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Variable Population Size and Evolution Acceleration: A Case Study With A Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm

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Genet Program Evolvable Mach (2010) 11:205225 DOI 10.

1007/s10710-010-9105-2 CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE

Variable population size and evolution acceleration: a case study with a parallel evolutionary algorithm
Ting Hu Simon Harding Wolfgang Banzhaf

Received: 15 May 2009 / Revised: 10 February 2010 / Published online: 14 March 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract With current developments of parallel and distributed computing, evolutionary algorithms have beneted considerably from parallelization techniques. Besides improved computation efciency, parallelization may bring about innovation to many aspects of evolutionary algorithms. In this article, we focus on the effect of variable population size on accelerating evolution in the context of a parallel evolutionary algorithm. In nature it is observed that dramatic variations of population size have considerable impact on evolution. Interestingly, the property of variable population size here arises implicitly and naturally from the algorithm rather than through intentional design. To investigate the effect of variable population size in such a parallel algorithm, evolution dynamics, including tness progression and population diversity variation, are analyzed. Further, this parallel algorithm is compared to a conventional xed-population-size genetic algorithm. We observe that the dramatic changes in population size allow evolution to accelerate. Keywords Variable population size Population bottleneck Evolution acceleration Parallel computing GPU

1 Introduction It is well known that evolutionary algorithms are often computationally expensive and benet from parallelization [1]. In other research, we have investigated the use
T. Hu (&) S. Harding W. Banzhaf Department of Computer Science, Memorial University, St. Johns, NL, Canada e-mail: tingh@mun.ca S. Harding e-mail: simonh@mun.ca W. Banzhaf e-mail: banzhaf@mun.ca



Genet Program Evolvable Mach (2010) 11:205225

of Graphical Processor Units (GPUs) to accelerate the evaluation of individuals in genetic programming [5]. One of our current implementations attempts to optimize the use of multiple GPUs within a single computer. To do this a number of processes in the evolutionary algorithm are required to work asynchronously. The algorithm results in the population changing size during evolution. This variable population size is an unintentional side effect of the algorithm. However, it gave us the opportunity to investigate the behavior of variable size populations in a unique real world scenario. The full algorithm is described in Sect. 3. Population size is crucial to evolution in both natural and articial systems. From the biological point of view, population size is linked to the likelihood of preserving genetic variations through reproduction [10]. The relationship between population size and genetic variation is different under different conditions. Natural selection can either promote genetic variation (i.e., diversifying selection) or reduce genetic variation (i.e., purifying selection). Under diversifying selection, genetic variation can be xed faster in larger populations, while under purifying selection, smaller populations show higher evolution rate [24]. Moreover, genetic variations may also be lost due to genetic drift. A positive relationship between population size and genetic variation is prevalent for neutral or nearly neutral mutations, because these are more likely to be lost during genetic drift in smaller populations [10]. In most cases of natural systems, larger populations are more stable and have slower rates of accepting new phenotypic variations. In smaller populations, however, change of the phenotype can happen relatively faster, but these populations have a higher risk of extinction due to the limited genetic diversity. In computational evolution, population size is directly related to the search space and computation overhead [21]. A carefully designed population sizing scheme can improve the performance of an evolutionary algorithm whilst balancing search capability and evaluation overhead. In previous work in the literature, the general approach was to implement the dynamic population size adjustment during evolution according to a feedback loop that is able to reect the requirement of population diversity over time. These approaches are reviewed in the next section. In this article, the variable population size results from the parallelization of our algorithm rather than by intentional design. The dynamics of this variable population size and its effect on evolution is analyzed. We particularly examine the tness progression and population diversity variation. When compared to a conventional xed-population-size Genetic Algorithm (GA), it is shown that our new algorithm results in faster evolution.

2 Background 2.1 Population size variation in biology In biology, population size has been shown to play an important role in evolution. Both theoretical hypotheses and empirical verications can be found in areas such as conservation biology [27], evolutionary biology [9, 24], and population genetics [15, 29].


