Script (Guión)

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script (guión).

(ishida on the bridge)

Ishida: waaaa
nishimiya is frightened(gets scared)
Teacher: Ishida
Ishida: I'm very sorry!
__________________________________________ change of scene
madre de Ishida: let´s go home,sho
madre de Ishida:be a good boy from tomorrow

(bridge descent )
(walk to school and see everyone with crosses)

(is going to look for nishimiya)

( comes out nishimiya)
character 0: hello there, shoko
(passes behind ishida)
Ishida: Nishimiya.
Ishida:From sixth grade
(nishimiya smile and run)
Ishida: nishimiya?
(Run nishimiya) - (Ishida runs after her)
(Nishimiya hides)
(sees her)
(hands him a notebook)
Ishida:I come to give this back
Ishida:you forgot this *sign language *lenguaje de señas*
(Nishimiya speak in sign language)
Ishida:why I know sign language
Ishida:I learned it
Ishida:Anyway, Here
Ishida:Though you might not want to see it
Ishida:Me and you
Ishida:Could we be friends?
(Tienes around and hits)
Ishida: what am i saying
Ishida:wail,she was saying the dame thing black un grade scool
Ishida: finaily understand what she meant
(Nishimiya cry)
Ishida:don't cry
Ishida: please don't cry,nishimiya
(Arrives at school)
(A boy fights for his bicycle)
Personaje1:hey,coold you Let me borrow your bike?
Personaje2: who, me?
Personaje2 :huh? For what?
Ishida:oh, it's that guy
Ishida:i forgot something
Ishida:i want to go get it
Personaje 2:what? What the heck?
Personaje1:take your oun bike
Personaje1:I'm asking you because idon't hace one!
Personaje 2:stop it
Personaje1:Let go,clude
Personaje:hey, knock it off
Personaje2:somebody help!
Personaje1: crap
Personaje2 hey
Personaje2:help me!
Personaje1:keep it clown!
Personaje1:Let go
Ishida:you can take mire
Personaje1:for real?
(After a free hours)
Ishida:i didn't get it black
(Walk Home)
Ishida:and it justo yo happen on a tuesday
Ishida: Is it a sign that i shouldn't go see her?
Ishida:it's not like i can't walk there
Ishida:But i feel like the universe Is telling me not to go
(A bread voucher falls)
Ishida:i need an excuse ….
Ishida:i need a really neat, natural - sounding excuse
(Try yo catch the paper)
(Catches it)
Ishida:discount coupon for same fluffy new bread?
Ishida:this Is it
(Goes to vuy bread and goes to meet nishimiya)
Ishida:1-13 nishimiya here?
Personaje3:she's not here
Ishida:uh,she's right there
Personaje3:she's not
Personaje3:Shoko nishimiya isn't here
Personaje3: excuse me for asking
Personaje3: But are you really friends whith her?
Personaje3: goodbye
(Close the door)

Nishimiya: (sign lenguage)

