2pri Go! Teacher's Book
2pri Go! Teacher's Book
2pri Go! Teacher's Book
Activity Book Pack
Student’s Book Pack Brendan Dunne
Robin Newton
Includes stories
and songs from the
Activity Book
Student’s Book Audio CD
2 Brendan Dunne
Uni t 1
Robin Newton
GO! Student’s Book
Activity Book
Uni t 6 Audio CD
Includes stories and songs
Full-colour Activity Book
Co nte n ts 2
meth o d o lo g y 4
know yo u r b o o k 5
Teac h i ng a n d le a rn i ng m a te ri a ls 6
A w a lk th ro ugh th e un i t 10
Go D i g i ta l! T e a c h e r' s i - s o lu t i o ns 16
Key c o m pe te nc e s 22
Ac t i v i t y B a nk 23
Rea d y, s te a d y, go ! 32
1 O ur h o us e 40
2 Ho b b i e s 64
U ni ts 1 a n d 2 re vi e w 88
3 C arn i va l! 92
4 Anim a ls e ve ryw h e re ! 116
U ni ts 3 a nd 4 re v i e w 140
5 Sup e rh e ro e s 144
6 A day out 168
U ni ts 5 a n d 6 re v i e w 192
Fes t i v a ls 196
Ter m re v i e w ga m e s 206
key vocabulary
Ready, steady, go! p. 32
the alphabet
1 Our house p. 40
bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, chair, cupboard, door,
garden, hall, kitchen, living room, plant, rug, table,
behind, in, on, under
2 Hobbies p. 64
dance, do karate, juggle, make models, paint, play the
guitar, ride a bike, sing
3 Carnival! p. 92
coat, dress, hat, jeans, jumper, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt,
T-shirt, trousers
cloudy, cold, hot, raining, snowing, sunny, windy
5 Superheroes p. 144
clever, fast, invisible, scary, short, strong, tall, thin
Festivals p. 196
bat, haunted house, mummy, pumpkin, werewolf, witch
bells, decorations, lights, reindeer, sleigh, snowman
alien, dragon, knight, pirate, spy
Games p. 206
Key structures CL L Phonics Go around the world
Hello, how
Hello, how are
are you?
I’m fine,
I’m fine, thanks.
Where’s my
Where’s my pencil?
pencil? Natural Science:
Natural Science: materials
materials sound bb
Initial sound
Initial Houses in
Houses in the
the Netherlands
It’s under
It’s under the
the chair.
chair. metal, plastic,
metal, plastic, wood
Ryan’s in
Ryan’s in the
the garden.
II can
can juggle.
juggle. Music: happy/sad
Music: happy/sad music
music sound dd
Initial sound
Initial Hobbies in
Hobbies in Australia
II can’t
can’t dodo karate.
karate. drums, flute,
drums, flute, guitar,
guitar, piano,
Can you
Can you ride
ride aa bike?
bike? violin
Yes, II can.
Yes, can. // No,
No, II can’t.
What are
What are you
you wearing?
wearing? Natural Science:
Natural Science: fabrics
fabrics sound jj
Initial sound
Initial Notting Hill
Notting Hill Carnival
Carnival in
in the
the UK
I’m wearing
I’m wearing aa purple
purple dress
dress and
and hot/cold weather
hot/cold weather clothes
green shoes.
green shoes.
What’s the
What’s the weather
weather like?
It’s cold.
It’s cold.
It’s sunny.
It’s sunny.
He’s scary.
He’s scary. Social Science:
Social Science: (real
(real sound cc
Initial sound
Initial Real heroes
Real heroes in
in Russia
She’s clever.
She’s clever. heroes) community
heroes) community helpers
Is he
Is he strong?
strong? doctor, fire
doctor, fire fighter,
Yes, he
Yes, he is.
is. // No,
No, he
he isn’t.
isn’t. police officer,
police officer, teacher
She’s got
She’s got yellow
yellow boots.
He’s got
He’s got green
green hair.
What are
What are you
you doing?
doing? Natural Science:
Natural Science: dinosaur
dinosaur Final sound
Final ing
sound ing A day
A day out
out in
in Paris
I’m reading.
I’m reading. facts
There’s an
There’s an old
old bike.
bike. Brachiosaurus, Gallimimus,
Brachiosaurus, Gallimimus,
Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus
Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus
As life-long teachers ourselves, we know that few professions are as vocationally driven as teaching.
Teachers want what is best for their students. What works best for the student is usually what works best
for the teacher. A sound methodology should have the needs of both as its starting point. So that’s where
we started with GO!
Children are centre stage in GO! and the topics and themes are chosen to reflect their lives, interests
and aspirations. All language and contexts are meaningful, engaging and fun for the child.
Narrative techniques are employed throughout to draw the children in, hold their attention and keep
them wanting more. The main characters throughout the course are designed for maximum relevance
and appeal to the children. And of course, humour is a vital ingredient!
Children are naturally curious about their world and their place in it. Finding out about English-speaking
countries around the world and how children live in other cultures is a key feature of GO!
There are also frequent opportunities for the children to bring their own lives into the classroom with
personalisation activities.
We know all too well from experience how important ‘user-friendliness’ is when it comes to delivering
a language course. Best teaching practice is the start and end point for all activities in GO!
The goals and objectives are always clear. Transparency is our guiding principle.
A clear and predictable unit structure throughout the course really helps teachers to plan. Learning
objectives are always signalled at the bottom of each page, so teachers and parents can see at a glance
what the focus of the lesson is.
Careful consideration has been given throughout to pitching the level of cognitive challenge so that
activities are absorbing and achievable. As teachers, we’re very sensitive to classroom management issues,
and keeping the children engaged and on task is a key factor. The aim is to develop their Learning to learn
competence and this is reflected in the clear progression from controlled and supported tasks
to independent language use.
We all know that learning doesn’t take place in a vacuum and that as educators we have to address
the whole child. Children and teachers are part of a community, so citizenship education should always
underpin learning in any subject. Throughout GO! there is a clear emphasis on values appropriate to the
children’s developmental level. Each unit story takes a key value as its starting point. We aim to appeal to
both hearts and minds, not just by promoting the core values of mutual respect, sharing and teamwork, but
by focusing on more specific values to promote community spirit and develop emotional intelligence.
Warm regards,
Kn ow yo ur bo o k
learning threads
Lisa Jacob
The Netherlands Australia
Chloe Toby
UK and sing. New Zealand
1 Listen
can do eve
HugoWe ng!
r y thiAnya
The course characters France Russia
The colourful opening spread of the Ready, steady, go!
Unit brings us into an attractive park scene. Here the Can you walk on your hands?
children meet up with their Level 1 friends again, who The class will be ableCan youthe
to visit jump up high?countries
lead them through the Student’s Book. of the characters theyCanmeetyouin ride a bike?
the Go around the
world lessons. They areJustsure
try! to be interested in their
Ryan, Mike, Carla and Jasmin (and their families and
counterparts and in what they tell us about where they
friends) provide a connecting thread in several lessons
live. In GO! 2 the children travel the world both through
in each unit. They form part of the visual presentation
their Student’s Book and through the videos that support
of new vocabulary in Lesson 1. In Lesson 2, we see them
the page content.
in a contextualised presentation of the first grammar
structure presented in the unit. In Lesson 5, familiarity
with the characters helps the children to become
interested in the different experiences they have in the
key features
Listen and tick P or cross O .
Te ac hin g an d Le ar nin g ma te ria l F o r the student
Student’s Book
Ready, steady, go!, the title of the welcome unit, sets
the tone for this dynamic course book. This welcome unit
is followed by six units, each consisting of eight main
lessons and a Unit review lesson.
GO! 1 Sing the alphabet song.
Hello, Jasmin!
How are you? I’m fine, thanks!
How about you?
5 6
The alphabet How do you spell (cat)? Lesson 2 5 The children will love the
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Term review games at the end
of the book and the Festivals and
My new words ludic sections.
2 2
Hobbies 2 Look and circle.
1 Look and write. 3
ride a bike juggle play the guitar dance
paint do karate sing make models
4 5
3 4
Includes stories
and songs from the
Activity Book
Student’s Book Audio CD 5 7
1 I can / can’t paint. 4 I can / can’t juggle.
2 I can / can’t dance. 5 I can / can’t do karate.
3 I can / can’t sing. 6 I can / can’t play the guitar.
© San
tillana Educación, S. L. I I I
1 5 . . .
2 6
ES0000000046914 762686_Serig_Go_Activity_2_74007.indd 1 Cian Magenta Amarillo Negro Troquel 27/04/2018 10:10:03
3 7
4 8
10 11
The Activity Book Audio CD includes the listening activities in the Activity Book and the
My new words lists, as well as the stories and songs in the Student’s Book. It is additionally
available to download from the course website. www.go.richmonddigital.net
For the student
Children will enjoy handling and
applying the full-colour Stickers at Uni t 2
an y o
S.L. 28/09/2017 10:32:09
© Santillana Educación,
GO! 2
indd 3
762675 GO AB2 popouts_56165.
GO! 2 © Santillana Educación, S.L.
Both the Student’s Book and the Activity Book include an access code
to the course website where the children can find the following resources:
Flipped Learning
The videos form the base for
the Flipped Learning section FREE app for fun practice of
where the children and families the grammar and vocabulary
can access everything they in the Student’s Book.
need if you choose to use the
optional Flipped Learning
dynamics available in
GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
Te ac hin g an d Le ar nin g ma te ria l F o r t h e t e a c h e r
Teacher’s Book CLIL Go fin d ou t! 2 Language Objectives
Extra Activity
Les son 4 2
keep fast finishers engaged. This is additional Pause the audio after each speaker, elicit the name of Listen to the flute. Is it happy or sad music?
piano violin flute drums the musical instrument and tell the children to match the
Listen to the violin. Is it happy or sad music?
speakers with the instruments. Tell the children to repeat
the sentences and mime playing the instrument, paying
Now go to
Student’s Book reproductions. An initial CAE The children develop their knowledge of
ES0000000046921 762734_GO_SB2_U2_p16a27_67529.indd 19
Music: musical instruments Lesson 4
26/10/2017 15:49:13
The children invent and draw their own music groups,
labelling the different instruments.
Addition al
resou rces
Teacher’s Resource Book
cross-references to support material ES0000000056852 802763_GO_TB2_p066a085_U2_74185.indd 72 29/6/18 9:34 ES0000000056852 802763_GO_TB2_p066a085_U2_74185.indd 73 29/6/18 9:34
Extension test
2 Teacher’s Resource Book out on HALLOWEEN
Packed with a wealth of optional,
3 Look and complete. 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 11
Then complete for you. Objectives
n troducti on
2 photocopiable material, it is an ideal The children work together to rehearse and perform a play. At the same time they use their
imagination, they practise and extend their English.
4 Look at Activity 3. Then, write the questions and answer. En d of year test
d of term tests
sin@ / S<ilviå / —a> / ? Tests area with a diagnostic test, • Put the children into two groups: The two groups face each other. On the count of three
one group pretends to be Halloween creatures and the other group screams. Swap roles.
Rehearse Scene 5
• Practise the chant with the new last line.
Yefi, s™æ .
Unit tests at two levels, End of term
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.
Yefi, ca>.
d d j p t
tests and an End of year test. any costumes and props.
, s™æ . k g
99 83
GO Innovate!
Teacher’s Guide
This additional, optional
guide allows teachers It provides step-by-step notes to incorporate
to consider alternative Cooperative Learning structures in the English
methodologies classroom using GO! 2 resources. Similarly, practical
using the course material. steps and hands-on worksheets are laid out for those
The guide outlines the teachers who would like to embrace the Flipped
thoughts behind emerging Learning teaching model using GO! 2 material.
trends in teaching and the A third Thinking-based Learning section provides
advantages and challenges comprehensive support for applying this methodology
that accompany them. to the lessons. And finally, a Drama section brings
the best of drama pedagogy to GO! 2 with the
objective of improving both the children’s oral skills
and their confidence when speaking in English.
For the teacher
Student’s Book
Audio CD 1 Audio Material It's raining.
It's sunny. It's cloudy. Posters
Student’s Book
Audio CD 2
All the recordings used It's snowing.
The course
CP: 762697
Includes stories
© San
tillana Educación, S. L.
Activity Book
in the Student’s Book, jumper Posters are an
shirt It's windy.
CP: 762708
© San
tillana Educación, S. L.
ES0000000046917 762708_Serig_Go_Student_2_2_74482.indd 1
Resource Book
Cian Magenta Amarillo Negro Troquel 10/05/2018 12:42:03
Resource Book are present the unit
CP: 762686
Audio CD
ES0000000046914 762686_Serig_Go_Activity_2_74007.indd 1 Cian Magenta Amarillo Negro Troquel 27/04/2018 10:10:03 language and theme.
CP: 762719
© San
tillana Educación, S. L.
They also make for a
visually impacting,
Cian Magenta Amarillo Negro Troquel
ES0000000046918 762719_GO_Serig_TRB_Audio_2_74483.indd 1 10/05/2018 12:55:03
27/09/2017 8:03:14
Flashcards do karate 2
Keep trying!
Story card 1
19/09/2017 15:28:35
ES0000000046912 762664_U2_flashcards_52390.indd
Word cards
Narrator: Carla’s got a new hobby.
Teacher: Hello, children! Welcome to Circus School.
Story cards
Children: Hello!
ES0000000046912 762664_U2_flashcards_52390.indd
19/09/2017 15:28:37
GO! 2
cards allow for
Where are they? (at Circus School)
A wa lk th ro ug h L e s s o n s 1 and 2
2 2
1 Hobbies 1 Listen and number. Then, listen again and repeat.
3 Listen and chant.
play the guitar
do karate
I can make models.
I can’t do karate.
1 3
ride a bike
7 I can make models,
8 I can play the guitar,
I can paint a picture,
dance I can run very far.
1 The unit theme is introduced and new vocabulary 4 The written form of new words is accompanied by
is presented in a lively, colourful scene featuring the visual support. The photo dictionary acts as a reference
course characters. the children can use throughout the unit and helps to
develop their autonomous learning.
2 The oral form of each word is presented before the written
form, to establish good pronunciation from the start. 5 Target grammar is presented in a meaningful and
The children can listen to and say a chant that includes appealing context. The grammar structure combines
3 with the unit vocabulary to give further practice here.
all the new words and is further supported by an
engaging video. The combination of rhythm, rhyme and 6 The target language is always practised in a song
visuals helps the children to memorise this new or chant, supported by a video presentation. Songs give
vocabulary. The chant videos in Lesson 1 provide the children the opportunity to engage with the language
the basis for working on the Flipped Learning in a fun and structured way and singing together provides
dynamics suggested in the GO Innovate Teacher’s Guide. the class with a shared learning experience. Some of the
song words appear on the page and provide a written
model of the target language.
A wa lk th ro ug h L e s s o n s 3 and 4
2 CLIL G o f in d o u t! 2
1 Listen and say the number. Then say in pairs.
1.23 1 Listen and match. Then, listen again and repeat.
3 5 1 2 3 4
1 6
I can’t juggle.
sad music
What’s your favourite instrument?
1 This lesson will offer further practice of the target 4 In this lesson, the children explore a topic from a different
grammar and introduce some new words or some curriculum area. Students use English to gain knowledge
progression with the target structure. Supporting and skills about other school subjects. In this example,
artwork is eye-catching and often amusing to draw the children apply their knowledge of musical instruments
students in and make the task more enjoyable. to complete a matching activity.
2 Models for speaking tasks are always provided. 5 Striking photos add visual appeal and set the new learning
in a real world context.
3 In this example the children use stickers to complete a
reading task and enjoy a hands-on learning experience.
2 2
Go find o u t ! Name: Go find o u t !
1 4 Listen and match.
1 Match and write the instrument.
1 2 3 4 3
4 4
living hall kitchen bedroom
room 5
t d drums
p l k violin
∂o § rå
n a
µ æ mo æ fi
3 Say what you can do. Look at the example and do a class survey.
for the lesson content in the Activity Book exercises
designed to consolidate the children’s learning and
I can play the drums. 3
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.
i y 1
I can skimboard.
I can play the didgeridoo.
g e
® ∂æ å i§
lå t™æ g¤ tå
in the Teacher’s Resource Book where lesson-specific
762723 01-04
A wa lk th ro ug h L e s s o n 5
1 Keep trying! 5
Keep trying, Carla!
3 2 Listen to the story.
No, I can’t!
Yes, I can!
1 Every unit has a central two-page story featuring the 4 The narrative also features new language the children
course characters in a context familiar to the children. will see in the following lesson. The contextualisation and
Focusing on the title will help them to predict the story visual support offered by the animated version of the story
theme and they will easily follow the narrative as it will ensure the children’s understanding.
practises target vocabulary and grammar from the first
part of the unit.
5 The artwork is designed to be dynamic, visually rich
and easy to exploit for language practice. It provides
2 The children complete a pre-reading activity. This helps teachers with lots of opportunities to promote visual
them to become familiar with the illustrations before literacy.
they listen, thus enhancing their overall understanding
as they interact with the story.
6 A key value underpins each story with a view to working
on citizenship education with the children. This focus on
3 The children listen to the story dialogues while following values helps the children with their awareness of self
the illustrations. This develops their listening skills and and the wider community. Instructions to work further with
reviews known language in a meaningful context. the key value are available in the Teacher’s Book and the
Teacher’s i-solutions.
A wa lk th ro ug h L e s s o n s 6 and 7
2 2
1 1 Listen and sing.
1 Write capital letters and full stops. Time to write
can do eve
We r y thing! 1 m¥ muµ ifi i> t™æ gar∂e>
Sentences start with
a capital letter…
Can you walk on your hands?
Can you jump up high?
My sister likes t™æ do@ ifi o> t™æ chai®
Can you ride a bike?
Just try! chocolate cake . 2
… and end
with a full stop. 4
3 m¥ favouri†æ foo∂ ifi pizzå
2 Listen and tick P or cross O .
∂ 5
Ph on ic s
2 Listen and repeat.
22 Lesson 6 Can you (juggle)? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Writing: capital letters + full stop Phonics: initial sound d as in dinosaur Lesson 7 23
1 Exercises on this page build on the story context 4 Pictures and models will help the children with initial
to present and practise new lenguage. Here a song writing practice. The children here learn writing rules,
provides controlled oral practice of the lesson’s target such as the use of capital letters and full stops.
structure. Songs are an excellent vehicle to practise and
learn language in a fun and inclusive way, particularly
5 Phonics activities focus on initial sounds. Students
hear and say example words with photos to support
since every song and chant in the level is supported by understanding.
an engaging video.
6 The children listen to a fun phonics chant which is
2 The course also offers multiple opportunities to practise supported by a dynamic illustration. They say the
the new language. For example, here the children revisit chant slowly at first and build up to a faster pace.
verbs in a listening activity.
3 Every unit has a pop-out template craft activity where
the children make something: a question wheel, finger
puppets… This is then used as the basis for a speaking
activity in pairs that practises target grammar structures
and vocabulary from the unit. The finished craft can be
taken home to share with the children’s families.
A wa lk th ro ug h
practice P
L e s s7 o n 7 8 a n d Ft h e U n i t r e v i e w
phonics 1 More
2 G o a G A IN ! 2
Go aro und 5
THE WO RLD 1 Listen and say who. Then, read and write the names.
i-poster Hi! I’m Jacob 1.33
from Australia.
1 Listen and number. Then, read and stick.
i-flashcards Teri
Tina Tasha
1 I ca>´† jugg¬æ. Toµ 4 I ca>´† dan©æ.
2 I ca> dan©æ. 5 I ca> jugg¬æ.
3 I ca>´† pla¥ 6 I ca> pla¥
t™æ drumfi. t™æ drumfi.
2 Imagine! Draw and write.
I ca> . 7
1 In this lesson, the children learn about life and culture 5 The Unit review page revisits the target vocabulary
in different countries. A child presenter introduces and grammar and touches on all the skills: reading,
themselves and their country and then shares something writing, speaking and listening.
about the country with the class.
6 Attractive illustrations feature the Techie characters,
2 An attractive video on the lesson theme will bring the country Tina and Tim, who also appear in the posters and
to life for the children. extended reading stories.
3 Colourful photos transmit the ‘real world’ aspect of this 7 A look at the unit again to choose a favourite activity
lesson. helps to remind students of their learning. Evaluating
activities helps them to become more autonomous
4 The children have an opportunity to personalise the topic learners.
through writing and drawing activities. This gives them a
chance to compare their own experiences with others.
All the activities in the lesson are designed to consolidate
the target grammar and vocabulary of the unit.
A wa lk th ro ug h t h e T e c h i e s t e r m r e v i e w l e s s o n
1 units
1 and 2
1 2 I can’t find my guitar. 7 Tim can play the piano… 8
1 At the end of Units 2, 4 and 6, there’s a colourful comic 2 Teachers can decide whether to work with the story
story called ‘The Techies’. The Techies live in an imaginary in two parts or as a whole.
world and are a mechanically creative race of people.
The key characters are Tina and Tim, the Techie twins who
3 A ludic sticker activity is proposed as a post-reading task.
live with their parents and grandmother.
Each Techie story consolidates target language from
the previous two units. Humour is the essential ingredient
here in these extended reading activities.
The unique GO! Teacher’s i-solutions for the classroom includes the Teacher’s i-book with
its fully interactive teaching and learning materials organised into step-by-step lesson plans
in the form of learning paths. It also provides teachers with a wide range of extra resources
to enhance their teaching, allow for variety, motivate the children and make the most of all
the course materials. 3
1 2 3 4
Teacher’s i-book to bring Game Generator to create Meet the characters! An The Video section
your teaching to life in the your own interactive games animation to introduce the includes a Play-all function
classroom. for revision, consolidation characters in the classroom. to watch all the video sets
or just fun! in one go!
5 6 7 8
Cooperative Learning
Flipped Learning
Thinking-based Learning
i-posters section in the main i-stories to focus the children’s Flashcard Bank to create GO Innovate! section with
menu to use the posters attention on key language your own Vocabulary everything you need for classroom
for quick and easy access within each vignette. They offer presentation or review. management plus additional
to vocabulary presentation both the possibility of either Photo flashcards to project resources to carry out the different
or assessment. showing or hiding the text, or print are provided. dynamics and strategies if you
as well as the option of Word cards to print are choose to use the optional
playing the audio manually also available. methodologies included in the
for each vignette. GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide.
16 The GO! Teacher’s i-solutions for the classroom includes a complete User’s guide
accessible from the main menu as well as Teaching Tips for each section.
Te ac he r's i-b oo k
A fully interactive version of all the teaching 1
and learning materials organised into step-by-step 2
lesson plans in the form of learning paths provide
teachers with a most effective, visual and easy-to-use
classroom resource. The learning paths work as quick
lesson guides, and tips for all the material are 3
available at the click of a button.
1 Access a unit
2 Access a lesson within a unit
3 Access Routine poster
c 4 Access Picture dictionary
b c d
Learning paths are One-touch zoom-in feature Highlight feature for all
provided for every guarantees the easiest and the phonics rhyme texts in the
lesson in the course quickest access to all the Student’s Book to help
so the teaching interactive activities, answers, the children to follow the audio
sequence to follow is audio material, transcripts while they read, promoting the
clear at a glance. Access and teaching tips. development of reading and
to all the teaching and listening skills.
learning materials in
the course, as well as
additional interactive resources, is included on this pathway.
The activities are colour-coded to identify what is
CORE material and what is OPTIONAL material.
Choose activities according to your timetable.
Extra interactive
activities and games for
Video support for all the songs and chants, animated stories continuous assessment.
and culture lessons in the book! The chant videos provide
the basis for working on the Flipped Learning dynamics
suggested in the GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide.
vi de os
A great variety of Video material is provided to support teaching with GO!: Animated songs and
chants, phonics animations, Animated stories and Culture videos. The videos are accessible both
from the zoom-in windows in the Student’s Book pages in the Teacher’s i-book and from the main
menu of the Teacher’s i-solutions. Use the Play-all function to watch all the videos for a section in one go and keep
the children entertained while they continue learning!
Pic tu re dic t i on ar y
on the Flipped Learning
dynamics suggested in the
GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide.
rout i ne post e r
The interactive Routine poster in the Teacher's i-book
is a fantastic resource to use before the start of the lesson.
Go through each of the sections in
the poster and ask the children
to choose the correct item for the
day within the section. They listen
to the audio and repeat what they
hear for each category.
ga me ge ne ra to r
This tool allows you to create your own IWB games. Use the Game Generator to review key vocabulary at any time in
the unit or as a quick class filler. The games are also ideal as wrap-up activities.
step 1
2 3
1 5
2 6
1 Select the pictures for your game.
You can choose pictures from different units to be
3 included in the same game. This is ideal for End
of term reviews or an End of year assessment.
2 Tap the arrow to add the pictures to the game.
1 Select the type of game you want to use 3 This indicates the minimum number of items
needed to create a game. Add more than the
2 Choose the type of pictures:
minimum to make the game more varied and
a. Pictures + audio challenging for the children.
b. Pictures + words with audio support
c. Pictures + words 4 The pictures for the game appear in this area.
3 Choose the number of items and the skills 5 If you want to delete a picture from your game,
difficulty. select it and tap .
Tap 6 Tap to start playing!
The children take a few seconds to Touch to start the game. The children The children look at the sequence of
memorise the position of pictures on the look and memorise the sequence as pictures and drag the correct picture
screen. Once the interactive cards turn, the pictures are highlighted. They touch to complete the sequence. This type of
the children tap the numbers to find the the pictures to repeat the sequence. game promotes the development of the
pairs. Choose two children to take turns Touch to watch the sequence again. children’s competence in Maths.
to find the pairs on the IWB. Alternatively, The number of pictures in the sequence
this can be set as a competition between increases as they play. Choose a child
two teams. Open the Richmond i-tools to play on the IWB. The rest of the class
and set the timer. Give each team two or help their classmate by orally repeating
three minutes to do as much as possible the sequence after they have seen it.
when it is their turn at the IWB. 19
Guess it! What’s this? Match it!
Choose at least four pictures to create Choose at least four pictures to create The children match the words with
the game. Divide the class into four the game. A picture appears inside the pictures. This game includes an
teams. The teams take turns to play. a magnifying glass on the screen. interactive answer key. Use the
A hidden picture appears on the screen. The children see a detail of the picture feedback button for manually validating
Touch to start the game. As the and have to guess what it is. Allow them individual answers.
timer runs on, the picture is revealed. to say different possibilities. Tap
The children from Team 1 say Stop! when to see more of the picture until the Drag it!
they know the answer. Stop the timer. children are able to identify what the
If the answer is correct, give two points picture is or to validate the correct
to the team and use the Richmond i-tools answer. This game is good for promoting
to write their score and the time record the children’s attention to detail.
on the chart provided. If the answer
is wrong, Team 2 has a go. Touch
again. Give a point to Team 2 if
they answer correctly.
Phonics practice
Use the alphabetic menu at the top to select some or
all the flashcards for an initial sound and project them.
Say the sound (b, b, b) and ask the children to repeat
after you. Then say the words, or play the audio, and
ask the children to repeat.
ric hm on d i-t oo ls
This feature allows you to take the Teacher’s i-solutions The Richmond i-tools allows for two levels of
and make it yours by inserting notes, hyperlinks and personalisation:
external files. It is also possible to write or paint on any
By adding reminders or materials for the class on
screen of the Teacher’s i-solutions.
the teaching pathways for the lessons.
By using the Richmond i-tools you can easily add your
By including materials or explanations to enrich
own material for the classroom or complete any of the
a particular activity within the teaching pathway.
activities provided.
my notes
This feature allows you to access blank pages that can be used as digital flipcharts.
Use My notes and the Richmond i-tools to add any content you consider relevant for
your classes and keep it for future sessions. This content can be in the form of presentations,
notes, expanded explanations, etc. Everything you add or present in My notes is printable.
The access to My notes is located at the top of every section menu as well as
on the teaching pathways.
ke y co mp et en ce s
Competence is the capacity to use one’s LL
acquired knowledge and abilities in different Learning to learn
contexts and situations. Key competences This competence means children develop
feature the following characteristics: and become aware of effective ways
to organise and manage their own learning. The unit
They encourage the development reviews encourage the children to be responsible, aware
of skills rather than the assimilation of learners who can reflect on their own progress. Both the
theoretical content. Learning to learn and Learning strategies pages in the
GO Further! Booklet work very specifically to promote
They are dynamic because they the children’s awareness of how they learn. Throughout
develop progressively and can be the course children are offered opportunities to build on
acquired in different learning situations. prior learning and to apply their knowledge.
They are interdisciplinary and SCC
transversal because they integrate Social and civic competences
knowledge that originated in different This competence equips children with the
academic disciplines. necessary skills to participate fully in social
and civic life. Collaboration and tolerance is developed
Once acquired, they will become part
throughout the course by the inclusion of pair and group
of the lifelong learning experience. work. Children learn about healthy lifestyles, they can
empathise with characters in the stories and learn social
rules through games and role plays.
Linguistic competence IE
ac t i vi t y ba nk
Be polite
Hello, goodbye, please and thank you are so easy to
learn and are important markers of respect. If you insist
on using these conventions, you will promote mutual
respect among the children.
We may find ourselves calling out some names more
than others, or using certain tones of voice with certain
names. This will send powerful messages to the class
so we should try to use all the children’s names in as
positive a way as we can.
Every class is unique and has its personality, much Roles and responsibilities
like the individuals who form the group. A positive Most children value being given responsibility, this
can be as simple as handing out pencils. These
and nurturing environment within the class will go
roles show that you trust the child to act responsibly.
a long way towards creating a receptive group. Although assigning tasks can be seen as a reward,
Here are a number of areas to consider and tips for it’s important to make sure that all the children get the
creating a positive learning environment. chance to step up.
ac t i vi t y ba nk
Organising groups
Organise groups in a variety of ways depending on the playground games
activity. Mixed ability groups work well, for example,
while playing a game and remember weaker children
can often learn more from a fellow student. For other
activities, it can be more productive to put the stronger
children together while you give more attention to a
weaker group. Try to avoid having an identifiable group
where weaker children are always together.
Stick Flashcards onto buckets or waste paper baskets.
Draw a line on the ground in front of them, and ask the
children to line up behind the line. Give the first child in
line a ball and call out a word. The child tries to throw
the ball into the corresponding bucket. Repeat with
the next child in line and continue until all the children
have had a turn.
Yes or no Hunt
Draw a line down the middle of the playground. Explain Before the lesson hide some, not all, of the flashcards
to the children that one side is yes and the other is or word cards for the topic around the playground. If
no. Ask a question or make a statement and tell the they have learnt more words from the topic, then make
children to jump to the correct side to show the answer. cards for them too. Divide the class into groups with
For example, show a flashcard and say Is this a …? one person carrying a pencil and paper. The group
must link arms and move around together without
Twister separating. They find and write as many words as
Make several twister boards in the playground with possible without taking the card, shouting out words for
pictures of vocabulary items. Let three or four children the group member with the pencil to copy.
play on each board. Give them instructions such as:
A hand on an elephant. A foot on a dog. Word list skipping
Put the children into groups with skipping ropes. One
Flashcard race child skips and as they jump they say a word from the
Put the children into groups of six and they each assign topic. The rest of the group also jumps and repeats the
themselves a number from 1-6. If there are fewer than word. If the child repeats a word or cannot think of any
six in one of the groups, one child has two numbers. more, a new child takes over as the skipper.
Stick flashcards on the walls. Call out a flashcard and
a number. Each child with that number races to get the Four corners
flashcard and take it back to their group. The group Place the answer to a question in a corner, for example,
with the most flashcards at the end wins. it might be a colour, a type of food, an activity or
whatever the unit topic is. Call out a question and the
Speed ball children run to the answer that is correct or true for them.
Ask the children to stand in a large circle or several
smaller circles. Give one child a ball. Choose a topic,
for example, animals. The child who has the ball says
an animal and then throws the ball to another child.
The next child has only three seconds to say an animal
word and throw the ball on. If they repeat a word or fail make
to think of a word they sit out until the next category.
Tell the children to stand in a large circle. Practise 19/09/2017 15:28:46
me an A! The children call out A. Then at the end ask 19/09/2017 15:28:44
ac t i vi t y ba nk
Pelmanism on the board Remember, remember!
Put flashcards face down on one side of the board Show a selection of flashcards or word cards. Point
and word cards on the other. Divide the class into to one and ask a child to name it and then turn it over.
two teams. A member from Team A turns over a When all the cards are face down, point to each one in
flashcard and a word card and says the words. If the turn and see if the children can remember the words.
cards match, they keep them and the team gets a
point. If the cards do not match, the child puts them Group memory!
back as before. Divide the class into groups of about five. Display
flashcards or word cards for one minute and tell
Quick flash the children to try and remember them. Remove the
Show the children a flashcard very quickly and then cards and the teams work to try to remember and list
as many of the words as they can. Remind them to
turn it over straight away. The class say what they
whisper so other teams cannot copy them.
think it is.
Find my partner
Read my lips!
Hand out the flashcards and word cards in random
Put the flashcards on the board and silently mouth a
order. Let the children wander around saying their word
word. The children try to read your lips. The first child until they find their partner. The pair then sit down together.
to guess the word mouths the next one.
Repeating game
Put flashcards on the board, point to a card and say a
making the most of the
word. If the word is correct, the children repeat it. If not,
they keep silent. This can be extended to sentences:
Pop-out vocabulary cards
These are pencils. It’s a green snake.
28/09/2017 10:33:03
28/09/2017 10:33:08
Slow show
017 10:32:5
What’s missing?
