RCBC Sizes

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box Culverts

box CulveRtS
Rocla® box culverts

Rocla manufactures a wide range of RoclA® box culvERt cRoWN uNItS & bASES
reinforced concrete box culverts for
small and large spans. Box culverts are
an ideal alternative to pipes for limited
fill height applications, precast open
channels, underpasses and ducts for
underground services. Dimensions of
components vary depending on
specification and manufacturing
location. Crown Unit & Base Invert & Lid Crown Units, Base Slab & Link Slab

Contact Rocla for actual product Box culvert crowns are available in the following combinations of internal span and height:

Nominal Internal Height (mm) Standard height/span

Span combinations
(mm) 225 300 450 600 900 1200
Rocla® small box culverts are designed
to AS1597.1. Large box culverts are
designed to AS1597.2 and as required by
road and rail authority specifications. 450
Special conditions such as aggressive 600
soils and non-standard vehicle or 900
construction loadings may require a 1200
specific design.
Box culverts can also be supplied with
splayed ends, starter bars, block-outs for Nom. Nominal Internal Height (mm)
skylights, etc. Span
(mm) 600 750 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 4200

The CPAA publication “Hydraulics of
Precast Conduits” assists designers with
the hydraulic design of concrete pipes
and box culverts.


Rocla® box culverts are supplied with cast-in SwiftLift anchors of appropriate size. There are
generally four anchors in the crown of the box culvert for handling and installation. Box
culverts are generally lifted and transported in the “legs down” position (“legs-up” for
inverts). Some culverts may be transported “on-edge” and must be turned to the installed
position on site. For some large culverts, bracing may be provided to stabilise the legs during


Installation should be in accordance with project-specific drawings and specifications.

Sales: 131 004 Queensland | Rocla


Rocla® Small box

culvert b1 Exposure

Rocla® box culvert (RCBC) crowns and RoclA® SMAll box culvERt cRoWNS (1.2m AND 2.4m lENGtHS)
bases are manufactured in accordance AS1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b1
with AS1597.1-2010. Proof load 112kN
and ultimate load 202kN. Culverts Product Nominal crown leg thick leg thick overall overall lifting
manufactured to Qld TMR code Size thickness top bottom Width Height Arrange-
Specifications are available upon ments
2.4m length Width x Height tc lt lb W H
BANC0300225 300 x 225 100 69 62 438 325 2 x 1.3t
BANC0450305 450 x 300 110 72 62 594 410 2 x 1.3t
Note: The product codes shown are for
2.4m-long culverts and lids. To order 1.2m BANC0600305 600 x 300 115 77 67 754 415 2 x 1.3t
lengths, replace the “5” at the end of the product BANC0600455 600 x 450 115 77 62 754 565 2 x 1.3t
code with “2”, e.g., BANC0450302 and
BANBS0452. BANC0900305 900 x 300 135 87 77 1074 435 4 x 1.3t
Other small RCBC sizes available on request. BANC0900605 900 x 600 135 87 67 1074 735 4 x 1.3t
W BANC1200305 1200 x 300 150 105 95 1410 450 4 x 2.5t
Lt span Lt BANC1200605 1200 x 600 150 105 85 1410 750 4 x 2.5t
BANC1200905 1200 x 900 150 105 75 1410 1050 4 x 2.5t
BANC1201205 1200 x 1200 150 105 65 1410 1350 4 x 2.5t

RoclA SMAll box culvERt bASES (1.2m AND 2.4m lENGtHS)

height AS1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b1

Product Nominal Slab overall Rebate lifting

code Width thickness Width Width Arrange-
Precast Base Slab 2.4m length tb W R

Lb Lb
BANBS0305 300 105 438 74 2 x 1.3t
Precast RCBC Crown BANBS0455 450 120 594 77 2 x 1.3t
W BANBS0605 600 135 754 82 2 x 1.3t
Lt span Lt BANBS0905 900 155 1074 92 4 x 1.3t

BANBS1205 1200 180 1410 115 4 x 1.3t

Lt Lt
RoclA® SMAll box culvERt INvERtS (1.2m AND 2.4m lENGtHS)
Precast Lid
AS1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b1
Product Nominal crown leg thick leg thick overall overall lifting
code Size thickness top bottom Width Height Arrange-
2.4m length Width x Height tc lt lb W H
H BCNC0300225 300 x 225 100 69 62 438 325 2 x 1.3t
Precast Base Slab

