AB Level 1 Unit A2 Progression Plan (Update 19 Mac)
AB Level 1 Unit A2 Progression Plan (Update 19 Mac)
AB Level 1 Unit A2 Progression Plan (Update 19 Mac)
The school is organizing a Career Fair that invite higher institutions, uniform
groups, and private companies. It is intended for students to choose their future
Vocational Scenario pathway. At the end of the Fair, the School Career Section would like to see your
Personal Progression Plan for their feedback on what types of job you would
Task 1 1. Decide a job that you would like to do in 5 years’ time. (A.P1)
Progression Goal 2. Explain why you have chosen the job? Provides the skills and behaviors need to for the chosen
job (A.M1)
3. Is your chosen job achievable? Describe the skills and behaviors needed to achieve the job.
Checklist of 1. Progression Goal Form (A.P1)
evidence 2. Personal Note (A.M1 & A.D1)
Learning Aims covered by this task:
Learning Aim To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
A.P1 Identify an intended progression goal
A.M1 Identify a clear progression goal with some details of the skills and behaviours needed to achieve
A.D1 Identify a realistic progression goal with details of the skills and behaviours needed to achieve it.
Task 2 1. Find out the skills and behaviors that matches your chosen job. (A.P2)
Skills and 2. Identify the THREE skills and behaviors that match yourself. Explain how the skills and
Behaviours behaviors can help them to get the job. Get your teachers/friends to give feedback on this.
3. Write a self-reflection note based on the given feedback. Describe how the skills and
behaviors will match your goal. (A.D2)
Checklist of 1. Checklist of Skills and Behaviours
evidence 2. Review form
required 3. Reflection Note
Learning Aims covered by this task:
Learning Aim To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
A.P2 Outline the skills and behaviours needed to meet personal progression goal
A.M2 Identify how own skills and behaviours meet personal progression goal
A.D2 Describe how own skills and behaviors meet personal progression goal.
Task 3 1. Based on your progression goal in Task1, list out your progression plan. (B.P1)
Progression Plan For example, Goal: IT technician
Improve skill in computer
Qualification in computer
2. Produce step-by-step on achieving each progression plan. (B.M2)
For example, Improve skills in computer
Attend class for the skills
3 months training
3. Provide further explanation for each progression plan which include timeline, ability and
suggestion of improvement. (B.D2)
For example, Improve skills in computer
Attend a private class at Micronet on computer system focusing on hardware and software.
Checklist of Written Document on Progression Plan.
Learning Aims covered by this task:
Learning Aim To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
B.P1 Produce an outline progression plan to meet intended progression goal.
B.M2 Produce a clear progression plan, identifying some steps towards meeting intended progression
B.D2 Produce a detailed and achievable progression plan, identifying most of the steps needed to meet
intended progression goal.
Rating 1-5
skills behaviour Comment
1 planning Making a plan 12345
TASK 3 (As Lesson Classwork. Not to be included in Portfolio)