QSWATPlus Manual v2.2
QSWATPlus Manual v2.2
QSWATPlus Manual v2.2
Version 2.2
March 2022
This version describes QSWAT+ version 2.2, which needs SWAT+ Editor version 2.1 or later.
Step by Step Setup for the Robit Watershed, Lake Tana basin
1. Notes for QSWAT users.....................................................................................................5
2. Environment and Tools Required.......................................................................................6
2.1 Source code.................................................................................................................6
3. Installation..........................................................................................................................6
3.1 Windows......................................................................................................................6
3.2 Linux............................................................................................................................7
3.3 Mac..............................................................................................................................8
3.4 Directories installed.....................................................................................................9
4. Structure and Location of Source Data..............................................................................9
5. Structure and Location of Output Data............................................................................10
6. Setup for Robit Watershed, Lake Tana Basin...................................................................10
7. Watershed Delineation.....................................................................................................12
7.1 Loading the DEM......................................................................................................12
7.1.1 Creating channels and streams...........................................................................14
7.1.2 Inlets and outlets................................................................................................15
7.1.3 Creating landscape units....................................................................................17
7.1.4 Merging subbasins..............................................................................................20
7.2 Create HRUs..............................................................................................................23
7.2.1 Landuse and soil maps.......................................................................................23
7.2.2 Defining soil properties......................................................................................25
7.2.3 Merging short channels......................................................................................31
7.2.4 Preparing to create HRUs...................................................................................32
7.2.5 Splitting and exempting landuses.......................................................................33
7.2.6 Ponds and reservoirs..........................................................................................35
7.2.7 Creating HRUs...................................................................................................36
7.3 Setting up the Robit example in the SWAT Editor....................................................40
7.3.1 Weather data.......................................................................................................41
7.3.2 Simulation period...............................................................................................45
7.3.3 Print options.......................................................................................................47
7.3.4 Run SWAT+.......................................................................................................48
8. Output Visualisation with QSWAT+................................................................................48
8.1 Running visualise......................................................................................................49
8.2 Visualisation period...................................................................................................49
8.3 Static visualisation.....................................................................................................49
8.4 Combining results......................................................................................................53
8.5 Combining tables.......................................................................................................54
8.6 Printing results...........................................................................................................55
8.7 Animation..................................................................................................................56
8.8 Plotting......................................................................................................................59
8.8.1 Collecting plot data............................................................................................59
8.8.2 How compatible do different scenarios need to be?..........................................63
8.8.3 Including observed data.....................................................................................64
9. Post processing.................................................................................................................65
9.1 Environmental flows.................................................................................................65
9.1.1 Qq.......................................................................................................................65
9.1.2 dQp.....................................................................................................................65
9.1.3 Qb.......................................................................................................................68
10. Using grid models.........................................................................................................70
10.1 Creating a grid.......................................................................................................70
10.2 Using an existing grid............................................................................................74
11. Adding lakes..................................................................................................................78
11.1 Polygon shapefiles.................................................................................................78
11.2 Dissolving shapes..................................................................................................79
11.3 Delineation with lakes...........................................................................................82
11.3.1 Channel splitting................................................................................................82
11.3.2 Problems.............................................................................................................86
11.3.3 Fixing problems.................................................................................................89
11.3.4 Short outlet channels..........................................................................................91
11.3.5 Multiple outlets..................................................................................................91
11.3.6 Closed lake basins..............................................................................................91
11.3.7 Water routing......................................................................................................98
11.4 Files involved.........................................................................................................99
11.5 Lakes in grid models..............................................................................................99
11.6 Lakes in predefined watersheds...........................................................................102
11.6.1 Predefined grid models....................................................................................102
11.6.2 Predefined non-grid models.............................................................................102
12. Parameter settings.......................................................................................................103