Personaje 3: nothing
Personaje 3: there was just a rato puta there (sign lenguage)
Personaje 3: a súper creepy one
Personaje 3: don't worry. It's nevera coming back
Ishida: Friends…
(Throw bread yo the fish)
(Ishida walks around rating bread)
Ishida: what?
(See character 2 with his family)
Ishida: why?
(Go yo Ishida)
Personaje 2: there he is
Personaje 2: ishida!
Personaje 2: look at this
Personaje 2: this is your bike, right?
(Grattings, jumping)
Personaje 2: good timing
Personaje 2: i'm glad it had your address on it
Ishida: where did You find it?
Personaje 2: duped in a parddy field
Personaje 2: man, i had yo look everywhere
Personaje 2: i'm glad i got it back for You, though. (The Cross falls off)
Personaje 2: what's wrong, ishida
Ishida: oh, uh…
Ishida: what's your name?
Personaje 2: i'm nagatsuka
Nagatsuka: I sit behind You, You know
Ishida: oh, right. This is good bread
Ishida: want some, nagatsuka?
(They are going to eat)
Nagatsuka: is somenthing wrong, Yasho?
Ishida: wait, Yasho?
Nagatsuka: makes us seem libe Big Friends, right?
Nagatsuka: and? Somenthing on your mind?
Nagatsuka: feel free to tell me
Nagatsuka: we're Best Friends
Ishida: say, nagatsuka…
Ishida: what are Friends, anyway?
Ishida: You know, does one need yo fulfill any requirements to be a friend?
Nagatsuka: look, Yasho
Nagatsuka: hold out your hand
(Holding hands)
Nagatsuka: and that is what Friends are
Nagatsuka: You see, ishida
Nagatsuka: I think friendship defies logic or words
Nagatsuka: and requirements can Kiss My ass
Personaje 3: She's not here
Ishida: uh. She's right there
Personaje 3: She's not
Ishida: uh. Who are-
Personaje 3: i'm nishimiya's boyfriend
Ishida: well, that sucks
Ishida: for the bread, not me
Ishida: nishimiya like younger boys?
Ishida: wow, that's kinda unexpected
Personaje 3: of you're here just yo make yourself feel better, please leave
Personaje 3: are we dond here?
Personaje 3: goodbye
(Nagatsuka grabs him by the neck)
Nagatsuka: My bud says he want to see nishimiya
Nagatsuka: quit being an ass and bring her out!
Ishida: what are You doing here?
(Nagatsuka grabs thim by the neck)
Personaje 3: I Guess thurds of a feather drop together
Personaje 3: shithead
Nagatsuka: excuse me? What's your problem
Nagatsuka: I dare You yo Say that again!
Ishida: hey, nagatsuka
Personaje 3: shithead!
Profesora: hey look
(Nagatsuka and character 3 Star fighting)
Profesora: isn't that Yuzuru
Ishida: stop it
Ishida: come on, nagatsuka
Ishida: forget ir. Lets go
Profesora: My. If it isn't the voy from the other day
(Ishida sees nishimiya and runs)
(Nishimiya follows)
(Yuzuru and nagatsuka look at them from afar)
Nagatsuka: let me see
Nagatsuka: ishida's waving his hand hand around
Nagatsuka: probably using sing language
(Nishimiya and him talking)
(Ishida goes to a park and sees Yuzuru)
Ishida: hey
Ishida: You okay?
Ishida: aren't You nishimiya's boyfriend?
Ishida: you'll catch a cold
Yuzuru: oh, it's the rat
(Takes Yuzuru home)
Yuzuru:*lenguaje de señas*
Ishida: little sister!?
Yuzuru: later
(See nishimiya's mother and hits ishida)
(Yuzuru's mother is leaving)
(They go for walk and meet Ueno)
Ueno: go, go
Ishida: wait, what?
(Come to nishimiya)
Ueno: isn't that nishimiya
Ueno: still alone, I see
Ueno: the poor thing
Ueno: seriously, Ishida. It's been ages
Ueno: let's hang out somethime
Ishida: what i'll pass
Ueno: hate me, don't You?
Ishida: not really
Ueno: I've always felt I should've reached out to You
Ueno: sorry about grade school
Ishida: oh, Ueno get off.
(Ueno looks at nishimiya)
Ueno: isn't that a punch from My workplace?
Ueno: why does she have ir? Scary
Ishida: I grave it to here
Ueno: oh, really
Ishida: later
Ueno: gotcha
(Ueno runs to nishimiya)
Ishida: Ueno?
Ueno: nishimiya time no see, Nishimiya!
Ueno: how have You been
Ishida: h-hey!
(Ueno removes the hearing aid)
Ueno: huh? Are You wearing one?
Ishida: what are You doing, Ueno?
Ueno: we're gonna have fun throwing it around. Just like old time
(Takes the hearing aid from Ueno and gives it to nishimiya)
Ishida: sorry, nishimiya
(Ueno takes it off again)
Ueno: no way
Ueno: You are kidding me, Ishida
Ueno: hand on a sec
Ueno: are You two going out?
Ishida: of course not
Ishida: we're Friends
Ueno: friends? That's hilarious!
Ueno: friend with the girl You bollied
Ueno: how? Why?
Ueno: I can't. This is too funny
Ueno: is it out of guilt or somenthing?
Ishida: Na…
Ueno: you've gotten really lame, ishida
(Ueno starts to go)
Ueno: well, have fun playing Friends
Nishimiya: *lenguaje de señas*
Ishida: what we where talking about?
Ishida: nothing really
Ishida: i'll get going then
Ishida: see You
(Goes by bike)
( They go yo the amusement park)
(They get on the amusement rides)
(Nishimiya and Ueno get on alone)
Yuzuru: Yea
Ishida: what? How?
Yuzuru: secretly filmes them
(Show and play the video)
Ueno: listen
Ueno: I hate You
(Nishimiya passes him a notebook)
Ueno: let's not
Ueno: i'll talk swoly so you can understand
Ueno: and i'll pay attention to what you're saying
Ueno: back un grade school
Ueno: I had no understanding of your situation
Ueno: but You never tried to understand me, either
Ueno: that's why you'd obliviously hand over your stupid notebook
Ueno: and have a stupid smile on your face all the time
Ueno: and anytime somenthing happend you'd inmediately apologize
Ueno: so i changed My aproach
Ueno: I ignored you and bad mouthed You
Ueno: they we're sings to stay away from me
Ueno: but insted of piking up on them you fired back
Ueno: You went crying to the adults
Ueno: because of that, ishida Lost all his Friends
Ueno: everything around us fell apart
Nishimiya: i'm sorry
Ueno: it's not like i want You yo apologize
Ueno: we were doing everything we could back them
Ueno: and looking back, i Even fell like maybe it was inevitable how things turned out
Ueno: but i'm abaout to tell You we shod be Friends now
Ueno: i still hate You
Ueno: and You hate me
Ueno: so how about we take it easy from now on?
Ueno: let's shake banda as two people whow hate each other
Nishimiya: y-you're wrong
Nishimiya: i hate myself
Ueno: what the heck
Ueno: what the hell is up with that
(Ueno hits nishimiya)
Ueno: so what?
Ueno: are You going to apologize again?
Ueno: in the end, things are the same as five years ago
Ueno: you're not Even trying to talk to me
( End of the video)
Yuzuru: what di You think?
Ishida: oh, uh…
Ishida: nishimiya
Ishida: i want nishimiya to come to love herself

