Lectio Divina December
Lectio Divina December
Lectio Divina December
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
to those who trust in you
and live the gospel of your Son, you are a dependable rock.
In the storms and tensions of our times, may our faith never waver,
but give us the courage to live as we believe, consistently, radically,
that with your Son we may do your will and live in your love now and forever.
Today’s Gospel narrates the end of the Discourse on the Mountain. The discourse on
the Mountain is a new reading of the Law of God. It begins with the Beatitudes (Mt 5: 1-
12) and ends with the house built on the rock.
• It is a question of acquiring the true wisdom. A source of wisdom is the Word of God
expressed in the Law of God. True Wisdom consists in listening to and practicing the
Word of God (Lk 11: 28). It is not sufficient to say: “Lord, Lord!” The important thing is
not to say beautiful words about God, but rather to do the Will of the Father and,
therefore, to be a revelation of his love and his presence in the world.
• The one who listens to and practices the Word, constructs the house on the rock. The
solidity of the house does not come from the house, but rather from the land, from
the rock. What does the rock signify? It is the experience of God’s love revealed in
Jesus (Rm 8: 31-39). There are some persons who practice the Word to merit God’s
love. But love is not bought, purchased, neither do we merit it. (Sg 8: 7). The love of
God is received gratuitously. Let us put into practice the Word not to merit love, but
to say thank you for the love we have received. This is the good earth, the rock, which
gives security to the house. The true security comes from the certainty of God’s love!
It is the rock which sustains us in the moments of difficulty and in storms.
• The Evangelist ends the discourse of the Mountain (Mt 7: 27-28) saying that the
crowds remained admired by the teaching of Jesus, because “he taught with
authority, and not like the Scribes.” The result of the teaching of Jesus is the critical
awareness of the people concerning religious authority of the time. Admired and
grateful, the people approved the beautiful and diverse teaching of Jesus.
Personal Questions
• Am I among those who say “Lord, Lord,” or among those who put the Word into
• Do I observe the Law in order to merit love and salvation or in order to thank God for
his love and his salvation?
Concluding Prayer
O Lord, grant salvation! O Lord, grant prosperity!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (Ps 118)
Opening Prayer
Lord God, Father of all,
in your Son Jesus Christ
you invite everyone and all to know and love you and to live in your unending peace.
Keep alive in us the zeal to bring the light of your truth and the riches of your life and
love to all, without any distinction of race, language, or culture. May everyone on earth
come to know you as the merciful Father of all
through our brother and Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Once again, today’s Gospel places before us the encounter of Jesus with human misery.
Jesus does not withdraw; he does not hide. He accepts the persons and in accepting
them, full of tenderness, he reveals God’s love.
• Two blind men follow Jesus and cry out to him: “Son of David, have pity on us!” Jesus
did not like very much the title of Son of David. He criticizes the teaching of the
Scribes who said that the Messiah should be the Son of David: “David himself calls him
Lord: How then can he be his son?” (Mk 12: 37).
• Reaching home, Jesus asks the blind men: “Do you believe that I can do this?” And
they answer: “Yes, Lord!” It is one thing to have the true doctrine in the head, and a
very different thing to have the correct faith in the heart. The doctrine of the two
blind men was not too right, because they called Jesus Son of David. But Jesus does
not care to be called like this, what is important to him is to have a correct faith.
• He touches the eyes and says: “May it be done to you according to your faith!”
Immediately the eyes were opened. Although they did not possess a correct doctrine,
the two blind men had a correct faith. Today many persons are more concerned about
a correct doctrine than of a correct faith.
• It is good not to forget a small detail of hospitality. Jesus reaches the house, and the
two blind men also enter into the house, as if this was the most natural thing in the
world. They feel at ease in Jesus’ house and today? A Religious Sister said: “Today the
situation of the world is such that I feel mistrustful even toward the poor!” The
situation has changed very much from then until now!
• Jesus asks not to diffuse the miracle. But the prohibition was not respected very
much. Both of them went out and spread the Good News. To proclaim the Gospel,
that is, the Good News, means to share with others the good which God does in our
Personal Questions
• Do I have in my life some Good News from God to share with others?
• On which point do I insist more: on a correct doctrine or on a correct faith?
Concluding Prayer
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?
The Lord is my life's refuge; of whom should I be afraid? (Ps 27)
Opening Prayer
God of mercy and compassion, in your Son Jesus Christ
you have revealed yourself as a God of people.
Turn our empty hearts to you,
give us eyes to see the depth of our poverty and our inability to build a better world
with our own resources,
and then come and build it with us through your Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ, our
He summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits with
power to drive them out and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of illness.
These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them as follows: 'Do not make your way to
gentile territory, and do not enter any Samaritan town; go instead to the lost sheep of
the House of Israel. And as you go, proclaim that the kingdom of Heaven is close at
hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those suffering from virulent skin-diseases,
drive out devils. You received without charge, give without charge.
The Gospel today has two parts: (a) A brief summary of the apostolic activity of Jesus (Mt
9: 35-38) and (b) The beginning of the “Sermon of the Mission” (Mt 10: 1, 5-8). The Gospel
of today’s Liturgy omits the names of the Apostles which are found in the Gospel of
Matthew (Mt 10: 2-4).
• Matthew 9: 35: Summary of the apostolic activity of Jesus. “Jesus made a tour through
all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News
of the Kingdom and curing all kinds of diseases and all kinds of illness.” Matthew
describes in a few words the central pints of the missionary activity of Jesus:
• (a) to travel through all the towns and villages. Jesus does not wait for people to
come to him, but he goes out to look for the people travelling himself through the
towns and villages.
• (b) To teach in the Synagogues, that is in the communities. Jesus goes to the place
where the people are gathered around the faith in God. And it is there that He
proclaims the Good News of the Kingdom, that is, the Good News of God. Jesus
does not teach doctrine as if the Good News were a new catechism, but in
everything he says and does, there emerges something of the great Good News
which dwells within Him, that is, God, the Kingdom of God.
• (c) He cures all kinds of diseases and illness. That which poor people experienced
most was illness, all kinds of diseases, and what distinguishes the activity of Jesus
is the consolation given to the people, whom he relieves from pain.
• Matthew 9: 36: The compassion of Jesus before the situation of the people.” “And
when he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them because they were harassed and
dejected, like sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus accepts persons as they are before
him: sick, exhausted, tired. He behaves like the Servant of Isaiah, whose central
message consists in “consoling the people” (cf. Is 40: 1). The attitude of Jesus toward
the people was like the attitude of the Servant whose mission was very definite: “He
does not cry out or raise his voice, his voice is not heard in the street; he does not
break the crushed reed or snuff the faltering wick” (Is 42: 2-3). Like the Servant Jesus
also feels sorry seeing the situation of the people who were “tired, exhausted, and
dejected like sheep without a shepherd.” He begins to be a shepherd, identifying
himself with the Servant who said: “The Lord has given me a tongue of a beginner,
that I may know how to raise those who are discouraged” (Is 49: 4a). Like the Servant,
Jesus becomes the disciple of the Father and of the people and says: “Every morning
my ear is attentive so as to listen to the beginners” (Is 49: 4b). And from the contact
with the Father, Jesus receives the consolation to communicate it to the poor.
• Matthew 9: 37-38: Jesus involves the disciples in the mission. Before the immensity
of the missionary activity, the first thing that Jesus asks to the disciples is to pray: “The
harvest is rich, but the laborers are few! So ask the Lord of the harvest to send out
laborers to his harvest.” Prayer is the first form of commitment of the disciples for the
mission. Because if one believes in the importance of the mission that one has to
carry out, everything possible is done so that it will not die with us, but rather that it
continues in others through us and after us.
• Matthew 10: 1: Jesus gave the disciples the power to cure and to cast out devils. “He
summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits with
power to drive them out and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of illness.” The
second thing that Jesus asks the disciples is not that they do not begin to teach
doctrine and laws, but rather that they help the people to overcome fear of the
unclean spirits and to help them in the struggle against illness. Today, what frighten
people most are certain missionaries who threaten them with the punishment of
God and with the danger of devils. Jesus does the contrary. “If it is through the finger
of God that I drive devils out, then the Kingdom of God has indeed caught you
unawares” (Lk 11: 20). It is sad to say it, but today there are some persons who need
the devils in order to be able to drive them out and gain some money. It would be
worthwhile for them to read what Jesus says against the Pharisees and the doctors
of the Law (Mt 23).
• Matthew 10: 5-6: Go first to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Jesus sends out the
Twelve with these recommendations: “Do not make your way to gentile territory, and
do not enter any Samaritan town. Go instead to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.”
At the beginning, the mission of Jesus was directed to “the lost sheep of the House
of Israel.” Who were these lost sheep of the House of Israel? Were they, perhaps, the
persons who were excluded, for example, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the
unclean, who were considered lost and condemned by the religious authority of the
time? Were they those of the directing class, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the elders
and the priests who considered themselves the faithful people of Israel? Or were they
the crowds, tired and exhausted, as sheep without a shepherd?
Probably, here in the context of the Gospel of Matthew, it is a question of these poor
and abandoned people who are accepted by Jesus (Mt 9: 36-37). Jesus wanted the
disciples to participate together with him in this mission with these persons. But in
the measure in which he takes care of these persons, Jesus himself extends the
horizon. In the contact with the Canaanite woman, a lost sheep of another race and
another religion, who wishes to be heard, Jesus repeats to his disciples: “I have been
sent only to the lost sheep of Israel” (Mt 15: 24). It is before the insistence of the mother
who does not cease to intercede for her daughter that Jesus defends himself saying:
“It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to little dogs” (Mt 15: 26). But the
reaction of the mother does away with the defense of Jesus: “Ah, yes, Lord, but even
little dogs eat the scraps that fall from their masters’ table” (Mt 15: 27).
And in fact, there were many scraps! Twelve baskets full of pieces of bread which were
left over after the multiplication of the loaves for the lost sheep of the House of Israel
(Mt 14: 20). The answer of the woman does away with the argument of Jesus. He takes
care of the woman: Jesus listens to the woman: “Woman, you have great faith: Let
your desire be granted." “And from that moment her daughter was well again” (Mt
15: 28). Through the continuous attention given to the lost sheep of Israel, Jesus
discovers that in the whole world there are lost sheep who want to eat the scraps or
• Matthew 10: 7-8: Summary of the activity of Jesus. “Go, instead to the lost sheep of
the House of Israel. And as you go proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is close at
Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those suffering from virulent skin-diseases,
drive out devils. You received without charge, give without charge.” How can the
closeness of the Kingdom be revealed? The response is simple and concrete: curing
the sick, raising the dead, cleaning the lepers, driving out devils and serving
gratuitously, without enriching oneself from the service given to the people. Where
this takes place, the Kingdom is revealed.
Personal Questions
• We all receive the same mission given by Jesus to the disciples. Are you conscious,
aware of this mission? How do you live your mission?
• In your life, have you had any contact with the lost sheep, with people who are
tired and exhausted? What lesson did you draw out of this?
Concluding Prayer
The Lord heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds;
he counts out the number of the stars,
and gives each one of them a name. (Ps 147: 3-4)
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, send your Spirit that I may learn to be small like Zacchaeus, small in moral
stature, but also grant me strength to lift myself a little from the earth, urged by the
desire to see you passing during this time of Advent, to know you and to know that you
are there for me. Lord Jesus, good master, by the power of your Spirit, arouse in our
hearts the desire to understand your Word that reveals the saving love of the Father.
In this Sunday of Advent we are presented with the figure of John the Baptist, a
challenging personality, as Jesus once said about John the Baptist in describing his
personality: ”What did you go out to see a reed blowing in the wind?” (Mt 1: 7). The
profile of the Baptist that the liturgy puts before us is in two main sections: 3, 1-6, the
figure and activities of John; 3, 7-12, his preaching. Within these two sections we may
detect smaller matters that define the expression of this text. In 3: 1-2 John is presented
as the one who preaches “repentance” because “the kingdom of heaven is close at
hand.” This cry is like a thread running through the whole of John’s activity and is
repeated in 3: 8, 12. The reason for this call to repentance is given as the imminent
judgement of God which is compared to the cutting of every dry tree to be thrown into
the fire to be burnt (3: 10) and to the winnowing done by farmers on the threshing-floor
to separate the wheat from the chaff which is also to be burnt in the fire (3: 12). The
image of fire which characterizes the last part of our liturgical passage shows the
urgency of preparing oneself for the coming of God’s judgement.
The text presents the following:
• Matthew 3: 1-3: in this first small part «the voice crying in the desert» of Isaiah 40:2 is
identified with the voice of the Baptist who invites all to repentance «in the desert of
• Matthew 3: 4-6: there follows a brief section which, in a picturesque manner,
describes the traditional figure of John: he is a prophet and an ascetic; because of his
prophetic identity he is compared to Elijah, indeed he dresses like the Thesbite
prophet. A geographical and special detail describes the movement of many people
who come to receive the baptism of immersion in the waters of the Jordan, in a
penitential atmosphere. The influence of his prophetic activity is not limited to one
place but embraces the whole region of Judea including Jerusalem and the area
around the Jordan.
• Matthew 3: 7-10: a special group of people comes to John to receive baptism, these
are the “Pharisees and Sadducees.” John addresses them with harsh words that they
may stop their false religiosity and pay attention to «bearing fruit» so that they may
avoid a judgement of condemnation.
• Matthew 3: 11-12: here the meaning of the baptism in relation to repentance is made
clear and especially the difference between the two baptisms and the two
protagonists: the baptism of John is with water for repentance; the baptism of Jesus
“the more powerful who comes after” John, is with the Spirit and fire.
In a typical biblical-narrative style, Matthew presents the figure and activity of John the
Baptist in the desert of Judea. The geographical indication is meant to situate the activity
of John in the region of Judea, whereas Jesus will carry out his activity in Galilee. For
Matthew, the activity of John is entirely oriented towards and subject to “the one who is
to come,” the person of Jesus. Also, John is presented as a great and courageous
preacher who foretells the imminent judgement of God.
The message of the Baptist consists of a precise imperative, “repent” and an equally
clear reason: “for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.” Repentance is foremost in
the Baptist’s preaching even though at first its content is not yet clear. In 3:8, however,
the fruits of repentance are revealed to give new direction to one’s existence. Such a
revelation, on the one hand, is typical of prophets who wanted to make repentance as
concrete as possible through a radical detachment from whatever until now was held
as valuable; on the other hand, the revelation goes beyond and means to show that
repentance is a turning towards “the kingdom of heaven,” towards something new
which is imminent, together with its demands and prospects. It is a matter of giving a
decisive turn to life in a new direction: the “kingdom of heaven” is the foundation and
gives meaning to repentance and not just any human efforts. The expression “kingdom
of heaven” says that God will reveal himself to all and most powerfully. John says that
this revelation of God is imminent, not distant.
The prophetic activity of John, with the characteristics of the figure of Elijah, is meant to
prepare his contemporaries for the coming of God in Jesus. The motifs and images
through which the figure of the Baptist is interpreted are interesting, among them the
leather loin-cloth around his waist, sign of recognition of the prophet Elijah (2 Kings 1:
8); the garment made of camel hair is typical of the prophet according to Zacharias 13:
4. This is a direct identification between the prophet Elijah and John. This interpretation
is obviously an answer of the Evangelist to the objection of the Jews of the time: how
can Jesus be the Messiah, if Elijah has not yet come?
Through his prophetic activity, John succeeds in moving whole crowds just as Elijah
had led back the whole people to faith in God (1 Kings 18). John’s baptism is not
important because of the great crowds that come to receive it, but because it is
accompanied by precise commitments of repentance. Besides, it is not a baptism that
has the power to forgive sins, only the death of Jesus has this power, but it presents a
new direction to give to one’s life.
Even the «Pharisees and Sadducees» come to receive it, but they come in a hypocritical
spirit, with no intention of repenting. Thus, they will not be able to flee God’s judgement.
John’s invective towards these groups, covered in false religiosity, emphasizes that the
role of his baptism, if received sincerely with the decision to change one’s life, protects
whoever receives it from the imminent purifying judgement of God.
How will such a decision of repentance become evident? John does not give precise
indications as to content, but limits himself to showing the motive: to avoid the punitive
judgement of God. We could say that the aim of repentance is God, the radical
recognition of God, directing in an entirely new way one’s life to God.
Yet the «Pharisees and Sadducees» are not open to repentance in so far as they place
their faith and hope in being descendants of Abraham: because they belong to the
chosen people, they are certain that God, by the merits of the father, will give them
salvation. John questions this false certainty of theirs by means of two images: the tree
and the fire
First, the image of the tree that is felled, in the OT this refers to God’s judgement. A text
from Isaiah describes it thus: «Behold the Lord, God of hosts, who tears the branches
with deafening noise, the highest tips are cut off, the peaks are felled». The image of
the fire has the function of expressing the “imminent anger” which will be manifested
at God’s judgement (3: 7). In a word, they show the pressing imminence of God’s
coming; the listeners must open their eyes to what awaits them.
Finally, John’s preaching contrasts the two baptisms and the two persons: John and the
one who is to come. The substantial difference is that Jesus baptizes with the Spirit and
fire whereas John only with water, a baptism for repentance. This distinction
emphasizes that the baptism of John is entirely subordinate to the one of Jesus.
Matthew notes that the baptism with the Spirit has already taken place, namely in
Christian baptism, as told in the scene of Jesus’ baptism, whereas baptism with fire
must still come and will take place at the judgement that Jesus will perform.
The aim of John’s preaching, then, is to present a description of the judgement that
awaits the community through the image of the chaff. The action of the farmer on the
threshing-floor when he cleans the wheat from the chaff will also be the action of God
on the community at the judgement.
