Assignment Brief BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF) : To Be Filled by The Student
Assignment Brief BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF) : To Be Filled by The Student
Assignment Brief BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF) : To Be Filled by The Student
Unit Code & Title : Unit3–Employability and Professional Development (EPD – 16 – 001)
Assessment Title & No’s : Undertaking a community development project for personal development
LO 01: Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development
Learning Outcomes LO 1.1 LO 1.2 LO 1.3 LO 1.4
LO 02: Be able to demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferable skills
Learning Outcomes LO 2.1 LO 2.2
LO 03: Understand the dynamics of working with others
Learning Outcomes LO 3.1 LO 3.2
LO 4: Be able to develop strategies for problem solving
Learning Outcomes LO 4.1 LO 4.2 LO 4.3
Date of Submission:
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.
Task -1, Task – 2, Task 3 and Task – 4 are based on the scenario selected by you and approved by your
tutor as below.
Identify a problem from the environment or community and plan, organize, lead and control a small
scale project in a nature of a fund raising event executed with careful guidance of a supervisory lecturer
(tutor of the unit) as a collective team effort combining skills of the entire students in your batch.
However, team members must understand the importance of the event and then must recognize their
interdependence in achieving goals of the event.
Assume that you have been employed as a Project Coordinator for the above project and address the
Task 01
Develop a report and address the following points considering the above scenario.
1.1 Reflect on own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organizational
objectives of the project to fit in to the abovementioned position (LO 1.1)
1.2 Evaluate own development needs and the activities required to function in the above position.
(LO 1.2)
1.3 Devise a personal and professional development plan (PDP) based on identified
needs necessary to carry out tasks as a project coordinator. (LO 1.3)
1.4 Reflect on own development against original aims and objectives set in the personal
and professional development plan you have already developed on the above section. (LO 1.4)
Learners are encouraged to concentrate on M1.1 and D1.1 in order to achieve and merit grade
descriptors when addressing the above tasks.
Task 02
Present your work verbally (15 -20 Mins) with use of a multimedia format:
2.1 Present on methods you have used to communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at
various levels of stakeholders of the project. (LO 2.1)
2.2 Present evidence on how you have demonstrated effective time management strategies learnt,
when carrying out the project. (LO 2.2)
Develop a report and address the following points considering the above scenario:
3.1 Analyze team dynamics, discussing the roles people play in a team and how they can work together
to achieve shared goals expected to achieve through carrying out the project (LO 3.1)
3.2 Discuss alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals relevant to the
project undertaken (LO 3.2)
Learners are encouraged to concentrate on D2.2 in order to achieve merit grade descriptors when
addressing the above tasks.
Task 04
Develop a report and address the following points considering the above scenario
4.1 Review tools and methods used for developing solutions to problems encountered in the
project (LO 4.1)
4.2 Explain how you have developed an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem
encountered when completing the project (LO 4.2)
4.3 Evaluate the potential impact of implementing the strategy on the project (LO.4.3)
Learners are encouraged to concentrate on M 2.4 and D3.2 in order to achieve distinction and merit
grade descriptors when addressing the above tasks
D2. Take responsibility for To achieve D2 you must have managed and executed all the
substantial activities involved in the project team
managing and organizing
D2.2 Substantial activities,
projects or investigations have
been planned, managed and
D3. Demonstrate You must have self-criticized the development of the
solutions for problems and appropriate strategy for resolving
problems and implementation of the strategy through
thinking. different analytical methods and techniques
D3.2 Self-criticism of approach
has taken place
Acknowledgement 12
1.2 Evaluate own development needs and the activities required to function in the above
position. 15
1.3 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs 16
1.4 reflect on own development against original aims and objectives set in the personal and
professional development plan 18
Task 2 – Methods 20
2.1 Present on methods you have used to communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate
manner at various levels of stakeholders of the project. 20
2.2 Present evidence on how you have demonstrated effective time management strategies learnt,
when carrying out the project. 26
3.1 Analyze team dynamics, discussing the roles people play in a team and how they can work
together to achieve shared goals expected to achieve through carrying out the project 28
3.2 Discuss alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals relevant to the project
undertaken 30
4.1 Review tools and methods used for developing solutions to problems encountered in the
project 31
4.2 Explain how you have developed an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem
encountered when completing the project 32
