UN B Inggris-2009
UN B Inggris-2009
UN B Inggris-2009
Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN) menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai
petunjuk di LJUN.
Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUN
Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
Periksa dan bacalah soal sebelum Anda mengerjakannya.
Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak
Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian bila diperlukan
Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
Periksalah kembali perkerjaan Anda sebelum dikumpulkan.
Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret‐coret.
Listening section The best answer to the question is “Lend the man
money.” Therefore, you should choose answer (D).
Part I
Sample answer
Questions : 1 to 5
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues A B C D
and questions spoken in English. The questions and 1. A. The woman’s health problem.
the dialogues will be spoken two times. They will not B. A troublesome woman.
be printed in your test book, so you must listen C. The woman’s new bag.
carefully to understand what the speakers say. D. The woman’s anxiety.
After you listen to a dialogue and the question about E. The poor woman.
it, read the five possible answer and decide which one
would be the best answer to the question you have 2. A. Herbal medicine.
heard. Now listen to a sample question. B. Some medicine.
C. Fresh Herbal
You will Hear : D. Cool drink
Man : Sally, I lost my wallet. May I borrow E. The doctor
fifty thousand rupiahs? 3. A. Finishing the assignment.
Woman : Sure. Here you are. B. Doing the office.
Narrator : You will also hear : What will the C. Going to the office.
woman do? D. Going for a walk.
E. Writing a letter.
You will read in your test book :
4. A. Buying the book.
A. Leave the man alone.
B. Lending the book.
B. Drive the man home.
C. Reading the book.
C. Find the lost wallet.
D. Discussing the book.
D. Lend the man money.
E. Explaining about the book.
E. Borrow the man’s wallet.
5. Therefore, you should choose answer (D).
1. 4. 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
2. 5.
Part III
Questions 11 ‐ 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several
monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two
3. times. They will not be printed in your test book. So
you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say.
After you hear a monologue and the question about it,
read the five possible answers and decide which one
would be the best answer to the question you have
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E.
5 11.
Part II
Questions : 6 ‐ 10
Directions :
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues 1 2 3 4 5
and a spoken in English, followed by four responses, A. 1 B. 2. C. 3 D. 4 E.
also spoken in English. The dialogues and question and 5
the responses will be spoken two times. They will not 12. A. A fairy god mother.
be printed in your test book, so you must listen B. The barleycorn seed.
carefully to understand what the speakers say. You C. The beautiful flower.
have to choose the best response to each question. D. Thumbelina, a tiny little girl.
Now listen to a sample question: E. A poor man who lived in the forest.
Man : I got a bad result in my test. 13. A. In a valley.
Woman : What! You failed again? B. In the forest.
C. In a flower pot.
Man : … D. On a farmer’s field.
A. Let me try again. E. In the garden meadow.
B. I am fine, thank you.
C. Don’t worry, I’ll move. 14. A. 400 ‐ 480 kg
D. Sorry, I’ve disappointed you. B. 400 ‐ 680 kg
C. 480 ‐ 600 kg
Sample answer D. 680 ‐ 880 kg
E. 880 ‐ 1500 kg
15. A. In the Arctic Ocean.
A B C D B. In the Indian Ocean.
Narrator : The best answer to the question “You C. In the Pacific Ocean.
failed again?” is choice D. “Sorry, I’ve D. In the North Atlantic Ocean.
disappointed you.” E. In the South Atlantic Ocean.
This is end of the listening section.
Text 1 Text 2
The following text is for questions 18 to 19
The following text is for questions 16 and 17. Dear Jonathan,
Hello! How are you? I received your letter today. I am
very excited to hear that you are coming to stay with
We are pleased to announce the appointment of
me for the holidays. I am sure we will have a lot of fun
P.T. JAYA WIJAYA SHIPPING My parents have agreed to let you stay with me.
As General Agent for They offered to pick you up at the airport. All you have
MISC BERHARD to do is to tell us when you are coming.
In the Republic of Indonesia with effect from I will now tell you about some of the things you
20th May 2009 at 1.00 p.m. will experience here in Indonesia. You do not have to
worry about the local spicy food. We have a lot of fast
With effect from the date and time food restaurants here like the ones you have in
Here in above mentioned England.
You can also shop for souvenirs to bring home.
P.T. Biru Maritim International Sarinah or Blok‐M are our famous shopping areas.
They have many shops selling all kinds of things. I am
Shall cease to be our General Agent and we wish to sure you will love them.
express our appreciation for the valuable support I am also planning to take you to a few tourist
given to us during their tenure as General Agent spots like miniature of Indonesia, National
Monument, or Safari Garden. We can also go to the
Misc Ancol beach where you can swim, play on the beach,
MISC BERHARD and have picnics.