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In nature, the size of a population often changes dramatically during evolution. Biologists use the term population bottleneck to describe an event in which the size of a population has been signicantly reduced. Natural populations can be affected considerably by these bottlenecks in evolution. For instance, genetic variability is expected to decline rapidly after bottlenecks and to increase gradually during recovery periods [23]. The rate of such genetic change depends critically on the intensity of population bottlenecks and the rate of population growth in recovery. In research on human evolution, it is reported that there existed several major population bottlenecks that contributed signicantly to human evolution [2, 6, 16]. These population bottlenecks are empirically identied through investigating genetic diversity in the human genome. After each bottleneck event, the genetic diversity of human populations was found to have decreased. Recently, Gherman et al. [11] report that population bottlenecks are a potential major shaping force of human genome architecture. The drastic growth of a population can also affect its evolution. In a study on the recent, rapid molecular evolution in human genomes, Hawks et al. [17] hypothesize that the current dramatically growing human population may be the major driving force of new adaptive evolution. They state that a growing population size can provide the potential for rapid adaptive innovations if a population is highly adaptive to the current environment. Therefore, signicant uctuations in population size can contribute a great deal to evolution. 2.2 Population size control in evolutionary algorithms In computational evolution, population size is closely related to an algorithms search capability. A small population size may not be able to provide the necessary search diversity. However, larger population sizes require to pay greater computational costs [21]. Many efforts have been devoted to control this critical parameter in evolutionary computation. A method of theoretically estimating optimal population size in GAs is proposed by Goldberg et al. [13], where the population size can be determined based on the complexity of the given optimization problem. This approach suggests a general principle for population size optimization, although its application still needs further work since estimating the complexity of many problems can be challenging if not impossible. In addition to initializing a proper population size beforehand, it has been shown later on that the dynamic adjustment of population size during evolution can also improve the performance of an evolutionary algorithm. Some empirical methods for variable population size have been proposed. Arabas et al. [3] propose the Genetic Algorithm with Variable Population Size (GAVaPS) where the algorithm considers the age and lifetime of each individual. Population size uctuates as a result of removing over-aged individuals and reproducing new ones. Back et al. [4] extend this lifetime notion to steady-state GAs in their Adaptive Population size Genetic Algorithm (APGA). Fernandes and Rosa [8] propose the Self-Regulated Population size Evolutionary Algorithm (SRP-EA) to enhance APGA using a diversity-driven reproduction process.



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In other work, Smith [26] adjusts the population size based on the probability of selection error. Goldberg [12] proposes the serial and parallel GA by re-initializing the population with preserved elite and randomly generated individuals to restart the search process when the algorithm converges. Schlierkamp-Voosen and Muhlenbein [25] demonstrate a sub-population competition scheme, where better performing sub-populations are rewarded with increasing sizes. Harik and Lobo [14] introduce parameter-less GA, where several populations with different sizes evolve in parallel, starting with small population sizes. By inspecting the average tness of these populations, less t undersized populations are replaced by larger ones. Koumousis and Katsaras [20] propose a variable population size GA that works with a periodically re-initialized population, the size of which change with a saw-tooth-like function. Later, Eiben et al. [7] suggest to use the pace of tness improvements as the signal to adjust population size dynamically in the Population Resizing on Fitness Improvement GA (PRoFIGA). Similarly in genetic programming systems, Tomassini et al. [28] implement a dynamic population size algorithm using tness progression as the signal to delete over-sized and worse-t individuals or to insert mutated best-t individuals under certain conditions. Hu and Banzhaf [18] adopt a biologically motivated measurement technique for the evolution rate as an indicator to adjust population size and demonstrate that this method can accelerate evolution in genetic programming. The existing adaptive population size schemes in evolutionary algorithms are mainly designed by intentionally adjusting the population size based on a certain feedback loop. The common nding from these approaches is that the performance of an evolutionary algorithm can be improved by varying the population size during evolution. In the technique presented here, the variable population size scheme does not result from intentional adjustment but is a natural consequence of the asynchronous behavior of the parallel algorithm. This raises a number of questions, with the most important one being whether this variable population size property can improve the algorithms performance. This motivates us to take a look at how this unintentional but real scenario can affect the pace of evolution.