4.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the project of implementing the strategy 33
Gantt chart 34
Self – criticism 34
Conclusion 35
References 36
Indexes 37
Glossary 38
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Gantt Chart.............................................................................................................34
List of Tables
This following assignment consists of four tasks. Firstly it describes about the different
tools and methods that are been used by our team in order to find a solution to the problem,
whereas the second task is all about implementing a strategy that could resolve the
community problem, it should evaluate the potential impact on the community by use of
the project
There are certain activities that are needed to fulfill. As a student we have to analyze the
impact of team dynamics that we have learnt throughout this project. The main aspect of
this project is to analyze the different roles that are been implemented by each member of
the team and to provide the outcome that they have achieved. The responsibility of the
team was to complete the given tasks and achieve the required goal that was accessed for
this project
In the third task it’s all about communication between various types of team members, thus
we should implement how we should communicate with each other. Not all has the same
ideas. Everyone has different opinions. Some people think in a different way. Not only that
when doing a certain project time management is what should considered first of all, as a
team we had to manage our time and contribute towards the project so that it could be
completed on time
As we end this the final task is all about developing a PDP portfolio known as Personal
Development Plan. Through this we as students has to reflect on our own development in
order to achieve our goals and objectives with improvised standards. Therefore I am
strongly confident that this certain documentation consists of all the necessary and
expected outcomes
I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Esoft Metro Campus, to our
EPD lecturer Mrs. Dilini for providing us with all the essential help and support that was
needed in order to complete this project successfully
I would like to express my thanks to our friends, or parents and all those who supported us
to complete this project. By doing this project as students we were able to take
responsibility for the work that was done by us. By the help of all the lecturers everything
is possible.
Thank You
Reflect on own current skills and competencies against professional standards and
organizational objectives of the project to fit in to the above mentioned position
A project coordinator is the member of a project management team responsible for keeping
the project organized and running smoothly. Project coordinators gather and dispense the
needed information and updates and coordinate the work throughout the project life cycle.
I have held several roles in IT engineering and project management, with almost four
years’ experience in a senior project management role. My leadership and communication
skills have provided me with the ability to consistently complete projects within time and
budget, and to motivate teams to achieve maximal efficiency.
My high level of organization is a natural aptitude that I have been able to build on
throughout my broad industry experience. I pride myself on my ability to minimize risk in
all projects I manage and my conflict resolution skills have been invaluable to both my
teams and clients.
I am looking for a role that will continue to expand my capabilities and challenge me in a
positive way. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the advertised role with you
further and look forward to hearing from you.
They sincerely,
M.I.M. Infaas
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
projects Economy
The use of a project defines the objectives and scope. This will certainly be a great
drawback for this project to be successful. By the help of certain objectives as students we
are able to announce the success of the project. Its main aim is to check whether the project
can be of great success or not. They all must be collaborated with the SMART method that
seems to be efficient and effective. As a project coordinator of the team we must provide
our goals and all the necessary benefits that are considered for this project. So that they can
work actively. The word smart means Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Relevant and
Specific- Being specific means being aware of the goal, requirements for the goal and the
steps needed to achieve it. Project coordinator must aware team members about these
things well.
Measurable- Include a measure to enable us to monitor progress and to know when the
objective and goals has been achieved. Project coordinator must control project resources
and time.
Agreed upon- The project success criteria and objectives should be defined clearly and
agreed upon by the key team members.
Relevant- The goal should align with other business objectives to be considered
Time bound- Project coordinator must state the deadline of the project. This will ensure
that tasks and resources are planned such that the project timeline is not breached. All tasks
need to have a deadline which adds an element of urgency and importance to the task and
team members will take up the task with the attitude and ability required to reach the goal
within the deadline
(Authors work)
Academic Achievements
2.1 Present on methods you have used to communicate in a variety of styles and
appropriate manner at various levels of stakeholders of the project.
