L03 - One-Story Industrial Buildings (4in1)

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Chapter 3

One-story Precast Industrial Building Content of Chapter 3

1. General Concepts
2. Loads
3. Internal Forces
4. Calculations of cross sections

1. General
The application of Single-story precast building
✓ Heavy-Industrial workshops
• Metallurgy (metal making)
• Mechanical manufactures
• Precast concrete fabricating
✓ Textile, food industries
✓ Warehouse, farmhouse

Classification of Industrial Buildings
✓ Single-span
✓ Heavy duty: Suitable for industrial manufactures with heavy ✓ Multi-span
equipments & large product ✓ One-level
✓ Suitable for many kinds of production line ✓ Multi-level
✓ Faster construction
✓ Easy lighting and ventilation
✓ Saving formworks, scaffolds, supports → lower cost

✓ Low land-ratio
✓ Requirement of professional construction equipments
1.1. Basic components Basic parameters and components
L - Span:
6 7
18, 21, 24, 27, 30m....
4 B - Frame Bay: Roof monitor

2 2
6m or 12m
Roof truss (beam)
Length of building = nB
nB ≤ 90m: non thermal productions Trolley & hoist

a b c d
≤ 60m: thermal productions Overhead travelling crane

otherwise using thermal joints

corbel Runway beam
R: rail level (m)

V : corbel level (m),


V = R – Hd - hr
D: column top level (m),

D = R + Hc t + a1
a b c d
M: roof level (m),
1- M ãn g; 2- Cét; 3- DÇm cÇu tr ôc; 4- cÇ u trôc M = D + hm1 + L.i/2 + t + hcm
5 - x e c o n ; 6 - d Ç m m ¸ i; 7 - d µ n m ¸ i

Structural frame a1 ≥ 100 Structural frame

• Depending on the technology requirements on crane about

moving speed and working schedule → there are three types
of working schedule: light, medium and heavy → the design
loads are determined.

• Level R (rail level) is determined based on the technology


From Q and L → lk
From Q and B choose Hct
Structural frame Structural frame
• From the rail level R and the required clear crane height -> level of corbel REQUIREMENT FOR SOME DIMENSIONS
and top of column are determined.
1. The roof loads are applied at 150mm from the column axis.
2. The crane loads are applied at a distance  depended on the crane load.
3. Corbel requirement:
lv > 200 and a multiplier of 50 (if lv < 400) or 100 (if lv > 400)
hv = 200 – 500 (depended on Q) and 1/3h
4. Crane working schedule
Light, medium, heavy
Hook block: rigid or soft
1.2. Structural systems
Bracing systems
✓ Transverse frames: Main structural system
✓ Longitudinal frame system: non-structural.
Longitudinal loads → Bracing system → Foundation
1. Ensure overall
rigidity of the roof;

2. Enhance stability of
compressive chords
of transverse truss

3. Resist wind loads on


4. Take up lateral thrust

of OTC

Bracing systems 1.3. Columns

a) Vertical bracing system
for columns, trusses 1 1 1 1 3-3 3 3 3 3
1-1 ht ht

ht ht


8÷10h1 8 13
b) Lateral bracing for
lower chords h h
h1 h1 h1 h1
hd hd

2-2 2 2 2 2
4-4 4 4 4 4


c) Lateral bracing for
h1 h1

upper chords hd


d) Lateral & vertical

bracing for roof monitor Q < 30t solid column Q 30t hollow column
Q = lifting power of OTC
2. Design of frame 2. Loads
2. 1 Dead Loads
1. Preliminary sizing
• Width bd = (1/20-1/25)Hd . ✓ Dead load of roof Gm , roof monitor G ct
Choose b=400 for frame spacing of 6m; 500 for frame spacing 12m. ✓ Dead load of runway beams Gd
• Upper column: lot /ht  24 and lot /bt  30 with lot = 2.5Ht ✓ Dead load of walls, doors, bracings
Solid column: ht = 400 (edge column); 600 (middle column).
Hollow column: ht = 500 (edge column); 600 (middle column).
2. 2 Live Loads
• Lower column: hd = (1/10-1/14)Hd
Solid column: hd = 600 or 800; ✓ Live load of roof repairment Pm
Hollow column: hd = 1000 to 1300 (edge column) ✓ Live load of cranes: Dmax, Dmin, Tmax
1400 to 1600 (middle column)
✓ Wind load
✓ Live load of snow, dust Pt (suggestion)

2. Loads 2.2.1 Live Load of Cranes

Gm Pm a) Vertical Crane Load : Dmax, Dmin
Ft Fs
Dmax Dmin Dmax Dmin Dmax Dmin Dmax = n.Pmax yi

Dmin = n.Pmin yi.

n=1.1 (reliability factor)


yi : ordinate of influence
diagram at the Pmax


®.a.h D
b) Horizontal crane (braking) load: Tmax
Tmax= n.T. yi

Tmax can be (+) or (-)

windward leeward
3. Internal Forces
2.2.2 Wind load 3. 1 Spacial Behavior of Frames
Spacial behavior of frames under local load:

Under crane load:

Lateral displacement of a
frame reduces C kg times

✓ Distributed Load: Ckg = 1

q1 (positive wind load - windward) 1 + mx2
n 2 x2
q2 (negative wind load - leeward)  k
Design wind pressure: Wtt = n.k.C.W0 1

Distributed wind load on column: q = Wtt.B

If number of span > 3
✓ Concentrated load (Wind load acting on the roof)  Small lateral displacement
S = n .W0 . B . k . hi .Ci  Spacial behavior ignored.
3. 2 Analysis model
Suppositions: Footing-column joints are fixed Depending on
Column-girder joints are pinned
- load cases
Stiffness of girders EI =  - number of spans

➔ 2 displacement models:
1. Model without lateral displacement
2. Model with lateral displacement

3.2.1 Model without lateral displacement 3.2.2 Model with lateral displacement
Apply for
Applied for
• Dead load
• Wind load
• Building  3 spans: live load of roof, live load of crane
• Building < 3-span frames: Live load of roof, live load of cranes
Top of column is considered no lateral displacement
➔ Analysis of frame  analysis of separate column
3. 3 Internal Forces
Use displacement method to solve.
3.2.1 Model without lateral displacement
Unknown: lateral displacement of top column Z1.
R = f(Ht; Hd;EIt; EId; M; N)
3.2.2 Model with lateral displacement ✓Consider spacial behavior of frames:

Establish the basic model (no lateral disp.) r11Z1Ckg+R1P=0

✓From lateral displacement Z1 ➔ Internal forces of model.

T=T0 + T1.Z (Refer to Structural Mechanics)

Basic model Basic model

3. 4 Internal Force Combinations for Columns Some attentions for Basic Load Combination 2
✓ According to TCVN 2737-95
✓ For 2 cranes, Load Combination Coefficient of Crane Load is
• Basic Load Combination 1:
0.85 for light and medium working mode
• Internal Forces by DL + 01 LL
0.95 for heavy working mode
• Basic Load Combination 2:
•Internal Forces by DL + by LLs (x 0.9) ✓ For 4 cranes, Load Combination Coefficient of Crane Load is
0.7 for light and medium working mode
✓ Internal forces need to find out at every cross-section: 3 pairs 0.8 for heavy working mode
(Mmax, Ntu); (Mmin, Ntu); (Nmax, Mtu) ✓ If taking Internal Forces by Tmax, must take those by Dmax
If taking Internal Forces by Dmax, can take/not take those by Tmax
✓ Number of cross sections need to combine internal forces:
• 2 sections of upper part of column: I-I and II-II ✓ For the pair (Nmax, Mtu), beside the Loads cause N, need to take
• 2 sections of lower part of column: III-III and IV-IV one Load that not causes N, but cause M with the same sign with
4. Reinforcement Calculation for Columns As'I1Method of repetitive calculation for non-symmetrical
4. 1 Longitudinal Reinforcements
reinforcements of column
Calculating with 4 pairs of Internal Forces for each part of ✓ Select 3 pairs of Internal Forces:
Column: (Mmax, Ntu); (Mmin, Ntu); (Nmax, Mtu); e0max (Ntu, Mtu)
Pair 1 (Mmax, Ntu); Pair 2 (Mmin, Ntu); Pair 3 (Nmax, Mtu)

Upper part of column: non-symmetrical reinforcements. Internal

✓ Round 1: Pair 1 Calculate
forces at section II-II are much higher than at section I-I
Calculations with Internal forces at II-II
Pair 2 Assign
Lower part of column: non-symmetrical reinforcements.
Reinforcements at III-III are the same as at IV-IV ✓ Round 2: Pair 1 Assign
repetitive calculation
Pair 2 Assign
Effective column length: Upper part l0 = 2.5 Ht
Lower part l0 = 1.5 Hd ✓ Round 3: Do the same Round 2. Stop calculating when the
result is approximate to result of previous round.

4.2.2 Calculation of Column Corbel

4. 2 Other Calculations

4.2.1 Verification for out-of-plane stability l ≤ 0,9h 0

Out-of-bending plane, columns are centrically compressed. Q

l sup
Q  0,8w 2Rb bl b sin  (1)
Verify column out-of-plane stability with connections and As VP (1)  3,5Rbt bh0
slenderness different to that of in-plane stability: 1,5Rbt bh02
sw VP (1) 

l0 = 2.5 Ht Asw 4

l b = l sup sin 
w 2 = 1 + 5w 1

4.2.2 Calculation of Column Corbel Rb Es Asw
c lb = ; w 1 =
Column Corbel is considered as a short cantilever. ll Eb bsw
4.2.2 Calculation of Column Corbel 4.2.3 Verification for local compression

4.2.4 Verification for transport and handling
M1 = 1,25Qc
✓ Structural model during transport and handling (a)
✓ Structural model during erection (b)

• Transverse reinforcement is arranged horizontally or

diagonally at an angle of 450.
• Spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not be greater than
h/4 and 150mm.

>= 3 l-íi >= 3 l-íi

HookcÈu Mãc
4. 3 Details s=50 s=50

1 1 2 2


2 2 3 3

>= 3 l-íi
s=50 3-3

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