Structural Theory Eval Exam by Soriano
Structural Theory Eval Exam by Soriano
Structural Theory Eval Exam by Soriano
Made by: Mr. Jen Marciel Delito Soriano, CE Student (2022) SITUATION 2: Beam ABCDE is to be analyzed for maximum forces at
SUBJECT: THEORY OF STRUCTURES ultimate conditions. The beam is simply supported at A, B, C, D and E.
SITUATION 4: The frame shown in the figure is acted upon by wind load
pressure of 1.44 kPa. These frames are spaced 6 m apart normal to 14. What is the length of barge “L” so that the upward pressure
paper. Consider the roller support at B and the joint at D as pin. is uniform?
a. 15 c. 20
b. 12 d. 18
15. What is the shear at 3 m from the left end?
a. 174 c. -174
b. 194 d. -194
16. At what distance from the left end will the shear in the barge be
a. 4 c. 5
b. 5.5 d. 4.5
29. Which of the following most nearly gives the deflection at the free
a. 2848.5/EI c. 2847.5/EI
b. 2849.5/EI d. 2846.5/EI
30. Which of the following most nearly gives the slope at B?
a. -985.5/EI c. -983.5/EI
b. -984.5/EI d. -982.5/EI
31. Which of the following most nearly gives the slope at A?
a. -931.5/EI c. -933.5/EI
b. -932.5/EI d. -934.5/EI 36. Which of the following statement is true when a structure is
32. Which of the following most nearly gives the deflection at internally unstable?
midspan? I. support reactions are parallel
a. -2893.1/EI c. -2893.3/EI II. support reactions are non-concurrent
b. -2893.2/EI d. -2893.4/EI III. no. of reactions is less than the no. of equilibrium equations
a. I and II d. I and III
SITUATION 11: The frame shown has a pin support at A and a roller at b. II and III e. I, II and III
D. It carries a uniform load of 3 kN/m along member BC. Assume c. I only f. NONE OF THE ABOVE
constant value of EI. E = 200 GPa, I = 136 x 10^6 mm^4.
33. Which of the following most nearly gives the horizontal reaction at 37. Another term for Double Integration method.
A? a. Castigliano method
a. 18 c. 2 b. Mohr method
b. 9 d. 0 c. Macaulay method
d. Breslau method