Becoming more assertive does not mean that you will always get what you want - but, it
can help you achieve a compromise. And even if you don't get the outcome you want, you
will have the satisfaction of knowing that you handled the situation well, and that there are
no ill feelings between you and the other person or people involved in the discussion.
Communicating assertively is not a skill reserved for the very few – anyone can do it - but,
it does take time and practice if it is not how you are used to communicating. Fortunately,
it is a technique you can practice and master at home in your own time – either by yourself
or with a friend you can trust to give you honest feedback. Remember to also think about
how the person you are talking to may react and how best you might cope with this.
Before deciding that you would like to communicate assertively, you need to have an
understanding of what your usual style of communication is. There are five communication
styles, and while many of us may use different styles in different situations, most will fall
back on one particular style, which we use as our 'default' style. The Five Communication
Styles are as follows
The Assertive Style - is born of high self-esteem. It is the healthiest and most effective
style of communication - the sweet spot between being too aggressive and too passive.
When we are assertive, we have the confidence to communicate without resorting to games
or manipulation. We know our limits and don't allow ourselves to be pushed beyond them
just because someone else wants or needs something from us. Surprisingly, however,
Assertive is the style most people use least.
The Aggressive Style - is about winning – often at someone else's expense. An aggressive
person behaves as if their needs are the most important, as though they have more rights,
and have more to contribute than other people. It is an ineffective communication style as
the content of the message may get lost because people are too busy reacting to the way it's
o Sulky patronizing)
o Gestures – Can be jerky, quick
o Patronizing
o Facial expression – Often looks
o Gossips
sweet and innocent
o Two-faced
o Spatial position – often too close,
even touching other as pretends to be
warm and friendly
Table 6 Passive -Aggressive style
A good understanding of the five basic styles of communication will help you learn how to
react most effectively when confronted with a difficult person. It will also help you
recognize when you are not being assertive or not behaving in the most effective way.
Remember, you always have a choice as to which communication style you use. Being
assertive is usually the most effective, but other styles are, of course, necessary in certain
situations – such as being submissive when under physical threat. Good communication
skills require a high level of self-awareness. Once you understand your own
communication style, it is much easier to identify any shortcomings or areas which can be
improved on, if you want to start communicating in a more assertive manner. If you're
serious about strengthening your relationships, reducing stress from conflict and
decreasing unnecessary anxiety in your life, practice being more assertive. It will help you
diffuse anger, reduce guilt and build better relationships both personally and
professionally. The following types of communication are as follows
Open communication: This type of communications is always convenient with the
colleagues or friends. It is an informal way of communication. This type if communication
is free of emotions & feelings. One can express his emotions without any fear and share
with anyone. This types of communication is also work when two person just talking for
initiating a partnership in between them to carry the business forward, in an informal way
Reserved communication: Reserve communication means that if it is held in
between two people then no one can discuss their personal talk/ discussion with anyone.
They simply keep themselves busy in doing their work and never get involved in other
activities in their organization. This type of communication is may held in between the
superior & subordinate or superior person with his team in the organization so that no
disclosure of their strategy if any. It also keeps the conversation secret done in between the
Indirect Communication: The people who believe in such communication are
very slow they don’t like to be a part of a direct communication which may be very loud,
aggressive and fast. They always believe on figures & facts, never trust on assumptions
neither consider them so if anyone wants to share their views on any of the discussion with
these people just mind it that he/she has to show the proofs to prove their statement. E.g. In
an organization the communication in between the stakeholders / top management with the
first level executive, message given by the superior management to the customer whether
oral/ written.
Running Projects That Don’t Fit with the Strategic Direction of the
Too often, project managers and project teams are working on projects that are not
adding value to the organization. These projects neither support the development,
enhancement and/or replacement of products, services or processes, nor do they support
the organizational or departmental strategic plan, yet they are using valuable time,
budget and resources that could be better utilized in more strategically driven projects.
As a result, many project teams complain that senior management are not supporting
their projects. When projects support strategic planning directives of the organization,
management will be much more likely to support them with resources, time and budget.