Lb Lb BCNC0450305 450 x 300 110 72 62 594 410 2 x 1.3t

Precast RCBC Crown BCNC0600305 600 x 300 115 77 67 754 415 2 x 1.3t
Small Box Culvert Crowns BCNC0600455 600 x 450 115 77 62 754 565 2 x 1.3t
BCNC0900305 900 x 300 135 87 77 1074 435 4 x 1.3t
Lb span Lb
W BCNC0900605 900 x 600 135 87 67 1074 735 4 x 1.3t
Precast RCBC Invert BCNC1200305 1200 x 300 150 105 95 1410 450 4 x 2.5t
Lt Lt BCNC1200605 1200 x 600 150 105 85 1410 750 4 x 2.5t
Precast Lid BCNC1200905 1200 x 900 150 105 75 1410 1050 4 x 2.5t
BCNC1201205 1200 x 1200 150 105 65 1410 1350 4 x 2.5t

RoclA SMAll box culvERt lIDS (1.2m AND 2.4m lENGtHS)


height AS1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b1


Product Nominal Slab overall Rebate lifting

code Width thickness Width Width Arrange-
Tc 2.4m length tb W R

span BANLD0305 300 105 438 74 2 x 1.3t

Lb Lb
W BANLD0455 450 120 594 77 2 x 1.3t
Precast RCBC Invert BANLD0605 600 135 754 82 2 x 1.3t
BANLD0905 900 155 1074 92 4 x 1.3t
BANLD1205 1200 180 1410 115 4 x 1.3t
Note: Dimensions are based on AS1597 and must not be used for set-out. Set-out, including cast rebates in
base slab, should only be done in accordance with project-specific drawings and specifications.

Rocla | Queensland Sales: 131 004


box CulveRtS
Rocla® Small box
culvert b2 Exposure

Rocla® reinforced crowns and bases RoclA® SMAll box culvERt cRoWNS (1.2m & 2.4m lENGtHS)
are manufactured in accordance with AS 1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b2
AS1597.1-2010. Proof load 112kN and
ultimate load 202kN. Culverts Product Nominal crown leg thick leg thick overall overall lifting
manufactured to Qld TMR code Size thickness top bottom Width Height Arrange-
Specifications are available upon ments
1.2m length Width x Height tc lt lb W H
BENC0300222 300 x 225 110 92 85 484 335 2 x 1.3t
Note: The product codes shown are for BENC0450302 450 x 300 120 95 85 640 420 2 x 1.3t
2.4m-long culverts and lids. To order 1.2m
lengths, replace the “5” at the end of the product BENC0600302 600 x 300 120 100 90 800 420 2 x 1.3t
code with “2”, e.g., BENC0450302 and BENC0600452 600 x 450 120 100 85 800 570 2 x 1.3t
BCNBS0452. Other small RCBC sizes are
BENC0900302 900 x 300 135 110 100 1120 435 4 x 1.3t
available on request.
BENC0900602 900 x 600 135 110 90 1120 735 4 x 1.3t
W BENC1200302 1200 x 300 165 120 110 1440 465 4 x 1.3t
Lt span Lt BENC1200602 1200 x 600 165 120 100 1440 765 4 x 1.3t

BENC1200902 1200 x 900 165 120 90 1440 1065 4 x 1.3t
BENC1201202 1200 x 1200 165 120 80 1440 1365 4 x 1.3t

H RoclA SMAll box culvERt bASES (1.2m & 2.4m lENGtHS)


height AS 1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b2

Product Nominal Slab overall Rebate lifting

code Width thickness Width Width Arrange-
Precast Base Slab 1.2m length tb W R

Lb Lb BCNBS0302 300 115 484 97 2 x 1.3t

Precast RCBC Crown BCNBS0452 450 130 640 100 2 x 1.3t
W BCNBS0602 600 145 800 105 2 x 1.3t
Lt span Lt BCNBS0902 900 165 1120 115 4 x 1.3t

BCNBS1202 1200 190 1440 130 4 x 1.3t

Lt Lt RoclA® SMAll box culvERt INvERtS (1.2m AND 2.4m lENGtHS)

H Precast Lid AS1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b2
Product Nominal crown leg thick leg thick overall overall lifting
code Size thickness top bottom Width Height Arrange-
height 1.2m length Width x Height tc lt lb W H
Precast Base Slab BGNC0300222 300 x 225 110 92 85 484 335 2 x 1.3t
Lb Lb BGNC0450302 450 x 300 120 95 85 640 420 2 x 1.3t
Precast RCBC Crown BGNC0600302 600 x 300 120 100 90 800 420 2 x 1.3t
Tc BGNC0600452 600 x 450 120 100 85 800 570 2 x 1.3t
Small Box Culvert Crown
Lb span Lb BGNC0900302 900 x 300 135 110 100 1120 435 4 x 1.3t
W BGNC0900602 900 x 600 135 110 90 1120 735 4 x 1.3t
Precast RCBC Invert BGNC1200302 1200 x 300 165 120 110 1440 465 4 x 1.3t
Lt Lt BGNC1200602 1200 x 600 165 120 100 1440 765 4 x 1.3t
Precast Lid BGNC1200902 1200 x 900 165 120 90 1440 1065 4 x 1.3t
BGNC1201202 1200 x 1200 165 120 80 1440 1365 4 x 1.3t