Santillana Educación, S.L.
GO! 2 56165.indd©17
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© Santilla
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Unit 3 Voca
lana Educa
Unit 2
bulary Unit 3 Vocabulary Voc abulary
762675 GO
© Santil
the children to repeat. Remove a card, then stick the
3 Vo
GO! 2
lary 762675
GO! 2
913 762675
, S.L.
GO! 2
Unit 4 Vocabulary
© San
Dictionary Make a story book
Start to write one of the words on the board, letter by Photocopy the story cards and staple them together to
letter. The children hold up the card for the teacher to make a story book.
see when they know what it is.
Act it out
Match up Display the story cards in the correct order as a
Ask each child to choose one of the cards in secret. reference. Put the children into groups and assign
They then walk around the room saying their word. If roles. The children practise together. Allow volunteer
they find someone with the same card they hold hands groups to act out their story for the class. They
and keep searching for others. When everyone has improvise their own dialogue.
joined up, the group say their word.
songs and chants
making the most
of story cards
Ke ep tr yi ng
! Story card
Narrator: Car
la can wal
she can jugg k on a rope and
Ryan: She’s le!
Educación, S.L.
© Santillana
Literac y help
GO! 2
ES0000000056854 802774StoryCardsGO1U2_55107.indd 31 11/10/2017 17:06:51 Combining language production with movement is
Having a firm grasp of the sequence of events a powerful way to fix the language. It also makes
the experience more enjoyable and gives children
is essential to our understanding of a story.
who are not confident with singing a chance to join
Story cards are a really useful tool for helping in the activity. For songs that don’t have obvious
the children to develop this understanding. accompanying actions, ask the children to invent them.
Get in line Answer back
Working in groups, give each group member a story Divide the class in half. Have each half of the class
card and tell them to walk around the class; this can be sing alternate lines. This can also work with more than
done to music. When you stop the music or shout Stop! two groups, if your children are confident singers.
the group members get into a line so that the story
cards are in the right order. Clap the rhythm
Read out a line from the song. Then read it again
Run and touch but this time clap with each syllable. Encourage the
Place the story cards around the room. Describe children to join in. Then clap the rhythm without saying
something on one of the story cards or say a line of the words. Children can clap lines without singing and
dialogue for that card. When you say Go! the children have others guess the line. Alternatively, divide the
run and touch the card you were referring to. class into two groups where one group sings as the
others clap the rhythm.
Something’s missing!
Arrange the story cards on the board and ask a Correct the mistakes
volunteer to leave the room. Remove one of the cards Write the song words on the board but include some
and reorganise the remaining ones. Invite the volunteer mistakes, substituting, adding or removing certain
back in and time them to see how long it takes to say words. Play the track, the children call out Stop! if they
which card is missing. see a mistake and say what the correct word is.
The right order Dance routines
Ask children to arrange the story cards on the board in Songs that don’t immediately lend themselves to
the correct order. You can turn this into a team game or actions may still be good to dance to. Divide the class
make it a race against the clock to make it more fun. into groups and tell them to invent a dance routine to
accompany a song.
Which card?
Display the story cards and begin to describe one Draw the song
of them. The children put their hands up if they know Once the children have been through the song,
which story card you are describing. have them draw it.
ac t i vi t y ba nk
vocabulary games
Air writing
When children are familiar
with the alphabet use your
finger to write a word in the air.
Echoes The children call out each
Read out or sing lines of the song and ask the children letter and then say which
to repeat them back to you. This activity can be made word the letters spell.
quite sophisticated by insisting that they mimic accent
and intonation. Can you remember?
Say I like apples and
Extra verses ask a child to repeat
A great number of songs can be extended by adding the sentence and add
new verses. This can be done in many cases by another word, I like
substituting key vocabulary items in the song. apples and cherries.
Then, the next child
Funny voices repeats the sentence
Read or sing lines using funny voices and ask the and adds another word and so on.
children to mimic you. You can also sing lines as if you
were a story character or a famous person. Change places
Sit the children in a circle of chairs. Say Change places
Humbug if you’re wearing (blue). Alternatively, you can say:
Once the children are familiar with a song, try humming Change places if you’ve got a (cat), Change places if
lines from the song to the class and choose volunteers you like (ice cream).
to say or sing the words that go with that line. This
activity could still work with chants as even spoken Find the cards
words have melodic intonation, you just have to Before class, draw simple pictures on cards and hide
exaggerate it! them around the classroom or playground. Divide the
class into teams. Give them two minutes to find the
Make a recording cards. Award a point for each card found and a second
This gives singing a clear purpose and encourages point if they can say the word.
children to make a real effort. Comparing recordings
made at different times will also give them the chance Noughts and crosses
to hear directly how they can improve with practice. Draw a three by three grid on the board. Divide the
Ask the school and parents for permission to film the class into two teams and assign noughts to Team A
children singing the unit songs and post it to the school and crosses to Team B. Ask Team A a question, if they
website. answer correctly they draw a nought in a square. Then
Team B has a turn. The winner is the first team to draw
Musical statues three noughts or crosses in a row.
This is a good activity for the children to get to know
songs at a passive level. The children walk around or Stand on it
dance on the spot while you play the song. Stop the Write colour words on pieces of paper and place
track at random points and the children freeze like them on the floor in an open space. Divide the class
statues. If anyone moves, they are out of the game. into teams and invite a volunteer from each team out.
Ask a question: What colour is a frog? The volunteers
Transitions run and stand on the answer, the first one wins a point.
Use song tracks to time events in the class, for You can also play with numbers: How many legs
example, when the children are tidying up at has a chicken got?
the end of class. They should have finished the
activity or be in place by the time the track ends. Word tennis
Divide the class into two teams. Choose a category
What comes next? (transport) and ask Team A to say a transport word.
Once children are familiar with a song, Team B then have five seconds to say a different
play the track, stop at key points and ask word, then Team A have five seconds to say another
them to tell you the word or line that word and so on. If they cannot think of a word in five
comes next. seconds or if they repeat a word, then the other team
win the point.
Listen and do Throw the ball
Agree certain actions for word categories with the The class stands in a circle. Throw a ball to a child and
children, for example, for an animal they wave their ask Can you ride a bike? The child answers Yes, I can
hands, for a clothes word they put their hands on their / No, I can’t and then takes a turn to throw the ball and
head. Practise the actions with the children. Then say ask another question. This game can be played with
words in random order and the children do the action Do you like …? Or Have you got …? questions.
associated with the category.
Where’s the … ?
Bingo Ask a volunteer to stand outside the classroom for a
Write words from the topic on the board. Ask the moment. Hide an object or flashcard in the classroom.
children to write down five of them. Then say the words Invite the volunteer back to look for it. Encourage the
in random order and the children cross a simple line class to chant Where’s the (sharpener)? quietly when
through the words they have, The first one to cross the volunteer is far away from the sharpener and
them all out shouts Bingo! loudly when close.
grammar games substitute one or two words for the word banana, for
example, I’m banana a red T-shirt. The book is banana.
The children work in pairs to identify the missing words.
Award points for correct sentences.
Pass it on
The children sit in groups. The first child asks a
question, for example, What’s your favourite colour?
The next child answers the question and then asks
the next child along. They continue until they have all
asked and answered the questions.
Four corners
Take four cards and write like, love, don’t like, hate. Make a sentence
Stick each card in one of the corners of the room. Put the children into groups of about four. Take two
Ask Do you like (spiders)? The children go to the flashcards from the topic and display them. The team
corresponding corner. Each corner then chants: thinks of a sentence containing both words. They
We (hate) spiders, rehearse their sentence. The teams take turns to say
Yes we do! their sentence. The teacher awards points for correct
We (hate) spiders, usage, grammar, pronunciation, comedy... To make it
How about you? more challenging, select flashcards from different units.
ac t i vi t y ba nk
Form people sentences Student stick puppets
Before class, prepare various sentences, either Give the children a circle of card, wool and crayons
positive, negative or questions. Each word of the to make their own faces. Then stick the cards onto
sentence is on a different note card, the last word wooden sticks. Each child now has a stick puppet of
has the final punctuation. It’s a good idea to use a themselves. They can use the puppets to introduce
different coloured set of cards for each sentence. Put themselves to their group or to talk about other
the children into groups and give them a set of cards subjects, for example, their favourite hobbies. The
which form a sentence. The groups then race to form teacher can use the puppets as classroom behaviour
the sentence. monitors.
Mirror mirror
HANDS-ON IDEAS Put the children into pairs. In each pair let them
decide who is number 1 and who is number 2. Start
with number 1 as the child and number 2 as the mirror.
Give instructions and child 1 moves and child 2 must
copy them exactly. For example, Move your head.
Put on your big hat. Move like a monkey. They then
swap roles.
When learning any topic, it is always a good idea to
let the children feel personally involved. Ask them to
say their favourite clothes or the food they don’t like.
Whenever possible, if they have done a drawing or
brought in example items, put them into groups to do a
drills Drilling is a controlled technique to help
Teacher: I’m wearing trousers.
children to learn new vocabulary, grammar, Children: I’m wearing trousers.
pronunciation and intonation. It helps quieter Teacher: Socks.
children to speak without being the focus of Children: I’m wearing socks.
attention. It also helps children to memorise Teacher: A T-shirt.
certain language chunks Children: I’m wearing a T-shirt.
which they can then use
This could be personalised with the children only
when speaking more freely. replying if the sentence is true or them.
Drilling should only be
done in short sessions. Explain the substitution required beforehand
Drilling can be as simple so the children know what to say. For example:
or as complex as the Teacher: Maria can swim.
class can cope with. Children: She can swim.
Teacher: Pablo has got a dog.
Children: He has got a dog.
Transformation drills
Repetition drills Drill a sentence but the reply should be the opposite,
Basic repetition. The teacher says a word or negative or question form. Make sure the children
sentence and the children repeat it: know what is expected of them before and keep to
the same structure throughout the drill.
Teacher: The cat is on the table.
Children: The cat is on the table. Teacher: She’s tall.
Children: She’s short.
To make this more fun, play around with different
Teacher: I’ve got glasses.
voices, for example, whisper or shout the sentence.
Children: I haven’t got glasses.
Emphasise different words to project different
Teacher: He can dance.
meaning: The cat is ON the table. The cat is on the
Children: Can he dance?
TABLE. The CAT is on the table.
Sentence building. The children build a sentence Q & A drills
word by word: To practise specific questions. Put the flashcards on
Teacher: The. the board which will serve as the answer. Drill the
Children: The. questions and answers, which you point to so the
Teacher: The book. children know what to say. For example, draw clocks
Children: The book. on the board:
Teacher: The book is. Q: What time is it? (Point to a time)
Children: The book is. A: It’s (half past three).
Teacher: The book is blue.
Half the class could ask the questions and the other
Children: The book is blue.
half give the answers, then swap.
Or make the children memorise the sentence:
The children walk around asking and answering the
Teacher: The. same question. Divide the class into numbers 1 and 2.
Children: The. As they walk around say Number 1! The child turns to
Teacher: book. the nearest person and asks the question, the other
Children: The book. child gives the rehearsed answer. Alternate between
Teacher: is. number 1 and number 2 so they all have a chance to
Children: The book is. ask and answer.
Teacher: blue.
Practise drilling questions with more open answers,
Children: The book is blue.
so the children need to think and may not all give the
Substitution drills same answer.
Give a sentence and then the substitution word: Teacher: Do you like chicken?
Children: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Teacher: I like spaghetti. He.
Children: He likes spaghetti. Pass it on. In groups the children practise asking and
Teacher: She likes apples. I. answering a specific question.
Children: I like apples.
Child 1: I like reading. What about you?
An alternative to the above would be to practise Child 2: I like watching TV. What about you?
one single sentence. For example: Child 3: I like listening to music. What about you?
Language Objectives
• To practise greetings. • To understand and use the • To ask someone how they are and
• To ask someone how they are. alphabet. to answer the same question
• To understand and identify themselves.
• To spell words out loud.
common words. • To spell words.
Skills Objectives
Speaking Reading Listening Writing
• To greet someone and •T
o read and understand •T o understand and join •T
o write numbers.
ask how they are. common words. in with songs.
• To spell words. • To understand colours
and letters.
• To demonstrate
understanding by
listening and numbering
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can understand, use and reply to the question Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
How are you? organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
• The children can identify, understand and use the letters of form of learning paths including:
the alphabet.
Video support for all songs, stories and
• The children can spell common words. culture lessons
Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
Audio material and transcripts
• Teacher’s i-solutions i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
• Student’s Book CD 1 Flashcard Bank
• Student’s Book Ready, steady, go!
Additional interactive games for
• Activity Book Ready, steady, go! whole-class content reinforcement
• Teacher’s Resource Book
Interactive Routine poster
Lesson 2: Diagnostic test, pp 91-92
Game Generator to create your own
IWB games to play with the children
name card for each member of the class
Use the Richmond i-tools to add
your own material for the classroom by
inserting notes, links and external files. It is also
GO Innovate!
possible to write or paint on the pages and in the
zoom windows.
Lesson 2: Cooperative Learning
Drama Save all your teaching sessions to meet the
needs of each individual class.
Key competences
Linguistic competence SCC Social and civic competence
The children develop listening, speaking, reading and The children learn basic social greetings and how to ask
writing skills, as well as grammar rules and vocabulary. someone how they are.
The children practise greetings and asking people how
they are. The children practise the letters of the alphabet CAE Cultural awareness and expression
and spelling words.
The children develop their artistic expression by singing
MST Competence in Maths, Science and Technology
The children practise using numbers. LL
Learning to learn
The children develop strategies to improve the learning
DC Digital competence process through a variety of activities aimed at multiple
The children become familiar with the use of technology intelligences.
working together on the unit using the IWB.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
The children develop a sense of personal achievement
by spelling words.
Ready, steady, GO!
Hello, Jasmin!
How are you? I’m fine, thanks!
How about you?
Lesson 1
Language Objectives T r a n sc r ip ts
To practise listening skills.
To revise vocabulary: climb, dog, orange, parrot, 1.1 L
isten and sing: Hello, how are you?
school bag.
To introduce the structures Hello. How are you? Mike: Hello, Jasmin! Ryan: Hello, Carla!
I’m fine, thanks! How about you? How are you? How are you?
How are you today? How are you today?
Jasmin: I’m fine, thanks! Carla: I’m fine, thanks!
Materials How about you? How about you?
Teacher’s i-solutions How are you today? How are you today?
CD 1
Jasmin: Hello, Ryan! Carla: Hello, Mike!
How are you? How are you?
A name card for each member of the class How are you today? How are you today?
Ryan: I’m fine, thanks! Mike: I’m fine, thanks!
How about you? How about you?
Warme r How are you today? How are you today?
Choose a child and say Hello, (Pedro)! How are you?
Do this a few times with different children, then get a
1.2 L
isten, point and say.
volunteer to ask you the question and reply practice
I’m fine, Carla: Hi! Can you guess who I am? I’ve got a new school
thanks! How about you? Ask the children to stand up and F F bag. Do you like it?
give each child a name card. The children find the person Yes, I’m Carla!
on their card and greet them using the phrases they have SC SC
Ryan: Hello! Mmmm… I love fruit. Oranges are my favourite
practised. More
phonics fruit. What’s my name?
Yes, I’m Ryan!
Mike: Hi! Who am I? I’m here with my pet dog. His name’s
1 Listen
and sing. 1.1
Jack. Good boy, Jack!
Encourage the children to talk abouti-poster
the picture using Yes, I’m Mike!
whatever vocabulary they can. Review the names of the Jasmin: Hello! Do you know my name? Can you see me? I
characters and teach the words dog and parrot. Play the
can climb! Yes, that’s me!
audio, pausing when each character is mentioned and I’m Jasmin!
ask the children to point to the character
IWB and say the
name. Finally, ask the children to sing along with the song Carla: Be careful, Jasmin!
pointing to the characters as they do so.
2 Listen,
point and say. 1.2
Play the audio. Pause the recording after the first question Initial Evaluation
and invite the children to point to the picture and say the name Ensure the children can understand basic greetings and
of the character. Continue with the rest of the characters. identify and name the four main characters of the book.
Write the five vocabulary items on the board: climb, dog, Activity Book
orange, parrot, school bag. Tell the children who have Ready, steady, go!, page 2. See Teacher’s Book
finished to get into pairs or groups and to take turns page 38 for the answer key.
miming the word for the others to guess.
Tell the children to look at the picture again and give them
a few minutes to memorise it. Then tell them to close their
books and make true or false statements, for example,
The (school bag) is (yellow). (Jasmin’s) (T-shirt) is (green).
The children respond true or false.
N o w g o to
Extra Activit y Ad di tio na l
Ask the children to draw and colour a picture of re so u rc e s
themselves with their name written on their shirt like the
characters in the book. When they have finished, tell Teacher’s Resource Book
them to draw a speech bubble saying Hello! How are Diagnostic Test: pages 91-92. See page 127 for the
you? Display their work in the classroom. answer key and page 138 for the transcript.
1 Sing the alphabet song.
5 6
2 Look and write the number.
Lesson 2
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise listening skills. Divide the children into teams and have a spelling
To revise the vocabulary: book, cat, parrot, purple, competition. Give each team a point for each correctly
ruler, scooter. spelt word. Use words from the lesson, the children’s own
To sing a song to help memorise the letters of the names and vocabulary the children know from level 1.
To practise spelling.
Extra Activit y
Materials Play Letters Bingo! Get the children to write down eight
Teacher’s i-solutions letters. Call letters out in random order and ask the
CD 1 children to circle them if they have those letters. The
first child to circle all eight letters calls Bingo! Get the
winner to be the letter caller for the next round.
Warme r
Teach the letters of the alphabet. Write theprac
letters A-Z on
TFr a n sc r ip t
the board and say the letters with the class. Repeat a few F
times, then ask the children to line up. Give the first child
in line a board pen and call out a letter of the alphabet at SC SC 1.3 S
ing the alphabet song: We can sing the
random. The child runs to the board and circles
the More
phonics alphabet
Choir: A B C D E F G,
Child: Everybody sing with me.
1 Sing
the alphabet song. 1.3
Choir: H I J K L M N,
Play the song and point to the letters of the alphabet on
Child: Sing this song with all your friends.
the board as you hear them. Play the song again and Choir: O P Q R S T U,
invite a volunteer to come forward and point to the letters.
i-flashcards Child: We like singing. Yes, we do!
Then rub out the letters and tell the children to look at Choir: V W X Y Z,
Activity 1. Sing the song together and tellIWB
them i-bookto follow Child: We can sing the alphabet!
along. Look at the picture of the characters from Lesson
1 and ask the children to spell out their names. Write
the letters on the board as they say them, paying extra
attention to the pronunciation of confusing letters such as Final Assessment
A, E and I. Evaluate the children’s ability to write the alphabet,
spell basic vocabulary and count from one to ten.
2 Look and write the number. They should be able to identify the main characters of
the book.
Practise the numbers from one to ten. Count together, then
hold up your fingers and have the children count them.
Tell the class to look at Activity 2 and ask volunteers to
read the words aloud. Tell the children to find the items in
the picture from Activity 1 and the picture from the previous Activity Book
lesson. Check answers by asking, for example, What Ready, steady, go!, page 3. See Teacher’s Book
number is the parrot? page 39 for the answer key and transcript.
3 Look
and spell the words.
Write the words purple, parrot, scooter, ruler, cat and book
on the board. Get the children to look at the words for a
minute. Then tell them to close their eyes and make a
change, for example, rub out the a in the word cat and
change it to cot. Invite volunteers to come to the board
and correct the changes. Ask the children to look at
Activity 3 and model the dialogue by asking individual
children to spell the words from Activity 2: (Javier), how do
you spell (cat)? Then ask the children to work in pairs and
take turns to ask the question and spell the words.
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative structure available for spelling practice.
The children get into pairs with other fast finishers and Drama
draw a letter on their partner’s back with their finger, while Drama games available for language consolidation.
the other has to guess which letter it is.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
Ready, steady, go!
1 Look and complete. Then, match the names.
H’ello, Jasmi>!
H”^, M”i§æ! H”ow a®æ yo¤?
H”ow a®æ yo¤?
I´µ fi>æ.
I´µ fi>æ.
Child’s own
3 Listen and colour.
4 Look and write.
1 / / / / /
1 2 3
† fi
™ ©
π å ® ® o †
æ æ o
å æ †
wers . ® æ
T r a n sc r ip t
1 L
isten and colour.
Hello, boys and girls! Can you see letter A?
Yes, A. Colour it blue. A is blue.
Can you see M? Colour it green, please.
M is green.
Now, let’s colour R! The letter R. Colour it red.
R is red.
What about J? Can you see J? Colour it yellow. J is yellow.
Can you see letter C? Yes, C. Colour it black.
C is black.
Now, let’s colour Z! Letter Z. Colour it orange, please. Z is
What about E? Can you see E? Colour the E pink. E is pink.
Now, letter F. Let’s colour F! Colour it purple, please. F is
tructure: Where’s the • Furniture: bookcase, • Phonics: initial sound b • Present Simple
(ball)? chair, cupboard, door, as in book • Toys
repositions of place: plant, rug, table, window
• Classroom materials
behind, in, on, under •R ooms in a house:
tructure: It’s made of bathroom, garden, hall,
(wood). kitchen, living room
•M aterials: metal, plastic,
•E xtra: cube, houseboat,
lighthouse, windmill
Language Objectives
• To identify the position • To understand and use • To use prepositions to • To produce the initial
of objects. furniture vocabulary. say where things are. sound b correctly.
• To ask about the • To use prepositions of • To talk about what
position of objects. place. objects are made of.
• To identify what objects • To identify rooms in a • To say where people
are made of. house. are in a house.
• To identify materials.
Skills Objectives
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can identify, understand and use prepositions to Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
describe the position of something or someone in relation to organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
furniture or the rooms in a house. form of learning paths including:
• The children can identify, understand and use the question
Where’s the (cat)? and answer. Video support for all songs, stories and
culture lessons
• The children can identify, understand and produce furniture
vocabulary and say the materials they are made of. Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
Audio material and transcripts
Materials i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
• Teacher’s i-solutions • Teacher’s Resource Book Flashcard Bank
• Student’s Book CD 1 Lesson 4: CLIL, p 73 Additional interactive games for
• Story Cards Unit 1 Lesson 5: Language, pp 5-7 whole-class content reinforcement
• Flashcards Unit 1 Listening, p 31 Interactive Routine poster
• Poster Unit 1 Lesson 6: Reading, p 37
Game Generator to create your own
• Student’s Book Unit 1 Writing, p 43 IWB games to play with the children
• Stickers Unit 1 Lesson 7: Phonics, p 63
• Pop-outs Unit 1 Lesson 8: Speaking, p 49 Use the Richmond i-tools to add
• Activity Book Unit 1 Unit review: your own material for the classroom by
inserting notes, links and external files. It is also
Unit 1 test, pp 93-96 possible to write or paint on the pages and in the
Drama: pp 83-85 Start zoom windows.
preparing the Halloween play.
Save all your teaching sessions to meet the
needs of each individual class.
• A teddy, small objects made of metal, plastic and wood,
Blu-Tack, pieces of white card (five per child), decorating
materials, a world map or globe
GO Innovate!
For ideas on how to exploit
Lesson 1: Flipped Learning the course resources, see our
Lesson 3: Thinking-based Learning
Lesson 5: Cooperative Learning
Activity Bank: pages 23-31.
Unit review: Drama
Key competences
Linguistic competence SCC Social and civic competence
The children learn to identify furniture, materials and The children learn the basic social interaction skills of
rooms in a house. They also learn to ask and answer taking turns to speak and listening to others.
about where an object or person is.
CAE Cultural awareness and expression
MST Competence in Maths, Science and Technology The children develop their artistic expression by singing
The children are introduced to science while identifying songs and drawing a picture of a house they like.
the materials that everyday objects are made of.
Learning to learn
DC Digital competence The children develop learning strategies through a variety
The children become familiar with the use of technology of activities aimed at multiple intelligences.
working together on the unit using the IWB.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
The children develop a sense of personal autonomy by
drawing a house they like.
Our house
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
cupboard 4
1 2 4 table 7
rug 6
chair 8
window 3
plant 5
2 Listen and chant. door 2
Lesson 1 1
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills. Show the flashcards and revise the words. Then take a
To introduce furniture vocabulary: bookcase, chair, flashcard but don’t show it to the class. Mime opening
cupboard, door, plant, rug, table, window. a window, looking outside and breathing in the air, and
see if the children can guess the flashcard (window).
Continue with more flashcards, then invite volunteers to
Materials the front, give them a flashcard and ask them to mime
Teacher’s i-solutions the word for the class to guess.
Unit 1 furniture Flashcards
CD 1
Warme r
T r a n sc r ip ts
Display the flashcards and teach the vocabulary 1.4 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
bookcase, chair, cupboard, door, plant, rug, table and
window. Show the flashcards and say the words one 1 bookcase 2 door 3 window 4 cupboard
by one. Encourage the children to repeat them. Show 5 plant 6 rug 7 table 8 chair
the flashcards at random and have the children say the
words. Continue and this time ask them to point to the 1.5 Listen and chant: Furniture
corresponding objects in the classroom.
Cupboard, table,
Cupboard, table.
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say. 1.4 Rug and chair,
Rug and chair.
Ask the children to look at Activity 1. Encourage them to All stand up and stamp your feet.
talk about the picture using whatever vocabulary they can Wave your hands in the air!
and ask them to name the objects. Play the audio and
practice them P
P Bookcase, window,
tell the children to point to the items prac
asticethey hear Bookcase, window.
mentioned and repeat the words. Play the audio again,F F Plant and door,
pausing after each item, and tell the children to match the Plant and door.
numbered items in the picture to the pictures on the right. SC SC Clap your hands and turn around,
A picture dictionary is provided on pageMore 75 of the
More Sit down quickly on the floor!
phonics phonics
Student’s Book.
2 Listen
and chant. 1.5
Draw items of furniture on the board little by little.
Encourage the children to guess what you are drawing.
You can help them get started by saying: Is it a (chair)? No,
it’s not a (chair). Is it a (table)? Continue until the children
guess and repeat with more items of furniture from the
1 Listen, point and repeat.
cupboard 4
rug 6 2 Listen and number.
1.7 Where’s
my apple?
chair 8
2 4 1 3
bookcase 3 Look at page 6. Then, read and match.
Lesson 2 1
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise listening skills. Ask the children to close their eyes and hide the teddy
To introduce the prepositions of place behind, in, on, somewhere in the classroom. Ask Where’s the teddy? The
under. children must guess where it is using the prepositions of place
To introduce the structures Where’s my (apple)? they have learnt: It’s (in) the (cupboard). Repeat several times.
It’s (on) the table.
To revise furniture vocabulary.
Extra Activit y
Take the children to the school gym or playground.
Materials Put out a collection of tables, chairs and empty boxes.
Teacher’s i-solutions Play some music and get the children to walk around
Unit 1 Poster and dance. Then stop the music and give a command,
CD 1 for example, Sit under a table. The children move to
the nearest one and follow the order. Anyone who
A teddy or other toy does not do the action correctly sits out for the next
Warme r
T r a n sc r ip ts
Revise the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson.
Display the poster and tell the class to repeat what you 1.6 Listen, point and repeat.
say if it’s right and to stay silent if it’s wrong, for example,
point to the plant and say This is a plant (the children on, behind, in, under
repeat the sentence). Continue, pointing to the bookcase
and saying This is a table (the children remain silent). 1.7 Listen and number.
1 Listen, point and repeat. 1.6 Mum: Carla, it’s time for school.
Carla: Oh, yes! Where’s my pen?
Pre-teach the prepositions of place using a teddy or Mum: Your pen? Oh, look! It’s under the chair.
other classroom toy. Place the toy in different positions Carla: Under the chair! Thanks, Mum.
and have the children repeat after you: The teddy is (on)
the (table). The teddy is (in) the (cupboard). The teddy is 2
Carla: Mum, where’s my apple?
(under) the (chair). The teddy is (behind) the (door). Ask the Mum: I can see it. It’s behind the plant.
children to look at Activity 1. Play the audio and tell them Carla: Behind the plant? Oh, yes!
to point to the pictures and repeat the words.
2 Listen and number. 1.7 Carla: Mum!
Mum: Yes, Carla!
Put your pencil on the table and ask the children Where’s Carla: Where’s my pencil case?
my pencil? Encourage the children to tell you using the Mum: Your pencil case? Ah! Carla, look!
prepositions of place they have learnt: It’s (on) the (table). Move Carla: Oh, yes! It’s on the bookcase. Thanks, Mum.
the pencil to different positions and practise a few times. Then 4
ask the children to look at Activity 2. Elicit the names of the Carla: Mum!
objects (apple, ball, pen and pencil case), then play the audio Mum: What now, Carla?
and pause after the first dialogue. Elicit the answer, repeating Carla: Where’s my ball?
the audio if necessary, and tell the children to write a number Mum: It’s in the cupboard.
one in the circle. Repeat with the remaining dialogues. Carla: In the cupboard? Oh, yes, I’ve got it. Thanks, Mum,
3 Look
at page 6. Then, read and match. Mum: Bye bye, Carla!
Tell the children to look at the picture on page 6 again.
Ask Where’s the pen? Where’s the teddy? Encourage the
children to reply using complete sentences: It’s (under)
the (chair). Tell the children to look at Activity 3 and ask a Continuous Assessment
volunteer to read the first sentence. Tell the children to look The children should be able to remember the names
at page 6 and find the object (the toy car). Then tell them to of the furniture items. Evaluate if they can use the four
return to Activity 3 and draw a line linking the sentence to prepositions of place correctly.
the correct object. Give the children time to find the objects
for the remaining sentences, then check answers as a class.
Activity Book
Unit 1, page 5. See Teacher’s Book
Tell the children to arrange their pencil case items on their page 62 for the answer key.
desk however they wish, and then write a description of it:
The (rubber) is (under) the (ruler).
1 Look, listen and say.
2 Listen and sing.
3 Look and ask.
Lesson 3 1
the (cupboard). When you have finished, ask questions,
Language Objectives for example, Where’s the (spider)? Elicit complete answers
To practise prepositions of place. using prepositions of place and check that the children
To sing a song and do actions. have drawn the objects in the correct places.
To introduce the structures Where’s the (cat)?
It’s (under) the (chair).
T r a n sc r ip ts
Materials 1.8 Look, listen and say.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 1 Poster 1
CD 1 It’s under the chair. It’s orange.
It’s on the table. It’s green.
Warme r 3
It’s in the cupboard. It’s blue.
Use the poster to revise the furniture vocabulary. Ask five
volunteers to come to the front of the class and ask them It’s behind the bookcase. It’s red.
to stand in a line. Whisper a word in the ear of the first
child in the line and tell them to whisper it to the next child 5
and so on. The last child in the line must point to the word It’s under the rug. It’s black.
they hear on the poster. 6
It’s in the cupboard. It’s brown.
1 Look,
listen and say. 1.8
1.9 Listen and sing: In the giant’s house
Explain to the children that the boy in Activity 1 is having
a dream about visiting a giant’s house. Put the children in Walking through the giant’s Oh, no! Where’s the snake?
P P house, Peep, peep, peep.
pairs and tell them to name as many objects and animals
as they can from the scene. Elicit the furniture words, Fthe F Creep, creep, creep. It’s behind the plant,
Fast asleep!
animals and the toys and write them on the board. Play Oh, no! Where’s the cat?
the audio, pausing after each phrase for the childrenSC to SC Peep, peep, peep. Chorus
find the objects and encourage them More to sayMore the name of It’s under the chair,
phonics phonics
Fast asleep! Oh, no! Where’s the parrot?
each object as they find it. Peep, peep, peep.
Chorus Look! It’s on the bookcase,
2 Listen
and sing. 1.9
Fast asleep!
Oh, no! Where’s the dog?
Pre-teach the vocabulary creep, peepi-poster
and fast asleep Peep, peep, peep.
by miming the actions. Have the children stand up and Chorus
Look! It’s in the cupboard,
mime the actions with you and point to the corresponding
i-flashcards Fast asleep! Uh, oh! Where’s the giant?
drawings in the book. Then, tell the children to imagine Can you see?
Chorus QUICK! RUN!
that they are in the giant’s house.IWB
Play the i-booksong. Ask them
to mime along with the words creep, peep and fast asleep He’s chasing me!
when they hear them.
3 Look
and ask.
Continuous Assessment
Elicit the names of the objects and tell the children to find The children should be able to ask simple questions about
them in the picture of the giant’s house in Activity 1. Point where things are and identify different objects in a picture.
to the first picture and ask Where’s the scooter? Elicit the
answer (It’s behind the bookshelf), then ask the children
to work in pairs asking and answering questions. When
they have finished, call on individual pairs to model their
questions and answers. Activity Book
Unit 1, page 6. See Teacher’s Book
page 62 for the answer key and transcript.
Draw a simple room scene on the board with a table, Thinking-based Learning
chair, cupboard and rug. Give the children a few minutes Thinking routine available for extension.
to copy it, then dictate five or six objects for them to draw See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
in the scene Draw a (spider) (on) the (rug). Draw a (cat) (in)
CLIL Go find out! 1
1 Listen and number. Then match.
3 2 1
2 Complete. Then, look and circle.
Lesson 4 1
Language Objectives
Extra Activit y
To learn the names of different materials: metal, Put on some lively music and tell the children to dance.
plastic, wood When you stop the music, call out You are made of…
To introduce the structure It’s made of (wood). wood. The children stand still like a tree. When you
say You are made of plastic, the children stand on the
spot and sway. When you say You are made of metal,
Materials the children march up and down like clockwork robots.