A Meditation
Expecting God and Repentance:
In his preaching John reminds us that the coming of God in our lives is always
imminent, he also invites us strongly to a repentance that purifies the heart, renders it
ready to meet Jesus who comes into the world of men and women and opens it to hope
and universal love.
An expression of Cardinal Newman may help us understand this new direction that the
Word of God suggests is urgent: “Here on earth to live is to change and to be perfect is
to have changed frequently.” To change is to be understood from the point of view of
repentance: an intimate change of heart. To live is to change. If ever this urge to change
grows dim, you would no longer be alive. The book of the Apocalypse confirms this
when the Lord says: “You are reputed to be alive yet are dead” (3:1). Again, “to be perfect
is to change frequently.” It seems that Cardinal Newman wanted to say: «Time is
measured by my repentance.” This time of Advent too is measured through the project
that God has for me. I must constantly open myself, be ready to allow myself to be
renewed by Him.
This is the condition for repentance. The Gospel is not only a collection of messages,
but a Person who asks to enter into your life. Accepting the Gospel of this Sunday of
Advent means opening the door of one’s own life to the one whom John the Baptist
defined as more powerful. This idea was expressed well by John Paul II: “Open the
doors to Christ…” Accept Christ who comes to me with his firm word of salvation. We
recall the words of St. Augustine who used to say: “I fear the Lord who passes by.” Such
a passing by of the Lord may find us at a time of life when we are distracted or
A mystical evocation found in the writings of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity helps us
discover repentance as a time and occasion to immerse ourselves in God, to expose
ourselves to the fire of love that transforms and purifies our lives: «Here we are at the
sacred time of Advent which more than any other time we could call the time for interior
souls, souls who live always and in all things “hidden in God with Christ,” at the center of
themselves. While awaiting the great mystery [of Christmas]… let us ask him to make
us true in our love, that is to transform us… it is good to think that the life of a priest, like
that of a Carmelite nun, is an advent that prepares the incarnation within souls!
David sings in a psalm that the “fire will walk ahead of the Lord.” Is not love that fire? Is it
not also our mission to prepare the ways of the Lord by our union with the one whom
the Apostle calls a “devouring fire”? On contact with him our souls will become like a
flame of love that spreads to all the members of the body of Christ that is the Church.”
(Letter to Rev. Priest Chevignard, in Writings, 387-389).
Psalm 71 (72)
With this psalm, the Church prays during Advent to express the expectation of her king of
peace, liberator of the poor and of the oppressed.
God, endow the king with your own fair judgement, the son of the king with your own
saving justice, that he may rule your people with justice,
and your poor with fair judgement. In his days uprightness shall flourish,
and peace in plenty till the moon is no more. His empire shall stretch from sea to sea,
from the river to the limits of the earth.
For he rescues the needy who calls to him, and the poor who has no one to help.
He has pity on the weak and the needy and saves the needy from death.
May his name be blessed forever, and endure in the sight of the sun.
In him shall be blessed every race in the world, and all nations call him blessed.
Closing Prayer
Lord Jesus, led by the powerful and vigorous word of John the Baptist, your precursor,
we wish to receive your baptism of Spirit and fire. You know how many fears, spiritual
laziness and hypocrisies reside in our hearts. We know that with your fan, little wheat
would be left in our lives and much chaff, ready to be thrown into the unquenchable
fire. From the bottom of our hearts, we say: Come to us in the humility of your
incarnation, of your humanity full of our limitations and sins and grant us the baptism
of immersion into the abyss of your humility. Grant us to be immersed into those waters
of the Jordan that gushed out of your wounded side on the cross and grant that we
may recognize you as true Son of God, our true Savior. During this Advent take us into
the desert of nothingness, of repentance, of solitude so that we may experience the
love of Spring. May your voice not remain in the desert, but may it echo in our hearts so
that our voice, immersed, baptized in your Presence may become news of love. Amen.
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
you come among your people;
to those who are poor and paralyzed you bring them your forgiveness and your tender
compassion through your Son Jesus Christ.
God, make us deeply believe that you want to liberate us
from our discouragement and powerlessness.
Give us a sincere, trusting hope
in your healing, compassionate love, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Now it happened that he was teaching one day, and Pharisees and teachers of the Law,
who had come from every village in Galilee, from Judaea and from Jerusalem, were
sitting there. And the power of the Lord was there so that he should heal.
And now some men appeared, bringing on a bed a paralysed man whom they were
trying to bring in and lay down in front of him. But as they could find no way of getting
the man through the crowd, they went up onto the top of the house and lowered him
and his stretcher down through the tiles into the middle of the gathering, in front of
Jesus. Seeing their faith he said, 'My friend, your sins are forgiven you.'
The scribes and the Pharisees began to think this over. 'Who is this man, talking
blasphemy? Who but God alone can forgive sins?' But Jesus, aware of their thoughts,
made them this reply, 'What are these thoughts you have in your hearts? Which of these
is easier: to say, "Your sins are forgiven you," or to say, "Get up and walk"? But to prove
to you that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins,' -- he said to the
paralyzed man-'I order you: get up, and pick up your stretcher and go home.' And
immediately before their very eyes he got up, picked up what he had been lying on and
went home praising God.
They were all astounded and praised God and were filled with awe, saying, 'We have
seen strange things today.'
• Sitting down, Jesus taught. People liked to listen to him. Which was the theme of
Jesus’ teaching? He always spoke about God, of his Father, but he spoke in a new
way, attractive, different from that of the Scribes and the Pharisees (Mk 1: 22, 27).
Jesus represented God as the great Good News for human life; a God Father/Mother
who loves and accepts persons, and a God who does not threaten and does not
• A paralyzed man is brought by four men. Jesus is for them their only hope. Seeing
their faith, he tells the paralytic: Your sins are forgiven you! At that time, people
believed that the physical defects (paralysis, etc.) were a punishment from God
because of some sin committed. For this reason, the paralytics and many other
disabled persons felt that they were rejected and excluded by God! Jesus teaches
the contrary. Such a great faith of the paralytic was an evident sign of the fact that
those who helped them were accepted by God. This is why Jesus declares: Your sins
are forgiven you! That is: “God does not reject you!”
• The affirmation of Jesus did not coincide with the idea which the Doctors had of God.
For this reason, they react: He is talking blasphemy! According to their teaching, only
God could forgive sins. And only the priest could declare that a person was forgiven
and purified. How could Jesus, in their eyes, a simple lay man, ever declare that the
paralytic was forgiven and purified from his sins? And then, if a simple lay person
could forgive sins, the doctors and the priests would have lost their functions! This is
why they react and defend themselves.
• Jesus justifies his action: Which is easier to say: Your sins are forgiven or to say, Get
up and walk? Evidently, for a man it is easier to say: Your sins are forgiven,” because
nobody can verify or prove this fact. But if one says: “Get up and walk,” in this case
everybody can see if he has or not this power to cure. For this reason, to show that,
in the name of God, he had the power to forgive sins, Jesus says to the paralytic: “Get
up and walk!” He cures the man! He shows that the paralysis is not a punishment
from God because of sin, and he shows that the faith of the poor is a proof of the fact
that God accepts them in his love.
Personal Questions
• Placing myself in the position of those who helped the paralytic: Would I be capable
to help a sick person, take him up to the top of the house and do what the four men
did? Do I have such a great faith?
• Which is the image that I have of God in myself and which radiates on others? That
of the doctors or that of Jesus? A God of compassion or of threat?
Concluding Prayer
I will hear what God proclaims;
the Lord – for he proclaims peace to his people. Near indeed is his salvation to those
who fear him, glory dwelling in our land. (Ps 85)
Opening Prayer
Lord our God, you are near to us
in Jesus Christ your Son. When we go astray,
you look for us until you find us. Bring us back to you,
show us the way to you and to one another
through him who is our way,
Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for
ever and ever.
• A parable is not a teaching to be received in a passive way or just to keep in the
memory, rather it is an invitation to participate in the discovery of truth. Jesus begins
by asking: “What do you think?” A parable is a question with a response which is not
defined. The response depends on the reaction and participation of the listeners. Let
us then, seek, the answer to this parable of the lost sheep.
• Jesus tells a very brief story and in a very simple way: a shepherd had 100 sheep, he
lost one, and leaves the 99 on the mountain and goes to look for the lost sheep. And
Jesus asks: “What do you think?” That is: “Would you do the same?” Which would
have been the response of the shepherds and of the other persons who were
listening to Jesus tell this story? Would they do the same thing? Which is my answer
to Jesus’ question? Let us think well before answering.
• If you had 100 sheep and you lost one, what would you do? We should not forget that
mountains are places which are very difficult to climb, with deep precipices, where
dangerous animals live and where robbers hide. And you cannot forget that you have
lost only one sheep, and therefore, you still have 99! You have lost very little. Would
you abandon the other 99 on those mountains? Perhaps, would not only a person
with little common sense do what the shepherd of the parable of Jesus did? Think
• The shepherds who heard Jesus’ story, perhaps thought and commented: “Only a
shepherd without judgment would act that way!” Surely, they would have asked
Jesus: “Jesus, excuse us, but who is that shepherd whom you are speaking about?
To do that which he has done, is foolish!”
• Jesus answers: “This Shepherd is God, our Father, and the lost sheep is you!” In other
words, the one who does this action is God moved by the great love for the little ones,
for the poor, the excluded! Only a very great love is capable to do something so foolish.
The love with which God loves us exceeds prudence and good human sense. The
love of God commits foolish things. Thank God! If it were not like this, we would be
Personal Questions
• Place yourself in the place of the little lost sheep and enliven your faith and your hope.
You are that sheep!
• Take the place of the shepherd and verify, if your love for the little ones is true.
Concluding Prayer
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all you lands. Sing to the Lord; bless his
announce his salvation, day after day. (Ps 96)
Opening Prayer
God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome.
Remove the things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy, so that we may share
his wisdom
and become one with him when he comes in glory,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.'
• Certain texts of the Gospel reveal to us all their significance when we place them on
the background of the Old Testament. This is how this very brief and very beautiful
text of the Gospel of today is. In this text there are echoes of two themes greatly loved
and recalled by the Old Testament, one from Isaiah and the other one from the so
called Wisdom Books.
• Isaiah speaks of the Messiah, the Servant and represents him as a disciple who is
always looking for a word of comfort to be able to encourage those who are
discouraged: “The Lord Yahweh has given me a disciple’s tongue, for me to know how
to give a word of comfort to the weary. Morning by morning, he makes my ear alert
to listen like a disciple.” (Is 50: 4). And the Messiah Servant launches an invitation: “Oh,
come to the water all you who are thirsty; though you have no money come! Buy and
eat; come buy wine and milk without money, free” (Is 55: 1). These texts were present
in the memory of the people. They were like the songs of our childhood. When
people listen to them, souvenirs come to mind, there is nostalgia. The same with the
word of Jesus: “Come to me!” revived the memory and brought close the nostalgic
echo of those beautiful texts of Isaiah.
• The Books of Wisdom represent the divine wisdom as a woman, a mother who
transmits to her sons her wisdom and tells them: “Buy her without money, put your
necks under her yoke, let your souls receive instruction. She is near, within your reach.
See for yourselves; how slight my efforts have been to win so much peace” (Si 51: 25-
27). Jesus repeats this same phrase: “You will find rest!”
• Precisely because his way of speaking to people, Jesus awakes their memory and
thus the heart rejoiced and said: “The Messiah, so greatly awaited for has come!”
Jesus transformed the nostalgia into hope. He made people advance a step forward.
Instead of fixing themselves on the image of a glorious Messiah, king and dominator,
taught by the Scribes, the people changed opinion and accepted Jesus, Messiah
Servant. A humble and meek Messiah, welcoming and full of tenderness, who made
them feel at ease, they the poor together with Jesus.
Personal Questions
• Is the Law of God a light yoke which encourages me, or is it a weight which gets me
• Have I felt sometimes the lightness and the joy of the yoke of the Law of God which
Jesus has revealed to us?
Concluding Prayer
Bless Yahweh, my soul,
from the depths of my being, his holy name; bless Yahweh, my soul,
never forget all his acts of kindness. (Ps 103)
Initial Prayer:
26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called
Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and
the virgin's name was Mary. 28 He went in and said to her, 'Rejoice, you who enjoy
God's favour! The Lord is with you.' 29 She was deeply disturbed by these words and
asked herself what this greeting could mean, 30 but the angel said to her, 'Mary, do not
be afraid; you have won God's favour. 31 Look! You are to conceive in your womb and
bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called Son of
the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; 33 he will
rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.' 34
Mary said to the angel, 'But how can this come about, since I have no knowledge of
man?' 35 The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of
the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be
called Son of God. 36 And I tell you this too: your cousin Elizabeth also, in her old age, has
conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, 37 for
nothing is impossible to God.' 38 Mary said, 'You see before you the Lord's servant, let it
happen to me as you have said.' And the angel left her.
A Moment of Silence:
so that the Word of God may enter into our hearts and enlighten our lives
A Key to the Reading:
Though we take again the themes of Matthew and Mark, the Gospel of Luke is an
original composition under many aspects. The Evangelist inserts into his narrative new
material in regard to the other Gospel narratives. In the first two chapters which deal
with the infancy of Jesus, Luke follows the Jewish tradition, with many direct and
indirect references to the Old Testament. The theology, the symbolism and the whole
of the account of the infancy of Jesus have and find their roots in the Semitic world,
different in many verses from the world and the Greek thought.
The Evangelist places the beginning of his narrative in the milieu of the ‘anawim, the
poor of the Lord, that is, those who are submitted with altruism to God’s Will, firm in
faith that the Lord will send them salvation in the opportune time. To the ‘anawim the
Lord promises to send the Messiah, sent to bring the news to the afflicted, to soothe
the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, release to those in prison, to proclaim
a year of favor from Yahweh and a day of vengeance for our God, to comfort all who
mourn, to give to Zion’s mourners...” (Is 61: 1 ff).
This promise of God is fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth who entering “into the Synagogue
on the Sabbath day as he usually did” (Lk 4: 16) proclaims that the promise of God
pronounced by Isaiah “has been fulfilled today” (Lk 4: 21) in him. Only the ‘anawim can
accept from the Son of Joseph, the carpenter and of Mary (Lk 4: 22; Mt 13: 53-58; Mk 6: 1-
5; Jn 1: 45) the Good News of salvation, the others unfortunately are scandalized
because of him. The Messiah is humble and sweet, “his mouth” pronounces “words of
grace” (Lk 4: 22), and this is why in order to accept him it is necessary to prepare oneself,
enter into oneself to accept the promised One of Israel. This is why the Lord
admonishes by means of the Prophet: “Seek Yahweh, all you humble of the earth, who
obey the commands. Seek uprightness, seek humility: you may perhaps find shelter, on
the Day of Yahweh’s anger” (Zp 1: 3).
In this context, “In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in
Galilee called Nazareth, to a Virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of
David; and the virgin’s name was Mary” (Lk 1: 26-27). This Virgin is one of the ‘anawim to
whom the Lord reveals his salvation. With her are found two other ‘anawim “ who were
advanced in years” (Lk 1: 7), “a priest called “Zechariah” and “Elizabeth who was
childless” and therefore had no children (Lk 1: 5-7). Also to these two dishonored (Gen
30: 33; I Sam 1: 5-8); 2 Sam 6: 23; Ho 9: 11) the salvation of the Lord is announced.
Unfortunately in Jerusalem, in the temple, during the liturgy, place of the revelation, of
the power and of the glory of God, this Good News was not accepted by the priest (Lk 1:
8-23). But the Word of God is not bound, and it cannot be limited. In fact, the Holy One
of Israel says: “For as the rain and the snow come down from the sky and do not return
before watering the earth, fertilizing it and making it germinate to provide seed for the
sower and food to eat, so it is with the word that goes from my mouth: it will not return
to me unfulfilled or before having carried out my good pleasure and having achieved
what it was sent to do.” (Is 55: 10-11). This is why Elizabeth “in her old age has conceived a
son and, she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is
impossible to God.” (Lk 1: 36-37). This will be the event offered to Mary as a sign of the
“power of the Most High.” (Lk 1: 35) which will come down upon her like a shadow to
conceive the Son of God through the Holy Spirit who will “descend” upon her (Lk 1: 34-
35). The Son will be named Jesus, “He will be great and will be called Son of the Most
High; the Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the
House of Jacob forever and his reign will have no end” (Lk 1: 31-33). These words of the
angel echo or evoke the same addressed to Acaz: “The Lord himself will give you a sign.
Behold: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, whom she will call Immanuel” (Is
7: 14).
That is why after John was conceived, that is “in the sixth month” (Lk 1: 26) the Good
News was received “in a city of Galilee, called Nazareth” (Lk 1: 26) by a young girl, a
“virgin promised spouse” (Lk 1: 27). “Nazareth” and “Mary” are in contrast with
“Jerusalem” and “priest;” just as the phrase: “he went in” with the word “temple,” the
Lord reveals himself in humble places and is accepted by humble people from whom,
in the judgment of men, “nothing good can come” (Jn 1: 45). Mary is invited to rejoice:
“Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you” (Lk 1: 28).
The presence of the Lord in the midst of his people is the occasion of joy because the
presence of the Lord bears salvation and blessing. The invitation of the angel is
addressed to the whole People of God in the person of Mary. That is why, the whole
People of God is called to rejoice, to be glad in the Lord, their Savior. It is the Messianic
joy which is announced to all: “Cry out and shout for joy, you who live in Zion, for the
Holy One of Israel is among you in his greatness” (Is 12: 6); “Rejoice, exult with all your
heart, daughter of Jerusalem! Yahweh has repealed your sentence; he has turned your
enemy away. Yahweh is king among you, Israel, you have nothing more to fear...” (Zp 3:
14-15 ff); “Rejoice, exult daughter of Zion, because behold, I come to live among you” (Zc
2: 14).
