Group 6 Reporting Outline
Group 6 Reporting Outline
Group 6 Reporting Outline
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Sub-topic: Four extraembryonic membranes that are formed during the development.
1. Chorion
2. Amnion
3. Allantois
4. Umbilical sac (yolk sac)
In developing amniotes, there initially is no distinction between the embryonic and extraembryonic domains.
However, as the body of the embryo takes shape, the epithelia at the border between the embryo and the
extraembryonic domain divide unequally to create body folds that isolate the embryo from the yolk and delineate
which areas are to be embryonic and which extraembryonic
To cope with the challenges of terrestrial development, the amniote embryo produces four sets of extraembryonic
membranes to mediate between it and the environment. The evolution of internal development and of the placenta
displaced the hard-shelled egg in mammals, but the basic pattern of extraembryonic membranes remains the same.
Amnion Definition
A thin ectodermal membrane lined with mesoderm, grows to enclose the embryo like a balloon. It is filled with a clear
fluid, which is generated from many sources, such as the fetal skin, the amnion itself, the fetal kidneys, and possibly
the fetal vessels.
The yolk sac and amnion develop simultaneously, which begins during days 8 through 14 of embryogenesis
Amnion Location
- composed from extraembryonic somatopleure, which consists of ectoderm and somatic lateral plate mesoderm.
Function of Amnion
The amnion is a transparent sac filled with a colorless fluid that serves as a protective cushion during embryonic
development. This amniotic fluid also permits the developing embryo to exercise. The embryo is free to change its
shape and position while the amniotic fluid equalizes the external pressure
Amnion Development
The first new cavity to form during the second week—the amniotic cavity—appears on day eight as fluid begins to
collect between cells of the epiblast and overlying trophoblast . A layer of epiblast cells expands toward the
embryonic pole and differentiates into a thin membrane separating the new cavit from the cytotrophoblast. This
membrane is the lining of the amnion
Middle Portion of Second Week of Embryogenesis
The inner surface of the trophoblast and the outer surface of the amnion and yolk sac become lined by a new tissue,
the extraembryonic mesoderm. A new cavity—the extraembryonic coelom, or chorionic cavity—develops as the
extraembryonic mesoderm splits into two layers. With formation and splitting of the extraembryonic mesoderm, both
the amnion and yolk sac (now sometimes called the definitive yolk sac) become double-layered structures: amnion,
consisting of ectoderm on the inside and mesoderm on the outside; and yolk sac, consisting of endoderm on the
inside and mesoderm on the outside.
The amnion grows vigorously as it will try to surround the growing embryo
After embryonic folding is complete, the amnion takes origin from the umbilical ring surrounding the roots of the
vitelline duct and connecting stalk. Therefore, the progressive expansion of the amnion creates a tube of amniotic
membrane that encloses the connecting stalk and the vitelline duct. This composite structure is now called the
umbilical cord
The expanded amnion creates a roomy, weightless chamber in which the fetus can grow and develop freely.
The expanding amniotic sac completely fills the original chorionic cavity and fuses with the chorion. Expansion of the
amnion is due mainly to an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. The volume of amniotic fluid increases through
the seventh month and then decreases somewhat in the last two months. At birth, the volume of amniotic fluid is
typically about 1 L
Amniotic Fluid
Similar to blood plasma in composition, is initially produced by transport of fluid across the amniotic membrane itself
After 16 weeks
Fetal urine also makes an important contribution to the amniotic fluid. If the fetus does not excrete urine— because of
bilateral renal agenesis (absence of both kidneys; ) or because the lower urinary tract is obstructed (posterior urethral
valves) the volume of amniotic fluid will be too low (a condition called oligohydramnios), and the amniotic cavity in
consequence will be too small. A small amniotic cavity can cramp the growth of the fetus (resulting in deformations;
and cause various congenital malformations)
The yolk sac is the first fetal membrane to be formed in all mammals and is the oldest of the extraembryonic
membranes. The yolk sac is a bilayer structure of mesoderm- and endoderm-derived cell layers. Its development and
destiny vary greatly across organisms and developmental stages, even within the same species.
● Fish
The upper half of the oval shaped yolk-sac is embedded in the belly in the region of about 1.2 mm from the
head end; its lower half is covered with the skin which overspreads the whole body surface.
● Humans
The yolk sac is inside the gestational sac, a large cavity of fluid inside the uterus that surrounds an embryo.
Composed of hypoblast cells, generated from the mesoderm and endoderm, followed by two successive waves of
cell migration.