My family and I are looking forward to your
16. What is the announcement about? coming. I hope to hear from you soon. Good bye.
A. The changing of the name for P.T. Biru
Maritim International. With love,
B. MISC BERHARD’s appreciation of P.T. WIJAYA Naufal
SHIPPING’s services.
C. The appointment of P.T. JAYA WIJAYA
SHIPPING as General Agent. 18. What is the letter about?
D. The appointment of MISC BERHARD as A. Planning to stay and do some activities in
General Agent in Indonesia Indonesia during holiday.
E. The immediate effect of the appointment of B. Buying in the fastfood restaurant and
P.T. JAYA WIJAYA SHIPPING. shopping at Sarinah.
C. Going to buy souvenirs and going to tourist
17. Who advertised the announcement?
A. MISC Berhard.
D. Planning to stay in Indonesia for the holidays.
B. General Agent.
E. Picking up at the airport when he comes.
C. P.T. Jaya Wijaya Shipping.
D. The Indonesian government. 19. What will probably Jonathan buy for his lunch
E. P.T. Biru Maritim International. while he is in Indonesia?
A. Mixed vegetables with peanut‐chilly sauce.
B. Spicy food with chilly sauce.
C. Soup with hot black pepper.
D. Satay with hot pepper.
E. Non spicy food.
Text 3 Text 4
The following text is for questions 20 to 22 The following text is for question 23 to 25
(The Legend of Prambanan Temple)
The hotel provides 82 comfortable guest rooms that
consist of Superior Rooms, Superior Seaview Rooms
and 22 Deluxe Cottages with modern Balinese style
architecture, private balcony, and international Once, there was a beatiful Javanese princess whose
standard facilities. Each room has a private balcony, name Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was
fully air conditioned, telephone, mini bar, very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu Baka, an
radio/music, international TV channels, in house evil king.
movie, tea & coffee making facilities, hair dryer, One day, a handsome young man with supernatural
slippers, umbrella, bath/shower with hot and cold power named Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed
running water, and safe deposit box. Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang’s beauty,
FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATION PLEASE FEEL Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to
marry her.
Meanwhile, Princes Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her
Phone : +62 361 751961, Fax: +62 361 751962 father’s death. She did not want to marry Bandung because
E‐Mail : reservation@kutaseaviewhotel.com or he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung.
sale@kutaseaviewhotel.com So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which
Website : www.kutaseaviewhotel.com was imposible to fill. She said, “I will marry you but you have
to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding
20. What does the advertisement promote? gift,” requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with the
A. The location of the hotel. condition.
B. The hotel’s rooms. Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung
C. The cottages. Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching
midnight, the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang
D. The seaview.
knew this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is
E. The facilities.
smarter than I. I would lose against Bandung.”
21. How many rooms does the hotel provide? Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women
A. Twenty two. in the palace and ordered them to make noisy sounds of
B. Thirty six. grinding rice so that the roosters thought it had already
been dawn.
C. Sixty two.
Bandung Bondowoso got frustated because he failed
D. Eighty two. completing the thousand temples. “The princess has
E. Ninety six. deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed Rara
22. The guests can enjoy watching movies since the Jonggrang, “You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth
temple will be you!”
hotel offers …
At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing
A. a cinema this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted and went away. Now
B. a mini bar you can see the statue of Princess Rara Jonggrang in
C. TV channels Prambanan temple.
D. in house movie
E. private balcony
23. Who help Bandung build the temples?
A. The spirit of demons.
B. The spirit of giants.
C. His fellow workers.
D. The evil kings.
E. His followers.
24. Who owned a supernatural power? B. Bird flu virus seldom spread directly from
A. Prabu Baka. birds to humans.
B. An evil king. C. Asian countries can create vaccine to cure the
C. Rara Jonggrang. victims.
D. Bandung Bondowoso. D. Pandemic of bird flu is impossible.
E. The spirit of demons. E. Bird flu virus has spread in Asia.
Text 6
25. What moral do you learn from the story?
The following text is for questions 29 to 31.
