Comm MGMT Bulk Log
Comm MGMT Bulk Log
Comm MGMT Bulk Log
Use As of SAP ECC 6.0, Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-Oil 603), Enhancement Package 3, the business function Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1) is available. With this business function, you can use new functions within TSW nomination and stock projection worksheet in the area of Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench (TSW). Additionally, new BI Content is available. Also, with this business function you can enable an integrated solution with a rack pricing optimizer. For more information, see the following release notes: o o o o o o o o o o o
Multi-Material View in SPW Hatch Plan in Nomination Nomination Subitems Integration of GTM into TSW Integration of TSW into GTM TSW Railcar Management TSW Pipeline Cycle Improvement Gas Allocation TSW Security Improvement Integration with Rack Pricing Optimizer
Business Objects for TSW: Scheduling Analytics in SAP Library under SAP NetWeaver > BI Content -> Release Notes SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI Content Add-On 3 SP08
Effects on Customizing To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1). See also For more information, see SAP Library under TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Planning and Reporting Tools -> Stock Projection -> Stock Projection Worksheet -> MultiMaterial View.
Effects on Customizing To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1). See also For more information, see SAP Library under TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Scheduling Capabilities -> Nomination -> Hatch Plan in Nomination.
Effects on Customizing o To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1). You can define your own applications/usage (like railcar, compartment barges etc.) for the subitem in Customizing for the Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) by choosing TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Nomination -> Subitem -> Define Application Codes. You can define the valid application code for a particular nomination type in Customizing for the Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) by choosing TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Nomination -> Subitem -> Define Combinations of
See also For more information, see SAP Library under TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Scheduling Capabilities -> Nomination -> Bulk Scheduling -> Scheduling of Nomination Line Items by using Subitems.
Effects on Existing Data The following user interface elements are new: Transaction O4NM Program/Screen SAPLOIJ_NOM_GUI/1010 UI Element In the ALV the fields Trading Contract Number (TCNUM) and Trading Contract Item Number (TCITM) Fields ROIJNOM_IO-TCNUM and ROIJNOM_IO-TCITM
Effects on Customizing o To use this function, you must activate the following business functions: o Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1) Global Trade Management (EA-GLT)
You can validate if the reference document that you have entered is the correct follow-on document for the trading contract in Customizing for the Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream), by choosing TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Nomination -
> Application Settings -> Define Validation Groups. See also For more information, see SAP Library under TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Trading Integration -> Integration of Global Trade Management (GTM) with TSW.
Effects on Customizing o To use this function, you must activate the following business functions: o Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1) Global Trade Management (EA-GLT)
You must make the following settings in Customizing for the Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream): TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Basic Functions -> TSW Details -> Activate TSW Screen in Trading Contract. TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Basic Functions -> TSW Details -> Define Default Event Rules in Trading Contracts. TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Basic Functions -> TSW Details -> Define Incompletion Behavior in Trading Contracts. Cross-Application Components -> General Settings -> Document Relevance ->
o o o o o
Effects on Data Transfer The following user interface elements are new: Transaction O4TEN Program/Screen SAPMOIJTN/0301 UI Elements In the screen, Ticket Subitem tab is added. The ALV grid of subitem list is displayed once the records exist in the database. In the screen, Ticket Subitem tab is added. The ALV grid of subitem list is displayed once the records exist in the database. In the screen, Ticket Subitem tab is added. The ALV grid of subitem list is displayed once the records exist in the database. In the ALV toolbar the buttons Nomination Event and Clipboard. Nomination Event Screen for subitems events.
Effects on Customizing
To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1). See also For more information, see SAP Library under: o o TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Scheduling Capabilities -> Tickets TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Scheduling Capabilities -> Nomination >Bulk Scheduling -> Scheduling of Nomination Line Items by Using Subitems
o o
Effects on Existing Data The following user interface elements are new:
Transaction VA01 (sales order), ME21N (purchase order), VA41 (sales contract), ME31K (purchase contract), ME51N (purchase requisition), VA21 (sales quotation) O4NM O4TB
Effects on Customizing To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1).
o o o
Effects on Existing Data The following user interface elements are new:
UI Element Field Shipper (GA_NMSHIPPER) in the ALV. Field Confirmation Quantity (GA_CONF_QTY) in the ALV. Field Confirmation Unit of Measure (GA_CONF_UOM) in the ALV. Field Technical Scheduling Quantity (GA_TECHSCH_QTY) in the ALV. Field Technical Scheduling Unit of Measure (GA_TECHSCH_UOM) in the ALV. Field Confirmed Quantity Calculated (GA_CONF_QTY_CAL) in the ALV. Field Technical Scheduled Quantity Calculated (GA_TECHSCH_QTY_CAL) in the ALV. Field Allocated Quantity (GA_ALLOCATED_UOM) in the
ALV. O4NM ROIJ_NOM_GUI/0100 Field Allocated Quantity Unit of Measure (GA_ALLOCATED_QTY) in the ALV. Field Schema (SCHEMA_ID) Gas Allocation Details tab in sales contract. Field Schema Business Confirmation (SCHEMA_BUSCONF) in TSW General tab. Field Schema Technical Scheduling (SCHEMA_TECHSCH) in TSW General tab. Field Schema Measurement Allocation (SCHEMA_ALLOC) in TSW General tab.
Effects on Customizing To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1). You define the relevance type and assign the relevancy criteria in Customizing for the Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) by choosing TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's workbench) -> Nomination-> Application Settings -> Gas Allocation -> Define Relevancy and Assign Criteria. You define the schema and assign relevancy to the schema in Customizing for the Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) by choosing TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's workbench) -> Nomination-> Application Settings ->Gas Allocation -> Define Schema and Assign Relevancy.
Effects on Existing Data The following user interface elements are new: Transaction SU21 SU20 UI Elements Object O_OIJ_NOM Field ACTVT, Field OIJ_NOMTYP, Field OIJ_TSYST, Field OIJ_SHPR, Field OIJ_CARR, Field OIJ_LOC, Object O_OIJ_TCKT
Effects on Customizing To use this function, you must activate the business functions Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) and Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1).
Effects on Customizing o To use this function, you must activate the following business functions: o Commodity Management and Bulk Logistics (COMMODITY_MGMT_&_BULK_LOGISTIC) Commodity Management and Bulk Transports (COMM_MGMT&BULK_LOG_1)
To define condition types and condition table numbers which are necessary for price optimization using rack price optimizer, in Customizing, choose Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) -> MAP (Marketing, Accounting and Pricing) -> Integration with Rack Pricing Optimizer -> Define Condition Types for Prices and Costs.