Therefore, before initiating a project, make sure that it is aligned with the strategic
planning directives of the organization. If it isn’t, drop it. This will increase the
likelihood that the project will have the funding, resources and executive support
required to help ensure its success.
3.1 Analyze team dynamics, discussing the roles people play in a team and how they
can work together to achieve shared goals expected to achieve through carrying out
the project
Client Project Managers - will support you in all administrative and logistical aspects of
your work with us, and is an additional point of contact if your Programme Director is not
available. Drawing on their extensive experience of running programs both on-site at
Canfield and at locations around the world, they will advise and support you with:
Ensuring the availability, quality & suitability of your facility and accommodation
Liaising with delegates before, during and after your event
Creating web based event portals, tailored to your needs
Collation and quality control of event materials
One centralized storage to keep all The project goal and "success
project artifacts in organized manner criteria" are clearly defined. Project
Tasks, pages, discussions, people, tasks and milestones are written and
results can be easily linked prioritized
Project overview provides Requirements are placed to wiki-
immediate bird-view onto the project pages and discussed. No more
status contradictory requirements!
Blogs introduce informal Ideas and useful tips can be easily
communication with team and clients shared with team in blog
Less communication noise in
emails, eliminate empty boring
meetings for searching information
Table 9 Team roles
No organization can succeed by effort of an individual only. Irrespective of the fact that
how effective a decision is taken by an individual, if there is not team work then there will
be no execution of the decision as such. Hence having an effective and positive team
dynamics is an important stepping stone towards organizational success. It is clear that
there are numerous responsibilities assigned to this particular role.
However it is impractical to think that all these responsibilities can be fulfilled by just one
position. In order to execute and fulfil all these responsibilities team work is required. It is
important to understand the team dynamics and how work can be extracted from team
members. No one is capable of doing all the tasks by himself, because if that would have
been the case then organizations would have hired only managers for the execution of all
the tasks
My main target is to ensure that there is team work at every possible level of the project.
Reason behind this is, that there are several benefit when a particular task is done through
team work, such as team work provides better understanding of the overall project and
activity, and it helps in building of basic essential skills such as communication, conflict
management, problem reporting, people management and problem solving, which in case
of individualistic approach is not possible. For ensuring a positive and effective team
dynamic it is important to have control over the team executing the project. However the
control should not become autocratic in nature.
Another important aspect of team dynamics is the composition of team. Thus it makes
important for these leads to have specific skillset related to technology otherwise in case of
any issue they will not be able to help their team members. Ultimately these team leads can
escalate their issues to me. Reflection and learning from past mistakes in the project is also
crucial for future success. Hence team should be open enough to accept new changes and
suggestions to improve their performance.
(Cornelissen, 2011)
However with fast changing work culture, and exposure to new ways of doing work has
impacted the way a task is done. Following above approach might be beneficial in short
term, but in long term it leaves an employee fatigued, demotivated and monotonous
In order to avoid all such issues, unconventional approach of doing work can be taken up.
In other words these are the alternative ways of completing tasks. Although the end result
is same in both cases, but the process of completion of task is more fruitful and enjoyable
for the workers. Various ways which can be followed are:
4.1 Review tools and methods used for developing solutions to problems encountered
in the project
Define the Problem - The most important of the problem solving steps is to define the
problem correctly. The way you define the problem will determine how you attempt to
solve it. For example, if you receive a complaint about one of your project team members
from a client, the solutions you come up with will be different based on the way you define
the problem. If you define the problem as poor performance by the team member you will
develop different solutions than if you define the problem as poor expectation setting with
the client.
Determine the Causes - Once you have defined the problem, you are ready to dig deeper
and start to determine what is causing it. If you consider the problem as a gap between
where you are now and where you want to be, the causes of the problem are the obstacles
that are preventing you from closing that gap immediately. This level of analysis is
important to make sure your solutions address the actual causes of the problem instead of
the symptoms of the problem. If your solution fixes a symptom instead of an actual cause,
the problem is likely to reoccur since it was never truly solved.
Generate Ideas - Once the hard work of defining the problem and determining its causes
has been completed, it's time to get creative and develop possible solutions to the problem.