A. Cheating is needed
B. You must be honest In the middle of a bright, I planned to have lunch
C. We must keep our promise in a new restaurant. I drove along the West Road at a
D. Crime will not bring happiness reasonable speed.
E. Love is gained by working hard About fifty meters before the crossroads, a
pedestrian who was walking on the pavement
Text 5 suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was
The following text is for questions 26 to 28 so surprised that I braked as hard as I could. I was
really panicked but I had to swerve to avoid the
PHILIPPINES is the “firmly entrance” of the bird
pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by
flu virus in Asia and its pandemic among humans
side of the road.
remains possible, a World Health Organization expert
Fortunately, the pedestrian wasn’t injured, but I
warned Wednesday.
had a bad cut on my face because my head hit the
While Asian countries are more prepared to
wind screen. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt.
react to any outbreaks than before and have vaccine
An ambulance took me to the hospital where I had to
stockpiles, death and infections have continued,
have‐five stitches and took a rest for some hours.
noted Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s regional adviser for
There was a lot of damage to my car; the wind
communicable disease surveillance and response.
screen was broken and the bodywork was badly
“The virus has firmly entranced in this region, I’m
dented. I was interviewed by the police in the
afraid.” Kasai told reporters during an exercise to test
the Philippines’ preparations against the disease.
“The virus itself keeps changing, so the risk of 29. The writer got panic because …
pandemic persist.” A. a pedestrian was hit by a car
Experts fear the virus, which is usually spread B. a pedestrian ran into his car
directly from birds to human, could mutate into a
C. a pedestrian had a bad cut on her head
form easily transmissible between people, sparking a D. a pedestrian suddenly ran across the road
deadly global pandemic.
E. he saw a pedestrian walking to cross the road
26. What is the text about? 30. “I had forgotten to put on my seat belt.”
A. Experts struggle to fight against the virus. (Paragraph 3)
B. The virus has “firmly entranced” the world. The synonym of the word “put on” is …
C. Some preparations to fight the disease have A. put out C. loosen E. switch
been done. off
D. The bird flu virus comes to Asia as pandemic B. fasten D. carry over
among humans.
31. From the text above we can conclude that …
E. Deaths and infections caused by the virus
A. the pedestrian was careless
have continued to spread.
B. the pedestrian was careful
27. What does Takeshi Kasai do? He is an/a … C. the writer drove his car fast
A. Asian reporter D. the driver helped the pedestrian
B. WHO’s adviser E. the witness helped the victims
C. WHO’s reporter
D. WHO’s surveillance
E. WHO’s regional adviser
28. Which of the following is stated in the text?
A. expert predict that virus could not transmit
between people.
B. to describe how the Eskimoes live
C. to describe how the Eskimoes cook their food
Text 7 D. to tell why the Eskimoes should hunt for food
The following text is for questions 32 to 35 E. to tell the traditional of the Eskimoes
Eskimoes live in a land 35. Why are permanent settlements useless to an
where the winter are long Eskimo hunter? Because …
and very cold. During the A. they have to utilize the snow and convert it
short summer months, into a snug
they live in permanent B. their permanent settlements made of stones
homes of stone or earth. or earth
However, their home are C. their permanent house are made of ice and
useless when the Eskimoes snow
have to travel great D. their temporary house are made of ice and
distances to hunt for food. snow
During such periods, they need temporary homes to E. they have to take long distance to hunt for
live in and the only available materials that the food
Eskimoes can use are ice and snow.
Given the absence of usual building materials, the Text 8
indigenious Eskimoes have learnt to utilize the snow The following text is for questions 36 to 39
and convert it into a snug, warm shelter called an
The grizzly bear lives in
igloo. In the language of the Eskimoes, the word
the uplands of western
‘igloo’ simply means house. The igloo is made of
North America. Grizzlies are
blocks of hard packed snow fitted together to make a
normally solitary active, but
low, domed‐shapped building. The blocks are cut out
in coastal areas the grizzly
with a knife made from walrus ivory as snow does not
bears congregate alongside
stick to this kind of knife. Using this method, an
streams, lakes, and rivers
Eskimo takes only a few hours to build some.
during the salmon spawn. Every other year, the
Inside the igloo, it is warm enough for the family
females (snows) produce one to four young (most
to take off their outer fur clothing. A platform of
commonly two) which are small and weigh only about
snow, covered with fur and skins, serves as the family
500 grams (one pound). A sow is very protective of
bed. During the cold, arctic nights, the entire family
her offsprings and will attack if she is being
sleeps together tor warmth. Cooking is done on a
stone stove or lamp that burns seal fat or blubber. A
Male grizzly bears can range from weights of 180
small opening at the top of the igloo lets the smoke
to 680 kilograms (400 ‐ 1,500) and stand 2.44 meters
out and the fresh air in. Even though the air in the
(8 ft) tall on their hind legs; the females are smaller.
igloo my not clear or pleasant‐smelling, it serves its
Their coloring ranges widely across geographic areas,
purpose as a warm, comfortable shelter for the
from blond to deep brown or red. These differences,
Eskimo family.
