Rele Alston
Rele Alston
Rele Alston
Frequency Relays
Introduction Measurements
The MiCOM Frequency Relays • Voltage and frequency
provide accurate frequency based measurement.
load shedding, load restoration and
• Cumulative time for generator
generator abnormal protection.
abnormal frequency operation
Extensive functionality ensures the
optimum response during Post Fault Analysis
imbalances between load and
generation. • Event and fault records
• Disturbance records
• Better than 0.01Hz accuracy
• Six load shedding stages • Record of number of starts and
Figure 1: MiCOM P941
trips generated by the frequency
• Four independent frequency protection elements.
elements per stage User Friendly Interface
• Time delayed over/ Communications
• Liquid crystal display with
underfrequency (f+t) • A choice of protocols backlight
• Time delayed rate of change of • Front and rear communication • Programmable LED indications
frequency (df/dt+t) ports
• Password protection
• Frequency supervised rate of
change of frequency (f+df/dt) Diagnostics • Optional secondary protective
• Frequency supervised average • Power-up diagnostics
rate of change of frequency • Fully programmable menu text
• Continuous self monitoring
protection (f+∆f/∆t)
• Generator abnormal protection
• Test facilities Models Available
• Undervoltage • P941 Frequency Relay with 7
Software Support output relays and 8 digital inputs.
• Overvoltage Available in conjunction with • P942 Frequency Relay with 14
• User settable undervoltage block MiCOM S1 support software. output relays and 8 digital inputs.
• Setting editor • P943 frequency relay with 14
• Programmable scheme logic output relays and 16 digital
• Six stages for load restoration editor inputs.
• Programmable scheme logic • Viewing of fault diagnostics and
• Programmable allocation of opto- measurements
inputs and relay outputs • Disturbance recorder view
• Multiple setting groups • Menu text editor
The MiCOM P940 series is suitable P940
for all applications where frequency
protection and control is required to •f+t •Load
provide load shedding to achieve •f+df/dt restoration
system stability. The integration of •f+∆f/∆t
different frequency protection •df/dt+t
elements ensures the proper
response for different contingencies.
Various combinations of protection
elements can be used to shed the
optimum load to ensure a stable
system frequency.
The P940 series detects Figure 2a: Radial load shedding
underfrequency conditions and
responds accordingly. Where there
is a rapid decline in frequency, the
load shedding scheme can be
supplemented by a rate of change P940
of frequency element (df/dt).
During severe disturbances when abnormal
the system may be in oscillation, the
frequency decay can be monitored
over a longer period of time using
an average rate of change of
frequency element (∆f/∆t).
The load can be shed based on the
priority (importance) of the feeders
or on the basis of percentage of
load to be shed at each step.
The automatic load restoration
feature in the relay can be utilised to
restore the loads after the frequency
has recovered sufficiently. Figure 2a
shows a system where the relay can
Figure 2b: Load shedding and protection against abnormal frequency operation
be used for a load shedding
Figure 2b shows an application Protection Functions Rate of change of frequency
where all the features of the df/dt+t
frequency relay can be utilised. The P940 series includes six
independent stages of frequency Time delayed rate of change of
If the system frequency does not
protection; each stage contains four frequency protection is suitable for
improve after load shedding then
protection elements. These elements severe disturbances, when shedding
abnormal frequency operation may
may be combined to cater for load in small steps may not be
cause mechanical damage to
complex applications. sufficient to bring the system back to
generator turbine blades.
normal. This element can be used to
The generator abnormal protection
Under/overfrequency f+t accelerate load shedding during
feature uses cumulative timers,
Time delayed under/overfrequency such contingencies.
which can record the total abnormal
frequency operation time. The other protection provides the fundamental Frequency supervised rate of
elements can be used as above for form of frequency protection. If the change of frequency f+df/dt
load shedding and automatic load measured frequency is less than the
programmed setting (for The rate of change of frequency is
underfrequency operation), the supervised by an independent value
element generates a start signal first of frequency. The percentage of
and if the condition continues for a load to be shed to stop the
user set time delay a trip signal is frequency decay varies with the rate
generated. of change of frequency. This element
can be used to make the load-
shedding scheme respond faster to
severe system conditions and
accelerate the recovery process by
shedding more load than would Supervising
have been done for a slow decay at
the same frequency. f
True slope for ∆t
Frequency supervised ∆f
average rate of change of
frequency f+∆f/∆t
This element provides a mechanism
to measure the change in frequency
over a user set time interval, as
illustrated in Figure 3. This allows a
more secure trip decision to be
achieved by monitoring the trend in
the change of frequency. This is
particularly useful during transient
system disturbances such as power
Figure 3: Frequency supervised average rate
swings, where instantaneous
of change of frequency f+∆f/∆t
measurement can lead to an
erroneous decision. The element
starts a timer when the system
frequency goes below or above a f Band 1
pre-defined value. After time ∆t,
another frequency measurement is Normal frequency
made and the slope is compared t
against the user’s setting to arrive at
Band 2
the decision.
