Drug Literature
Drug Literature
Drug Literature
- 2 Drugs with similar actions are taken for a doubled effect.
- EX Propoxyphene (opphiod)
Aspirin = added
Analgesic effect
• Antagonistic Effect
- 1 Drug interferes with the action of another (dle pwede isabay kay mag complicate)
- Will always happen with antacid
- Absorption happens in Small Intestine (parts of intestine, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum)
- Distribution happens in Circulatory System
- Metabolism happens in liver
- Excretion major organ system is Excretory system (Liver)
- 1 Drug inhibits the met. / excretion of a 2nd drug, causing INCREASE activity of the 2nd drug
Ex. Probenecid + spectinomycin = PROLONGED antibacterial activity from spectinomycin due to blocking
renal excretion by probenecid
- Should not be mixed together or administered at the same site;
- Blood Transfusion
- Skin reaction d/t exposure to sunlight
• Hypersensitivity / Allergic Reaction
- Hypersensitive response of the client’s immunological system in the presence of a drug
- May occur when the client is first exposed to the drug; result of abnormal reactivity to a drug
caused by genetic differences between the client and non-reacting individuals.
• DRUGS do not create new cellular functions but rather alter existing ones
Ex. Antibiotic slows the growth and/ or reproduction of microbial organisms DRUG ACTION is relative to
the physiological state which existed when the drug was administered.
Antibiotic = Will find the bacteria that are destroying the cells and kill it
• DIFFERENT DRUGS whose molecules precisely fit into a given receptor elicit a comparable drug
response; those which do not perfectly fir produce only a weak or no response at all.
C – Check why the medication is given and know the classification of the drug
H- How will you know if the medication is effective? What are your assessment parameters in
monitoring the effects of the drug?
C – Client teaching tips. What are the therapeutic and side effects of the medication
K – Keys to giving it safely. You should be able to identify interventions to counteract the adverse effects
of the drug