Teacher’s i-solutions Repeat the game a few times, then invite volunteers to
Unit 1 Poster take your place and call out instructions for the rest of
CD 1 the class.
1 Listen
and number. Then match. 1.10
2 Complete.
Then, look and circle.
Tell the children to look at Activity 2. Point to the words
and tell them to trace over the first word and complete
the two remaining words. Point out that they can copy the
words from Activity 1. Write the three words on the board
in different colours, following the key in the Student’s
Book, and tell the children to circle the words in the
corresponding colours: blue for plastic, red for wood and
green for metal. Check answers as a class by writing
the words in the correct columns on the board using the
corresponding colours.
Divide the class into teams and give each team a piece of N o w g o to l
paper. Tell the children to find as many objects as possible Ad di tio na
in the classroom that are made of wood, metal or plastic.
Set a time limit. When the time is up, collect the papers
re so u rc e s
and count the items from each team in turn to see which Teacher’s Resource Book
team found the most items. CLIL Section: page 73. See page 79 for the answer key.
Where’s Layla?
1 Look and tick P or cross O .
2 Listen to the story.
Oh, no!
Where’s Layla?
3 4
Look! Layla’s in the bathroom!
Value: Care for your pet. 11
1 Lesson 5 Sto ry
Language Objectives
To listen to and understand a story. Divide the class into groups of six to act out the story.
To introduce the names of the rooms in the house: Assign each child a character: Ryan, Mum, Dad, Granny,
bathroom, garden, hall, kitchen, living room. Paul and Rosie. (If the class cannot be divided into groups
To review prepositions of place. of six, one child could be Layla.) The children act out the
To introduce the structures Where’s Layla? story in groups. Encourage them to improvise and add
There you are! things to their interpretations. When they have had time to
practise, they can act out their version for the rest of the
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 1 Flashcards Extra Activit y
Unit 1 Poster Display the story cards and remind the children of the
Unit 1 Story Cards characters’ names. Then make true or false statements
CD 1 about the story, showing the corresponding story card.
If your statement is true, the children put their thumbs
up; if the statement is false, they put their thumbs down.
Warme r Example statements: Layla is a rabbit. True or False?
There is a carrot on the chair. True or False? This is
Teach the names of the rooms in the house using the (Paul). True or False?
flashcards. Display the flashcards around the classroom.
Hold up a word card, elicit the word and tell the children
to point to the corresponding flashcard. Put the furniture
flashcards around the classroom, leaving the other Continuous Assessment
flashcards in place and display the Unit 1 poster. Review Check if the children can follow the story and identify
all the vocabulary from the unit. Point to the poster, and various family members.
tell the children to point to the corresponding picture
flashcard. Encourage the children to say the words as
they do so.
1 Look
and tick ✓ or cross ✗.
Tell the children to look at Activity 1. Elicit the names of
the eight objects (ruler, flower, car, goldfish, plant, game
console, banana, bin). Tell the children to work in pairs and
look for the items in the story. If the
Moreitem appears in the
story, they should put a tick in thepracbox; if it doesn’t,
put a cross. When the children have finished, displayFtheF
story cards and call on individual children to come to the
front of the class and point out the objects. If they are SCable,
encourage them to make sentences, More for example,
(flower) is in the (garden). The (car) is in the (bedroom).
2 Listen
N o w g o to
to the story. 1.11
Sto ry Lesson 5 1
V V a lu e
Care for your pet.
Draw a rabbit on the board and elicit the names of other pets and write the names
name of the animal. Ask questions on the board. Ask the children about
about rabbits: What colours are them and if they know how to look
they? What do they eat and drink? after them. Elicit things that pets need,
Where do they live? Ask if anyone examples could include fresh water, a
in the class has a pet rabbit. If they variety of foods, a comfortable place to
do, encourage them to tell the class sleep, space to play, exercise, toys,
about it and encourage the other medical treatment, vaccinations,
children to ask questions. Elicit the something to chew on, etc.
T r a n sc r ip t
Where’s Layla?
Listen to the story.
Story Card 1 Story Card 5
Narrator: Ryan is in the garden with Layla. Layla Narrator: Paul’s in the hall. His friend is
is Ryan’s pet rabbit. Ryan is cleaning. here too.
Ryan: Hi, Paul! Where’s Layla?
Story Card 2 Paul: Er… I don’t know. Ask Granny!
Ryan: Oh, no! Where’s Layla? Ryan: OK. Goodbye!
Narrator: Ryan can’t see Layla. Paul: Bye!
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, listen and say True or False. 1 Look and
1.12 1.13
1 bedroom 2 bathroom
2 Listen and sing.
3 Make a house. Time to talk
LL The children build on the vocabulary and 1 Understand the phrases and say whether they
language they have learnt in the unit by are true or false.
singing a song.
2 Sing the song and match the lyrics to the picture.
SCC The children improve their social skills
3 Ask and answer questions using the target
by working in pairs to practise the target
language and vocabulary.
vocabulary and language.
Lesson 6 1
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills. Put the children into small groups with their pop-outs. Ask
To review the names of the rooms in the house. them to take turns doing a Show and tell. They each
To sing a song. present their house and say where the different people are.
Teacher’s i-solutions
T r a n sc r ip ts
CD 1
Unit 1 room Flashcards 1.12 Listen, point and repeat.
Unit 1 Pop-outs 1 bedroom 2 bathroom 3 kitchen 4 hall 5 living room
Unit 1 Poster 6 garden
3 Make
a house. Time to talk
Hand out the pop-outs. Tell the children to colour the Continuous Assessment
outside of the house. Then show them how to pop out the The children should be able to identify the rooms
pieces and make their house stand up by folding it in the of a house and say which room somebody is in.
middle. Distribute Blu-tack and show the children how to
put a small piece on the back of each character. Tell them
to stick their characters in different rooms, and then play
a guessing game with their partner, asking and answering Activity Book
questions: Where’s (Mike’s mum)? She’s in the (hall). Unit 1, page 7. See Teacher’s Book
page 63 for the answer key.
N o w g o tona l
Display the poster and ask the children to look at it. Invent Ad di tio
simple riddles for the children to guess, for example, It’s in
the (hall). It’s (green). Encourage the children to respond It’s re so u rc e s
the (rug). Then, divide them into teams and ask them to
study the poster for one minute. Then cover or turn the Teacher’s Resource Book
poster around and say riddles for them to guess. The first Reading Section: page 37. See page 56 for the answer key.
team to guess gets a point. Writing Section: page 43. See page 58 for the answer key.
1 Look and write. Then make signs for your house. Time to write
∫ P h o n ic s
2 Listen and repeat.
3 Listen and say.
Writing: making signs for your house Phonics: initial sound b as in book Lesson 7 13
LC The children develop their knowledge of 1 Write the names of the rooms in the house
pronunciation by practising the initial correctly.
sound b. 2 Reproduce the initial sound b correctly.
LC The children apply their knowledge of 3 Listen and reproduce the initial sound b
pronunciation by practising the initial correctly in the tongue twister.
sound b in a tongue twister.
Lesson 7 1
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise writing the words for rooms in a house. Tell the children you are going to say some words in
Phonics: to practise the initial sound b as in book. English and they should stand up when they hear a word
To introduce the vocabulary baby, bath, bed, book, that begins with the initial sound b. If the word doesn’t
brother. begin with the sound b they should sit down, for example,
bedroom, kitchen, bed, book, table, bath, living room.
Teacher’s i-solutions Extra Activit y
CD 1
Put the children in teams and tell them to brainstorm
words beginning with the initial sound b and make a list.
Pieces of white card (five per child), decorating Set a time limit. When the time is up, elicit their answers.
materials When a team says a word beginning with the initial
sound b, write it on the board and give them a point. Do
not allow the children to repeat the words. The winning
Warme r team is the team with the most points.
Draw the children’s attention to labels and signs around
the school. Begin in the classroom, pointing out the
different labels and signs, then take them for a walk
around the school and ask them to find as many signs T r a n sc r ip ts
as possible. Typical examples could include: nametags
on clothes, bags or pegs, labels on boxes of classroom 1.15 Listen and repeat.
materials, signs on offices or different rooms in the school,
for example, the gym, dining room, toilets, etc. bed, bath, book
Tell the children to look at the three photos. Play the audio Activity Book
and tell the children to listen and point to each word as Unit 1, page 8. See Teacher’s Book
they hear it. Play the audio again and tell the children to page 63 for the answer key.
repeat the words, ensuring that they are pronouncing the
initial sound b correctly.
3 Listen
and say. 1.16
More More
phonics phonics
Go ar ou nd
Hello! I’m Lisa
CAE from the Netherlands.
1 Listen and stick the number.
lighthouse cube house
from Holland.
houseboat windmill
2 Draw and write.
M”¥ favouri†æ houßæ ifi t™æ Child's own answer . g
CULTURE Lesson 8 1
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To introduce the vocabulary cube, houseboat, Ask the children to draw a picture of their house and
lighthouse, windmill. write below My name’s (Javier). This is my house. Make
To learn about houses in the Netherlands. a class display with the children’s work called My
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 1 Stickers
CD 1
T r a n sc r ip t
A world map or globe 1.17 Listen and stick the number.
Lisa: Hello! I’m Lisa from the Netherlands.
Warme r 1
Look at this house. It’s yellow and grey. It’s the cube house.
Show the children a world map or globe. Locate your
country and say I’m (Maria). I’m from (Spain). Ask a few 2
Can you see the black and white house? It’s a houseboat.
volunteers to repeat the phrase. If you have children in
the class from different countries, help them to find their 3
country and have the child say I’m (Susana). I’m from Look! This house is red and white. It’s a lighthouse.
(Ecuador). Point to the Dutch flag and to Lisa. Tell the 4
children they are going to find out some things about This is my favourite house. It’s brown. It’s a windmill. There
houses in the Netherlands. Show the children the map or are lots of windmills in the Netherlands.
globe and ask them if they know where the Netherlands
is. Invite individual children to come up and point it out and
ask if anyone has ever been there. Encourage the children
to tell you anything they know about the Netherlands. Continuous Assessment
The children should understand the concept of
Watch the video Houses in the Netherlands to children like them in other countries living in different
introduce the lesson theme. types of houses. Assess whether they can understand
short audio texts identifying different types of houses.
1 Listen
and stick the number. 1.17
2 Draw
and write.
Ask individual children what their favourite house is, and
why. Then tell them that they are going to draw their
favourite house in the box and complete the sentence.
When they have finished, encourage them to present their
drawing to the class and to say My favourite house is the
Tell the children they are going to invent and draw their
own dream house. They can be as creative as they wish.
N o w g o to
Wrap-up Ad di tio na l
Write the names of the four houses on the board. Ask
What’s your favourite house? and invite the children to
re so u rc e s
vote. Count up the votes and see which house is the most
popular. Invite the children to say why they like or don’t
Teacher’s Resource Book
Speaking Section: page 49.
like the different houses.
Go aGAIN! 1
1 Look and stick. Then, listen and say.
kitchen bedroom
living hall
2 Look and ask in pairs.
LL ea
Unit review 15
LL The children develop their autonomy and 3 Choose their favourite activity in the unit by
initiative by reflecting on the unit activities putting the sticker on it.
and selecting their favourite one.
u n it R e v ie w 1
Language Objective T r a n sc r ip t
To review vocabulary and structures from Unit 1.
1.18 Look and stick. Then, listen and say.
Materials 1
Teacher’s i-solutions What’s this? It’s in the bedroom. It’s under the window. OK?
Unit 1 Poster It’s in the bedroom and it’s under the window.
Trophy Stickers 2
CD 1 What’s this? It’s in the kitchen. It’s on the chair.
Now look in the hall. It’s in the cupboard. What is it?
Warme r
Display the poster and review the names of the rooms What’s this? It’s in the living room. It’s behind the chair. Yes,
in the house. Then say five of the rooms, for example, it’s behind the chair.
kitchen, garden, bathroom, hall, living room. Ask the 5
children to tell you which room is missing. Once they Look in the kitchen. It’s under the table. OK? It’s under the
are used to the game, say four or three rooms and ask table.
individual children to identify the missing rooms. If the
children are able, you can ask volunteers to take your 6
Can you see the bedroom? It’s in the bedroom. It’s on the
place and say the rooms.
rug. What is it?
1 Look
and stick. Then, listen and say. 1.18
Ask the children to identify the rooms, then tell them to get Final Assessment
out their stickers and stick the names on the pictures. Check Check if the children can:
their answers, then play the first sentence from the audio. Name the different rooms of a house and different types
Encourage the children to point to the object and say the of furniture.
answer: A snake. Repeat with the rest of the audio. Identify unit vocabulary in listening activities.
Ask where objects are.
2 Look
and ask in pairs. Describe different scenes using prepositions of place.
Tell the children to look at Activity 2 and ask volunteers to
read the speech bubbles aloud. Then, tell them to work in
pairs and ask and answer questions about the picture in
Activity 1. Monitor, giving prompts where necessary. When
they have finished, invite some of the pairs to come to the
Activity Book
Unit 1, page 9. See Teacher’s Book
front of the class to demonstrate.
n page 63 for the answer key and transcript.
ear in
My new words, page 40.
Allow the children time to look back over the unit and for the answer key and transcript.
decide which activity they liked the most. Tell them to put
the trophy sticker on that activity. Encourage them to tell
you why it is their favourite activity.
N o w g o to l
The children try to list as many words as they can that Ad di tio na
begin with b. Give them clues if they need (bookcase,
behind, bathroom, ball).
re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
Unit test: depending on the level of your class, choose
Wrap-up from pages 93-96. See pages 127-128 for the answer key
Do a unit quiz. Divide the class into teams and tell them and page 138 for the transcript.
to open their books. Ask questions about the unit and tell
the teams to write their answers on a piece of paper. When
you have finished, check answers and give points for each
correct answer. Example questions could include: Where
is Ryan in Lesson 6? What is the rabbit’s name in the story?
Name three houses from the Netherlands. How do you Drama
spell ‘window’? Where’s the teddy in Lesson 1? Say three Drama games available for language consolidation.
words that start with the sound b, etc. See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
1 1
Our house 2 Look and match.
in behind on under
1 Look, circle and write.
3 4
1 T™æ ca® ifi o> 2 T™æ πenci¬ ifi un∂e®
t™æ bookcaßæ. t™æ tab¬æ.
3 T™æ gir¬ ifi ∫±hin∂ 4 T™æ †edd¥ ifi i>
t™æ doo®. t™æ cupboar∂.
1 plant / door doo® cupboard
5 cupboard / plant / plant plan†
2 table / window window chair / window
6 chair / window chai®
3 door / cupboard cupboar∂ table / bookcase
7 table / bookcase tab¬æ 5 T™æ πenci¬ caßæ ifi 6 T™æ bo¥ ifi ∫±hin∂
4 bookcase / chair bookcaßæ cupboard
8 cupboard / rug / rug ru@ o> t™æ chai®. t™æ plan†.
4 5
1 T r a n sc r ip t
4 Listen and colour.
2 L
isten and colour.
Narrator: Hello, children! Narrator: Where’s the green
Help me colour the picture! school bag?
Where’s the grey school Girl: What colour is it?
bag? Narrator: Green!
Boy: Look under the chair. Girl: Ah, I can see it. The
The grey schoolbag is under green school bag is behind
the chair. the door.
Narrator: Behind the door,
Narrator: Where’s the red
thank you!
school bag?
Girl: The red school bag? It’s Narrator: Where’s the blue
on the rug. school bag?
Narrator: The red school Boy: It’s under the window.
bag is on the rug. OK, thank Narrator: The blue school
you! bag is under the window.
OK, thanks!
Narrator: Where’s the yellow
school bag? Narrator: Where’s the pink
5 Read, look at Activity 4 and match. Boy: Look in the cupboard. school bag?
Where’s the cat? It’s on the table.
The yellow school bag is in Girl: The pink school bag?
the cupboard. Um, it’s on the cupboard.
Where’s the plane? It’s under the table.
Narrator: In the cupboard, Narrator: The pink school
Where’s the car? It’s behind the plant. thanks! bag is on the cupboard.
Where’s the apple? It’s in the cupboard. Fantastic, thank you!
Where’s the book? It’s on the chair.
1 1
6 Look and number. 8 Look and write. Time to write
5 1 2 3 4
6 P h o n ic s c
1 2
9 Circle the b words. Then, complete and match. ok ed all nanas
1 T r a n sc r ip t
1 Find and colour the words. Then write. Child applies colours 3 L
isten and circle. Then complete.
p f c u p b o a r d n r c h a i r k d o o r vy
swm b o o k c a s e f e r u g l x p l a n t o w Look! The cat’s under the table.
3 6 Boy: Mum, where’s my book?
r∂e> 2
4 5 Mum: It’s on the cupboard.
Boy: Thanks, Mum!
cupb oar ∂ c ha i ® ru@ Girl: Dad, I can’t find my school bag.
l nanas
p l an † bo okcaß æ doo ® Dad: Look! it’s behind the chair.
Girl: Ah, thank you!
2 Listen and circle. Then complete.
Boy: Where’s my sharpener?
Girl: It’s in the pencil case!
Boy: Ah, OK!
an for ability:
•C • Hobbies: dance, do • Phonics: initial sound d •C an for ability
affirmative, negative, karate, juggle, make as an dinosaur
models, paint, play the • Present Simple
questions and short
guitar, ride a bike, sing • Verbs of action
• Instruments: drums, • Adjectives: happy, sad
flute, guitar, piano, violin
•E xtra: dinosaur, duck,
Language Objectives
• To practise using can • To understand and use • To talk about hobbies. • To produce the initial
with hobbies to express vocabulary related to • To describe the activities sound d correctly.
ability. hobbies. they can and cannot do.
• To ask and answer • To understand and use • To find out about
questions about abilities. vocabulary related to musical instruments.
• To express opinions
• To identify musical about music.
Skills Objectives
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can identify, understand and produce the Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
structure I can (sing) while talking about hobbies and abilities. organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
• The children can identify, understand and produce the form of learning paths including:
question Can you (sing)? and answer.
Video support for all songs, stories and
• The children can identify, understand and produce hobbies culture lessons
Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
• The children can identify, understand and produce musical
instruments vocabulary.
Audio material and transcripts
i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
Materials Flashcard Bank
• Teacher’s i-solutions • Teacher’s Resource Book Additional interactive games for
• Student’s Book CD 1 Lesson 2: Listening, p 32 whole-class content reinforcement
• Story Cards Unit 2 Lesson 3: Language, pp 8-10 Interactive Routine poster
• Flashcards Unit 2 Lesson 4: CLIL, p 74 Game Generator to create your own
• Poster Unit 2 Lesson 5: Writing, p 44 IWB games to play with the children
• Student’s Book Unit 2 Lesson 6: Reading, p 38
Use the Richmond i-tools to add
• Stickers Unit 2 Speaking, p 50
your own material for the classroom by
• Pop-outs Unit 2 Lesson 7: Phonics, p 64 inserting notes, links and external files. It is also
• Activity Book Unit 2 Unit review: possible to write or paint on the pages and in the
Unit 2 test, pp 97-100 zoom windows.
End of term 1 test, pp 117-118 Save all your teaching sessions to meet the
needs of each individual class.
• Lively music, split pins (one per child), a toy duck, a world
map or globe
GO Innovate!
For ideas on how to exploit
Lesson 1: Flipped Learning the course resources, see our
Lesson 3: Cooperative Learning
Lesson 4: Thinking-based Learning
Activity Bank: pages 23-31.
Unit review: Drama
Key competences
Linguistic competence CAE Cultural awareness and expression
The children learn to describe their abilities regarding The children develop their artistic awareness by
hobbies. The children learn to ask and answer about their identifying musical instruments and the feelings that music
skills. can evoke.
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
2do karate
1 3
paint 1
juggle 4
ride a bike
6 5
7 sing
3 Look and say. 5
make models
Lesson 1 2
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise listening skills. Cover a flashcard with a piece of blank paper. Slowly pull
To introduce hobbies vocabulary: dance, do karate, it out to reveal the picture and invite the class to name
juggle, make models, paint, play the guitar, ride a the hobby. When the children guess, invite a volunteer to
bike, sing. come to the front of the class and reveal another flashcard
for the rest of the class to guess.
Teacher’s i-solutions Extra Activit y
Unit 2 hobby Flashcards
Unit 2 Poster Display all the flashcards and tell the children to
CD 1 name them in order. Take away one and repeat the
procedure, pointing to the empty space. Then take
away another flashcard and tell the children to name
all the hobbies again, including the ones from the two
Warme r empty spaces. Keep playing until all the flashcards are
Show the flashcards. Say the words one by one and removed.
encourage the children to repeat them, drilling the correct
pronunciation if necessary. Show the flashcards at random
and have the children say the words. Then, display the
poster and ask volunteers to come forward and find T r a n sc r ip ts
the hobbies on the poster. Tell the children about your
hobbies and ask about theirs. Write the names of any 1.19 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
other hobbies that come up on the board.
1 paint 2 do karate 3 ride a bike 4 juggle
5 make models 6 dance 7 sing 8 play the guitar
1 Listen,
point and repeat. Then, match and say. 1.19
Ask the children to look at the large picture. Encourage 1.20 Listen and chant: My hobbies
them to talk about the picture using whatever vocabulary
So many hobbies
they can and ask them to name the hobbies. Play the I like to do.
audio and tell the children to point to the hobbies as they Play the guitar,
hear them mentioned and repeat thepracwords.
practice the P P
Do karate too.
audio again, pausing after each item and ask the children F F Paint and juggle,
to match the numbered hobbies in the picture to the And ride a bike!
pictures on the right. SC SC These are things I really like.
A picture dictionary is provided on page
More 75 of the
Sing and dance,
phonics phonics
Make models too.
Student’s Book. I love hobbies,
How about you?
2 Listen
and chant. 1.20
Put the flashcards face down on your desk. Take one, then
mime the action for the class to guess. Continue, inviting
individual children to come to your i-flashcards
desk, take a flashcard Initial Evaluation
and mime it for the rest of the class. The children should be able to name the different
Tell the children to listen and play IWB
the audio.i-book As they hobbies and say which is their favourite hobby.
listen, hold up each flashcard as it is mentioned in the
chant (play guitar, do karate, paint, juggle, ride a bike,
sing, dance, make models). Repeat the audio and tell the
children to sing along and mime the actions, holding up
the flashcards again as they are mentioned in the chant to Activity Book
help them. Unit 2, page 10. See Teacher’s Book
page 86 for the answer key.
3 Look
and say.
Ask the children to look at Activity 3. Ask them to find the
four children in the picture and to name the hobbies.
1 Listen and number. Then, listen again and repeat.
play the guitar
do karate
I can make models.
4 I can’t do karate. 2
paint 1
juggle 4
I can dance. 1 I can’t sing. 3
ride a bike
2 Listen and sing.
make models
Lesson 2 2
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills. Give each child a sheet of blank paper and ask them to
To introduce the structure I can (make models). draw a picture of themselves doing one of the hobbies
I can’t (play the guitar). from the lesson. Write on the board: My name’s…
To revise hobbies. I can… and tell the children to copy and complete
the sentence under their drawing. Stick the drawings
together to make a class book or put them on the wall
Materials to make a class display.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 2 Poster
CD 1
T r a n sc r ip ts
Warme r 1.21 Listen and number. Then, listen again and
Display the poster. Ask a volunteer to come to the front repeat.
of the class. Ask the class to shout out the names of the
hobbies and tell the volunteer to point to them in the 1 Look! I can dance. 2 One, two, three! Ow! I can’t do karate.
poster. Repeat a few times with different volunteers. 3 Oh, no! I can’t sing. 4 Look! I can make models.
Activity Book
Unit 2, page 11. See Teacher’s Book
The children copy the lyrics from Activity 2 and change page 86 for the answer key.
the different hobbies according to things they can and
can’t do.
Call volunteers to the front of the class and whisper a
phrase to them using the target vocabulary and structures,
for example, I can (sing) or I can’t (dance). The child mimes
the action. The rest of the class guess the action and say
the corresponding sentence.
N o w g o to l
Ad di tio na
re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
Listening Section: page 32. See page 55 for the
answer key and page 138 for the transcript.
1 Listen and say the number. Then say in pairs.
3 5
I can’t juggle.
Number 5!
2 Read and stick.
LL The children use their previous knowledge 1 Identify the correct speaker in the drawing
from the unit to match the speech bubbles and say the target structures.
and the stickers. 2 Understand the sentences and choose the
correct sticker.
Lesson 3 2
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills. Put on some lively music and tell the children to dance.
To practise the structures I can ( juggle). I can’t (paint). Stop the music and say a sentence with the target
To revise hobbies. language, for example, I can’t ride a bike. The children
mime the action.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 2 Poster T r a n sc r ip t
CD 1
Unit 2 Stickers
1.23 Listen and say the number. Then say in pairs.
Lively music Boy 1: Yee-ha! Listen to me. I can play the guitar.
Girl 1: Look at me, boys and girls! I can ride a bike!
Girl 2: Oh, no! It’s terrible. I can’t paint.
Warme r Boy 2: Listen to me, everyone! I can sing! La, la, la...
Boy 3: Oh... oh… oh, no! I can’t juggle.
Display the poster and review the activities. Then ask Girl 3: One, two, three, look at me! I can dance!
the children to look at your mouth and try to read your
lips. Silently or very quietly say one of the activities, for
example, juggle. Invite the first child to guess correctly to
the front to have a turn. Once the children are used to the Continuous Assessment
game, tell them to play in pairs. Assess whether the children can understand the short
audio texts identifying different hobbies.
Check if they can describe different hobbies in an
1 Listen
and say the numbers. Then say in pairs. 1.23
illustration using can and can’t.
Tell the children to look at Activity 1 and ask what they can
see in the picture. Elicit the names of the hobbies: paint,
play the guitar, sing, dance, juggle and ride a bike. Play the
audio and pause after the first speaker. Ask the children Activity Book
who is speaking and elicit the correct number (number Unit 2, page 12. See Teacher’s Book
two). Continue, playing the audio and pausing it after each page 86 for the answer key and transcript.
speaker to allow the children to say the numbers.
Then, ask two volunteers to read out the text in the speech
bubbles and demonstrate the speaking activity. Tell the
children to work in pairs and ask and answer questions
about the picture.
2 Read
and stick.
Tell the children to look at Activity 2 and ask them to read
the sentences. Then tell them to match the stickers of the
three hobbies with the sentences. Check they have the
stickers correctly placed before they stick them down.
N o w g o to
Tell the children to get into pairs with other fast finishers Ad di tio na l
and to tell their classmate two things that they can do and
two things that they can’t do using full sentences.
re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
Wrap-up Language Section: depending on the level in your
class, choose from pages 8-10. See pages 23-24 for the
Say three sentences, for example, I (can) (make models).
answer key.
I (can’t) (do karate). I (can) (dance). Ask the children to
repeat after you and memorise them. Now do a quick TPR
routine. Say Everybody stand up! Now touch your nose!
Touch your knees! Turn around! Jump! Sit down. When the
children are sitting down, ask them to tell you the three
sentences they had to remember. Repeat a few times with
different sentences.
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative structure available for language
consolidation. See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
CLIL Go find out! 2
1 Listen and match. Then, listen again and repeat.
1 2 3 4
2 Listen and say the instrument. Then, listen and draw.
1.25 1.26
happy music
sad music
Lesson 4 2
Language Objectives
Extra Activit y
To introduce musical instruments: drums, flute, Ask the children if any of them play a musical
guitar, piano, violin. instrument and encourage them to talk about it. Ask
To practise the structure I can play the (flute). the children if they would like to learn to play any
To revise the adjectives happy, sad. instruments, and if so, which ones.
Teacher’s i-solutions T r a n sc r ip ts
Unit 2 musical instrument Flashcards
CD 1
1.24 Listen and match.
Then, listen again and repeat.
Warme r 1 I can play the violin. 2 I can play the drums.
Teach the names of the musical instruments using the 3 I can play the piano. 4 I can play the flute.
flashcards. Teach the children a mime for each musical
instrument. Hold up the flashcards, have the children 1.25 Listen and say the instrument.
say the name of the instrument and mime it. Repeat the
procedure using the word cards. 1 drums 2 piano 3 guitar 4 flute 5 violin
Ask the children to look at Activity 1. Elicit the names of Listen to the drums. Is it happy music or sad music?
the musical instruments and tell the children to listen. Listen to the piano. Is it happy or sad music?
Pause the audio after each speaker, elicit the name of Listen to the guitar. Is it happy or sad music?
the musical instrument and tell the children to match the Listen to the flute. Is it happy or sad music?
Listen to the violin. Is it happy or sad music?
speakers with the instruments. Tell the children to repeat
the sentences and mime playing the instrument, paying
attention to pronunciation and word stress.
N o w g o to
Ad di tio na l
The children invent and draw their own music groups,
labelling the different instruments. re so u rc e s
Wrap-up Teacher’s Resource Book
CLIL Section: page 74. See page 79 for the answer key.
Play Hangman with the names of the musical instruments,
giving help where necessary with the letters of the
Thinking-based Learning
Thinking routine available for extension.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
Keep trying!
1 Find and colour. Then say.
Scenes: 7 5 1&5 4 3 6
2 Listen to the story.
No, I can’t!
Yes, I can!
Keep trying, Carla!
Value: Keep trying! 21
2 Lesson 5 Sto ry
Language Objectives
Extra Activit y
To listen to and understand a story. Display the story cards on the board randomly and
To recognise key vocabulary in context: circus, elicit the correct order. Once the cards are in the
difficult, practise; juggle, jump, walk on a rope. correct order, act out a scene from one of them and
To practise the structures Can you ( juggle)? ask the children to say which number it is. Then call up
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. some volunteers and show them one of the other story
cards. Tell them to act out the scene for the rest of the
class to guess. Continue with different story cards.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 2 Flashcards
Unit 2 Story Cards Continuous Assessment
CD 1 Consider whether the children can follow the story and
use visual clues to interpret the various emotions of the
characters as well as identify key vocabulary within
Lively music the story.
Warme r
Display the flashcards and review the vocabulary.
Activity Book
Unit 2, page 13. See Teacher’s Book
Practise the language by asking individuals questions,
page 87 for the answer key.
for example, (Eduardo), can you ( juggle)? Point to the
corresponding flashcard as you ask the question.
Encourage the child to respond: Yes, I can or / No, I can’t.
Practise a few times, then nominate pairs to model asking
and answering questions.
1 Find
and colour. Then say.
Tell the children to look at ActivityMore
1. Elicit the
Morenames of
practice P P
the six items: apple, school bag, chair, book, plant and
eight. Give the children time to find and colour the items F F
in the story. Display the story cards and call on individual SC SC
children to come to the front of the class and point out the
items. Then ask questions, for example,
phonics WhatMore
phonicscolour is the
2 Listen
to the story. 1.27
The children count how many plates and phones they can
see across the story pages and they say what Carla can
or can’t do in each vignette.
Play some lively music and ask the children to move N o w g o tona l
around the room and mime following your instructions. Ad di tio
Use vocabulary from the unit, for example, Juggle! Walk
on a rope! Jump high! Do karate! Ride a bike! Play the
re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
Writing Section: page 44. See page 58 for the answer key.
Sto ry Lesson 5 2
V V a lu e
Keep trying!
Ask the children to tell you things that their suggestions on the other half of the
they can do but couldn’t do when board. There may be some repetition
they were younger. Offer suggestions between the two lists. This is a good
if necessary to start them off, for thing; take the opportunity to offer
example, swim, read, ride a bike, reassurance and point out that we’re
wink, etc. Write their ideas on the all (teacher included) learning to do
board, then ask them to work in pairs new things all the time. Some things
and think of things that they can’t do are easy to learn and some things
at the moment but would like to learn. are harder. The important thing is
Give them time to think, then write not to give up and keep trying!
T r a n sc r ip t
Keep trying!
Listen to the story.
Story Card 1 Story Card 6
Narrator: Carla’s got a new hobby. Narrator: And the next day… Carla
Teacher: Hello, children! Welcome to Circus is practising in the garden.
School. Carla: Look, Dad! I can do it!
Children: Hello! Carla’s dad: Well done, Carla!
1 Listen and sing.
can do eve
We r y thing!
2 Listen and tick P or cross O .
3 Make a question wheel. Then ask in pairs. Time to talk
Lesson 6 2
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise the structures Can you ( juggle)? Ask the children to each draw and colour a picture of
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. themselves doing an activity they can do. Tell them to write
To revise the vocabulary climb, fall, hop, jump, skip, the name of the activity under their picture. Make a class
walk on your hands. poster with their pictures, entitled We can do everything!
To practise the verbs dance, juggle, play the guitar,
ride a bike, sing, walk on a rope.
To sing a song. T r a n sc r ip ts
Materials 1.28 Listen and sing: We can do everything!
Teacher’s i-solutions Can you walk on your Can you climb?
Unit 2 Flashcards hands? Can you skip?
CD 1 Can you jump up high? Can you dance?
Unit 2 Pop-outs Can you ride a bike? Can you sing?
Just try! We can do everything!
Split pins (one per child) Can you hop on one leg?
Can you juggle balls?
Can you walk on a rope?
Warme r Don’t fall!
1 Write capital letters and full stops. Time to write
3 Listen and say.
Writing: capital letters + full stop Phonics: initial sound d as in dinosaur Lesson 7 23
The children reinforce their language skills Key competences continuous assessment
by learning about correct punctuation.