Load Restoration
The P940 series provide up to six
stages of automatic load restoration.
The load restoration process is
started after the system has
recovered to a frequency above the
load restoration setting, following a
load shedding operation by one or
more of the four protection elements
associated with that stage.
Minor frequency excursions during
the restoration period are ignored
by means of a cumulative timer
which suspends if the system
frequency is between the restoration
frequency and load shedding
frequency (holding band).
Post Fault Analysis Courier/K-Bus These test signals can also be
The Courier language is a protocol viewed using the Courier or Modbus
Event records which has been developed communications ports, and the front
Up to 250 time-tagged event specifically for the purpose of panel user interface.
records are stored in battery backed developing generic PC programs
memory, and can be extracted using that will, without modification, Hardware Description
the communication ports or viewed communicate with any device using All models within the MiCOM P940
on the front panel display. the Courier language. series include:
Fault records Modbus • A back-lit liquid crystal display
Records of the last five faults are Modbus is a master/slave protocol, • 12 LEDs
stored in battery backed memory. whereby the master must have
The information provided in a fault • An optional IRIG-B port
knowledge of the slave’s databases
record includes: and addresses. The Modbus • An RS232 port
implementation supported by the
• Active setting group • An RS485 port
MiCOM P940 series is RTU mode.
• Date and time • A download/monitor port
IEC 60870-5-103
• Status of all protection elements • A battery (supervised)
The relay is compliant with the
• Voltages, frequency and rate of transmission protocol defined by the • N/O and N/C watchdog
change of frequency specification IEC 60870-5-103. contacts
Disturbance records The standarised messages based on • Supervised +48V field voltage
The internal disturbance recorder the VDEW communication protocol • Three ac voltage (Vn) inputs
has 1 frequency and 3 voltage are supported.
100 – 120V or 380 – 480V rms
channels, 32 digital and 1 time Local communications nominal phase-phase
channel. Data is sampled 24 times
a cycle and typically 20 disturbance The front serial communications port The hardware variations between
records, each of up to 10.5 seconds has been designed for use with the MiCOM P940 series models
duration are stored in battery MiCOM␣ S1, which fully supports are:
backed memory. All channels and functions within the relay by
the trigger source are user providing the ability to program the P941 P942 P943
configurable. Disturbance records settings off-line, configure the
programmable scheme logic, extract Opto-inputs 8 8 16
can be extracted from the relay via
the remote communications and and view event, disturbance and Relay outputs 3N/O 6N/O 6N/O
saved in the COMTRADE format. fault records, view the measurement
information dynamically and 4C/O 8C/O 8C/O
These records may be examined
using MiCOM␣ S1 or any suitable perform control functions. PAS&T
N/O – normally open
software program. can also be used with the local
communications port. C/O – change over
Local and remote
The assigned functionality of the
communications Diagnostics opto-inputs, relay outputs and 8 of
Two communication ports are Automatic tests performed including the LEDs are preconfigured as a
available; a rear port providing power-on diagnostics and default, but may be programmed by
remote communications and a front continuous self-monitoring ensure a the user. The opto-inputs are
port providing local high degree of reliability. The results independent and may be powered
communications. of the self-test functions are stored in from the +48V field voltage.
non-volatile memory. Test features The relay outputs may be configured
Remote communications
available on the user interface as latching or self reset.
The remote communications are provide examination of input A system overview of the MiCOM
based on RS485 voltage levels. quantities, states of the digital inputs P943 is shown in Figure 6.
Any of the protocols listed can be and relay outputs. A local monitor
chosen at the time of ordering. port providing digital outputs,
selected from a prescribed list of
signals, including the status of
protection elements, may be used in
conjunction with test equipment.
