4 (A) - Heat Pump & Refrigeration

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page 4.28 to 4.30

A closed rigid cylinder is divided by a diaphragm into two equal compartments, each of
volume 0.1 m3. Each compartment contains air at a temperature of 200C. The pressure in one
compartment is 2.5 MPa and in the other compartment is 1 MPa. The diaphragm is ruptured so
that the air in both the compartments mixes to bring the pressure to a uniform value throughout
the cylinder which is insulated. Find the net change of entropy for the mixing process.
Given data
VA = VB = 0.1 m3; T = 200C = 273 + 20 = 293 K; pA = 2.5 MPa; pB = 1MPa
Mass of air in A,
p AV1 2.5  103  0.1
mA    2.973kg
RT 0.287  293
Similarly, mass of air in B,
p BVB 1  103  0.1
mA    1.189 kg
RT 0.287  293
The total mass of mixture,
mm = mA + mb = 2.973 + 1.139; = 4.162 kg
total volume of mixture,
Vm = VA + VB = 0.1 + 0. = 0.2 m3
From equation of state,
mm RT 4.162  0.287  293
pm    1.75 Mpa
Vm 0.2

Net change in entropy,

Sm = SA + SB
p  p 
=  m A R ln  m   mB R ln  m 
p   pn 
 A
Temperature is cons tan t throughout the process 
 1.75   1.75 
  2.973  0.287 ln    1.189  0.287 ln    0.2016 kJ / K
 2.75   1 
Page 4.33 to 4.35
A mixture of perfect gases at 230C contains 60% N2, 15%, O2 and 25% CH4 by volume.
If the partial of CH4 is 60 kPa, determine (a) the partial pressure of N2 and O2, (b) mass
proportion of mixture (c) gas constant for the mixture and (d) volume per mole of mixture.
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Given data
T = 230XC; 60% N2; 15% O2 and 25% CH4 by volume; pCH4 = 60 kPa
VO 2
Volume fraction of O2, yo2 =  0.16
Volume fraction of CH4, yCH4 = 0.25; Volume of N2yN2 = 0.6
Partial pressure of CH4, pCH4 = yCH4 x p
pCH 4 60
Total pressure, p    240 kPa
yCH 4 0.25

Partial pressure of O2
Po2 = yo2 x p = 01.5 x 240 = 36 kPa
Partial pressure of N2
PN2 = yN2 x p = 0.6 x 240 = 144 kPa
Molecular weight of the mixture
M = yo2 x Mo2 + yCH4MCH4 + yN2 MN2
= 0.5 x 32 + 0.25 x 16 + 0.6 x 28
= 25.6 kg/kg – mole
Mass fraction of O2
M 32
xo  yo  o 2  0.15   0.1875  18.75%
2 2 M 25.6
Mass fraction of CH4
M CH 4 16
xCH 4  yCH 4   0.5  ;  0.15625  15.63%
M 25.6
Mass fraction of N2
MN2 28
xN 2  yN 2   0.6  ;  0.65625  65.63%
M 25.6
Gas constant,
R ;  0.325 k J / kgK
RT 8.314  296
Volume, V = ;  0.0103 m3 / kg
p 240  10 3

page 4.66 to 4.67

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compute the specific volume of steam at 0.9 bar and 550 K using Vander Waals equation.
Take critical temperature of steam is 647.3K and critical pressure is 220.9 bar.
Pressure, p = 0.9 bar = 0.9 x 100kN/m2 = 90kPa
 1 bar  100kN / m2  100kPa
Temperature, T = 550 K
Critical Temperature, Tc = 647.3 K
Critical pressure, pc = 220.9 bar = 220.9 x 100 kN/m2
We know that Vander Waals equation
 a 
 p  2  v  b   RT
 v 

27 R 2 Tc 
Where, a 
64 pc

Universal Gas Cons tan t 8.314

Where, R   k J / kgK
Molecular weight of Steam 18

R = 0.462kJ/kgK

27 0.462 2  647 .32

a  1.7
64  220 .9  100

0.462  647 .3
; b  1.69  10 3
We know, b  
8 pc 8  220 .9  100

Substituting a, b and pressure and temperature values in Vander Waals equation.

  0.75  100 

1.70 
v 
 
  v  1.69  10 3  0.462  x 570

  0.75 

1.70 
v 
 
  v  1.69  10 3  263.34

By trial and error method, we get

Specific volume v = 0.25 m3/kg
Page 4.98 to 4.99
A mixture of ideal gases consists of 3 kg of nitrogen and 5 kg of carbon dioxide at a
pressure of 300kPa and a temperature of 200C, find
i. The mole fraction of each constituent.
ii. The equivalent molecular weight of the mixture.
iii. The equivalent gas constant of the mixture.
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iv. The partial pressures and the partial volumes

Given data
m N2 = 3kg; mCO2 = 5kg; p = 300 kPa; T = 200C.
(i ) Mole fraction of N 2 , x N 2  28  0.485 Where
3 5

28 44
Mole fraction of CO2 , xCO 2  44  0.515
3 5

28 44
(ii) Equivalent molecular weight of the mixture
M = xCO2 MN2 + xCO2 MCO2; = 0.485 x 28 + 0.515 x 44; = 36.24 kg/kg mol
(iii) Total mass, m = mN2 + mCO2; = 3 + 5 = 8 kg
Equivalent gas constant of the mixture,
m N 2 RN 2  mCO 2 RCO2
R Where
8.314 8.314
3x  5
 28 44  0.229 kJ / kgK
(iv) pN2 = xNp = 0.485 x 300 = 145.5 kPa
pc02 = xc02p = 0.515 x 300 = 154.5 kPa
m N 2 RN 2T 3  28  293
VN 2    0.87 m3
p 300
mCO2 RN 2T 5  28  293
VCO2    0.923 m3
p 300

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