primarily due to the different environments,
32. The text us about … particularly, with regard to diet and temperature.
A. where the igloo is built The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders
B. where the Eskimoes live which is a muscle mass used to power the forelimbs
C. how the Eskimoes find their food in digging. The hind legs are powerful, however. The
D. how and where the Eskimoes live muscle in the lower legs provides enough strength for
E. where the whole family sleep together the bear to stand up on its hind legs, giving it a better
view of its surroundings. The head is large and round
33. Why do the Eskimoes use a walrus ivory knife? with a concave facial profile.
Because … In spite of their massive size, these bears can run
A. it is easy to cut the food at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour (25 miles
B. it is sharp enough to cut the animals per hour). However, they are slower running downhill
C. it is more comfortable to find some food rather than uphill because of the large hump of
D. this kind of knife doesn’t stick to the snow muscle over the shoulders.
E. this kind of knife is useful to hunt for food
36. What is the best title for the text above?
34. The purpose of the text is …
A. The Grizzly Bear.
A. to entertain the Eskimoes family
B. The Male Grizzly Bear. 40. How many ways can the nuclear wastes be
C. The Life of Grizzly Bear. transported?
D. Physical characteristic of Grizzly Bear. A. One C. Three E. Six
B. Two D. Five
37. “A sow is very protective of her offsprings and …”
The underlined word also means … 41. The purpose of the text is …
A. families C. spouses E. food A. to explain how nuclear power energy is
B. habitat D. babies supplied
B. to persuade the readers to use nuclear power
38. How fast can a grizzly run per hour?
A. 2,44 m. C. 40 km. E. 400 km.
C. to inform the readers about the advantages of
B. 25 km. D. 180 km.
nuclear power energy
39. Why are the grizzlies slower while running D. to convince the readers that nuclear power
downhill? Because … energy is hazardous
A. the females are smaller E. to tell the readers about the future prospect
B. they can stand up on their hind legs of nuclear power energy .
C. their hind legs are more powerful
42. Storing radioactive wastes under the ground or
D. they have large hump of muscle over the
sinking them in the sea still considered unsafe
because …
E. the muscles of their legs provide enough
A. the place is inconvenient
strength to stand up
B. it possible to store them there
C. the methods do not solve the problem
Text 9
D. it is impossible to make them non‐radioactive
The following text is for questions 40 to 43.
E. an earthquake could easily break the
Nuclear Power containers
There are three sources of hazard in the process
43. “Separately, these three types of risks are not
of supplying energy by nuclear power.
The radioactive material must travel from its great causes for concern.” (Paragraph 5)
The synonym of the underlined word is …
place of manufacture to the power station. Although
the power stations themselves are solidly built, the A. illness C. danger E. safety
container used for the transport of the materials are B. health D. threat
not. There are normally only two methods of
transport available, namely road or rail. Unfortuna‐ Text 10
The following text is for questions 44 to 48
tely, both of these involve close contact with the
general public, since the routes are sure to pass near, Boxing ‐ Sport or Spectacle?
or even through, heavily populated areas. Boxing, amongst other hand‐to‐hand fighting, has
Next, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear been with us for thousands of years. Originally it was
power stations produce wastes that is most cases will nothing more than bare fist fighting between two
remain radioactive for thousand of years. It is impos‐ willing, and sometimes unwilling competitors for the
sible to make these wastes nonradioactive, and so entertainment of other. Some people argue that it is a
they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways relatively safe, disciplined, highly skilled, and technical
that scientists have invented. For example, they may sport that brings enjoyment and employment to a
be buried under the ground, or dropped into great many people. Others claim that it is a dangerous
abandoned mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these and barbaric spectacle that has no place in the
methods do not solve the problem, since an earth‐ civilized world. This article will explore each side’s
quake could easily crack the containers open. claim in more detail. It will talk about the damage that
Finally, there is the problem of accidental expo‐ can be inflicted when two men stand face‐to‐face with
sure due to a leak or an explosion at the power the sole intention of knocking each other out with
station. As with the other two hazards, this is not very their fists. It will go on to argue that boxing, or
likely, so that it does not provide a serious objection legitimate assault, has no place in the twenty first
to the nuclear program. Nevertheless, it can happen. century.
Separately, these three types of risk are not great The bell goes and two warriors approach each
causes for concern. On the whole through, the proba‐ other. They are quick. They are strong. They are hard.
bility of disaster is still high. They are ready to hurt and be hurt.
A left fist launches and connects with a nose. The
crowds are their feet. Cheering. Wanting more. 47. “it will talk about the damage that can be inflicted
when two men stand face to face …
Wanting blood.