Relay failed
Watchdog J12
Relay healthy
+ J7
48V field voltage
1 4 0 0 + J8
Van, Vbn, Vcn 48V field voltage
Vcb, Vbc, Vca J10
F + J2
Measurements Auxiliary voltage
Stage 1 Trip
1 RL2
Stage 2 Trip
& 1 & H4
RL3 Stage 3 Trip
Programmable scheme logic H6
H8 Stage 4 Trip User
D2 H11 Stage 6 Trip (defaults shown)
L1 Setting Group RL5
D1 H12
D4 H13
L2 Setting Group H14 Stage 1 f+df/dt Trip
D3 RL6
L3 Stage 1 Blk, Restore D6
Stage 1, 2 Block D5 H17 Stage 2 f+df/dt Trip
User L4 Stage 2 Blk, Restore D8 H18
Stage 3, 4 Block D7
(defaults shown) L5 Stage 3 Block
L6 Stage 4 Block
L7 Stage 6 Block
L8 Voltage Prot. Block
D15 G1
RL8 Stage 3 f+df/dt Trip
Opto Label 09 G3
F1 RL9
G4 Stage 4 f+df/dt Trip
F4 G5
Opto Label 10 RL10 Gen Abn Trip
F3 G6
F6 G7
Opto Label 11 G8
(Under/Over) User
F5 RL11 Voltage Start (Alarm)
G9 programmable
User F8
Opto Label 12 G10 (defaults shown)
programmable F7 RL12 G11 (Under/Over) See note 1
F10 G12 Voltage Trip
(defaults shown) Opto Label 13
F9 G13
See note 2 F12 RL13 G14 Restore Stage 1, 2
Opto Label 14 G15
Opto Label 15 G17 Restore Stage 3,4
R13 RL14 G18
Opto Label 16
ANSI Numbers
81O Overfrequency 59 Overvoltage
Figure 7: User interface
User Interface The user interface and menu text are Protection Setting
available in English, French,
The front panel user interface, as Ranges
German and Spanish as standard.
shown in Figure 7 comprises: Labels supplied with the device Time delayed over/
(1) A 2x16 character back-lit liquid allow customised descriptions of the underfrequency protection
crystal display. LEDs. A user selectable default (f+t)
display provides measurement
(2) Four fixed function LEDs. Frequency 40 to 70 Hz
information, time/date, protection
functions and plant reference Definite time 0 to 100s
(3) Eight user programmable LEDs.
information. The ability to customise Time delayed rate of change
(4) Menu navigation and data entry
the menu text and alarm of frequency protection
descriptions is also supported.
(5) “READ” and “CLEAR” C keys for
viewing and acknowledging Password protection df/dt –10 to +10Hz/s
alarms. Password protection may be Definite time 0 to 100s
independently applied to the front
(6) An upper cover identifying the Frequency supervised rate of
user interface, front communications
product name. The cover may change of frequency
be raised to provide access to port and rear communications port.
Two levels of password protection protection (f+df/dt)
the product model number,
are available providing Sùcess to Frequency 40 to 70Hz
serial number and ratings.
the controls and settings df/dt 0.1 to 10Hz/s
(7) A lower cover concealing the respectively.
front RS232 port, down load/ Frequency supervised
monitor port and battery average rate of change of
compartment. The front of the frequency protection (f+∆f/∆t)
cover can display the name of
Frequency 40 to 70 Hz
the product or any other user
defined name. ∆f 0.2 to 10 Hz
∆t 0.02 to 2s
(8) Facility for fitting a security lead
seal. Generator abnormal
Four independent frequency bands
can be set with the following
Frequency low 40Hz to 70Hz
Frequency high 40Hz to 70Hz
Delay time 0 to 240mins
Load restoration Technical Data Thermal withstand
Frequency 40Hz to 70Hz • AC voltage inputs
Time 1s to 7200s 2 Vn continuous
• Operating times (typically)
Undervoltage 2.6 Vn for 10s
Frequency < 4 cycles over
• Voltage settings, Vs range 40 – 70 Hz Digital inputs
10 to 120V (Vn = 100 – 120V) Definite times ±2% or 50ms Optically isolated inputs may be
IDMT ±5% or 50ms energised from the supervised 48V
40 to 480V (Vn = 380 – 480V)
field voltage provided or an
• Time settings • Measurements external battery.
