Drama Bahasa Inggris
Drama Bahasa Inggris
Drama Bahasa Inggris
One day there was a school that haunted by a couple of ghost. Not a couple, just a student
with her teacher. Then in one class there is a chair that is never placed by everyone because
of the myth that if we sits on that chair, the ghost will disturb us or even get posessed.
Besides that, this school is called ‘Hello International High School’ this is a very unique
school. Because of what? Because this school is consists of students who came from different
country such as korea, japan, china, malaysia, india, and arab. Now there was a young man
named John E Coll Sudaryana. He was a new teacher in this school. Suhud of course was
very happy and spirited in his first day teaching. At the same time he was in the headmaster
*Scene 1*
(in the headmaster room)
Mr. Suhud : Good Morning ma’am
Mrs. Icha : (nada ganjen+lebay) Good Morning. By the way don’t call me ma’am just
call me miss pretty.
Mr. Suhud : Oh (Smile) Miss...Pretty (tertawa di dalam hati)
Mrs. Icha : Oh so you are Mr... (lupa)... Mr. John E Coll Sudaryana right?
Mr. Suhud : Yes i’ am. just call me Mr.Sudaryana ma’am. Eh ups... sorry. I mean miss
Mrs. Icha : Okay you are here to replace one of the teacher who has resigned from this
school, you are going to take his class. Any question for that?
Mr. Suhud : ...
Mrs. Icha : Okay. Congratulation for your first day of teaching and you are the part of
this school. Now just follow me, i will bring you to your class. (icha menarik tangan suhud
dengan ganjen -_-)
*Scene 2*
(In the class)
Mrs. Icha : Mr.Sudaryana this is your class. Attention please (nobody hears)
The students : fohwuluwuluwuluwkwkwkwjfchsdkjfijfh!@#%$^%^&**^%$$
suci : please guysss please, sikap berisalam
students : asalamualaikum wr wb
Mrs. Icha : i’m going to introduce you a new teacher who will replace mr. Erry
(suhud comes in to the class)
Girls : woooowwww, so handsome. (terpana dengan kegantengannya <3 )
Boys : eouchhhhhhh!!!!!!! (nada jiji iyuwhh)
Suci : suttttttssssss attention pleaseee. (Para murid pun terdiam)
Mrs. Icha : This is a new teacher for this class guys, please be nice with him. Okay
Mr.Sudaryana i think I have to go. Byeeeee~~~ mr Sudaryana :* :* <3 (wink)
Students : huuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Suhud : okay guysss. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mr John Echole
Sudaryana. You can call me mr Sudaryana. Please be nice with me and enjoy my class.
Students : hello Mr.Sudaryanaaaaaaa~~~~~ <3333
Mr.Suhud : well i think today we will not study. Just try to know each other. Anyone
have question for me?
Fitria : (rise her hand) i have sir.
Mr. Suhud : what’s that?
Fitria : have you any girlfriends? (Centil)
Students : huuuuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuuh
Mr. Suhud : no i haven’t
Titus : may i be your girlfriend sir? Hahahahahaha
Mr. Suhud : of course no...
Fitria : no titus, he’s mine, you know
Titus : no no no that’s imposible. (Adu argumen antara fitria dan titus)
Suci : OMG titus, fitria, don’t fight in the class pleaseeee.
Mr.Suhud : Well, here i want to know you more. So, please introduce yourself one by
one please. Starting from you (pointing at titus) and continue to the next by you.
Titus : Aca-aca-aca (gaya syahrukhan) My name is titus and i come from India.
Fitria : Aca-aca –acaaaaaaa My name is fitria, i’m from india too same as titus.
Bagus : Assalamualaikum.wr.wb My name is Bagus and i come from Arab.
Setia : Ni hao maaaa. My name is setia maa. I come flom china maa. Nice to meet
you too laaa. And this is my flend maa (Pointing at desi)
Desi : Ni hao ma. I’m Desi, I’m chinese too. Nice to meet you.
Suhud : Nice to meet you too. And the next.
Nida : Annyeong haseyoo. My name is Nida and I come from South Korea dae-
Han-Ming-guk (prok prok prok prok prok)
Suhud : That’s nice. And you?
Suci : I’m Suci . i’m come from Spanish. And i’m the captain of the class.
Suhud : Okay that’s good. And you?
Riana : My name is riana, i’m come from spanish too.
Suhud : And the last?
Titin : My name is Titin, i’m from Japan. Hajimemashite
Suhud : Well—(ada seseorang mengetuk pintu)
Icha : (tok tok tok suara pintu di ketrok) I’m sorry mr sudaryana. (berbisik ada
murid baru) yess please come in new student.