The conception of Jesus is a new event, the primacy of the future new creation brought
about by the generating power of God who comes to encounter the impossibility of
conceiving of Mary because she knows no man (Lk 1: 34). The shadow which the Most
High extends on Mary recalls the cloud which accompanied the people in the desert
during the day (Ex 13: 22), which overshadowed the Mount Sinai revealing the Glory of
the Lord during six days (Ex 19: 16; 24: 17). And also a sign of the protection of God,
extended to the just who invokes the name of the Lord and places himself in the hands
of God during the trial (Ps 17: 8; 57: 2; 140: 8). In creation, the Spirit of God blew over the
water, the sign of the creating power of the word of God (Gen 1: 2).
God exceeds every human capacity, nothing is impossible for him (Lk 1: 4, 7; Gen 18: 14;
Jer 32: 27). Before the Lord of joy, of life and of salvation, Mary accepts his generating
and creative word: “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, may it be done to me according
to your word” (Lk 1: 38).
• The Lord reveals himself to the ‘anawim of his people. According to you who are the
contemporary ‘anawim among us?
• Many times we feel that we are in a world hostile to God’s revelation. It also seems
that he has become silent, that he no longer reveals his word which gives life. Is this
true? If he still speaks to us, where can I find his living word? How can I accept it?
• The power of evil seems to envelop our restless world. The diverse modalities of
oppression seem precisely to oppress also the God of joy, of freedom, of mercy.
Which is your attitude before this reality? Do you feel that today’s text inspires you a
just attitude before an impossible situation?
• Which do you think is the characteristic of Mary’s attitude? Does this reveal
something of your own life?
Canticle of Mary:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
because he has looked upon the humiliation of his servant. Yes, from now onwards all
generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm, he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes from their thrones and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things, sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help of Israel his servant, mindful of his faithful love
according to the promise he made to our ancestors -
of his mercy to Abraham and to his descendants forever.
[In the contemplation], in fact, to strong men it is granted to recollect themselves when
they desire to remain with themselves, to assiduously cultivate the sprouts of virtue and
nourish themselves, happily, from the fruits of Paradise. Here the eye of the serene gaze,
is acquired, which wounds the Spouse with love, and through its transparency and purity
God is seen. Here is practiced a laborious leisure time and the rest in a quiet action.
Here, because of the tiredness of the struggle, God gives to his athletes the desired
reward, that is, the peace which the world ignores, and the joy in the Holy Spirit.
This is that Rachel who is coming, of a beautiful aspect, which Jacob, even though less
fertile of children, loved more than Lia, certainly more fecund but of bleary eyes. In fact,
the sons of contemplation are less numerous in regard to those of the action;
nevertheless, Joseph and Benjamin, more than the other brothers, are loved by the
This is that best part which Mary has chosen and which will not be taken from her.
(From the Letter of Saint Bruno to Rudolph il Verde).
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
too often we are deaf to your voice and to the presence of your Son among us, his
Inspire us by your prophets and your Spirit that now is the right moment to change
and to commit ourselves
to the kind of life and to the justice demanded by the kingdom.
Help us to make people see that your Son is alive among us
and that he is our Lord for ever.
The leaders, the wise, are not always pleased when someone criticizes or challenges
them. That happened in the time of Jesus and happens today also, both in society and
in the Church. John the Baptist, saw, criticized, and was not accepted. They said: “He is
possessed by the devil!” Jesus, saw, criticized, and was not accepted. They said: “He has
lost his head!” “Crazy!” (Mk 3: 21). “He is possessed by the devil!” (Mk 3: 22), “He is a
Samaritan!” (Jn 8: 48), “He is not from God!” (Jn 9: 16). The same thing happens today.
There are some persons who hold on to what has always been taught and they do not
accept another way of explaining or of living faith. Then they invent reasons and
pretexts so as not to adhere: “It is Marxism!” “It is against God’s Law!” “It is disobedience
to tradition and to the teaching of the Church” and they complain for the lack of
coherence of the people. They always invent some pretext so as not to accept the
message of God which Jesus announced. In fact, it is relatively easy to find arguments
and pretexts to refute those who think in a way different from ours.
Jesus reacts and renders public their incoherence. They considered themselves wise,
but they were like children who wish to amuse the people on the square and they rebel
when people do not move according to the music that they play. Or those who consider
themselves wise without really having anything truly wise. They only accepted those
who had the same ideas as they had. And thus, they themselves, because of their
incoherent attitude, condemned themselves.
Personal Questions
• Up to what point am I coherent with my faith?
• Do I have a critical conscience regarding the social and ecclesiastical system which,
sometimes, invents reasons and pretexts to legitimize the situation and to prevent
any change?
Concluding Prayer
Blessed the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked
Nor walks in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the company of the insolent,
But delights in the law of the Lord
and meditates on his law, day and night. (Ps 1)
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
let us never become indifferent to the ardent message
which your Son speaks to us in the gospel
When we have become inattentive and uninvolved, send us again prophets to wake us
and to make us attentive again
to make your kingdom among us a reality of love of you and of people,
of justice and serving love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
He replied, 'Elijah is indeed coming, and he will set everything right again; however, I
tell you that Elijah has come already and they did not recognize him but treated him as
they pleased; and the Son of man will suffer similarly at their hands.'
Then the disciples understood that he was speaking of John the Baptist.
• The disciples have just seen Moses and Elijah before Jesus in the Transfiguration on
the mountain (Mt 17: 3). In general, people believed that Elijah had to return to
prepare the coming of the Kingdom. Prophet Malachi said: “Look, I shall send you
the prophet Elijah before the great and awesome Day of Yahweh comes. He will
reconcile parents to their children and children to their parents, to forestall my
putting the country under the curse of destruction!” (Mal 3: 23-24; cf. Eccl. 48: 10). The
disciples want to know: What does the teaching of the Doctors of the Law mean,
when they say that Elijah has to come before?” Because Jesus, the Messiah, was
already there, had already arrived, and Elijah had not come as yet. Which is the value
of this teaching of the return of Elijah?
• Jesus answers: “Elijah has already come and they have not recognized him; rather,
they have treated him as they have wanted. In the same way, they will also make the
Son of Man suffer.” Then the Disciples understood that Jesus was speaking of John
the Baptist.
• In that situation of Roman domination which disintegrated the clan and the familiar
living together, people expected that Elijah would return to reconstruct the
community: to reconcile the parents to their children and the children to their
parents. This was the great hope of the people. Today also, the neo-liberal system of
communism disintegrates the families and promotes the masses which destroy life.
• To reconstruct and remake the social fabric and the community living of the families
is dangerous because it undermines the basis of the system of domination. This is
why John the Baptist was killed. He had a project to reform human living together
(cf. Lk 3: 7-14). He carried out the mission of Elijah (Lk 1: 17). This is why he was killed.
• Jesus continues the same mission of John: to reconstruct the life in community.
Because God is Father, we are all brothers and sisters. Jesus joins together two loves:
love toward God and love toward neighbor and makes them visible in the form of
living together. This is why, like John, he was put to death. This is why Jesus, the Son
of Man, will be condemned to death.
Personal Questions
• Placing myself in the position of the disciples: does the ideology of consumerism
have power over me?
• Placing myself in the position of Jesus: Do I have the force to react and to create a
new human way of living together?
Concluding Prayer
May your help be with the man of your right hand, with the son of man whom you
yourself made strong. Then we will no more withdraw from you;
give us new life, and we will call upon your name. (Ps 80)
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent
• Let us whisper quietly the words of the Gospel and let them slowly pass from our
tongue to our mind and from our mind to our heart.
• Let us quietly savour some of these words …
• We are gathered around Jesus and we are listening to what the disciples are asking
of him concerning John: this is a serious question from those who have the power to
change history.
• Jesus’ answer takes on a staid tone, but it wounds our heart as with a spear: it is clear
that the awaited Messiah is Himself!
• Let the questions, doubts, desires and hopes run freely around the Word of Jesus.
Let them confront and engage with it.
• Gradually an answer will come, even though it may be partial: not in the arguments,
but when looking squarely at “He who is to come” and who is speaking to you now.
Do not weary of repeating his Word in a soft voice and of keeping it in your heart,
above and within all the doubts and problems of your day.
Our passage comes at the beginning of a new section of the Gospel (11: 2–12, 50). This is
a series of tales concerning Jesus’ activity after his discourse on the apostolate. There
are not many miracles, but the Evangelist stresses the polemic between Jesus and his
adversaries in growing intensity for the whole of the rest of the Gospel.
In all probability, the text reflects the early theological debates between the Christians
and the disciples of John concerning the nature of Jesus’ mission.
= John in his prison…: It is a long time since Matthew has made reference to the
Baptiser (the last mention is in 4: 12) and now he tells us he is in prison and it is only
later that he will tell us the circumstances of his imprisonment (14: 3-12).
John’s prison, as it was for all, is a place apart, a kind of “world apart” which makes
him almost a stranger to normal life and twists the perception of news received from
outside. Thus, the question of the Baptiser is not surprising even though he was the
first to recognise Jesus as “more powerful” (3: 11) and as the eschatological judge
whose “winnowing-fan is in his hand” (3: 12), bowing before Him humbly and in fear
(cfr 3: 11).
= [When he] had heard what Christ was doing …: the expression “Christ was doing,”
used here to recall what Jesus was doing, anticipates the answer he will give to
John’s question.
John the Baptist, while in prison, hears news of Jesus: we too every day, while we are
in our “prisons” of solitude and distance from God or of suffering, hear “something”
that comes from various sources and we feel troubled.
It is often difficult to distinguish between the good news of the Gospel and so many
other matters that take place in our daily lives!
And yet, what Jesus does are the things that “the Christ does,” even if we are not
always aware of this, just as in the case of John.
= Are you the one who is to come, or have we got to wait for someone else? When
John was baptizing whole crowds in the Jordan, he had described a strong
Messiah who would punish severely the sins of all: “The one who follows me is
more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to carry his sandals; he will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing-fan is in his hand, he will clear his
threshing-floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn in a
fire that will never go out” (Mt 3: 11-12). In that severity that cracked like a whip in view
of conversion and, thus, of salvation, John had read the seal of the mercy of YHWH.
Suffering in prison, made fragile by a sense of failure and powerlessness, victim of
the injustice and arrogance against which he had fought all his life, it seemed to John
that evil was winning and he is upset. Immersed irreversibly in that fog, he is no
longer capable of seeing clearly the power of God in action in the works of Jesus.
It is lawful to speculate: Jesus was revealing himself gradually as the Messiah, but he
did so by breaking the canons of the Jewish ideal and the usual interpretations of
Sacred Scripture: he was not “doing justice,” he was not separating the good from
the bad like the sieve separates the good wheat from the chaff; he preached
conversion energetically but pardoned sinners; he showed himself to be “meek and
humble of heart” (Mt 11, 29), open and available to all, a stranger to all vulgar ways of
contesting the system. It is, therefore, possible to think that John was in crisis
because Jesus did not correspond to the Messiah whom he expected and whom he
had constantly preached; so, he sends a delegation to Jesus to ask him some
questions and for them to report to him a word that might enlighten this mystery of
contradictions: “Who are you, Jesus? What do you say of yourself? How can we
believe in you when before arrogance and injustice you show yourself as a patient,
merciful and non-violent Messiah?”
Who of us has not tried to form a more precise idea of the One in whom we believe
and his ways of acting, when life has made us meet so many contradictions and
injustices, even in the Church? Who of us has not struggled to see and interpret
correctly the signs of the active presence of the Lord in our own history? It is difficult
to welcome a God who is “different” from our designs and so we must not accuse
the Baptist, because we too are subject to the temptation of wanting God to have
our feelings and tendencies and who might even be a little vindictive in carrying out
“justice.” Often we would like to have a God made in our image and likeness, but “my
thoughts are not your thoughts, your ways are not my ways…” (Is 55: 8).
= Jesus answered, Go back and tell John what you hear and see: Jesus does not
answer quickly and directly, but shows clearly the facts that result from his actions
that are changing history and realizing the old prophecy concerning the Messiah.
Thus, he does not give an answer “for immediate use,” but the disciples must go back
to John and refer to him what they themselves have heard and seen, because the
healings, resurrections and liberations are unequivocal signs of the messianic nature
of Jesus of Nazareth.
Every day we must learn to proclaim the good news beginning from what we feel
and see. Fraternal witness is indispensable to communicate the Gospel.
Christ submits humbly to the questioning and answers showing the disciples of John
a true and personal method of understanding and of proclaiming: "Go back and tell
John what you hear and see." The fourth Evangelist recalls the same method in his
first letter: “Something which has existed since the beginning that we have heard,
and we have seen with our own eyes; that we have watched and touched with our
hands: the Word, who is life – this is our subject. That life was made invisible: we saw
it and we are giving our testimony, telling you of the eternal life which was with the
Father and has been made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we are telling
you so that you too may be in union with us” (1 Jn 1: 1-3). This was the missionary
method used by the early Church: the method learnt from the incarnation of the
A true and efficient proclamation must pass through a simple and modest
communication of personal experience: words without fanfare of a life woven by
= The blind see again, and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear,
and the dead are raised to life and the Good News is proclaimed to the poor: In
these words, a collection of various quotations from Isaiah (28: 18-19; 35: 5-6; 42: 18; 61:
1), we find the core of Jesus’ answer and of our passage. The Lord presents his own
works not as judgement and power, but as divine blessing for those of the People in
It is significant that the prophetic passages quoted make no reference to leprosy and
death that the Evangelist puts into Jesus’ mouth. This emphasises the newness that
Jesus brings to his manner of fulfilling the prophecies concerning the Messiah
awaited by Israel.
The works of Jesus are great, but he is one of the “little ones” who are his chosen ones,
he is one of “the poor of JHWH” who already sees the cross at the end of his journey
as man. This is unbearable for anyone expecting a triumphant Messiah. Blessed are
they who hear and see with a heart full of faith.
Indirectly Jesus invited John himself to hear and see what he teaches and does. Thus
the last of the prophets might recall and now recognise that what Jesus says and
does corresponds to the great messianic prophecies so richly contained in the Old
This is the mechanism of the “religious memory” without which faith will never be
enkindled and, especially, may never survive the blows of scandal that life brings with
it: the works of God in the past are the signs of his fidelity to the promises and the
pledge of his future works.
Committing ourselves to recall every day the “great things” that God worked for us
and in us (cfr Lk 1: 49) does not mean falling into sterile reiteration, but gradually
bringing the seed of the active grace of God to the very depths of our being, so that
it may grow and bear fruit. The Eucharist too is a memorial: it is “the memorial of the
Pasch of the Lord,” a living and actual memorial of the salvation offered to each one
of us.
= Happy is the man who does not lose faith [is not scandalised] in me: The word
“scandal” comes from the Greek: the “stumbling stone” prepared to strike a person
by surprise. Notwithstanding the meaning that we usually attribute to this word, in
the Bible “scandal” may be either negative or positive.
Jesus is one who “scandalizes” his fellow citizens by his poor origins not well suited
to a glorious Messiah; he scandalizes the Pharisees with his cutting words, he
scandalizes the disciples of John with his way of doing things not according to
foreseen plans and he scandalizes his own disciples with his infamous death.
Jesus, however, does not praise those who scandalize the little ones or those who are
an occasion of scandal (cfr Mt 5: 29) to the faith or morals thus leading others into
wrong ways.
The kind of scandal we need is the one that comes from living the Gospel in a radical
manner that shakes us from our habits of life and from our mind-set.
We too are called to “scandalize” the world with the scandal of the Gospel showing
by our lives that we must not submit to uses and customs that are at variance with
the Christian faith, by refusing compromises that could provoke injustices, by looking
after the poor and the least.
= What did you go out into the wilderness to see?: Notwithstanding the weakness
shown by the questions put by John, Jesus describes his precursor with enthusiasm
as a prophet who by his burning words unites the living and incontestable signs of
his privileged connection with God in whose name he speaks to the People. Rather,
with this pressing series of six rhetorical questions and three positive statements,
Jesus says that John is more than a prophet: he is the one of whom the ancient
Scriptures of the fathers speak, the messenger who prepares the way of the Lord (Mt
3: 3) as the old prophets had said (Ml 3: 1; Es 23: 20). Nevertheless, the Lord quickly
explains the reasons for his affirmation: these may even be too evident to his
= Of all the children born of women, a greater than John the Baptist has never
been seen: John is not only an eminent prophet and precursor of the Messiah
(because it is now clear that Jesus considers himself as such), but he is also great as
a man, greater than his contemporaries and those of past ages. This is an entirely
personal kind of praise that Jesus addresses to Herod’s prisoner and not merely a
hyperbole. With these words, Jesus anticipates the comparison between John the
Baptist and Elijah, which he will make explicit in verse 14: “he, if you will believe me,
is the Elijah who was to return.”
The expression “of all the children born of women” has a typically Semitic flavor, but
it also alludes to the mystery of Jesus’ origin: he too is “born of woman,” but only in
what concerns the flesh, because his human-divine genesis goes well beyond his
simple humanity.
Our birth as “children of God” in faith is also wrapped in mystery: “who were born not
out of human stock or urge of the flesh or will of man but of God himself” (Jn 1: 13).
We are “born of woman” but we are not meant for this earth, rather for the Kingdom
of heaven where we shall be judged according to our faith and the works of faith,
fruits of the welcome we give to our baptismal grace.
= Yet the least …: this part of the sentence (perhaps an early gloss) seems to put a
limit on the enthusiastic presentation of the Baptist. Although he is great among
men, yet John is small in the Kingdom, because there everything is measured
according to criteria quite different from those on earth: the measure of the new
times that are coming and have begun with the human coming of the Son of God.
