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8. Appreciate various art forms
9. Contribute to aesthetics
10. Advocate respect for human rights
11. Contribute personally and meaningfully to the
country’s development
E. Skills
1. Work effectively in a group
2. Apply computing tools to process information
3. Use current technology to assist and facilitate
learning and research
4. Negotiate the world of technology responsibly
5. Create solutions to problems in various fields
6. Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for
responsible and productive living
7. Organize one’s self for lifelong learning
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Course Description:
This 3-unit course emphasizes the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge that includes topics on rational numbers, measurement,
geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts, application of simple probability and data analysis. This course is capped with microteaching that utilizes appropriate
teaching strategies for the development of critical and problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making corrections, representations and decisions in real life
1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the mathematics curriculum in the intermediate grades
2. Apply constructivist learning theory in teaching mathematics in the intermediate grades
3. Demonstrate key concepts and skills in teaching mathematics in intermediate grades integrating various learning strategies
4. Make a research – based instructional materials in teaching mathematics for intermediate grades
5. Design different assessment tools in evaluating student’s learning
6. Design a lesson plan with strategies and assessments that targets the 21st century literacy and skills
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Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO.
(Mission, Core Values)
MISSION 2 Familiarization of the Student Services Reflection paper on the Face-to-Face Orientation of Course Outline
(Models Values Human students to the rules and Course orientation student services. Student Services.
Integration) regulations of the school Grading System Course Syllabus
Requirements Guide question intended Online discussion of the
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE 1 Awareness on the Relevance of the Course for the course. course syllabus including Students’ Handbook
(Effective Communicator) academic policy of the the course policies and
school requirements.
Week 1
(Filial Compassion,
Accountability, Mary-
inspired Obedience,
Enduring Discipleship)
Week 2 - 3 MISSION 1 Apply constructivist I. The Mathematics Design an activities or Asses the students on how Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020).
(Develop Modern-world learning theory in Curriculum in the scenarios applying important teaching Teaching Math in the
Skills) teaching mathematics in intermediate Grades constructivist theory in mathematics in the intermediate Grades. Rex
the intermediate grades. Mathematics in the teaching mathematics that intermediate grades. Book Store. Manila,
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE 2 intermediate Grades could allow learners mental Philippines
(Design Thinker) Mathematics construction Review and explore
Curriculum in the Curriculum Guide in Read the Curriculum Guide
CORE VALUES intermediate Grades Mathematics for Grade 4-6. K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-
(Leadership, Constructivist Codes.pdf - Google Drive
Accountability) Theory in Teaching Construct an essay about
Mathematics in the the differences between
intermediate Grades content standards,
performance standards,
and learning competencies.
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Interactive discussion and
recitation for the
application of constructivist
learning theory in teaching
mathematics in the
intermediate grades.
Design an activities
applying constructivist
theory in teaching
mathematics that could
allow learners mental
MISSION 1 Plan and develop lessons II. Instructional Planning Design learning plan for Interactive discussion and Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020).
(Develop Modern-world in mathematics for the teaching mathematics in recitation about teaching Teaching Math in the
Skills) intermediate grades. The Teaching Cycle the intermediate grade ADIDAS and the Five Es. intermediate Grades. Rex
Things to Consider using ADIDAS or Five Es. Book Store. Manila,
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE in Planning Conduct an interview with Philippines
1&2 Instruction in Math teachers in
(Effective Communicator, Mathematics in the intermediate grades about
Design Thinker) intermediate instruction and lesson
Grades planning.
CORE VALUES Instructional
Week 4 – 5 (Leadership, Planning Models Review lesson plan from
Accountability) intermediate math teacher
and analyze with the
relation to the ADIDAS or
the Five Es.
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MISSION 1 & 2 Plan a lesson that uses the III. Instructional Design and create a lesson Lesson plan for the Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020).
(Develop Modern- different instructional Strategies for plan that shows at least one teaching demonstration at Teaching Math in the
world Skills, Models strategies for in the Mathematics in the of the instructional the end of the course starts intermediate Grades. Rex
Values Human intermediate grades. Intermediate Grades strategies. at the beginning of Book Store. Manila,
Integration) midterm. Philippines
Problem Solving
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE Inductive Learning Interactive discussion and
1, 2, & 5 Concept recitation for each specific
(Effective Attainment instructional strategies.
Communicator, Design Mathematical
Thinker, Results-driven Investigation Create a lesson plan that
Professional) Design Thinking shows the development of
Game-based the lesson based on the
CORE VALUES Learning specific instructional
(Filial Compassion, Use of strategies for Mathematics
Week 7 – 11
Leadership, Manipulatives in the intermediate grades.
