Chapter 5 - Report

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Chapter 5


-set of moral principles or values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual or group.

Characteristics and Values Associated with Ethical Behavior

 Integrity
 Honesty
 Trustworthiness and Promise Keeping
 Loyalty (Fidelity) and Confidentiality
 Fairness and Openness
 Caring for Others
 Respect for Others
 Responsible Citizenship
 Pursuit of Excellence
 Accountability

Why is Ethical Behavior necessary?

- It is necessary for a society to function in an orderly manner.

- Holds the society together.

Why do people act unethically?

1. Person’s ethical standards differ from General Society

2. Person chooses to act selfishly

Categories of Ethical Principle

1. Principles of Personal Ethics includes among others

 Basic justice, fairness

 Respect for the right of others
 Concern of the right of others
 Concern for the well-being on welfare of others
 Benevolence, trustworthiness, honesty
 Compliance with the law

2. Professional Ethics include among others

 Integrity, impartiality, objectivity

 Professional competence
 Confidentiality
 Professional behavior
 Avoidance of potential or apparent conflict of interest

3. Business Ethics include among others

 Fair competition
 Global as well as domestic justice
 Social responsibility
 Concern for environment

The Need for Professional Ethics

Code of good governance for the Profession in the Philippines 

This code is adopted by the Professional Regulation Commission and a 42 Professional regulatory boards
to cover an environment of good governance in which all Filipino professionals shall perform their tasks.

This code which covers the common principle underlying the codes of various professions could be used
by all professionals who face critical ethical questions in their work.

General principle of professional conduct 

Professionals are required not only to have an ethical commitment, a personal resolve to act ethically
but also have both ethical awareness and ethical competency.

Specific principle of professional conduct 

 Service to others- Professionals are committed to a life of service to others.

 Integrity and objectivity- Professionals shall perform the responsibilities with highest sense of
integrity imbued with nationalism and spiritual values.
 Professional competence- Professionals shall undertake only those professional services That
they can reasonably deliver with professional competence.
 Solidarity and teamwork - Each profession shall nurture and support one organization for all its
 Social and Civic responsibility- Professionals shall always carry out their professional duties with
due consideration of the broader interests of the public.
 Global Competitiveness- Every professional shall remain open to Challenges of a more dynamic
interconnected world.
 Equality of all professions- All professionals shall treat their colleagues With respect and shall
strive to be fair in their dealings with one another.

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