Two great problem solving methods you can use for coming up with solutions
are brainstorming and mind mapping.
Select the Best Solution - After you come up with several ideas that can solve the
problem, one problem solving technique you can use to decide which one is the best
solution to your problem is a simple trade-off analysis. To perform the trade-off analysis,
define the critical criteria for the problem that you can use to evaluate how each solution
compares to each other. It can be done using a simple matrix. The highest ranking solution
will be your best solution for this problem.
Take Action - Once you've determined which solution you will implement, it's time to
take action. If the solution involves several actions or requires action from others, it is a
good idea to create an action plan and treat it as a mini-project. Using this simple five-step
approach can increase the effectiveness of your problem solving skills. (Project-Management-
Skills, 2018)
Specification Any Issue faced
Achieved/Partially Achieved
Identification of target
Achieved No Issues faced during this phase of the training.
At the end of each module which was on monthly basis, assessment were
Module assessment Achieved
conducted in order to estimate the progress of the training batch.
Among the training batch there were many people who failed to clear the
Final Certification Partially Achieved
certification. And the overall pass percentage of the batch was 80%.
Feedback from the training batch helped in concluding that overall training was
successful. However 20% people who failed in clearing the certification
Feedback Achieved
mentioned that their knowledge level compared to other in the group was
relatively less in terms of exposure to IT field as such.(Authors work)
Table 10 project impact
In this EPD project we were supposed to do a charity project. But it was certainly a great challenge to our team that we decided to host fund raising
events and had to collect funds for our project. We somehow managed to complete this project successfully
The EPD documentation is not really hard but we had to provide all the details how we analyzed the problems, but communication was pretty justified
and creating a PDP was the most difficult to do.
But due to my hard work and dedication I somehow managed to complete this assignment, throughout this assignment I proved my hard work and
flexibility, managing the time and being self-confident are my strengths. For this EPD assignment I have used the best information that is why this
assignment is very valuable. Through this it helped us to realize how we worked as a team and how these experiences could help me in the near future
From this assignment, we learned major aspects on how to become a professional employee by improving our skills and working hard as a team this
somehow helps us to be successful in the near future.
Through this assignment it helps us to realize that for a problem they are solutions that could fix them. The members of the team should have a perfect
knowledge on what they are doing. The planning of this project is really essential because we have organized the all event and somehow managed to
complete the project as well as the tasks.
None of the team members have certainly no experience in project management, but all these events were all done by the knowledge of the team
members. This was basically to recognize the characteristics of the team player and their skills and responsibilities that they were supposed to do as a
project coordinator. As a project coordinator they are the most important because their role is to get the team members together
While doing team work the most important thing was communication, therefore during this project different methods of communication was used
throughout this project and we somehow managed the time that was occupied due to the project, helped us to overcome our fears and move steadily on.
It gives us perfect knowledge on how to work hard and fulfill our responsibilities
Project Management Software in the Cloud: project planning and tracking in Gantt task-tree - Comindwork. 2018. Project Management Software in the
Cloud: project planning and tracking in Gantt task-tree - Comindwork. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 February
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Optimize operational performance | Business Improvement Architects. 2018. Optimize operational performance | Business Improvement Architects.
[ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 February 2018].
EPAM | Software Product Development Services. 2018. EPAM | Software Product Development Services. [ONLINE] Available
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Jobsite. 2018. Find 1000s of UK Jobs. Start your job search with Jobsite UK. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05
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Job Search | Indeed. 2018. Job Search | Indeed. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 February 2018].
Microsoft Office help and training - Office Support. 2018. Microsoft Office help and training - Office Support. [ONLINE] Available
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Educational Business Articles. 2018. Educational Business Articles: Providing you skills for a World-class Career. [ONLINE] Available
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Custom eLearning, Digital Learning and Online Training Blogs – CommLab India. 2018. Custom eLearning, Digital Learning and Online Training
Blogs – CommLab India. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 February 2018].
Home | Mace. 2018. Home | Mace. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 February 2018].
Project Management Skills for New and Aspiring Project Managers. 2018. Project Management Skills for New and Aspiring Project Managers.
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IT – Information Technology