2012 Soal
2012 Soal
2012 Soal
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Tanggal : 17 April 2012
Waktu : 120 menit
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Listening Section Sample answer
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to
show how well you understand spoken English. There A B C D
are four parts to this section with special directions
for each part.
A. There are many houses near the river.
Part I. Pictures B. The man is fishing in the lake.
C. The men are sitting on the beach.
Questions: 1 to 4 D. There are boats in the sea.
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and Choice (C) ‐ “The men are sitting on the beach”‐Best
four short statements about it on the tape. They are describe what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you
spoken TWICE, and are not written out on your test should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose
one statement (A), (B), (C), (D) ‐ that best describes Now let’s begin with picture number 1.
the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your 1.
Look at the following picture.
2. Choice (A) ‐ “Yes, that’ll be nice”‐ is the best response
to the question ”Would you like to join us for lunch?”
Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III. Short Conversations
3. Questions: 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear several short
conversations. You will hear the conversation TWICE.
The conversation will not be printed in your test book,
so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each
conversation. The question will be followed by four
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each
4. question, and mark it on your answer sheet
You will hear : Man : The driver will meet you at
the gate
Woman : That kind of ear will he be
Man : He’ll be driving a large, black
You will read : What will the woman do?
A. Look for a specific automobile
B. Wait at the door
Part II. Questions – Responses C. Drive a car
D. Call a taxi
Question: 5 to 7
Directions: Choice (A) ‐“Look for a specific automobile.”‐ is the
In this part of the test, you will hear questions spoken best answer to the question, “What will the woman
in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in do?” Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer
English. The questions and responses wil be spoken sheet.
TWICE. They will not be printed in your test book, so 8. What is the man probably going to do soon?
you must listen carefully to understand what the A. Enroll himself for the program.
speakers say. You have to choose the best response to B. Resign from his job soon.
each question. C. Send his friend a letter.
D. Take a leave on Friday.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear : Woman : Would you like to join 9. What does the woman think of the box office
us for lunch? movie?
You will also hear : Man : (A) Yes, that’ll be nice. A. It was very dull.
(B) I don’t join the pro‐ B. It was very terrible.
gram. C. It was very good.
(C) I have to prepare D. It was very boring.
my lunch.
Sample answer 10. What is the woman’s suggestion?
A. Booking a table.
B. Changing the day.
A C. Having a private Party.
D. Coming in the Evening.
11. Where will they probably stay on vacation? 17. Bunda : Hi Citra! There’s something going on.
A. At the Grand Hotel. Shall we go and see?
B. At the Ritz Hotel. Citra : Look there! ....! Come, let’s go
C. At the dormitory. Bunda : See there! A man saying something
D. At the motel. about the cats over the mike.
A. They were playing with the tame animals.
Part IV. Short Talks B. The people are taking their cats to the ground.
C. The people took care of their own cats.
Questions: 12 to 15 D. They were bring their pets into pet shop.
In this part of the test, you will hear several short 18. Azis : Look I bought these shoes a week
talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be ago and there’s a hole in them
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully already.
to understand and remember what is said. Shopkeeper : … Can I see the receipt?
A. Why don’t you repair them?
In your test book, you will read two or more questions B. How about finding another pair?
about each short talk. Each question will be followed C. We’re very sorry about this.
by four answers. You have to choose the best answer D. You should change them.
to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
19. Pretty : I’ve arranged all the books properly, but
12. Whom is the instruction intended to? now I find them in a mess.
A. Receptionist. Asmira : …..
B. Employees. A. Maybe someone forgot to tidy up after reading
C. Guest. them.
D. Officers. B. Certainly, I don’t know who put them there.
C. That’s true all the books are all yours.
13. What should you do when entering the building? D. It’s possible that someone has read them.
A. Get a pass.
B. Read the sign. 20. Vina : I want to see the lasts news update. …?
C. Go immediately to your destination. Riska : Sure, go a head
D. Contact your company. A. May I switch the TV on
B. Is it okay if I sit down
14. Who is the advertisement directed to? C. Could you give me a magazine
A. English teacher. D. Do you mind if I turn on the light
B. Business people.
C. Elementary students. 21. Rodo : What does Mr. Felipe usually do every
D. Native speakers. morning?
Jesse : ….
15. How do you watch the video cassettes and work A. He always drives his children to school.
from CD‐ROM at home? B. He something drives his own car.
