Freshwater Ecology
Freshwater Ecology
Freshwater Ecology
The study assessed the species composition and abundance of crustaceans and
its implications towards the water quality of Lake Oro, Esparanza, Agusan del Sur.
Selected physico-chemical parameters were determined to support the presence of bio-
indicator freshwater crustaceans.
Low species richness and abundance were recorded in the Lake. Three species
of decapods- Palimonidae sp. (Palimonidae) ,Pandalus borealis (Pandalidae), and
Cambarellus sp.(Cambaridae) were collected. These species were benthopelagic,
swimming and burrowing freshwater shrimps and crayfish.Palaemonid sp.was most
abundant and Cambarellus sp. was least abundant. All the physico- chemical parameters
were within the acceptable range except for pH. Soil pH was within optimum range.
Organic matter and phosphorus (P) were very deficient and deficient respectively. Only
potassium (K) was sufficient compared to standards. Freshwater species such as
crustaceans were under a greater level of threat. The patterns of threat were due
anthropogenic activities, pollution, degradation, and overexploitation.
Study Area
The study was conducted in Lake Oro, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur, Philippines
(Fig. 1). The vegetation type of this area are primarily composed of water hyacinth, water
lettuce, tall grass, vines, shrubs, epiphytes and some tall trees along the river banks.
Sampling surveys were conducted in January to February 2016 .
Figure 1. Map showing three stations in Lake Oro, Esperanza,Agusan del Sur
Three 10m × 10m quadrats were laid out in each of the three sampling sites. The
quadrats were established 50 meters away from each other to avoid pseudoreplication.
For each quadrat, three persons extensively searched for live freshwater crustaceans
using handpick gears, and hand nets or diving in deep area equivalent to a two-hour
sampling effort (de Chavez and de Lara, 2011).
Physico-chemical Parameters
The water temperature ,pH, conductivity, and TDS, were measured using
multitester (Eutech PCD650) .Soil components were sent to the Department of Agriculture
,Regional Soils Laboratory in Brgy.Taguibo, Butuan City for soil analysis.
Statistical Analysis
PAST software was used for the computation of biodiversity indices, cluster
analysis and principal component analysis. Cluster analysis was used to assess the
similarity of species composition among stations. As groups formed in the biological
cluster analysis, the collection areas were grouped to perform a discriminant analysis
using environmental data. A Pearson correlation matrix were constructed for the
environmental variables to determine if there is a high inter-correlation among them
(Klecka, 1982) in order to minimize the overestimating effect.
Table 1. Freshwater crustaceans in the three sampling sites of Lake Oro, Espera
Agusan del Sur, Philippines.
niche &
Scientific English Local Movement Population
Phylum Order Family Name Origin Name Name patten Status
Small sized
Palaemonid freshwater Benthopelagic,
Arthropoda Decapoda Palaemonidae sp. Native shrimp Uyabang amphidromous Abundant
Pandalus Native amphidromous
Pandalidae borealis Native shrimp Pasayan burrowing Abundant
Cambarellus Red dwarf Benthopelagic
Cambaridae sp. Native crayfish Uwang burrowing Scarce
Figure 2. Total number of individuals of freshwater crustaceans in the three sampling sites
of Lake Oro, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur, Philippines.
Table 2 showed the mean values of the size of three (3) species of decapods-
Palaemonid sp,Pandalus borealis, Cambarellus sp. It’s noted on the table that
Cambarellus sp were larger compared to other decapod species in all three
stations.Based on the data, there is a significant difference of the total length of three (3)
decapod species in all three sampling stations.
Except Palaemonid species , the male Pandalus borealis can grow as 120 mm
and 165mm for female ( Hansen &Aschan 2000).Results revealed that captured Pandalus
borealis are smaller compared to its optimum growth in size. According to Tokeshi and
Schid (2002), the interaction between population and environment affects the patterns of
abundance and distribution trends of organisms as well as its size and flow regime.
Table 2.Total Length(mm) of three arthropod species in three stations of Lake Oro.
Figure 3. Physico-chemical features of the three stations in Lake Oro,Agusan del Sur
Soil Analysis
area.Based on the data,the texture of the soil is heavy.Soil pH was within optimum
range.Organic matter and phosphorus (P) were very deficient and deficient
respectively.Only potassium (K)was sufficient.
Phosphorus is one of the primary nutrient concerns in Lakes because it is
important to the growth of algae and aquatic plants.Many lake management activities
focused on reducing phosphorus availability in the lake water ( Crowl et al.,2001).
Table 3.Soil Components of the three stations in Lake Oro, Agusan del Sur.
Sampling Sites Texture Soil Data Test
pH % P K Ca Mg Zn
O.M. ppm ppm
Station 1 Heavy 6.66 2.1 17 209 S S S
(D) (MS) (S)
Station 2 Heavy 6.92 1.7 10 190 S S MD
(VD) (D) (S)
Station 3 Heavy 6.44 1.8 17 291 S S MD
Table 4. Soil Component Mean of the three stations in Lake Oro, Agusan del Sur.
pH %O.M. P K
Low species diversity and abundance were recorded in Lake Oro, Esperanza,
Agusan del Sur.Three species of decapods namely Palimonidae sp.,Pandalus borealis,
and Camabrellus sp were collected in the area.
All the physico chemical parameters were within their acceptable range except pH
which was beyond the standard Lake pH range of 6.0-9.0.There is a significant difference
in conductivity, temperature, and TDS in the three sampling stations. Bray-Curtis similarity
and Principal component analyses revealed that the physico chemical features of the
three stations were similar except for temperature mean value in Station 3. Soil pH was
within optimum range.Organic matter and phosphorus (P) were very deficient and
deficient respectively.Only potassium (K)was sufficient.
The study proved that freshwater species such as crustaceans are under a greater
level of threat.The patterns of threat are mediated by anthropogenic
The authors are grateful to the Biology Department of Caraga State University for
allowing the authors to use their equipment and to Father Saturnino Urios University.
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