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Sustainability in Construction

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2 buildings can even enhance the health of the

environment and the people who use them.
- A study by the New Buildings Institute found
SUSTAINABILITY IN CONSTRUCTION that in green buildings, average energy use
intensifies (energy consumed per unit of floor
1. INTRODUCTION TO GREEN BUILDINGS AND space) are 24% lower than in typical buildings.
COMMUNITIES Additionally, the US General Services
 Built environment – refers to any environment Administration surveyed 12 green buildings in
that is man-made and provides a structure for its portfolio and found these savings and
human activity improvements:
 Green Building – today’s best practices become o 26% less energy usage
tomorrow’s standard practices o 27% higher levels of occupant
 Why is green building necessary? o 13% lower maintenance costs
- Buildings and communities, including the
o 33% lower emissions of carbon dioxide
resources used to create them and the energy,
water, and materials needed to operate them,
 Green building pursues solutions that represent
have a significant effect on the environment
a healthy and dynamic balance between
and human health.
environmental, social, and economic benefits.
- In the US:
 Sustainability and green often used
o 14% of potable water consumption
interchangeably, are about more than just
o 30% of waste output
reducing environmental impacts.
o 40% of raw materials use
 Sustainability means creating spaces that are
o 38% of carbon dioxide emissions environmentally responsible, healthful, just,
o 24-50% of energy use equitable, and profitable.
o 72% of electricity consumption  Greening the environment means looking
 Why is green building necessary? holistically at natural, human, and economic
- Cumulative effect of conventional practices in systems and finding solutions that support
the building industry has profound implications quality of life for all.
for human health, the environment and the  People (social capital) – all the costs and
economy: benefits to the people who design, construct,
o Clearing of land for development often live in, work in, and constitute the local
destroys wildlife habitat community and are influenced, directly or
o Extracting, manufacturing, and indirectly, by a project
transporting materials may pollute  Planet (natural capital) – all the costs and
water and air, release toxic chemicals, benefits of a project on the natural
and emit greenhouse gases environment, locally, and globally
o Building operations require large inputs  Profit (economic capital) – all the economic
of energy and water and generate costs and benefits of a project for all the
substantial waste streams stakeholders (not just the project owner)
o Transportation to and from buildings by 4. GREEN BUILDING AND CLIMATE CHANGE
commuters and service providers  Buildings and land-use are responsible for a
compounds the harmful environmental large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions
effects associated with vehicle use, such  It is not enough for green buildings to lessen the
as increases energy consumption and effects that humans have on our climate. It
pollution must also prepare us for the inevitable
- By building green, we can reduce that consequences of climate change on our homes,
environment damage. In many cases, green communities, and society as a whole. A lower-
carbon future will not only have higher-
performing buildings, but also require higher-
performing communities.
 The built environment, including buildings and
transportation systems, accounts for more than
two-thirds of all greenhouse gas emissions.
 Greenhouse gas emissions come from many
components of the built environment, including
building systems and energy use, transportation

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