Accountability) Values Integration
Collaboration Choose 1 strategy to
Teaching by Asking demonstrate in the class,
each student has a chance
to perform and critique the
output of their classmates.
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MISSION 1 Differentiate formative and Assessment Strategies for Design a Venn Diagram to Interactive discussion and Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020).
(Develop Modern- summative assessments IV. Mathematics in the differentiate assessments. recitation for formative and Teaching Math in the
world Skills) Intermediate Grades summative assessment. Intermediate Grades. Rex
Develop a traditional Construct a three-item Book Store. Manila,
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE assessment tool Assessing Learning multiple choice test Create a Venn Diagram that Philippines
2 Traditional differentiates formative and
(Design Thinker) Assessment summative assessment.
Choose a topic in
mathematics Grade 4 to 6
and write a three-item
multiple choice tests to
measure both the concepts
and skills of the chosen
Week 14 MISSION 1 Construct a performance V. Assessment Strategies Construct a performance Identify the difference Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020).
(Develop Modern- task In intermediate grades for Mathematics in the task In intermediate grades between traditional and Teaching Math in the
world Skills) mathematics Intermediate Grades mathematics with the authentic assessment. Intermediate Grades. Rex
principles of authentic Book Store. Manila,
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE Authentic Interactive discussion and Philippines
assessment and a rubric to
2 Assessment recitation for authentic
Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO.
(Design Thinker) evaluate the GRASP output. assessment and how
GRASPS is importance in
CORE VALUES giving and assessing
(Leadership, performance tasks.
Choose a topic in Grade 4
to 6 mathematics and
develop a performance task
in this topic.
Develop a performance
task to assess student
learning in a form of GRAPS
with rubric to evaluate the
MISSION 1 Create a learning portfolio VI. Assessment Strategies Create a learning portfolio Interactive discussion and Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020).
(Develop Modern- in mathematics for Mathematics in the in mathematics recitation for designing Teaching Math in the
world Skills) Intermediate Grades learning portfolios. Intermediate Grades. Rex
Book Store. Manila,
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE Designing Learning Present the basic elements Philippines
2 Portfolios of learning portfolio.
(Design Thinker)
Week 15
Design a learning portfolio
CORE VALUES that is ideal for the
(Filial Compassion, intermediate grades
Leadership, students with a rubric for
Accountability) checking the learning
Week 18 FINALS
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Gusano, R.C. et al. (2020). Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades. Rex Book Store. Manila, Philippines.
Online References:
Instructor – Teacher Education
Contact information:,
Office location: Main faculty room
Consultation hours: TBA
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1. Eligibility.
Math2 – SP14 Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades is a 3-units course for BEED students. Only officially enrolled students can take this
2. Materials
Students are provided with a soft copy of the syllabus per course for guidance. Soft copies of required readings are provided and can be accessed online
through the given Learning Management System (LMS) such as google classroom used by the instructor. Students need to have a personal computer or
mobile phone with MS Word (or similar software or application) for the writing tasks.
3. Delivery
The course is delivered in synchronous (online discussion and interaction) and face-to-face classes. Online class (discussion and interaction) is required
and will be conducted via Google Meet or any other Video conferencing platform. Students and the instructor will communicate through private messages
(PM) or group chat (GC) via Facebook Messenger. PM is intended for submission of accomplished formative assessments (practice tests) or asking
questions regarding progress on the course by the student and giving feedback on the progress by the instructor. GC is intended for asking general
questions on the course and discussion via video call when necessary. Every student is required to join the google classroom via a link or class code to be
provided by the instructor. The instructor will create an assignment where students can upload or turn in their outputs for every module. The instructor will
not assign the succeeding assignments to the students who did not submit their outputs from the previous meeting.
4. Accounts
All online accounts of students that are intended for online classes should be personal and shall bear students’ names reflected in the assessment form.
The profile picture to be used must be presentable, decent, and complemented with the official OLSHCO frame.
5. Schedule
A study schedule is sent to students. The students must print or produce a hard copy of their schedule signed by their parents/guardians and must be
posted on their respective study areas.
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6. Grading System
The grade of the students will be based on the following criteria:
a. Knowledge 40%
b. Skills 60%
Total 100%
7. Behavior
- Sending messages for inquiries or clarifications to the instructors must start with a greetings, proper self-introduction (name, program, block, and course
enrolled), followed by stating the purpose or asking for clarifications and ending the conversation with gratitude. The time of sending messages must be
from 07:30 AM-05:00 PM.