Those who belong to this completely new generation are greater than any of those
who lived in preceding times, even than John the Baptist.
The contrast between “great” and “small” is created precisely to make it clear to all
believers that to be great one has to become ever smaller. In his human “greatness,”
John is presented by Jesus as the least in the Kingdom and thus even for John it is
necessary for him to “become small” in the hands of God. It is the same requirement
every day for each of us who are tempted to be like the “great” and “powerful,” at least
in our desire!
(Psalm 146)
Yahweh keeps faith for ever,
gives justice to the oppressed, gives food to the hungry; Yahweh sets prisoners free.
Yahweh gives sight to the blind, lifts up those who are bowed down. Yahweh protects
the stranger,
he sustains the orphan and the widow. Yahweh loves the upright,
but he frustrates the wicked. Yahweh reigns for ever,
your God, Zion, from age to age.
and listen to the cry of the poor who look to you for
salvation, justice and joy.
Grant us clear eyes and a pure heart so that we may be able to discern your active and
fruitful presence also in the events of our “today” that looks so grey
and empty of rays of hope! Come, Lord Jesus!
"The Spirit and the bride say: 'Come!'. And those who listen repeat: 'Come!'. Let those
who thirst, come;
those who wish may draw the water of life freely. He who bears witness to these things
'Yes, I shall come soon!'. Amen.
Come, Lord Jesus.” (Ap 22: 17.20)
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
in a world of injustice, war and exploitation, in which more and more people
have the means to live
but not many reasons to live for, you promise us a star to follow, Jesus, your Son.
God, keep in us the hope alive
that he will come today and that, if we are willing
to take the demands of the Gospel seriously, we can become indeed a new people
completely renewed in Christ,
our Savior for ever and ever.
The Gospel today describes the conflict that Jesus had with the religious authority of
the time, after that he drove out the merchants from the Temple. The priests and the
elders of the people wanted to know with which authority Jesus was doing those things:
to go into the Temple and drive out the merchants (cf. Mt 21: 12-13). The authority
considered itself the master of all and thought that nobody could do anything without
their permission. This is why they persecuted Jesus and tried to kill him. Something
similar was also happening in the Christian communities of the years seventy-eighty,
the time in which the Gospel of Jesus was written. Those who resisted the authority of
the Empire were persecuted. There were others, so as not to be persecuted, tried to
reconcile Jesus’ project, with the project of the Roman Empire (cf. Ga 6: 12). The
description of the conflict of Jesus with the authority of his time was a help for the
Christians, so that they could continue fearless in the persecutions and would not allow
themselves to be manipulated by the ideology of the Empire. Today, also, some who
exercise power, whether in society or in the Church and the family, want to control
everything as if they were the masters of all the aspects of the life of the people. They
even persecuted those who thought in a different way. Keeping in mind these
thoughts and problems, let us read and meditate on today’s Gospel.
• Matthew 21: 23: The question of the religious authority to Jesus. “What authority have
you for acting like this? And who gave you this authority?” Jesus answered: “And I will
ask you a question, just one, if you tell me the answer to it, then I will tell you my
authority for acting like this. John’s baptism, what was its origin, heavenly or human?
Jesus went back to the Temple. When he taught, the chief priests and the elders of
the people went close to him and asked: With what authority do you do these
things? Who has given you this authority?” Jesus again goes around the great
square of the Temple. Then appear some priests and elders to question him. After
everything that Jesus had done the day before, they want to know with which
authority he does these things. They did not ask which was the true reason which
urged Jesus to drive out the merchants from the Temple (cf. Mt 21: 12-13). They only
ask with which authority he does those things. They think that they have the right to
control everything. They do not want to lose control of things.
• Matthew 21: 24-25ª: The question of Jesus to the authority. Jesus does not refuse
answering, but he shows his independence and liberty and says: “I also, will ask you
a question, if you tell me the answer to it, then I will tell you my authority for acting
like this. John’s baptism, what was its origin, heavenly or human?” This was an
intelligent question, simple as a dove and cunning as a serpent! (cf. Mt 10, 16). The
question shows the lack of honesty of his enemies. For Jesus, the baptism of John
came from heaven, came from God. He himself had been baptized by John (Mt 3: 13-
17). The men who had power, on the contrary, had plotted or planned the death of
John (Mt 14: 3-12). And in this way they showed that they did not accept the message
of John and that they considered his baptism like something from men and not from
• Matthew 21: 25b-26: Reasoning of the authority. The priests and the elders were aware
of the importance or significance of the question and reasoned in the following way:
"If we say heavenly, he will retort to us. Then why did you refuse to believe him? If we
answer human, then we have the people to fear, for they all hold that John was a
prophet.” And therefore, so as not to expose themselves they answered: “We do not
know!” This is an opportunist response, a pretense and interested one. Their only
interest was not to lose their power over the people. Within themselves they had
already decided everything: Jesus should be condemned to death (Mt 12: 14).
• Matthew 21: 27: Final conclusion of Jesus. And Jesus says to them: “Nor will I tell you
my authority for acting like this.” Their total lack of honesty makes them unworthy to
receive an answer from Jesus.
Personal Questions
• Have you ever felt that you are being controlled without any right, by the authority of
the house, in work, in the Church? Which was your reaction?
• We all have some authority. Even in a conversation between two persons, each one
has certain power, a certain authority. How do I use the power, how do I exercise
authority: to serve and to liberate or to dominate and control?
Concluding Prayer
Direct me in your ways, Yahweh, and teach me your paths.
Encourage me to walk in your truth
and teach me since you are the God who saves me. (Sal 25: 4-5)
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
you are close to the poor and the repentant. Do not allow us to be proud,
that we may not trust in ourselves but teach us to be humble and lowly,
that we may recognize our limitations and be open to you and to your coming through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Gospel today presents a parable. Like always, Jesus tells a story taken from the
daily life of the family; a common story which speaks for itself and does not need much
explanation. Immediately, by means of a very simple question, Jesus tries to involve
those who are listening and to communicate a message. He involves them in the story
without, at the first moment, explaining the objective which Jesus has in mind. After
they answer the question, Jesus applies the story to the listeners, and these become
aware that alone they condemned themselves.
• Matthew 21: 28-30: The story of the two sons. Jesus asks an initial question: “What is
your opinion?” He does this to call the attention of the persons in order that they are
attentive to the story which follows. And this is the story: “A man had two sons; he
went and said to the first one: My son, go and work in the vineyard today. He answered:
I will not go, but afterwards thought better of it and went. The man then went and
said the same thing to the second who answered, ‘Certainly, sir, but he did not go.”
It is a question of a story of the life of a family in daily life. The persons who listen to
Jesus understand what he is speaking about, because they have lived this same
thing many times in their own house. But as yet we do not understand what Jesus is
thinking. Which is the objective that he wants to attain with this story?
• Matthew 21: 31ª: The involvement of authority in the story of the two sons. Jesus tells
the story in the form of a question. At the beginning he says: “What is your opinion?”
And at the end he asks: “Which of the two did the father’s will?” Those who listen are
parents and respond according to what has happened several times with their own
sons: The chief priests and the elders will answer: “the first one.” This is the response
that Jesus wanted to hear from them and from where he takes the evidence to
communicate his message.
• Matthew 21: 31b-32: The conclusion drawn by Jesus. “And Jesus says to them: In truth
I tell you, tax collectors and prostitutes are making their way into the Kingdom of God
before you. John came to you, showing the way of uprightness but you did not
believe him, and yet the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. Even after seeing that
you refused to think better of it and believe in him.”
• The conclusion of Jesus is evident and very hard. According to the opinion of the
priests and the elders, the tax collectors and the prostitutes were sinners and
unclean who did not do the will of the Father. According to the opinion of Jesus, the
tax collectors, and the prostitutes in fact, said, “I do not want to,” but ended by doing
the will of the Father, because they repent in listening to the preaching of John the
Baptist. While they, the priests and the publicans who officially always say “Yes, Sir, I
will go,” ended by not observing the will of the Father, because they did not want to
believe in John the Baptist.
Personal Questions
• With which of these two sons do I identify myself?
• Today, who are the prostitutes and the publicans who say: “I do not want to,” but who
end by doing the will of the Father?
Concluding Prayer
I will praise Yahweh from my heart; let the humble hear and rejoice.
Proclaim with me the greatness of Yahweh, let us acclaim his name together. (Sal 34: 2-
John summoned two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to ask, “Are you the one
who is to come, or should we look for another?”
When the men came to the Lord, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask,
‘Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?’”
At that time Jesus cured many of their diseases, sufferings, and evil spirits; he also
granted sight to many who were blind.
And Jesus said to them in reply,
“Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind regain their sight,
the lame walk, lepers are cleansed,
the deaf hear, the dead are raised,
the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. And blessed is the one who takes no
offense at me.”
This text is found both in Matthew and Luke and inserted in the latter between the
account of the miracle of the restoration to life of the widow's son at Naim (which is
proper to Luke) and the discourse of Jesus with John the Baptist. In this context we can
speak of this passage as having the function of moving us from the image of Jesus who
heals, even death itself, to the invitation to conversion, recalled by Jesus himself in three
successive passages: focusing on John the Baptist, the judgment on his generation and
the acceptance of the gesture of the sinful woman in the house of the Pharisee. This text
can be understood in a further context: within the entire event of the Baptist and in the
prophetic experience of Israel that waits, and that has the experience of listening for the
God who comes to them.
The disciples of John have a basic role here, they are open the passage and close it; they
are the means of communication between their master, held in Herod's prison (see Lk
3: 19-20), and Jesus. They inform the Baptist and two of them are sent on his behalf to
return with the direct question to the master of Nazareth: twice Luke puts the
question, which is of great importance. And the question is about waiting. John knows
that someone must come. The problem is whether it is Jesus or must they wait for
another. The fact that John sends the question expressly to Jesus means that he
already trusts in him. Perhaps he is mistaken because of the lack of understanding of
fulfillment in the biblical image of "the Day of the Lord," which is fundamental to all his
preaching (see Lk 3: 7-ff).
It is as if the passage makes a great leap here: the question is left in suspension and
instantaneously, the complete healing works of Jesus "for all" are set out, concluding
with the gift of sight to the blind. And after the works comes the response. "Go back,"
Jesus says to the disciples of John: it is a mission, in the light of what has already
transpired - by whatever means - to what has already been announced (see Lk 3: 8).
Now the Good News is complete and happening, since the works that he does are those
announced by the prophets (like a "lectio," on various passages of Isaiah; but this time it
is the sight to the blind that is mentioned first). This is an unmistakable message for a
man like John, to whom the Word of God has come (see Lk 3: 2). Finally, there is a
blessing which might seem strange for it is expressed negatively: blessed are those who
do not find in Jesus a stumbling block, an obstacle in the way faith. How can we
understand this? Certainly, it is a blessing further than the message of the Baptist, and
is addressed to the listener to the Word.
The context of this text is already indicated to us the relationship between grace and
responsibility, between the initiative of God and what is responded to in us. God calls
and loves first but wants a free and responsible assent: such a response is possible
because God loves us first.
The fact that the disciples come into play at this point shows that John is not just
interested in the present moment, but also the "spiritual decendency" of the
movements for whom John is an exponent. Already at the beginning of Jesus' public
ministry two disciples of the Baptist become his disciples (see Jn 1:37), and even Paul
some years afterwards encounters individuals who have received the baptism of John
(see Acts 19: 1-7).
At the heart of this passage is the theme of fulfilled waiting, according to the God's plan,
announced and not simply compiled by the prophets of Israel. Even the Word of God
does not diminish and lessen the seriousness of the God who loves and offers in his Son
mercy and nearness - a possibility to receive with faith just as the healing of the blind
suggests. And it is faith that leads to blessedness. That which is proclaimed by Jesus at
the end of the passage is understood only if one considers the weight of the
responsibility on the part of the observer, where it risks giving scandal; it is then
necessary to reflect, casting aside human pretensions and prejudices, in order to freely
open oneself with simplicity to what God in Jesus is doing. It is the logic of the Reign of
God, that it exceeds the heroism of John (Lk 2: 28).
Give us, Lord, eyes to see and ears to hear.
Give us, Lord, the courage always to seek the truth and to desire your revelation in
Give us, Lord, wisdom to walk with others, with those who have understood your ways
and who seek to find your presence.
This passage of the Gospel invites us to recognize the style of Jesus: patient, welcoming,
Listening to the Word requires an overall vision of what has been revealed, without
being too strict about it: for in each situation Jesus brings enlightenment.
It invites us moreover to know how to read the action of God in the world; that is, to be
open to the "signs of the times."
your joy and save us with the coming of the Redeemer, your Son, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
We are about to enter the holy days of the Novena of Christmas and the Church invites
us today, through the Liturgy of the Word, and make our choice clear, definite and
strong: to accept the proposal of John the Baptist, and then we get him in the Way had
come to prepare, put it on the side of a sinner and therefore in need of conversion, or
the side of those who consider themselves already in possession of salvation and does
not need anything.
This passage of Luke helps us to enter into a dialogue and a strong personal
confrontation with Jesus, because He, with his questions and his statements, has put
before us in the eyes of the heart the spiritual Path, the road that we may have already
come and what still lies ahead.
• The first thing to emphasize is the threefold repetition of the question of Jesus to the
crowds: "What did you go see?" It 'important, because here the text, if translated
literally, says: "What you came to see?" Using this word, the Lord puts in a positive
light, highlights a spiritual commitment, a process already begun.
• But at the same time, wants to help us better aware of what happened inside of us,
wants to dispel our darkness, he wants to push us toward decisions more authentic
and vital. And, as he always did with his disciples, still for us, he breaks the bread of
the Word, reveals the meaning of Scripture, to borrow a verse from the prophecy of
Malachi, Jesus gives us the real key to the figure John the Baptist. He is the
messenger, the messenger of God, which opens and prepares the way for the coming
of the Messiah. John is the divide between the Old and New Testaments is the bridge
that leads to the true Promised Land, Jesus is the gateway to the Kingdom of God
• But, as Jesus says in the last few verses, it remains a movement of conversion. After
being released, after having seen, we must listen and be baptized (v. 29). That is, you
have to accept in ourselves to make a path of openness, sincere willingness to the
voice of God in all this, without fear, without holding anything, we should immerse
ourselves with confidence, just as in baptism. Get off the waters of mercy, and lets
you fully accept, in the arms of the Father.
• The song ends with a reference to God's plan, namely for his willingness to love us,
his plan of salvation. God desires, wants, desires lead us to Him for salvation and
happiness full, but by our response should be a freedom, that of love. And once again,
Luke presents us with a clear choice, expressed by two verbs: "recognized right" and
"made room." The choice is ours.
Some Questions
• I consider myself among those who came out and saw? I really made this spiritual
movement, which led me, at least a little, 'for God, the mystery of his will in my life
and the brethren, at situations, even the most tiresome or annoying?
And my eyes were really opened to see, or even to contemplate, being able to go a
bit 'over the surface of things, beyond the appearances of people and things?
And I think if it had not yet taken these steps, now, as he was opening up before me
such a strong year period of preparation for the Christmas, I want to make this
commitment, I want to go out and see God in my life?
• John I is presented in this piece, like a prophet, a messenger, one who prepares the
way for. I think this reality, I will open myself to the force to announce the Word of
God, I really start listening to the message that God wants to offer to my life, my
person? If there is a road mapped out for me, I decided to take it?
• And finally, the most important step. I choose, I too, need to recognize the embrace
of the Father? I threw good in the waters of his love to receive a new baptism. I still
afraid to let me wet, of being enveloped by him, by his presence, his breath in my life.
I want today to begin a new life? And I put a sign to say that my choice is true.
Perhaps the confession, Mass attendance in a more diligent?
Yes, I really want to go down in the waters of mercy and totally immerse myself in
them, without resistance, without wanting to escape. Amen.
Final Prayer
Only you, my Lord is good.
Protect me, O God, in you I take refuge.
I told the Lord: "My Lord you, only you is my right." Idols of the country, was all powerful
gods my favor. Multiply their sorrows who run behind a foreign god. I do not pour out
their libations of blood,
nor with my lips utter their names.
The Lord is my portion and my cup in your hands is my life. For me the lot fell on
delightful places: my heritage is beautiful. Bless the Lord who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me, at my right hand, I stand firm. For this rejoices my
heart and my soul rejoices.
Father, you sent John to announce the coming of your Son, Jesus. He witnessed with
great love for his Friend and Lord. In the fullness of time you sent us your Son as our
Savior. He witnessed to your love even unto death and he taught us to live in intimate
friendship with you. Help us to welcome joyfully the presence of Christ, to live in
communion with him and direct our lives towards you, in the light of his face. Let this
light shine on us and reach out from us to our brothers and sisters whom you have put
into our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Gospel according to John 5: 33-36)
You sent messengers to John, and he testified to the truth. Not that I accept such
human testimony, but I say these things so that you may be saved. He was a burning
and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light. But I have a
testimony greater than John's. The works that the Father has given me to complete,
the very works that I am doing, testify on my behalf that the Father has sent me.
• “You sent … the Father sent me” – The verb “to send” opens and closes this short
passage, bringing together and summarizing all that the richness of the Word that
the Lord wishes to give us. The Jews send priests and Levites to Jerusalem to question
John (Jn 1: 19). they send them to gain an advantage, to rob the witness of John and so
to have him killed. The Father sends his Son Jesus from his own womb (Jn 1: 1-2) as
the Gift of grace and salvation for all humankind.
Sending is an action that belongs to the Father; it is up to us, the children to receive
the One who is sent. In receiving, day after day, the experience of freedom and of
growth in the spirit begins. Because of this we can then be the ones who are sent, as
missionaries, and witnesses to God in the world. This is the pathway that lies ahead
of us, the pathway that Jesus with these Words helps us to discover. He is willing to
walk with us as Teacher, brother and friend, as a companion on the journey.
