BFRPG Hexcrawl Adventures Tables Only r2
BFRPG Hexcrawl Adventures Tables Only r2
BFRPG Hexcrawl Adventures Tables Only r2
Explore and map the wilderness (for the Crown, town council, etc.) 25 XP per hex -
Clear 6 hexes surrounding the town to stop frequent monster attacks/sightings Additional 600 XP +5% cost match
Clear 12 hexes surrounding the town Additional 1200 XP +5% cost match
Find and clear a hex path to exploitable natural resources +1% per hex cleared
Find and clear or reclaim historical ruins/dungeons 500 XP per level of +1% per level of dungeon
Clear a hex path to historical ruins/dungeons +1% per hex cleared
Find and clear hex path to other towns for trade partnership +1% per hex cleared
Die Result 1d20 Drop 2d4, 2d6, 2d8, 2d10, 2d12, 2d20 (and an additional
d20 on Common Area Feature table)
d4 (2) Trees (trunks)
Any maximum die roll indicates a monster lair!
d6 (2) Brush
1 Area change
d8 (2) Rock
A gateway or passage to another dungeon area on the same
d10 (2) Boulder level. A roll of 1 on a d8, d12 or d20 indicates this room
die is a stairway down to the next level.
d12 (2) Rock outcrop/ridge
2 Bedroom/Bunks
d20 (2)
Terrain Change: 1-5: Trees & Brush 3 Common/Sitting room
7 Cistern/Well
16 Mining/Smithy/Forge/Refinery/Power-Generation
Table 8: Random Caves
17 Shrine/Altar/Chapel/Temple
Die Roll Feature 18 Fountain/Pool//Stream/River/Lake
1 Another passage or hole leaving the current 19 Mechanical Clock/Portcullis/puzzle (or control for
room something elsewhere)
2 Stalagmite or full pillar 20 Vault/Treasure room (see Unguarded Treasure table)
3 Chasm
4 Raised area
20 Monster!
1d20 Common Area Feature Feature Modifier (optional) 1d20 Drop 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20
1 Doorways/Arches/Stairs Mist/Fog Any max die roll is a Monster in room!
2 Hallways/Passageways Bone
1 Trash/Debris/Ruins (rough terrain)
3 Walls Acid (damaging?)
4 Construction style Fur/Hide/Skin/Flesh (living?) 2 Lighting (Cresset/Brazier/Sconce/Chandelier)
(different builders?) 3 Pillar
5 Doorways/Arches/Stairs Eyes (moving/living?)
4 Small Furnishing (according to room type)
6 Floor/Tiles Stone (granite, marble, limestone,
odd coloration, gemstones) 5 Large Furnishing (according to room type)
7 Ceilings Crawling/Shifting/Sliding/ 6 Small Furnishing (according to room type)
7 Large Furnishing (according to room type)
8 Vents/Shafts/Drains Cold/Frost/Ice (damaging?)
(Large Singular or 8 Small Furnishing (according to room type)
scattered throughout)
9 Large Furnishing (according to room type)
9 Shrines/Monoliths Hot/Flaming/Burning/Electrical
(Large Singular or (damaging?) 10 Small Furnishing (according to room type)
scattered throughout)
11 Large Furnishing (according to room type)
10 Statues/Busts (Large Smell/Stench
Singular or scattered 12 Small Furnishing (according to room type)
throughout) 13 Water/slime/Vegetation (slippery terrain)
11 Tapestries/Murals/ Bright light (or well lit)
Paintings (Large 14 Tapestry/Mat/Rug
Singular or scattered 15 Body/Carcus/Vermin
16 Partially collapsed (a crumbling still!)
12 Bell (Large Singular or Strange Gas (Methane, Chlorine,
scattered throughout) Hydrogen) (damaging?) 17 Trap (see Traps table below)
13 Hallways/Passageways Slime covered (slippery)
18 Secret Passage
14 Elevation changes Water (dripping, running,
(sunken/raised floor) pouring) 19 Secret Compartment (see Unguarded Treasure on page 131
of the Core Rules)
15 Furniture/Furnishings Crumbling/Cracks/Chasms/
Streams (bridges?) 20 Box/Chest (see Unguarded Treasure on page 131 of the
16 Monsters/Inhabitants Carvings (Runes/Hieroglyphs) Core Rules)
17 Pillars Mold/Moss/Fungus/Vegetation
(Poisonous, thorny, luminescent)
18 Walls Wooden (possibly odd coloration)
19 Floor/Tiles Metal (iron, bronze, copper,
adamantine, mitrhel, gold, silver
20 Ceilings Sounds/Noise (ominous,
deafening, maddening)
Table 12: Traps Table 14: Knowledge Inquiries
3d6 Trap type (See Core Rules page 159 for trap details) Location PC Class Success Check
3 Monster-Attracting Spray (double chance of Wandering Tavern Any PC Roll against Charisma
Monster for 1d6 hours) Temple or Chapel Cleric only Roll against Wisdom
4 Chute (Save vs. Death Ray +Dexterity bonus or be
dropped into next lower dungeon level) Thieves Guild Thief only Roll against Charisma
5 Flashing Light (Save vs. Spell or be blinded for 1d8 turns) Militia Barracks Fighter only Roll against Charisma
6 Oil Slick (Save vs. Death Ray + Dexterity bonus or fall
Library or Magic-user only Roll against Intelligence
prone) Archives
7 Poison Dart (AB +1, 1d4 damage, Save vs. Poison or die)
8 Falling Stones/Bricks (Save vs. Paralysis + Dexterity
bonus or take 1d10 damage)
9 Arrow (AB +1, 1d6+1 damage) Table 15: Knowledge Received
10 Pit Trap (Save vs. Death Ray + Dexterity bonus, or fall in. Location Order of Information
Roll twice to determine depth and contents on the Pit Traps Tavern Treasure, Point of Interest type, Monster, Clue,
Table, below) Location (getting quality information from
11 Blade intoxicated strangers is difficult)
12 Poison Needle (Save vs. Poison or die) Temple or Chapel Point of Interest type, Location, Monster, Clue,
13 Poison Gas (All in area must save vs. Poison or die) Treasure (usually involves a temple to be
14 Alarm (all within 30ft radius must save vs. Spell or be reclaimed/consecrated)
deafened for 1d8 turns. Check for Wandering Monster Thieves Guild Location, Treasure, Monster, Point of Interest
who will arrive in 2d10 Turns) type, Clue
15 Rolling Boulder (Save vs. Death Ray + Dexterity bonus or Militia Barracks Monster, Treasure, Location, Point of Interest
take 2d6 damage) Type, Clue
16 Portcullis (Save vs. Death Ray or take 3d6 damage. The
Library or Location, Point of Interest Type, Clue, Treasure,
way is also blocked now)
Archives Monster
17-18 Spell (Roll for random spell. Save as per spell)