Check if the children can:
LC The children develop their knowledge of 1 Write a simple sentence using a capital letter
pronunciation by practising the initial at the beginning and a full stop at the end.
sound d. 2 Reproduce the initial sound d correctly.
LC The children apply their knowledge of 3 Listen to and reproduce the initial sound d
pronunciation by practising the initial correctly in the tongue twister.
sound d in a tongue twister.
Lesson 7 2
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise punctuation. Call out different words from the unit or previous units and
Phonics: to practise the initial sound d as in dinosaur. include the target initial sound d. Tell the children that
To introduce the vocabulary dinosaur, duck. every time they hear a word beginning with the sound d,
they must stand up and repeat the word. For example,
book, dance, pencil, dinosaur, table, door, sad, duck, happy.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 1 Extra Activit y
Show the children the toy duck. Call a volunteer to
A toy duck the front of the room and ask them to close their eyes.
Choose another child to hide the duck somewhere in
the classroom. Ask the child to open their eyes and
Warme r tell them to find the duck. The rest of the class help by
giving clues: they call out duck very quietly if the child is
Write two short sentences without any punctuation or far away and more loudly when they get closer.
capitalisation on the board. For example, my name is mike
my dog is called jack Read it all out without pausing for
breath and ask the children what is wrong. Punctuate the
sentence, if possible, with a different colour and read it
again. Explain that capital letters and full stops are tools
T r a n sc r ip ts
that help us understand written texts.
1.30 Listen and repeat.
duck, dinosaur, dance
Time to write!
1.31 Listen and say.
1 Write capital letters and full stops. Debbie Duck and Danny Dinosaur don’t like to dance. Do
Look at the example together and teach the terms capital
letter and full stop. Write the first sentence on the board
and correct it together. Then, tell them to copy it into their
books and do the same for the remaining sentences. Continuous Assessment
When they have finished, correct the sentences on the Evaluate whether the children can recognise when to
board as a class. If you wish, do some further practice use a capital letter and a full stop in a sentence.
by writing some more sentences on the board and invite
The children should be able to pronounce the initial
volunteers to come forward and correct them by adding
sound d correctly.
capital letters and full stops.
Pho nics
Activity Book
2 Listen and repeat. 1.30 Unit 2, page 14. See Teacher’s Book
Tell the children to look at the photos. Play the audio page 87 for the answer key.
and ask them to listen and point to each word. Play the
audio again and tell the children to repeat the words.
Ensure that they are pronouncing the words correctly,
especially the initial sound d. Ask the children if they can
think of any more words with the initial sound d and write
their suggestions on the board. For example, dog, dance,
drums, doll, dad, door.
3 Listen
and say. 1.31
Play the audio and ask the children to listen to and say
the tongue twister, ensuring that they are pronouncing the
initial sound d clearly. Repeat a few times, then practise
saying the tongue twister together, first slowly, then N o w g o to
quickly. Ad di tio na l
re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
The children write three sentences with the three words Phonics Section: page 64. See page 69 for the answer
from Activity 2 in their notebooks, using capital letters and key and pages 138-139 for the transcripts.
full stops where necessary.
More More
phonics phonics
Go ar ou nd
i-poster Hi! I’m Jacob
CAE from Australia.
1 Listen and number. Then, read and stick.
3 1
4 2
2 Imagine! Draw and write.
I ca> Child's own answer . g
CULTURE Lesson 8 2
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To review the structure I can (play the didgeridoo). Divide the class into teams. Begin to draw one of the
To learn about hobbies in Australia. target vocabulary items on the board, for example, koala.
To introduce the vocabulary koala, didgeridoo, Award points for the team that guesses correctly first. If
skimboard, kangaroo. any team makes an incorrect guess, they have to wait until
the next round to guess again.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 1 Extra Activit y
Unit 2 Stickers Ask individual children to stand up and mime their
favourite hobby from the lesson for the rest of the class
A world map or globe to guess.
Warme r T r a n sc r ip t
Point to the Australian flag and to Jacob. Ask a volunteer
to read the text from the speech bubble. Show the children 1.32 Listen and number. Then, read and stick.
the map or globe and ask them if they know where
Australia is. Invite individual children to come up and point Jacob: Hi! I’m Jacob from Australia.
it out and ask if anyone has ever been there. Encourage 1
the children to tell you anything they know about Jacob: I like music. I play the didgeridoo with my dad.
Australia. If you have a computer in the classroom, you Jacob’s dad: I can play the didgeridoo.
could look at images of Australia. You could also look at
pictures of some Australian animals. Explain that because 2
Australia is on the other side of the world, the seasons Jacob: I can feed the kangaroos. It’s fun!
are different there and Australians celebrate Christmas in
summer. Jacob: I can paint. Look at this koala. Koalas are an animal
from Australia.
Watch the video Hobbies in Australia to introduce the
lesson theme. 4
Jacob: I skimboard at the beach with my sister.
Jacob’s sister: Look at me! I can skimboard.
1 Listen
and number. Then, read and stick. 1.32
Play the audio and ask the children to look at the photos.
Teach the new vocabulary: koala, didgeridoo, skimboard Continuous Assessment
and kangaroo, then play the audio again and tell the Consider whether the children understand the concept
children to number the pictures 1-4. Tell the children to find that children around the world may participate in
their stickers. Ask a volunteer to read a sentence aloud different types of hobbies.
and ask the children where the sticker goes. Continue with Evaluate if they understand short audio texts
the remaining stickers, ensuring that the children have identifying different hobbies in Australia.
them in the correct places before sticking them in their
2 Imagine!
Draw and write.
Tell the children to imagine that they are going to visit
Australia. Ask them which activity they would most like
to do. Tell them to draw a picture of the activity and
then complete the sentence. When they are finished,
encourage them to present their drawing to the class and
to use the target structures to talk about it, for example,
I can feed the kangaroos.
Go aGAIN! 2
1 Listen and say who. Then, read and write the names.
Tina Tasha
LL ea
Unit review 25
u n it R e v ie w 2
Language Objective
T r a n sc r ip t
To review vocabulary and structures from Unit 2.
1.33 Listen and say who. Then, read and write
the names.
Materials 1 4
Teacher’s i-solutions Interviewer: Hello! Can you Interviewer: Hello! Can you
Unit 2 Flashcards juggle? dance?
CD 1 Tom: Uh! No, I can’t. Tim: Ow! No, I can’t. It’s
Trophy Stickers difficult!
Unit 2 Story Cards
Interviewer: Hi! Can you 5
dance? Interviewer: Hello! Can you
Tony: Dance? Yes, I can. juggle?
Warme r Look! Teri: Yes, I can! Yes, I can!
Play Bingo. Stick the word cards on the board and 3
invite volunteers to read them aloud. Draw a grid with Interviewer: Hi! Can you 6
six squares and tell the children to copy it into their play the drums? Interviewer: Hi! Can you
notebooks and write one of the words in each square. Tina: No, I can’t. Argh! I don’t play the drums?
like drums! Tasha: Yes, I can. Listen to me!
Then, remove the word cards from the board and shuffle
them. Hold them up one by one and read the words aloud.
The children cross out the word on their grid if they have it.
The first child to cross out their six words calls out Bingo!
Activity Book
Unit 2, page 15. See Teacher’s Book
1 Listen
and say who. page 87 for the answer key and transcript.
Then, read and write the names 1.33 My new words, page 41.
See Teacher’s Book page 203
Ask the children questions about the picture: Can (Tina) for the answer key and transcript.
(play the drums)? Elicit complete answers. Play the audio,
pausing to let the children name the characters, repeating
if necessary. Then read the first sentence and the answer
together. Tell the children to read the remaining sentences
and to write the names in the spaces provided. Final Assessment
Check if the children can:
2 Look
and tell a friend. Name various hobbies.
Ask the children to work in pairs and tell each other what Ask others if they can or can’t do different hobbies.
activities they can or can’t do. When they have finished, Understand how to use basic punctuation in a sentence.
choose pairs to say some of their phrases for the rest of Describe whether or not they or another person can or
the class. can’t do something.
ear in
o l rn
Allow the children time to look back over the unit and
decide which activity they liked the most. Tell them to put
the trophy sticker on that activity. Encourage them to tell
N o w g o to
you why it is their favourite activity.
Ad di tio na l
re so u rc e s
Fast finishers work together to put the story cards in order. Teacher’s Resource Book
Unit test: depending on the level of your class, choose
from pages 97-100. See pages 128-129 for the answer
Wrap-up key and page 139 for the transcript.
Put the children’s chairs in a circle and tell them to sit End of term 1 test: pages 117-118. See page 133 for the
down. Stand in the middle and ask a question using the answer key and page 139 for the transcript.
target language and vocabulary, for example, Can you
dance? The children who can dance say Yes, I can and
stand up and change places with another child who can.
The children who can’t dance remain seated. Invite
volunteers to take your place to ask the next question. Drama
Drama games available for language consolidation.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
2 2
Hobbies 2 Look and circle.
2 3
1 Look and write.
ride a bike juggle play the guitar dance
paint do karate sing make models
4 5
3 4
5 7
1 I can / can’t paint. 4 I can / can’t juggle.
2 I can / can’t dance. 5 I can / can’t do karate.
3 I can / can’t sing. 6 I can / can’t play the guitar.
3 Look and complete. Then colour the pictures. Child applies colours
2 T r a n sc r ip t
4 Listen and match.
4 L
isten and match.
2 Look at me! I can dance.
Oh, no! I can’t play the guitar.
5 Wheee! I can ride a bike. Hurray!
I can do karate. Look at me!
5 Look and complete. Then colour the pictures. Child applies colours
t Oh, no! I can’t juggle.
p l k
t e n a
∂o § a rå † æ p a^> † µa § æ mo ∂ æ l fi
s n b i
i y
g e r
s ^n @ ® i ∂æ å b i§ æ p lå ¥ t™æ g¤ i tå ®
2 2
6 Look and write. 8 Write capital letters and full stops. Then match. Time to write
2 T r a n sc r ip t
1 Write and circle. 5 L
isten and tick ✓ or cross ✗.
n l j u g g l e m
ri∂æ å Melissa: Hi, Toby!
bi§æ Toby: Hi, Melissa!
pa in † Melissa: I can see you’ve got a guitar. Can you play the
k n u s i q k l t
n g d a n c e c d
Toby: Yes, I can!
d an © æ r p l x t z q p w
j d o k a r a t e
j uggl æ Melissa: Aah. Can you paint?
Toby: No, I can’t.
do §ara † æ
s in@ Melissa: Tell me about your other hobbies!
Toby: Well, I can make models. Do you like my model of a
2 Listen and tick P or cross O .
5 Melissa: Yes, it’s very good!
P Melissa: Can you do karate?
Toby: No, I can’t do karate.
O O P Melissa: What else can you do, Toby?
Toby: Well, I can ride a bike!
Melissa: Fantastic!
Melissa: And can you dance?
Toby: Oh, yes! I can dance! That’s my favourite hobby!
Melissa: Me too!
My new words
page 41 15
1 Mum, where’s my guitar? 2 I can’t find my guitar. 7 Tim can pla
I like it!
Listen to the story. Listen again
1 and 2
7 Tim can play the piano… 8 Come on, Boris!
9 10
Look at this, Tim! Where’s Gina?
They’re amazing!
Listen again and stick the missing speech bubbles.
tell the children to follow the story in their books. Write
Language Objectives the prepositions from Unit 1 on the board: in, on, under
To listen to and answer questions about a story. and behind. Ask questions about the story using the
To review vocabulary relating to rooms in the prepositions, Where is the (plant)? It’s (on) (the table).
house, furniture, prepositions, musical instruments
and hobbies.
To introduce the vocabulary terrible. Post-listening activity
To review the structures Where’s (my guitar)?
It’s (under) the (table). I can’t (find my guitar). Write the prepositions in, on, under and behind on pieces of
Granny can (sing). paper and place them on different walls of the classroom.
Model the activity by calling out statements describing a
scene from the book, but eliminating the preposition: Dad
Materials is … the bike. The children say the preposition and point to
Teacher’s i-solutions the correct piece of paper.
CD 1
Unit 1 Flashcards Wrap-up
Unit 2 Flashcards
Tell the children that you are thinking of one of the scenes
Techies Stickers Units 1 and 2
from the story and describe something you can see in the
scene: I can see six pictures on the wall. Encourage the
Two foam or paper balls, a drawstring bag, music children to tell you which number scene you have described
(scene 3).
Teacher’s notes for this section are designed to allow the
story to be approached in one or two sessions. If time
is short, teachers may choose to select activities and Extra Activit y
combine them to form a single lesson working with Parts Play Simon says to practise vocabulary for prepositions
1 and 2 together. Note that in both lessons the children of place and items of furniture. The children must do the
listen to the whole story. action only if the instruction is preceded by the phrase
Part 1 Simon says, for example, Simon says (point to the
Warme r
Place the Unit 1 flashcards face down on the floor in two
rows of 7. Place the wastepaper basket about 3 metres
away from the flashcards. Put the children into four teams
T r a n sc r ip t
and give the first member of each team a ball. The first
child ‘shoots’ at the wastepaper basket. If the ball goes in, 1.34 Listen to the story.
they turn over a flashcard and the team names it. If they
miss, the next team takes a turn. Teams get a point for Narrator: Tina can’t find her guitar.
each flashcard they name correctly. Tina: Mum, where’s my guitar?
Mum: It’s in the living room.
Pre-listening activity Narrator: Dad is in the living room on his bike.
Send a volunteer outside the classroom. Hide a small Tina: I can’t find my guitar.
object, for example, a pencil case, in the classroom. When Dad: Look! It’s under the table.
the child comes back in, say I can’t find my pencil case! As Narrator: But the guitar isn’t under the table.
the child goes around the room looking for it, the rest of Tina: Where’s my guitar?
the children say Where’s my pencil case? They should say Dad: Ask Boris. He’s in the garden.
the phrase quietly if the child is far away from the hiding
Narrator: Look! Boris can make models.
place and loudly if the child is near it until they find it.
Tina: Oh, Boris! That’s my guitar!
Narrator: Oh, no! Boris is in trouble now!
Listen to the story. 1.34
Narrator: Here’s Tim and Tina’s friend, Gina.
Tell the children to look at the story. Ask them to work Tim: It’s time to practise!
in pairs and find as many items of furniture as they can Tina: Hi, Gina!
in The Techies’ house. Set a time limit. Elicit the words Gina: Hi, Tina!
and write them on the board (chair, cupboard, door, plant, Narrator: Tina, Tim and Boris have got a new hobby.
rug, table, window). Ask the children where The Techies Dad: This is terrible!
are in the different scenes and elicit the names of rooms Granny: I like it!
in the house (garden, living room). Play the audio and
1 and 2
Part 2 Extra Activit y
Warme r Divide the class into three groups. Give each group
Put the Unit 2 word cards in a drawstring bag and ask a set of word cards and flashcards, either musical
the children to sit in a circle. Play some music and pass instruments, furniture, rooms in the house or hobbies.
the bag around. When you stop the music, the child who Show them how to play a memory game. Each child
has the bag takes out a word card, reads it in secret and takes a turn to turn over two cards and say the name of
mimes the word for the rest of the class to guess. Continue, the words or pictures. If they find a matching word and
starting the music again and passing around the bag until picture, they get to keep the cards. If the cards don’t
the children have mimed all the words. match, they turn them over again. At the end of the
game, they count the cards. The person with the most
Pre-listening activity cards is the winner.
Display the flashcards of the musical instruments and ask
the children if anyone can play an instrument. If they can,
encourage them to tell the class about it. Play some music
and tell the children to listen carefully and see if they can T r a n sc r ip t
identify the different musical instruments being played.
Narrator: Tim can play the piano… and Gina can sing!
Gina: One, two, three, four!!!
Listen again and stick the missing speech bubbles. 1.34
Narrator: Tina can play the guitar… and Boris can play the
Play the audio and tell the children to follow the story in drums.
their books, then hand out the stickers. Invite volunteers Tina: Come on, Boris!
to read out the texts in the speech bubbles. Then, tell the Narrator: The next day… Tim and Tina are in the street.
children to work in pairs and decide where the stickers go Tina: Look at this, Tim!
in the story. Play the story again for them to check their Narrator: Tina can see a poster. There’s a talent show.
answers, then check answers as a class before they stick Tim: Let’s go!
on the speech bubble stickers. Narrator: It’s time for Tim, Tina and Boris to play…
Tim: Where’s Gina?
Tina: Dad, can you phone Gina?
Post-listening activity Dad: OK.
Play a memory chain game. Ask the children to sit in a Dad: Gina can’t come…
circle and say I can (sing). The child next to you continues Tina and Tim: Oh, nooo!
the chain, adding another phrase about something they Tim: What can we do?
can do: I can (sing) and I can (play the guitar). Continue, Dad: …but I’ve got an idea!
until all the children have had a turn or the list is too long Narrator: Look! Granny can sing AND dance!
to remember. Mum: They’re amazing!
Put the children into two teams. Play Pictionary with words
from the last two lessons (names of musical instruments,
rooms in the house, furniture and hobbies). Slowly begin to
draw one of the vocabulary items on the board, pausing
to give the children time to guess what it is before drawing
more. When someone guesses, give their team a point and
write the word on the board under your drawing.
• Present Simple: singular • Clothes: coat, dress, hat, • Phonics: initial sound j • Colours
and plural of the verb jeans, shoes, shorts, as in jacket • Have got
to be trousers, T-shirt
•P resent Continuous: • Weather: cloudy,
questions with What and raining, snowing, sunny,
answers windy
•S tructure: What’s the • Adjectives: cold, hot,
weather like? It’s (sunny). • Extra: clown, costume,
Language Objectives
• To use the Present • To understand and use • To understand and use • To produce the initial
Continuous with clothes. clothes vocabulary. vocabulary related to sound j correctly.
• To use is or are with • To identify clothes by clothes and their colours.
clothes. their colour. • To describe the
• To describe people by • To describe the clothes relationship between
their clothes. someone is wearing. the clothes one wears
and the weather.
• To use hot and cold to • To understand and use
describe the weather. vocabulary related to • To share opinions about
weather. the weather.
• To ask and answer
about the weather.
Skills Objectives
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can identify, understand, produce and answer Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
the question What are you wearing? organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
• The children can identify, understand, produce and form of learning paths including:
answer the question What’s the weather like?
Video support for all songs, stories and
• The children can identify, understand and produce clothes culture lessons
and weather vocabulary.
Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
• The children can describe clothes using colours.
Audio material and transcripts
Materials i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
Flashcard Bank
• Teacher’s i-solutions • Teacher’s Resource Book
• Student’s Book CD 1 Lesson 4: CLIL, p 75 Additional interactive games for
whole-class content reinforcement
• Story Cards Unit 3 Lesson 5: Language, pp 11-13
• Flashcards Unit 3 Listening, p 33 Interactive Routine poster
• Poster Unit 3 Lesson 6: Reading, p 39 Game Generator to create your own
• Student’s Book Unit 3 Writing, p 45 IWB games to play with the children
• Stickers Unit 3 Lesson 7: Phonics, p 65
Use the Richmond i-tools to add
• Pop-outs Unit 3 Lesson 8: Speaking, p 51
your own material for the classroom by
• Activity Book Unit 3 Unit review: inserting notes, links and external files. It is also
Unit 3 test, pp 101-104 possible to write or paint on the pages and in the
zoom windows.
• A selection of (adult-sized) dressing-up clothes: coat, dress, Save all your teaching sessions to meet the
hat, jeans, shoes, shorts, trousers, T-shirt; a bag, a ball, a photo, needs of each individual class.
a world map or globe, a beanbag, 5 pieces of white card
GO Innovate!
Lesson 1: Flipped Learning
For ideas on how to exploit
Lesson 2: Thinking-based Learning
the course resources, see our
Unit review: Cooperative Learning
Drama Activity Bank: pages 23-31.
Key competences
Linguistic competence SCC Social and civic competence
The children develop listening, speaking, reading and The children learn the basic social rules of listening and
writing skills, as well as grammar rules, vocabulary and taking turns when asking questions.
phonics for pronunciation. The children learn to talk about
clothes and the weather. CAE Cultural awareness and expression
The children develop their cultural awareness by learning
MST Competence in Maths, Science and Technology about Carnival and fancy dress costumes.
The children develop their scientific understanding of the
natural world by identifying how we use different clothes LL
Learning to learn
and do different activities depending on the weather. The children develop strategies to improve the learning
process through a variety of activities aimed at multiple
DC Digital competence intelligences.
The children become familiar with the use of technology
working together on the unit using the IWB. IE
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
The children develop a sense of personal autonomy by
choosing a carnival costume to draw and describe.
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
2 Listen and chant.
trousers 4
dress 3
3 coat 2
4 6
jeans 6
T-shirt 5
shorts 7
3 Look and complete with colours. hat 1
1 T™æ d®esfi ifi 2 T™æ troußerfi a®æ
pin§ . ®e∂ . shoes 8
28 Lesson 1 Clothes vocabulary
Lesson 1 3
Language Objectives The children draw themselves with the items of clothing
To practise listening skills. they are wearing today, labelling them with the
To introduce clothes vocabulary: coat, dress, hat, vocabulary they know.
jeans, shoes, shorts, trousers, T-shirt.
To revise colours: black, blue, green, orange, pink, Wrap-up
purple, red, yellow.
Mime putting on an item of clothing and ask the children to
guess what it is. Then ask a volunteer to come and mime
Materials for the class to guess. Once the children are familiar with
Teacher’s i-solutions the game, they can play in pairs or small groups.
Unit 3 clothes Flashcards
CD 1
Extra Activit y
Show the children the flashcards and review the clothes
selection of (adult-sized) dressing-up clothes: coat,
A vocabulary. Then put the flashcards one by one into
dress, hat, jeans, shoes, shorts, trousers, T-shirt; a the bag. Take out seven of the flashcards and ask the
bag children to identify which one is missing. When the
children can easily identify a single missing flashcard,
play again, leaving two or more flashcards in the bag.
Warme r
Show the children the dressing-up clothes and invite four
volunteers to come to the front of the class. Invite each child T r a n sc r ip ts
to choose two items of clothing and put them on. Describe
what the children are wearing for the rest of the class and
invite them to model the clothes: (Rodrigo’s) wearing a (blue) 1.35 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and
(coat) and a (red) (hat). Continue, changing volunteers to say.
model the clothes, and elicit the names of the clothes from
the class. Then name and display the flashcards, asking the 1 hat 2 coat 3 dress 4 trousers
children to repeat the words with you. 5 T-shirt 6 jeans 7 shorts 8 shoes
2 Listen
and chant. 1.36
Initial Evaluation
Play the audio a few times and encourage
the children Check if the children can name the different clothes and
to join in. Once they are familiar with it, write the lyrics on describe their colour.
the board. Rub out a clothes word and a colour word and
again. Continue until all the clothes and colour words are
rubbed out and see if the class can still say the chant. Activity Book
Unit 3, page 16. See Teacher’s Book
3 Look
and complete with colours. page 114 for the answer key.
Write the colours black, blue, green, orange, pink, purple,
red and yellow on the board. Ask the children to point to
things in the classroom: Point to something (red). If they
are able, you can ask individuals to spell the names of the
colours. Point to the clothes on the right and ask the children
what colours they are. Finally, tell them to look at Activity 3.
Read the sentences together and tell the children to write the Flip this lesson!
colours in the spaces. Flipped Learning dynamic available in
GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
1 Listen and stick.
trousers 4
dress 3
coat 2
jeans 6
T-shirt 5 2 Listen and sing.
hat 1
shoes 8
What are you wearing? I’m wearing a (black hat). Lesson 2 29
Lesson 2 3
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills. The children draw pictures of themselves in their
To introduce the structures What are you wearing? favourite outfits and add a description: I am wearing a
I’m wearing (a hat). (pink) T-shirt and (blue) jeans. Make a classroom display.
To revise clothes vocabulary.
Materials T r a n sc r ip ts
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 3 Stickers
CD 1
1.37 Listen and stick.
1 Jasmin: Hello? This is Jasmin.
A ball Mike: Hi, Jasmin. It’s Mike. What are you wearing to Carnival?
Jasmin: I’m wearing a dress. It’s pink. And I’m wearing
purple shoes.
2 Mike: Hi, Carla!
Warme r Carla: Hello, Mike!
Mike: Carla, what are you wearing to Carnival?
Ask the children to sit in a circle. Hold the ball and say I’m Carla: I’m wearing a T-shirt. It’s green and white.
wearing a (dress). Pass the ball to one of the children and Mike: A green and white T-shirt?
have them repeat your phrase and add to it, for example, Carla: Yes. And I’m wearing black shorts. Oh! And I’m
I’m wearing a (dress) and a (hat). The children continue to wearing a black hat.
pass the ball along, repeating the previous phrase and
3 Mike: Hello, Ryan! What are you wearing to Carnival?
adding to it. Play until all the children have had a turn and
Ryan: I’m wearing a shirt. It’s yellow.
the list gets too long to remember. Mike: A yellow shirt?
Ryan: Yes. I’m wearing a white hat and I’m wearing jeans.
They’re blue.
1 Listen
and stick. 1.37
Mike: Fantastic! Bye, Ryan!
Tell the children to look at the stickers. Ask and answer Ryan: Bye, Mike! See you at Carnival!
questions about the different clothes in the illustrations:
What colour is the (dress)? Tell the children to look at F F 1.38 Listen and sing: What are you wearing?
Activity 1 and elicit the characters’ names. Play the audio,
stopping after each dialogue. Elicit the clothes that each SC SC What are you wearing? A shirt and jeans and a
character is wearing, and tell the children
More toMore
stick the What are you wearing? cowboy hat.
phonics phonics
What are you wearing today? It’s Carnival! Hurray!
clothes on.
A beautiful dress and shiny Chorus
2 Listen
and sing. 1.38 shoes.
It’s Carnival! Hurray! A T-shirt and shorts and a
Revise the question What are you i-poster
wearing? Ask a pirate hat.
volunteer to come to the front and describe their clothes. Chorus It’s Carnival! Hurray!
Repeat with more volunteers. Tell i-flashcards
the children to look at
Activity 2. Read the lyrics and play the song. Once the
children are familiar with it, write the
IWB lyrics
i-bookto the first verse
on the board minus the clothes words. Then play the first Continuous Assessment
verse again and invite volunteers to come to the board Assess whether the children understand the question
and fill in the gaps. Repeat with the remaining verses of What are you wearing? They should be able to follow
the song. short dialogues identifying different clothes and colours.
Ask the children to look at Activity 1 again and to study
and remember the children’s Carnival costumes. Then tell
them to close their books and say I’m (Ryan). I’m wearing
Thinking-based Learning
a green shirt. Invite the class to say if the statement is true
or false. Thinking routine available for extension.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
1 Listen and repeat. Then, listen and colour.
1.39 1.40
jumper skirt
1 4
3 5 2
2 Listen and number. Then say in pairs.
3 Dress a pirate. Then, ask and say. Time to talk
Lesson 3 3
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To revise clothes and colour vocabulary. Put the children into small groups and get them to do
To introduce new vocabulary: jumper, shirt, skirt. a show and tell with their pirates. They describe their
To introduce the structures What are you wearing? clothes to the group.
I’m wearing a (yellow) (T-shirt).
Materials T r a n sc r ip ts
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 3 clothes Flashcards 1.39 Listen and repeat.
CD 1
Unit 3 Pop-outs jumper, skirt, shirt
CLIL Go find out! 3
1 Listen and say the number.
1 2 3 4
2 Look and stick. Then say in pairs.
It’s cold.
Lesson 4 3
Extra Activit y
Language Objectives
To introduce the adjectives hot, cold. Display the poster. Draw a table on the board with
To revise clothes: coat, hat, jeans, jumper, shorts, three sections. Label the sections Hot, Hot or Cold
T-shirt. and Cold. Point to an item of clothing from the poster
To introduce the structure I’ve got (a hat). and ask the children to decide if the garment is for
hot weather, cold weather or both. Write the word in
the corresponding section of the table, then ask the
Materials children to work in pairs and categorises the rest of the
Teacher’s i-solutions clothes words from the poster.
Unit 3 clothes Flashcards
CD 1
Unit 3 Stickers
Unit 3 Poster T r a n sc r ip t
1.42 Listen and say the number.
Warme r
Divide the class into teams. Take a flashcard, show it very Interviewer: Hello! What are you wearing?
quickly and ask What’s this? Give the teams time to decide Girl 1: I’m wearing a dress and a hat. Phew! It’s hot today!
what was on the flashcard.
Interviewer: What are you wearing?
Boy 1: I’m wearing a coat and trousers. And I’m wearing a
1 Listen
and say the number. 1.42
hat, too. Brrr! It’s cold.
Tell the children to look at the photos. Pre-teach the
vocabulary It’s hot! and It’s cold! through mime. Ask about 3
the temperature outside the classroom and encourage the Interviewer: What are you wearing?
Boy 2: I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt. It’s hot!
children to say It’s hot! or It’s cold! Ask the children to look
at the pictures and say whether they think it is hot or cold 4
in each scene. Then, play the audio, pausing after the first Interviewer: What are you wearing?
dialogue. Encourage the children to say the number. Girl 2: I’m wearing jeans and a jumper. It’s cold.
2 Look
and stick. Then say in pairs.
Tell the children to find their stickers and elicit the names
of the clothes. Tell them that some of the clothes are for Continuous Assessment
when it’s hot and some are for when it’s cold. Ask the Check if the children can recognise the names of
children to find the sticker of the hat. Say I’ve got a hat. Is different clothes in short audio texts.
it hot or is it cold? Elicit the answer, which can be either
It’s hot or It’s cold. Explain to the children that we can use They should be able to associate clothes with either
a hat all year round, then tell them to stick the hat in the hot or cold weather conditions.
suitcase they want. Continue with the remaining stickers,
which will be adequate only for one option. When all the
stickers are in place, ask the children to work in pairs
and make sentences together, following the model in the
speech bubbles.
Tell the children to divide their page into two columns: hot
and cold. Ask them to draw the clothes vocabulary in the
correct column.
Play Bingo. Display the word cards on the board. Draw
a grid with six squares and tell the children to copy it into
their notebooks, then tell them to choose six words and
write them in their grid. Remove the word cards from the N o w g o to
board and shuffle them. Hold them up one by one and Ad di tio na l
read the words aloud. The children cross out the word on
their grid if they have it. The first child to cross out their six
re so u rc e s
words calls out Bingo!
Teacher’s Resource Book
CLIL Section: page 75. See page 79 for the answer key.
t 's C a r n i v a l !
1 Look and say the scene.
Scenes: 6 7 1 2 3 4
2 Listen to the story.
3 What are you wearing?
Now it’s cold
and windy.
5 6
Happy Carnival!
Value: Be positive! 33
3 Lesson 5 Sto ry
Language Objectives
To listen to and understand a story. Take all the Unit 3 flashcards and word cards and lay
To recognise key vocabulary in context: clown, them face down on the floor. Put the children into teams
costume, parade; cloudy, raining, snowing, sunny, and play a memory game. Each team takes a turn to turn
windy. over two cards and say the name of the words or pictures.
To introduce the structures What’s the weather like? If they find a matching word and picture, they get to keep
It’s (raining). the cards. If the cards don’t match, they turn them over
again. At the end of the game, count the cards. The team
with the most cards is the winner.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 3 Flashcards Extra Activit y
Unit 3 Story Cards Ask the children to sit in a circle. Give out the weather
CD 1 flashcards to five children. Play some lively music (if
possible, play some Brazilian Carnival music). The
children pass the flashcards around the circle, face
Warme r downwards. Stop the music and tell the children
Display the weather flashcards and teach the new holding the flashcards to turn them over. Ask What’s the
vocabulary. Say It’s (cloudy), and hold up a flashcard. If weather like? The children say the weather according
the answer is correct, the children say True and put their to their flashcard. Continue the game until all the
thumbs up; if it is incorrect, they say False and put their children have had a turn.
thumbs down. Practise a few times, then if the children are
able, invite volunteers to come to the front of the class and
take your place. Look out of the window and ask What’s Continuous Assessment
the weather like? Encourage the children to answer using Make sure the children can follow the story and infer
the target structure. information about the main character’s emotional state
as the story progresses.
1 Look
and say the scene.
Tell the children that they are going to read a story about
Carnival. Ask them if they celebrate More Carnival and what
they do. Write the word Carnival on the board and elicit
and display the story cards. Play the audio and pause
after each story card to ask the IWB
literacy help questions
N o w g o to
Ad di tio na l
The children write a list of as many characters from the re so u rc e s
story as they can.
Teacher’s Resource Book
Language Section: depending on the level in your
class, choose from pages 11-13. See pages 24-25 for the
answer key.
Listening Section: page 33. See page 55 for the answer
key and page 139 for the transcripts.
Sto ry Lesson 5 3
V V a lu e
Be positive!
Show story card 2 and ask the children If you have time, the following activity is a
how Mike feels. Elicit that Mike is fun way to reinforce this value. Write
worried about the weather for the some positive and negative phrases
Carnival parade. Focus on his facial on squares of card. Positive phrases
expressions, his intonation and how could include I am good. I can do it.
his attitude affects his dog! Then, I am important. I am happy. I am strong.
focus on his mum’s attitude. Show Negative phrases could include I am
story cards 3 and 4 and draw the sad. I can’t do it. It’s too difficult.
children’s attention to the cheerful Show the children the phrases
expressions on Mike’s friends’ faces. at random and ask them if they
Ask the children if they can think of any are positive or not. When they
time their friends’ and families’ positive identify a negative phrase, ask volunteers
attitude has helped them, for example, to scrunch it up, step on it and put it in
cheering them on in a race or a sports the bin. When they identify a positive
event. Ask them to think back to the phrase, encourage them to repeat it
story where Carla’s friends and family were together and shout it out.
telling her to keep trying.