So, boxing; what’s it all about? All animals, mostly (Paragraph 1).
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
the males, fight from time to time. Sometimes it’s
playing but at other time it’s serious. Lots of people, A. Imposed.
B. Harmed.
including me, enjoy watching boxing. It is disgusting at
times though, especially when there’s lots of blood C. Weakened.
and some boxers died in the ring. D. Endangered
In conclusion, both sides of the debate have solid E. Threatened
foundations. As has been shown, the arguments for 48. Who do you think has the authority to make
and against have been put forward since boxing boxing licensed and controlled?
began. And it would seem, the argument will continue A. The judge of the game.
for at least the foreseeable future, as compromise B. The sponsors.
seems unlikely. Both sides do agree, however, that the C. The promotors.
debate is better held whilst boxing is licensed and D. The spectators.
controlled rather than on. The latter would make it, in E. The Boxing Federation.
my opinion, both sport as well as spectacle.
Text 11
44. Which statement is implied in paragraph 2 and 4? This text is for questions 49 to 50.
A. Boxing means hurting each other.
B. Men, are like animals, fight from time to time. Want to get latest information on properties? Check
C. Some people think that boxing is disgusting. out our Hot Properties Column. It appears every
D. Boxing should be banned in the twenty first Saturday. To find out more information on houses,
apartments, villas, and broker agents, contact Sitorus,
E. The two warriors have the same courage and Made or Mike at (024) 8448895
49. The aim of the message is to inform us …
45. Why do some people claim that boxing is A. about Hot Properties Column
dangerous, barbaric, uncivilized? Because … B. about houses, apartments, villas, and broker
A. it brings enjoyment agents
B. it is quick and strong C. how to get in touch with Sitorus, Made and
C. it can entertain others Mike
D. in creates employment D. the easiest way to get the latest information
E. it can cause death in the ring on properties.
E. how to find out more information on houses,
46. When is boxing disgusting?
apartment, dan villas
A. When someone wins.
B. When there is lots of cheering 50. “It appears every Saturday.”
C. When nothing happens. ‘It’ refers to a/an …
D. When there’s lots of blood. A. villa
E. When there is a big applause. B. house
C. apartment
D. broker agent
E. Hot Properties Column
Man : May I borrow it? I do really want to read
1. Man : Nina, you look so pale. What’s wrong What is the man interested in?
with you? Pembahasan:
Woman : My asthma flared up again. (Pria itu tertarik pada apakah?)
Man : Poor you. Was it troublesome for you? Awalnya sang pria bertanya, “Whose book is this?”
Woman : It was. Last night I could hardly sleep. lalu sang wanita menjawab bahwa buku itu
What are the speakers talking about? miliknya. Kunci dari pertanyaan di atas terletak
(Apa yang dibicarakan oleh kedua pembicara?) pada kalimat sang pria berikutnya, yaitu “May I
Pembahasan: borrow it? I do really want to read it.” Barulah kita
Sang pria mengatakan bahwa sang wanita terlihat tahu bahwa pria itu tertarik untuk membaca buku
pucat. Dan dari jawaban sang wanita semakin jelas milik sang wanita.
terlihat apa yang sedang mereka bicarakan, yaitu Jawaban: C
tentang kesehatan sang wanita. 5. Man : What can I do for you, maam?
Jawaban: A Woman : I’m looking for a science book. Do you
2. Woman : Steve, what seems to be the problem? have one about chemistry?
Man : Well, I had a bad cold. And the doctor Man : Well, you’d better check it in this
gave me some medicine. catalogue.
Woman : Listen, forget about that medicine. Try Woman : Thanks.
this herbal one. Which picture goes with the conversation?
Man : Oh, no thanks. (Gambar manakah yang sesuai dengan percakapan
What does the woman offer? ini?)
(Apa yang ditawarkan oleh sang wanita?) Pembahasan:
Pembahasan: Jika tidak jeli mendengar percakapan ini, maka
Perhatikan sahutan yang diberikan sang wanita kemungkinan besar kita akan terjebak untuk
atas pernyataan sang pria, “Listen, forget about memilih gambar yang salah. Dari ucapan sang
that medicine. Try this herbal one.” Jadi, sang wanita yang sedang mencari buku kimia, kita
wanita menganjurkan sang pria agar tidak lagi berasumsi bahwa percakapan berlangsung di toko
menggunakan obat yang diberikan sang dokter buku. Namun dari jawaban sang pria, “Well, you’d
kepadanya dan menawarkan obat herbal sebagai better check it in this catalogue”, barulah kita tahu
gantinya. bahwa percakapan itu sesungguhnya sedang
Jawaban: A berlangsung di perpus‐takaan, karena sistem
3. Man : I’m going to do my office assignment. pencarian buku melalui katalog hanya dapat
Woman : But it’s a lovely day, dear. Why don’t we ditemui di perpustakaan dan bukan toko buku.
go for a walk? Jawaban: C
Man : Can you wait a few minutes. I have to Part II
finish this letter. 6. Woman : Why do you look so upset?
