89 Team Demons CAEEvaluationReport
89 Team Demons CAEEvaluationReport
89 Team Demons CAEEvaluationReport
Copyright @ 2021 SAE BAJAINDIA
Engineering data
While starting with the methodology, we initiated with study
The following report tries to summarize the steps taken in and research of elementary data of various materials used for
analysing the design and development process. The analyses. Initially, we inserted material properties required for
requirements of roll cage, front and rear suspension systems, respective analysis, properties like density, Young’s modulus,
steering, braking and drive train are considered here. The tensile strength, yield strength and other properties required
objective of the CAE team was to satisfy these functions while for different modes of analysis.
considering the safety of the occupant, material selection,
weight reduction, part life, thermal conditions, dynamic Geometry
conditions and resonance.
After designing roll cage in solid works, we imported roll cage
CAD file in Ansys workbench, by using Boolean command we
INTRODUCTION united all parts of chassis and generated a unite body.
This report describes the methodology followed by Team
Demons to analyse, evaluate and optimise the design of an
all-terrain vehicle that will compete in SAE BAJA INDIA. The After generating a single unite body for getting accurate
purpose of this competition is to simulate a ‘real world’ results with less errors, we meshed roll cage by using various
engineering design project in which collegiate teams design element sizes and changing various parameters like
and manufacture a prototype of a ‘rugged, single seated off- smoothening, and by checking values of Jacobian ratio,
road recreational vehicle intended for sale to the non- aspect ratio and element quality and also by refining at the
professional week-end off road enthusiast’. The analysis of sensitive area using a greater number of elements for better
the vehicle is performed using various CAE softwares. results. After meshing we applied boundary conditions,
constraints and forces to get required results.
The analysis mainly focuses on making the vehicle lighter and
more rigid, a more robust roll cage and suspension design. A roll cage was designed in such a way that it satisfied the
Also, reduction of the overall weight of the vehicle was rules mentioned in the rulebook of the SAE Baja. Also, the
considered. Similarly, optimal force distribution in part design requirements of the driver cockpit and driver safety was
were adopted in suspension, transmission and brakes system. considered. Depending on the wheelbase and trackwidth, the
The factor of safety, total deformation and stress distribution dimensions and size of the members of roll cage were
were aimed to be kept under safe limits. designed.
Meshing is process in which the body which consist of infinite Constraints is also known as boundary conditions, the
number points is converted into finite number of points, each constraints are nothing but the supports we are providing for
point is known as node. In meshing various elements are used body and forces, velocity, acceleration is known as
which are formed by number of nodes, elements are of constraints. In
different types like tetrahedron, quadrilateral, triangular,
pyramidal. Types Force constraints
Front ALC member
Rear RLC member
Side SIM member
Rollover DLC member
static analysis we used various types of constraints which
are mentioned in below table: -
Type Deformation Stress Factor of After inserting properties in engineering data, we imported
(mm) (MPa) safety (FoS) parts file in geometry and generated it by doing required
process and we assigned the material.
Front Impact 2.78 315.07 1.46
Side Impact 0.9 179.69 2.56 After generating a unite body, for getting accurate results with
less errors, we meshed parts by using various element sizes
Rollover 1.45 314.17 1.464 and changing various parameters like smoothening, and by
checking values of Jacobian ratio, aspect ratio and element
quality and also by refining at the sensitive area using a
2.Modal Analysis greater number of elements for better results. After meshing
we applied boundary conditions, constraints and forces to get
A modal analysis calculates the undamped natural modes of required results.
a system, characterised by their modal frequency and mode
shape. It helps to determine vibrational characteristics of a Modelling
mechanical structure or component.
A part satisfying the objective that is to achieve the stiffer
Result and lighter parts and Also, the requirement of the driver
cockpit and driver safety was considered. Depending on the
wheelbase and trackwidth, the dimensions and size of the
parts were designed.
In meshing, we used 0.5mm elements size because we
achieved best results and for 0.5mm size we achieved number
of nodes 1345043 and number of elements 841470 and good
fatigue life.
3.Static analysis
Element size Aspect ratio Jacobian ratio
Objective 0.5 2.35 1.0087
1 2.46 1
The prime objective of the suspension, transmission, steering 1.5 2.82 1.01
2 2.64 0.98
and braking systems analyses is to achieve high factor of
safety, lower deformation, critical stress less than the yield
strength of the material, optimal load distribution, improve the Front Knuckle
life and keep the parts of all systems lighter and stiffer. In meshing, we used 0.5mm elements size because we
achieved best results and for 0.5mm size we achieved number
of nodes 1057955 and number of elements 652177 and good
fatigue life.
Engineering data
In engineering data, we insert material properties for required Element size Aspect ratio Jacobian ratio
analysis type, properties like young’s modulus, strength, 0.5 2.13 1.014
density, etc. 1 2.14 1.039
1.5 2.18 1.04
2 2.17 1.06
Element Stress Deformation Factor of
size(mm) (MPa) (mm) safety
0.5 677 0.012 1.1
1 575 0.012 1.2
1.5 494 0.122 1.44
2 476 0.122 1.78
Engine mounting
Deformation 0.09mm
stress 99.79MPa
Factor of safety 4.6
In meshing, we used 0.4mm elements size because we
achieved best results and for 0.4mm size we achieved number
of nodes 4195293 and number of elements 2449716 and good
fatigue life.
Element size Jacobian ratio Aspect ratio
0.4 1.024 2.27
1 1.11 2.27
Deformation 0.156
Stress 133.46
Factor of safety 1.87
Braking analysis
4. Dynamic Analysis
In meshing, we used 0.7mm elements size because we
achieved best results and for 0.7mm size we achieved number The analysis is performed considering the impact of the
of nodes 105735 and number of elements 58379 and good vehicle on a rigid body at maximum velocity of 16.66 m/s.
fatigue life. The Jacobian and aspect ratio for 0.7mm element
size as follow Roll cage
Jacobian ratio Aspect ratio In meshing, we used 6mm elements size because we
1.047 2.26 achieved best results and for 6mm size we achieved number
of nodes 168713 and number of elements 79857 and good
fatigue life.
Roll cage
Heat flux
7.Fatigue Analysis
The analysis is performed by considering forces applied on
vehicle to achieve maximum life of vehicle and its part.
Roll cage
6. Thermal Analysis
The analysis is performed by considering heat generated by
friction during extreme braking.
Front 56546
Rear 16895
Side 37985
Torsional 80684
Rollover 57040.7
Rear Impact
Side Impact
Front knuckle
Rear knuckle
Parameter Value
Inlet velocity of air 5 m/s
Heat flux generated in 43000 W/m2
inside CVT casing
Pressure outlet 1 atm
Inlet temp. of air 290C
Surrounding temp. 220C
Viscous model k-ε model
8. CFD Analysis
CVT casing
Objective: -