T r a n sc r ip t
It’s Carnival!
Listen to the story.
1 Listen and repeat. 2 Listen and say the weather. 1 Read, lo
MST 1.44 1.45
1 2 3
4 5
3 Listen and sing.
Mike! Mike!
What’s the weather like?
Look out of the window
and say.
Lesson 6 3
Language Objectives T r a n sc r ip ts
To practise talking about the weather.
To practise using clothes vocabulary in the context 1.44 Listen and repeat.
of what the weather is like.
To learn a song and say it as a class. 1 It’s raining. 2 It’s cloudy. 3 It’s snowing. 4 It’s windy.
5 It’s sunny.
Continuous Assessment
The children practise singing the song in pairs or small Evaluate whether the children can ask about weather
groups, swapping the names of the characters for the conditions using the model What’s the weather like?
names of classmates and then that classmate responding and identify weather conditions based on what
with what they are wearing. somebody is wearing.
Divide the class into two teams. Show the first child in each Activity Book
team a weather flashcard. Their team asks them What’s Unit 3, page 19. See Teacher’s Book
the weather like? The child mimes the weather for their page 115 for the answer key.
team to guess.
Extra Activit y
Divide the class into five groups. Give each group a N o w g o tona l
Ad di tio
re so u rc e s
card and assign a type of weather. Each group works
together to write the weather on the card and draw
a picture or several pictures illustrating the weather.
Display the cards in class. Teacher’s Resource Book
Reading Section: page 39. See page 57 for the answer key.
Writing Section: page 45. See page 58 for the answer key.
1 Read, look and complete. Time to write
∆ P h o n ic s
2 Listen and repeat.
3 Listen and say.
Lesson 7 3
Language Objectives
The children write a description of their photo, like the
To practise writing the clothes and weather
description in Activity 1.
vocabulary learnt in the unit.
Phonics: to practise the initial sound j as in jacket.
To introduce the word jacket. Wrap-up
Review the three initial sounds the children have learnt
so far: b, d and j. Write each of the lower-case letters in
Materials turn on the board and say the sounds. Say a sound, for
Teacher’s i-solutions example, b, and invite a child to come to the board and
CD 1 write the letter. Repeat until all the children have had a
turn. Call one child to the front of the class and trace one
A photo of themselves on holiday or on a day out of the letters on their back with your finger for them to guess.
and a photo of yourself Make sure the class can see. Repeat with more children.
Then, ask the children to stand in a circle and all turn to the
right. Call out the three initial sounds at random so they can
Warme r write the corresponding letters on each other’s backs.
2 Listen
and repeat. 1.47
Write the letter j on the board and tell the children that
they are going to look at words with the initial sound j. Activity Book
Play the audio and ask them to listen and repeat the Unit 3, page 20. See Teacher’s Book
words. Pay attention to their pronunciation. Ask them page 115 for the answer key.
if they can think of any more words with the initial sound
j, prompting them to help. Some examples could include
Jack, Jasmin, juggle and jump.
3 Listen
and say. 1.48
Play the audio and ask the children to listen to and say
the tongue twister. Pause the audio to allow time to repeat
and ensure that the children are pronouncing the initial
N o w g o to l
sound j correctly. Once they are familiar with the tongue
twister, put the children into small groups and tell them
Ad di tio na
re so u rc e s
they are going to say the tongue twister together but each
person can only say one word at a time. Allow them time
to practise in their groups, then ask each group to come
forward and perform for the class. Teacher’s Resource Book
Phonics Section: page 65. See page 69 for the answer
key and page 139 for the transcript.
More More
phonics phonics
Go ar ou nd
Hi! I’m Chloe from
CAE London in the UK.
1 Listen and number. Then, look and write.
3 4
1 2 trousers
L”oo§ a† µæ!
I´µ å !
Child's own drawing I´µ ‰earin@
Child's own answer
. ea
CULTURE Lesson 8 3
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise the structures What are you wearing? Display the Unit 3 poster. Ask a volunteer to come forward
I’m wearing (white) (trousers). and choose a word or phrase from the poster. Then,
To review family vocabulary. tell the child to pretend to be asleep. Tell the rest of the
To review clothes vocabulary. class that to wake him or her, they must guess the word.
The child who guesses the word or phrase to wake their
classmate up then takes a turn to choose a word from the
Materials poster and pretends to be asleep.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 1
Unit 3 Poster Extra Activit y
Ask the children to sit in a circle. Throw the beanbag to
A world map or globe, a beanbag one child and name an item of clothing, for example,
trousers. The child then throws the beanbag to another
child, and says another item of clothing, for example,
Warme r hat. Continue until all the children have had a turn and
Point to the Union Jack and to Chloe. Ask a volunteer they have named all the items of clothing they have
to read the text from the speech bubble and show the learnt.
children where the UK is on the map. Ask a volunteer to
come and find London. Explain that London is the capital
city of the UK. Ask the children if they know anything
about London and if anyone has ever been there. Explain
T r a n sc r ip t
that the Notting Hill Carnival happens every year in
London. 1.49 Listen and number. Then, look and write.
It takes place in August and the weather is usually sunny.
It is one of the world’s largest street festivals. Explain that Chloe: Hi! I’m Chloe from London in the UK. It’s Carnival in
London has a large population with people from all over London today. Look at the photos. This is my family.
the world and they bring their music and costumes to the
1 3
Chloe: This is my dad. What Chloe: Hey, Mum. What are
are you wearing, Dad? you wearing to Carnival?
Watch the video Notting Hill Carnival in the UK Dad: I’m wearing white Mum: I’m wearing a really
to introduce the lesson theme. trousers and a white T-shirt. big white dress and a white
And look, I’ve got a fantastic hat.
purple and green hat with Chloe: I like your dress,
a face! Mum.
1 Listen
and number. Then, look and write. 1.49
Go aGAIN! 3
Chloe from
1 Read and colour. Then, listen and say True or False.
n in the UK.
skirt trousers coat T-shirt hat shoes
2 Look and draw or write.
Unit review 37
u n it R e v ie w 3
Language Objective T r a n sc r ip t
To review vocabulary and structures from Unit 3.
1.50 Read and colour.
Then, listen and say True or False.
Teacher’s i-solutions Tim: Hello, boys and girls. It’s Tim. Happy Carnival! Do you
CD 1 like my coat? I’m wearing a blue coat. And, can you see
Trophy Stickers my hat? I’m wearing a black hat. Look at my trousers. I’m
wearing brown trousers.
A beanbag Tina: Hello, this is Tina. Happy Carnival! Look at me, I’m
wearing green shoes. Can you see my T-shirt? I’m wearing
a yellow T-shirt. And look at my skirt. I’m wearing a purple
Warme r
Arrange the children’s chairs in a circle and ask them to
sit down. Stand in the middle and make a sentence with
the phrase I’m wearing…: I’m wearing a ( jumper). All the Final Assessment
children who are wearing a jumper stand up and change Check if the children can:
places. Sit in a vacant chair as they move so that one Name the types of clothes and describe their colours.
child is left without a chair. The child left standing then Ask people what they are wearing.
takes your place in the centre of the circle, makes a Describe to others what they are wearing.
statement using the structure I’m wearing… and sits down Categorise clothes according to if the weather is hot or cold.
in someone’s chair. Repeat until several children have had Describe different weather conditions.
a turn in the middle.
1 Read
and colour. Activity Book
Then, listen and say True or False. 1.50 Unit 3, page 21. See Teacher’s Book
page 115 for the answer key and transcript.
Read the names of the clothes and elicit the colours they My new words, page 42.
are written in. Explain to the children that they must find the See Teacher’s Book page 204
clothes in the picture and colour them in the corresponding for the answer key and transcript.
colours. Then play the audio. Pause it after each statement
and tell the children to say True or False and put their
thumbs up or down.
2 Look
and draw or write.
Tell the children to look at the first picture and ask What’s
the weather like? Elicit It’s raining, and tell the children to N o w g o to l
write the answer in the space provided. Ask a volunteer to Ad di tio na
read the text under the second space and tell the children
to draw a picture in the frame to illustrate the weather.
re so u rc e s
ear in Teacher’s Resource Book
Allow the children time to look back over the unit and and page 140 for the transcript.
decide which activity they liked the most. Tell them to put
the trophy sticker on that activity. Encourage them to tell
you why it is their favourite activity.
Tell the children to draw and write about a silly outfit that
they could wear to a dress-up party.
Cooperative Learning
Ask the children to sit in a circle. Say a phrase using the Cooperative structure available for consolidation.
target structure, for example, I’m wearing (black) (trousers).
Pass the beanbag to the child on your right and get them Drama
to repeat it and add to it, for example, I’m wearing (black) Drama games available for language consolidation.
(trousers) and a (green) (jumper). The children continue to
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
pass the beanbag along, repeating the previous phrase
and adding to it.
3 3
C aCranri vn iavla! l ! 2 Read and colour.
2 troußerfi d®esfi
1 ha†
I’m wearing a grey hat, black
trousers and a purple coat.
8 shø±fishø±fi
6 shortfi
7 ∆eanfi
16 17
3 T r a n sc r ip t
4 Look, write and count.
3 3
6 Look and write. 8 Read and complete for you. Then draw. Time to write Child’s own answers
What’s the weather like?
It’s snowing.
I†´fi rainin@. It’s cloudy. I´µ a† t™æ par§ wit™
I†´fi cloud¥. It’s windy. m¥ fr^endfi. Child’s own
It’s raining.
It’s sunny.
I†´fi toda¥. drawing
I´µ ∑earin@
I†´fi wind¥. I†´fi sunn¥. .
P h o n ic s
I†´fi snowin@.
9 Circle the j words. Then, complete and match. mp ans cket per
1 ƾ a n fi
2 j¤mπ
3 juµ p e ®
4 jå c § e †
1 It’s cloudy today. 2 It’s raining today.
I’m wearing jeans and a jumper. I’m wearing trousers, a coat and a hat.
19 20
3 T r a n sc r ip t
isten and number.
1 Look and write.
1 4
1 2 3 4 Interviewer: Hello, Katie. Interviewer: Hi, Zack. What
What are you wearing? are you wearing?
Katie: I’m wearing a jumper Zack: I’m wearing a coat and
and a skirt. a hat.
6 c 5
Language Objectives
• To use the Present • To understand and use • To ask and answer • To produce the initial
Simple to describe vocabulary related to about what animals can sound f correctly.
animals. animals. do.
• To use can to describe • To use verbs to describe • To describe animals by
animals’ abilities. what animals can or their ability.
• To use can to ask and cannot do. • To describe animals by
answer about animals. • To describe animals. their physical features.
• To ask and answer using • To understand and use • To count up to twenty
How many...? numbers up to twenty. objects.
Skills Objectives
o say the animal •T
o read and understand •T
o understand and •T
o complete sentences
words. animal vocabulary. repeat target vocabulary. with target vocabulary.
o ask and answer •T
o read and understand •T
o understand and join •T
o write numbers.
about animals’ abilities.. simple sentences. in with songs. •T
o write correct
o describe animals. •T
o read and follow a •T
o demonstrate punctuation.
o ask and answer song. understanding by
about the number of •T
o read and understand listening and
objects. simple sentences. completing activities.
o demonstrate •T
o understand the
understanding by narrative of a story.
identifying animals. •T
o recognise the initial
sound f.
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can identify, understand, produce and use verbs Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
to describe animal’s abilities using It can/can’t (fly). organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
• The children can describe animals referring to their abilities form of learning paths including:
and their physical characteristics.
Video support for all songs, stories and
• The children can count up to twenty objects and identify the culture lessons
numbers both in words and as numerals.
Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
• The children learn to use full stops and question marks.
Audio material and transcripts
Materials i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
GO Innovate!
For ideas on how to exploit
Lesson 1: Flipped Learning the course resources, see our
Lesson 5: Cooperative Learning
Unit review: Thinking-based Learning Activity Bank: pages 23-31.
Key competences
Linguistic competence SCC Social and civic competence
The children learn to talk about the physical features and The children learn the basic social rules of listening and
abilities of animals. taking turns when asking questions.
MST Competence in Maths, Science and Technology CAE Cultural awareness and expression
The children develop their scientific understanding of the The children develop their cultural awareness by learning
natural world by identifying animal abilities. They also about animals in New Zealand.
develop their mathematical knowledge counting up to
twenty objects. LL
Learning to learn
The children develop learning strategies through a variety
DC Digital competence of activities aimed at multiple intelligences.
The children become familiar with the use of technology
working together on the unit using the IWB. IE
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
The children develop a sense of personal autonomy by
choosing an animal to draw and describe.
Animals everywhere!
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
2 Listen and chant.
bird 1
2 4
3 6
frog 7
The frog’s green.
3 Look and say.
LC The children consolidate the unit vocabulary 1 Recognise the vocabulary and match the
and improve their memory by listening to numbered pictures to the correct animals in
and learning a chant. the column on the right.
2 Understand and learn the chant.
The children develop their social skills by
taking turns to comment on the animals. 3 Take turns to speak.
Lesson 1 4
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise listening skills. Ask the children to have one last look at the picture and
To introduce animal vocabulary: bat, bird, butterfly, then close their books. Then test their memory by asking
duck, frog, hedgehog, lizard, squirrel. questions: What animal is number three? What animals are
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 4 animal Flashcards Extra Activit y
CD 2 Stick the animal flashcards to the board, point to the
Unit 4 Poster animals and elicit their names. Tell the class Close your
eyes! and remove a flashcard. Say Open your eyes!
What’s missing? Elicit the missing animal. Repeat, taking
Warme r away two, three or more flashcards once the children
are familiar with the game.
Display the flashcards and teach the vocabulary. Show
the flashcards and say the words one by one. Encourage
the children to repeat them, drilling correct pronunciation if
necessary. Show the word cards at random and have the
children say the words. Then, invite volunteers to come
T r a n sc r ip ts
forward and match the flashcards with the word cards.
2.1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say. 2.1 1 bird 2 bat 3 lizard 4 butterfly
5 duck 6 squirrel 7 frog 8 hedgehog
Ask the children to look at the picture. Play the audio and
tell them to listen, point to the animals and repeat the words.
Then, tell them to find the animals in the
practice P P
2.2 Listen and chant: Animals everywhere!
and match them with the numbered animals in the picture.F F Animals, animals, everywhere,
Check answers by asking questions, for example, Number How many can you see?
(one). What animal is it? SC SC Birds and butterflies in the air,
A picture dictionary is provided on page More 76 of the
More Student’s
And squirrels in the tree.
phonics phonics
Book. Ducks and frogs in the park,
And lizards, one, two, three!
2 Listen
and chant. 2.2 Bats and hedgehogs after dark,
How many animals can you see?
Play the chant and tell the childreni-poster
to listen and point to
the animals in the right-hand column as they hear them.
Then, play the chant again and encourage
i-flashcards the children to
sing along. Display the poster and ask How many animals
can you see? Count them with the IWB
children, i-bookthen practise Initial Evaluation
counting other items from the poster, for example, The Make sure the children can name the different animals
Techies, the apples on the tree, the lily pads, the roses... and can describe their colour.
3 Look
and say.
Review the names of the colours, then ask a volunteer
to read the example sentence aloud: The frog’s green. Activity Book
Ask what colour the other animals are, for example, What Unit 4, page 22. See Teacher’s Book
colour is the (bird)? and encourage the children to respond page 138 for the answer key.
using complete sentences. Display the poster and say
I can see an animal that is (pink) and (blue). What is it? Elicit
the answer (A butterfly). Then, ask the children to look
carefully at the poster. Turn the poster around and ask
about the animals: What colour is the (lizard)? What colour
is the (frog)?
ere! LC
1 Listen and number. Then, listen again and repeat.
bird 1
2 4
It can swim. It can’t fly.
1 3
frog LC 7
2 Read and stick.
It can’t fly.
It can’t climb.
Lesson 2 4
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills. Tell the children to choose their favourite animal and
To introduce the structure It can/can’t (swim). draw and colour a picture of it. They write the name
To revise animal vocabulary. of the animal at the top of the page, then under their
To introduce the verbs climb, fly, jump, run, swim. picture they write sentences about what it can or can’t
do, for example, It can (run). It can’t (swim). Display the
children’s work in the classroom.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 4 Flashcards
CD 2 T r a n sc r ip t
Unit 4 Stickers
2.3 Listen and number. Then, listen again and
Warme r 1
Look at the squirrel. It can swim.
Divide the class into teams. Take an animal flashcard,
show it very quickly and ask What’s this? Give the teams 2
time to confer and decide the animal. Ask each team to Look! It can climb.
tell you what they thought they saw and give points to
the teams who guess correctly. Repeat with the other 3
flashcards. Ahh! It can’t fly.
Wow! It can run.
1 Listen
and number. Then, listen again and repeat. 2.3
2 Read
and stick.
Activity Book
Tell the children to look at Activity 2. Elicit the names Unit 4, page 23. See Teacher’s Book
of the four animals. Then, tell the children to find their page 138 for the answer key.
stickers. Ask a volunteer to read out the first sentence
on the stickers page: It can’t climb. Then elicit the answer
(hedgehog). Make sure each child knows where to place
the sticker. Then continue with the remaining stickers.
Display the animal flashcards and write the words can and
can’t on the board. Put the children into teams and point
to a flashcard and one of the words. The teams take turns
to make a sentence using can or can’t depending on your
1 Listen and tick P or cross O .
Yes, it can. = P
P O P P No, it can’t. = O
lizard O P O P
2 Listen and sing.
Can it run?
Can it jump?
Can it climb a tree?
Can it swim?
Can it walk?
Can it talk to me?
3 Make finger puppets. Then, ask in pairs. Time to talk
The children develop their ability to work 3 Take turns while working in pairs to practise
together in pairs by asking and answering the target language.
questions with finger puppets.
Lesson 3 4
to ask questions to find out which animal it is using the
Language Objectives target structure, for example, Can it (swim)? After hearing
To practise the structure Can it fly? your answer, the three volunteers each choose a possible
Yes, it can. / No, it can’t. animal and go and stand by a flashcard. The child who
To practise the vocabulary climb, hop, jump, run, gets it right wins a point for their team. Continue until all
see, sing, swim, talk, walk. the children have had a turn.
Materials T r a n sc r ip ts
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 4 Poster 2.4 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗.
CD 2
Unit 4 Pop-outs Narrator: A hedgehog Male alien: Can it climb?
Unit 4 animal Flashcards Male alien: Look! Look! A Female alien: No, it can’t.
hedgehog. Male alien: Can it swim?
Female alien: Ah, yes! Can Female alien: Yes, it can.
Warme r it fly? Male alien: Can it run?
Male alien: No, it can’t. Female alien: Yes, it can. A
Display the poster and review the names of the animals. Female alien: Can it climb? duck can run.
Describe an animal from the poster and ask the children Male alien: No, it can’t.
Female alien: Can it swim? Narrator: A lizard
if they can guess what it is: It can’t fly. It can jump. It
Male alien:Yes, it can. Male alien: Look! It’s a lizard.
can swim. (frog) If the children are able, you can invite Female alien: Can it run? Female alien: Oh! Can it fly?
volunteers to come forward and describe an animal for the Male alien: Yes, it can. Male alien: No, it can’t.
class to guess. Female alien: Can it climb?
Narrator: A duck Male alien: Yes, it can.
Female alien: I can see a Female alien: Can it swim?
1 Listen
and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 2.4
duck. Male alien: No, it can’t.
Male alien: Oh! Can it fly? Female alien: Can it run?
Tell the children to look at the picture and introduce the
P P Female alien: Yes! Yes, it Male alien: Yes, it can.
word alien. Ask them which animalspracthey canpractice
see in the can.
scene. Draw their attention to the table and check thatF F
they remember the vocabulary. Play the audio and ask 2.5 Listen and sing: Can it run?
the children to complete the table. Check answers bySC SC
drawing the table on the board andMore elicitingMorethe answers Can it run? Can it sing?
from the class.
Can it jump? Is it black or white?
Can it climb a tree? Can it make a nest?
Can it swim? Can it see at night?
2 Listen
and sing. 2.5
Can it walk? How many animals can you see?
Play the song and tell the childreni-poster
to follow along in their Can it talk to me? What are their names?
books. Invent actions for the song. Play the audio again. Can it hop? You tell me!
Encourage the children to sing along and do the actions.
3 Make
finger puppets. IWB i-book
Time to talk Continuous Assessment
Then, ask in pairs. Assess whether the children can recognise the
Distribute the pop-outs. Tell the children to colour different animals and identify which verbs the animal
the animals, using a different colour for each animal. can and can’t do.
When they are ready, ask them to carefully pop out the Check if they can ask their classmates questions using
templates and show them how to make finger puppets. the construction Can it (swim)? and then be able to
Then tell the children to work in pairs. Explain the game: respond to those same questions.
child A chooses a puppet and puts it on without letting
child B see. Child B then asks questions to find out which
animal it is, for example, Can it (swim)? Can it ( jump)? When
child B guesses, they change roles. Activity Book
Unit 4, page 24. See Teacher’s Book
page 138 for the answer key.
CLIL Go find out! 4
1 Listen and stick.
2.6 = active in the day = active at night
hedgehog fox
owl squirrel
butterfly bat
2 Read and write the animal.
1 Listen and place the correct sticker next to
he children reinforce their writing skills
T each animal depending on whether the
by writing sentences about animals. animals are active during the day or at night.
2 Write grammatically correct sentences and
correct their own work.
Lesson 4 4
Language Objectives
Extra Activit y
To practise animal vocabulary: bat, butterfly, Take the flashcards and word cards and lay them face
hedgehog, squirrel. down on the floor. Put the children into teams and play
To introduce the vocabulary fox, owl. a memory game: each team takes a turn to turn over
To introduce the concept of diurnal and nocturnal two cards and say the name of the words or pictures.
animals. If they find a matching word and picture, they keep
the cards. If the cards don’t match, they turn them over
again. The team with the most cards is the winner.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 4 Poster
CD 2 T r a n sc r ip t
Unit 4 Stickers
Unit 4 Flashcards
2.6 Listen and stick.
Two large sheets of card, one blue and one yellow Animal expert: Some Boy: Tell me about the fox.
animals are active in the Is a fox active in the day?
day, and some animals are Animal expert: No, it isn’t.
active at night. A fox is active at night.
Warme r Boy: Oh, that’s interesting! Is Boy: I see. I like foxes.
a hedgehog active at night?
Display the poster and revise the names of the animals. Animal expert: Yes, it is. Boy: And what about a
Point to the hedgehog and the bat and ask the children Hedgehogs like the night. squirrel?
what they are doing. Elicit that they are sleeping. Ask the Animal expert: A squirrel is
children what they do during the day (go to school, eat, Boy: What about an owl? active in the day. At night,
play, etc.) and what they do at night (go to bed, sleep). Animal expert: An owl is it sleeps.
Explain that some animals are active in the day and sleep active at night. It can fly and
at night, while others, like the hedgehog and the bat, sleep see at night. Boy: OK. Can you tell me
in the day and are active at night. Boy: It can fly and see at about the bat? Is it active in
night, wow! the day?
Animal expert: No, it isn’t.
Boy: And a butterfly? Is a A bat sleeps in the day.
1 Listen
and stick. 2.6
butterfly active at night? It’s active at night.
Tell the children to look at Activity 1. Ask them to name the Animal expert: No, it isn’t.
animals and teach the new vocabulary fox and owl. Play It’s active in the day.
the audio and tell the children to point to the animals as
they are mentioned. Then tell them to find their stickers.
Play the audio again, pausing it to let the children put
the stickers in the correct places. To check answers, ask Continuous Assessment
individuals: Is the (owl) active in the day or at night? Evaluate whether the children can differentiate
between animals that are active in the day and those
2 Read
and write the animal. which are active at night.
Look at the animals in the picture and ask the children to Check if they can recognise different animal
name them. Then ask volunteers to read the sentences characteristics and follow descriptions to guess which
and encourage the rest of the class to predict the missing animal it could be.
words. Then tell the children to write the sentences.
To correct the activity, write the complete sentences on the
N o w g o to
Show the children the large sheet of yellow card and write Ad di tio na l
the heading Active in the day at the top. Write Active at
night at the top of the sheet of blue paper. Ask the children re so u rc e s
to choose an animal, draw a picture of it and write the
animal’s name. When they have finished, tell them to Teacher’s Resource Book
cut out their animals and invite them to come and stick Reading Section: page 40. See page 57 for the answer
them on the corresponding piece of card. Encourage the key.
children to say It’s a (fox). A (fox) is active (at night). CLIL Section: page 76. See page 79 for the answer key.
At the park
1 Look and tick P or cross O .
2 Listen to the story.
2 7
Jasmin and Mum are at the park with Carla. How many butterflies
can you see?
Let’s count them!
Is it better now?
Value: Look after your park. 43
4 Lesson 5 Sto ry
Language Objectives
To listen to and understand a story. Play a memory chain game. Ask the children to sit in a
To review animal vocabulary. circle and say In the park there is a (butterfly). The child
To recognise key vocabulary in context: butterfly, next to you continues the chain, adding another animal:
duck; plastic, recycling bin; vet. In the park there is a (butterfly) and a (frog). Continue until
To introduce the concept of recycling. all the children have had a turn and the list of animals is
too long to remember.
2 Listen
to the story. 2.7
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative structure available for language
consolidation. See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
Sto ry Lesson 5 4
V V a lu e
Look after your park.
Talk about the importance of keeping yellow recycling containers that the children
local areas clean and tidy. Discuss made. Put the two bags of recyclable
the importance of throwing rubbish items at the starting line and the two
in the correct recycling bin and not recycling containers at the finish line.
dropping litter on the floor. Talk The big ball represents the earth and
to the children about the damage is placed at some point between the
litter can cause in a public space, start and the finish line. Divide the
for example, broken bottles could class into teams and tell them to
cut someone, animals can make line up at the starting point. Each
themselves ill by eating litter, fish can team has a pile of recyclable
die if the water becomes polluted, etc. items. The first child takes an item,
Organise a Recycle Relay. You will runs around the big ball and then runs to
need items of clean, empty recyclable the two recycling boxes. The child drops
packaging, for example, plastic bottles, off the item for recycling, runs back to
cereal or biscuit boxes, plastic wrappers, their team and the next child runs off.
empty toilet roll tubes, plastic and paper The winning team is the team that finishes
bags, etc. You will also need a big ball (for first and recycles all the objects in the
example, a Pilates ball) and the blue and correct containers.
T r a n sc r ip t
2.7 AT THE park
Listen to the story.
Story Card 1 Story Card 5
Narrator: Jasmin and Mum are at the park with Narrator: Mum is phoning the vet.
Carla. Jasmin’s mum: The vet can come now.
Jasmin: Look at all the butterflies! Carla: Oh, good!
Carla: Oh! They’re beautiful! Jasmin: We can put the bottles in the recycling
Story Card 2
Jasmin’s mum: How many butterflies can you Story Card 6
see? Carla: …eighteen, nineteen plastic bottles!
Jasmin: Let’s count them! Jasmin’s mum: Well done, girls!
Carla: One, two, three… Narrator: Look! Here’s the vet.
Vet: Hello, can you show me the duck?
Story Card 3 Jasmin: Yes, follow me!
Narrator: Jasmin and Carla are
counting the butterflies. Story Card 7
Carla: …fifteen, sixteen, seventeen… Vet: Let’s take the duck to the clinic!
Jasmin: Oh, no! Look at those plastic Jasmin: Oh, poor duck!
bottles. That’s terrible! Vet’s assistant: It can get better at the clinic.
Carla: Let’s pick them up! Vet: Thank you for phoning!
Jasmin: Good idea! Jasmin’s mum: We’re happy to help!
1 Listen and sing.
2 Count and write the number.
ß±√±n†æe> e¬e√±>
four†æe> t∑±nt¥
t∑±l√¶ fif†æe>
44 Lesson 6 Numbers 1 to 20 How many (apples) can you see?
Lesson 6 4
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To introduce the structure How many (apples) can Write the numbers from 1 to 20 on both sides of the
you see? board. Divide the children into two teams and ask them
To practise numbers 1-10. to line up. Give the first child in each team a board pen
To introduce the numbers 11-20. and call out a number at random, for example, Sixteen!
To sing a song. The first child in each line runs to the board, circles the
number, then runs back to give the board pen to the
next child in their team. Continue until all the children
Materials have had a turn.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 2
T r a n sc r ip t
Warme r
2.8 Listen and sing: I like apples!
Write the numbers 1 to 20 on the board and practise
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
counting together. Assign all the children a number How many apples can you see?
between 1 and 20, repeating if youprac
have more children in
Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
the class. Then, count again and ask the children to stand F F Everybody, count with me!
up when they hear their number. Practise a few times, Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
counting in order and then at random, gradually speeding SC SC I like apples! Yes, I do!
up. More
Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!
How about you?
1 Listen
and sing. 2.8
Ask the children to stand in a circle. Tell them that they are
N o w g o tona l
going to play a counting game. Say One! and point to a
child. The child continues counting: Two! Continue pointing
Ad di tio
re so u rc e s
at children at random to continue the sequence. When
you reach the number 20, go back to the beginning and
continue counting, gradually speeding up. If the children
are able, you can make the game more difficult and count Teacher’s Resource Book
in twos. Listening Section: page 34. See page 55 for the answer
key and page 140 for the transcripts.
Speaking Section: page 52.
‡ P h o n ic s
2 Listen and repeat.
3 Listen and say.
±> 2.10
LC The children develop their knowledge of 1 Write a full stop or a question mark in the
pronunciation by practising the initial correct place and say the sentences with
sound f. the correct intonation.
Lesson 7 4
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise punctuating sentences with a full stop Call out different words from the unit or previous units and
or a question mark. include the target initial sound f at random. Tell the children
Phonics: to practise the initial sound f as in fairy. that every time they hear a word beginning with the sound
To introduce the vocabulary face, fairy, fat, funny. f, they have to stand up and repeat the word. An example
list could include the following words: owl, funny, happy,
butterfly, frog, duck, kitten, face, four, bird, fox...
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 2 Extra Activit y
Draw pictures on the board of some vocabulary items
Warme r beginning with the sound f for the children to guess.
Examples could include: face, frog, fox, fish, four, five,
Draw a question mark on the board and tell the children fourteen, fifteen...
its name in English. Ask them to look back at the story to
find examples of question marks, and encourage them to
read the questions out loud. Write the questions up on the
board. Ask the children if they can give you any examples T r a n sc r ip ts
of other questions and write these up on the board too.
Repeat the procedure with statements ending in a full 2.9 Listen and repeat.
stop. Drill a few of the questions and statements as a
fairy, face, fourteen
class. Focus on the differences in intonation.
1 Write
question marks or full stops.
Teach the word kitten and ask What colour is the kitten?
Continuous Assessment
Elicit the answer (It’s orange and white). Then write
Ensure the children can understand the difference
the question and the answer on the board without the
between a question mark and a full stop.
question mark or full stop. Elicit where to write the question
mark and where to write the full stop and write them on They should also be able to pronounce the initial sound
the board. Read the information in the box together, then f correctly.
tell the children to complete the activity by punctuating the
text. Write the answers on the board and invite individuals
to come forward and write the question marks and full
stops. Ask them to read the sentences aloud, ensuring that Activity Book
their intonation is correct. Unit 4, page 26. See Teacher’s Book
page 139 for the answer key.
Pho nics
2 Listen
and repeat. 2.9
Draw a letter f on the board and say the sound. Ask the
children to repeat with you, emphasising the sound. Then,
play the audio and tell them to listen and repeat. Ask the
children if they can think of any animals which begin with
the sound f, for example, frog, fox and fish.
3 Listen
and say. 2.10
Play the audio and ask the children to listen and say the
tongue twister, ensuring they are emphasising the initial
sound f correctly. Repeat a few times, gradually speeding
N o w g o to
up, then invite volunteers to say the tongue twister as
quickly as they can.
Ad di tio na l
re so u rc e s
The children write an example of a question and a Teacher’s Resource Book
statement, making sure they are punctuated correctly. Phonics Section: page 66. See page 69 for the answer
key and page 140 for the transcripts.
More More
phonics phonics
Go ar ou nd
CAE i-posterHello! I’m Toby
from New Zealand.
1 Listen and tick P
or cross O .
kiwi blue penguin
P fly
P run
giant weta tui
O sing
O fly
P swim
2 Draw an animal from your country and write.
I† ca>
Child's own drawing Child's own answers .
I† ca>´†
. ea
CULTURE Lesson 8 4
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To learn about animals in New Zealand. Divide the class into teams. Have a Spelling Bee with the
To introduce the vocabulary giant weta, kiwi, animal words from the unit, including the animals from New
penguin, tui. Zealand. The team with the most correct answers is the
Teacher’s i-solutions Extra Activit y
CD 2
Unit 4 action Flashcards Display the action flashcards. Play Simon says. The
children mime the action only if the instruction is
preceded by the phrase Simon says. If you say, for
A world map or globe
example, Simon says ‘Jump’, the children must jump.
If you only say ‘Jump,’ the children remain still. If the
children are able, invite volunteers to come to the front
Warme r and take your place.
Ask the children where New Zealand is, and show it to
them on the map or globe. Explain that although English is
the main language in New Zealand, some people speak
Maori too. Ask them if they know anything about New T r a n sc r ip t
Zealand. Tell the children to look at the flag and ask a
volunteer to read out the text in the speech bubble.
