Study Material Unit-3
Study Material Unit-3
Study Material Unit-3
In India, banking companies are governed by the Banking Regulation Act 1949. Section
5 of the Act defines banking as “the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of
deposits of money from the public repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawal by
cheque, draft, and order or otherwise.
(a) grant any loans or advances on the security of its own shares, or
(b) enter into any commitment for granting any loan or advance to or on behalf of-
(i) Any of its Directors,
(ii) Any firm in which any of its Directors is interested as Partner, Manager, Employee or
Guarantor, or
(iii) Any company in which directors of the banking company is a Director, Managing Agent,
Manager, Employee or Guarantor or in which he holds substantial interest, or
(iv) Any individual with whom any of its Directors is a partner or guarantor.
A banking company is required to prepare its Profit and Loss Account according to Form
B in the Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Form B is given as follows:
Current Previous
Particulars Year year
Rs. Rs.
I. Income:
Interest earned 13
Other income 14
II. Expenditure :
Interest expended 15
Operating expenses 16
Provisions and contingencies
III Profit /Loss :
Net Profit/ Loss For the year
Profit/ Loss brought forward
Iv. Appropriations:
Transfer to statutory reserves
Transfer to other reserves
Transfer to government/ Propose Dividend
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet
Current year Previous year
Rs. Rs.
I. For Nationalized banks capital
II. For banks incorporated outside India capital
III. For other banks capital
Less: Calls unpaid
Current Previous
Particulars year year
Rs. Rs.
I. Statutory Reserves
Opening Balance
Additions during the year
Deductions during the year
II. Capital Reserves
Opening Balance
Additions during the year
Deductions during the year
III. Share Premium
Opening Balance
Additions during the year
Deductions during the year
IV. Revenue & Other Reserves
Opening Balance Additions during the year
Deductions during the year
V . Balance in Profit and Loss Account
Total (I+II+III+IV+V)
Current year Previous year
Rs. Rs.
A.I. Demand Deposits
(i) From Banks
(ii) From Others
II. Saving Bank Deposits
III. Term Deposits
B. (i) Deposits of branches in India
(ii) Deposits of branches outside India
VI. Others
1. From the following particulars, prepare a profit and loss a/c of ABC Ltd., for the year
ended 31.3.2014
2. From the following information relating to Vilas bank Ltd., prepare the profit & loss A/C for
the year ended 31st March ,2013
3. Prepare the profit & loss A/C of Sriram bank Ltd., for the year ended 31 st March ,2013
Particulars Rs.
4.From the following information, prepare profit & loss Account of Swadesh bank Ltd., for the
year ended 31st March ,2014
Additional information:
1) Rebate on bills discounted on 31st March ,2013Rs.19,000.
2) Rebate on bills discounted on 31st March ,2014Rs. 26,000.
3) Bad debts to be written off Rs.40,000.
4) Provide for taxation Rs.50,000.
5. From the following information prepare the profit and loss account of ABC Bank Ltd. for
the year ended on 31st March ,2014 in the prescribed form.
Bad debts to be written off amounted to Rs.40,000. Provision for taxation may be made @
55%. Balance of profit from last year was Rs.1,20,000. The directors have recommended a
dividend of Rs.20,000 for the shareholders.
Particulars Rs.
6.From the following , you are required to prepare the profit and loss Account and the
balance sheet of New Bank ltd., as on 31st march 2014.
1. Provide Rs.20,000 for doubtful debts.
2. Provide Rs.10,000 on bills discounted but not matured on 31.3.2014
3. Acceptances and endorsements on behalf of customers amounting to Rs.4,00,000.
4. Provide Rs.60,000 for taxes.
Considering the following information furnished, prepare profit and loss Account for the year
ended and balance sheet as on that date in the proper forth.
1. Bills worth Rs.50,000 were received for collection.
2. Interest accrued on investment Rs.12,000.
3. Rebate on bills discounted Rs.15,000.
4. Debts amounting to Rs.65,000 were doubtful and provision is to be made for the same.
8.The following are the balances of ABN Bank Ltd., for the year ended 31.3.2014
9. From the following balance of Saraswathi Bank Ltd., as on 31.3.2014, prepare its balance
sheet in the prescribed form.
(Rs. In
Paid up share capital (shares of Rs.100 each fully paid) 2,000
Bills discounted 1,800
Reserve fund 770
Cash credits 2,000
Overdrafts 800
Unclaimed dividends 10
Loans 4,600
Current deposits 3,800
Furniture 40
Profit and loss A/c (Cr) 220
Stamps and stationery 10
Cash in hand 500
Cash with reserve bank 1,300
Branch adjustment (Dr) 170
Investment 950
Loan (cr) 1,200
Recurring Deposits 1,000
Fixed Deposits 2,000
Cash Certificates 1,000
Contingency reserve 170
1) Rebate on bills discounted Rs.10,000.
1. Define Banking.
2. What is statutory reserve? How is it created?
3. What are non banking assets?
4. Define Balance sheet
5. What is cash reserve ratio?
6. What is statutory liquidity ratio?
7. State the different items shown under “other Liabilities and provisions”.
8. Mention the major kinds of deposits accepted by bank under schedule 3.
9. What do you mean by contingent liabilities?
10. What is rebate on bills discounted?
11. Define banking and briefly discuss the provisions of banking regulations act.
12. Draft profit and loss account of a banking company in prescribed form as per format of
banking companies Act and give various schedules.