Suhud : hey new student please come in.
The new student enter the class. She looks very happy with her first day of school.
Suhud : Okay girl please introduce your self
Isty : my name is michelle istiana grande, you can call me isty, im from ... (terdiam
melihat bangku kosong)
Suhud : (suhud menjentikan jarinya di depan muka isty) hello hay hey woooy (clap
his hands)
Isty : (kaget) yes sir ?
Suhud : from where?
Isty : I’m from Eng...England
Suhud : please sit down on that chair (point to the empty chair)
Student : (berbisik bisik sedikit merinding ketakutan)
Bagus : no no no, you cannot—
Nida : stttttt stop it !
Bagus : (whispering) but she should know about that
Nida : NOOOO, remember the myth, do you want something happened to you ?
Bagus : so, how about her ?
Nida : i don’t know
Isty : can i get another chair ?
Suhud : no, oke please attention guys, isty please sit down
Isty walks to that chair very slowly, she see something weird on that chair. Seems like bad
aura? Or even the ‘uninvited’ creature on that chair?. She sits on that empty chair with very
bad feeling. That chair feels so cold like the aura of empty soul inside the heart. Suddenly she
feels lonely. The happy feels she had before just dissapear.
Setia : (Mengguncang guncang tubuh Isty) Hey hey are you okay?
Isty : I’m okay (tersenyum)
(bel berbunyi)
Suhud : oh. okay i think time’s up. You may go home now.
Suci : greet to the teacher
Students : assalamualaikum wr wb
*Scene 3*
The next day in the canteen isty talk to desi and setia what she feels
Isty : guys i feel something weird in the class. Do you know something?
Desi : actually....... mmmm mmmmmm eeemmmm mmmm emmmm i cannot tell
you about this. It’s about......mmmm
Setia : aahhhh we have to tell her, she should know about this.
Desi : No! You better dont.
Setia : Ahhh! Isty, There’s a ghost on the chair you know everybody in this school
know it
Isty : ohh i know it. I can feel it yesterday.
Desi : what? how can you know ?
Isty : i have sixsense, so i can see something that you cannot see, but keep it secret
Setia : wow amazing? Where is the ghost now? Is she around us or not? (excited)
Desi : stttttt don’t talk about it. (bel berbunyi) lets go to class !
*Scene 4*
In the class. Isty still sitting on the same chair. But her looks so strange
Titin : isty may I borrow your pen?
Isty : how can you dare sit on this chair !! i have told you this is my chair !! (isti
menggeram geram kesurupan)
Titin : what happen what happen what happen (alay) momy momy I’m scared
Titus : oh my good oh my good oh my good this is happening again (alay) what
should we do?
Students : setiap siswa mengeluarkan karakter, kaget dengan bahasa asalnya sendiri
dengan alay
Bagus : shut up guys !!!!!!!!!!!! (Bagus, sang arabian knight menghampiri isty dan
berkomat-kamit membaca bacaan pengusir syaitan dan jin. Seakan merukiyah isty. Dia
mengambil air dan menjampeinya kemudian di cucilah muka isty dengan air itu)
Isty wake up from possession. That ghost are gone now.
Bagus : isty are you ok? What’s your name?
Isty : I’m Isty
Bagus and everyone: Oh alhamdulillah
Nunik : Isty, i think you have to go to the P3K room(?)
Isty with nunik going to the P3K room to memulihkan Isty.
*Scene 5*
In P3K room Isty lie in bed. She’s not accompanied by nunik anymore, because she have to
attend the class. Suddenly there’s someone entered the room with hot tea in her hands.
Isty : hey. You makes me scared.
Widi : (tersenyum sambil mengangguk)
Isty : If i’m not mistaken. You are the food seller in the canteen right?
Widi : (mengangguk)
Isty : may i tell you something ma’am?
Widi : (Menghampiri isty lebih dekat.)
Isty : i dont know whom i should tell to about this, maybe its hard to believe but i
should tell someone about this, ma’am, i was possessed. And when i was posessed there is
someone who asked me to tell the truth but i dont know what does she mean, and a dont
know who she is.
Widi : (widi terlihat ketakutan karna melihat sosok kartika)
Isty : what do you see? (menoleh kearah kartika) can you see her?, you know
something right?, she is someone who always disturb me, she ask me to tell the truth !!
Kartika : ask her, she knows the truth !! (berbisik berulang kali)
Widi : okay i’ll tell you the truth
Isty : what?! i think you are mute !! you can speak ?
Widi : yes of course!, actually i know what happened in the past, someone who
always disturb you is a student here ten years ago and she died in this school in your class.
Especially on the chair you were sitting.