3 Asynchronous parallel evolutionary algorithm (APEA) To understand the overall goal of this research, and not just the variable population size issues detailed here, it is important to understand what motivated this algorithm. Recently there has been much interest in accelerating evolutionary algorithms using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) [5]. GPUs may contain several hundreds simple processors, and typically run a single program on many different sections of data in parallel (the processors are usually considered as a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processor). Many modern GPU setups contain multiple GPUs. In evolutionary algorithms, and particularly in genetic programming, it is difcult to keep all the GPUs busy,


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i.e., supplied with new individuals for evaluation. With genetic programming (the primary focus of our research, but not this paper) there is a signicant overhead in the compilation stage of programs which is necessary before execution. Our approach aims at efciently exploiting all of the GPU processing available in a multi-GPU scenario. Individuals are evaluated in a tness case parallel fashion, with each GPU device processing a different individual. Individuals need to be rst converted from their genotype to CUDA C source code, which is the programming language used by the GPUs, and then compiled to programs that can be run on the GPUs. The CPUs are responsible for this task. Executing individuals and evaluating their tness is the other and even more time consuming component of an evolutionary algorithm, which will be operated on GPUs. The entire system is designed to act in an asynchronous way. Compiling individuals is performed asynchronously on CPUs, with the execution of other individuals on GPUs. Further, each GPU device executes the individuals asynchronously, so that several different individuals are evaluated at the same time. The evolutionary algorithm itself is also designed to operate in an asynchronous manner in order to ensure that there are always unevaluated individuals available for a GPU device to process. For convenience we will refer to this algorithm as APEA (Asynchronous, Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm). The entire process in APEA can be considered divided into a number of different tasks: Generation of new individuals and compilation; Execution of individuals; Maintenance tasks.

Figure 1 illustrates the process in APEA. The following sections describe these steps in more details. Note that the size of the shared population varies as a result of the operations by multiple threads. The GPU thread increases the size of the shared population when it posts new compiled individuals. The housekeeping thread decreases the size of the shared population after it removes less t individuals. The CPU thread has no effect on the size of the shared population. 3.1 New individual generation and compilation In APEA, each of the CPU processors available is responsible for generating new individuals and compiling them from their representations to GPU executable programs. Each processor selectsusing tournament selectiona number of individuals from the population of individuals (shared population). From these, it generates new individuals by genetic variation, e.g., mutation and crossover. These individuals are then converted to CUDA C source code. Each compiled program also acts as a tness function, and therefore also includes all the code required to implement a test case. The individuals are then compiled by a CPU using the CUDA compiler. Once an individual has been compiled, it is placed into a list (compiled individuals). This



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Fig. 1 Overview of APEA. The house keeping thread maintains the shared population. The CPU thread generates new individuals and compiles them. The compiled individuals are executed and evaluated by the GPU thread and then inserted back to the shared population

process is repeated continuously. The process also occurs asynchronously across the available CPU processors. 3.2 Individual execution Each GPU device has a corresponding process running on the host computer. If the GPU device is idle, the process examines the list of compiled individuals and selects one to process. It removes this individual from the list to make it unavailable for other GPU devices. The process then loads this individual into its GPU to execute. As in previous work, the function encoded by each individual is then executed on the test cases in a SIMD style, with all the test cases evaluated in parallel against a single individuals program [5]. The output from the function on each test case is an error, i.e., the deviation of actual behavior from target behavior. Errors are summed (again on the GPUs) to provide a tness score for the associated individual. Individuals that have been evaluated are written back to the shared population. Here, they can be used by a CPU thread to generate new individuals. Then these individuals are unloaded from the GPUs. The process then looks to see if there are other compiled individuals to process, and the execution process repeats. 3.3 Maintenance tasks This process is primarily responsible for maintaining the shared population. As GPU processes nish executing individuals, these individuals are put back into the shared