Woman: Don’t take too long. Man : It’s been a hard day today. It was raining
What is the woman suggesting? when I went to school. It was difficult to
(Apa yang disarankan oleh sang wanita?) get a school bus. I had to wait for twenty
Pembahasan: minutes before the bus came.
Perhatikan kalimat yang diucapkan oleh sang a. It must be fun
wanita, “Why don’t we go for a walk?” Jelas bahwa b. That is good for you
sang wanita menyarankan agar mereka pergi c. That’s really nice
berjalan‐jalan di hari yang cerah itu. d. I’m terribly sorry to hear that
Jawaban: D Pembahasan:
4. Man : Whose book is this? Sang wanita menanyakan mengapa sang pria
Woman : It’s mine. terlihat sedih, lalu si pria menjelaskan hal buruk
yang terjadi padanya saat hendak berangkat ke
sekolah. Ketiga pilihan jawaban pertama bukanlah
kalimat yang sesuai untuk membalas ucapan sang
pria yang sedang bersedih hati. Kalimat yang tepat b. No, it’s too expensive to buy the book.
untuk merespon hal buruk yang menimpa c. Yes, we went there together.
seseorang adalah I’m terribly sorry to hear that. d. I’m so sorry I can’t, maybe next week.
Jawaban: D Pembahasan:
7. Man : We went to Bandung yesterday. We Dalam percakapan ini, terdapat kalimat ajakan,
spent our time shopping. John yang mengajak Brenda untuk pergi berski
Woman : So what do you think about Bandung? bersama‐sama di akhir pekan. Kita harus
a. As long as you like it memerhatikan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia.
b. Bandung is the capital of West Java Pilihan A dan B jelas salah karena tidak sesuai
c. It’s a good place for shopping dengan konteks percakapan. Pilihan C juga salah
d. Bandung is not far from here karena kalimat itu bukanlah jawaban yang sesuai
Pembahasan: dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan. Meskipun
Dari pernyataan sang pria dapat diketahui bahwa berupa penolakan namun jawaban yang tepat
ia bersenang‐senang dan menikmati waktu adalah D.
belanjanya saat berada di Bandung. Jadi, Jawaban: D
jawabannya pun jelas. Part III
Jawaban: C 11. One of my favorite actors is in this picture. He’s
8. Man : It seems that you need something. in his twenties, he’s white, he’s medium height,
Woman : My computer doesn’t work well. May I quite well built. He’s got quite dark eyebrows
use this computer? and short brown hair. In this photo, he’s got a
a. My computer is at home beard and a moustache. Which picture goes with
b. I don’t have a computer the description you have just heard.
c. My computer is Sony Vaio Pembahasan:
d. Sorry I haven’t finished typing my document Harus kita dengarkan dengan baik deskripsi di
Pembahasan: atas. Gambar yang tersedia memang mirip
Perhatikan ucapan sang wanita agar kita tidak antara satu dengan yang lain. Namun yang
terjebak dengan pilihan jawaban yang salah. Ia membedakannya adalah deskripsi pada baris 2‐3,
bertanya, “May I use this computer?”, yang berarti in this photo, he’s got a beard and a moustache.
sang pria itu juga memiliki komputer, jadi pilihan A Satu‐satunya foto di mana sang pria memiliki
dan B salah. Pilihan C pun tak sesuai dengan jenggot dan kumis adalah gambar 5.
konteks percakapan. Jadi jawaban yang benar Jawaban: E
adalah D.
Jawaban: D 12‐13
9. Man : Maria did you type this letter? There was a poor woman who wished very much to
Woman : Yes, sir. Anything wrong with it, Sir? have a little child. She went to a fairy godmother, who
Man : Yes you did it very carelessly this time. lived near the green meadow in the valley. The
Woman : I really apologize, Sir. Let me retype this woman received a barley corn seed from the fairy. She
letter. went home and planted it in a flower pot. Several days
a. I’m not happy with your work later, the seed grew up into a large beautiful flower.
b. Your work is better than ever Surprisingly, the woman saw a little girl inside the
c. I think this is great flower. The sweet little girl was as long as a thumb.
d. Give me a second chance The woman gave her the name of Thumbelina because
Percakapan ini menunjukkan kekecewaan sang she was so small.
