomic Molecules

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

● A molecule made up of ___________________________________

● These tend to be gases composed of a single atom

● Examples: _______________________________________________

● Mono - a prefix that means _________

Diatomic Molecules

● A molecule made up of __________________________________

● In nature, diatomic molecules are often molecules made

___________________________ ____________________________________

same element.

● Ex. Oxygen: __________________________________

● Ex. Nitrogen: __________________________________

● Di - a prefix that means __________

Polyatomic Molecules

● A molecule containing __________________________________are termed

polyatomic molecules.

● __________________________________may contain many

_________________________ atoms.

● Examples: __________________________________________

● Polyatomic __________________are those that require

__________________________________ bonded into a molecule to exist naturally.

● Example: __________________________________

● Poly - a prefix that means _____________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Chemical Formulas • Monatomic Molecules

• Diatomic Molecules • Polyatomic Molecules

• How to Determine Number of Atoms in Chemical Formulas

Additional Notes

















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Practice with Compounds

Name of Compound Formula of Molecule Elements How many atoms of

Present each?

Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2

Topaz Al2Si4(OH)2

Apatite Ca5(PO4)3F

Talc H2Mg3(SiO3)4

Tourmaline (BO3)3 (Si6O18)(OH)4

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Properties and Change 🖉


● Every kind of matter has _______________________.

● Properties can be used to help_____________________________________.


● Chemists classify changes in matter into 2 categories:

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

Physical Property

● Any property that can be observed or measured

_______________________________________________is a physical property.

● Examples:

o __________________ o ______________________

o Density (Solid, gas, liquid)

o Hardness (ductile) o Texture

o ____________________

o Smell

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Physical Change

● During a physical change


● New________________________ may appear, but the__________________ of the

starting substance has __________________________________.

● When a physical change occurs, only the __________ of the substance changes

● Example: Ice melting – the _________________________are temporary and the

change could be _____________.

Indicators of Change

● The following are good indicators that physical change has occurred:

o Change in ____________________

o Change in ____________________

o Change in ____________________

o Change in ____________________

Examples of Physical Change:

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Chemical Property

● Any property that describes how a substance

______________________________________________________________ when

forming a new substance is a_____________________________.

● Examples:

o Combustibility

o _________________________

o _________________________

Chemical Change

● A chemical change causes at least ______________________________________

with ___________________________________ to be formed.

● A chemical change may be difficult or impossible


● Example: __________________________- the smoke that escapes and the black

solid that is left behind cannot be recombined again to form paper.

Indicators of Chemical Change

● The following are indicators that a ________________________has occurred:

o Change in _____________

o New _____________

o New substance is_______________

▪ ___________________ – a gas

▪ ___________________ - chunks of solid appearing in a liquid

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Example of Chemical Change:

Examples: Are the following chemical or physical changes?

a. When methane burns there is a unique smell.


b. Aluminum metal melts under extreme heat.


c. When water is boiled, bubbles form and burst at the surface releasing steam.


d. When Alka-Seltzer tablets are put into water bubbles form producing fizz.


e. Sugar is dissolved into water. _________________________

Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Key Ideas

• Physical Property • Physical Change

• Chemical Property • Chemical Change

Additional Notes



















Science 10F: Atoms and Elements
Wray & Jackson

Activity: Classifying Changes

Situation Type of Change Explanation

A piece of dry ice (solid carbon
dioxide) is warmed. Large
amounts of white vapour

When making wine from

berries, bubbles form on the
surface of the yeast and fruit

A plant uses sunlight to make

energy in the form of sugars

A tree is cut down

When an instant ice pack is

squeezed at room temperature
two components combine and
quickly become very cold.

A jeweler melts the gold at a

high temperature.

Sugar is added to a cup of

coffee stirred until all the sugar

Scrambled eggs are cooked in

a frying pan

Wood is added to a burning


Water is frozen into ice cubes

Frost forms on the windshield of

the car


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