- In attending online classes, the students should join the meeting at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. The microphone should be muted upon
joining the virtual room. Casual clothing and proper seating position must be observed throughout the online session.
- In attending Face-to-Face classes, the students should join be inside the classroom at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Proper health
protocols must be observed and practiced such as wearing of face masks, social distancing and having a personal disinfectant. Wear the prescribed
school uniform.
- Concerns about the instructors or institution must be properly communicated to the respective channels such as advisers or program heads and should
not be posted on any social media platforms.
- Learning platforms such as GCs and FB groups are intended for academic purposes ONLY.
- Students are expected to be self-motivated and self-directed approaching the course with the desire to learn.
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LO1 - Apply constructivist learning theory in teaching mathematics in
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
the intermediate grades.
LO2 - Plan and develop lessons in mathematics for the intermediate
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
LO3 - Plan a lesson that uses the different instructional strategies for in
/ / / / / / / / / / / / /
the intermediate grades.
LO4 - Differentiate formative and summative assessments / / / / / /
LO5 - Develop a traditional assessment tool / / / / / / / / / / / /
LO6 - Construct a performance task In intermediate grades mathematics / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
LO7 - Create a learning portfolio in mathematics / / / / / / / /
LO1 - Apply constructivist learning theory in teaching mathematics in
/ / / / / / / / / / / / /
the intermediate grades.
LO2 - Plan and develop lessons in mathematics for the intermediate
/ / / / / / / / / / /
LO3 - Plan a lesson that uses the different instructional strategies for in
/ / / / / / / /
the intermediate grades.
LO4 - Differentiate formative and summative assessments / / /
LO5 - Develop a traditional assessment tool / / / / / / / /
LO6 - Construct a performance task In intermediate grades mathematics / / / / / / / / / / /
LO7 - Create a learning portfolio in mathematics / / / / / / /
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Promptness Student portfolio submitted two Student portfolio submitted Student portfolio is submitted
Student portfolio is submitted
days, a week, or more after the one day after the given before deadline
on time
Working Days given deadline. deadline.
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Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO.
LESSON PLAN RUBRIC (points possible: 100)
Anticipatory Lesson is creatively opened by Some attempt to open lesson by Limited attempt to tap interest & Does not tap interest &
Set tapping interest & prior knowledge, tapping interest & prior prior knowledge, and describe prior knowledge, and
and procedures knowledge, and procedures describe procedures
5 points are described describe procedures (1) (0)
(5-4 points) (3-2)
Procedures Detailed all content and resources Detailed some content required Limited details provided to Details are not provided to
required for instruction; Includes a for instruction; Some teaching teach content; Teaching teach content; Teaching
20 points variety of teaching strategies strategies included with use of MI strategy not clear or MI theory strategy not clear or MI
using Multiple; Intelligence’s theory; Some methods of student not evident; Limited methods of theory not evident;
theory; Used multiple methods or inquiry listed; some open-ended student inquiry used; lower- Methods of student inquiry
inquiry for student learning questions included; appropriate level questioning; not evident; lower-level
incorporating Bloom’s taxonomy; use of some use of technology questioning; limited use of
effective use of technology technology technology
(20-18 points) (17-15) (14-12) (11-0)
Special Specific strategies designed to Strategies designed to allow Some strategies not specific Strategies not specific
Accommodation promote success for all students success for most students based enough to support student enough to support student
on based on Time- Circumstances, on Time learning based on Time- learning based on Time-
Tasks, Circumstances, Tasks, Circumstances, Circumstances, Tasks,
20 points Communication, Response Communication, Response Tasks, Communication, Communication, Response
Modes; Differentiated Modes; Some Response Modes; Limited Modes; No
Instruction clearly evident (20-18 Differentiated Instruction evident evidence of Differentiated evidence of Differentiated
points) (17-15) Instruction Instruction
Closure Summary provided to reinforce Some summary provided to Limited use of summary to Summary not evident or
learning and link to future learning reinforce learning reinforce learning does not reinforce learning
5 points (5-4 points) (3-2) (1) (0)
Assessment Appropriate and connected to all Appropriate; connected to Connected to objectives to a Not connected to
objectives some objectives; Plans for limited degree; Plans for either objectives or not
20 points Specific description of both both formative and summative formative or summative appropriate; Does not
formative and summative assessment; assessment; States one way to include plans for either
assessments; Details at least two States at least two different ways represent learning; e.g. formative or summative
different ways to represent to represent learning; e.g., concept map, quiz, reflective assessment; Does not
learning; e.g., concept map, quiz, concept map, quiz, reflective response include any ways to
reflective response response (14-12) represent learning
(20-18 points) (17-15) (11-0)
*Objectives are evaluated in each education course as specific to requirement and content. Total Points Earned:
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Observation Form for Teachers Date: ________________________
Name of Teacher/s: _____________________________________________________________________ Rating: ________________
Grade Level/Subject: __________________________ Topic: __________________________________________ Time: ___________
Note: If indicators have not been observed or met, the rating shall be interpreted as Needs Improvement (NI) with 1 point.