2.11 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗.
Watch the video Animals in New Zealand to introduce Toby: Hello! I’m Toby from New Zealand. I like animals.
the lesson theme. Here are my favourite animals from New Zealand.
Look! It’s a kiwi! It’s a famous bird in New Zealand. It can’t
fly. It can run and it can swim. It’s active at night.
1 Listen
and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 2.11 And here is a blue penguin. It’s blue and white and it’s
small. It can swim. It can’t fly. It can run and it’s active in the
Look at the pictures of the animals and explain that they
are all animals from New Zealand. Point to the kiwi and
the verbs and ask the children if they can predict the Wow! This animal is a giant weta. It’s a big insect. It can’t fly
and it can’t jump. It can climb trees and it’s active at night.
answers. Ask What do you think? Can it fly? Can it run?
Can it swim? Repeat with the other animals. Then play the This animal is a tui. It can sing. Listen. A tui is active in the
audio, pausing after each statement to give the children day. It can fly, but it can’t swim.
time to write ticks or crosses in the boxes. Check answers
as a class.
2 Draw
an animal from your country and write. Continuous Assessment
Tell the children to work in pairs and think of animals that Consider whether the children can understand the
can be found in their country. Ask them to think about verbs previously covered in the unit, and understand
animals that live in forests and mountains and parks, not their meanings in the context of animals from New
just pets. Ask for their suggestions and write them on the Zealand.
board. Invite the children to tell you what the animals Assess whether they can identify an animal from their
can and can’t do. Remind the children of the verbs they own country and describe it.
have practised in this unit: swim, run, jump, climb and fly
by showing them the flashcards. Ask them to choose an
animal from their country and draw it in the box. When
they have finished, they write its name and complete the
Ask the children to stand up with their books and mingle.
Each time they find a new partner, they show them their
picture and read out their sentences.
Go aGAIN! 4
1 Look and stick. Then, listen and say the animals.
P frog
2 Match and colour.
LL ea
Unit review 47
u n it R e v ie w 4
Language Objective T r a n sc r ip t
To review vocabulary and structures from Unit 4.
2.12 Look and stick. Then, listen and say the animals.
Materials 1 3
Teacher’s i-solutions Tina: I can see an animal. Tina: Wow! I like that animal!
Unit 4 Poster Tim: What is it? Can it fly? Tim:What animal? Can it fly?
Unit 4 Stickers Tina: No, it can’t. Tina: No, it can’t.
Tim: Can it climb? Tim: Can it swim?
Trophy Stickers Tina: Yes, it can. It can climb Tina: Yes, it can. It can swim...
CD 2 and it can run. And it’s got and it can jump.
ears and a big nose.
Warme r 2 Tina: Look! It’s amazing.
Tina: Oh, look! That’s Tim: What is it, Tina? Can it
Display the poster. Spell the names of the animals for the fantastic! swim?
children to guess. If they are able to do this easily, you Tim: What is it? Can it fly? Tina: No, it can’t.
Tina: Yes, it can. Tim: Can it fly?
can also spell the names of the animals backwards. Tim: Oh! Can it swim? Tina: Yes, it can fly, but it
Tina: Yes, it can. It can fly can’t swim.
and it can swim.
1 Look
and stick. Then, listen and say the animals. 2.12
3 Choose your favourite activity in the unit and stick. Unit 4, page 27. See Teacher’s Book
o l rn
ea page 139 for the answer key and transcript.
Allow the children time to look back over the unit and My new words, page 43.
decide which activity they liked the most. Tell them to put See Teacher’s Book page 204
the trophy sticker on that activity. Encourage them to tell for the answer key and transcript.
you why it is their favourite activity.
Extra Activit y
Play Bingo. Write the numbers one to twenty (in word
form) on the board. Ask the children to draw a 3 x 3 grid Thinking-based Learning
in their notebooks and write any nine number words from Thinking routine available for extension.
the board in the grid. Point to a number on the board,
elicit the word and tell the children with that number Drama
in their grid to circle it. The first child to circle all nine Drama games available for language consolidation.
numbers in their grid calls out Bingo! and wins the game. See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
4 4
Animals everywhere!
everywhere! 2 Circle and write.
can can’t
4 4
4 Read and write. 6 Listen and write.
12 ducks
1 C”a> i† sin@? 2 C”a> i† clim∫? 20 butterflies
No, it ca>ª†. No, it ca>ª†. 17 lizards
14 birds
3 C”a> i† fl¥? 4 C”a> i† ru>? 11 hedgehogs
Yefi, it ca>. No, it ca>ª†.
5 Complete and circle. Then colour the picture. Child applies colours 7 Count and write.
ße√±n†æe> ni>e†æe>
1 C”a> i†C”a> sin@
i† ? Yefi
? , i†Yefica>., i† /ca>.
No, /i† No,
i† ca>´†.
2 C”a> i†C”a> swiµ
i† ? Yefi
? , i†Yefica>., i† /ca>.
No, /i† No,
i† ca>´†.
3 C”a> C”a>
i† fl¥ ? Yefi?, i†Yefica>.
, i† /ca>.
No, /i† No,
i† ca>´†.
4 Ca> i† jumπ ? Yefi?, i†Yefica>.
, i† /ca>.
No, /i† No,
i† ca>´†. t∑±l√¶ f^f†æe>
24 25
T r a n sc r ip t 4
8 Write the questions and match. Time to write
8 L
isten and write.
Ryan: Carla, how many frogs Ryan: How many lizards can
1 swiµ / C”a> / ? / i†
can you see? you see, Carla? C”a> i† swiµ?
Carla: …sixteen, seventeen, Carla: Um… fourteen, fifteen, 2 ? / Ifi / blac§ / i†
eighteen. I can see eighteen sixteen, seventeen. Ifi i† blac§?
frogs. Ryan: Seventeen lizards. No, i† is>´†.
Ryan: Eighteen, OK, thanks. I like lizards. 3 i† / climb / ? / C”a> Yefi, i† ca>.
Carla: Yes, me too. C”a> i† climb?
Ryan: How many ducks can Yefi, i† ifi.
you see? Ryan: How many birds can 4 i† / ? / happ¥ / Ifi
Carla: …eleven, twelve. you see? Ifi i† happ¥? No, i† ca>´†.
There are twelve ducks. Carla: Birds? Oh, um, just
Ryan: Thanks, Carla. a moment… ten, eleven,
twelve, thirteen, fourteen.
P h o n ic s
Ryan: How many butterflies Ryan: Fourteen, thanks, 9 Circle the f words. Then, complete and match.
can you see? Carla. ce teen airy ox
Carla: One, two, three...
eight, nine, ten… eighteen, Ryan: One more question,
nineteen, twenty. Carla. How many hedgehogs
Ryan: There are twenty can you see? 1 få © æ
butterflies. Carla: …nine, ten, eleven.
Carla: Yes, that’s right. I can see eleven hedgehogs. 2 fou® † æ e >
Ryan: Eleven, that’s great,
Carla, thanks. 3 f o≈
4 fai r¥
4 T r a n sc r ip t
1 Listen and circle. 9 L
isten and circle.
1 4
1 4 Sophie: Hello, boys and Noah: What about you,
girls! What’s this animal? It’s Sophie? What’s your
† is>´†. a bird. It can’t fly. favourite animal?
Sophie: My favourite animal
i† ca>. 2 14 15 16 5 17 18 19 2
Noah: Sophie, how many
is from New Zealand. It’s a
giant weta.
i† ifi. butterflies can you see? Noah: Oh, yes? Is a giant
Sophie: Let me count... weta active in the day or at
† ca>´†. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, night?
sixteen. I can see sixteen Sophie: It’s active at night.
3 6
3 Sophie: Noah, how many
2 Look and complete. Model answers
Sophie: Noah, what’s your ducks can you see?
favourite animal? Noah: I can see… eighteen.
I† ca> fl¥. I† ca>´† ru>. Noah: Hmm… Guess! My Sophie: How many?
I†´fi å ba† . favourite animal can run. Noah: Eighteen.
Sophie: Can it climb trees? Sophie: OK, thanks.
I† ca> clim∫ . I† ca>ª† Noah: No, it can’t.
Sophie: Ah! I know your 6
fl¥ . I†´fi å squir®e¬ . favourite animal! Noah: What’s this animal?
Listen! F-R-O-G.
I† ca> swiµ . I† ca>ª† Sophie: F-O…
Noah: No, no, no. F-R-O-G.
fl¥ . I†´fi å fro@ . Sophie: Oh, I know!
My new words
page 43 27
1 Look! Dad’s making a new machine. 2 Is it a spaceship? Can it fly? 7
3 4 9
Listen to the story. Listen agai
3 and 4
7 8
11 Boris is pushing the green button! 12 What are you two doing?
Listen again and stick the missing speech bubbles.
Post-listening activity
Language Objectives Put the children into teams and display the Unit 3 clothes
To listen to and answer questions about a story. flashcards. Describe an item for the first team, giving three
To review vocabulary relating to clothes, animals, clues: You wear it in summer. You wear it when it’s sunny.
weather and actions. You wear it on your head. (hat) If they guess correctly after
To review the structure The (mouse) can/can’t (climb). only one clue, award them three points, awarding fewer
To review numbers 1-20. points for extra clues.
Teacher’s i-solutions Put the Unit 3 word cards in a drawstring bag and ask the
CD 2 children to sit in a circle. Play some music and tell them to
Unit 3 Flashcards pass the bag around. When the music stops, the child who
Unit 4 Flashcards has the bag takes out a card, reads it in secret and mimes the
Techies Stickers Units 3 and 4 word for the rest of the class to guess.
3 and 4
Part 2 Extra Activit y
Warme r Revise the numbers from 1 to 20. Count as a class, then
ask individuals to each say a number. Practise a few
Call four volunteers to the front and give them each one times, then count in twos and then in threes. Finally,
of the Unit 4 animal flashcards. Ask them to stand in a practise counting backwards from 20 down to 1. If
line and to very quickly flash their cards to the class. the children are able, you can do some simple sums
Call out the name of one of the animals and tell the rest together on the board. Tell the children to look at the
of the class to name the child who is holding the correct story and ask questions about the scenes, for example,
flashcard. How many roses are in picture 1?
Pre-listening activity
Display the Unit 4 action flashcards and review the words
together by asking the children to mime each action.
Display the Unit 4 animal flashcards and elicit the names
T r a n sc r ip t
of the animals. Ask the children what they know about the
animals’ abilities. Display the flashcards and word cards Narrator: Tim and Tina are on the clothes line. It’s sunny
on the board and elicit sentences about what the animals again now.
Tim: Look, it can’t climb! Ha ha!
can and can’t do, for example, A bat can fly. A butterfly
Tina: Tim! There’s a squirrel and it can climb! Quick!
can’t jump. Tim: Let’s slide down the trousers!
Narrator: Tim and Tina slide down the trousers. But the
Listen again and stick the missing speech bubbles. 2.13
squirrel can’t catch them!
Remind the children of the story. Play the audio and tell Tina: Woo hoo!
them to follow the story in their books, then hand out the Narrator: Tina and Tim are happy now.
stickers. Read the speech bubbles aloud together and Narrator: But what’s this?
check that the children understand all the vocabulary. Tina: Tim, look! It’s a giant spider!
Then, tell them to work in pairs and decide where the Tim: Oh, no! It can run fast!
stickers go in the story. Play the story again for them to Tina: Yes, and it can climb too! We’re trapped!
check their answers, pausing if necessary, then check Tim: It’s OK, it’s Boris!
answers as a class before they stick on the speech bubble Narrator: The other animals are scared of Boris.
stickers. Tina: Oh, good! Let’s go home, Boris!
Narrator: Boris is pushing the green button!
Tim: The machine is working!
Post-listening activity Tina: Good! I don’t like being small!
Act out the story. Divide the class into two groups, one
Narrator: Now Tim and Tina are big again. But here’s Dad!
to play the role of Tim and the other, Tina. Call out the Dad: What are you two doing?
lines from the story beginning with scene 3 when Tina Tim and Tina: Nothing!
says Come on, Tim! Let’s climb up that coat. Tell the
group playing Tina to repeat the line after you. Repeat
the procedure with the rest of the lines. Use exaggerated
actions and encourage the children to be very dramatic
and to copy you. Swap the groups’ roles and act out the
story again. This time try to use prompts to get the children
to say the lines, rather than getting them to simply repeat
after you.
Write the numbers from 1 to 20 on the board and ask
the children to line up. Give the first child in line a board
pen and call out a number at random. The child goes
to the board and circles the number. Continue until all
the numbers have been circled. Rub the numbers off the
board and repeat the game. This time, call out numbers at
random for the children to go to the board and write them.
• Present Simple • Adjectives: clever, fast, • Phonics: initial sound c • Present Simple
questions and short invisible, scary, short, as in car • Can for ability
answers with the verb strong, tall, thin
• This is my (sister).
to be • Jobs: doctor, firefighter,
• Colours
• Have got: third person police officer, teacher
singular, affirmative • Clothes: belt, boots,
• Possessive adjectives: cape, mask
his, her • Extra: cinema, floor,
superhero, teddy
Language Objectives
• To use the Present • To understand and use • To describe people in • To produce the initial
Simple and adjectives to adjectives. various ways. sound c correctly.
describe people. • To identify professions. • To differentiate between
• To ask and answer • To describe people male and female by
Present Simple questions. using previously learnt their pronoun and
• To use third person vocabulary. possessive.
personal pronouns.
• To understand the
possessive adjectives
his and her.
Skills Objectives
• To say the adjectives. •T o read and understand • To understand and •T o write target
• To differentiate between adjectives. repeat target language.
males and females by •T o demonstrate vocabulary. • To complete sentences
saying he or she. understanding by reading • To understand and join with target vocabulary.
• To describe people. and placing a sticker. in with songs. • To complete a
• To read and follow a song. • To understand the description
•T o read, complete and narrative of a story. independently.
understand simple • To demonstrate
sentences. understanding by
•T o demonstrate completing activities.
understanding by • To recognise the initial
selecting words. sound c.
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can identify, understand and produce adjectives Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
while talking about people and their abilities and clothes. organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
• The children can differentiate genders by understanding form of learning paths including:
and using correct pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Video support for all songs, stories and
• The children can ask and answer questions about people. culture lessons
• The children can identify and name different professions. Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
Audio material and transcripts
i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
• Teacher’s i-solutions • Teacher’s Resource Book Flashcard Bank
• Student’s Book CD 2 Lesson 3: Speaking, p 53
Additional interactive games for
• Story Cards Unit 5 Lesson 4: Writing, p 47 whole-class content reinforcement
• Flashcards Unit 5 CLIL, p 77
Interactive Routine poster
• Poster Unit 5 Lesson 6: Language, pp 17-19
• Student’s Book Unit 5 Listening, p 35 Game Generator to create your own
IWB games to play with the children
• Stickers Unit 5 Lesson 7: Phonics, p 67
• Pop-outs Unit 5 Lesson 8: Reading, p 41 Use the Richmond i-tools to add
• Activity Book Unit 5 Unit review: your own material for the classroom by
Unit 5 test, pp 109-112 inserting notes, links and external files. It is also
Drama: pp 83-85 possible to write or paint on the pages and in the
Start preparing the end of zoom windows.
year play. Save all your teaching sessions to meet the
needs of each individual class.
• Balloons, a play parachute, a ball, a jigsaw puzzle, a soft
toy, a world map or globe, old magazines or catalogues, a
large sheet of blank card
GO Innovate!
For ideas on how to exploit
Lesson 1: Flipped Learning the course resources, see our
Lesson 3: Cooperative Learning
Lesson 5: Thinking-based Learning
Activity Bank: pages 23-31.
Unit review: Drama
Key competences
Linguistic competence CAE Cultural awareness and expression
The children learn to describe people and to use different The children develop their cultural understanding of the
pronouns and possessives for males and females. world by identifying different professions that help us.
DC Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
The children become familiar with the use of technology The children develop a sense of personal autonomy by
working together on the unit using the IWB. designing and describing a superhero of their own
SCC Social and civic competence
The children learn the basic social skills of talking
together and sharing ideas when working in pairs.
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
2 Listen and chant.
2 scary
tall 2
short 8
3 Look and say. 7
50 Lesson 1 Adjectives
Lesson 1 5
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise listening skills. Display the flashcards. Invite a volunteer to the front of
To introduce the vocabulary clever, fast, invisible, the class and ask the rest of the children to stand up.
scary, short, strong, tall, thin; cinema, superhero. Hold up a flashcard so that the class can see it, but the
volunteer cannot. Invite the class to mime the adjective for
the volunteer to guess. Repeat until all the children have
Materials had a turn.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 5 Poster
CD 2 Extra Activit y
Unit 5 Flashcards
Discuss the superheroes the children know. Ask them to
describe their attributes, for example, Superman is fast.
Warme r
Display the poster and teach the word cinema. Ask the
children if they have been to the cinema recently and T r a n sc r ip ts
what films they have seen. Point to the cinema posters
and teach the word superhero. Ask the children if they
have seen any superhero films at the cinema and ask 2.14 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
them to name their favourite superheroes. Talk about the
superheroes on the poster: She is strong. You could show 1 scary 2 tall 3 fast 4 clever
your muscles to demonstrate strong and have the children 5 strong 6 thin 7 invisible 8 short
copy you and repeat the adjective. Continue with the rest
of the new vocabulary using your imagination! 2.15 Listen and chant: Superheroes, we love you!
You’re fast and you’re scary,
You’re very clever too.
1 Listen,
point and repeat. Then, match and say. 2.14
Hey, superheroes, we love you!
Play the audio and tell the children to point to the Tall or short, strong or thin,
superheroes and repeat the adjectives. Ask volunteers Superheroes always win.
to read the list of words on the right, then
practice tell the
childrenP P
practice Invisible boy,
to work individually and match the superheroes to the I can’t see you.
F F Do you like superheroes too?
adjectives. Correct answers as a class, asking individuals to
tell you the answers: Number (1) is (scary). SC SC
A picture dictionary is provided on page More
77 of the
Initial Evaluation
Make sure the children can name the different
2 Listen
and chant. 2.15
adjectives and understand their meaning.
Remind the children of the actions you
invented for each
adjective in the Warmer. Then, tell them that you are
going to say some sentences. Tell them to do a superhero
pose if what you say is true and stay still if what you say
is false. Say a sentence accompaniedIWB byi-book an action, for Activity Book
example, I am scary, showing your teeth and making your Unit 5, page 28. See Teacher’s Book
hands into claws. The children make a superhero pose, for page 166 for the answer key.
example, one arm in the air like Superman. Continue until
you have practised all the vocabulary. Play the audio and
tell them to do the actions when they hear the adjectives.
Then, play the chant again and encourage the children to
join in and do the actions.
3 Look
and say.
Point to the first picture and ask the children to find the first
superhero in the scene. The children choose the correct
adjective, looking at the vocabulary list on the right to find
the word if necessary. Ask the children to practise saying
the words in pairs.
1 Listen and match. Then, listen and repeat.
2.16 2.17
She’s clever. She’s fast.
invisible 3 Make a mini-book of superheroes. Time to talk
Lesson 2 5
Language Objectives In small groups children can practise reading their books to
To practise listening skills. other fast finishers. Their classmates need to follow along.
To introduce the structure She’s (clever). He’s (thin).
To revise adjectives. Wrap-up
Put the flashcards and word cards face down on the board.
Materials Put the children into teams and play Pelmanism. Each team
Teacher’s i-solutions takes a turn to turn over two cards and say the name of the
Unit 5 Poster words or pictures. If they find a matching word and picture,
CD 2 they get to keep the cards. If the cards don’t match, they turn
Unit 5 Flashcards them over again. The team with the most cards is the winner.
Unit 5 Stickers
Unit 5 Pop-outs
Extra Activit y
In pairs, the children invent a male and a female
Warme r superhero. They draw their characters and then name
Display the poster. Point to each superhero and say the them and write a sentence to describe each, for
adjectives, encouraging the children to repeat after you. example, He is tall. The pairs then show their pictures
Say an adjective and tell them that they must only repeat to the class.
it when you point to the corresponding superhero. Say tall
and point to several superheroes. The children stay silent
until you point to the tall superhero and then they say tall.
T r a n sc r ip ts
1 Listen
and match. 2.16
2.16 Listen and match.
Then, listen and repeat.
Sally: Hello, Jasmin. Ryan: My favourite
Ask volunteers to read the texts under the pictures. Tell the
Have you got a favourite superhero is Lightning.
children to listen and match the characters to their favourite superhero? She’s fast.
superheroes. Write the names of the superheroes on the Jasmin: Yes, I have. I like Sally: Yes, she’s fast and
board: The Spook, Invisible Boy, The Brain and Lightning. Invisible Boy. He’s invisible. her hair is orange. I like
Ask the children which one is their favourite. Play the second her too.
audio and ask the children to listen and repeat while they Sally: Who’s your favourite
superhero, Mike? Sally: Hi, Carla. Do you like
point to the corresponding superhero. Mike: I like the Spook. He’s superheroes?
scary. Look! His eyes are Carla: Yes, I do. My favourite
2 Read
and stick. green. is the Brain. She’s clever.
Ask a girl and a boy to come to the front of the class. Tell the Sally: Oh yes, he’s very Sally: Oh yes, she is clever
girl to show her muscles and say She’s strong. Tell the boy scary. and she’s got a big head.
to pull a scary face and say He’s scary. Write the phrases on Sally: What about you,
the board and explain that we talk about boys and men using Ryan? Have you got a
He’s and women and girls using She’s. Show the flashcards favourite superhero?
and elicit sentences with He’s and She’s plus the adjective. Tell
the children to look at Activity 2. Ask them to read the text in 2.17 Listen and repeat.
the thought bubbles, then tell them to work in pairs and match
the stickers to the texts. Correct as a class. He’s scary. She’s clever. He’s invisible. She’s fast.
3 Make
a mini-book of superheroes. Time to talk
Distribute the pop-outs and tell the children to colour the
superheroes. Then, demonstrate how to circle the correct Continuous Assessment
pronoun and write an adjective for each superhero. Do the Children should be able to understand the unit
first one together, then give the children time to complete vocabulary used in short audio texts describing
the rest, allowing them to work in pairs if they wish. When different superheroes.
they have finished, check answers, then show the children Can the children correctly use She’s and He’s, using
how to fold the template to make a book and then staple the model She’s (clever)?
the books for them. Tell the children to get into groups of
three. One child holds their book and the other two put
theirs down on the table. The first child chooses a page in
the book and reads out the sentence, for example, He’s
clever. The other two children pick up their books and race Activity Book
to find the page showing the clever superhero. Unit 5, page 29. See Teacher’s Book
page 166 for the answer key.
1 Listen and number.
1 2 firefighter
jumper 51.9
2 Listen and sing.
Fantastic superheroes
So many amazing things they do
I love superheroes
How about you?
Lesson 3 5
Language Objectives T r a n sc r ip ts
To introduce the structures: Is he/she (tall)?
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. 2.18 Listen and number.
To sing a song.
1 Interviewer: Hello! Is your 4 Interviewer: Tell me about
favourite superhero a boy or your favourite superhero. Is it
a girl? a girl or a boy?
Materials Girl: It’s a girl. Boy: It’s a girl.
Teacher’s i-solutions Interviewer: A girl? Is she Interviewer: A girl, OK. Is she
Unit 5 Poster scary? strong?
CD 2 Girl: No, she isn’t. Boy: No, she isn’t.
Interviewer: Is she invisible? Interviewer: Is she scary?
Girl: Yes, she is. Boy: Yes, she is. She’s scary.
2 Interviewer: Who’s your 5 Interviewer: Who’s your
Warme r favourite superhero? favourite superhero?
Boy: It’s a boy. Is it a girl or a boy?
Display the poster and remind the class of the structures
Interviewer: Is he clever? Girl: It’s a boy.
She’s (tall) and He’s (clever). Point to the superheroes and Boy: No, he isn’t. Interviewer: A boy? Is he fast?
elicit sentences with the target structures. Then point to Interviewer: Is he short? Girl: No, he isn’t.
a superhero, make a statement and ask the children to Boy: Yes, he is. He’s short, Interviewer: Is he clever?
repeat the sentence if it’s true and stay silent if it’s false. but he can climb. Girl: Yes, he is.
3 Interviewer: Who’s your 6 Interviewer: Is your
favourite superhero? favourite superhero a boy?
1 Listen
and number. 2.18
Girl: It’s a boy. And he’s fast. Boy: No, it’s a girl.
Point to each superhero and elicit sentences to describe Interviewer: A fast boy. Oh Interviewer: Is she strong?
them, for example, He’s (short). She’s (strong).MoreTell the yes! Boy: Yes, she is.
theP P
children to listen to each conversation
practice and number
practice Interviewer: The strong girl.
superhero being described. Play the first conversation,F F She’s my favourite superhero
then pause the audio and ask the children to find the too!
superhero described. Then play the rest of the audio and SC SC
2.19 Listen and sing: Fantastic superheroes
tell the children to number the characters.
as a
class. Fantastic superheroes, Is he scary?
So many amazing things Can he walk up walls?
2 Listen and sing. 2.19 they do. Chorus
I love superheroes, Is it a girl? What’s her name?
Play the song and teach the wordsi-poster
fantastic and amazing. How about you? Is she fast or clever?
Tell the children to follow along in their books and then sing Who’s your favourite Is she strong? Can she fly?
along. i-flashcards
superhero? Superheroes are forever!
Is he short or tall? Is he big? Chorus
IWB i-book
Continuous Assessment
Are the children able to associate short audio
Cooperative Learning
descriptions with their corresponding illustrations?
Cooperative structure available for speaking
Can the children understand questions that use the unit
vocabulary? practice. See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
CLIL Go find out! 5
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, listen and number.
2.20 2.21
firefighter 3
doctor 2
teacher 1
police officer 4
2 Read, write and match.
Lesson 4 5
Language Objectives
Extra Activit y
To introduce vocabulary for jobs: doctor, firefighter, Ask the children to think of a job they would like to
police officer, teacher. do when they are older. It can be one that has been
To revise the structures (She) can (ride a bike). mentioned in the unit or another. Tell them to draw a
(She) is (fast). picture of the job and write the name underneath. Display
To introduce the possessive pronouns his, her. their work in the classroom under the title: I want to be a…
Teacher’s i-solutions
T r a n sc r ip ts
CD 2
2.20 Listen, point and repeat.
firefighter, doctor, teacher, police officer
Warme r
Explain the word job: something adults do to earn money. 2.21 Listen and number.
Ask the children if they can think of any examples of jobs
and ask them what jobs their parents do. Explain that 1
children don’t do paid jobs but they can do little jobs Look! He works at a school. He’s helping the children.
around the house to help their parents. Ask what little
jobs they do and mention any responsibilities they have She’s clever. She’s at the hospital now. She’s wearing a
around the classroom, like turning off the light or picking white coat.
things up off the floor.
He’s strong. He can climb.
1 Listen,
point and repeat. 2.20
Then, listen and number. 2.21 She can ride a bike. She’s fast and she’s strong.
Explain that the people in the pictures are all doing their
jobs. Play the first audio and ask the children to listen,
point and repeat the words. Then ask them to number the
pictures. Play the audio again and pause to check the Continuous Assessment
answers as a class. Can the children recognise and differentiate between
the different jobs? They should be able to use clues
2 Read,
write and match. such as associated items and possessive pronouns to
Remind the children of the words He and She. Write them guess the correct job.
on the board and ask a boy to stand under the word He
and a girl to stand under the word She. Give each child an
object, for example, a pencil and say He is (Pepe). This is
his (pencil). She is (Maria). This is her (pencil). Write his and
her on the board. Make sure the children understand that
his is for boys and her is for girls. Ask for more volunteers
to come to the board and ask the class to say the model
sentence. Then tell the children to look at Activity 2. Name
the objects (bag, pen, dog and hat) and ask the children to
say which object belongs to whom.
The children try to think of any other jobs they might know
of and try to write a fifth sentence for Activity 2.
This game requires some classroom organisation. Play Duck,
duck, goose but instead of the words duck and goose use N o w g o to
words from the unit, for example, Doctor, doctor, firefighter! Ad di tio na l
Tell the children to sit in a circle and walk around tapping
each child in turn. As you tap each child, say Doctor, then
re so u rc e s
tap one child and say firefighter! The ‘firefighter’ gets up
and tries to tag you, while you run around the circle and Teacher’s Resource Book
try to sit in their place. If they don’t catch you, the child Writing Section: page 47. See page 59 for the answer key.
takes your place to walk around the circle. CLIL Section: page 77. See page 80 for the answer key.
Super Ryan!
1 Look and say the scene.
Scenes: 8 5 3 1 8 2
2 Listen to the story.
Look at Ryan
Ryan! It’s time for bed. 2 got the teddy
1 7
Goodnight, Mum!
Is he strong?
It's Lightning! 4 Is he fast?
Quick, Ryan! Use your X-ray glasses.
6 Look at The Bulk! He’s got water.
Value: Be a team player. 55
5 Lesson 5 Sto ry
Language Objectives
To listen to and understand a story. Ask the children to read the story again. Display the story
To recognise key vocabulary in context: clever, cards in order on the board. Then, tell them to close their
costume, fast, floor, strong, superhero, teddy. books and read out a line from the story, for example,
To introduce the vocabulary dream, X-ray glasses. Ryan! Wake up! The children tell you the number of the
scene where the line appears (scene 2). Continue saying
more lines.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 5 Story Cards Extra Activit y
CD 2 Shuffle the story cards and display them in the wrong
order. Call volunteers to come forward and help you
Balloons, a play parachute, a ball, a jigsaw puzzle, sequence the story cards in the correct order. Then,
a soft toy take one story card and tell the children to study it
for 30 seconds. Take the story card away and ask
Warme r questions, for example, How many (robots) are there?
What colour is the (teddy)? Is there a (guitar)? Repeat
Put the children into two teams. Play Pictionary with the the game with more story cards.
words from Activity 1 (duck, hat, ball, guitar, parrot and
robot). Slowly begin to draw one of the objects on the
board, pausing to give the children time to guess what it is
before drawing more. When someone guesses, give their Continuous Assessment
team a point and write the word on the board under your The children should be able to follow the story and
drawing. distinguish between the different characteristics of the
practice P P
1 Look
and say the scene. F F
Tell the children to look at Activity 1. Elicit the namesSC of SC
the items and ask the children to find them in the story.
Display the story cards and call on phonicsindividual
phonicschildren to
come to the front of the class and point out the items.
2 Listen
to the story. 2.22
and display the story cards. Play the audio and display the
corresponding story cards, pausing IWB after i-bookeach one to ask
The children work in pairs and read each other the lines
from a scene. Their partner needs to describe what scene
it is or say the scene number.
Thinking-based Learning
Thinking routine available for warmer.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
Sto ry Lesson 5 5
V V a lu e
Be a team player.
Draw the children’s attention to the way the superheroes in the story work together as a team.
Explain that in the same way the superheroes in the story all have different powers, we all
have different strengths and weaknesses. The superheroes in the story work together as a
team using their powers to complement each other and we can do the same in class.
Do some team building activities to demonstrate the importance of working together.
Balloon bop. You can play this game as a whole class or in small groups. The children
stand in a circle. Drop a balloon into the middle of the circle and tell the children to
keep it in the air.
Bounce the ball. Take a parachute or large piece of fabric outside into the
playground. The children form a circle around the parachute and hold it up by the
edges, keeping the fabric taut. Drop a ball onto the middle of the parachute, and give the
children instructions to move it to make the ball bounce up and down. See how long they
can work together to keep the ball moving and stop it from falling off the parachute.
Jigsaw puzzle. Put the children into groups of four. Divide the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
between the members of the group. The children work together to complete the puzzle.
No hands! You can play this game as a whole class or in small groups. Ask the children to stand in a
circle. Give the first child an object, for example, a soft toy, and tell them that they must hold onto it without
using their hands. They may try and hold it under their chin, under their arm, between their knees, etc. The
children try to pass the toy around the circle without touching it with their hands.
T r a n sc r ip t
2.22 Super Ryan!
Listen to the story. Skyscraper: Is he fast?
Lightning: No, but he’s clever and
Story Card 1 he’s got X-ray glasses!
Narrator: Ryan loves comic books. His favourite Ryan: I have?
superhero is Lightning. She’s very fast!
Ryan: This book is fantastic! Story Card 5
Ryan’s mum: Ryan! It’s time for bed. Two voices from burning building: Heeeeelp!
Ryan: OK, Mum! The Bulk: Oh, no! I can hear two people
Mum: Don’t forget to turn the light off! in the house!
Ryan: Goodnight, Mum! Skyscraper: Where?
Lightning: Quick, Ryan! Use your X-ray glasses.
Story Card 2 Ryan: …OK!
Narrator: Later… Ryan’s asleep, but what’s that noise? The Bulk: I can get water!
Ryan: What? Who is it? Skyscraper: And we can rescue them. Come on!
Narrator: There’s someone at the window.
Lightning: Ryan! Wake up! Story Card 6
Narrator: Look at the Bulk! He’s got water.
Story Card 3 Lightning: It’s OK. I’ve got you.
Ryan: It’s Lightning! Girl: Oh, no! My teddy!
Lightning: Ryan! We need you! Ryan: I can get it.
Ryan: But…
Lightning: There’s no time to talk. Here’s Story Card 7
your costume. Narrator: Look at Ryan! He’s got the teddy, but…
Ryan: But… Lightning: He’s falling!
