Comfort Zone
Comfort Zone
Comfort Zone
To understand how air temperature, humidity, mean
radiant temperature (MRT), wind and sunshine affect human comfort.
You will be able to:
1. Describe ways that the human body reacts while seeking its comfort zone. 2. Explain how air temperature, mean radiant temperature, humidity, wind, and sun affect human comfort.
The weather
is always
changing. As winter
temperature close to 98.6F, humans have few natural controls with which to adapt to these changes in climate.
this narrow temperature range. The first is heat generated inside the body, the second is by gaining heat from surroundings, and the third is by losing
Body Heat Heat is continuously produced by the body due to metabolism, or the processes of food conversion and tissue building. Additional heat is produced by muscular activity, which varies from 70 watts while sleeping to 1100 watts for maximum
heavy manual work. Of all the heat produced, 20% is utilised, and 80% must be
dissipated, in order to maintain deep body temperature at 37C. Any heat gained from the environment and from solar radiation must also be dissipated. The body can lose heat by convection, radiation and evaporation, and to a lesser extent by conduction. Convection is produced when heat is transferred from the body to the air adjacent to the skin or clothing, which rises and is replaced by cooler air. Radiant heat loss
depends on the temperature of the body surface and the temperature of opposing
surfaces. Evaporative heat loss depends on the rate of evaporation which depends on the humidity of the air.
The following are a few of the ways the body responds in order to stay within the comfort zone:
Increased muscle activity and a higher metabolic rate increases internal heat production.
Sweating -
Blood Flow -
Reduced flow to the hands, feet and skin surface in the winter to reduce heat loss to surroundings and an increase in blood flow to these areas in the
Human beings can tolerate a fairly wide range of climatic conditions, but comfort in the climatic sense involves more than just avoiding the extremes of freezing to death and dying of heat exhaustion. Comfort depends on more than
Air Temperature -
This affects temperature difference between the body and the surroundings, consequently affecting the rate of heat loss or gain by convection. Air Speed This affects the rate at which the body loses heat by convection. The chill factor is one way to quantify the effects of air speed on heat loss. An air temperature of 35F and a wind speed of 20 miles/hour combine to give a wind chill temperature of 11.2F. This means that a body exposed to 35F air and 20 mile/hour wind loses heat at the same rate as a body exposed to 11.2F and no wind. Air speed is also very important during
MRT is the average of the surface temperature of the surroundings with which the body can exchange heat by radiant transfer. Radiant heat transfer to and from the body is quite apparent when sitting near a fireplace
Affects the rate at which the body loses heat by evaporation. During hot weather, high humidity
the area of warmth and humidity which the would human body as classify
higher the
An easy way of describing the effect of air temperature, humidity, MRT, wind and
The comfort zone can be pushed up by the presence of air movement, but lowered by higher levels of radiation. The results were obtained from a study of men in sedentary occupations, wearing clothing (suit, cotton underwear) in a warm climate.
any point outside the comfort zone. For any point of known
dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity which falls