• “he witnessed” – Here is another key word, repeated a number of times in this passage,
in different expressions: testified, accepting such witness, a testimony, testify on my
behalf. The witness is the one who has seen and heard and therefore can recall and
repeat, affirm, declare with certainty. The biblical term, from the Old Testament
onwards, is very powerful because the root of the word, witness or testimony refers
to an action that lasts a long time, or something that in itself has the power to reach
beyond, even to eternity. What John does, what we see happening in the life of Jesus
and then in the life of his disciples, throughout the centuries, is precisely this
movement of going out of oneself, as an unconditional gift, through words and
works, and the whole of one’s life. They went beyond, they launched out beyond the
boundaries, saying once and saying often their ‘yes’ to God. There was nothing that
could stand in the way of their movement towards God and towards their neighbor.
• “He was a lamp” – The image of the lamp shines out in the center of this passage,
along with words that speak of light: burning, shining, light. Jesus thus point out the
direction we have to take, the point on which to set our gaze. There is one sure light,
a fire burning, in our night too (Ps 139: 12). The lamp, that is the prophets (2 Pt 1: 19) who
are the witnesses to the Christ, the lamp that is John the Baptist particularly,
especially at this time of Advent, has the task of leading us to the true light, that
enlightens every human being (Jn 1: 9), the light that never fades (Lk 1: 78-79), the
light that is life itself (Jn 8: 12; 9: 5): Jesus.
Then there is a sign, a sure proof that the Lord offers us: In this light, that comes from
the Father, joy comes to life. All we must do is look inside, stand before him in
openness and sincerity, and also before ourselves, before our life, to see if we can see
the signs of this joy. Just for a moment? Or even forever?
• The movements in the journey of faith that the Lord puts before us, especially in this
time of Advent, are very clear: from John to Christ, from witnessing to the true and
faithful Witness, from lamp to light that never fades, from Christ to the Father ….
• Do I feel that I am ready to take steps, an not remain stationary? Have I the desire,
inside, to journey in this way, to truly move towards Christ, and with him, towards the
Father? Or might I prefer, one more time, to let things be, wait for better times, and
go on, I too, like the Jews, sending others to ask the questions, to find any king of
speedy or superficial answer?
• Are my eyes open, is my heart ready to welcome the testimony of Jesus, the witness
of the works that he does, the works of the Father, that reveal Him as the Son, as the
Brother? Or, am I blind, unable to see any sign of grace, of mercy, of the presence of
• Do I have within me a willingness to be a witness for Christ, a witness for the Father?
Or, am I frightened, with no great desire, or not ready, or prefer to close myself off,
instead of opening out?
• Is there a light in my life? Or, do I feel I am completely in the dark? Are there clouds
all around me, clouds in my heart? The lamp of the Word is lit, since the Father sent
his Son, the living and eternal Word, in whom the Father has said everything. Do I
want to listen, to remember, to repeat all that I have heard?
• Even in these few lines the relationship of love that exists between Jesus and his
Father is very clear, a relationship that unites them and makes them one. I know that
this relationship is open, because the Father invites me too, just like every other
human being who comes into this world to enter and remain, to enjoy true joy. Do I
accept the invitation? Or, do I stay outside, and a bit like the rich young man, walk
away with a heavy heart?
Final Prayer
Resp. The Lord said to me, “You are my son”!
How can young people keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word.
With my whole heart I seek you;
do not let me stray from your commandments. I treasure your word in my heart,
so that I may not sin against you. Blessed are you, O Lord;
teach me your statutes.
With my lips I declare
all the ordinances of your mouth.
I delight in the way of your decrees as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts, and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word. (from Psalm 119)
Opening Prayer
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son came among us as one of us, a human being among other people, simple,
yet your human face
and the measure of what a human person is. Lord, make us discover ourselves in his
mirror: that we are born to be free,
to be unselfish, available, committed. Free us from our selfishness,
our cowardice and attitudes of conformism, that we may become a bit
what you want us to be, like your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
• The genealogy defines the identity of Jesus. He is the “Son of David and the son of
Abraham” (Mt 1: 1; cf 1: 17). Son of David is the response to the expectation of the Jews
(2 Sam 7: 12-16). Son of Abraham is a source of blessings for all nations (Gn 12: 13). Both
Jews and Pagans see their hope realized in Jesus.
• In the patriarchal society of the Jews, the genealogies indicated only names of men.
It is surprising that Matthew indicates also the names of five women among the
ancestors of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba (the wife of Uriah) and Mary. Why
does Matthew choose precisely these four women as companions of Mary? No
queen, no matriarch, none of the fighting women of the Exodus: Why? This is the
question which the Gospel of Matthew leaves for us to answer.
• In the life of the four women, companions of Mary, there is something abnormal. The
four of them are foreigners, they conceived their sons outside the normal canons and
do not respond to the requirements of the Laws of purity of the time of Jesus. Tamar,
a Canaanite, widow, she disguised herself as a prostitute to oblige the Patriarch
Judah to be faithful to the law, to do his duty and give her a son (Gn 28: 1-30). Rahab,
a Canaanite from Jericho, was a prostitute who helped the Israelites enter into the
Promised Land (Jos 2: 1-21). Ruth, a Moabite, widow, poor, chose to remain with
Naomi and to adhere to the People of God (Rt 1: 16-18). She took the initiative to
imitate Tamar and to go and spend the night beside the pile of barley, together with
Boaz, obliging him to observe the Law and to give her a son. From the relation
between the two, Obed was born, the ancestor of King David (Rt 3: 1-15; 4: 13-17).
Bathsheba, a Hittite, the wife of Uriah, was seduced, violated and she conceived and
became pregnant from King David, who in addition to this ordered that the husband
of the woman be killed (2 Sam 11: 1-27). The way of acting of these four women did
not correspond to the traditional norms. In the meantime, these were the initiatives,
which were not conventional, which gave continuity to the lineage of Jesus and led
all the people to the salvation of God. All this makes us think and challenges us when
we attribute too much value to the rigidity of the norms.
• The calculation of 3 X 14 generations (Mt 1: 17) has a symbolical significance. Three is
the number of the divinity. Fourteen is the double of seven. Seven is the perfect
number. By means of this symbolism Matthew expresses the conviction of the first
Christians according to which Jesus appears in the time established by God. With his
coming history reaches its plenitude, its fullness.
Personal Questions
• Which is the message which you discover in the genealogy of Jesus? Have you found
a response which Matthew leaves for us to answer?
• The companions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, are very different from what we
imagined them. Which is the conclusion which you can draw regarding your
devotion to the Blessed Virgin?
Concluding Prayer
May his name be blessed forever, and endure in the sight of the sun.
In him shall be blessed every race in the world, and all nations call him blessed. (Ps 72:
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, send your Spirit to help us to read the Scriptures with the same mind that
you read them to the disciples on the way to Emmaus. In the light of the Word, written
in the Bible, you helped them to discover the presence of God in the disturbing events
of your sentence and death. Thus, the cross that seemed to be the end of all hope
became for them the source of life and of resurrection.
Create in us silence so that we may listen to your voice in Creation and in the Scriptures,
in events and in people, above all in the poor and suffering. May your word guide us so
that we too, like the two disciples from Emmaus, may experience the force of your
resurrection and witness to others that you are alive in our midst as source of fraternity,
justice, and peace. We ask this of you, Jesus, son of Mary, who revealed to us the Father
and sent us your Spirit. Amen.
The majority of the members of the Christian Communities in Palestine and in Syria, for
whom Matthew wrote his Gospel, were converted Jews. They accepted Jesus as
Messiah and believed in Him. They were persecuted because of their faith. Their brother
Jews said to them: “You Christians are deceived! Jesus is not, nor can he be the
Messiah!” In the text which we are meditating on this Sunday, the concern of Matthew
is evident, he wants to confirm the faith of the communities. It is as if he wished to tell
us: “You do not live deceived! Jesus is truly the Messiah! “The intention of Matthew in
chapters one and two of his Gospel is to inform the readers concerning Jesus, whose
activity will be described beginning in chapter three. In the first two chapters, Matthew
presents the credentials of Jesus, the new Legislator, the new Moses. In the genealogy
(Mt 1: 1-17), he had already shown that Jesus belongs to the race of David and of
Abraham (Mt 1: 1). In these verses (Mt 1: 18-25) Matthew continues to present Jesus to us
describing his birth. He says how Joseph received the news that Mary was with child
and, the prophecies which will be realized with the birth of Jesus, showing that he is the
expected Messiah. During the reading, it is well to pay attention to what the text tells us
on the person of Jesus, especially in what concerns the significance of the two names
that he receives.
The text:
18 This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph;
but before they came to live together, she was found to be with child through the Holy
Spirit. 19 Her husband Joseph, being an upright man and wanting to spare her disgrace,
decided to divorce her informally. 20 He had made up his mind to do this when suddenly
the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph, son of David, do not
be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by
the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he
is the one who is to save his people from their sins.'
22 Now all this took place to fulfil what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: 23
Look! the virgin is with child and will give birth to a son whom they will call Immanuel, a
name which means 'God-is-with-us'. 24 When Joseph woke up he did what the angel
of the Lord had told him to do: he took his wife to his home; 25 he had not had
intercourse with her when she gave birth to a son; and he named him Jesus.
so that the Word of God may penetrate and enlighten our life.
Some Questions
to help us in our personal reflection.
The genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1: 1-17) leaves us with a question. Next to the names of the
forty-two paternal ancestors of Jesus (Mt 1: 17), Matthew gives the names of four
maternal ancestors only: Tamar (Mt 1: 3), Rahab, Ruth (Mt 1: 4) and the wife of Uriah (Mt
1, 6). The four women conceived their sons outside the parameters of purity or of the
legal justice of that time. Therefore, the state of these four women is irregular before the
Law. The irregularity of these four ancestors is evident. It is sufficient to read the texts of
the Old Testament where their story is described. And thus, at the end of the genealogy
arises a question: “And Mary, the spouse of Joseph, from whom Jesus is born (Mt 1: 16),
does she also incur in some irregularity of a legal type? The text on which we are
meditating this Sunday speaks about this.
requirements of the law of purity. His justice is greater. Instead of denouncing, he
prefers to respect the mystery which he does not understand and decides to
abandon Mary in secret. The greatest justice of Joseph saves both the life of Mary
and that of Jesus.
Thus, Matthew sends an important message to the communities of Palestine and
Syria. It is as if said: “Behold, what would happen if the rigorous observance would be
followed, which certain Pharisees demand from you! They would put the Messiah to
death!” Later Jesus will say: “If your justice is not greater than that of the Scribes and
Pharisees, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mt 5: 20).
• Matthew 1: 20-21: The explanation or elucidation of the Angel and the two names of
the Son of Mary: Jesus and Immanuel.
“The Angel of the Lord” helps to discover the deepest dimension of life and of events.
He helps to make an X-Ray of events and to perceive God’s call which with our
human eyes alone we cannot perceive. The Angel makes Joseph understand that
Mary’s pregnancy is the fruit of the action of the Holy Spirit. God himself, the day of
creation, blew over the waters and filled with force the creating Word of God (Gen 1:
2). The new creation takes place in Mary. It is the beginning of the new heaven and
the new earth, announced by Isaiah (Is 65: 17). The Son of Mary receives two names:
Jesus and Immanuel. Jesus means “Yahweh saves.” Salvation does not come from
what we do but from God, rather from what God does for us. Immanuel means “God
with us.” In the Exodus, when getting out of Egypt, God goes down to be with the
oppressed people (Ex 3: 8) and tells Moses: “I will be with you” (Ex 3: 12) and from that
moment on he never abandons his people. The two names, Jesus and Immanuel,
render concrete, and even go beyond the hope of the people.
• Matthew 1: 22-23: The melody of Matthew’s Gospel
“All this took place in order that what had been said of the Lord by the prophet could
be fulfilled.” This phrase or other similar ones are like a melody, words which are
repeated many times in the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 1: 23; 2: 5, 15, 17, 23; 4: 14; 8: 17; 12:
17; 13: 14, 35; etc.). This reveals the purpose which the author had in mind: to confirm
for his readers of Jewish origin the fact that Jesus is truly the promised Messiah. In
him the promises of the prophets are fulfilled.
Here Matthew quotes the text of Isaiah: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a
son, whom she will call Immanuel” (Is 7: 14). The title Immanuel more than a name
reveals the meaning of Jesus for us. Jesus is the proof that God continues to be with
us. The name itself of the Child is Jesus (Mt 1: 25).
• Matthew 1: 24-25: The obedience of Joseph
Waking up from sleep, Joseph does what the Angel told him and took Mary to his
house. And he continues to say that he had no relation with Mary, to confirm that
Jesus is born from the Holy Spirit.
question arose among them: To whom do the promises belong: to the Synagogue or to
the Church? Who is the true People of God, they or we? Is Jesus truly the Messiah?
Matthew writes his Gospel for this community. The Gospel of Matthew can be defined
by the three following words:
• The Gospel of consolation for those excommunicated and persecuted by their
brother Jews who do not accept Jesus as the Messiah (Christ); it helps to overcome
the trauma or shock of the breaking.
• The Gospel of revelation: It shows Jesus as the true Messiah, the new Messiah, in
whom is the summit of all the history of the Old Testament with its promises.
• The Gospel of the new practice: which describes the practice of Jesus, and shows
how to attain a new justice, greater than that of the Pharisees.
This happened in order that it could be realized - by means of this phrase repeated
many times in his Gospel, Matthew touches on the point of greatest tension between
Christians and Jews. Starting from the Bible, they said: “Jesus is not and cannot be the
Messiah!” Starting from the Bible itself, Matthew responds and affirms: “Jesus is truly
the Messiah!”
The pregnancy of Mary - Matthew as well as Luke quote the text of Isaiah “A virgin will
conceive and give birth to a son, whom she will call Immanuel” (Is 7, 14). But there is a
difference. Luke places Mary in the centre and gives more importance to the sign of
virginity (Lk 1, 31). Matthew places Joseph in the center and gives more importance to
the significance of the name Immanuel.
Joseph’s dream - the Angel appeared to Joseph in his sleep and helps him to
understand. With the help of the Angel, Joseph succeeded in discovering God’s action
in this event, which according to the opinion of the time, seemed to be only the fruit of
deviation and of sin. Angel means messenger. He brings a message and a help to
perceive God’s action in life. Today there are many Angels who guide us in life.
Sometimes they act while we sleep, in our dreams, other times in our meetings, in
conversations and in Biblical encounters, in facts, etc. So many Angels, so many Angels!.
God, endow the king with your own fair judgement, the son of the king with your own
saving justice, that he may rule your people with justice,
and your poor with fair judgement. Mountains and hills,
bring peace to the people! With justice he will judge the poor of the people,
he will save the children of the needy and crush their oppressors. In the sight of the sun
and the moon he will endure,
age after age.
He will come down like rain on mown grass, like showers moistening the land.
In his days uprightness shall flourish,
and peace in plenty till the moon is no more. His empire shall stretch from sea to sea,
from the river to the limits of the earth. The Beast will cower before him,
his enemies lick the dust;
the kings of Tarshish and the islands will pay him tribute. The kings of Sheba and Saba
will offer gifts;
all kings will do him homage, all nations become his servants.
For he rescues the needy who calls to him, and the poor who has no one to help.
He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the needy from death.
From oppression and violence he redeems their lives, their blood is precious in his
Long may he live;
may the gold of Sheba be given him! Prayer will be offered for him constantly, and
blessings invoked on him all day.
May wheat abound in the land, waving on the heights of the hills,
like Lebanon with its fruits and flowers at their best, like the grasses of the earth.
May his name be blessed for ever, and endure in the sight of the sun.
In him shall be blessed every race in the world,
and all nations call him blessed. Blessed be Yahweh,
the God of Israel,
who alone works wonders; blessed for ever his glorious name.
May the whole world be filled with his glory! Amen! Amen!
Final Prayer
Lord Jesus, we thank for the word that has enabled us to understand better the
will of the Father. May your Spirit enlighten our actions and grant us the strength
to practice that which your Word has revealed to us. May we, like Mary, your
mother, not only listen to but also practise the Word. You who live and reign with
the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Opening Prayer
Lord, mighty God,
no angel announced our birth, but we know that you loved us even before we were
born, and that you call us to prepare
the fuller coming of your Son among people. Reveal your strength in our weakness,
keep us hoping in your future,
that we may overcome all obstacles
to establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord.
he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, and he will bring back many of the Israelites to the
Lord their God. With the spirit and power of Elijah, he will go before him to reconcile
fathers to their children and the disobedient to the good sense of the upright,
preparing for the Lord a people fit for him.' Zechariah said to the angel, 'How can I
know this? I am an old man and my wife is getting on in years.' The angel replied, 'I am
Gabriel, who stand in God's presence, and I have been sent to speak to you and bring
you this good news. Look! Since you did not believe my words, which will come true at
their appointed time, you will be silenced and have no power of speech until this has
Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zechariah and were surprised that he stayed in
the sanctuary so long. When he came out he could not speak to them, and they
realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary. But he could only make signs to
them and remained dumb. When his time of service came to an end he returned
Sometime later his wife Elizabeth conceived and for five months she kept to herself,
saying, 'The Lord has done this for me, now that it has pleased him to take away the
humiliation I suffered in public.'
Today’s Gospel speaks to us about the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Zechariah (Lk 1: 5-25).
The Gospel of tomorrow will speak about the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary (Lk 1: 26-
38). Luke places both of these visits side by side to each other, in such a way that we
may read both texts attentively, that we may perceive the small and significant
difference between one visit and the other, between the Old and the New Testament.