atasan terhadap sekretarisnya yang telah salah
mengetik surat. Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah 12. What is the story about?
kalimat bersifat negatif yang menunjukkan (Berkisah tentang apakah cerita ini?)
kekecewaan itu. Pilihan jawaban A dan B jelas Pembahasan:
salah. Dan pilihan D pun cenderung kurang benar. Perhatikan dua baris terakhir dari cerita ini, The
Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah A. sweet girl was as long as a thumb. The woman
Jawaban: A gave her the name of Thumbelina because she
10. Woman : Hello John, what’s news with you? was so small. Jadi cerita ini berkisah tentang
Man : Brenda, my friends and I are going skiing seorang gadis kecil bernama Thumbelina.
this weekend. Would you care to join Jawaban: D
us? 13. Where was the barley corn seed planted?
a. I’m just fine, thanks. (Di manakah bibit gandum itu ditanam?)
Pembahasan: makanan yang dibeli oleh Jonathan untuk makan
Perhatikan baris ketiga, kalimat: She went home siang adalah non spicy food.
and planted it in a flower pot. Jawaban: E
Jawaban: C
14‐15 20. Iklan tersebut berjudul ROOM FACILITIES (fasilitas
The Polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and kamar). Maka jelas bahwa yang ditawarkan oleh
its surrounding seas. An adult male weighs about 400 iklan tersebut adalah fasilitas.
to 680 kilograms, while an adult female is about half Jawaban: E
that size. Although it is closely related to the brown
bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrow ecological 21. The hotel provides 82 comfortable guest rooms.
niche. With many body characteristics adapted for Jawaban: D
cold temperatures for moving across the snow, ice,
open water, and for hunting seals, which make up 22. Jelas bahwa fasilitas hotel yang memfasilitasi
most of its diet. Although most polar bears are born tamu untuk menonton film adalah in house
on land, it spends most of its time at sea. Hence its movie.
name meaning maritime bear and can hunt Jawaban: D
consistently only from sea ice. It spends much of the
year on the frozen sea. 23. Dalam paragraf ke‐4 bacaan dikatakan:
14. What does the adult male weigh? Helped by spirit of the demons, Bandung
(Berapakah berat beruang kutub jantan?) Bondowoso starting building the temples.
Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini telah dijawab pada Jawaban: A
awal cerita. Perhatikan baris 1‐2 kalimat, an
adult male weighs about 400‐680 kilograms. 24. Dalam paragraf ke‐2 dikatakan:
Jawaban: B A handsome young man with supernatural power
15. Where do the animals live? named Bandung Bondowoso.
(Di manakah hewan‐hewan ini hidup?) Jawaban: D
Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini pun telah terjawab 25. Pelajaran moral biasanya dalam bentuk nasihat
pada awal kalimat dari cerita. The Polar bear is a atau kata bijak. Dalam pilihan jawaban, yang
bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its berupa nasihat adalah: We must keep our
surroundings. promise.
Jawaban: A Jawaban: C
16. Dalam iklan dikatakan:
We are pleased to announce the appointment of 26. Dalam bacaan berulang kali disebutkan:
P.T. JAYA WIJAYA SHIPPING As General Agent for ‐ A pandemic among human remains possible
MISC BERHARD. (pandemik antara manusia tetap mungkin).
Jawaban: C ‐ Death and infection have continued to spread
(kematian dan infeksi telah berlanjut).
17. Seperti halnya pada surat pribadi, pihak yang ‐ The virus itself keeps changing (virus itu
mengumumkan suatu pengumuman terletak di sendiri terus bermutasi).
bagian paling akhir dari pengumuman tersebut. ‐ The risk of pandemic persist (resiko pandemik
Jawaban: A masih berlanjut).
Pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan
18. Paragraf I & II tentang rencana kedatangan pernya‐taan‐pernyataan itu adalah jawaban E.
Jonathan ke Indonesia. Jawaban: E
Paragraf III, IV, & V tentang rencana‐rencana
Naufal jika Jonathan tinggal di Indonesia. 27. Disebutkan dalam bacaan paragraf ke‐2:
Jawaban: A … Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s regional advisor …
Jawaban: E
19. “You do not have to worry about the local spicy
food” 28. Kata yang dicetak tebal di bawah ini menye‐
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan bahwa Jonathan babkan pernyataan berikut tidak sesuai dengan
tidak menyukai spicy food. Maka kemungkinan teks:
‐ Experts predict that the virus could not Eskimos have to travel great distances to hunt
transmit between people for food.
‐ Bird flu virus seldom spread directly from Jawaban: E
birds to humans.