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population where they can be used to generate new ones. If not maintained, however, the population would keep growing in size. This would not only reduce the efciency of the tournament selection but also increase the memory requirements of the algorithm. In order to address this problem, the house keeping thread periodically removes the worst individuals from the population. This is done approximately every Dms (recovery duration) and is performed asynchronously with the other processes. This periodic removal causes the population size to vary over time in a saw-tooth-like fashion, and it is the effect of this action that we want to study here. The house keeping thread is also responsible to monitor the population and produce statistical informationas well as terminating the experiment if a successful solution is found. 3.4 Algorithm simulation For the work presented here a simulation of the APEA algorithm was implemented instead of employing real GPU devices. This primary simulation allows for an optimization of parameters for the actual parallel algorithm in addition to allowing the study of the behavior of the algorithm itself. The actual algorithm is designed for genetic programming, but for simplicity this has been replaced here with a GA on two classical benchmark problems: the OneMax and the Spears multi-model problems [19]. Individuals are encoded as binary strings for both problems. Two point crossover is used. During mutation, the probability of altering one bit is (arbitrarily) set to 0.05. Tournament selection is used, with 5 individuals being considered. The behavior of the algorithm, being asynchronous, is dependent on the time required for each component. The actual parallel algorithm was benchmarked to provide approximation of the timings required for the simulator. The simulator operates in xed time steps, with events scheduled for processing at appropriate time steps. One time step in the simulation corresponds to 1 ms. For compilation of individuals, the time taken to compile individuals (i.e., copy a selection of individuals from the shared population to the compiled individuals list) is computed based on estimates taken from benchmarking the actual implementation of APEA. There is an overhead of 100 time steps per set of individuals, and each individual takes 10 time steps to compile. To this time, we add a random time period to simulate the variability in compilation time. Noise of a maximum of 200 time steps (uniformly distributed) is added to the total time. For execution, we simulate the run time of a program by making the processing time per individual proportional to the length of the program, plus an overhead. We use 1 time step per 100 bits of the genotype length. The overhead is xed at 100 time steps, and again some random variation is added with a noise of 100 time steps. A set of 10 individuals are loaded into a GPU for each round of execution. Note that although a GPU executes individuals one by one asynchronously, a set of 10 individuals are loaded to a GPU at a time for the efciency on the network.



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For system monitoring, the house keeping thread generates the statistical information, e.g., the size of the shared population, the best and the average tness of the current population, etc., periodically every 1,000 time steps.

4 Analysis of evolutionary dynamics The original motivation for APEA was to utilize multiple processing units, however, the unintentional property of varying population size generates interesting questions about its effect on evolution. In this section, we perform an analysis of the algorithms tness progression and population diversity variation in order to take a closer look at the impact of population bottlenecks and size uctuations. Furthermore, APEA is compared to a conventional xed-population-size GA to see whether the algorithm can benet from a variable population size scheme. 4.1 Test suites Two classical benchmark problems are employed in the experiments, the OneMax problem and the Spears multi-model problem. For the OneMax problem, each individual is initialized as a binary string containing random numbers of 0s and 1s. The objective of this algorithm is to maximize the number of 1s in the bit string and thus to eliminate 0s. The tness of an individual is the number of remaining 0s, hence a score of 0 represents a binary string consisting purely of 1s. The Spears multi-model problem [19] has been designed for systematic analysis of GA behavior. The problem generator creates a certain number of binary strings with length L, each of which represents a peak in an L dimensional space. The height of peaks can be dened by users with the highest peak of height 1. The goal is to nd the highest peak. The tness of a bit string s with length L is dened as, f s L HammingDistances; Peakn s heightPeakn s; L 1

where Peakn(s) is the nearest peak in Hamming space to the bit string s. It can be seen that the complexity of this benchmark can be manually congured by choosing the binary string length, the number of peaks, and the assignment function of peak heights. Here, we set 6 peaks with linearly increasing heights between 0.5 and 1. For both benchmarks, we set the starting and default population size 100, since this is the common conguration in the literature. The OneMax problem is employed in Sects. 4.2 and 4.3 because a detailed investigation on evolutionary dynamics can benet from such a linear search problem. Further in Sect. 4.4, the APEA and a conventional GA are tested both on the OneMax problem and the Spears multi-model problem for comparison purposes. The bit string length is set to 100 for OneMax problem and is set to 200 for the Spears multi-model problem. The goal is to test the algorithm performances on problems with different complexity.


