Family Tree Project

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Almost everything on the planet has some sort of history, but history is NOT limited to dates or
events. You can also use history to study the background of your family. Learning the history of
your family is important because it gives you background information about your heritage,
culture, descendants, etc. Now that you have created your rough draft, the next step is to create a
poster showing the history of your family.

For this project, you will create a final draft of your family tree and give a short oral
presentation. The visual component must take form of a poster, drawing, diagram, etc. Be
creative! Include as much detail as possible. You may have to do more research to make your
poster complete.

Your final family tree should include:

• Siblings, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents
• You do NOT need to stop here; these are the basic members of your family! If
you want to go more in-depth, you may include cousins, aunts/uncles, great great
grandparents, etc.
• Any death or birthdates you can find
• Creativity
• Color
• Organization & Neatness
• Be as detailed as you possibly can! I realize people may have difficulty finding a lot of
information, but do your best! Take on the role of a genealogist!

* Remember: Everyone’s family is different. You should create this project in a way that is
unique to your family! You are given quite a bit of creative freedom, but I still expect it to be
detailed, accurate, and complete.

IN-CLASS WORK DAY. You will be given the entire period to create your poster. I will
provide you with the basics: glue, scissors, construction paper, markers, crayons, etc. If you need
something extra, make sure to bring it to class on Friday. You will also need to have a poster
purchased by then. What you do not finish in class on Friday will be your homework for the
weekend. Presentations start Monday.

This project is worth 50 points and will be graded using the following rubric:

Family Tree Project Rubric

Poster & Oral Presentation
CATEGORY 10 8 6 4-1
Required The poster includes All required elements All but 1 of the Several required
Elements all required elements are included on the required elements elements were
as well as additional poster. are included on the missing.
information. poster.

Organization The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is

exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy
attractive in terms of design, layout and though it may be a bit or very poorly
design, layout, and neatness. It is easy messy. May be designed. It is not
neatness. It is easy to understand and unorganized and attractive.
to understand and follow. hard to follow.

Creativity Several of the One or two of the The graphics are No graphics made by
graphics used on the graphics used on the made by the student, the student are
poster reflect an poster reflect student but are based on the included
exceptional degree of creativity in their designs or ideas of
student creativity in creation and/or others.
their creation and/or display.

Presentation Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
Content understanding of the understanding of the understanding of understand the topic
topic. Addresses two topic. Addresses two parts of the topic. very well. Does not
members of the members of the Speaks about a know information
family and extra family and their member of the about family or failed
stories or facts. stories. family. to do research.

Oral Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands Slouches and/or

Presentation looks relaxed and and establishes eye up straight and does not look at
confident. contact with establishes eye people during the
Establishes eye everyone in the room contact. Voice may presentation. Speaks
contact with during the be quiet. quietly and mumbles
everyone in the room presentation. Speaks
during the clearly and loudly.
presentation. Speaks
clearly, loudly, and
annunciates all

Additional Notes:

TOTAL: ________/ 50

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