12.1 SWATPlus directory.............................................................................................104
12.2 MPI bin directory.................................................................................................105
12.3 Channel widths and depths..................................................................................105
12.4 Slope and length multipliers................................................................................105
12.5 Font point size......................................................................................................106
12.6 Stream burn-in depth...........................................................................................106
12.7 Upslope HRU drain %.........................................................................................106
13. Exporting SQLite database tables...............................................................................107
14. Appendix I - Adding your own data............................................................................107
14.1 Preparing daily climatic data for QSWAT+.........................................................107
14.2 Preparing landuse and soil tables........................................................................108
15. Appendix II – preparing global DEM data for QSWAT+...........................................110
15.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................110
15.2 Obtaining SRTM DEM data................................................................................110
15.2.1 90m data...........................................................................................................111
15.2.2 30m data...........................................................................................................111
15.3 Clipping the grids.................................................................................................111
15.4 Merging the grids.................................................................................................112
15.5 Reprojecting the grid............................................................................................113
15.6 Masking a DEM...................................................................................................117
15.7 Large DEMs.........................................................................................................119
16. Appendix III: Using a Predefined Watershed and Channel Network.........................120
16.1 Non-grid models..................................................................................................121
16.2 Grid models..........................................................................................................124
17. Appendix IV: Installing and Using MPI....................................................................125
17.1 Installing MS-MPI...............................................................................................126
17.2 Configuring QSWAT+ to use MPI.......................................................................127
17.3 Blocking network access.....................................................................................127
18. Appendix V: Conversion from ArcSWAT to QSWAT+..............................................128
18.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................128
18.2 Instructions...........................................................................................................129
18.3 Landuse and soil data...........................................................................................132
18.4 Other data.............................................................................................................132
18.4.1 Weather generator data.....................................................................................133
18.4.2 Observed weather gauges.................................................................................133
18.4.3 Reference data..................................................................................................133
18.4.4 Inlet and point source data...............................................................................133
18.4.5 Dates.................................................................................................................133
19. Appendix VI: Conversion from QSWAT to QSWAT+................................................134
19.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................134
19.2 Instructions...........................................................................................................134
19.2.1 Prerequisites.....................................................................................................134
19.2.2 Conversion.......................................................................................................134
19.3 Data......................................................................................................................136
19.3.1 Landuse data.....................................................................................................136
19.3.2 Soil data............................................................................................................136
19.3.3 Weather generator data.....................................................................................136
19.3.4 Observed weather gauges.................................................................................136
19.3.5 Reference data..................................................................................................136
19.3.6 Inlet and point source data...............................................................................136
19.3.7 Dates.................................................................................................................137
For experienced QSWAT users we first highlight the things that are new or different in
Environment: You use 64-bit tools (Installation, Environment and Tools Required)
and QSWAT+ uses SQLite instead of Microsoft Access databases. Linux and MacOS
are also supported. You build and run SWAT+ models using only free, open-source
QGIS is version 3, not 2: this means we are using Python 3 instead of Python 2.
The differences for the user are not very great, and you should soon get used to them.
QGIS 3 can be safely installed alongside an existing QGIS 2 installation.
Streams and channels: Subbasins are formed as before by stream drainage areas, but
subbasins can contain multiple channels (Creating channels and streams). HRUs
drain to channels, and so are more precisely positioned than in QSWAT..
Landscape units: Areas draining to channels can be divided into floodplain and
upslope areas, each forming a landscape unit (Creating landscape units). HRUs
belong to landscape units.
Short channel merge: Subbasins can be merged as in QSWAT, but in addition
channels can be merged within subbasins (Merging short channels) with the aim of
avoiding small HRUs and landscape units.
Lakes: Lakes may be added, defined by shapefile. (Adding lakes)
Ponds and reservoirs: Areas with landuse WATR can be used to form ponds or
reservoirs, if the user marks a pond or reservoir, or sets a threshold for when WATR
becomes a reservoir (Ponds and reservoirs). WATR areas that do not become ponds
or reservoirs, or included in lakes, are changed to landuse WETW; there are no longer
HRUs with landuse WATR.
Grid models: As well as models based on delineated subbasins, grid models can be
created and used (Using grid models).
Parameters: A wide range of parameters can be set using the parameters form
(Parameter settings).
Environmental flows: A range of environmental flows can be generated
(Environmental flows).
Microsoft Windows (any version, as far as we are aware) or Linux (probably any
recent version, but only tested on Ubuntu) or MacOS (only tested on Catalina)
Text editor (e.g. NotePad in Windows, gedit in Linux, TextEdit in MacOS, Emacs in
any) that enables you to read and edit ASCII text files.
QGIS. The instruction in this document assume you have a 64 bit machine, and you
should use the 64 bit versions of QGIS, QSWAT+ and SWAT+.
A tool that allows for viewing and editing SQLite databases. A good choice in
Windows is the free, open source SQLiteStudio which can be downloaded from
https://sqlitestudio.pl. In Linux and on Macs you can also use SQLiteStudio, or you
may find SQLiteBrowser available in your distribution.