Definite time 0 to 100s Frequency ±0.01 Hz Operating voltage >30V dc
IDMT t = TMS/(1 – V/Vs) Voltage <1% Max. input voltage 60V dc
TMS 0.5 to 100 0.2 – 2.0 Vn ±0.5% AC immunity 50V rms
Protocols supported High voltage withstand • High frequency disturbance
• Courier This is not applicable to the RS232 IEC 60255-22-1: 1988 Class III
and down load/monitor ports.
• Modbus At 1MHz, for 2s with 200 ohm
• Dielectric withstand source impedance:
• IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60255-5: 1977 2.5kV peak between independent
Note: An interface to an optical
fibre, type 850nm, BFOC 2.5 2kV rms for 1 minute between all circuits and independent circuits
connector is available for case terminals connected together and case earth.
IEC␣ 60870-5-103. and the case earth. 1.0kV peak across terminals of
2kV rms for 1 minute between all the same circuit.
Front communications port
terminals of independent circuits This is not applicable to the
• Connection Point to point
with terminals on each RS232 and down load/monitor
• Cable type Multi-core independent circuit connected ports.
• Cable length 15m max • Fast transient disturbance
ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989
• Connector RS232 DTE IEC 60255-22-4 : 1992 Class IV
9 pin D-type
4kV, 2.5kHz applied directly to
female 1kV rms for 1 minute across the
auxiliary supply
connector open contacts of the watchdog
relays. 4kV, 2.5kHz applied to all inputs.
• Protocol Courier
1kV rms for 1 minute across open This is not applicable to the
• Isolation ELV
contacts of change over output RS232 and down load/monitor
• Local access relays. ports.
IRIG-B Port 1.5kV rms for 1 minute across • Surge withstand capability
open contacts of normally open
• Carrier signal Amplitude IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1 (1989)
output relays.
modulated 4kV fast transient and 2.5kV
• High voltage impulse
• Cable type 50 ohm coaxial oscillatory applied directly across
cable IEC 60255-5: 1977 each output contact, opto input,
power supply circuit, IRIG-B and
• Connection BNC type Three positive and three negative
RS485 terminals.
impulses of 5kV peak, 1.2/50µs,
• Isolation SELV
0.5J between all terminals and all • Radiated immunity
Internal battery terminals and case earth.
C37.90.2 - 1995
• Battery type: 1/
2AA, 3.6V Electrical environment 25MHz - 1000MHz, zero and
Download/monitor port • DC supply interruption 100% square wave modulated.
Field strength of 35V/m.
This is a 25 pin D-type female IEC 60255-11 : 1979
connector located on the front user • Electrostatic discharge
The unit will withstand a 20ms
interface and is specifically interruption in the auxiliary IEC 60255-22-2 : 1996 Class 4
designed for test purposes and supply, in its quiescent state,
software download. 15kV discharge in air to user
without de-energising. interface, display and exposed
• Isolation ELV • AC ripple on dc supply metal work.
• Local access IEC 60255-11 : 1979 IEC 60255-22-2 : 1996 Class 3
• Surge immunity • Humidity
IEC 61000-4-5: 1995 Level 4 IEC 60068-2-3: 1969
4kV peak, 1.2/50µs between all 56 days at 93% RH and +40°C
groups and case earth.
• Enclosure protection
2kV peak, 1.2/50µs between
IEC 60529 : 1989
terminals of each group.
IP52 Protection (front panel)
This is not applicable to the
against dust and dripping water
RS232 and down load/monitor
at 15° to the vertical.
• EMC compliance Mechanical environment
• Vibration
IEC 60255-21-1: 1996
Compliance to the European
Response Class 2
Commission Directive on EMC is
claimed via the Technical Endurance Class 2
Construction File route.