Lightning: Let’s go! Ryan: Heeeelp!
Ryan: …OK!
Story Card 8
Story Card 4 Narrator: It’s morning.
Narrator: Look! The house is on fire. Mum: Time to get up, Ryan!
The Bulk and Skyscraper are there. Ryan: Where am I?
Lightning: This is Ryan. Mum: You’re on the floor!
The Bulk: Is he strong?
1 Listen, point and repeat. 1 Read an
3 Listen and sing.
Lesson 6 5
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To introduce the structure He’s got a (blue cape). Put the children into groups and tell them to practise
She’s got (pink boots). the song. They can decide how they sing it, either all
To practise adjective and noun order. the group together, or half the group singing one verse
To sing a song. and the other half the other or they could sing alternate
lines. Give them time to practise. Encourage them to add
actions or have a member of the group be the superhero
Materials described. The groups then perform for the class.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 2
Unit 5 Poster
T r a n sc r ip ts
Warme r 2.23 Listen, point and repeat.
Review the structure He’s/She’s got … by choosing a boy cape, mask, belt, boots
and a girl from the class and describing them. Talk about
the colours of their clothes, for example, This is (Pablo). 2.24 Listen and colour.
(He’s) got a (blue) (shirt). Practise a few times, then call on
This is Ice Man. And this is Tiger Woman.
pairs of volunteers to come forward and describe each He’s very cold! She’s scary!
other for the rest of the class. He’s got a red cape. She’s got an orange cape.
He’s got grey boots. She’s got a black mask.
He’s got a green mask. She’s got yellow boots.
1 Listen,
point and repeat. 2.23
And he’s got a brown belt. And she’s got a purple belt.
Play the audio and tell the children to listen and point to
the pictures. Then, play it again and tell them to repeat the 2.25 Listen and sing: Superhero, superhero
words. Drill, then ask individual children to say the words. Superhero, superhero, Superhero, superhero,
He can do amazing things. She can do amazing things.
2 Listen
and colour. 2.24
Superhero, superhero, Superhero, superhero,
Ask the children what each superhero is wearing and Everybody sing! Everybody sing!
fromP P
More More
encourage them to respond using the practicevocabulary
He’s got a belt and a cape, She’s got a mask and a
Activity 1. Play the audio pausing after each item of F F And a fast, red bike. cape,
clothing is mentioned to allow the children time to colour He’s got blue boots. And long green hair.
the picture in. Correct the activity by making true and SC SC
false And his name is Super Mike! She’s got pink boots,
sentences, for example, (Ice Man) has More got a (pink)
More (cape). It's Super Carla. Yeah!
phonics phonics
The children call out True! or False!
1 Read and circle. Then complete your superhero fact file. Time to write
3 Listen and say.
LC The children develop their knowledge of 1 Fill in a fact file with the correct information.
pronunciation by practising the initial 2 Reproduce the initial sound c correctly.
sound c.
3 Participate in performing the tongue twister.
SCC he children develop their self-confidence
and ability to work in a team by performing
a tongue twister in front of their classmates.
Lesson 7 5
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To practise writing a fact file. Divide the class into teams. Give each team a piece of
Phonics: to practise the initial sound c as in car. paper and tell them that they have five minutes to find as
To practise the vocabulary cape, car, cat, costume. many English words beginning with the initial sound c as
they can. They can use their books and they must know
what the words mean. The team with the most words wins.
Materials If you wish, you can extend the game by playing again
Teacher’s i-solutions with the other letters the children have learnt on the course.
Unit 5 Story Card 7
CD 2
Extra Activit y
Warme r Ask the children to make a fact file for a friend, family
member, pet, famous person or cartoon character of
Introduce the theme of fact files. Write the following their choice. Write prompts on the board to help them if
prompts on the board: Name… He’s… He’s got… He can… necessary. Display the fact files around the classroom.
Show Unit 5 story card 7 and elicit information from the
children to complete a fact file for Super Ryan. (Example
answers: Name: Super Ryan. He’s clever. He’s got X-ray
glasses. He can see through things.) Do the same for a T r a n sc r ip ts
well-known superhero of the children’s choice, eliciting the
answers and writing them on the board. 2.26 Listen and repeat.
costume, cape, car
3 Listen
and say. 2.27
Play the audio and tell the children to repeat the tongue
twister. Repeat the audio as necessary and ensure that
the children are pronouncing the initial sound c clearly.
Repeat a few times, gradually speeding up, then invite
volunteers to say the tongue twister as quickly as they can.
N o w g o to l
Ad di tio na
re so u rc e s
The children think what other letter in the alphabet has the
c sound.
Teacher’s Resource Book
Phonics Section: page 67. See page 70 for the
answer key and page 141 for the transcripts.
More More
phonics phonics
Go ar ou nd
i-poster Hi! I’m Anya
CAE from Russia.
1 Listen and circle. Then, listen again and stick.
1 brother 2 sister
friend friend
3 dad 4 mum
doctor teacher
2 Draw and write about your hero.
My hero
Thifi ifi
Child's own drawing
Hæ / S”™æ´fi
Child's own answers
. g
he children develop their cultural Key competences continuous assessment
awareness as they learn about life in
Russia. Check if the children can:
1 Listen, circle the correct words and put the
IE he children use their initiative and
T stickers in the correct places.
creativity by drawing and writing about
their own personal hero. 2 Choose and draw their personal hero.
CULTURE Lesson 8 5
Language Objectives The children present their heroes to other fast finishers.
To practise the structures This is my (sister). Their partner can then ask questions like Is he/she (short)?
He can (dance). She’s (strong).
To introduce the vocabulary balalaika, ballet, chess,
skate. Wrap-up
To revise the vocabulary brother, friend, sister, teacher. Play Hangman with vocabulary from the unit. Example
To learn about people in Russia. words could include superhero, costume, cape, belt, mask,
boots, invisible, firefighter, doctor, teacher and police officer.
Give clues if necessary to help.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 2 Extra Activit y
Unit 5 Stickers
Unit 5 Poster Play I Spy with the Unit 5 poster. Display the poster and
say, for example, I spy, with my little eye, something
beginning with c. The children guess, for example,
A world map or globe cape, car. Continue with more items from the poster, for
example, I spy, with my little eye, something (purple).
If you wish, you can continue the game using the story
Warme r cards or posters from previous units.
Point to the Russian flag and to Anya. Ask a volunteer to
read the text from the speech bubble and tell the children
they are going to learn about life in Russia. Show them the
map or globe and ask them if they know where Russia is. T r a n sc r ip t
Invite individual children to come up and point it out and
ask if anyone has ever been there. Encourage the children
to tell you anything they know about Russia. Tell them 2.28 Listen and circle. Then, listen again and stick.
that Russia is the largest country in the world and that the Anya: Hi! I’m Anya from Russia. These are my heroes!
capital city is Moscow. Explain that it’s cold and snowy in Can you see photo 1? This is my friend. He can play chess.
winter and sports like skiing, skating and ice hockey are He’s clever.
popular. You could look at images of Russia, for example, Look at photo 2. This is my sister. She can dance ballet.
Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, Russian dolls, folk She’s strong.
dancing and wildlife, such as reindeer, bears, wolves and Can you see photo 3? This is my dad. Look! He’s got a hat.
the Siberian tiger. He can skate. He’s fast.
Look at photo 4. This is my teacher. She can play the
Watch the video My heroes to introduce the lesson balalaika. She’s clever.
2 Draw
and write about your hero.
Explain that Anya’s heroes are not fictional superheroes,
but real people. Explain that heroes can be people we
admire, people who help us or people who have special
talents. Ask the children to think about their real-life
heroes, asking Is it your mum or dad? Is it your grandad?
N o w g o to
Is it a friend? Is it a famous person? Ask them to choose
a hero and think about why they are important to them.
Then ask volunteers to tell the class about their hero. A dd it io na l s
Ask the children to draw their hero in the frame and write re so ur ce
about them. Give them time to complete the activity, then
ask them to mingle and show their work to each other. Teacher’s Resource Book
Reading Section: page 41. See page 57 for the
answer key.
Go aGAIN! 5
1 Look and stick. Then, listen and write T (true) or F (false).
doctor firefighter
2 Read and complete. Then match.
Unit review 59
Final Assessment
1 Look
and stick. Check if the children can:
Then, listen and write T (true) or F (false). 2.29
Place their stickers correctly and understand the
listening activity, deciding whether the statements are
Look at each picture in turn and ask the children to name
true or false.
the jobs. Then tell them to work in pairs and label the
Understand, complete and match the sentence halves
pictures using their stickers. Correct as a class, then explain
using vocabulary and structures from the unit and the
that they are going to hear Tim and Tina talking about the
picture as a guide.
pictures. Their task is to write T for true statements and F for
false statements.
2 Read
and complete. Then match.
Tell the children to look at the picture of the police officer
Activity Book
Unit 5, page 33. See Teacher’s Book
from Activity 1 and ask them to choose the best adjective
page 167 for the answer key and transcript.
to describe him (fast). Tell the children to complete the
My new words, page 44.
sentence, then continue with the remaining phrases. Look
See Teacher’s Book page 205
at the sentences on the right. Ask the children to look at
for the answer key and transcript.
the police officer again and ask What’s he got? Eliciting the
answer He’s got a belt. Then tell them to match the other
ear in
o l rn
N o w g o to l
Allow the children time to look back over the unit and
decide which activity they liked the most. Tell them to put
the trophy sticker on that activity. Encourage them to tell Ad di tio na
you why it is their favourite activity. re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
Unit Test: depending on the level of your class,
The children describe what other people are wearing in choose from pages 109-112. See pages 131-132 for the
the pictures in Activity 1 using He’s got and She’s got. answer key. and page 141 for the transcript.
Stand in a circle with the children. Model a sentence, for
example, Hello, I’m (Laura). I’m (strong), whilst miming the Drama
action. Go around the circle and tell each child to say their
name and a quality and mime an accompanying action. Drama games available for language consolidation.
Then say a child’s name and ask the others to do their See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
action, for example, Laura (the children mime being strong).
5 5
Superheroes 2 Look, circle and write the number.
1 Look, circle and copy.
scar¥ / fas† shor† / tal¬
fas† shor†
invisib¬æ / c¬e√e®
thi> / stron@ invisib¬æ He’s / She’s strong. 4 He’s / She’s clever. 1
stron@ He’s / She’s scary. 6 He’s / She’s short. 5
He’s / She’s thin. 2 He’s / She’s tall. 3
scar¥ / invisib¬æ 3 Look and write. Then colour the pictures. Child applies colours
scar¥ fast invisible strong scary
fas† / tal¬
tal¬ Hæ´fi scar¥ .
thi> / shor† S”™æ´fi fas† .
Hæ´fi invisib¬æ.
stron@ / c¬e√e®
c¬e√e® S”™æ´fi stron@.
28 29
5 T r a n sc r ip t
4 Listen and match.
10 L
isten and match.
1 3
Interviewer: Let’s talk to Interviewer: Hello, Anna. Is
2 some children who have your dog a girl or a boy?
superhero dogs! Anna: He’s a boy.
Hello, Charlie! Is your dog a Interviewer: Is he fast?
Eddie girl or a boy? Anna: No, he isn’t.
Charlie: He’s a boy. Interviewer: OK, is he
Interviewer: Is he tall? strong?
Poppy Charlie: No, he isn’t. Anna: Yes, he’s strong. He’s
4 Interviewer: Is he short? strong and he’s clever too.
Charlie: Yes, he is. He’s short
and he’s black. 4
Interviewer: Hi, Tony. Is your
5 Look and write your opinion. Child's own answers 2 dog a girl or a boy?
Interviewer: Hi, Rita. Is your Tony: She’s a girl.
Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. dog a girl or a boy? Interviewer: Is she clever?
Rita: She’s a girl. Tony: Umm, no, she isn’t.
Ifi s™æ fas†? Interviewer: Is she fast? Interviewer: Is she fast?
Rita: Fast? No, she isn’t. Tony: Yes, she is. She’s fast,
Ifi s™æ shor†? Interviewer: Is she tall? but she isn’t clever. But
Ifi s™æ scar¥? Rita: Yes, she is. She’s tall. she’s my superhero!
She’s tall and black and very
Ifi ™æ thi>? beautiful!
Ifi ™æ tal¬?
Ifi ™æ c¬e√e®?
5 5
6 Look and write. 8 Read and match. Then complete the fact file. Time to write
caπæ mas§
P h o n ic s
7 Look at Activity 6 and complete the sentences. Then colour.
9 Circle the c words. Then, complete and match. board ke at puter
31 32
5 T r a n sc r ip t
isten and number.
1 Listen and number.
1 3
Teacher: Hello, Ben! Teacher: Who else
1 Ben: Hello! do you like?
2 Teacher: Can you tell me Ben: I like Shadow.
4 about your favourite story Teacher: Tell me about
characters? Shadow.
Ben: Yes! I like Metal Woman. Ben: Well, she’s very clever.
3 She’s a superhero. She’s She hasn’t got a costume but
really strong and she’s fast she’s invisible! She can do
too. She’s got boots amazing things!
and a belt.
2 Look and complete. Teacher: Has she got a 4
mask? Ben: My favourite story
Ben: Yes, she’s got a mask character is Gondo. He’s
too! very clever. He’s got a big
ƒ i r æ £ i @h t e ® be l† hat and a cape. He can do
2 magic!
Ben: I like Redbeard too. Teacher: Magic? Really?
ßca r ¥ Teacher: Who is Redbeard? Ben: Yes, he’s a wizard.
Ben: Well, he’s very strong Teacher: OK, that’s fantastic,
∫ o o t fi but he’s scary too. He’s only Ben!
© l e√e ® got one eye and he’s got a
parrot. He’s a pirate!
Teacher: Oh! I like pirate
†ea © ™e ® stories.
ß t r o n@ s h or †
My new words
page 44 33
• Present Continuous • Verbs: drawing, drinking, • Phonics: final sound ing • Present Continuous
questions with What eating, listening, reading, as in king • Have got
and answers taking photos, talking,
• Parts of the body
•S tructure: There’s a writing
• Adjectives: big, small,
(mummy). •E xtra: cross, Egyptian,
everybody, horn, Ice
Age, mammoth,
mummy, museum, real
Language Objectives
• To extend the Present • To understand and use • To talk about what • To produce the final
Continuous tense. action verbs. people are doing. sound ing correctly.
• To practise descriptions • To identify different • To describe dinosaurs
using It’s got… animal body parts. and other animals.
• To describe a scene • To use transport words. • To describe a scene.
using There’s a…
Skills Objectives
Assessment Criteria GO Digital! Teacher’s i-solutions
• The children can identify, understand and produce verbs in Fully interactive teaching and learning materials
the Present Continuous tense. organised into step-by-step lesson plans in the
• The children can understand and produce the question What form of learning paths including:
are you doing? and answer.
Video support for all songs, stories and
• The children can use adjectives and body features to culture lessons
describe a dinosaur.
Highlight feature for all phonics rhyme
• The children can use there’s to describe a scene.
Audio material and transcripts
Materials i-posters, i-flashcards and i-stories
Flashcard Bank
• Teacher’s i-solutions • Teacher’s Resource Book
• Student’s Book CD 2 Lesson 2: Language, pp 20-22 Additional interactive games for
whole-class content reinforcement
• Story Cards Unit 6 Listening, p 36
• Flashcards Unit 6 Lesson 3: Reading, p 42 Interactive Routine poster
• Poster Unit 6 Writing, p 48 Game Generator to create your own
• Student’s Book Unit 6 Lesson 4: CLIL, p 78 IWB games to play with the children
• Stickers Unit 6 Lesson 7: Phonics, p 68
Use the Richmond i-tools to add
• Pop-outs Unit 6 Lesson 8: Speaking, p 54
your own material for the classroom by
• Activity Book Unit 6 Unit review: inserting notes, links and external files. It is also
Unit 6 test, pp 113-116 possible to write or paint on the pages and in the
End of term 3 test, pp 121-122 zoom windows.
End of year test, pp 123-126 Save all your teaching sessions to meet the
needs of each individual class.
• Coloured sticky notes, real postcards, sheets of card, a
world map, old magazines or catalogues
GO Innovate!
Lesson 1: Flipped Learning For ideas on how to exploit
Lesson 4: Thinking-based Learning the course resources, see our
Lesson 5: Cooperative Learning
Unit review: Cooperative Learning
Activity Bank: pages 23-31.
Key competences
Linguistic competence SCC Social and civic competence
The children develop listening, speaking, reading and The children learn the basic social rules of taking turns
writing skills, as well as grammar rules, vocabulary and when asking and answering questions.
phonics for pronunciation. The children learn to use the
Present Continuous tense to ask about and say what they CAE Cultural awareness and expression
are doing. The children develop their cultural awareness learning
about activities for tourists in France.
MST Competence in Maths, Science and Technology
The children develop their scientific understanding as they
Learning to learn
look at dinosaurs. The children develop strategies to improve the learning
process through a variety of activities aimed at multiple
DC Digital competence
The children become familiar with the use of technology
working together on the unit using the IWB.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
The children develop a sense of personal autonomy by
imagining a perfect day of their choice. They also choose
and share their favourite dinosaur.
A day out
1 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
2 Listen and chant.
1 2 3
taking photos
7 6 listening
LC writing
3 Look and write.
The children develop their listening skills and Key competences continuous assessment
learn a set of vocabulary related to actions.
Check if the children can:
CAE 1 Recognise the vocabulary and match the
The children develop their creativity
through music and movement. numbered pictures to the correct actions in
the column on the right.
he children improve their writing and
T 2 Keep the rhythm by clapping and learn a chant.
spelling of new vocabulary. 3 Write the new actions vocabulary.
Lesson 1 6
Language Objectives Extra Activit y
To practise listening skills to identify actions. Play a drawing game. Divide the children into two teams
To introduce the action verbs drawing, drinking, and line them up in front of the board. Give instructions
eating, listening, reading, taking photos, talking. for a drawing using the action words drawing, drinking,
To learn a chant. eating, listening, reading, taking photos or talking. For
example, The boy is eating. The first two children run
to the board and the first one to complete the drawing
Materials correctly gets a point for their team.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 6 Poster
CD 2
Unit 6 Flashcards T r a n sc r ip ts
2.30 Listen, point and repeat. Then, match and say.
Warme r
1 taking photos 2 reading 3 drinking 4 talking
Display the poster and revise previously learnt vocabulary
5 writing 6 listening 7 eating 8 drawing
by describing the weather in the image or asking questions
like Where is (the book)? Describe an action using the
Present Continuous: I am talking to you. You are listening 2.31 Listen and chant: All the things we do!
to me! Then mime some actions using the new vocabulary.
Drawing, reading, talking, eating,
Taking photos too.
Listening, writing, drinking water.
1 Listen,
point and repeat. Then, match and say. 2.30
Look at all the things we do!
Elicit the names of the forms of transport on display. Play
the audio and tell the children to point to, repeat and
mime the words as they hear them. ThenMore More
practice tell the P P
to look at the word column in pairs. They say each word, F F Initial Evaluation
find the corresponding image in the main scene and say Evaluate whether the children can recognise the unit
the number. SC SC vocabulary from images and short audio texts as well
A picture dictionary is provided on page
77 of the
as express which of the actions is their favourite.
Student’s Book.
2 Listen
and chant. 2.31
Play the chant. Ask the class to think of a mime for each
action mentioned. Play the audio again with the children
Activity Book
Unit 6, page 34. See Teacher’s Book
miming each verb as they hear it. i-flashcards
page 190 for the answer key.
3 Look
and write. IWB i-book
Put the word cards up on the board. Ask the class to read
them out. Tell them to close their eyes. Take one away.
The first child to tell you which one is missing gets to take
away the next flashcard. Before writing, tell the children to
point to Ryan, Mike, Jasmin and Carla and say the action
each is doing. Finally, they write the correct action into
their books. Correct on the board.
Display the poster, point to each action and elicit the verb.
Divide the class into two teams and assign each team
four verbs for that team to remember. The children must
then tell you the four verbs of their group in unison. As a
fun twist, you can ask individual children to change seats Flip this lesson!
with a member of the opposite group and then tell you the
verbs of their new group. Flipped Learning dynamic available in
GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
1 Listen and circle. Then, listen and repeat.
2.32 2.33
I´√æ go†
å ca†.
2 Listen and sing.
4 2.34
7 Hi, Jake! What are you doing? What are you doing, Jake?
Hi, Sam! Can’t you see? I’m eating cake!
Pat Lola
1 Jake
taking photos
listening Rory
3 Mime. Then say in pairs.
2 Listen
and sing. 2.34
3 Mime.
Then say in pairs.
Explain that the boy and girl are looking at the picture in Activity Book
Activity 2 and playing a game. Read the speech bubbles Unit 6, page 35. See Teacher’s Book
and ask the class to repeat after you. Explain that the boy page 190 for the answer key and transcript.
is miming Ron (who’s talking on the phone) and the girl is
looking and guessing. Then ask the children to work in
pairs, taking turns to ask and mime:
Child 1: What are you doing?
Child 2: I’m drawing (miming drawing).
Child 1: You’re Pat.
N o w g o tona l
The children draw a picture dictionary in their notebooks,
Ad di tio
using images like the photos in Activity 1 to represent the
different actions. re so u rc e s
Wrap-up Teacher’s Resource Book
Language Section: depending on the level in your
In pairs, the children play a miming game. Child A says class, choose from pages 20-22. See pages 26-27 for
What are you doing? to Child B, who then mimes an the answer key.
activity for Child A to guess. They then swap roles. To mix Listening Section: page 36. See page 56 for the
things up the children can choose to do the action in the answer key and page 141 for the transcript.
role of, for example, a superhero or an animal.
1 Listen and number.
1 3 4 6
5 2
2 Read and stick.
I’m reading
a book.
I’m listening
to music.
I’m eating a
I’m drawing
a dog.
3 Make a bus and play in pairs. Time to talk
he children develop their listening skills Key competences continuous assessment
by identifying what people are doing in
pictures. Check if the children can:
1 Understand the dialogues and number the
he children practise reading and identifying
T pictures accordingly.
2 Read and understand to match a description
SCC he children improve their social skills by
T to the correct picture.
role-playing and asking and answering
questions in pairs. 3 Role-play successfully to ask and answer
Lesson 3 6
Extra Activit y
Language Objectives
To introduce the structure What are you doing? The children sit in small groups with their pop-out and
I’m (drawing). play a guessing game. They take turns to give a clue
To ask and answer questions in pairs using the about someone on the bus and the others say what that
structure learnt. person is doing.
To write a description of a picture using the Child 1: I’m a (girl). I am wearing (a red T-shirt).
structure I’m (reading) (a book). What am I doing?
Child 2: You are drinking.
Teacher’s i-solutions
Unit 6 Flashcards T r a n sc r ip t
CD 2
Unit 6 Poster 2.35 Listen and number.
Unit 6 Stickers
Unit 6 Pop-outs 1 4
Parrot: Squawk! What are you Parrot: Squawk! What are you
doing? doing?
Lively music Boy 1: Oh! Hello, parrot. I’m Boy 3: I’m taking photos.
talking. I’m talking to you.
2 Parrot: What are you doing?
Warme r Parrot: Hello! What are you Girl 2: I’m drinking water. It’s
doing? hot today.
Review the verbs with the flashcards, then remove two Boy 2: I’m eating a banana.
flashcards without the class seeing them. Ask them to chant Mmm, yummy! 6
What are you doing? The class chants the question and you Parrot: Mmm, I like bananas Parrot: Squawk! Squawk!
answer with the five remaining flashcards: I‘m drawing and too. What are you doing?
I’m... Ask the class to say which two flashcards are missing. Girl 3: I’m writing. I’m writing
3 about the pyramid.
Parrot: Hello! What are you Parrot: Oh, bye bye!
1 Listen and number. 2.35 doing? Girl 3: Goodbye, parrot!
Girl 1: I’m drawing. I’m drawing
Ask the class to work in pairs and say the actions they a picture of the pyramid.
can see. Then play the audio and ask them to number the
children as they listen. Correct as a class.
2 Read
and stick. Continuous Assessment
Display the poster. Ask individual children to mimic what Check if the children can ask their classmates what
their favourite activity from the poster is. Encourage the they are doing, using the Present Continuous and then
class to say the right verb and point to it in the poster. Then, respond to the same question.
they look at the pictures in the book and the stickers and
say what each child is doing. Finally, they stick the picture
with its corresponding description.
Tell the children to draw their own bus with children from N o w g o to
the class doing different actions. Ad di tio na l
re so u rc e s
Clear a space and ask the children to stand up. Stick the Teacher’s Resource Book
flashcards around the room. Play some lively music and Reading Section: page 42. See page 57 for the
the children dance. Stop the music and say I’m reading. answer key.
The first child to touch the corresponding flashcard gets to Writing Section: page 48. See page 59 for the
stop the music the next time. answer key.
CLIL Go find out! 6
1 Listen and number.
2 4
3 1
2 Read and write the dinosaur.
Lesson 4 6
Language Objectives
To introduce the word horn. Ask the class to make up a dinosaur of their own and
To revise parts of the body vocabulary: arm, head, think about what it looks like: Has it got four legs or two
leg, teeth. legs and two arms? Has it got a big head? Has it got big
To practise adjectives big, short, small, strong, tall. teeth? Is it big or small? Is it scary? What colour is it? Tell
To practise the structures It’s got (a small head). the children to draw their dinosaur, invent a name for it and
It’s (tall). write a short description: It’s (big). It’s (orange). It’s got (four
legs) and (a big head).
Teacher’s i-solutions Extra Activit y
CD 2 Put the children into small groups to brainstorm and
write down animals with the features you describe, for
Coloured sticky notes exampe, animals with two legs. Give them a time limit.
The group with the most animals wins.
Warme r
Write the word dinosaur on the board and, if possible, T r a n sc r ip t
show the class some pictures of dinosaurs or find dinosaur
images on the internet. Ask the class to tell you what they
know about dinosaurs. Elicit or explain that dinosaurs
2.36 Listen and number.
lived millions of years ago, some were very big, some 1
ate plants and others ate other dinosaurs, they became Look at this dinosaur! It’s very tall. It’s got four legs. And it’s
extinct before humans existed and scientists learn about got a small head.
dinosaurs by looking at fossils. 2
This dinosaur is tall and it’s scary. It’s got two legs and two
very short arms. It’s got a big head. Oh yes, and it’s got big
1 Listen
and number. 2.36 teeth!
Ask the class to look at the pictures and say the dinosaur 3
names with the children. With a drawing or picture of a Look at this dinosaur! It’s got two arms and two legs. It’s got
horned dinosaur, review the body vocabulary arm, leg, a small head. It can run fast.
head, teeth and introduce the word horn, pointing it out in 4
the Triceratops picture as well. Explain that they will hear I like this dinosaur. It’s strong. It’s got four legs and it’s got
the boy and girl talking about the dinosaurs and tell them to three horns.
number the dinosaurs. Correct as a class.
2 Read
and write the dinosaur.
Ask a volunteer to read out the first sentence and ask the Continuous Assessment
class to name the dinosaur (Gallimimus). Tell the children Can the children understand short texts identifying
to read the other descriptions in pairs and then look at different types of dinosaurs based on physical
Activity 1 and choose the corresponding dinosaur. Correct descriptions? Assess whether they can write the names
as a class. of the types of dinosaurs.
3 Read
and say.
Have a class discussion about the dinosaurs seen in the
unit. Write the names of the dinosaurs on the board and
ask individual children which is their favourite and why. N o w g o to
Then have a vote and draw a bar chart on the board Ad di tio na l
showing the most popular to the least popular dinosaur.
Make a large version for the classroom using coloured
re so u rc e s
sticky notes. Get all the children to participate.
Teacher’s Resource Book
CLIL Section: page 78. See page 80 for the answer key.
Thinking-based Learning
Thinking routine available for extension.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
A day at the museum
1 Find and colour. Then say.
There’s a mu
It’s following
Scenes: 1 6&8 4 3 6 5
2 Listen to the story. What are you
2.37 2 doing, Jasmin?
Mike’s class is
at the museum. Everybody
listen to me!
I’m listening.
3 Carla and Mike are in the Dinosaur room. Now Carla and Mike
4 are in the Egyptian
m 5 6 Now the class is in the Ice Age room.
Value: Listen to your teacher. 65
6 Lesson 5 Sto ry
Language Objectives
To listen to and understand a story. Call eight volunteers to the front and give them each a
To recognise key vocabulary ans structures in story card. Ask them to show their story cards to the class
context: dinosaur, following, listening, room, taking in turn and help them to describe what they can see.
photos; What are you doing? Divide the remainder of the class into two groups. Have
To introduce vocabulary: cross, Egyptian, Ice Age, one group come forward and line up the children so that
mammoth, mummy, museum, real. the story cards are in the correct order, then help the
To revise the expressions: Thank you! Smile, please! second group to narrate the story.
class and play the story again. The children hold up their
card at the appropriate time. Then write up three headings
on the board: The Dinosaur Room, The Egyptian Room and
The Ice Age Room. The children describe what happens in
the story in each room: There is (a mummy). The mummy
(is following) Mike and Carla. Depending on the level of
the class, this activity can be done with the books open or
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative structure available for consolidation.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
Sto ry Lesson 5 6
V V a lu e
Listen to your teacher.
Show story card 3 and say that Carla Explain that when teachers tell us to do
and Mike are scared because they something, it is always for our own
can see scary things at the museum good. Give examples: Your parents
(a mummy and a T-rex). Ask why always tell you to brush your teeth,
that happened and why they were if you don’t do this, your teeth will
so scared. Elicit that it was because go bad. Your parents tell you to
they left the group and didn’t obey eat vegetables; if you don’t eat
their teacher, so they were alone. vegetables, you won’t grow big
Have a class discussion about being and strong. Ask the children to
a large group of children on a trip. get into small groups and act out
Ask What do you need to be careful situations in which not listening
about? Elicit Staying on the pavement, to a teacher has resulted or could
keeping with the group, listening to the result in a bad situation.
instructions of your teacher.
T r a n sc r ip t
Listen to the story.
2.37 A day at the museum
Story Card 1 Story Card 5
Narrator: Mike’s class is at the museum. Carla: Look! There’s Ryan.
Teacher: Everybody listen to me, please! Mike: There’s a mummy. It’s following us!
Joe: I’m listening. Ryan: What?
Teacher: Thank you, Joe.
Story Card 6
Story Card 2 Narrator: Now the class is in the Ice Age Room.
Teacher: What are you doing, Jasmin? Carla: There’s a dinosaur too!
Jasmin: I’m taking a photo. Mike: …and it’s real!
Mike: Carla, look! It’s the Dinosaur Room! Sally: Look, class! There’s a mammoth.
Carla: Let’s go and look!
Story Card 7
Story Card 3 Mike: Oh, no! There’s a teacher… and she’s cross.
Narrator: Carla and Mike are in the Ryan: Oops!
Dinosaur Room. Sally: Mike! Carla!
Mike: There’s a triceratops. Narrator: Mike and Carla are in trouble now.
Carla: Oh, no! There’s a real
dinosaur. Run! Story Card 8
Narrator: It’s time to go back to school.
Story Card 4 Ryan: Look, Mike! There’s a dinosaur! And a
Narrator: Now Carla and Mike are in mummy!
the Egyptian Room. Jasmin: Smile, please!
Carla: It isn’t following us.
Mike: There’s a mummy. RUN!
1 Listen and chant. 1 Read an
There’s a dinosaur,
It’s really scary!
A mammoth too!
It’s big and hairy!
2 Listen and say.
1 2
3 Look and say.
Lesson 6 6
Language Objectives Wrap-up
To introduce the structure There’s a (mummy). Play Hangman! Use the list of museum items. Divide the
To practise vocabulary learnt in the story. class into two groups and write the gaps for the first word.
To say a chant. Ask the children to take turns raising their hands to say
letters and guess the word. Give a point to the group of
the child who guesses the word and ask that child to come
Materials to the board. Help them choose a different word, write the
Teacher’s i-solutions gaps and lead the game.
CD 2
Unit 6 Story Cards
Extra Activit y
Warme r Get all the children to hold up one finger on their left
hand and two fingers on their right hand. Then, with
Remind the children of the list of things they suggested their books closed, describe something from one of the
you might see in a museum for the story warmer museum scenes in Activity 2, for example, There’s a
discussion and get them to call out items. If they can’t green car. The children hold up their one or two fingered
remember, show the story cards. Write all the suggestions hand to say which picture it is (1 or 2).
up on the board and add any new ones. UsingMorethis list,
dinosaur,P P
play a mime game, for example, mime being apractice
or flying a plane and choose a child to say which item F F
you are miming. That child then takes a turn and chooses T r a n sc r ip ts
someone else. Make a copy of the list to use in a gameSC SC
later on. More More
phonics phonics 2.38 Listen and chant: I love the museum!
I love the museum, There’s a dinosaur,
1 Listen
and chant. 2.38
It’s my favourite place. It’s really scary!
First ask the children to name the objects they can see in I go there with my school. A mammoth too!
Activity 1. Then, they read out the chant and chant along So many interesting things It’s big and hairy!
to see,
with the audio. Write the words of the chant on the board,
Museums are really cool! There’s a mummy from
but include some mistakes, substituting certain words, Egypt.
for example, I go there with my family.