RoclA SMAll box culvERt lIDS (1.2m & 2.4m lENGtHS)


height AS 1597.1-2010 ExPoSuRE clASS b2


Product Nominal Slab overall Rebate lifting

code Width thickness Width Width Arrange-
Tc 2.4m length tb W R

span BCNLD0302 300 115 484 97 2 x 1.3t

Lb Lb
W BCNLD0452 450 130 640 100 2 x 1.3t
Precast RCBC Invert BCNLD0602 600 145 800 105 2 x 1.3t
BCNLD0902 900 165 1120 115 4 x 1.3t
BCNLD1202 1200 190 1440 130 4 x 1.3t

Sales: 131 004 Queensland | Rocla


Rocla® large Span

box culvert crowns

Rocla® Large span box culverts (RCBC) RoclA® lARGE box culvERtS
range from 1500mm to 4200mm span.
They are designed and manufactured
to AS1597.2. Rocla can manufacture to Nom. Size tc W lifting Nom. Size tc W lifting
QLD TMR specifications on request. Internal Arrange- Internal Arrange-
Dimension ments Dimension ments
Precast base slabs and link slabs are
also available. Standard box culverts (Span x Height) (mm) (mm) (Span x Height) (mm) (mm)
are based on B1 exposure 1500 X 600 175 1710 4 x 2.5t 2700 X 1500 - - -
classification, 0-2m fill and traffic 1500 X 750 175 1710 4 x 2.5t 2700 X 1800 220 2940 4 x 5.0t
loadings W7, T44, HLP400 and
1500 X 900 175 1710 4 x 2.5t 2700 X 2100 220 2970 4 x 5.0t
SM1600. Designs for non-standard
1500 X 1200 175 1710 4 x 2.5t 2700 X 2400 220 3000 4 x 5.0t
applications and loadings can be
produced to project requirements 1500 X 1500 175 1710 4 x 2.5t 2700 X 2700 - - -
on request. 1800 X 600 190 2010 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 1200 235 3240 4 x 5.0t
1800 X 750 190 2010 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 1500 235 3240 4 x 5.0t
1800 X 900 190 2010 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 1800 235 3240 4 x 5.0t
1800 X 1200 190 2010 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 2100 - - -
1800 X 1500 190 2010 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 2400 235 3270 4 x 5.0t
1800 X 1800 190 2010 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 2700 235 3330 4 x 5.0t
2100 X 600 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3000 X 3000 235 3330 4 x 5.0t
2100 X 750 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 1200 250 3540 4 x 5.0t
2100 X 900 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 1500 250 3540 4 x 5.0t
2100 X 1200 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 1800 250 3540 4 x 5.0t
2100 X 1500 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 2100 250 3570 4 x 5.0t
2100 X 1800 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 2400 - - -
2100 X 2100 190 2340 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 2700 - - -
2400 X 600 205 2670 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 3000 - - -
2400 X 750 205 2670 4 x 2.5t 3300 X 3300 - - -
HEADWAllS 2400 X 900 205 2670 4 x 2.5t 3600 X 1200 265 3840 4 x 5.0t
2400 X 1200 205 2670 4 x 2.5t 3600 X 1500 250 3840 4 x 5.0t
Precast headwalls are available to suit 2400 X 1500 205 2670 4 x 2.5t 3600 X 1800 250 3840 4 x 5.0t
single or multi-cell RCBC structures.
2400 X 1800 205 2670 4 x 2.5t 3600 X 2100 250 3870 4 x 5.0t
Contact Rocla for further details.
2400 X 2100 - - - 3600 X 2400 250 3900 4 x 5.0t
2400 X 2400 205 2670 4 x 5.0t 3600 X 2700 - - -
2700 X 600 220 3000 4 x 2.5t 3600 X 3000 265 3990 4 x 10.0t
2700 X 750 - - - 3600 X 3300 - - 4 x 10.0t
2700 X 900 220 2910 4 x 2.5t 3600 X 3600 - - -
2700 X 1200 - - -

Standard Lengths South East Qld: 1.22m, 2.44m and 2.50m.

Standard Length Cairns & Mackay: 1.20m.
Dimensions may vary between branches. Contact your local branch for confirmation.

Tc crown
Precast RCBC
Haunch 230x230 Crown Unit

height (h)

Leg Base Slab

Internal Span (s)

Note: Dimensions are based on AS1597 and must not be used for set-out. Set-out, including cast rebates in base
slab, should only be done in accordance with project-specific drawings and specifications.

Rocla | Queensland Sales: 131 004


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