Look for and discover the differences between the visits of the Angel Gabriel to
Zechariah and to Mary through the following questions: Where does the Angel appear?
To whom does he appear? Which is his message, what does he announce? Which is the
response? Which is the reaction of the person after receiving the visit ? Etc.
• The first message of the Angel of God to Zechariah is: “Do not be afraid!” Up until
now, God still causes fear to many persons and up until now the message continues
to be valid, “Do not be afraid!” Immediately the Angel adds: “Your prayer has been
heard!” In our life, everything is the fruit of prayer!
• Zechariah represents the Old Testament. He believes, but his faith is weak. After the
visit, he remains mute, incapable to communicate with the persons. The manner in
which the project of salvation, known by Zechariah, how it had been revealed up to
that moment, had exhausted all his resources, while God was initiating a new phase
together with Mary.
• In the announcement of the Angel is expressed all the importance of the mission of
the child who will be born and who will be called John: “he must drink no wine, no
strong drink, even from his mother’s womb he will be filled with the Holy Spirit,” that
is, John will be a person totally consecrated to God and to his mission. “He will bring
back many of the Israelites to the Lord their God. With the spirit and power of Elijah
he will go before him to reconcile fathers to their children and the disobedient to the
good sense of the upright, preparing for the Lord a people fit for him,” that is, in the
child John will take place the expected return of the Prophet Elijah who will have to
come to carry out the reconstruction of community life: to reconcile the heart of the
parents to their children and the disobedient toward the wisdom of the just.
• In reality, the mission of John was very important. According to the people, he was a
prophet (Mk 11: 32). Many years later, in Ephesus, Paul continued to find persons who
had been baptized with the Baptism of John (Acts 19: 3).
• When Elizabeth, being old, conceived and remained pregnant, she hid herself during
five months. While Mary, instead of hiding, gets out of her house and goes to serve
Personal Questions
• What struck you the most in this visit of Angel Gabriel to Zechariah?
• To reconcile the heart of the parents toward their sons, that is, to reconstruct the
fabric of human relationship from the basis and to build up the life in community.
This was the mission of John. This was also the mission of Jesus and continues to be
today the most important mission. How do I contribute to this mission?
Concluding Prayer
For you are my hope, Lord,
my trust, Yahweh, since boyhood. On you I have relied since my birth,
since my mother's womb you have been my portion. (Ps 71: 5-6)
• The visit of the Angel to Mary reminds us of the visit of God to different women of the
Old Testament: Sarah, mother of Isaac (Gen 18: 9-15), Anne, mother of Samuel (1 Sam
1: 9-18), the mother of Samson (Jg 13: 2-5). To all of them was announced the birth of
a son with an important mission in the realization of God’s plan.
• The account begins with the expression “in the sixth month.” It is the sixth month of
the pregnancy of Elizabeth. The concrete need of Elizabeth, a woman advanced in
age who is expecting her first son with the risk of delivery, this is the background of
all this episode. Elizabeth is mentioned at the beginning (Lk 1: 26) and at the end of
the visit of the angel (Lk 1: 36, 39).
• The angel says: “Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favor, the Lord is with you!” Similar words
were said also to Moses (Ex 3: 12), to Jeremiah (Jer 1: 8), to Gideon (Jg 6: 12) and to
other persons with an important mission in God’s plan. Mary is surprised at the
greeting and tries to understand the significance of those words. She is realistic. She
wants to understand. She does not accept just any inspiration.
• The angel answers: “Do not be afraid!” Just as it happened in the visit of the angel to
Zechariah, here also the first greeting of God is always: “Do not be afraid!”
Immediately the angel recalls the promises of the past which will be fulfilled thanks
to the son who will be born and who has to receive the name of Jesus. He will be
called the Son of the Most High and in him will be realized the Kingdom of God. This
is the explanation of the angel in such a way that Mary is not afraid.
• Mary is aware of, knows the mission which she is about to receive, but she continues
to be realistic. She does not allow herself to be drawn by the greatness of the offer
and observes her condition. She analyses the offer according to certain criteria which
she has available. Humanly speaking, it was not possible: “But how can this come
about, I have no knowledge of man?”
• The angel explains that the Holy Spirit, present in God’s Word since the Creation
(Genesis 1: 2), is capable to realize things which seem impossible. This is why the Holy
One who will be born from Mary will be called Son of God. The miracle repeats itself
up until today. When the Word of God is accepted by the poor, something new
happens, thanks to the force of the Holy Spirit! Something new and surprising such
as a son is born of a virgin or a son is born to a woman of advanced age, like Elizabeth,
of whom all said that she was barren, that she could not have children! And the angel
adds: “See, your cousin Elizabeth also, in her old age, has conceived a son, and she
whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to
• The response of the angel clarifies everything for Mary, and she surrenders: “Behold,
I am the handmaid of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.” Mary
uses for herself the title of Servant, Handmaid of the Lord. This title of Isaiah, which
represents the mission of the people not as a privilege, but rather as a service to the
other people (Is 42: 1-9; 49: 3-6). Later Jesus will define his mission as a service: “I have
not come to be served, but to serve!” (Mt 20: 28). He learnt this from his Mother!
• What struck you the most in the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary?
• Jesus praises his Mother when he says: “Blessed are those who hear the Word of God
and keep it” (Lk 11: 28). How does Mary relate to the Word of God during the visit of
the Angel?
Concluding Prayer
To Yahweh belong the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live there;
it is he who laid its foundations on the seas,
on the flowing waters fixed it firm. (Ps 24: 1-2)
• Luke stresses the readiness of Mary in serving, in being a handmaid. The Angel speaks
about the pregnancy of Elizabeth and immediately, Mary rises and sets out as quickly
as she could to go and help her. From Nazareth to the house of Elizabeth there were
more than 100 km, the minimum, four days of travelling! There were no buses, no
trains. Mary begins to serve and fulfils her mission on behalf of the people of God.
• Elizabeth represents the Old Testament which was about to end. Mary represents
the New Testament. The Old Testament accepts the New one with gratitude and
trust, recognizing in it God’s gratuitous gift which is going to be realized and is going
to complete the expectation of people. In the encounter of the two women is
manifested the gift of the Spirit. The child leapt with joy in Elizabeth’s womb. This is
the reading of the faith which Elizabeth makes of the things of life.
• The Good News of God reveals his presence in the most common things of human
life: two house wives who visit each other to mutually help one another. Visit, joy,
pregnancy, children, mutual help, house, family: Luke wants us and the community
to perceive precisely this and that we discover in this God’s presence.
• Elizabeth says to Mary: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of
your womb!” Up until today, these words form part of the best known Psalm and
most prayed in the whole world, “The Hail Mary.”
• “And blessed is she who has believed that the promise made her by the Lord would
be fulfilled.” This is the praise of Elizabeth to Mary and the message of Luke for the
community: to believe in the Word of God, because the Word of God has the force to
fulfil all that which it tells us. It is a creative Word. It generates new life in the womb
of the Virgin, in the womb of people who accept it with faith.
• Mary and Elizabeth already knew one another. But in this encounter, they discover,
one in one another, a mystery which they had not known as yet, and which fills them
with great joy. Today also, we meet persons who surprise us because of the wisdom
they possess and the witness of faith that they give. Has something similar happened
to you already? Have you met persons who have surprised you? What prevents us
from discovering and from living the joy of God’s presence in our life?
• The attitude of Mary before the Word expresses the ideal which Luke wants to
communicate to the Community: do not close yourselves in self, but get out of self,
be attentive to the concrete needs of persons and try to help others as far as possible
according to their need
Personal Questions
• Placing myself in the place of Mary and Elizabeth: am I capable to perceive and
experience the presence of God in the most simple and common things in the life of
every day?
• The praise of Elizabeth to Mary: “You have believed!” Her husband had difficulty to
believe what the angel was telling him. And I?
Concluding Prayer
We are waiting for Yahweh; he is our help and our shield, for in him our heart rejoices,
in his holy name we trust. (Ps 33: 20-21)
Opening Prayer
God of the little ones,
with Mary we rejoice and give you thanks that you let Jesus Christ become one of us
and let him bring us the dignity
of your sons and daughters. May we live up to that dignity and to the joy that says
that we are deeply loved by you. Like you, may we also learn to care for all that is little
and brittle
and bring your justice to the poor through Jesus Christ our Lord.
• The canticle of Mary was one of the canticles of the community of the first Christians.
It reveals the level of awareness or consciousness and the firmness of the faith which
animated her interiorly. Sung in the community, this canticle of Mary teaches us to
pray and to sing.
• Luke 1: 46-50: Mary begins by proclaiming the change which is taking place in her
life under the loving look of God, full of mercy. Because of this, she sings joyfully: “I
rejoice in God, my Savior.”
• Luke 1: 51-53: Afterwards she sings the fidelity of God toward his people and proclaims
the change which the arm of the Lord was realizing in behalf of the poor and the
hungry. The expression “arm of God” reminds us of the liberation of the Exodus. This
is the force of salvation and of liberation of Yahweh which bring about the changes:
he has routed the arrogant of heart (Lk 1: 51), he has pulled down princes from their
thrones and raised high the lowly (Lk 1: 52), he has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty (Lk 1: 53).
• Luke 1: 54-55: At the end Mary recalls that all this is the expression of God’s mercy
toward his people and expression of his fidelity to the promises made to Abraham.
The Good News seen not as a reward because of the observance of the Law, but
rather as an expression of the goodness and of the fidelity of God to his promises.
This is what Paul taught the Galatians and the Romans.
Personal Questions
• The canticles are the thermometer of the life of the community. They reveal the
degree of consciousness and of commitment. Examine the canticles of your
• Analyze the social conscience which comes from Mary’s canticle. In the 20th century
after Christ, this canticle was censured by the military of Latin America because it
was considered subversive.
Concluding Prayer
The Lord raises the poor from the dust, he lifts the needy from the dunghill
to give them a place with princes,
to assign them a seat of honor. (1Sam 2: 8)
Opening Prayer
Lord, loving and mighty God,
you fulfilled your promise to save us when Jesus, your Son, became one of us. We are
no longer in the dark,
for you let your light shine on us. Bring us your salvation now,
set us free from our sins,
let us become fully human with Jesus
and go with him in your way of peace and love. Let him be our strength,
our constant companion on the road,
that through him and growing in his humanity, we may be your beloved sons and
daughters. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
• In chapters 1 and 2 of his Gospel, Luke describes the announcement of the birth of
two little ones, John and Jesus, who will occupy a very important place in the
realization of God’s project. What God begins in the Old Testament, begins to be
realized through them. This is why, in these two chapters, Luke presents or recalls
many facts and persons of the Old Testament and even succeeds in imitating the
style of the Old Testament. And all this in order to suggest that with the birth of these
two little boys history completes a round of 180 degrees and the time of the fulfilment
of the promises of God begins through John and Jesus, and with the collaboration of
their parents, Elizabeth and Zechariah and Mary and Joseph.
There is a certain parallelism between the announcement and the birth of both
• The announcement of the birth of John (Lk 1: 5-25) and of Jesus (Lk 1: 26-38)
• The two mothers who are pregnant meet and experience the presence of God (Lk
1: 27-56)
• The birth of John (Lk 1: 57-58) and of Jesus (Lk 2: 1-20)
• The circumcision in the community of John (Lk 1: 59-66) and of Jesus (Lk 2: 21-28)
• The canticle of Zechariah (Lk 1: 67-79) and the canticle of Simeon with the prophecy
of Anna (Lk 2: 29-32)
• The hidden life of John (Lk 1: 80) and of Jesus (Lk 2: 39-52)
• Luke 1: 57-58: Birth of John the Baptist. “The time came for Elizabeth to have her child
and she gave birth to a son. When her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had
lavished on her his faithful love, they shared her joy.” Like so many women of the Old
Testament Elizabeth was sterile: Just like God had pity on Sarah (Gn 16: 1; 17: 17; 18: 12),
on Rachel (Gn 29: 31) and on Anna (1 Sm 1: 2, 6, 11) transforming the sterility into
fecundity, in the same way he had pity on Elizabeth and she conceived a son.
Elizabeth hid herself during five months. When after, the five months, people could
see in her body God’s goodness toward Elizabeth, all rejoiced with her. This
community environment, in which all got involved in the life of others, both in joy as
in sorrow, is the environment in which John and Jesus are born, grew and received
their formation. Such an environment marks the personality of a person for the
whole life; and it is precisely this community environment that we lack most today.
• Luke 1: 59: To give the name on the eighth day. “On the eighth day they came to
circumcise the child and they wanted to call him Zechariah as his father.” The
involvement of the community in the life of the family of Zechariah, Elizabeth and
John is such that the relatives and neighbors even want to interfere in the choice of
the name of the child. They want to give the child the name of his father: Zechariah!”
Zechariah means: God has remembered. Perhaps they wanted to express their
gratitude to God for having remembered Elizabeth and Zechariah and for having
given them a son in their old age.
• Luke 1: 60-63: His name is John! Elizabeth intervenes and she does not permit the
relatives to take care of the question of the name. Recalling the announcement of
the name made by the angel to Zechariah (Lk 1: 13), Elizabeth says: "No! He will be
called John.” In a very small place such as Ain Karem, in Judah, the social control is
very strong. And when a person gets out of the normal usage of the place, she is
criticized. Elizabeth does not follow the usage of the place and chooses a name
outside the normal models. This is why the relatives and neighbors complain saying:
“No one in your family has that name!” The relatives do not easily give in and make
signs to the father to know from him what name he wants for his son. Zechariah asks
for a writing tablet and writes: "His name is John.” All remained astonished because
they must have perceived something of the mystery of God which surrounds the
birth of the little child.
And this perception which people have of the mystery of God present in the
common facts of life, Luke wants to communicate it to us, his readers. In his way of
describing the events, Luke is not like a photographer who only registers what the
eyes can see. He is like a person who uses the X-Ray which registers what the human
eye cannot see. Luke reads the facts with the X-Rays of faith which reveals what the
human eye cannot perceive.
• Luke 1: 64-66: The news of the child is diffused. “All their neighbors were filled with
awe and the whole affair was talked about throughout the hill country of Judah. All
those who heard of it treasured it in their hearts: What will this child turn out to be?
They wondered. And indeed the hand of the Lord was with him.” The way in which
Luke describes the facts recalls the circumstances of the birth of the persons who in
the Old Testament had an important role in the realization of God’s project and
whose childhood seemed already to be marked by the privileged destiny which they
would have: Moses (Ex 2: 1-10), Samson (Jg 13: 1-4 and 13: 24-25), Samuel (1 Sm 1: 13-28
and 2: 11).
In the writings of Luke we find many references to the Old Testament. In fact, the first
two chapters of his Gospel are not stories in the sense which we, today, give to the
story. They are rather, a mirror to help the readers to discover that John and Jesus
came to fulfil the prophecies of the Old Testament. Luke wants to show that God,
through the two children, came to respond to the most profound aspirations of the
human heart. On the one side, Luke shows that the New Testament realizes what
the Old Testament prefigured. On the other, it shows that the New one exceeds the
Old one and does not correspond in everything to what the people of the Old
Testament imagined and expected. In the attitude of Elizabeth and Zechariah, of
Mary and Joseph, Luke represents a model of how to convert oneself to believe in
the New one which is being reached.
Personal Questions
• What has struck you most in the way in which Luke describes the facts of life?
• How do I read the facts of my life? Like a photo or like an X-Ray?
Concluding Prayer
Kindness unfailing and constancy mark all Yahweh's paths, for those who keep his
covenant and his decrees.
Only those who fear Yahweh have his secret
and his covenant, for their understanding. (Sal 25: 10, 14)
Opening Prayer
Lord, loving and mighty God,
you fulfilled your promise to save us when Jesus, your Son, became one of us. We are
no longer in the dark,
for you let your light shine on us. Bring us your salvation now,
set us really free from our sins,
let us become fully human with Jesus
and go with him in your way of peace and love.
Let him be our strength,
our constant companion on the road,
that through him and growing in his humanity, we may be your beloved sons and
daughters. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Gospel Reading – Luke 1: 67-79
Zechariah, father of John, was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke this prophecy:
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, for he has visited his people, he has set them
and he has established for us a saving power in the House of his servant David, just as
he proclaimed, by the mouth of his holy prophets from ancient times,
that he would save us from our enemies and from the hands of all those who hate us,
and show faithful love to our ancestors, and so keep in mind his holy covenant.
This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham,
that he would grant us, free from fear, to be delivered from the hands of our enemies,
to serve him in holiness and uprightness in his presence, all our days.
And you, little child, you shall be called Prophet of the Most High, for you will go before
the Lord to prepare a way for him,
to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
because of the faithful love of our God in which the rising Sun has come from on high
to visit us,
to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow dark as death, and to guide
our feet into the way of peace.
• The Canticle of Zechariah is one of the many canticles of the community of the first
Christians which we find dispersed in the writings of the New Testament: in the
Gospels (Lk 1: 46-55; Lk 2: 14; 2: 29-32), in the Letters of Saint Paul (1 Co 13: 1-13; Eph 1: 3-
14; 2: 14-18; Phil 2: 6-11; Col 1: 15-20) and in the Book of Revelation (1: 7; 4: 8; 11: 17-18; 12:
10-12; 15: 3-4; 18: 1 up to 19: 8). These Canticles give us an idea of how faith and the
weekly liturgy were lived during those first times. They make us guess that the liturgy
was, at the same, a celebration of the mystery, profession of faith, animation of hope
and catechesis.