IWB Include i-book several of There’s a plane. A painting from Spain.
these in the chant text. Play the audio and tell the children There’s a car. Museums are great!
to call out Stop! if they find a mistake and say what the There’s a very old bike. Let’s go again!
correct word should be. So many things that I really
2 Listen
and say. 2.39
Introduce the structure There’s a (pencil case) (on my 2.39 Listen and say.
desk) using classroom objects. Then tell the children to Carla: Which picture is this? There’s a dinosaur and a green
look at Activity 2 and say what there is in the picture using car.
the same structure. As they listen to the audio, pause it Mike: Can you see which picture this is? There’s a painting
to allow individual children to say which picture is being and a red bike.
referred to. Carla: In this picture there’s a mummy and a yellow car.
Mike: In this picture there’s a mummy and a mammoth.
3 Look and say. Carla: Which picture is this? There’s a cupboard and a red
This can be done as a class activity, asking individual
children to make statements about the pictures using the
structure There is a (bike) (in front of) (a painting). It could
also be done in pairs.
Continuous Assessment
Check if the children understand descriptions using the
construction There’s a (bike).
The children use the same structure to write a description Assess whether they can describe what objects there
of the unit poster. are in an image.
1 Read and complete. Then make a postcard. Time to write
H”^ Grann¥,
I´µ visitin@ t™æ Transpor† M”ußeuµ
wit™ m¥ schoo¬ toda¥. I†´fi fantasti© !
T™e®æ´fi å bi@ bufi and å trai>.
T™e®æ´fi å photo o‡ t™æ trai> o>
t™æ postcard. Do yo¤ li§æ i†?
ing P h o n ic s
2 Listen and repeat.
3 Listen and say.
Time to write! T r a n sc r ip ts
1 R
ead and complete. Then make a postcard. 2.40 Listen and repeat.
Remind the children of what they have learnt about trips
to a museum and that when we make a trip it is nice to king, swing, ring
send someone a postcard about it. Ask if they know what a 2.41 Listen and say.
transport museum is and what they might expect to find there.
Then the children fill in the spaces in the postcard. Correct as Look! A king on a swing with a ring listening to a bird sing.
a class.
More More
phonics phonics
Go ar ou nd
i-poster Hi! I’m Hugo
CAE from France.
1 Read and stick. Then, listen and number.
I’m reading.
3 I’m drawing.
I’m eating.
4 I’m taking photos.
2 Draw pictures of a day out. Then write.
. . g
CULTURE Lesson 8 6
Language Objectives Remind the children of some of the other cities and
To practise the structure I am (eat)ing. countries they have covered in other units such as New
To practise the vocabulary drawing, eating, reading, Zealand and London and to write a list of everything they
taking photos. can remember from those places.
To learn about famous landmarks in Paris.
Materials Ask the children to look back over all the countries they
Teacher’s i-solutions have seen in the book: the Netherlands, Australia, UK,
Unit 6 Stickers New Zealand, Russia and France. Make a group for each
CD 2 country and give them a large sheet of card. They draw
the flag and the name of the country at the top and then
A world map or globe, large sheets of card three things they liked about the country that they learnt in
the unit. Display the posters around the class.
Warme r
Extra Activit y
Show the children where France is on a map and show
them an image of the French flag. Then find some images Ask the children to get into groups and to think of
of France on the internet and introduce the country to the activities they could do in their local town. They then
children. Interesting images include: Mont Blanc (Europe’s mime the activities for other groups to guess what they
highest mountain), cheese as a popular food with more are doing and where.
than 300 types, the Tour de France bike race, croissants
and pain au chocolat as popular snacks or breakfast
foods, the 14th of July Bastille Day celebrations and
fireworks. Tell them that Paris is the capital city and ask if T r a n sc r ip t
anyone has been there. Show them images or videos of
famous places in Paris.
2.42 Listen and number.
Watch the video A day out in Paris to introduce the Hugo: Hi, I’m Hugo from France. Today, I’m in Paris with my
lesson theme. family. Paris is the capital city of France.
I’m on a boat. I can see the river and trees and houses.
1 Read
and stick. Then, listen and number. 2.42 I like this boat. I’m taking photos of Notre Dame.
Point out Hugo at the top and read out his speech bubble. 2
Explain that Hugo is going for a day out in Paris with his I’m at the Eiffel Tower. It’s very tall. Look! I’m drawing a
family. Then point out the photos and get the children picture. The Eiffel Tower is fantastic!
to say what they can see. Point out the captions and 3
read them out with the class. Tell the class to look at the I’m at the beach now. It’s hot and sunny. I’m reading a
stickers and find the correct sticker for each caption in book.
pairs. Correct as a class. Explain that they are going to
listen to Hugo talk about his day in Paris. Tell the children
I’m hungry! I’m eating cake. It’s called clafoutis and it’s my
to listen and number the pictures. Correct as a class. favourite cake. Mmm, yummy!
2 Draw
pictures of a day out. Then write.
Tell the class about a place you like going for a day out,
why you like it, what you do there, what you eat and drink,
etc. Then invite the children to say places they like going
for a day out with the family, for example, the zoo, a city
farm, a theme park, the beach, the countryside. Tell the
class to draw a place they like going to in the first frame
and ask them to write the name of the place. Next, ask the
class to think about foods they like to eat at their favourite
place and write the words in English on the board: ice
cream, sandwiches, cake, fruit. Then tell the class to draw
N o w g o tona l
a food they like eating when they go on a day out and ask
them to complete the caption with the name of the food.
Ad di tio
re so u rc e s
Teacher’s Resource Book
Speaking Section: page 54.
Go aGAIN! 6
1 Listen and write T (true) or F (false) in your notebook.
2 Look at activity 1 and complete.
Unit review 69
u n it R e v ie w 6
Language Objective T r a n sc r ip t
To review vocabulary and structures from Unit 6.
2.43 Listen and write T (true) or F (false) in your
Materials 1 Techie robot: Hello Tina, 4 Techie robot: Hello, Mum!
Teacher’s i-solutions what are you doing? What are you doing?
Unit 6 Poster Tina: I’m drinking. I’m Mum: Oh, hello! I’m writing.
Trophy Stickers drinking juice. I’m writing a postcard.
CD 2 2 Techie robot: Hi Tim, what 5 Techie robot: Look at the
are you doing? castle. There’s a king!
Tim: I’ve got my pencils. I’m 6 Techie robot: Look!
Old magazines or catalogues drawing. There’s a dinosaur. It’s got a
3 Techie robot: Here’s Dad. big head.
Dad, what are you doing? 7 Techie robot: There’s a
Warme r Dad: Me? I’m reading a car. It’s blue.
book. 8 Techie robot: Can you see
Display the Unit 6 poster. Choose an action from the the cat? It’s orange!
poster and write it on a piece of paper. Tell the class you
are thinking of an action and they have to guess it, asking
Are you (listening)? If the class guesses the word in three
guesses, then give them a point. If they don’t guess the Final Assessment
word, then you get a point. Check if the children can:
Express different actions in the Present Continuous.
Identify and describe different elements in a scene.
1 Listen
and write T (true)
or F (false) in your notebook. 2.43
Tell the class to get out their notebooks and write the
numbers 1 to 8 in a column. Explain that the insect robot is Activity Book
asking the family questions and some of the answers are Unit 6, page 39. See Teacher’s Book
true and some are false. Tell the children to write a T for page 191 for the answer key and transcript.
True or an F for False in their notebooks as they listen. My new words, page 45.
Play the first excerpt, pause the audio and correct as a See Teacher’s Book page 205
class. Then continue with the other excerpts. Play the audio for the answer key and transcript.
a second time and then correct as a class.
o l rn
Allow the children time to look back over the unit and
decide which activity they liked the most. Tell them to put Teacher’s Resource Book
the trophy sticker on that activity. Encourage them to tell Unit test: depending on the level of your class, choose
you why it is their favourite activity. from pages 113-116. See pages 132-133 for the answer key
and page 142 for the trasncript.
End of term 3 test: pages 121-122. See page 134 for the
answer key and page 142 for the trasncript.
The children describe the picture in Activity 1 using the End of year test: pages 123-126. See page 135 for the
construction There’s a (red) (car). answer key and page 142 for the transcript.
Divide the class into groups. Distribute some old
magazines and catalogues. They need to find as many Cooperative Learning
examples as they can of people eating, drinking, running, Cooperative structure available for end of year
reading, writing, talking, drawing or taking photos. Then
vocabulary review.
they cut them out and make a collage. Display the
collages around the classroom. Drama
Drama games available for language consolidation.
See GO Innovate! Teacher’s Guide 2.
6 6
A day out 2 Listen and number.
1 Look and match. Then write and colour. Child applies colours 3 2
drinkin@ listening
eatin@ 4
3 Look at Activity 2 and complete.
lis†enin@ eating takin@ photofi
reading taking photos drawing drinking listening talking
taking photos
I´µ lis†enin@ . I´µ talkin@ .
6 T r a n sc r ip t
Child's own drawings
4 Read and draw. Then colour the pictures. Child applies colours
1 4
Angela: Hello, Mr Astronaut! Astronaut: Sam, what are
Astronaut: Welcome to the you doing?
planetarium, everyone! And Sam: I’m reading. It’s a book
hello, Angela. What are you about aliens!
3 I’m drinking orange juice. 4 I’m eating a big pizza.
Angela: I’m talking. I’m 5
talking to you! Astronaut: Hello, Erica.
What are you doing?
2 Erica: I’m drawing. Look!
Astronaut: Hello Miriam, It’s a planet.
what are you doing?
5 Look, order and write.
Miriam: I’m drinking water. 6
Astronaut: Hello, Kurt.
tø / I´µ / m¥ / talkin@ / granda∂ 3 What are you doing?
Iªµ talkin@ to m¥ granda∂. Astronaut: Danny, what are Kurt: Look! I’ve got my
you doing? camera. I’m taking photos.
pear / eatin@ / I´µ / å Danny: Pardon?
Iªµ eatin@ å πea®. Astronaut: What are you
takin@ / I´µ / photø / å Danny: Just a moment! I’m
Iªµ takin@ å photo. listening. I’m listening to the
naµæ / writin@ / I´µ / m¥
Iªµ writin@ m¥ naµæ.
6 6
6 Read and colour. 8 Look, order and complete the letter. Time to write
P h o n ic s
9 Circle the ing words. Then, complete and match.
ng g si ing
1 k^ n @
T™e®æ´fi å pla>æ . P
T™e®æ´fi å dol¬ .O 2 s i n@
T™e®æ´fi å bi§æ .O 3 sw i n @
T™e®æ´fi å dinosau®. P 4 ri> @
T™e®æ´fi å mammot™. P
T™e®æ´fi å ca® . P
37 38
6 T r a n sc r ip t
isten and circle.
1 Listen and circle.
1 3
Interviewer: Hello, Carla! Interviewer: Hello, Mike!
What are you doing? What are you doing?
Carla: I’m drawing a fish. Mike: Mmm, I’m eating a
Interviewer: Oh, yes? Is it a cake.
small fish? Interviewer: Oh! Is it a small
Carla: No, it isn’t. I’m drawing cake?
3 a big fish. Mike: Yes, it is. It’s small and
it’s delicious! Yum, yum!
4 Interviewer: Hi, Ryan. 4
What are you doing? Interviewer: Hi, Jasmin.
Ryan: I’m reading a book. What are you doing?
2 Read and complete. Interviewer: Is it a book Jasmin: I’m taking photos of
about dinosaurs? a dog.
park drinking squirrel
reading sunny
Hello! M”¥ naµæ´fi Oliviå. Ryan: No, it isn’t. It’s a book Interviewer: Oh, yes?
about mammoths. Is it a white dog?
Toda¥ I´µ a† t™æ par§ . Jasmin: No, it isn’t. It’s grey.
I´µ ®eadin@ å boo§.
A”n∂ I´µ drinkin@ jui©æ.
I†´fi ho† an∂ sunn¥ toda¥.
L”oo§! The®æ´fi å squir®e¬ .
I†´fi m¥ favouri†æ anima¬.
My new words
page 45 39
1 This is Granny. She’s old. She isn’t fast or 2 This is Boris. He’s got lots of legs 7
strong… but she’s got a secret! and he’s scary.
3 Here’s your lunch. 4 Tim and Tina are on the train 9 Super Bor
with their class.
Listen to the story. Listen aga
5 and 6
7 There’s a hole in the bridge. 8
Oh, no! It’s Doctor Klang!
She’s my favourite
Boris! This is 11 12
Super Granny! Guess what…
Thank you, Super Granny!
Post-listening activity
Language Objectives Ask the children to tell you about a trip they have been on
To listen to and answer questions about a story. with their class. Then, ask them to work in groups and tell
To review adjectives and actions vocabulary. them to imagine that something happened on their trip and
To review the structures He’s (clever). a superhero came to save the day. The children work in
What’s (he) (doing)? He’s (fixing) (a bridge). groups to invent their story and practise a short scene. When
He’s got (long legs). they are ready, they act it out for the rest of the class.
Teacher’s i-solutions Put the children into two teams. Play Pictionary with
Unit 5 Flashcards the Unit 5 word cards. Slowly begin to draw a picture
CD 2 to represent one of the adjectives, pausing to give the
Unit 6 Flashcards children time to guess what it is before drawing more.
Techies Stickers Units 5 and 6 When someone guesses, give their team a point.
Narrator: Tim and Tina are on the train with their class.
Listen to the story. 2.44
Tina: I like this train. It’s very fast!
Tell the children that they are going to read a story about Narrator: Look at Tim! He’s got a camera.
Granny and Boris and pre-teach the word secret. Tell the Teacher: What are you doing, Tim? Sit down!
children to look at the story. Play the audio and ask them
to follow along in their books. Play the story again, then Narrator: The train is stopping.
Tina: What’s happening?
ask the children some simple questions about each scene. Tim: Oh, no! Is it an accident?
Say, for example, Look at scene (1). Who’s this? (Granny).
Look at scene (2). What colour is the (dog)? (Blue). Who’s Narrator: At home…
this? (Boris). Elicit adjectives wherever possible: Is the TV news presenter: It’s Doctor Klang! He’s attacking the train.
(train) (slow)? (No, it isn’t). It’s (fast). Granny: Come on, Boris! This is a job for Super Granny!
5 and 6
Part 2 Extra Activit y
Warme r Act out the story. Assign roles to the children: Tim, Tina,
Granny, Boris, the dog owner, the dog, the teacher,
Cover a Unit 6 flashcard with a piece of blank paper with the children in Tim and Tina’s class, Doctor Klang and
a small hole cut into it. Slowly move the paper around to the police officers. Allocate different parts of the class
reveal different parts of the picture through the hole and for each of the three settings: the house, the train
invite the class to name the action. When the children and outside the train. Arrange chairs in rows to make
guess, invite a volunteer to come to the front of the class the ‘train’. Practise a few times, then repeat the play,
and reveal another flashcard for the rest of the class to changing roles to allow the children who didn’t have a
guess. speaking part to have a turn at speaking. If it turns out
Pre-listening activity well, you could perform it for a younger class and sing
the song Fantastic superheroes! (see page 151) at the
Tell the children to look at the story. Make true and false end!
statements about the pictures, for example, In picture 1,
Granny is drinking a cup of tea (false). In picture 2, the
dog is blue (true). The children say true or false and put
their thumbs up or down. Continue asking comprehension
questions, for example, Tim and Tina are on the bus (false).
T r a n sc r ip t
Granny is a superhero (true).
Narrator: Doctor Klang is a scary super-villain. He wants to
destroy the train.
Listen again and stick the missing speech bubbles. 2.44 Tim: There’s a hole in the bridge. Oh, no! It’s Doctor Klang!
Remind the children of the story. Play the audio and tell
them to follow the story in their books, then hand out the Tina: There’s Super Granny!
Gina: She’s my favourite superhero!
stickers. Read the speech bubbles together and check Tina: But who is that with her?
that the children understand all the vocabulary. Then, tell Tim: I’m taking a photo!
them to work in pairs and decide where the stickers go
in the story. Play the story again for them to check their Narrator: Super Boris is fixing the bridge.
answers, pausing if necessary, then check answers as a Granny: Well done, Boris!
class before they stick on the speech bubble stickers. Train driver: That’s amazing!
Granny: It’s time to stop Doctor Klang!
1 Listen, point and repeat.
haunted house
mummy witch
3 Listen and sing. Creeping through the haunted house
2.47 On Halloween night.
Don't make a noise
And don't turn off the light.
Halloween Festivals
Language Objectives Festiv als Cut-ou ts
To practise listening skills. Tell the children to open their Activity Books at page 51
To introduce Halloween vocabulary: bat, haunted and take out the Halloween cut-out. Look at the
house, mummy, pumpkin, vampire, werewolf, witch. instructions on page 50 together, then tell the children
to colour the pictures and cut out the template. Then
tell them to put a spot of colour on each of the blank
Materials triangles, ensuring that they use eight different colours.
Teacher’s i-solutions Show them how to fold the template to make a paper
CD 2 fortune-teller, starting with the paper face down to
Festivals Cut-outs: Halloween ensure that the drawings of the bat, mummy, pumpkin
and witch will end up on top. Divide the class into
pairs. The first player chooses a Halloween object, for
Warme r example, mummy. The second player must spell out the
name of the object and move the fortune-teller once for
Some children may enjoy hearing about the origins of
each letter, for example, M-U-M-M-Y. The first player then
Halloween. It was originally a Celtic festival, celebrated in
chooses a colour, for example, green, and their partner
the British Isles, called Samhain. The Celts believed that
opens the corresponding door and asks the question.
on the last night of October the souls of the dead visited
the earth. The Romans adopted the festival too and it
spread. When the Catholic church began celebrating All
Souls’ Day on the first of November, the mass was called
the mass of All Hallows, so the evening before was called T r a n sc r ip ts
Hallowe’en, the evening before All Hallows. Tell the class
that the reason people dressed in scary costumes was to 2.45 Listen, point and repeat.
scare away the spirits of the dead.
1 bat 2 haunted house 3 mummy
4 witch 5 pumpkin 6 werewolf
1 Listen,
point and repeat. 2.45
Ask the children to look at Activity 1 and play the audio. 2.46 Listen and say.
The children listen to the words, repeat them and point to It’s big and it’s orange. It’s got two eyes and a big mouth.
the picture. Look! She’s got a big nose and a green face. And she’s got a
black cat.
2 Listen
and say. 2.46 More
practice P P It’s black. It’s got two wings and it can fly.
Explain to the children that they are going to hear some Look! It’s white. I can see its eyes. They’re red!
F F He’s got lots of hair. He’s got big ears and lots of teeth.
descriptions and they have to guess which item is being
described. Play the audio and pause it after the first SC SC
description. Repeat if necessary andMoreelicit the
2.47 Listen and sing: Creeping through the haunted
phonics phonics
(pumpkin). house
Creeping through the haunted Can you see the skeleton?
3 Listen
and sing. 2.47 house And the mummy too?
Teach the word creeping. Demonstrate and have the On Halloween night. Oh, no! There’s a vampire,
Don’t make a noise And it’s chasing you!
children creep around the classroom. Write on the board: And don’t turn off the light.
werewolf, bat, pumpkin, witch’s cat,i-flashcards
skeleton, mummy and Creeping through the haunted
vampire. Then play the song and point to the words as Can you see the werewolf? house,
they are mentioned. Assign a wordIWBto each i-bookchild and ask Can you see the bat? Don’t turn off the light.
the children to stand in the middle of the room. Play the Can you see the pumpkin? And don’t look behind you!
And there’s the witch’s cat! It’s Halloween night!
song again and this time when their word is mentioned the
children who have that word stand up and mime it.
Activity Book
Put the children into two teams. Play Pictionary with the Festivals, Halloween, page 47. See Teacher’s Book
words from the lesson (bat, haunted house, mummy, page 205 for the answer key.
pumpkin, skeleton, vampire, werewolf, witch and witch cat). Halloween Cut-out, page 51.
Slowly begin to draw a picture of one of the items on the
board, pausing to give the children time to guess what it is
before drawing more. When someone guesses, give their
team a point and write the word on the board under your
drawing. If the children are able, you can allow the child
who guesses to draw the next word for the class to guess.
1 Look and stick.
s✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽
snowman ddecorations
3 Listen and sing.
2.49 What’s that noise? Can you hear?
Jingle bells and reindeer!
Here comes Santa in his sleigh.
Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Christmas Day!
Christmas Festivals
Language Objectives Festiv als Cut-ou ts
To practise listening skills. Tell the children to open their Activity Books at page 53
To introduce Christmas vocabulary: bells, for the Christmas cut-out. Look at the instructions on
decorations, lights, reindeer, sleigh, snowman. page 50 together. Tell the children to decide who they
To sing a song. would like to send their Christmas card to and complete
the template. Let them colour and decorate their card
as they wish, using crayons, glitter, sequins, etc. Show
Materials them how to cut and fold the template to make a pop-up
Teacher’s i-solutions Christmas card, then let them take their finished cards
Festivals Stickers home.
CD 2
Festivals Cut-outs: Christmas
1 Look
and stick. Decorations, Christmas lights,
Ask the children to look at Activity 1. In pairs, tell them to Stars are shining so bright.
look at the picture and try to guess the missing words. Make a snowman. Let’s all play!
Listen to their suggestions, then ask them to look at their Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Christmas Day!
Festivals stickers. Match the stickers to the pictures as a
class, ensuring that the children have the correct answers
before putting the stickers in their books.
Activity Book
2 Listen,
point and repeat. 2.48
practice P P Festivals, Christmas, page 48. See Teacher’s Book
Play the audio and tell the children to listen and point Fto F page 205 for the answer key and transcript.
the items as they hear them. Play the audio again and Christmas Cut-out, page 53.
ask them to repeat the words. Drill as a class then askSC SC
individuals to say the words, ensuring
More that the
Morechildren are
phonics phonics
pronouncing them correctly.
3 Listen
and sing. 2.49
them. Then play the song again and tell the children to
sing along, pointing to the items as
IWB they do so.
Play Duck, duck, goose, but instead of the words duck
and goose use words from the lesson, for example,
Santa, Santa, reindeer! or Snowman, snowman, sleigh!
Tell the children to sit in a circle, facing inward and walk
around tapping each child in turn. As you tap each child,
say Santa, then tap the next child and say reindeer!
The reindeer gets up and tries to tag you, while you run
around the circle and try to sit in their place. If they don’t
catch you, the child you chose takes your place to walk
around the circle. If you prefer, the children can also play
this game in smaller groups.
1 Listen, point and repeat.
spy knight
3 Listen and sing. Carnival! Carnival!
2.52 It's our favourite festival.
Clap your hands and stamp your feet,
Move your body to the beat!
carnival Festivals
Language Objectives Festiv als Cut-ou ts
To learn the vocabulary: parade, costume; alien, Tell the children to open their Activity Books at page 55
dragon, knight, pirate, spy. for the Carnival cut-out. Look at the instructions on page
To practise the structure I’ve got (a grey coat). 50 together. Tell the children to cut out the template and
To sing and dance along to a song. colour the mouths and moustaches as they wish. When
they are ready, show them how to cut out the tab and
insert a drinking straw to support the template.
Teacher’s i-solutions
CD 2
Festivals Cut-outs: Carnival T r a n sc r ip ts
Sticky notes, large pieces of card 2.50 Listen, point and repeat.
1 dragon 2 spy 3 pirate 4 alien 5 knight
Warme r
2.51 Listen and say.
Ask the children if they are going to celebrate Carnival. If
they are, ask them what they are going to do, where they 1 Hello! It’s Carnival! Do you like my costume? I’ve got a green
are going to go and if they are going to wear a costume. suit. I’ve got a green head and three eyes. Who am I?
Teach the words parade and costume and write the names 2 Hi! I love Carnival! This is my costume! I’ve got a blue and
of any costumes the children plan to wear. white T-shirt and a black hat. And I’ve got a parrot.
3 Hi! Can you guess who I am? I’ve got a grey coat and a
brown hat. And I’m wearing black trousers.
1 Listen,
point and repeat. 2.50
4 Hi! Carnival is fantastic. Can you see me? My costume is
Tell the children to look at Activity 1 and ask what they very scary. I’ve got lots of teeth and I’m green and red.
can see in the picture. Then play the audio and tell the
children to point to the words as they hear them. Play the 5 Carnival is my favourite festival. Do you like my costume? It’s
audio again and tell them to repeatMore the
practice words.
practice P P grey, red and white. And I’ve got a horse. Happy Carnival!
2 Listen F F
and say. 2.51 2.52 Listen and sing: It’s Carnival!
Tell the children to look at the picture and listen to theSC SC Carnival! Carnival! Dragons, pirates, knights and
children describing their costumes. More Play the More
audio and It’s our favourite festival. spies,
pause it after the first speaker. Elicitphonics
the costume. Clap your hands and stamp There’s an alien with three big
your feet, eyes!
3 Listen and sing. 2.52 Move your body to the beat!
Carnival! Carnival!
Revise the vocabulary Clap your hands and Stamp your Wave your hands in the air, Everybody loves Carnival!
feet, first by demonstrating and then by calling out the Fantastic costumes Come to the party in the street,
instructions a few times for the children
i-flashcardsto copy. Continue
everywhere. Say hi to everyone you meet!
in the same way and revise Move your body to the beat
and Wave your hands in the air. Play
IWB the song and tell the
Extra Activit y
Write the name of one of the Carnival costumes on a
sticky note. Tell the children to stand in a circle and
choose one child to stand in the middle. Put the sticky
note on their forehead or back. The rest of the children
have to mime clues without speaking to help their
classmate guess the costume.
Festivals6 Festivals Festivals6
Halloween C h Cr hi srt m
i s tams a s Carnival
1 Look and complete. 1 Listen and number. 1 Find, circle and write.
1 5
pira†æ al^e>
bells 5 lights 2 decorations 4
2 Look and write.
The werewolf is brown. The pumpkins are orange. lightfi s¬eig™ ∂ecorationfi 2 Look at Activity 1. Then, listen and colour.
47 48 49
ES0000000046922 762745_GO_AB2_Fest_p47_56_67537.indd 47 02/11/2017 9:04:31 ES0000000046922 762745_GO_AB2_Fest_p47_56_67537.indd 48 02/11/2017 9:04:37 ES0000000046922 762745_GO_AB2_Fest_p47_56_67537.indd 49 02/11/2017 9:04:39
T r a n sc r ip t T r a n sc r ip t
20 L
isten and number. 21 L
ook at Activity 1. Then, listen and colour.
1 4 Interviewer: Hello. Happy Girl 2: Well, I’m wearing a
Lucy: Hey, Mark, Happy Lucy: I’ve got a word for you. Carnival! What are you skirt and I’ve got an alien
Christmas! It’s D-E-C-O-R-A-T-I-O-N-S. today? head. And I’m wearing a
Mark: Happy Christmas, Mark: Uh, pardon? Girl 1: I’m a spy. green T-shirt.
Lucy! Lucy: It’s Interviewer: Oh, yes? What
Lucy: What’s your favourite D-E-C-O-R-A-T-I-O-N-S. are you wearing? Interviewer: Hello. What’s
Christmas word? Mark: Wow! That’s a big Girl 1: I’m wearing a hat and your costume?
Mark: Ah! It’s a secret. word. trousers. And I’m wearing a Boy 2: I’m a dragon. Roar!!
Lucy: Oh, Mark, please! brown coat. Interviewer: Ah, scary! What
How do you spell it? 5 colour is your costume?
Mark: OK, it’s Mark: OK, what’s this word? Interviewer: Hi. What’s your Boy 2: It’s purple. I’m a
S-N-O-W-M-A-N. B-E- double L-S. Carnival character? purple dragon.
Lucy: S-N-O-W-M-A-N, Lucy: B-E - double L-S. Boy 1: I’m a knight.
I know it! I know that one! Interviewer: A knight! Interviewer: Hi, are you
Oh, great! What are you a pirate?
2 6 wearing? Girl 3: Yes, I am.
Lucy: Listen, what’s this Lucy: It’s my turn. S-L-E-I-G-H. Boy 1: I’m wearing a knight Interviewer: What are you
Christmas word? L-I-G-H-T-S. Mark: S-L-E-I-G-H. costume and I’m wearing red wearing today?
Mark: Oh! Say it again, please. Listen, what’s that? trousers. Girl 3: I’m wearing a hat,
Lucy: L-I-G-H-T-S. Santa: Ho, ho, ho! a T-shirt and jeans.
Lucy: Oh, wow! It’s Santa! Interviewer: Hello. Are you a Interviewer: What colour are
3 Mark: Hurray! dragon? your jeans?
Mark: It’s my turn! Listen! I love Christmas! Girl 2: No, I’m not a dragon, Girl 3: They’re blue. I’m
R-E-I-N-D-E-E-R. I’m an alien! Look, I’ve got wearing blue jeans.
Lucy: R-E... Oh, say it again! three eyes.
Mark: R-E-I-N-D- double E-R. Interviewer: Oh, yes! What
are you wearing?
My new words 1 T r a n sc r ip t
1 Match. Copy the words. Then, listen and repeat.
14 L
isten and repeat.
1 bookcaßæ bookcase, chair, cupboard, door, plant, rug, table, window
8 tab¾
2 My new words T r a n sc r ip t
1 Copy the words and colour the stars for you. Then, listen and repeat.
Child applies colours 15
15 L
isten and repeat.
= I don’t like it.
= I like it.
dance, do karate, juggle, make models, paint, play the guitar,
= I love it!
ride a bike, sing
dan©æ do kara†æ
dan©æ do kara†æ
jugg¬æ ma§æ mo∂elfi
ma§æ mo∂elfi
My new words 3 T r a n sc r ip t
1 Copy the words and tick P the clothes you’re wearing today.
Then, listen and repeat.
Child’s own answers 16 L
isten and repeat.
coat, dress, hat, jeans, jumper, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt,
coa† d®esfi trousers, T-shirt
coa† d®esfi
ha† ∆eanfi
ha† ∆eanfi
jumπe® shir†
jumπe® shir†
shø±fi shortfi
shøefi shortfi
skir† troußerfi
skir† troußerfi
4 My new words T r a n sc r ip t
1 Copy the words. Look and tick P or cross O
Then, listen and repeat.
17 L
isten and repeat.
bat, bird, butterfly, duck, frog, hedgehog, lizard, squirrel
✓= It can fly.
✗ = It can’t fly.
ba† P bir∂ P
ba† bir∂
butter‡l¥ P duc§ P
but†er‡l¥ duc§
fro@ O ™ed@eho@ O
fro@ ™ed@eho@
lizar∂ O squir®e¬ O
lizar∂ squir®e¬
My new words 5 T r a n sc r ip t
1 Look and complete. Then, listen and repeat.
isten and repeat.
b e e g h i
clever, fast, invisible, scary, short, strong, tall, thin
o r r s s t t t y v
inv i s^ b ¬ æ
ƒ aß †
c¬ e v æ ®
s © a ®¥
s ho r †
st® o> @
T r a n sc r ip t
† ™ i> 19 L
isten and repeat.
drawing, drinking, eating, listening, reading, taking a photo,
t a¬ ¬ talking, writing
w r i t i n @ 16
drawin@ c 2
h a i ®
drawin@ 3
l i z a r ∂
drinkin@ 2
j e a n fi
drinkin@ s 5
i n @ 15
ump e ®
b u t t e r f l ¥
eatin@ lis†enin@ 3 f a8
s † 14
b o o k c a s æ
e 10
a t i n @
4 11
s t r o n @
®eadin@ 13
j u g g l æ
takin@ å photo p l13
a n †
takin@ å photo w i14
n d o w
5 s h o r t fi 12
writin@ s h16
o e fi
talkin@ writin@
talkin@ 6
I c å> s p e a§ En g l i s ™ !
8 9
Games Units 1 and 2 1 and 2 Units 3 and
Units 4 3 and 4
Units Games
What’s C3?
1 Make six counters. Then play bingo. It’s blank. What’s F6?
It’s T.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
78 79
He’s …
I'm ...
2 Write four animals. Then find your friend’s words.
To consolidate the vocabulary and structures The dynamic of the game is the same as in Activity 1. It
covered throughout each term. allows for the children to practise playing the game with a
To develop social skills required for games: different lexical set.
turn-taking, patience, gamesmanship
To have fun while interacting with classmates. end of term 3 game
Units 5 and 6
Teacher’s i-solutions 1 Play
and say.
This is a traditional board game where the children move
Coloured card cut in circle shape (one per team), their counters along the board to reach the end. The
paper clips (one per team), coloured counters for child who finishes first is the winner. As they land on each
each child (six) or a selection of coloured card square, they need to say the words in the visual prompts,
sheets to make counters complete a sentence or answer a question. In order that
the game does not end too quickly, the children could
work with a die where a five or six means go back one or
end of term 1 game two squares, or they could also use an effective and fun
alternative to the standard cubed die (see picture below).
Units 1 and 2 The children spin a paper clip and depending on which
number it stops at, they move this number of squares
1 Make six counters. Then play bingo. forward.
The children need coloured counters to identify the
pictures they choose. If the classroom materials don’t
include sets of counters, these can be simple, coloured
balls of paper or small squares of coloured card. They
place their six counters on each of their pictures and they
can practise saying the words out loud as they do. If it’s an
all-class activity, it’s best for the teacher to demonstrate
how bingo works. Explain to the children that they need
to lift the counters from their chosen pictures as they hear
the words mentioned. If the word selected by the teacher
doesn’t correspond to any of their six chosen pictures they
must wait to hear the next word. The first child to lift all
six counters from the page shouts Bingo! The children are
sure to be happy if the prize is that the winner gets to call Activity Book
the next six pictures. Bingo can equally be played in small My new words, page 46.
groups where the children take turns to call the words. See Teacher’s Book page 204 for the answer key.
Continue the activity for as long as they are engaged.