VERY (2 pts.) (3 pts.) (4 pts.) (5 pts.)
S - SITUATION (Focus and observe closely on the Context of Lesson Plan and Teaching Contents)
Planning Some parts or Objectives, contents, IMs, All parts are appropriate, Valuing objectives and activities
1. Lesson activities are not instructional activities and congruent and clearly enable students to enjoy
congruent and clearly assessment is written. stated. learning based on assessment
Materials and Resources Presents various IMs with Develops and utilizes Applies appropriate use of mix
2. Instructional
Uses easily available clear purpose creative and manipulative IMs (indigenized or localized)
and common IMs. IMs and technology resources
Gives only one learning Uses different learning Applies creative and logical Engages students on interactive,
3. Procedure
activity to all kinds of activities with flexibility to learning activities guided by advanced and logical activities at
learners. different kinds of learners. demonstration of learning their own pace and learning
Needs to improve Ensured classroom is safe Practice’s classroom Manages student behavior
4. Classroom classroom restructuring and conducive to teaching routines and positive proactively and redirects
Management and maintenance. and learning process. discipline with gender “Healthy Noise” to active
sensitivity. participation.
T – TASK (Focus on the Teacher’s Actions)
The teacher serves as The teacher is optimistic, The teacher has mastery of The teacher serves as facilitator
5. Teacher’s
the main source of dynamic and with good the subject matter and of learning. Maximizes learning
knowledge/information. rapport and communication logical presentation of the time. More on activity.
skills. lesson
6. Lesson Presents lesson without Relates lessons to learner’s Paces lessons appropriately Establishes clear strategies in
Establishment/ coherence and experience with multiple with effective transitions presenting a lesson in logical
Development appropriate strategies. ways to learn new things. and presentation of way and developmental manner.
Asks questions and Responds appropriately to Modifies/Gives follow-up Encourages/Practice’s students
7. Interaction
listens to students’ students’ mistakes/queries. questions to monitor to answer difficult, open-ended,
or Discussion
answers. Praises correct responses. learners and to ask higher-order-thinking questions.
Tries common Uses instructional model/s Applies variety of Instills variety of instructional
8. Instructional
instructional model and and instructional model/s and models, strategies and methods
models and
slight strategies. its corresponding strategies different strategies with ICT integration (blended).
and methods. and methods.
Gives one kind of Practices students with Challenge’s students using Integrates values and daily-life
9. Enrichment
exercise to all students. appropriate enrichment enrichment activities skills addressing all types of
(one type fits all test) activities or exercises. beyond their current learners and difficulties.
A - ACTION (Focus and observe closely to the Learners Actions)
Limited number of Students/Class behavior Engagement Student Students discuss relevant ideas
10. Students/Class students are indicates strong & sustained engagement is high and draws conclusions and
participating. interest in the lesson. throughout the class time generalizations.
with varied learning styles.
Only few students can Students are free to Some students formulate Students demonstrate high
11. Response
answer questions express what they know or well-developed answers in knowledge, skills and own level
(Quality of
properly. able to do and to ask complete sentence or in of understanding.
questions. their own words.
Some outputs are very All learners/groups are All students take Learners/Groups use different
12. Outputs
plain and inaccurate. active in group work with responsibility for their group strategies or materials to come
(Quality of
products or performance output/s and work w/o up with best output/s.
outputs. teacher direction.
R - RESULT (Focus on the end results or outcomes)
Quantitative Analysis – relies on numerical scores or ratings of students (analytical)
Qualitative Analysis – relies on descriptive rather than numbers (holistic)
Students answer Students are able to Students work on variety of Uses independent, collaborative
13. Outcomes
exercises with 65-74% perform formative tests with evaluation tools to improve and whole-class test to improve
mastery level 75-79% mastery level learning results with 80- student learning outcomes with
90% level of proficiency. 91% and above proficiency
Asks the results of Records assessment Uses assessment data to Plans or differentiates activities
formative test without results (number of learners identify student strengths purposely to match the full range
of Learning
interpretation and proficiency level) and areas for student of learner’s needs and at risk.
Observation Notes:
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Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO.