Protection of Stator Faults
Protection of Stator Faults
Protection of Stator Faults
Abstract- This paper presents a novel application of wavelet connected generators from faults in the stator winding have
transform for the diagnosis and protection of stator faults in been reported in the literature. It has been recognized by recent
synchronous generators. The instantaneous powers of the wavelet studies that the generator damage is caused more by the fault
packet transformed coefficients (dd2) of line voltages and currents current contribution from the generator itself than from the
decomposed up to the second level of resolution of the wavelet system. During a stator fault in a generator, the fault current
packet tree using a mother wavelet are used to detect and persists even after the opening of circuit breakers, and causes
differentiate different faulted conditions from normal (unfaulted) more extensive damages [3]. Faults in synchronous generators
conditions. The performance of this newly devised protection produce one or more of following symptoms:
technique is evaluated by simulation results as well as by * Unbalanced air-gap voltages and line currents
experimental results. The complete protection scheme
incorporating the wavelet power based detection algorithm
successfully implemented in real-time using the ds1102 digital
* DIsturbances in the current, voltage, and flux waveforms
* Increased losses andreduction in efficiency
signal processor board for a laboratory 1.6 kW three-phase * Excessive heating.
synchronous generator. The stator phase unbalance, single line to Differential protection is the most common type of method
ground (L-G) fault, line-to-line (L-L) fault and turn-to-turn fault used to detect faults in synchronous generators. Typical
are investigated in order to evaluate the performance of the protection methods for generator stator winding ground fault
protection technique. In order to prove the superiority of the include the following [4]:
proposed protection technique over the conventional techniques, a 1) Percentage phase differential protection
comparison between the proposed and the conventional discrete . 2) Ground
Fourier transform (DFT) based diagnosis scheme is made at
different dynamic operating conditions.
3) Ground time-over current protection
4) Instantaneous ground over current protection
5) voltage transformer (VT) ground over
Index Terms- Digital signal processor Discrete Fourier Dscet Fure
transform, Fault diagnosis, Generator protection, On-line testing, voltage protection
Wavelet power, and Wavelet packet transform. 6) Stator winding zero-sequence neutral over voltage
The present differential protection schemes in use are either
I. INTRODUCTION static relay or microcomputer-based types, which can provide
reliable protection. These schemes generally extract integer
D ROTECTION of synchronous generators during faults is multiple of fundamental harmonic current or voltage signals to
1 an essential part of power system reliability. Failures of detect faults [5-8]. However, faults in synchronous machines
these machines result in lost revenues, expensive repair costs, produce wideband, non-stationary, and non-periodic signals,
losses in production capacity, and service disruptions to and often manifest themselves as short transients superimposed
customers. There is an ongoing need for a better understanding on the fundamental frequency. In addition, the performances of
of the effects of faults within or at synchronous machines in traditional signal analysis tools such as fast Fourier transform
order to provide better generator protection [1]. Some of the (FFT), Kalman filtering, least squares method, and finite
functions associated with generator protection may operate impulse response filtering are unsatisfactory for the case of
during these transient conditions. It is important for the relays non-stationary and non-periodic signals. Furthermore, many of
to provide protection while optimizing their coordination to those signals are outside the bandwidth of perceptibility of the
avoid undesirable operation during the system disturbances and present generation of protection [9]. In order to detect these
thereby preserving the integrity of the power grid [2]. short transients, one need more detail representation of the
Faults in the stator winding of synchronous generators are fault generated high-frequency signals.
found to be one of the major causes of synchronous generator The wavelet transform, developed earlier as a mathematical
failure. Many incidents of severe damage to bus or unit- tool, has the ability to decompose wide band signals into time
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R=25 Q AG
R=25 LI
O jj ynchronou 0 ynchronou
_-1 Generator Generator
AC _ Switch
AC Switch
DAQ Device DAQ Device
(c) (d)
Fig. 2. Experimental arrangements for stator faults: (a) stator phase unbalance, (b) turn-to-turn fault, (c) external phase to ground fault, (d) internal phase-to-phase
a) 10
~~ -~~~~~ ~ ~ Q0 ~~~~GQ 800 200~~~~~Y .400 *500 oaQ0c
On 1000
MOO -O0 f 00 aOO 1 O Ri O0o 00 *Q0 ecl 1000
a:> 1Q
_ 0 01
0 1OO1)1000 W000 3o0o 4000 5OO 0 10 00) 2000 SOOD 4000 5000
Number of Samples
Number of Samples
Fig. 3. Simulated wavelet power of different faulted and normal conditions: (a) normal condition, (b) external phase to ground fault, (c) turn-to-turn fault, (d)
stator phase unbalance.
III. STATOR FAULTS of resolution of the wavelet packet tree using the selected
mother wavelet "db8". The digital data are acquired through
Faults in stator windings of synchronous machmnes might the three-channel A/D converter of the dsl 102 DSP board. The
include high or low impedance between phases, between coils sub-band frequency components of the wavelet packet tree that
in a single phase, or between a phase and ground. Four are extracted using the multi-resolution analysis of equations
experimental investigations have been done in order to (1)-(6) can provide the needed features to detect and classify
evaluate the performance of the proposed protection technique any disturbance a synchronous generator may experience.
on a laboratory synchronous generator: one stator phase These features are extracted through the analysis of
unbalance using a variable resistance in series on one phase, instantaneous wavelet power of equation (7) of the second
one stator phase to ground fault, phase-to-phase short circuit level WPT frequency components resulting from different
fault, and a turn-to-turn fault using an inductance in parallel on transient disturbances. We looked only at the waveleet power
one stator phase, as shown in Figs. 2(a)-2(d). Unbalance in one of the second level high frequency details (ddc) of line currents
stator phase consisted of increasing the impedance of that and line to neutral voltages as most of the disturbances contain
phase using a variable resistance in series as shown in Fig. high frequency components superimposed on the fundamental
2(a). Placing an inductance in parallel on one stator phase as frequency. Figures 3(a)-3(d) show the simulated wavelet power
shown in Fig. 2(b) simulated the deterioration of the turn-to- of the second level high frequency sub-bands (dd2) of different
turn insulation. The stator of the three-phase generator is normal and faulted conditions in a laboratory 3-phase Y-
connected to the star connected load. connected 1.6 kW synchronous generator. The wavelet powers
IV. WAVELET POWER-BASED FEATURE EXTRACTION for the case of faulted conditions in Figs. 3(b)-3(d) are higher
than those of the normal (unfaulted) condition as shown in Fig.
The collected data of different faulted and normal 3(a) after the initiation of a fault.
(unfaulted) conditions are decomposed up to the second level
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irripped TrippedL|
Fig. 6. Simulated responses of the protection system using wavelet power: (a) external phase to ground fault, (b) stator phase unbalance.
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In this work, faults initiated on the stator terminal are 8-9. The results are very similar and consistent with those
defined as internal faults, and faults on the load side are obtained from off-line test results. As can be seen from Figs.
defined as external faults. Four asymmetrical faults are 8(a)-8(d), in all fault cases disturbances are identified promptly
investigated to test the wavelet power-based algorithm and properly, and the trip signal is initiated almost at the
response: (i) line to ground (L-G) fault, (ii) line to line (L-L) instant or within one cycle of the fault occurrence. On the other
fault, (iii) turn-to-turn fault, and (iv) stator phase unbalance. hand, in cases of R-L or rectifier loading conditions shown in
The proposed protection technique is tested on-line using the Figs. 9(a)-9(b), no trip signal is initiated.
experimental setup. Some sample results are presented in Figs.
Triac Switches
1PM SynchronouR-
I ity ~~~~~~~~Motor_ Generator f_ R-C
DSP7conetrtoller board r e t g o t p
5'dd - - - - - - --------|-4
v ---v.------w Trd -s a
voltage-for-phase--to-ground-- fault(b) -algorithmresponseand line current for turn to turn fault (d) tage f turn-- fl
J1 88
aultapNii-d---- -~---~-w~:~
Z > M-1
5WWe 1 1 a 8--
0.l_ m == ===div aWi liq= = == -= 1= --- -'------'=------'------=--- ----
------- ------- ------- ---
Fig. 8. Experimental responses of the protection system using wavelet power: (a) algoirthm response and line current for phase to ground fault, (b) line to neutral
voltage for phase to ground fault, (b) algorithm response and line current for turn-to-turn fault, (d) line to neutral voltage for turn-to-turn fault.
Downloaded from
Yl1: 5v/div.
Y21:. 5- - -div. i ->- o trip signal: X1 vdiv. o trip signal
v-------- ------
±- --+--- - +----- -
+ lX~~a)
-+----- ----+ ----------+ - +--------- -
-----± ----- 4 +- +----- - -
-----*-1-+-- +
( H-+------
----- -+-----
Fig. 9. Experimental responses of the protection system using wavelet power for (a) inductive (R-L) loading, (b) uncontrolled three-phase rectifier loading.
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