Styrene-Rubber (SR) Plastic Drain Pipe and Fittings: Standard Specification For
Styrene-Rubber (SR) Plastic Drain Pipe and Fittings: Standard Specification For
Styrene-Rubber (SR) Plastic Drain Pipe and Fittings: Standard Specification For
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
D 2852
shall be not less than 90 %. No fillers may be used. For molded fittings, the wall thickness of the water-
5.1.2 The SR plastic compound shall meet the following way and socket or bell shall be no less than the respective
minimum requirements when tested in accordance with Section minimum thickness listed for the equivalent pipe wall in Table
8: 2. For reducing fittings or those with smaller inlets, the
Tensile strength at rupture, 3800 psi (26.2 MPa) minimum wall thickness of each inlet shall be no less than the
Elongation at rupture, %, 15 minimum wall thickness for that size pipe.
Modulus of elasticity in tension, 300 000 psi (2068 MPa)
Izod impact strength, notched 0.8 ft·lbf/in. (42.5 J/m)
6.3.3 Socket Depth—The socket depth shall be not less than
Deflection temperature at 264 psi (1.82 149 (65) that shown in Table 2 when measured in accordance with 8.7.3.
MPa),° F (°C) 6.3.4 Laying Length—The laying length shall meet the
5.1.3 Rework Material—Clean rework material, generated requirements shown in Table 3. All dimensions are minimum
from the manufacturer’s own pipe or fittings production, may with a negative tolerance of zero.
be used by the same manufacturer, provided that the pipe and 6.4 Impact Strength—The impact strength of the pipe and
fittings produced meet all of the requirements of this specifi- fittings shall not be less than the values given in Table 4 when
cation. tested in accordance with 8.9.
NOTE 1—This test is intended only as a quality control test, not as a
6. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance simulated service test.
6.1 Workmanship—The pipe shall be homogeneous 6.5 Pipe Stiffness—The pipe stiffness at 5 % deflection shall
throughout and essentially uniform in color, opacity, density, be not less than the values given in Table 5 when tested in
and other properties. The inside and outside surfaces shall be accordance with 8.10. This requirement does not apply to
semimatte or glossy in appearance and free of chalking, sticky, fittings.
or tacky material. The pipe walls shall be free of cracks, holes,
blisters, voids, foreign inclusion, or other defects that are NOTE 2—The 5 % deflection criterion, which was arbitrarily selected
visible to the naked eye and that may affect the wall integrity. for testing convenience, should not be considered as a limitation with
respect to in-use deflection. The engineer is responsible for establishing
Holes deliberately placed in perforated pipe are acceptable. the acceptable deflection limit.
The surfaces shall be free of excessive bloom. Bloom or NOTE 3—The strength and load-carrying capabilities of plastic drain
chalking may develop in pipe exposed to direct rays of the sun and sewer pipe are measured and reported as Pipe Stiffness, which is
(ultraviolet radiant energy) for extended periods and conse- determined in accordance with Test Method D 2412. The term “crush
quently these requirements do not apply to pipe after extended strength” is not applicable to plastic piping because (a) the values obtained
exposure to direct rays of the sun. can be significantly different, depending on the bedding, loading, or
6.2 Pipe Dimensions: testing technique used; and (b) the term derives from rigid pipe and refers
to its ultimate strength at rupture.
6.2.1 Pipe Diameters—The outside and inside diameters of
the pipe shall be within the tolerances given in Table 1 when 6.6 Flattening—The pipe shall show no evidence of split-
tested in accordance with 8.6.1. ting, cracking, or breaking at 20 % deflection when tested in
6.2.2 Wall Thickness—Pipe wall thickness shall meet the accordance with 8.8.
requirements of Table 1 when measured in accordance with 6.7 Dimensional Stability—The average decrease in inside
8.6.2. diameter of pipe and fittings shall not exceed 10 % when tested
6.2.3 Laying Length—The laying length shall be 10 ft with in accordance with 8.11.
a tolerance of −0 +1⁄2 in., unless otherwise specified. The laying 6.8 Solvent Cement—Solvent cements shall meet the re-
length shall be determined in accordance with 8.6.3. quirements of Specification D 3122.