• Here in the Canticle of Zechariah, the members of those first Christian communities,
almost all of them Jewish, sang the joy of having been visited by the goodness of
God which, in Jesus, the promises are fulfilled. The Canticle has a beautiful structure,
well elaborated. It seems like a slow climbing which leads the faithful toward the
height of the mountain, from where they observe the road that they have travelled
since the time of Abraham (Lk 1: 68-73), they experience the beginning of the
fulfilment of the promises (Lk 1: 74-75) and from there they look ahead, they foresee
the road that the child John will have to travel up to the time of the birth of Jesus:
the sun of Justice who comes to prepare, for all, the way of Peace (Lk 76-79).
• Zechariah begins praising God because he has visited and redeemed his people (Lk
1: 68) he has established for us a saving power in the House of his servant David (Lk 1:
69), just as he promised by the mouth of his holy prophets from ancient times (Lk 1:
70). And he describes in what this powerful salvation consists: that he would save us
from our enemies and from the hands of those who hate us (Lk 1: 71). This salvation is
the result, not of our own effort, but rather of the merciful goodness of God who
remembered his holy Covenant and the oath he swore to Abraham, our father (Lk 1:
72). God is faithful. This is the foundation of our security.
• Continuing Zechariah describes in what the oath of God sworn to Abraham consists:
it is the hope that “freed from the hands of the enemies we can serve him, without
fear, in holiness and uprightness, in his presence, all our days.” This is the great desire
of all the people of all times: to live in peace, without fear, serving God and neighbor,
in holiness and uprightness, all our days of our life. This is the height of the mountain,
the point of arrival, which rose up in the horizon with the birth of John (Lk 1: 73-75).
• Now the attention of the Canticle is addressed toward John, the new born child. He
will be a prophet of the Most High, because he will go before the Lord to prepare him
the way, to give to his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of
their sins (Lk 1: 76-77). Here we have a clear reference to the messianic prophecy
which said: “There will be no further need for everyone to teach neighbor or brother,
saying, ‘Learn to know Yahweh. No, they will all know me, from the least to the
greatest, Yahweh declares, since I will forgive their guilt and never more call their sin
to mind” (Jer 31: 34). In the Bible “to know” is synonymous of “to experience.”
Forgiveness and reconciliation make us experience the presence of God.
• All this will be the fruit of the merciful action of the heart of God and will be realized
fully with the coming of Jesus: The rising Sun has come from on high to give light to
those who live in darkness and the dark shadow of death and to guide our feet into
the way of Peace (Lk 1: 78-79).
• Sometimes it is good to read the Canticle as if it were the first time, in such a way as
to be able to discover in it all the novelty of the Good News of God
• Have you experienced, sometimes, the goodness of God? Have you experienced
sometimes, the pardon of God?
Concluding Prayer
I shall sing the faithful love of Yahweh forever, from age to age my lips shall declare
your constancy, for you have said: love is built to last forever,
you have fixed your constancy firm in the heavens. (Ps 89: 1-2)
Opening Prayer
In the darkness of a starless night, a night of no sense,
you, the Word of life,
like lightning in the storm of forgetfulness, entered within the bounds of doubt
under cover of the limits of precariousness to hide the light.
Words made of silence and of the ordinary,
your human words, heralds of the secrets of the Most High: like hooks cast into the
waters of death
to find man once more, immersed in his anxious follies,
and reclaim him, plundered, through the attractive radiance of
To you, Ocean of Peace and shadow of eternal Glory, I render thanks:
Calm waters on my shore that awaits the wave, I wish to seek you!
And may the friendship of the brothers protect me when night falls on my desire for
you. Amen.
The Text:
1 In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God. 2 He
was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things came into being, not one thing
came into being except through him. 4 What has come into being in him was life, life
that was the light of men; 5 and light shines in darkness, and darkness could not
overpower it. 6 A man came, sent by God. His name was John. 7 He came as a witness, to
bear witness to the light, so that everyone might believe through him. 8 He was not the
light, he was to bear witness to the light. 9 The Word was the real light that gives light
to everyone; he was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world that had come into
being through him, and the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to his own and his
own people did not accept him. 12 But to those who did accept him he gave power to
become children of God, to those who believed in his name 13 who were born not from
human stock, or human desire, or human will but from God himself. 14 The Word
became flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that he has from the
Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. 15 John witnesses to him. He
proclaims: 'This is the one of whom I said: He who comes after me has passed ahead of
me because he existed before me.' 16 Indeed, from his fullness we have, all of us,
received -- one gift replacing another, 17 for the Law was given through Moses, grace
and truth have come through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God; it is the only
Son, who is close to the Father's heart, who has made him known.
A Moment of Silence:
Some Question for Reflection:
• God who is light has chosen to dispel the darkness of man by making himself
darkness. Man is born blind (cfr Jn 9: 1-41): blindness is his condition of creature. The
symbolical gesture of Jesus in gathering mud to spread over the eyes of the man born
blind in John, signifies the newness of the incarnation: it is a gesture of new creation.
The blind man whose eyes are still covered with the mud of creation is asked to make
not an act of faith but one of obedience: to go to the pool of Siloe, which means
“sent.” The one “sent” is Jesus. Are we able to obey the Word, which comes to us
every day?
• The blind man in the Gospel of John is poor: he has no pretense and asks for nothing.
We often live in daily blindness, resigned that we do not deserve better horizons. Can
we see ourselves as having nothing so that the gift of God may be ours too, a gift of
the redemption of the flesh, but above all a gift of light and faith?
• The law was given through Moses, grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God; it is the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who
has made him known» (Jn 1: 17-18). The knowledge of what happens in the story of
our lives leads us to get out of the blindness of presumption and to contemplate the
light that shines on the face of the Son of God. Our eyes, flooded with light, become
open to events. When shall we be able to see God in our midst?
John was someone who was able to see the light shining, who saw, heard and touched
the light. In the beginning was the Word: constantly turned towards the love of the
Father, the Word became the Father’s true explanation, his only exegesis (Jn 1: 18), the
revelation of his love. In the logos was life and life was light, but the darkness did not
welcome the light. In the OT the revelation of the Word is the revelation of light: to this
corresponds the fullness of grace, the grace of grace, given to us in Jesus, the revelation
of God’s unlimited love (Jn 1:4-5, 16). The whole witness of the OT is a witness of light:
from Abraham to John the Baptist, God sends witnesses to his light. John the Baptist is
the last of these: he announces the light that is to come into the world and recognises
in Jesus the long awaited light (Jn 1:6-8, 15).
Dabar IHWH is God’s communication with man, which took place with all those whom
God has called and to whom the word of the Lord came (cfr Is 55: 10-11). As Augustine
says: The Word of God is the true light.
The word comes from the mouth of God, but it keeps its full force, and it is a person
who creates and sustains the world. This word that creates and saves is identified with
the Torah, which for Israel is the divine revelation in its totality, with Wisdom: The law
will go out from Zion, and the oracle of Yahweh from Jerusalem (Is 2: 3).
The memra (aramaic) is the concept used by John to go from the dabar to the logos: in
the targum the memra has a creating function, but above all a revealing function that
is expressed particularly through the image of light. In the Targum Neophiti, the
famous poem of the four nights on Ex 12: 42 it is written: “The first night was when
IHWH revealed himself above the world to create it: the world was desert and empty
and darkness covered the face of the abyss. And the memra of IHWH was the light
that shone.” In the Targum Jerushalaim manuscript 110 says: “With his word IHWH
shone and shed light.”
The midrash stresses that the law was before the world, it was life, it was light: «The
words of the Torah are light for the world» (Midrash Dt Rabba 7.3). Only daughter of
God, the Torah was written with black fire in the white flame and sits on God’s knees
while God sits on his throne of glory (cfr Midrash on Psalm 90:3).
The logos-light becomes present in the world. All is life in him: the Word takes the
place of the Torah. The signs are transcendent, and more than a substitution we see a
fulfilment. If for the Jew the Torah is God’s daughter, John shows that she is the logos
that from the beginning is with God, is God. This logos becomes flesh: man, frail,
limited, finite, placing his glory in the flesh. He put down his tent, skené, among us, he
became the shekinah of God among us, and he showed his glory, the overwhelming
presence of God to men. The glory that dwelt in the tent of the exodus (Ex 40:34-38),
that dwelt in the temple (1 Kings 8: 10), now dwells in the flesh of the Son of God. This is
indeed an epiphany. The shekinah is made visible, because the shekinah is Christ, place
of the presence and of the divine glory. There is one who has seen the glory of God: the
only Son full of grace and truth; he comes to reveal to us the face of the Father, the only
one who can do this because he has his existence in the bosom of the Father. From this
fullness of life comes the new creation. Moses gave the law. Christ gives grace and
truth, love and fidelity. In the Son we can contemplate God without dying because
whoever sees the Son sees also the Father: Jesus is the exegesis, the narration of the
divine life.
And the place of revelation is his flesh. This is why John says at the time of fulfilment:
“We have seen his glory” (Jn 1: 14), when at the “time of glorification” there is only
darkness. The light is hidden when it gives its life for love of men, love to the very end,
without restriction, respecting the freedom of man to crucify the Author of life. God is
glorified at the moment of the passion: a love completed, definitive, unlimited, a love
shown even to its extremist consequences. This is the mystery of the light that becomes
a way in the darkness, because love likes the darkness of the night when life becomes
more intimate and one’s words die to live in the breath of the words of the person loved,
the light is in the love that gives light to that hour of expropriation, the hour when one
loses oneself to find oneself again in the embrace of life.
Jerusalem, take off your dress of sorrow and distress, put on the beauty of God's glory
for evermore,
wrap the cloak of God's saving justice around you,
put the diadem of the Eternal One's glory on your head, for God means to show your
to every nation under heaven,
and the name God gives you for evermore will be, 'Peace-through-Justice, and Glory-
through-Devotion'. Arise, Jerusalem,
stand on the heights and turn your eyes to the east: see your children reassembled
from west
and east at the Holy One's command, rejoicing because God has remembered.
Though they left you on foot driven by enemies, now God brings them back to you,
carried gloriously, like a royal throne.
For God has decreed the flattening of each high mountain, of the everlasting hills,
the filling of the valleys to make the ground level so that Israel can walk safely in God's
And the forests and every fragrant tree will provide shade for Israel, at God's command;
for God will guide Israel in joy by the light of his glory, with the mercy and saving justice
which come from him. (Baruc 5: 1-9)
Father of light, I come to you with my whole being. After going through times of
goodness and times of slipping into evil I finally understand, because of my experience,
that alone I only exist in shadow and darkness. Without your light I cannot see anything.
Indeed, you are the source of life; you, Sun of justice, who opens my eyes, you the way
that leads to the Father. Today you have come among us, eternal Word, as light that
goes on crossing the pages of history to offer humankind the gifts of grace and joy in
the desert of famine and emptiness: the bread and wine of your holy Name, which at the
hour of the cross will become visible signs of consummated love, give us birth with you
from that fertile side that is the Church, the cradle of your life for us. Like Mary, we wish
to stay by your side to learn to be like her, full of grace from the Most High. And when
our tents will welcome the cloud of the Spirit in the radiance of one more word, we shall
understand the Glory of your Face and we shall bless in an adoring silence without any
further hesitation the Beauty of being one with you, living Word of God.
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
we honor today St Stephen,
the first martyr of your young Church. Make us good witnesses like him,
people filled with faith and with the Holy Spirit, men and women who are full of
as we try to live the life of Jesus.
Give us a great trust
that we may live and die in your hands and make us pray for those who harm us, that
you may forgive them and us.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.
• The contrast is enormous. Yesterday, Christmas Day, we had the crib of the newly
born child, with the singing of the angels and the visit of the Shepherds. Today here
is the blood of Stephen, stoned to death, because he had the courage to believe in
the promise expressed in the simplicity of the crib. Stephen criticized the
fundamentalist interpretation of the Law of God and the monopoly of the Temple.
This is why he was killed (Acts 6: 13-14).
• Today, the feast of Stephen, first martyr, the liturgy presents us a passage from the
Gospel of Matthew (Mt 10: 17-22), taken from the so-called Sermon of the Mission (Mt
10: 5-42). In it Jesus advices the disciples saying that fidelity to the Gospel implies
difficulties and persecutions: They will hand you over to the Sanhedrin and scourge
you in their synagogues.” But for Jesus what is important in persecution is not the
painful side of suffering, but rather the positive side of witnessing: “You will be
brought before governors and kings for my sake, as evidence to them and to the
gentiles.” Persecution offers the occasion of giving witness of the Good News which
God brings to us.
• This is what happened to Stephen. He gave witness of his faith in Jesus up until the
last moment of his life. At the hour of his death he says: “I can see Heaven thrown
open, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7: 56). And in
falling dead under the stones, he imitated Jesus crying out: “Lord, do not hold this
sin against them!” (Acts 7: 60; Lk 23: 34).
• Jesus had said: “When they will hand you over to them, do not worry about how or
what you have to day, because it will be suggested to you at that moment what you
have to say: in fact, it is not you who will speak, but the Spirit of your Father who will
speak in you.” This prophecy is also fulfilled in Stephen. His enemies did not succeed
to resist the inspired wisdom with which he spoke” (Acts 6: 10). “The members of the
Sanhedrin all looked intently on Stephen, and his face appeared to them as the face
of an angel” (Acts 6: 15). Stephen spoke “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 7: 55). This is
why the anger of the others was so great that they killed him.
• The same thing happens also today. In many places, many persons are drawn before
the tribunals and they know how to give responses which exceed the wisdom of the
learned and the wise (Lk 10: 21).
Personal Questions
• Placing oneself in Stephen’s place, have you suffered, sometimes, because of your
fidelity to the Gospel?
• The simplicity of the crib and the harshness of martyrdom go hand in hand in the life
of the Saints and in the life of so many persons who, today are persecuted up to the
point of death because of their fidelity to the Gospel. Do you know closely persons
like this?
Concluding Prayer
Lord, be for me a rock-fastness, a fortified citadel to save me.
You are my rock, my rampart;
true to your name, lead me and guide me! (Ps 31: 2-3)
Opening Prayer
Lord God, you are love itself. We know that you loved us first before we could ever love
you. Let this unforgettable experience of your “beloved apostle” John
become also our deep and lasting experience.
May the love you have shown us in your Son Jesus Christ
move us to love you very deeply in return and overflow on all those we meet in life. We
ask you this through Christ our Lord.
Today’s Gospel presents to us the passage of the Gospel of John which speaks about
the Beloved Disciple. Probably, this text was chosen to read and to meditate on it today,
feast of Saint John the Evangelist, for the immediate identification that we all make of
the beloved disciple with the apostle John. But the strange thing is that in no passage of
the Gospel of John it is said that the beloved disciple is John. But then, from the most
remote times of the Church, it has always be insisted upon in identifying both of these.
Therefore, in insisting on the similarity between the two, we run the risk of losing a very
important aspect of the message of the Gospel in regard to the beloved disciple.
• In the Gospel of John, the beloved disciple represents the new community which is
born around Jesus. We find the Beloved Disciple at the foot of the Cross, together
with Mary, the mother of Jesus (Jn 19: 26). Mary represents the People of the Old
Covenant. At the end of the first century, the time in which the final redaction of the
Gospel of John was compiled, there was a growing conflict between the Synagogue
and the Church. Some Christians wanted to abandon the Old Testament and remain
or keep only the New Testament. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus says: “Woman, behold
your son!” and to the Beloved Disciple: “Son, behold your mother!” And both must
remain together as mother and son. To separate the Old Testament from the New
one, in that time was what we would call today separation between faith (NT) and
life (OT).
• In the Gospel today, Peter and the Beloved Disciple, informed by the witness of Mary
Magdalene, ran together toward the Holy Sepulchre. The young one runs faster than
the elderly one and reaches the tomb first. He looks inside the tomb, observes
everything, but does not enter. He allows Peter to enter first. Here is indicated the
way in which the Gospel describes the reaction of the two men before what both of
them see: “He entered and saw the linen clothes lying on the ground, and also the
cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen clothes but rolled up
in a place by itself. Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went
in, he saw and he believed.” Both of them saw the same thing, but this is said only of
the Beloved Disciple that he believed: “Then the other disciple who had reached the
tomb first also went in, he saw and he believed.” Why? Is it that Peter did not believe?
• The Beloved Disciple looks, sees in a different way, he perceives more than the
others. He has a loving look which perceives the presence of the novelty of Jesus. The
morning after that night of working, looking for fish and, then the miraculous catch
of fish, it is he, the beloved disciple who perceives the presence of Jesus and says: “It
is the Lord!” (Jn 21: 7). On that occasion, Peter informed by the affirmation of the
Beloved Disciple, also recognizes, and begins to understand. Peter learns from the
Beloved Disciple. Then Jesus asks three times: “Peter, do you love me?” (Jn 21: 15, 16,
17). Three times Peter answers: “You know that I love you!” After the third time, Jesus
entrusts the flock to the care of Peter, and in that moment, Peter also becomes a
“Beloved Disciple.”
Personal Questions
• All of us who believe in Jesus are today Beloved Disciples. Do I have the same loving
look to perceive the presence of God and to believe in his Resurrection?
• To separate the Old Testament from the New one is the same thing as to separate
Faith and Life. How do I do and live this today?
Concluding Prayer
The mountains melt like wax, before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his saving justice, all nations see his glory. (Ps 97: 5-6)
Through the departure of the Magi this text is connected to four passages that have
preceded it - that is to the story of their visit. The following context covers a period of
many years following the death of Herod and also telling of the return of Joseph, Mary
and Jesus to Palestine and their settling down in Nazareth.
The text of the Gospel of the infancy according to Matthew, is contrasted with that
which appears in the account of the slavery in Egypt and the Exodus. This is a
combination of different elements: the name of Joseph which recalls the son of Jacob
who went down to Egypt, the massacre of the children, and the return from Egypt.
It is an angel of the Lord that comes to Joseph, who finds himself in danger, and suggests
the flight into a land that at that time, was one of the outlets for Hebrew emigration.
