Lectura Cuenca de Loreto
Lectura Cuenca de Loreto
Lectura Cuenca de Loreto
*E-mail: rdorsey@darkwing.uoregon.edu.
Geology; October 1999; v. 27; no. 10; p. 935–938; 4 figures; 1 table. 935
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Figure 4 depicts our interpretation of the A calcirudite
depositional systems and resulting sedimentary
facies that formed on the eastern margin of the
Loreto basin during sequence 3 time. Uplift and
westward tilting created a rapidly eroding east-
ern source area that delivered volcaniclastic
gravel and sand to small coastal alluvial fans.
Alluvial-fan facies are not directly observed be-
cause of postdepositional erosion, but their pres- basal gravel
ence is inferred from abundant coarse volcani-
clastic gravel in proximal foresets and rare C D
topsets of marine Gilbert-type deltas. A narrow
(<1 km) marine shelf formed along the western
fringe of these fans and provided a shallow-
water sand and gravel habitat for shelly macro-
benthos. Shifting cross-shelf channels incor-
porated molluscan shells and shell fragments,
and mixed bioclastic-volcaniclastic detritus was
transported to the top of steep delta slopes,
where oversteepening caused slope failures and
sediment avalanching (e.g., Nemec, 1990). West-
ward transport and deposition of mixed bio- Figure 3. Mixed bioclastic and volcaniclastic deposits. A: Poorly sorted matrix-rich shelly con-
clastic and volcaniclastic sediment were domi- glomerate (facies 2). B: Bipartite conglomerate and calcirudite (facies 3). C: Massive calcirudite
nated by sediment-gravity flows that underwent and calcarenite (facies 4). D: Mixed-composition turbidites (facies 5).
progressive down-transport transformation from
cohesive debris flows to bipartite flows and low-
density turbidity currents (Fig. 4).
Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments have
been observed in other fan-delta systems where
they typically consist of dominantly autochtho-
nous thin shell beds and patch reefs that record
periods of transgression or stalled progradation,
as in the Eocene southern Pyrenees (Lopez-
Blanco, 1993), Neogene Betic Cordillera (Dabrio,
1990), and Pliocene footwall-derived fan deltas
of the western Loreto basin (Dorsey et al., 1995).
In the Red Sea, Holocene deposits make up a
complex mosaic of siliciclastic fans, fringing
reefs, and biogenic (bioturbated) mixtures of
longshore-transported carbonate and siliciclastic
sand (Hayward, 1985). Voluminous physical
mixing of lithologies by subaqueous debris flows
and turbidity currents, as described here, has not
been documented in detail elsewhere. The two
closest analogs we are aware of are: (1) rare, thin
mass-flow deposits containing >50% barnacle
debris in Miocene sandy conglomeratic fans of
the Tabernas basin, Spain (Doyle et al., 1996), and Figure 4. Conceptual model for transport and deposition of mixed bioclastic-volcaniclastic litho-
(2) traction transport of loose barnacle-bryozoan facies at eastern margin of Pliocene Loreto basin. Mollusk-rich carbonates were produced in
debris from thrust-cored antiforms and strike-slip shoals and banks in narrow shelf setting, reworked into cross-shelf channels, and transported
down steep basin-margin slope by subaqueous mass flows. Idealized lateral variation in litho-
blocks into adjacent structural troughs (Neogene facies records downslope transformation from debris flows to high- and low-density turbidity
of New Zealand; Kamp and Nelson, 1987). currents. See text for discussion; abbreviations: comp.—composition, turb.—turbidity, cgl—con-
A combination of conditions apparently was glomerate, sst—sandstone.
required to form the coarse-grained mixed facies
described here for the Loreto basin. In particular, carbonate production, a slow rate of carbonate downslope evolution of subaqueous sediment-
mobilization and rapid downslope transport of breakdown by processes such as dissolution, bio- gravity flows. Condition 1 appears to require non-
large volumes of loose carbonate particles require erosion, and maceration, so that carbonate grains tropical temperatures and/or an elevated nutrient
(1) a relatively high rate of carbonate production in could survive temporary storage in shallow load, which would curtail binders, suppress in-
shallow waters but without extensive algal and/or waters; and (3) strong tectonic uplift to produce organic cementation, and favor the dominance of
coral binding or early cementation; (2) relative to steep basin-margin gradients, slope failure, and mollusks and barnacles (James, 1997). Average
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Manuscript received February 8, 1999
Rapid subsidence and stacked Gilbert-type fan
Revised manuscript received July 6, 1999
CONCLUSIONS deltas, Pliocene Loreto Basin, Baja California Sur,
Manuscript accepted July 16, 1999
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Gilbert-type deltas that prograded away from the significance: Lethaia, v. 29, p. 267–274.
active eastern margin of the basin. This style of
mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentation
requires a specific set of tectonic and oceano-
Geology 1999;27;935-938
doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0935:MCSSOA>2.3.CO;2
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