Yuzuru: oh, ishida

Yuzuru: somenthing wrong?
Ishida: really
Nagatsuka: there You are, ishida
Ishida: Ueno
(He sits on the floor)
Ishida: You can decide everything for other
Nagatsuka: Yasho…
Nagatsuka: I m on your aide, okey
Ishida: oh,Buzz off,You don't know the firsh thing about me
Nagatsuka:Yasho… i'ts okay
Nagatsuka:it don't brother me
Ueno: sorry ishida
Ueno: I shouldn't have come
(Ishida takes the face)
Ishida: right
Ishida: summer break starts next week
Ishida: wanna go somewhere
Nishimiya: *sign language* (nishimiya stands up)
Ishida: whats up?
Nishimiya: *sign language*
Ishida: but the show isn't over yet
Nishimiya: *sign language*
Ishida: You need yo study?
Ishida: oh, okay
Ishida: ser You
Yuzuru: where's si?
Yuzuru: that reminds me, ishida
Yuzuru: could You go get My camera for me?
(Ishida goes to nishimiya's house)
Ishida: pardon me…
Ishida: whoa, it's clark
Ishida: nishimiya?
Ishida: i'm coming in
Ishida: there it is
Ishida: is it charged?
Ishida: You can see the lire works from here…?
(Ishida he to nishimiya on the edge of balcony)
Ishida: oh, she si here
(Ishida runs yo stop her)
(Ishida holds his hand)
(Ishida pulls nishimiya up and he falls down)
(He remembers his life and his mistakes)
(They go yo the hospital)
(Ueno pushes nishimiya)
Ueno: quit trying to be some tragic heroine!
Ueno: Say something
Ueno: i caused everyone troulde and was really hurt by it, so i tried to commit suicide
Ueno: "i'm sorry", huh?
Ueno: who the hell do You think you are?
(Ueno pushes it)
Ueno: you're a cancer, nishimiya
Ueno: people like you, who can only see things from their own point of view
Ueno: piss me off most!
(Nishimiya dreams of ishida, wake up and runs yo the place where they always met and
ishida wakes up)
(They meet at the bridge)
(They all meet and come Friends again)

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