0 PCTH 129 Professional Development and Applied Ethics
0 PCTH 129 Professional Development and Applied Ethics
0 PCTH 129 Professional Development and Applied Ethics
Course Description : This course describes skills, knowledge and performance outcomes required to develop the ability of students to become professionals in their field
by understanding the ideas of improving one’s personality and ways on how they are going to be valued in the business industry by means of
presenting their ideas like company meetings, professional networking, interviews and through proposals of services considering the proper
collaboration to their associates and portraying professional business ethics. It also teaches writing skills and emphasize in verbal communication
and preparation of plans that requires them to research career options and company potentiality and stability to develop strong and effective career
Core CEEGA Program CILO Intended Learning Outcomes Content/Topic Suggested Teaching Time Resources Assessment
Values Outcomes Methodology/Strategies Allotment
L LL4 5 1 Understand ethical principles and 1. Ethical Principles and Lecture 6 hours B7 Quiz
history of ethical thinking. Historical of Ethical
Interaction Prelim Graded recitation
Overview of a
business ethics.
Characteristics of
business ethics.
L RCT1 5 1 Explain the concept of professional 2. Concept of Professional Group discussion 6 hours B7 Oral and written
ethics. Ethics question
L, V CTC2, 3 2 3 Describe the dimensions and 3. Business Ethics Discussion 6 hours B7 Oral and written
principles of business ethics. question
Two dimensions of Group activity Prelim
business ethics.
V, U PC2 5 3 Apply the techniques of 4. Communication Ethics Group discussion 9 hours B3, B5, B7
communication ethics
Principles of ethical Midterm Oral question
Role playing
Fundamentals of
Ethical frameworks
V, A, L LL3, 1 4 Examine ethics in the hospitality 6. Ethics in the Hospitality Article reading 9 hours B1, B5, B4, Journal
RCT2, and tourism industry and Tourism Industry
finals W2, W5 Oral and written
3, 4,
V, L, S PC2, 3 1 4 Analyze issues of ethics in 7. Issues of Ethics in Research 9 hours B7, B2, B3, Journal
Tourism and Hospitality industry. Tourism and Hospitality finals W1,W4
Article reading Oral and written
Ethical Dilemmas in
Tourism and
Hospitality Industry
Ethical Decision-
making in Tourism
and Hospitality
Course Requirements:
Course Portfolio
Course Reflection Journal
A. Books
B1 Martin R. Edwards. 2016. Predictive HR analytics: mastering the HR metric.
B2 Angelita C. Serrano. 2016. Strategic human resource management.
B3 Gerald Corey. 2019. Issues & ethics in the helping professions.
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B4 Joseph E. Trimble, Paul B. Pederson and Walter J. Lonner. 2016. Counseling across culture.
B5 Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George. 2016. Contemporary management.
B6 Doug Mackie. 2016. Strength-based leadership coaching in organizations.
B7 John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrel and OC Ferrell. 2015. Business ethics: ethical decision making and cases
B. Website/s
W1 https://www.besthospitalitydegrees.com
W2 digitalcommons.tiu.edu.
W3 https://www.sciencedirect.com
W4 globalhospitality.com
W5 https://www.hotelexecutive.com