Fundamentals of Database System

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Peñas Building, Sinsuat Avenue

Cotabato City


Course Title: Fundamentals of Database Systems

Course Code: IT 221
Credit Units 3 Units
Course Prerequisite: Information Management
Course Description This course deals the ability to explain the different discoveries and inventions in all ages and generations of working with teams or
individual to experience to live in this IT era.

Vision Statement:
As an institution, Coland Systems Technology Incorporated envisions to:
 Inculcate patriotisms, nationalism, love of humanity and environment, respect for human rights, personal discipline and critical thinking.
 Constantly strive in making a positive difference in the lives of the graduates and the people in the community.

Mission Statement:
 Provide, promote and protect the rights of students to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate and concrete steps to make education accessible, as well as
affordable to all.
 Establish, maintain and support adequate, complete and integrated system of education, catering the relevant needs of Filipino people at present time.
 Institute and maintain a system of scholarship grants, loan program and other form of incentives, which shall be available to the marginalized, underprivileged and most
especially to the poorest of the poor, but deserving students.
 Encourage non - formal, informal, indigenous learning's, as well as self - learning systems, and out - of - study programs, responsive to the needs of the community.
 Provide adult education to the disabled, out - of - school youth with trainings in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills.

Institutional Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes Course Outcomes

1. Creative and Critical Thinking By the time of graduation, the students of the program After completing the course, the student must
Graduates use their imaginative as well as rational thinking shall have the ability to: be able to:
abilities to life situations in order to push boundaries, realize
possibilities, and deepen their interdisciplinary and general a. Apply knowledge in mathematics and science to  Differentiate database systems from
understanding of the world. solve complex engineering problems; file systems by enumerating the
2. Effective Communication b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to feature provided by database systems
Graduates are proficient in the four macro skills in analyze and interpret data; and describe each in both function
communication (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and are c. Design a system, component, or process to meet and benefit.
able to use these skills in solving problems. Making decisions and desired needs within realistic constraints such as  Define the terminology, features,
Peñas Building, Sinsuat Avenue
Cotabato City
articulating thoughts when engaging with people in various economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, classification and characteristics
circumstances. health and safety, manufacturability and embodied in database systems.
3. Strong Service Orientation sustainability, in accordance with standards;  Demonstrate an understanding of the
Graduates exemplify the potentialities of an efficient, well – d. Function on multidisciplinary teams; relational data model.
rounded and responsible professional deeply committed to service e. Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering  Formulate, using MS Access/SQL,
excellence. problems solutions to a broad range of query
4. Community Engagement f. Understanding of professional and ethical and data update problems.
Graduates take an active role in the promotion and fulfillment of responsibility  Transform an information model into
various advocacies (educational, social and environmental) for g. Communicate effectively a relational database schema and to
the advancement of community welfare. h. Broad education necessary to understand the use a data definition language and/or
5. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology impact of engineering solutions in a global, utilities to implement the schema
Graduates demonstrate optimized use of digital learning abilities, economic, environmental, and societal context; using a DBMS
including technical and numerical skills. i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to  Use an MS Access/SQL interface of a
6. Passion to Lifelong Learning engage in life – long learning; multi – user relational DBMS
Graduates are enabled to perform and function in the society by j. Knowledge of contemporary issues; package to create, secure, populate,
taking responsibility in their quest to know more about the world k. Use technique, skills and modern engineering maintain and query a database.
through lifelong learning. tools necessary for engineering practice and
7. High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills l. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and
Graduates are developed to become the best professionals in their management principles as a member and leader in
respective disciplines by manifesting the appropriate skills and a team, to manage projects and in
leadership qualities. multidisciplinary environments.
8. Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics
Graduates show desirable attitudes and behavior either in their
personal and professional circumstances.
9. Sense of National and Global Responsiveness
Graduates deep sense of national compliments the need to live in
a global village where one’s culture and other people culture are

Course Plan
Time Topic Learning Outcomes Methodology Resources Assessment
Database Systems Learn the difference between data and Lectures Database Recitations
information System Design,
Introducing the database and the DBMS Implementation Quizzes
Learn the different types of databases and why Discusssion and
Peñas Building, Sinsuat Avenue
Cotabato City
Why database design is important they are important assets for decision making Management 7th Projects
Problems with file systems, database systems Learn how modern database evolve from file Exercises
systems Assignment Modern Exam
Exercises Database
6th Edition
Data models importance of data models, data Understand the main function of database Lectures Database Recitations
models basic: basic building blocks, business system Discussion System Design,
rules, evolution of data models, degrees of data Assignment Implementation Quizzes
abstraction Learn why data models are important are and
important Management 7th Projects
Learn the basic data modeling blocks Exercises
Relational database model Learn what business rules are and how they Lectures Database Recitations
Logical view of data influence database design Discussions System Design,
Keys, integrity, rules, relational set operators, Assignment Implementation Quizzes
data dictionary and the system catalog, Learn how data models can be classified by Exercises and
relationship within the relational database, data levels of abstraction Management 7th Projects
redundancy Edition
Takes a logical view of data that the relational Exercises
models basic components are relations Modern
implemented through tables in a relational Database Exam
DBMS Management
6th Edition
Learn how relations are organized in tables
composed of rows and columns
Entity relationships Learn how relationships entities are define and Lectures Database Recitations
Modeling – Entity Relationship (ER) model refine Discussion System Design,
Developing an ER Diagram Assignment Implementation Quizzes
How those relationships are incorporated into Exercises and
the database design process Management 7th Projects
Learn how ERD components affects database Exercises
design and implementation Modern
Peñas Building, Sinsuat Avenue
Cotabato City
Database Exam
6th Edition
Defining a database Learn how to use MS Access command line Lectures Database Recitations
Understanding data types, plan database, create Discussion System Design,
database and tables insert data into tables Know the basic database terms Assignment Implementation Quizzes
Understand MS Access Data Types Exercises and
Management 7th Projects
Database Exam
6th Edition
Refine data selection Plan database Lectures Database Recitations
Advance reporting use functions in MS Access Discussion System Design,
order and group data join data in multiple Create Database and tables Assignment Implementation Quizzes
tables Insert data into tables Exercises and
Management 7th Projects
Refine data selection Edition
Use function in MS Access order and group Exercises
data Modern
Join data in multiple doors Database Exam
6th Edition

Peñas Building, Sinsuat Avenue
Cotabato City
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Permanent Faculty Dean, College of Computer Studies

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Dean, College of Computer Studies

Approved By: Date


Academic Program Head

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