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4.2 Variable population size and tness progression As described in Sect. 3, the house keeping thread leads to a reduction in population size and therefore to a population bottleneck each time it is executed. In our simulation, parameter D controls how often this happens through setting four different recovery duration values, i.e., 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000 ms. Here, we are particularly interested in the dynamics of the population size and that of the average/best tness over a simulation run on the OneMax problem. On the one hand, the degree of increase in population size is essentially determined by D. Specically, the population grows as individuals are evaluated, and at the end of each recovery period the population is set back to 100 individuals. Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 each show the saw-tooth-like population uctuations (left y-axis) in a typical run with one of the four values of D. Recall that our algorithm simulation collects system statistics every 1,000 ms, represented by each point in these gures. The data collection terminates when the best population tness reaches 0, i.e., a perfect solution is found. Note that the reset population size captured in those gures uctuates at 100 and 110. This is due to the algorithm implementation with multiple threads. That is, occasionally 10 new individuals (one set of individuals loaded to a GPU for execution, see Sect. 3.4) are inserted into the shared population by a GPU thread just prior to the statistics being generated by the house keeping thread. The population size growth after bottlenecks can also vary during implementations because of the simulated processing time and noises (See Sect. 3.4). On the other hand, we also plot the best and the average tness development curves (right y-axis). From these plots, we observe that the greater D is, the longer it takes the algorithm to discover an optimal individual, while the number of

Recovery duration D = 2,000 ms 100 best fitness average fitness population size 80 60 40 0 20 200 180 160 140 120 100

population size

time (ms)
Fig. 2 Variable population size and tness development in an example run with recovery duration D = 2,000 ms. Since the system generates status statistics every 1,000 ms, represented by a point in the gure, there is only one point between every two bottlenecks



10 00 0

30 00 0 0





20 00


00 0

00 0

00 0


00 0


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Recovery duration D = 5,000 ms 100 best fitness average fitness population size 80 60 40 0 20 400 300 200 100
90 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 12 10 11 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 00

population size

time (ms)
Fig. 3 Variable population size and tness development in an example run with recovery duration D = 5,000 ms. There are four data points between every two bottlenecks. The top population size can be more than twice as that of the run with D = 2,000 ms

Recovery duration D = 10,000 ms 100 best fitness average fitness population size 80 60 40 0 20 700 600 500 400 300 200 100

population size

time (ms)
Fig. 4 Variable population size and tness development in an example run with recovery duration D = 10,000 ms. With a longer recovery duration, population size can grow by a much higher magnitude

bottlenecks experienced is smaller. The gures also suggest a correlation between varying population size and tness progression. It can be observed that, for all four cases, both tness metrics develop in synchrony with the population size variation cycle. There is always a considerable improvement of the average tness at the population bottleneck. This behavior is fairly self-explanatory because of the massive removal of inferior individuals by the house keeping thread. Second, best population tness improvement mostly occurs after each bottleneck, but over an




00 00 16 00 00 15 00 00 14 00 00 13 00 00 12 00 00 11 00 00 10 0 00 90 0 00 80 0 00 70 0 00 60 0 00 50 0 00 40 0 00 30 0 00 20 0 00 10

Genet Program Evolvable Mach (2010) 11:205225

Recovery duration D = 20,000 ms 100 best fitness average fitness population size 80 60 40 0 1300 1000 700 400 100
12 16 20 40 60 80 10 18 20 22 24 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00


population size

time (ms)
Fig. 5 Variable population size and tness development in an example run with recovery duration D = 20,000 ms. In general, greater recovery duration needs longer time in an entire evolution process, but interestingly, requires less number of bottlenecks

extended period of time. This indicates that population bottlenecks accelerate the search for elites. To further verify the above observation, we focus on the change of tness between two consecutive bottlenecks, D ms apart. For a given recovery duration of D ms, we divide the evolutionary process into k micro-steps (1000 9 k = D). For each micro-step, we measure the best tness improvement over the last 1,000 ms. We calculate the mean and variance of these measurements over the entire evolution of 200 runs. These statistics are depicted as bar charts with error intervals in Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9. From these gures we conclude that the rate of best tness improvement is
Recovery duration D = 2,000 ms

Best fitness improvement

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

Fig. 6 The best tness improvement in 2 (k = 2) different micro-steps with recovery duration D = 2,000 ms. Data are collected and averaged over 200 runs. In this conguration, the second microstep has slightly higher tness improvement than the rst one





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Recovery duration D = 5,000 ms