• Shock and bump
Generic Standards were used to
IEC 60255-21-2: 1995
establish conformity:
EN50081-2: 1994 Shock response Class 2
EN50082-2: 1995 Shock withstand Class 1
• Product safety Bump Class 1
73/23/EEC • Seismic
IEC 60255-21-3 : 1995 Class 2
Compliance with European
Commission Low Voltage Cases
P941, P942 MiCOM 40TE
Compliance is demonstrated by
P943 MiCOM 60TE
reference to generic safety
standards: • Weight
EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 P941 5.4 kg
EN60950: 1992/A11: 1997 P942 5.8 kg
• Temperature
Additional Information
IEC 60255-6:1988
MiCOM P940 Series
Technical Guide TG8611
–25°C to +55°C
Operation Guide OG8611
Storage and transit
–25°C to +70°C Courier Communications R4113
IEC 60068-2-1: 1990/A2:1994 MiCOM␣ S1 User Manual R8610
Cold Midos Parts Catalogue
and Assembly Instructions R7012
IEC 60068-2-2: 1974/A2:1994
PAS&T R8514
Dry heat
The MiCOM relays are housed in a 23.30 155.40 8 off holes Dia. 3.4
specially designed case providing a A B BA
high density of functionality within Sealing strip
the product, a customisable user 159.00 168.00 (4U)
interface, and additional functions/ AB BA
information concealed by upper and 181.30
10.35 483 (19” rack)
lower covers. Physical protection of 202.00
the front panel user interface and Flush mounting panel
A = Clearance holes Panel cut-out detail
prevention of casual access is B = Mounting holes
provided by an optional transparent
200.00 Note: If mounting plate
front cover, which can be fitted or is required use flush
omitted according to choice since mounting cut out dimensions
the front panel has been designed
to IP52 protection against dust and
All dimensions in mm
water. The case is suitable for either
rack or panel mounting as shown in
Figures 8 and 9. Secondary cover (when fitted)
Front view 240.00
Incl. wiring
Side view
206.00 30.00
159.00 (4U)
All dimensions in mm
Side view
309.60 30.00
MiCOM P940 Series Programming of the device shall be
possible using a front panel user
interface, local and remote
The frequency protection relays shall communications ports.
be able to initiate multi step load A configuration feature shall be
shedding to provide stability during provided to enable selection of
imbalances between load and required functions. This shall allow
generation. Four frequency elements menu customisation, removing
shall be available, each having an unwanted functions and setting
accuracy of 0.01Hz and providing groups from the settings displays.
six independent stages for load- The front panel user interface shall
shedding. provide independent keys for the
viewing and acknowledgement of
The four frequency elements shall
alarms. This shall be complemented
by a graphical PC based software
f+t 6 stages of under and program.
overfrequency protection.
Fixed and programmable scheme
df/dt + t 6 stages of rate of logic shall be provided.
change of frequency
Programmable scheme logic for
configuring custom logic schemes
f + df/dt 6 stages of frequency shall be uploadable from relay to
supervised rate of PC or PC to relay.
change of frequency
The relay shall store factory default
protection and scheme logic settings
f + ∆f/∆t 6 stages of frequency for restoration or upload to a PC.
supervised average rate
Time-tagged event, fault and
of change of frequency
disturbance records shall be stored
in battery backed memory.
Load restoration for each of the 6 The internal disturbance recorder
stages shall be included. shall have a capacity to store 20
Interlocking with other plant items records, each record shall store
shall be possible using the opto- sampled data from one frequency,
inputs and programmable scheme three voltage and 32 digital
logic. channels over a period of 10
Generator abnormal protection shall seconds.
be provided. This shall record in The vendor shall be able to provide
battery backed memory the software support for local and
cumulative time spent in up to four remote programming, and
discrete frequency bands, providing extraction of records from the
information for servicing/ device.
maintenance of the turbine blades.
A range of voltage and frequency
measurement values, and the
cumulative time spent in different
frequency bands shall be available
for viewing on the user interface
and the communications ports.
Information Required with Order
Frequency relay
Version with 7 relay outputs and 8 digital inputs 1
Version with 14 relay outputs and 8 digital inputs 2
Version with 14 relay outputs and 16 digital inputs 3
Vx Aux rating
24 – 48V dc 1
48 – 125V dc (30 – 110V ac) 2
110 – 250V dc (100 – 240V ac) 3
Vn rating
100 – 120V ac 1
380 – 480V ac 2
Hardware options
Standard version 1
IRIG-B input 2
Fibre optic converter (IEC 60870-5-103) 3
IRIG-B input & fibre optic converter (IEC 60870-5-103) 4
Protocol options
K-Bus 1
Modbus 2
IEC60870-5-103 (VDEW) 3
ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd St Leonards Works, Stafford, ST17 4LX England
Tel: 44 (0) 1785 223251 Fax: 44 (0) 1785 212232 Email: Internet:
©1999 ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd
Our policy is one of continuous development. Accordingly the design of our products may change at any time. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature, this brochure should
only be regarded as a guide and is intended for information purposes only. Its contents do not constitute an offer for sale or advice on the application of any product referred to in it.
ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd cannot be held responsible for any reliance on any decisions taken on its contents without specific advice.