Oviparous Organisms
Oviparous amniotes produce a large yolky egg that gives rise to a free-living hatchling. Structural characteristics and
functional attributes of the egg are best known for birds, which have a large mass of fluid yolk surrounded by an
extraembryonic yolk sac. Yolk nutrients are delivered to the embryo via the vascular yolk sac.
The yolk sac functions as an absorptive epithelium for nutrient uptake and secretion as well as the origin of the first
blood cells.
The yolk sac membranes, which extend from the hypoblast into the blastocyst cavity, are formed by hypoblast cell
proliferation followed by two successive waves of cell migration.
By nine days, the embryo is completely implanted in the uterine endometrium. The amniotic cavity is expanding, and
cells from the hypoblast have begun to migrate to form the primary yolk sac (the exocoelomic membrane, or Heuser's
membrane). Simultaneously, the extraembryonic mesoderm forms, filling the remainder of the blastocyst cavity with
loosely arranged cells. This early extraembryonic mesoderm is believed to originate in humans from the
hypoblast/primary yolk sac, in contrast to the mouse embryo, where it arises from the caudal end of the incipient
primitive streak; the trophoblast may contribute cells as well.
By day twelve, the primary yolk sac is displaced (and eventually degenerates) by the second wave of migrating
hypoblast cells, which forms the secondary yolk sac.
Formation of the secondary (definitive) yolk sac, and degeneration of the primary yolk sac.
A, On days twelve and thirteen, a second wave of migration of hypoblast cells produces a new membrane that
migrates out over the inside of the extraembryonic mesoderm, pushing the primary yolk sac in front of it. This new
layer becomes the endodermal lining of the secondary (definitive) yolk sac. B, C, As the definitive yolk sac develops
on day thirteen, the primary yolk sac breaks up and is reduced to a collection of vesicles at the abembryonic end of
the chorionic cavity.
By the end of the second week, the definitive yolk sac loses contact with the remnants of the primary yolk sac, and
the bilaminar embryonic disc with its dorsal amnion and ventral yolk sac is suspended in the chorionic cavity by a
thick connecting stalk.
Twelve-day human embryo with primary yolk sac.
The definitive yolk sac remains a major structure associated with the developing embryo through the fourth week and
performs important early functions. Extraembryonic mesoderm forming the outer layer of the yolk sac is a major site
of hematopoiesis (blood formation).
The chorion lines the inner surface of the shell (which is permeable to gases) and participates in the exchange of O2
and CO2 between the embryo and the outside air.
The chorion is formed when trophoblastic ectoderm and extraembryonic mesoderm fuse (somatopleure). Amnion and
chorion are closely associated in embryo development. Amnion is a bag-like covering over the embryo that separates
it from the internal environment. Amnion develops from somatopleuric amniotic folds. There are three types of folds:
head folds, lateral folds, and tail folds.
Functions of chorion:
1. The extra embryonic coelome is filled with a fluid. It gives protection to the developing embryo.
2. This coelome gives space, for developing allantois.
3. Chorion combines with allantois and acts as a respiratory organ.
Chorion grows from an outer fold on the yolk sac's surface. In insects, the chorion is the egg's outer shell. The
chorion is covered with ectoderm and lined with mesoderm in vertebrates, and it is separated from other embryonic
membranes by an extraembryonic body cavity called the coelom.
The chorion in humans is simply the original trophoblast, which is lined by somatic mesoderm. The chorion is
relatively avascular, with blood perfusion provided by allantoic vessels. However, the chorion (which is vascularized
by the allantois) is a necessary component of chorionic villi. In domestic mammals and humans, the chorioallantoic
placenta replaces the transitory choriovitelline placenta as the permanent functional placenta.
The allantois is a vascular fetal membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals that forms as a pouch from the hindgut
and is intimately associated with the chorion in the formation of the placenta in placental mammals, it is found near
the posterior of the embryo, since that's where the development begins.
Function of Allantois
The allantois stores the embryo's metabolic wastes (primarily uric acid) and, as it grows larger, participates in gas
exchange. The allantois's function is to collect liquid waste from the embryo and to exchange gasses used by the
The allantois appears around stage 18 (3 days), though it may not appear until day 4 in some people. It quickly forms
a ramifying network of capillaries that receive blood through the allantoic (umbilical) arteries and return it to the body
through the allantoic (umbilical) veins.
During days 6-7, the allantois and chorion fuse to form the chorioallantois. The vascular pattern in the chorioallantois
begins to differ from that in the allantois's inner layer. The capillaries of the allantois proper's outer layer become
highly modified and penetrate not only into the chorion, but also through it, to lie between the shell and the shell
membranes. They are well placed to participate in the gas exchange.