Best fitness improvement




Fig. 7 The best tness improvement in 5 (k = 5) different micro-steps with recovery duration D = 5,000 ms. Data are collected and averaged over 200 runs. It is clear to see that the second micro-step has the highest tness improvement among all ve

Recovery duration D = 10,000 ms


Best fitness improvement

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 8 The best tness improvement in 10 (k = 10) different micro-steps with recovery duration D = 10,000 ms. Data are collected and averaged over 200 runs. With longer recovery duration, the effect of the bottlenecks can be seen more clearly

highly correlated with the population size uctuation, and the second micro-step always has the greatest boost in best tness improvements. Such performance leap can be attributed to the enhanced local search in a population with less diverse but more t individuals that have survived after a bottleneck. 4.3 Variable population size and population diversity With a binary string representation for the OneMax problem, the genotypic diversity is calculated by a measure proposed by Morrison and De Jong [22]. This measure is originally from the concept of moment of inertia for measurement of mass


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Recovery duration D = 20,000 ms


Best fitness improvement

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Fig. 9 The best tness improvement in 20 (k = 20) different micro-steps with recovery duration D = 20,000 ms. Data are collected and averaged over 200 runs. From this and the three previous gures, it is seen that the best tness improves drastically after bottlenecks with about 1,000 ms lag

distribution in physics and is transferred by the authors to measure the population diversity of high-dimensional GA genotypes. Morrison and De Jong further verify that their measure is equivalently functional as but more computationally efcient than the Hamming distance method, a common measurement for binary string genotype space diversity. In Morrison and De Jongs measure, for P binary strings with length L, the coordinates of the centroid of these P strings C = (c1, c2, c3,_, cL) are computed as, PP j1 xij ci ; 2 P where xij [ 0, 1 (1 B i B L, 1 B j B P) is the value of the i-th allele on the j-th binary string. The moment of inertia I of the P strings about the centroid is, I
L P XX xij ci 2 : i1 j1

Therefore, the genotypic diversity of a population independent of its size can be I obtained as P: Figures 10, 11, 12, 13 show the change of genotypic population diversity over time in the four example runs that we looked into previously. It can be observed that genotypic diversity has a generally decreasing trend as evolution proceeds, and each population bottleneck leads to a considerable reduction in genotypic diversity. In terms of the phenotypic/tness diversity, tness variance is adopted as our proxy measurement. Figures 14, 15, 16, 17 depict the tness variance changes as the population size uctuates. Although not having exactly the same pattern as genotypic diversity, tness variance also has a strong correlation with population size uctuations. That is, not surprisingly, population bottlenecks reduce the tness diversity a great deal.



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Recovery duration D = 2,000 ms 25

moment of inertia population size


10 5 200 180 160 140 120 100 0

time (ms)
Fig. 10 The phenotype diversity measure changes with the population size uctuates. The recovery duration D = 2,000 ms. Again each point represents the status data collected every 1,000 ms, so there is only one point between every two bottlenecks

Recovery duration D = 5,000 ms


moment of inertia population size

20 15

population size

10 5 400 300 200 100 0

time (ms)
Fig. 11 The phenotype diversity measure changes with the population size uctuates. The recovery duration D = 5,000 ms. Each bottleneck reduces the genetic diversity considerably

Table 1 shows the average diversity reduction over 200 collected runs. The higher the recovery duration D, the greater is the bottleneck effect, and thus the larger both genotypic and tness diversity reductions are. From investigations both at the population tness progression and diversity variation, it can be observed that population bottlenecks considerably reduce the population diversity but effectively preserve highly t individuals. Therefore, we interpret the results in the following way: Reduced population diversity enhances


moment of inertia

moment of inertia


population size

10 00 0

20 00 0

40 00 0 0





30 00

00 0

00 0

00 0

00 0

00 00 13 0 0 00 12 0 0 00 11 0 0 00 10 0 00 90 0 00 80 0 00 70 0 00 60 0 00 50 0 00 40 0 00 30 0 00 20 0 00 10