‐ Asian countries can create vaccine to cure 36. Keseluruhan paragraf dalam bacaan membahas
victims. tentang Grizzly Bear. Yang paling tepat untuk
‐ Pandemic of bird flu is impossible. menjadi judul adalah pilihan jawaban yang paling
Jawaban: E umum, yaitu The Grizzly Bear.
29. Dalam konteks ini, kata panic memiliki makna Jawaban: A
yang sama dengan surprised, maka diketahui dari
paragraf ke‐2 bahwa yang membuat penulis 37. families : keluarga
terkejut adalah: habitat : tempat tinggal
A pedestrian who was walking on the pavemet spouses : pasangan
suddently ran across the road in front of my car. babies : anak‐anak
Jawaban: D food : makanan
Offspring berarti keturunan sehingga memiliki
30. Put out : melepaskan makna yang sama dengan babies.
Fasten : mengencangkan Jawaban: D
Loosen : melonggarkan
Carry over : memindahkan 38. Dalam paragraf terakhir disebutkan: these bears
Switch off : mematikan can run 40 km per hour.
Jawaban: C
Put on berarti memakai, sehingga memiliki makna
yang serupa dengan mengencangkan (fasten) 39. Disebutkan dalam kalimat terakhir pada bacaan:
Jawaban: B they are slower running downhill rather than
uphill because of the large hump of muscle over
31. Teks tersebut berisi tentang kecelakaan yang the shoulder.
terjadi karena pejalan kaki yang tiba‐tiba berlari Jawaban: D
menye‐berang jalan. Maka, kesimpulannya
pejalan kaki tersebut ceroboh. 40. Disebutkan dalam bacaan:
Jawaban: A There are normally only two methods of
transport available, namely road or rail.
32. Dalam bacaan tersebut tidak hanya diceritakan Jawaban: B
dimana orang eskimo tinggal tapi juga diceritakan
bagaimana cara mereka membangun rumah, 41. Teks ini merupakan jenis exposition di mana
mencari makan, dan menempati rumahnya. penulis memiliki sebuah statement dan menguat‐
Jawaban A, B C, dan D terlalu spesifik. kannya dengan argumen‐argumen. Untuk
Jawaban: D meyakinkan pembaca bahwa statement‐nya
33. Disebutkan dalam paragraf ke‐2: Jawaban: D
The blocks are cut out with the knife made from
walrus ivory as snow does not stick to the kind of 42. Disebutkan dalam paragraf ke‐3: however, this
knife. methods do not solve the problem since an
Jawaban: D earthquake could easily crack the container
34. Bacaan yang menggambarkan tempat, orang, atau Jawaban: E
benda merupakan jenis deskripsi yang berfungsi 43. illness : sakit
mendeskripsikan (to describe). Yang digambarkan health : kesehatan
dalam teks adalah berhubungan dengan tempat danger : bahaya
tinggal orang Eskimo. threat : ancaman
Jawaban: B safety : keamanan
Risks berarti ‘risiko‘ sehingga memiliki makna
35. Disebutkan dalam paragraf pertama dalam yang sama dengan danger.
bacaan: Their homes are useless when the Jawaban: C
44. Paragraf ke‐2 (they are ready to hurt and to be 48. Di antara kelima pilihan jawaban (juri sponsor,
hurt) dan ke‐4 (there’s a lot of blood and some promotor, penonton, federasi tinju), yang paling
boxers died in the ring) secara tidak langsung memiliki kekuatan untuk membuat olah raga tinju
menyampaikan bahwa bertinju berarti saling menjadi lebih terkontrol adalah federasi tinju.
menyakiti. Jawaban: E
Jawaban: A
49. Jelas dikatakan dalam teks: Want to get latest
45. dangerous : berbahaya information on properties?
barbaric : bersifat barbar Teks tersebut ditujukan untuk mereka yang ingin
uncivilized : tidak beradab mencari info mengenai property (rumah, aparte‐
men, vila, dan agen broker).
Pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan tiga Jawaban: B
kata tersebut adalah bahwa tinju bisa
menyebabkan kematian di dalam ring. 50. It tersebut mengacu pada kata benda yang
Jawaban: E disebut pada kalimat sebelumnya: Check out our
property column. It appear every Saturday.
46. Disgusting berarti ‘menjijikkan’. Satu‐satunya Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah Hot Property
pilihan jawaban yang bermakna negatif adalah: Column.
when there’s a lot of blood. Jawaban: E
Jawaban: D
47. imposed : menimbulkan
harmed : merugikan
weakened : melemahkan
endangered : membahayakan
threatened : mengancam