2 Installation
2.1 Windows
https://bitbucket.org/ChrisWGeorge/qswatplus3/downloads/. For a Python 3.9
version you need a QSWATPlus3_9 installer from the same page or from the SWAT+
page of the SWAT website. If you select a plugin incompatible with your version of
QGIS the plugin will appear in the plugins menu but the QSWAT+ button will not
appear. You will find a message including the phrase "Failed to load Cython module:
wrong architecture?" in the QSWAT+ tab of the QGIS log messages.
We recommend that you use the current long term release (LTR) because it will stay
stable for some time (currently a year) and is the version that QSWAT+ is tested
Install QSWAT+ by running swatplustools-installer, version 2.1 or later. It can be
downloaded from SWAT+ page of the SWAT website. You may be informed that
Windows protected your PC, and you need to click More info and then Run anyway to
proceed with the installation. You then need to accept the license. This is a
combination installer that provides QSWAT+, the SWAT+ Editor, and some other
materials. You can choose which components you need (for the first install QSWAT+,
the SWAT+ Editor, probably the global weather generator, and the
SSURGO/STATSGO soil data if you will be modelling anywhere in the USA), and
you also need to make a couple of choices:
o The SWAT+ editor, together with the SWAT+ program and other materials are
by default installed in C:/SWAT/SWATPlus, but the user doing the installation
has the option of changing this directory. If you choose to change from this
default, you will need to use the QSWAT+ Parameters form the first time you
run QSWAT+ to set the SWATPlus directory to whatever path you chose. The
setting will then be retained by QSWAT+ and the same one used in future,
unless you change it again.
o QSWAT+ is a plugin for QGIS. It can be installed for all users, or just the
user running the installer. In the second case the plugin is placed within the
user's personal files, and will only appear as a plugin when the same user starts
QGIS. This does not require admin privileges and is the natural choice if you
are installing on your personal laptop, or on a machine where you are the
primary user. In the all users case, the plugin is placed within the QGIS
installation's files. This will require admin privileges. It also has the
consequence that if you upgrade QGIS, QSWAT+ will need to be reinstalled.
The installer may also have to ask you to browse to where QGIS is installed, if
it can't find it in the usual places.
Note that it is possible to install QSWAT+ individually for more than one user,
if this is more convenient than using the all users option, simply by each user
running the QSWAT+ component of the swatplustools-installer.
2.2 Linux
Your Linux distribution may have a QGIS package as part of its standard collection.
Provided it is QGIS 3.16 version or later (not QGIS 2) you will be OK using it, and
you can use the standard package management system to install it. The instructions
that follow here are an alternative for obtaining the latest long term release of QGIS,
currently 3.22.
Start by going to the QGIS download page and selecting Linux. Follow the
instructions for your distribution. Note the instructions on the QGIS page include
installing qgis-plugin-grass, but this is not necessary for QSWAT+, i.e. the install
command needed is merely sudo apt install qgis (though Ubuntu seemed to
install GRASS anyway).
Install QSWAT+ using the swatplus-linux-installer from the SWAT+ page of the
SWAT website. This takes the form of a compressed tar archive. Save it somewhere,
open a terminal and cd to the directory it is saved in. Use the command
tar -xvf swatplus-linux-installer.tgz
to unpack the tar file. You then decide whether to install it just for you, or for every-
one. In the first case it will only be available to the user who installs it. In the second
case it will be available to any user, but will require the root user password to install.
To take the first option, use the command
and to take the second option use the command
sudo ./installforall.sh
This will install the QSWAT+ plugin for QGIS, in the user's personal files with the
first option, and within the QGIS installation with the second option. It also installs
the SWAT+ Editor and other tools and data in the SWATPlus directory. With the first
option, SWATPlus is ~/.local/share/SWATPlus (where ~ is the user's home directory)
and with the second option it is /usr/local/share/SWATPlus.
There are also shell scripts uninstallforme.sh and unistallforall.sh for uninstalling.
The TauDEM executables used for watershed delineation by QSWAT+ can run in
multiprocessing mode, using MPI (Message Passing Interface). Unfortunately, they
need MPI to be installed even if the user chooses not to use MPI. The usual version
of MPI for Linux is openmpi, and in Ubuntu, for example, running the command
2.3 Mac
Obtain QGIS from the download page, selecting Download for macOS, the Official
All-in-one, signed installers and the Long term release (most stable) version,
currently 3.22. This will give you a .dmg file, Open it, agree to the license, and you
get a small window with a QGIS symbol and an Applications symbol. Drag the QGIS
symbol onto the Applications symbol. This places QGIS in your Applications folder,
and takes a few minutes.