Genet Program Evolvable Mach (2010) 11:205225

Recovery duration D = 10,000 ms moment of inertia population size


25 20

10 5 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

time (ms)
Fig. 12 The phenotype diversity measure changes with the population size uctuates. The recovery duration D = 10,000 ms in this run
Recovery duration D = 20,000 ms 25 moment of inertia population size 20 10 5 0 1300 1000 700 400 100 15

time (ms)
Fig. 13 The phenotype diversity measure changes with the population size uctuates. With the longest recovery duration D = 20,000 ms, the effect of population size uctuation on diversity reduction can be observed very clearly here

local search with those adaptive individuals. Thus, the search for tter individuals can be accelerated after each population bottleneck, at least for this well-behaved problem. Such an observation is also in line with biological discoveries (see Sect. 2.1). 4.4 Comparative studies A further motivation for this work was to perform comparative studies between our new parallel algorithm and a conventional GA on the same problem. For the APEA


moment of inertia

population size

moment of inertia


population size

00 00 16 00 00 15 00 00 14 00 00 13 00 00 12 00 00 11 00 00 10 0 00 90 0 00 80 0 00 70 0 00 60 0 00 50 0 00 40 0 00 30 0 00 20 0 00 10

0 20 00

0 40 00

0 60 00

0 80 00

0 10

0 12

0 14

0 16

00 00 24 00 00 22 00 00 20 00 00 18 0 00

0 00

0 00

0 00


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Recovery duration D = 2,000 ms 30 fitness variance population size 20 10 200 180 160 140 120 100 0

time (ms)
Fig. 14 The tness variance changes with the population size uctuates. The recovery duration D = 2,000 ms. Again each point represents the data collected every 1,000 ms
Recovery duration D = 5,000 ms 30 fitness variance population size 20 10 400 300 200 100 0

time (ms)
Fig. 15 With the recovery duration D = 5,000 ms, the tness variance changes as the population size uctuates

implementation it was important to verify that the devised evolutionary algorithm worked and performed comparably to a conventional approach. In practice, a small performance decrease can be tolerated because of the GPU acceleration which provides a massive decrease in clock time, it would even be acceptable if the number of evaluations required was less. We compare to a conventional GA that has the same operations and the same parameter congurations as APEA, except that the population size is xed. The termination criterion is again the reaching of the optimum. Since in the APEA


fitness variance

population size

fitness variance

population size

0 00 60

0 00 70

0 00 80

0 00 10

0 00 20

0 00 30

0 00 40

0 00 50

10 00

20 00 0

30 00 0

40 00 0

50 00 0

60 00 0

70 00 0

80 00 0

90 00 0

10 00 0

12 00 00

11 00

13 00




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Recovery duration D = 10,000 ms fitness variance population size 30 20 10 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0


time (ms)
Fig. 16 With the recovery duration D = 10,000 ms, the tness variance changes as the population size uctuates
Recovery duration D = 20,000 ms fitness variance population size


10 1300 1000 700 400 100 0

time (ms)
Fig. 17 With the recovery duration D = 20,000 ms, the tness variance changes as the population size uctuates. It can be seen from this and previous three gures that the tness variance drops considerably after each bottleneck event Table 1 Population bottleneck effect on genotypic diversity and tness variance

Average genotypic diversity reduction 0.89 1.65 2.08 2.42

Average tness variance reduction 1.96 3.65 4.43 4.52

2,000 ms 5,000 ms 10,000 ms 20,000 ms


fitness variance

population size


fitness variance

population size


00 00 16 00 00 15 00 00 14 00 00 13 00 00 12 00 00 11 00 00 10 0 00 90 0 00 80 0 00 70 0 00 60 0 00 50 0 00 40 0 00 30 0 00 20 0 00

0 20

00 00 24 00 00 22 00 00 20 00 00 18 00 00 16 00 00 14 00 00 12 00 00 10 0 00 80 0 00 60 0 00 40 00


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population size uctuates depending on recovery duration D, we calculate the average population size during an entire evolutionary process over 200 runs for each choice of D. This average population size will be set as the default and xed population size for the conventional GA. Therefore, it is possible and fair to compare the new algorithm with four D values to four xed-population-size GAs. For each algorithm, 200 runs are performed and for each run the number of evaluations is recorded. Tables 2 and 3 show the results from two sets of algorithms on two benchmarks. The mean value and standard deviation of the total number of individual evaluations in each algorithm are compared. Both benchmarks benet from small population sizes by looking at the number of evaluations. For the OneMax problem, APEA always has less computational costs than a conventional GA with corresponding xed population size. The obtained p-values from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which indicate the probability that two sets of sample data have no signicant difference, also conrm the superiority of APEA against conventional GAs. For the more difcult Spears multi-model problem (see Sect. 4.1), both algorithms need much more computational efforts to reach the optima. Interestingly, however, the APEA shows substantial superiority by requiring much less individual evaluations than conventional GAs.