6.3 Fitting and Bell-End Dimensions: 6.9 Joint Tightness—Joints made with pipe and fittings shall
6.3.1 Socket Diameters—The inside diameters of the sock- not leak when tested in accordance with 8.12.
ets shall comply with the dimensions in Table 2 when deter-
mined in accordance with 8.7.1. 7. Retest and Rejection
6.3.2 Wall Thickness: 7.1 If the results of any test(s) do not meet the requirements For belled pipe and fittings fabricated from pipe of this specification, the test(s) may be conducted again in
sections, the thickness of the belled section shall be considered accordance with an agreement between the purchaser and the
satisfactory if the bell was formed from pipe meeting the seller. There shall be no agreement to lower the minimum
requirements of Table 1. requirement of the specification by such means as omitting
TABLE 1 Dimensions and Tolerances for SR Plastic Drain Pipe, in. (mm)
Permissible Deviations of
the Diameter from Mea- Minimum Average Minimum Wall
Nominal Size Average Outside Diameter
sured Average (Out-of- Inside Diameter Thickness
2 2.250 6 0.006 (57.2 6 0.15) 60.030 (60.76) 2.000 (50.8) 0.073 (1.85)
3 3.250 6 0.008 (82.6 6 0.20) 60.040 (61.02) 2.875 (73.0) 0.100 (2.54)
4 4.215 6 0.009 (104.8 6 0.23) 60.050 (61.27) 3.875 (98.4) 0.125 (3.18)
5 5.300 6 0.010 (134.6 6 0.25) 60.060 (61.52) 4.875 (123.8) 0.150 (3.81)
6 6.275 6 0.011 (159.4 6 0.28) 60.070 (61.78) 5.875 (149.2) 0.180 (4.57)
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Licensed by Information Handling Services
D 2852
tests that are a part of the specification, substituting or the quantity of product represented by the test(s) does not meet
modifying a test method, or by changing the specification the requirements of this specification.
limits. In retesting, the product requirements of this specifica-
tion shall be met and the test methods designated in the 8. Test Methods
specification shall be followed. If, upon retest, failure occurs, 8.1 Conditioning—Condition the specimens prior to test at
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D 2852
TABLE 4 Minimum Impact Strength Requirements of Pipe and been determined. Use a cylindrical anvil tubing micrometer
Fittings at 73°F (23°C) accurate to 60.001 in. (60.02 mm).
Minimum Impact 8.6.3 Length—Determine the over-all length of the pipe in
Nominal Size, in.
ft·lbf m·kg accordance with Test Method D 2122 using a steel tape with at
2 10 1.4 least 1⁄16-in. (1-mm) graduations. For belled or coupled pipe,
3 10 1.4 determine the laying length by measuring the bell or coupling
4 15 2.1
5 15 2.1
socket depth with a steel rule with at least 1⁄16-in. graduations
6 15 2.1 and subtracting this dimension from the overall length.
8.7 Fitting and Bell-End Socket Dimensions:
8.7.1 Socket Diameters—Measure the inside diameters of
TABLE 5 Minimum Pipe Stiffness for Pipe the sockets at the socket entrance and bottom, using an inside
Minimum Pipe Stiffness at 5 % micrometer accurate to 60.001 in. (60.02 mm) or a telescop-
Deflection ing pin gage in conjunction with an outside micrometer
Nominal Size, in. Original and Water Immersion accurate to 60.001 in. Determine the average inside diameters
at the entrance and the bottom of the socket by taking sufficient
psi MPa readings at each position. Calculate the average inside diameter
2 50 0.35 at each position by taking the mean of the minimum and
3 42 0.29
4 38 0.26
maximum values.