When you open QGIS in MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) you get a response that it cannot be
opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. Click the Show in
Finder button, and then instead of left clicking on QGIS, right click (or hold Ctrl
while you click) on QGIS and then choose Open. The same warning about malicious
software appears, but this time there is an Open button that you click to start QGIS.
Thereafter QGIS will open normally.
Install QSWAT+ using the swatplus-mac-installer from the SWAT+ page of the
SWAT website. This takes the form of a compressed tar archive. Save it somewhere,
open a terminal and cd to the directory it is saved in. Use the command
tar -xvf swatplus-mac-installer.tgz
to unpack the tar file. cd to swatplus-mac-installer and use the command
sudo ./installforme.sh
to install for just the user doing the installation. This needs sudo because it fixes a
problem in the QGIS installation to properly link some gdalplugins library files.
This will install the QSWAT+ plugin for QGIS, under the user's home.directory. It
also installs the SWAT+ Editor and other tools and data in the ~/SWATPlus directory
(where ~ is the user's home directory).
It is also possible to install for all users, with the command
sudo ./installforall.sh
This installs the QSWAT+ plugin within the QGIS installation, and makes the
QSWATPlus directory /usr/local/share/SWATPlus.
There are also shell scripts uninstallforme.sh and uninstallforall.sh for uninstalling.
Before starting QGIS, users should prepare their tabular and spatial data according to SWAT+
requirements. Users can refer to Appendix I on preparing tabular data (e.g. preparing soil
and climatic data). All the spatial data (DEM, land use and soil) should be projected into the
same projected coordinate system. Users can refer to Appendix II for preparing global data
for QSWAT+. The example files used in this manual are available in the SWATPlus directory
in a directory ExampleDatasets/Robit. This directory contains:
A DEM in directory DEM
A stream reaches file to burn in to the DEM, in directory RobitStreams
An outlet file in directory MainOutlet
Landuse and soil maps in directories Landuse and Soil
Climate data in directory ClimateRobit
Some csv files for making database tables, and
An observed data file observedFlow.csv in directory Observed.
5 If we choose to save a SWAT run as Sim1, say, then a folder
QSWATPlus_Projects/Robit/Demo1/Scenarios/Sim1 will be created (a copy of
QSWATPlus_Projects/Robit/Demo1/Scenarios/Default, including its sub-folders).
6 A folder QSWATPlus_Projects/Robit/Demo1/Watershed with several sub-folders:
6.1 Rasters to contain the rasters used, divided into 3 further subfolders
6.1.1 DEM which will contain the local copy of your DEM, plus all the files
generated from it like flow direction, streams and subbasins as rasters
6.1.2 Landscape which will contain, if you create floodplains, floodplain rasters
and the rasters created to generate them.
6.1.3 Landuse to contain the local copy of your landuse raster
6.1.4 Soil to contain the local copy of your soil raster
6.2 Shapes to contain all the shapefiles used or generated
6.3 Text to contain reports.
The remainder of this document describes and shows tools as they appear in Windows. Linux
and Mac versions of QGIS will look almost identical. It will be assumed that users know
how to do common tasks like create directories in Linux and MacOS, or can use the internet
to find out.
Start QGIS and select Plugins menu -> Manage and Install Plugins and find
QSWATPlus3_9 (or QSWATPlus3_64 if that is what you installed). Click its checkbox
to install, which takes a few seconds. The QSWAT+ icon will appear in the toolbar.
You should also check that the Processing plugin is checked in the Plugins menu. This is a
standard part of QGIS and should be activated by default, but may not be. You can tell if it is
activated by whether Processing appears as a menu item at the top of the QGIS window, as it
does in Figure 1.
Start QSWAT+ by clicking the QSWAT+ icon. The main QSWAT+ interface will be
Click the box New Project. A browser will be displayed requesting a parent directory for the
new project. Browse to a folder such as C:\QSWATPlus_Projects. You will probably need to
create the folder Robit, so in the left panel right click on QSWAT_Projects to open a menu,
select New -> Folder and type in Robit to overwrite the default name of New Folder, and hit
Enter. Robit will appear in the right panel. Select it so it appears in the text box below and
click Select Folder.
