Desirable Attributes of Protection System

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Desirable Attributes of Protection System

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• Dependability.
• Security.
• Sensitivity.
• Selectivity.
• Reliability.
• Necessity of speed in relaying.
• Speed vs. accuracy conflict.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

A protection system is characterized by following two important
• Dependability
• Security

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• Dependability is the degree of certainty that the relay will operate correctly.
• A relay is said to be dependable if it trips only when it is expected to trip.

Dependability can be improved by increasing the sensitivity of the relaying


Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• The protective system must have the ability to detect the smallest
possible fault current.
• The smaller the current that it can detect, the more sensitive it

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• Security is a property used to characterize false tripping on the relays.
• A relay is said to be ‘secure’ if it does not trip when it is not expected to trip. It is
the degree of certainty that the relay will not operate incorrectly:

• False trips do not just create nuisance. They can even compromise system security.
• Security of the relaying system can be improved by improving selectivity of the
relaying system.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP


• Like sensitivity, selectivity also implies an ability to discriminate. A relay should not confuse some
peculiarities of an apparatus with a fault.

• For example, transformer when energized can draw up to 20 times rated current (inrush current)
which can confuse, both overcurrent and transformer differential protection.
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
• Also, a relay should be smart enough, not just to identify a fault but
also be able to decide whether fault is in it's jurisdiction or not. For
example, a relay for a feeder should be able to discriminate a fault on
it's own feeder from faults on adjacent feeders.

• This implies that it should detect first existence of fault in it's vicinity
in the system and then take a decision whether it is in it's jurisdiction.
Recall that directional overcurrent relay was introduced to improve
selectivity of overcurrent relay.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP


• Reliability can be achieved by redundancy i.e. duplicating the

relaying system. Obviously redundancy can be a costly proposition.
Another way to improve reliability is to ask an existing relay say,
protecting an apparatus A to backup protection of apparatus B.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• E.g. a 400 kV transmission line will have independent
(duplicated) protection using same or a different philosophy; on the
other hand, a distribution system will not have such local back-up. A
quantitative measure for reliability is defined as follows:

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Zone of Protection
• A relay's zone of protection is a region defined by relay's jurisdiction (see fig 4.3).
It is shown by demarcating the boundary.
• This demarcation for differential protection is quite crisp and is defined by
CT's location.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Necessity of Speed in Relaying
• To maximize safety, and minimize equipment damage and system
instability, a fault should be cleared as quickly as possible. This
implies that relay should quickly arrive at a decision and circuit
breaker operation should be fast enough.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Speed Vs. Accuracy Conflict
Intuition tells us that quickness is an invitation to disaster. The possible
consequences of quick tripping decisions are:
• Nuisance Tripping
• Tripping for faults outside the relay jurisdiction.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• Nuisance tripping is the tripping when there is no fault, e.g. an
overcurrent relay tripping on load. It compromises faith in the relaying
system due to unnecessary loss of service.

• Tripping on faults that are outside the relay's jurisdiction also cause an
unwarranted loss of service in the healthy parts of the system.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

It has to be mentioned that speed
and accuracy bear an inverse
• The high-speed systems
tend to be less accurate for the
simple reason that a high speed
system has lesser amount of
information available at it's
disposal for making decision.
• Thus, the protection engineer has
to strike a balance between these
two incompatible requirements.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Lightning Protection
• Many line outages result from lightning
strokes that hit overhead transmission lines.
Lightning discharges normally produce
overvoltage surges which may last for a
fraction of second and are extremely harmful.

• The line outages can be reduced to an

acceptable level by protection schemes like
installation of earth wires and earthing of the

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Lightning overvoltage classification:
• Induced overvoltages which occur when lightning strokes reach the
ground near the line.

• Overvoltages due to shielding failures that occur when lightning

strokes reach the phase conductors.

• Overvoltages by back flashovers that occur when lightning stroke

reaches the tower or the shield wire.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
The most commonly used devices for protection against
lightning surges are the following:
• Shielding by earth wires
• Lightning Arrestors

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• ZnO varistor is commonly used as lightning arrestor because of its
peculiar resistance characteristic. Its resistance varies with applied
voltage, i.e, its resistance is a nonlinear inverse function of applied
• At normal voltage its resistance is high. But when high voltage surges
like lightning strokes appear across the varistor, its resistance decreases
drastically to a very low value and the energy is dissipated in it,
giving protection against lightning.

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Line Surge arrestors

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• Due to the development in power
system, EHV and UHV systems
came into existence. Thus the
effect of Switching over-voltages
( due to the opening and closing
of circuit breakers) is much
severe when compared to the
Lightning Over-voltage.(as the
transmission line voltages have
multiplied by many folds)

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• Surge arresters are devices installed on Over head lines, substations etc
to avoid a surge of an additional current/ voltage/charge due to various
faults occurring and since one of the major reasons of a surge is due to
lightning, these surge arresters are also termed as Lightning arrester.

• Surges can be produced because of short circuit, lightning, sparking


Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

• However Lightning arresters are separate instruments specifically
designed for protection of structures solely from lightning this
equipment neutralizes the charge by nullifying the charge it receives
from the lightning and grounds it.

• Lightning arresters don't intervene with the excess current / voltage

surge due to electrical faults - it is solely for lightning protection
unlike surge arrestors which is a protection against electrical faults and
Lightning which is a natural charge dispenser.

• In short, lightning arrester is not supposed to conduct at power

frequency. Whereas surge arrester is supposed to conduct at power

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP


Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP
Mirza Mursalin Iqbal, Asst. Professor, EEE, UAP

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