A. By visiting Perfect Lingua. C. He usually needs someone’s help.
B. By ordering a language kit. D. He likes to do it.
C. By knowing a language.
D. By joining the courses. 22. Benny : We haven’t met for ages. …
Wardy : Well, I regret to say that I am able to do
This is the end of the listening section. it, next time may be.
A. I’ll introduce you to my wife.
B. Why don’t you contact me?
Questions 16 to 30, choose the most appropriate
C. Could you invite me to your new house?
D. Let’s drop in here for a cup of coffee.
16. Mother : I’ll bake special cakes for the gathering,
but there isn’t enough sugar ….
23. Harvey : I heard that you got an accident yester‐
Yanti : Sure. How much will you need it, mom?
A. Would you mind baking it?
Chalie : Yeah! I was crashed by another motor‐
B. Can you put some more sugar?
cycle. Luckily, I wasn’t seriously injured.
C. Will you help me buy some?
Harvey : ….
D. Where did you put the scales?
A. I’m sorry. C. I’ll buy some new records for our school.
B. You are the best. D. I’m going to see a performance.
C. I don’t like to hear that.
D. I’m glad that you are okay. 30. Chelsea : My pay‐check comes every Wednesday. I
want to open a bank account, but my
24. Shella : How was your holiday in Bandung? car is still in the service station until next
Cici : … Bandung is a fascinating city Tuesday.
A. It was great. Kimmi : Don’t worry, …
B. You should go there. A. You can use my car.
C. I would enjoy my trip. B. The bank will always waiting for you.
D. What a great idea! C. I’ll find a registration card for you.
D. I’ll pick up your car tomorrow.
25. Hadi : The traffic was terrible. It made me
Questions 31 to 36, choose the inappropriate
come late.
structure in the sentences and dialog below.
Agus : I also got the same experience
yesterday. I would’ve arrived late if … 31. Harry: Can you describe Naomi?
A. I hadn’t got up late. A
B. I hadn’t left earlier. Jockie: She’s high, dark and beautiful.
C. I didn’t take a bus. B C D
D. I didn’t drive a car. 32. My new apartment has just as many bedroom the
26. Stranger : I’ve spent almost half an hour to find last apartment, but it’s not as cheap the last one.
the central post office. Can you show B C D
me where it is? 33. Ananda : If I find my friend’s address, I would send
Martinus : Of course … A B
Stranger : Thank you very much. her an invitation.
A. Go along this street. It is next to Aman Bank. C
B. Come to the town and I will show you the post Septi : That’s okay.
office. D
C. Go across this street, the clinic is next to the 34. My handbag is a black rectangular leather bag with
post office. A
D. Find the post office, and you will see the tall a long tubular strap of the same material. The bag
building next do it. B
Is about 18” X 12” in size with three
27. Guest : Excuse me, could you show me where compartments. C
the welcome drinks are? The compartment which a zip in it is the center
Clerk : Sure, ... You can use the escalator one. D
A. Keep walking two blocks.
B. Turn off the light and then put it down. 35. Mimi : Why didn’t you come to my birthday party
C. It’s on the second floor at the Singgasana Cafe. A B
D. Take a bus route number 16. last night, Ilma?
Ilma : I am so sorry Mimi. I feel unwell. There
28. Receptionist : Good morning, “Sederhana Restau‐ was C
rant”, can I help you? D
Caller : Yes, … something wrong with my throat.
Receptionist : Certainly, sir
A. I’d like to book a ticket to Aceh. 36. Costumer : How much does this diamond ring
B. I’d like to reserve a table for two. A
C. Can I reserve two seat for the evening concert. cost?
D. May I book a single room for tomorrow? B
Clerk : Oh, that’s Rp1,750,00.00.
29. Laura : What do you plan to do this weekend?
Tony : … Some college student will perform a Costumer : That’s quite expensive. May you give it
great theatrical production in the C
auditorium. for Rp1,250,000.00.
A. I’ll have an overtime job.
B. I’m going hiking with my colleagues.
Clerk : That’s too low. I’ll let you have it for 40. What does point 2 mention about Sri Mulyani?
D A. She is supervising Product Department.
Rp1.500.000, 00. B. She is managing Design Department.
C. She is directing Electronic Industry.
Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following itinerary D. She is handling Design Job.
Weekly Sunday to Sunday Cruise Ship sailings 41. What’s her job at the moment?
