Suarez - 8. The Teacher Sent From God

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Suarez Jelyn N.

BSED-Gensci IV

1. John 3:19 Why do men love darkness rather than light?

Answer: The opening verses of the gospel of John refer to Jesus as "The Light," which is an
important concept in Hebrew culture (John 1:4–9). Light reveals truth, and exposes what was
hidden. This, according to verse 19, is the reason why many people reject Jesus. His life, and His
teachings, expose every single person as a sinner (Romans 3:10), and the things we do as
morally wrong (Romans 4:7). Many people would prefer to hide in darkness, rather than be
exposed by the light (John 1:5; John 8:12). It's crucial to remember that those who are saved are
not "better" than those who reject Christ—they are simply sinners who confess and believe (1
John 1:6–7).

2. John 13:15 What are we to do since Jesus set an example for us? This was His teachings to
His disciples before while He was still on earth in His physical body.

Answer: Jesus clarifies that He's not denying His supremacy (John 13:13). Jesus fully accepts
the idea that He is their Lord. That lordship is the point of what He did. The natural human
perspective is to look at some types of service or love and say, "that's beneath me." This is
especially true when we somehow feel more important or more valuable than others. By acting
out humble, sacrificial, servanthood Jesus lowers the "beneath me" line all the way to the floor.
Loving service to others is something no believer can brush off as unworthy of their time.

3. Matthew 11:28 What is this special invitation?

Answer: One of the most beloved passages in the New Testament is Matthew 11:28-30. In it the
Lord summarizes the invitation to discipleship that characterized His earthly ministry, but to
understand the invitation of this passage, we need to understand the background.

In this passage the Lord was addressing the people of Israel who were burdened and weighed

down with the externalism and the legal do’s and don’ts of the Pharisees, and with the

consequences—the guilt, frustration, and dissatisfaction that always goes along with legalism.
4. Matthew 10:8 has a boundless promise of mutual receiving and giving. What are we to do?
Are you willing to apply this in your life? How?

Answer: Now Jesus directs them to authenticate that the message is true by performing the same
kinds of signs and wonders He has done: miracles of healing, casting out demons, and raising
the dead. In doing these things, Jesus' apostles will demonstrate to all who witness them that they
represent Him, since He did these things first. They will also demonstrate the absolute truth of
their message. The disciples will not perform these miracles through their own power. They will
act in Jesus' name and by Jesus' authority, doing the things they have seen Jesus do. They will be
His representatives even in the miracles that are performed.

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