This warning came in a dream, and it points to some sort of particular revelation, perhaps
more hidden and perhaps requiring deeper consideration. This would again testify to the
characteristic wisdom of Mary's spouse. The flight of Joseph, the child and the mother
has a temporal characteristic connotation: it happens at night. We find two Old
Testament citations, which throw light upon the events being recounted. Hosea and
Jeremiah are cited. After the first citation, short and to the point, the scene moves to
Herod who orders the systematic killing of the children of Bethlehem and its surrounds;
this agrees with other historical sources that describe him as a ruler without scruples,
ready to kill even his own children to keep in power. The final Old Testament citation,
which is much longer, closes the section. It takes up the lament of the prophet
Jeremiah regarding the Assyrian deportation; the Evangelist locates the slaughter that
takes place at the very heart of the suffering people of God.
Recalling the experience of exile and slavery of the people of Egypt and their return to
their homeland recalls for us the Passover of the Hebrews, thus opening the passage to
its greater meaning.
Furthermore, the perspective given by the text underlines the accomplishment of the
Word of God within human experience, even in those people who are the most crewel.
From this emerges the readiness of God to protect the gift given to humankind
throughout history: his own Son. But the Son of God is not preserved from pain, another
reason for us to grasp the future characteristic of the Easter event. Jesus is saved at this
moment so that he can in the future announce the Word in order to give life when the
time comes.
And the protector is Joseph, a wise man, who knows how to listen (see Mt 1: 20 & 2: 19)
and act accordingly.
Herod accomplishes his slaughter, driven by his fear of losing his power and infuriated by
failed success of his attempted deception of the Magi. The text expresses it as if it were
he who was deceived, and thus it shows the evil reasoning of power, its arrogance that
believes that the one who opposes is always wrong.
So we are drawn to ask ourselves why God allows all this. But perhaps this question
may conceal our responsibility: our greed and thirst for power, our roots of cruelty that
history experiences in every age. And so God answers the question regarding "the why
of evil," and he does it not with words but through incarnation in this our history. Thus
establishing a history of salvation.
That is why Easter, with its light, is on the horizon at Christmas.
So that we might learn from and listen to the Word and put into practice. For all those
who are forced to flee their homeland.
So that we might be aware of the struggles brought about by every form of greed and
power seeking, and thus be protected from it.
For all the wounded children of today, the hungry, child-soldiers, the sexually exploited,
the sexually abused.
The text invites us to look into history with the eyes of faith, a history God has chosen to
be present to be present in, even beyond all our imaginings. At the same time, God is
inviting us to take responsibility for those who, for different reasons, suffer persecution
and displacement.
Opening Prayer
God, Father of light,
the old man Simeon recognized your Son as the light that would shine on all.
May we too recognize Jesus,
even if he comes to us in a humble way, in the shape and person of children,
of old people, of the poor and the little ones.
Make us receive him too
as the light not only of our lives
but as the bright dawn for all nations.
For you are the Father of all
and Jesus belongs to all as their Savior and Lord, now and forever.
• The first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke are not a history according to the meaning
that we give to history. They rather serve more than everything else, as a mirror in
which the converted Christians from Paganism, discover that Christ had come to
fulfil the prophecies of the Old Testament and to respond to the more profound
aspirations of the human heart. They are then, symbol and mirror of what was
happening among the Christians at the time of Luke. The communities coming from
Paganism were born from the communities of converted Jews, but they were diverse.
The New did not correspond to what the Old imagined and expected. It was a “sign
of contradiction” (Lk 2: 34), it caused tension and it was a source of great suffering, of
pain. In the attitude of Mary the image of the People of God, Luke represents a model
of how to persevere in the New, without being unfaithful to the Old.
• In these two chapters of the Gospel of Luke, everything turns around the birth of the
two children: John and Jesus. The two chapters make us feel the perfume of the
Gospel of Luke. In them, the environment is one of tenderness and of praise. From
the beginning to the end, there is praise and singing, because, finally, the mercy of
God has been revealed in Jesus; he fulfils the promises made to the Fathers. And God
fulfils them on behalf of the poor, of the anawim, like Elizabeth and Zechariah, Mary
and Joseph, Anne and Simeon, the shepherds. All of them knew how to wait for his
• The insistence of Luke in saying that Mary and Joseph fulfilled everything which the
Law prescribes, recalls what Paul writes in the Letter to the Galatians: “When the
completion of the time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born a subject of
the Law, to redeem the subjects of the Law so that we could receive adoption as sons”
(Gal 4: 4-5).
• The story of the old Simeon teaches that hope, even if not immediately, will be realized
someday. It is not frustrated, it is realized. But the way does not always correspond
to what we imagine. Simeon was waiting for the glorious Messiah of Israel. Going to
the Temple in the midst of many couples who were taking their child, he sees the
realization of his hope and of the hope of the People: “My eyes have seen the salvation,
which you have made ready in the sight of the nations, a light of revelation for the
Gentiles and glory for your People Israel.”
• In the text of today’s Gospel, we have the preferred themes of Luke, that is, a strong
insistence on the action of the Holy Spirit, on prayer and on the prayer environment,
a continuous attention to the action and participation of the women and a constant
concern for the poor and of the message for the poor.
Personal Questions
• Would you be capable to perceive in a poor child the light to enlighten the nations?
• Would you be capable of waiting your whole life for the realization of your hope?
Concluding Prayer
Sing a new song to Yahweh! Sing to Yahweh, all the earth! Sing to Yahweh, bless his
Proclaim his salvation day after day. (Ps 96: 1-2)
Opening Prayer:
God, our Creator and Father, you decreed that your Son, generated before the dawn of
the world, should be like us in all things through his incarnation in the womb of the
Virgin Mary by the working of the Holy Spirit. Send that same life-giving Spirit upon us,
so that we may become ever more docile to your sanctifying action, allowing ourselves
to be gently transformed by the same Spirit into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ
your Son, our brother, savior and redeemer.
13 After they had left, suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream
and said, 'Get up, take the child and his mother with you, and escape into Egypt, and
stay there until I tell you, because Herod intends to search for the child and do away
with him.' 14 So Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him, left that
night for Egypt, 15 where he stayed until Herod was dead. This was to fulfil what the
Lord had spoken through the prophet: I called my son out of Egypt. 16 Herod was
furious on realizing that he had been fooled by the wise men, and in Bethlehem and its
surrounding district he had all the male children killed who were two years old or less,
reckoning by the date he had been careful to ask the wise men. 17 Then were fulfilled
the words spoken through the prophet Jeremiah: 18 A voice is heard in Ramah,
lamenting and weeping bitterly: it is Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be
comforted because they are no more. 19 After Herod's death, suddenly the angel of the
Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and said, 'Get up, take the child and his
mother with you and go back to the land of Israel, for those who wanted to kill the child
are dead.' 21 So Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him, went back
to the land of Israel. 22 But when he learnt that Archelaus had succeeded his father
Herod as ruler of Judaea he was afraid to go there and being warned in a dream he
withdrew to the region of Galilee. 23 There he settled in a town called Nazareth. In this
way the words spoken through the prophets were to be fulfilled: He will be called a
A Moment of Silence:
so that the Word of God may penetrated into our hearts and enlighten our life.
A Key to the Reading:
Matthew’s Gospel has been called “the Gospel of the Kingdom.” Matthew invites us to
reflect on the coming of the kingdom of heaven. Some have seen in the structure of his
Gospel narration a drama in seven acts that deal with the coming of this Kingdom. The
drama begins with the preparation for the coming of the Kingdom in the person of the
boy Messiah and ends with the coming of the Kingdom in the suffering and triumph of
the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God.
The Gospel passage presented to us for reflection, is part of the so-called first act where
Matthew introduces to us the person of Jesus as the fulfilment of the Scriptures.
Matthew’s is the Gospel that often quotes the Old Testament to show that in Christ the
law and the prophets are fulfilled. Jesus, the fulfilment and perfection of the Scriptures,
came into the world to re-establish the kingdom of heaven already proclaimed in the
covenant made by God with his people. With the coming of Christ, this covenant is no
longer reserved for the Jewish people alone but is extended to all peoples. Matthew
addresses himself to a community of Christian Jews, persecuted by the synagogue, and
invites it to be open to the gentiles. He is the wise scribe who knows how to draw from
his treasury that which is old and new. His Gospel was first written in Aramaic and then
translated into Greek.
Matthew 2: 13-23 is part of the section that deals with the birth and childhood of “Jesus
Christ son of David, son of Abraham” (Mt 1: 1). Jesus is the son of his people, but he is also
son of the whole of humanity. In his genealogy we find foreign influences (Mt 1: 3- 6).
After Mary his mother, the first called to pay homage to the newborn Messiah are the
Magi (Mt 2: 11). With his light, the Messiah draws the wise to himself and offers them
salvation (Mt 2: 1-12). The Magi receive this salvation, unlike Herod and the troubled
citizens of Jerusalem (Mt 2: 3). From the very time of his birth Jesus is persecuted by the
leaders of his people and at the same time relives the painful experiences of his people.
From the very time of his birth, Jesus relives the painful experience of his people in
exile, humbled again and again. The Gospel shows us this by telling us of the flight into
Egypt and the murder of the innocents. The drama of these events unfolds before us in
the following details:
• The angel who appears in a dream to Joseph after the Magi leave, and the flight
into Egypt (Mt 2: 13-15).
• Herod who becomes aware of the deceit of the Magi and kills all the children in
Bethlehem (Mt 2: 16-18).
• The death of Herod and the “clandestine” return of the Holy Family not to
Bethlehem but to Galilee (Mt 2: 19-23).
The theme of kings killing those whom they fear is common in the history of every royal
dynasty. Apart from this scene of Herod seeking out the child Jesus to kill him, in Bible
literature in the Old Testament we find similar stories. In the first book of Samuel, Saul
who has been rejected by the Lord feared David and sought to kill him (1 Sam 15; 18; 19;
20). Michal and Jonathan help David to flee (1 Sam 19; 20). Again in the first book of
Kings, king Solomon in his old age, unfaithful to the God of his fathers and with a
perverted heart, commits what is evil in the sight of the Lord (1 Kings 11: 3-13). For this,
the Lord raises up an adversary against Solomon (1 Kings 11: 14), Hadad who during
David’s reign flees and takes refuge in Egypt (1 Kings 11: 17). Another of Solomon’s
adversaries is Jeroboam who takes refuge in Egypt to get away from the king who
wanted to kill him (1 Kings 11: 40). Such were the dangers of a degenerate kingdom. In
the second book of Kings, this time in the context of the siege of Jerusalem, “In the
ninth year of his [Nebuchadnezzar] reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the
month” (2 Kings 25: 1) of the year 589, we read of the sacking of Jerusalem and of the
second deportation of the people in the year 587 (2 Kings 25: 8-21). The people who
“remained in the land of Judah” (2 Kings 25: 22) submit to Gedaliah who was appointed
governor by Nebuchadnezzar. “Ishmael […] and ten men with him […] murdered
Gedaliah, as well as the Judaeans and the Chaldaeans who were with him.” Then from
fear of the Chaldaeans, they fled into Egypt (2 Kings 25-26). In the book of the prophet
Jeremiah, we also find the story of Uriah “another man, too, who used to prophesy in
the name of Yahweh” (Jer 26: 20). Uriah flees into Egypt because king Jehoiakim
sought to kill him. The king in fact did find him in Egypt and killed him (Jer 25: 20-24).
With these events as background to the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, Matthew
shows us Jesus, from his very childhood, as partaking of the fate of his people. Egypt,
for Jesus, becomes the place of refuge, as it was for the patriarchs:
• Abraham who “went down into Egypt to stay there for the time, since the land was
hard pressed by the famine” (Gen 12: 10).
• Joseph was threatened by his brothers who sought to kill him out of envy and was
then sold to merchants who led him into Egypt and sold him to Potiphar (Gen 37:
• Israel (Jacob) who goes to Egypt called by his son Joseph (Gen 46: 1-7).
• The family of Israel (Jacob) that goes to Egypt to establish themselves there (Gen
46– 50; Es 1: 1-6).
Matthew turns the citation from Hosea 11: 1 upside down: “I called my son out of Egypt,”
and interprets it as if God called his son Jesus to flee into Egypt (Mt 2: 15). The original
meaning of Hosea was, that the Lord called his son Israel to leave Egypt in order to start
a nation. Jesus’ flight into Egypt and the killing of the innocents of Bethlehem remind
us of the oppression of Israel in Egypt and the killing of all the new- born males (Es 1: 8-
The prophecy applied to the murder of the innocents is taken from the book of
consolation made up of chapters 30 and 31 of the book of Jeremiah. The lamentation is
connected with the promise of the Lord who consoles Rachel, Jacob’s (Israel’s) spouse,
mother of Joseph, who according to tradition was buried close to Bethlehem, and
promises her that she will be rewarded for her sorrow, her children who are no longer
will come back (Jer 31: 15-18).
When they come back from Egypt after the death of Herod, Joseph decides to live in
Galilee in a city called Nazareth. Jesus will be called the Nazarene. Later also, his
disciples will be known as Nazarenes (Acts 24: 5). Apart from indicating the name of a
city, this name may also refer to the “shoot,” that is the «neçer» of Isaiah 11: 1. Or it may
refer to the rest of Israel, the «naçur» (see Is 42: 6).
Personal Prayer in Silence.
Merciful Father, grant that we may follow the examples of the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph so that we may always be strong in the trials of life until the day when
we may share in your glory in heaven. Through Christ our Lord.
May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts. (Col 3: 15)
Opening Prayer
Loving Father,
You gave us your Son Jesus Christ and let him share our poverty.
He brought us grace upon grace,
for all that comes from you is a free gift. Accept our thanks for the moments when we
accepted your gifts
and shared them with one another.
Accept our thanks for the times
we listened attentively to your Son’s words and put them into practice.
Help us go forward with hope and joy with joy and mutual encouragement.
with the companion in life you have given us, Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God. He
was with God in the beginning. Through him all things came into being, not one thing
came into being except through him. What has come into being in him was life, life that
was the light of men; and light shines in darkness, and darkness could not overpower it.
A man came, sent by God. His name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness to
the light, so that everyone might believe through him. He was not the light; he was to
bear witness to the light. The Word was the real light that gives light to everyone; he
was coming into the world. He was in the world that had come into being through him,
and the world did not recognize him. He came to his own and his own people did not
accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God,
to those who believed in his name who were born not from human stock or human
desire or human will but from God himself. The Word became flesh, he lived among us,
and we saw his glory, the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full
of grace and truth. John witnesses to him. He proclaims: 'This is the one of whom I said:
He who comes after me has passed ahead of me because he existed before me.'
Indeed, from his fullness we have, all of us, received -- one gift replacing another, for the
Law was given through Moses, grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ. No
one has ever seen God; it is the only Son, who is close to the Father's heart, who has
made him known.
• The Prologue is the first thing which one sees in opening the Gospel of John. But it
was the last one to be written. It is the final summary, placed at the beginning. In it,
John describes the way of the Word of God. It was at the side of God, before the
creation, and through him all things were created, Everything which exists is an
expression of the Word of God. As it happens with the Wisdom of God, (Pr 8: 22-31),
in the same way also the Word wishes to get closer to us and becomes flesh in Jesus.
It comes in our midst and carries out its mission and returned to God. Jesus is this
Word of God. Everything that it says and does is communication which reveals the
Father to us.
• In saying: “In the beginning was the Word,” John recalls the first phrase of the Bible
which says: “In the beginning God created heaven and earth” (Gen 1: 1). God created
all things by means of his Word. “He speaks and everything is made” (Ps 33: 9; 148: 5).
All creatures are an expression of the Word of God. This living Word of God, present in
all things, shines in darkness. Darkness tries to overpower it, but it could not succeed.
The search for God which is always new, is reborn in the human heart. Nobody
succeeds in covering it. We cannot bear to live without God for a long time!
• John the Baptist comes to help people to discover and to relish this luminous and
consoling presence of the Word of God in life. The witness of John the Baptism has
been very important, so much so that many people thought that he was the Christ
(Messiah) (Acts 19: 3; Jn 1: 20). This is why the Prologue clarifies saying: “John was not
the light!. He has come to bear witness to the light!”
• Thus as the Word of God manifests itself in nature, in creation, so also it is manifested
in the “world,” that is in the history of humanity, particularly, in the history of the People
of God. But the “world” does not recognize, does not receive the Word. “He came to
his own and his own people did not accept him.” Here when he says people, John
wants to indicate the system of the empire as well as that of the religion of the time,
both of them closed up in themselves and, because of this, incapable to recognize
the Good News (Gospel), the luminous presence of the Word of God.
• But the persons who open themselves to accept the Word, become sons and
daughters of God. The person becomes son or daughter of God not because of his/her
own merits, neither because of belonging to the race of Israel, but because of the
simple fact of having trust and believing that God in His goodness, accepts and
receives us. The Word of God penetrates within the person and makes the person
feel accepted as a son, as a daughter of God. This is the power of the grace of God.
• God does not want to remain far away from us. Because of this, His Word, gets closer
and becomes present in our midst in the Person of Jesus. The Prologue literally says:
“And the Word became flesh and lived among us.” In ancient times, at the time
of Exodus, in the desert, God lived in a tent among the people (Ex 25: 8). Now, the tent
in which God dwells with us is Jesus, “filled with grace and truth.” Jesus comes to
reveal who is this our God, present in everything, from the beginning of creation.
Personal Questions
• Everything that exists is an expression of the Word of God, a revelation of his
presence. Am I sufficiently contemplative to be able to receive and experience this
universal presence of the Word of God?
• What does it mean for me to be called son of God?
Concluding Prayer
The Lord comes,
he is coming to judge the earth;
he will judge the world with saving justice, and the nations with constancy. (Ps 96: 13)