13. Explain the various schedules prepared by a commercial bank.
14. Draft balance sheet of a banking company in prescribed form as per schedule 3 of
banking companies Act and give various schedules.
15.From the following particulars relating to the Punjab bank Ltd. Ascertain the profit
balance carried over to the balance sheet:
Particulars Rs.
Net Profit for the year 1,28,000
Profit brought forward from the previous year 1,20,000
Transfer to Statutory Reserve 25 %
Transfer to Other reserve 10 %
Transfer to proposed dividend 20,000
16. From the following balances prepare profit and loss account of Adarsh bank Ltd for the year
ending 31.3.15
Particulars Rs.
Interest on loan 5,00,000
Interest on cash credit 6,00,000
Interest on overdrafts 3,00,000
Discount on bills discounted 7,25,000
Interest on fixed deposit 8,00,000
Interest on savings deposits 1,10,000
Interest on current accounts 70,000
Income on investments 15,000
Interest balance with RBI 25,000
Commission, exchange and brokerage 40,000
Miscellaneous income 30,000
Rent, taxes and lighting 25,000
Printing and stationery 15,000
Advertisement and publicity 60,000
Depreciation on bank’s property 10,000
Salaries to staff 1,40,000
Director fees 30,000
Audtior fees 10,000
Law charges 7,000
Postage and telegram 3,000
Repairs and maintenance 5,000
Insurance 12,000
Other expenditure 5,000
Prepare the necessary schedules.
17. From the following particulars, prepare the profit and loss account of Chennai Bank
Ltd, for the year ending 31st march 2015
18. From the following Leger balance of peoples bank Ltd., Prepare profit and Loss A/c
Particulars Rs.
Interest paid on deposits 1,60,520
Commission exchange and brokerage 44,240
Interest received 5,32,260
Discount on bills discounted 2,43,760
Salary and provident fund 40,000
Profit on sale of fixed assets 30,000
Printing and stationary 10,000
Postage and telephone 20,000
Note Provide for taxation Rs. 20,000 and rebate on bills discounted was Rs.14,380
19. The following balances are extracted from the books of World Bank Ltd for the year ending
Particulars Rs.
Interest received 15,50,730
Commission, exchange and brokerage 1,46,500
Issued and subscribed capital 20,00,000
Statutory reserve fund 5,00,000
Retained profit as on 1.4.96 3,00,000
Income on investments 2,50,000
Discount on bills discounted 5,00,270
Profit on revaluation of investments 1,40,000
Miscellaneous income 25,000
Income earned by way of dividends 50,000
Profit on sale of investments 15,000
Interest on deposits 10,85,090
Interest on bank borrowings 1,42,360
Salary 2,40,000
Rents and taxes paid 15,000
Depreciation on bank properties 1,10,000
Insurance 60,000
Other expenditure 40,000
Printing and stationary 20,000
Law charges 15,000
Audit fees 10,000
Additional information:
Rebate on bills discounted on 31.3.96 was Rs.50000 and on 31.3.97 was Rs.60000
Provision for taxation may be made at 505
The proposed dividend is 10% on paid up capital
The total debts from a customer is Rs.1500000 and the amount realized is only
The auditors recommended for further bad debts of Rs.200000
You are required to prepare profit and loss account and the required schedules.
20. From the following Trial balance, prepare a Balance sheet of Indian Bank Ltd as on 31.3.15
Rs. In Rs in
Lakhs Lakhs
Land and building 25 -
Furniture 12 -
Cash in hand 10 -
Gold 15 -
Government securities 25 -
Term loan 60 -
Cash credits 80 -
22. From the following Trial Balance of Canara Bank Ltd., prepare the Profit & Loss A/c. for
the year ending 31.03.15 & Balance Sheet as on that date
Particulars Debit Credit
Paid capital - 10,00,000
Money at call and short notice 4,00,000 -
Reserve fund - 2,50,000
Cash on hand 5,00,000 -
Cash with RBI 2,00,000 -
Fixed deposits - 12,00,000
Loans, cash creditors etc 15,00,000 -
Investments 2,00,000 -
Borrowings from City Bank - 3,00,000
Pension fund - 1,00,000
Unclaimed Dividend - 50,000
Furniture less depreciation 80,000 -
Premises less depreciation 3,20,000 -
Rent - 10,000
Interest & discounts - 6,00,000
Commission received - 60,000
Salaries and allowances 90,000 -
Interest on deposits and borrowings 3,10,000 -
Audit fees 8,000 -
Directors fees 7,000 -
Depreciation on Bank property 9,000 -
Printing & stationery 4,000 -
Other expenses 2,000 -
Profit & loss A/c. 01.04.14 - 60,000
Total 36,30,000 36,30,000
Other Information:
i. Provide Rs.5000 for rebate on bills discounted
ii. Provide Rs.22000 for bad debts
iii. Bills for collection on behalf of customers Rs.50000
iv. Provide for taxation Rs.4000.