Table 2 Comparison on the computation costs (number of evaluations) to nd the optima between APEA and conventional GAs on OneMax problem (APS stands for the average population size, and SDV stands for standard deviation) APEA D 2,000 ms 5,000 ms 10,000 ms 20,000 ms APS 135.59 227.29 379.62 684.70 Mean 5,258 6,654 9,418 14,819 SDV 628 703 818 1,036 Conventional GAs Popsize 136 227 380 685 Mean 5,707 8,364 12,443 20,588 SDV 1,185 1,562 2,307 3,430 \0.001 \0.001 \0.001 \0.001 p-value

Table 3 Comparison on the computation costs (number of evaluations) to nd the optima between APEA and conventional GAs on Spears multi-model problem (APS stands for the average population size, and SDV stands for standard deviation) APEA D 2,000 ms 5,000 ms 10,000 ms 20,000 ms APS 151.87 226.35 350.64 598.43 Mean 31,756 33,816 38,281 47,580 SDV 8,562 8,319 8,614 8,902 Conventional GAs Popsize 152 226 351 598 Mean 172,571 288,141 481,658 784,316 SDV 79,876 148,145 208,038 223,113 \0.001 \0.001 \0.001 \0.001 p-value


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These comparative studies further verify that the variation of population size in APEA can accelerate the evolutionary process. Moreover, this acceleration is considerably more noticeable when the variable population size scheme is applied on the more complex problem.

5 Concluding remarks and future work In this article, we studied how the property of variable population size can accelerate evolution in the context of the asynchronous parallel evolutionary algorithm (APEA), designed to function with multiple CPUs and GPUs. The variable population size property of the algorithm results from the asynchronous behavior of this algorithm, rather than by intentional design. From the analysis, it is seen that variation in population size leads to a varying pace of search in the evolutionary algorithm. That is, the search for new better individuals is accelerated each time after a population bottleneck. This effect is further investigated by looking into the population diversity variation. It is shown that the enhanced local search for tter individuals is a result of the drastic population diversity reduction as well as elite individual preservation after population bottlenecks. The results also suggest that the degree of uctuation in the population size can have different effects. In this preliminary work, we simplify our parameter choices by using a xed tournament selection size. The size of the tournament selection decides the pressure on choosing parent individuals. In a size-uctuating population, the parent selection pressure changes with a xed tournament size. That is, a larger population may have less chances to pick up better parents and thus to discover tter offspring. This may also contribute in part to the observation of the bottleneck effects, as well as the major force of enhanced elite search with limited population diversity. The xed tournament size is implemented here for the sake of simplicity. The balance among selection pressure, population diversity, and search ability is a topic that needs further examination. It would be interesting to test a varying tournament size, for instance, proportional to the population size, and we intend to examine this question in future work. The ndings in this work are analogous to those known from natural evolution, where it is seen that drastic changes of a population provide great variation potential and accelerate the acceptance of new genetic variations. The performance of our algorithm is compared to conventional xed-populationsize GAs. By investigating the required computation costs (number of individual evaluations) for these two algorithms to solve the same test problem, it is shown that variable population size can effectively improve performance. As with other previous examples, the results of this work verify a potential advantage of using variable population size schemes in evolutionary algorithms. The results also validate that the algorithm implemented for the parallel system is not only functional, but may by itself improve the performance of the system. Therefore, variable population sizing techniques hold a lot of potential for future research, especially given the fact that variable population size is a general property



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in natural systems which we know to be more sophisticated and robust than computational evolutionary systems. In our forthcoming work, the algorithm will be demonstrated on genetic programming systems. It will be interesting to see if the performance gain from variable population size is also reachable for genetic programming problems.
Acknowledgments W.B. acknowledges NSERC support under Discovery Grant RGPIN 283304-07.

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