Day Date Port Arrive Depart
0 25 Apr 2012 New York, New 04:45 PM
A. Experienced employee
York, US B. Freelance worker
1 26 Apr 2012 At Sea C. Team leader
2 27 Apr 2012 Saint Georgia 08:00 AM D. Art director
3 28 Apr 2012 Saint Georgia, 07:00 AM
3 28 Apr 2012 Hamilton, 09:00 AM 42. “ … writing for a blog at my spare time.”
Bermuda The underlined words are closest in meaning to ….
4 29 Apr 2012 Hamilton, 02:00 PM A. free time
5 30 Apr 2012 Hamilton,
B. busy time
Bermuda C. part time
6 01 May 2012 At Sea D. quality time
7 02 May 2012 New York, New 07:00 AM
York, US
The following memo is for questions number 43 to 45.
37. What is the table about?
A. The list of ports in America.
B. The list of cities in America. MEMORANDUM
C. The cruise ship schedule. The PANCA Company
D. The weekly schedule.
: Mega Rianty
38. When is the ship scheduled to arrive from Saint Date : Friday, April 17
Georgia? To
: Accounting Department staff
A. At 4:45 A.M. Re : Next week
B. At 7:00 A.M.
C. At 8:00 A.M. I will be out of the office for an accountants’
conference next week, April 20‐24. If you need help
D. At 9:00 A.M.
during that time, please contact my assistant,
39. What can we conclude about the ship from the Wulandari.
A. It sails every day. Thank you
B. On April 26 it doesn’t sail.
C. It sails every week. 43. Mega Rianty wrote the memo because …
D. Its arrival is in the afternoon. A. She will attend a conference.
B. She needs her assistant to visit the other office.
Questions 40 to 42 refer to the following text. C. She has another office accountant.
D. She contacts Wulandari to attend the
Sri Mulyani’s Experience
1. Freelance, Self Employed (Apparel & Fashion
44. From the memo, we understand that Mega Rianty
is ….
February 2009 – Present (3 year 2 month) A. Wulandari’s assistant
Handling various Kinds of design job which you
B. Conference committee
could review from my website. Also writing for
C. Chief of accounting department
a blog at my spare time.
D. Accounting department staff
2. Design Team Leader & Product Development
P.T Eurogate Indonesia: Higson International
Group (Apparel & Fashion Industry) October 45. “ …, please contact my assistant, …”
The word my refers to …
2000 – December 2008 (8 year 4 months)
A. Accountant staff’s
3. Art Director P.T. Asiabumi Furukawa
B. An office accountant’s
(Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry) C. Mega Rianty’s
May 1999 – September 2000 (1 year 5 months)
D. Wulandari’s staff’s
Questions 46 to 48 refer to the following instruction. 48. “ … they might incur fees from …” (step 1)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Get away
Withdrawal at an ATM:
Step 1 → Use an instant debit card. To do this, you B. Give up
C. Taken into
need to have your debit card set up with
your bank to use it at an ATM. Usually, D. Be charged
using an ATM affiliated with your bank is
best. However, most cash machines will This following text is for questions number 49 and 50.
work but they might incur fees from the
ATM owner and/or your bank. The new speed boat will start operating
Step 2 → Insert your card and your PIN. If you between Pontianak and Ketapang on October 24
don’t have one, call your bank before‐ The trip takes eight hours on the older, slower
hand and request one. You will not be speed
boat, but on the express speed boat it will
able to withdraw money without a PIN. only take five hours. The express speed boat will
Step 3 → If you have more than one account, (like
have larger, more comfortable seats, and there will
both from checking and saving) you need be free food for the passengers.
to specify which account you want the There will be two express speed boats per
money to come from. Be sure to push day between Pontianak and Ketapang. There will
the correct button. Then specify how
also be four regular speed boats. Many people will
much money you want to withdraw.
prefer the regular speed boats because the tickets
Step 4 → wait for the machine to process your
are cheaper.
transaction, then take your receipt
money and card out of the machine. 49. The reason that passengers prefer to take regular
boats is that …
A. The seat is more comfortable.
B. The tickets are less expensive.
46. What do you have to do after inserting your card? C. The food provided tastes better.
A. Follow the one screen instruction. D. They are more comfortable.
B. Enter tour personal Identity Number.
C. Specify how much money you want. 50. Express boats’ passengers are provided with ….
D. Push the correct buttons on the machine. A. Promo tickets
B. Regular boats
47. What will happen if you use another ATM? C. Free food
A. You can’t withdraw money. D. Cheaper tickets
B. The transaction will fail.
C. You may not get receipts.
D. You may have to pay fees.