Isty : (kaget) oh my god. how can she died ?
Widi : she was killed by her classmate, and the story begin in that morning.
*Adegan 3*
Keesokan harinya di kantin isty bicara dengan desi dan setia apa yang dia rasakan
Isty : guys aku merasa ada yang aneh di kelas. Apakah Anda tahu sesuatu?
Desi : sebenarnya....... mmmm mmmmmm eeemmmm mmmm emmmm aku tidak bisa
memberitahumu tentang ini. Ini tentang ...... mmmm
Setia : aahhhh kita harus memberitahunya, dia harus tahu tentang ini.
Desi : Tidak! Anda sebaiknya tidak.
Setia : ah! Isty, Ada hantu di kursi kamu tahu semua orang di sekolah ini tahu itu
Isty: ohh aku tahu itu. Aku bisa merasakannya kemarin.
Desy : apa? bagaimana kamu bisa tahu?
Isty : aku punya sixsense, jadi aku bisa melihat sesuatu yang tidak bisa kamu lihat, tapi
rahasiakan ya
Setia: wow luar biasa? Dimana hantu itu sekarang? Apakah dia ada di sekitar kita atau tidak?
Desi : stttttt jangan bahas itu. (bel bunyi) ayo ke kelas!
*Adegan 4*
Di dalam kelas. Isty masih duduk di kursi yang sama. Tapi dia terlihat sangat aneh
Titin : isty boleh pinjam pulpen kamu?
Isty : kok kamu berani duduk di kursi ini!! saya sudah bilang ini kursi saya!! (isti menggeram
geram kesurupan)
Titin : apa yang terjadi apa yang terjadi apa yang terjadi (alay) momy momy aku takut
Titus : ya ampun ya ampun ya ampun ini terjadi lagi (alay) apa yang harus kita lakukan?
Siswa : setiap siswa mengeluarkan karakter, kaget dengan bahasa asalnya sendiri dengan alay
Bagus : diam guys!!!!!!!!!!!! (Bagus, sang arabian knight menghampiri isty dan berkomat-
kamit membaca bacaan pengusir syaitan dan jin. Seakan merukiyah isty. Dia mengambil air
dan menjampeinya kemudian di cucilah muka isty dengan air itu)
Isty bangun dari kesurupan. Hantu itu sudah pergi sekarang.
Bagus: isty apakah kamu baik-baik saja? Siapa namamu?
Isty: Saya Isty
Bagus dan semuanya: Oh alhamdulillah
Nunik : Isty, kayaknya kamu harus ke ruang P3K(?)
Isty bersama nunik pergi ke ruang P3K menuju Isty.
*Adegan 5*
Di ruang P3K Isty berbaring di tempat tidur. Dia tidak ditemani oleh nunik lagi, karena dia
harus menghadiri kelas. Tiba-tiba ada seseorang memasuki ruangan dengan teh panas di
Isty : hai. Anda membuat saya takut.
Widi : (tersenyum sambil mengangguk)
Isty : Kalau tidak salah. Anda adalah penjual makanan di kantin kan?
Widi : (mengangguk)
Isty: bolehkah saya memberitahu Anda sesuatu Bu?
Widi : (Menghampiri isty lebih dekat.)
Isty : Saya tidak tahu harus memberitahu siapa tentang ini, mungkin sulit untuk percaya tetapi
saya harus memberi tahu seseorang tentang ini, Bu, saya kesurupan. Dan ketika saya dirasuki
ada seseorang yang meminta saya untuk mengatakan yang sebenarnya tetapi saya tidak tahu
apa yang dia maksud, dan tidak tahu siapa dia.
Widi : (widi terlihat dalam jaringan karna melihat sosok kartika)
Isty : apa yang kamu lihat? (menoleh ke arah kartika) bisakah kamu melihatnya?, kamu tahu
sesuatu kan?, dia adalah seseorang yang selalu menggangguku, dia memintaku untuk
mengatakan yang sebenarnya!!
Kartika : tanya dia, dia tahu yang sebenarnya!! (berbisik berulang kali)
Widi: oke saya akan mengatakan yang sebenarnya
Isty : apa?! aku pikir kamu bisu!! kamu bisa bahasa ?
Widi : ya tentu saja!, sebenarnya aku tahu apa yang terjadi di masa lalu, seseorang yang
selalu mengganggumu adalah murid di sini sepuluh tahun yang lalu dan dia meninggal di
sekolah ini di kelasmu. Terutama di kursi yang Anda duduki.
Isty : (kaget) ya Tuhan. bagaimana dia bisa mati?
Widi : dia dibunuh oleh teman sekelasnya, dan ceritanya dimulai pagi itu.