5 37 0.26 8.7.2 Wall Thickness—Measure the wall thickness in accor-
6 34 0.23 dance with Test Method D 2122. Make sufficent readings, a
minimum of six, to ensure that the minimum thickness has
been determined. Use a cylindrical anvil tubing micrometer
73.4 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for accurate to 60.001 in. (60.02 mm).
not less than 40 h in accordance with Procedure A of Practice 8.7.3 Socket Depth—Measure the socket depth using a steel
D 618, for those tests where conditioning is required and in all rule with at least 1⁄16-in. (1-mm) graduations. Make sufficient
cases of disagreement. readings to ensure that the minimum depth has been deter-
8.2 Test Conditions—Conduct tests in the standard labora- mined.
tory atmosphere of 73.4 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 6 5 % 8.8 Flattening—Flatten three specimens of pipe, 6 in. long,
relative humidity, unless otherwise specified. between parallel plates in a suitable press, until the distance
8.3 Deflection Temperature—Determine the deflection tem- between the plates is 80 % of the original outside diameter of
perature in accordance with Test Method D 648. Injection mold the pipe. The rate of loading shall be uniform and such that the
two 1⁄4 by 1⁄2 by 5-in. (6.4 by 12.7 by 127-mm) test specimens compression is completed within 2 to 5 min. Remove the load
under conditions specified by the manufacturer. The test shall and examine the specimens for evidence of splitting, cracking,
be made only at a stress of 264 psi (1.82 MPa). An inert or breaking. Reversal of curvature of the surface in contact
immersion medium shall be used. The heating rate shall be 2 6 with the parallel plate before 20 % deflection is reached shall
0.2°C/min. also be deemed failure.
8.4 Material Impact Resistance—Determine the Izod im-
NOTE 4—This test may be run in conjunction with 8.10.
pact resistance in accordance with Method A of Test Methods
D 256. Injection mold ten 1⁄8 by 1⁄2 by 21⁄2-in. test specimens 8.9 Impact Strength—Determine the impact strength of pipe
under conditions specified by the manufacturer. The notch shall and fittings in accordance with Method D 2444. Tup B at 10-lb
be produced by a machining operation using a single-tooth (4.5-kg) weight shall be used, and dropped on the specimen
milling cutter. from the selected height equivalent to the minimum impact
8.5 Tensile Properties—Determine the tensile strength, requirements given in Table 4 for that size pipe or fitting. Test
elongation at rupture, and modulus of elasticity in accordance six specimens. If two or more specimens fail to meet the
with Test Method D 638. Injection mold five Type I test requirements, the pipe or fitting fails to pass this requirement.
specimens approximately 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) thick under condi- Test couplings and other in-line fittings assembled to pipe.
tions specified by the manufacturer. The speed of testing shall 8.10 Pipe Stiffness—Determine the pipe stiffness at 5 %
be 0.20 to 0.25 in. (5 to 6 mm)/min. deflection in accordance with Test Method D 2412.
8.6 Pipe Dimensions: 8.11 Dimensional Stability—Cut two 6 6 1⁄8-in. long test
8.6.1 Pipe Diameters: specimens cleanly from the pipe. Mark and measure a diameter Measure the average outside diameter of the pipe in on the inside on the nearest 0.001 in. (0.02 mm). Place the
accordance with Test Method D 2122. Use either a tapered- specimens on a flat rigid base with the measured diameter in a
sleeve gage or a vernier circumferential wrap tape accurate to vertical position, and place the assembly in a circulating air
60.001 in. (60.02 mm). oven. Load the pair of test specimens symmetrically as shown Measure the average inside diameter of the pipe in in Fig. 1 to produce the total load for the indicated diameter as
accordance with Test Method D 2122. shown in Table 6. Turn on the heat in the oven and raise the
8.6.2 Wall Thickness—Measure the wall thickness in accor- temperature to 122 6 5.4°F (50 6 3°C). Hold the temperature
dance with Test Method D 2122. Make sufficient readings, a there for 48 6 1 h. Remove the load from the specimens and
minimum of six, to ensure that the minimum thickness has then remove the specimens from the oven. After cooling for 1
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D 2852
These requirements apply only to federal/military procurement, not domestic sales or transfers.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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