A new form opens asking for the project name, which must start with a letter. Type in Demo1
and click OK.
The interface now presents a step-by-step configuration to be followed in order to prepare the
SWAT+ simulation, starting with Step 1 (Figure 2). Note that it displays the path of the
project folder at the foot. The QSWAT+ Parameters and Export Table buttons are
described later in sections 11 and 12.
At this stage the project database is created as Demo1.sqlite in the project folder, and a copy
of the SWAT reference database swatplus_datasets.sqlite is also created there.
At this stage all your maps should be prepared in an equal area projection (probably, but not
necessarily, UTM1). All the maps should be in the same projection coordinate system. Refer
to Appendix II – preparing global DEM data for QSWAT+ for advice on preparing DEMs.
6 Watershed Delineation
1 UTM is not an equal area projection, but is close to being so, and sufficiently close for SWAT+ to use on
most watersheds.
6.1 Loading the DEM
To start automatic watershed delineation click the Delineate Watershed button. Then click
the button in the Select DEM group.
Browse to the Robit/DEM/srtm_30m folder and open the file hdr.adf. This DEM is an ESRI
grid (or raster) and consists of a number of files. The file called hdr.adf is the one to choose
for such a grid. QSWAT+ accepts a very wide range of raster file formats. The most
common are probably GeoTiff files, which normally have a .tif suffix and come as single
The name of the elevation map grid will be displayed in the DEM text box below the
Watershed dialogue box. The selected DEM will be copied to the projects Source folder and,
if necessary, converted to GeoTiff format (.tif). If your DEM's units are not metres you can
select the DEM properties tab and change them. This tab also shows the DEM cell size, cell
area, projection system and extent in degrees.
Users can burn in using an existing stream network using the option Burn in existing stream
network: use a file with the extension *.shp (Figure 4). Check the Burn in existing stream
network option and select the file Robit/RobitStreams/robReach.shp.
The delineation form allows you to opt for a predefined watershed and stream network by
selecting the Use existing watershed tab. If you are interested in using a predefined
watershed and stream network please refer to Appendix III: Using a Predefined Watershed
and Channel Network).
We will not use MPI, which enables multiprocessing during watershed delineation (see
Appendix IV: Installing and Using MPI) and so the Number of processes spinbox should
be set to 0.
between significant points, where significant points are stream sources, monitoring points
like water gauges, stream junctions, inlets, and watershed outlets. A subbasin is an area
draining into a stream reach. Subbasins are the main divisions of the watershed, and typically
the entities whose SWAT outputs we will want to generate and study. Channels are finer
divisions and extensions of stream reaches, and allow us to place more precisely the
components of the watershed which will form the SWAT+ model: landscape units, reservoirs,
ponds, point sources, and hydrological response units. This step creates streams (Figure 5). It
also loads the stream burn-in shapefile if one was selected.
Users can add outlets, reservoirs, ponds, inlets, and point sources by selecting the Draw
Inlets/Outlets option. This first asks if you wish to add to the existing inlets/outlets file, or
create a new one. Having made this choice, select the type of point to add, and click on the
map to place it at the appropriate place. Inlets and outlets need to be placed on the stream
network, so you will need to make streams but not channels visible first. You may need to
zoom in to place them precisely. Point sources, ponds and reservoirs need to be placed on the
channel network. Only points within the snap threshold (default 300 metres) of a stream (or
channel) reach will be counted as points. Click OK to confirm and exit, and Cancel to
remove points and exit. If you choose to draw a new file, drawoutlets.shp is created in the
Watershed/Shapes folder, which may be used again. See Appendix III: Using a Predefined
Watershed and Channel Network for details of the fields needed in an inlets/outlets file.
We do not add any additional outlets, ponds, reservoirs, inlets, or point sources in this
If you have several points in your inlets/outlets file you can choose to use just a selection of
them. To do this choose the Select Inlets/Outlets option. Hold Ctrl and select the points by
dragging the mouse to make a small rectangle around them. Selected points will turn yellow,
and a count will be shown at the bottom left of the main window. You only need to use this
option if you want to use only a subset of outlets. The default is to use all the points in the
outlets file or those drawn.
You will be told how many points were snapped successfully. If some were not snapped (or
to check in advance before creating the watershed), you can click Review snapped which
shows the snapped inlets/outlets, i.e. those within the defined threshold distance.
Clicking Create Watershed will create the watershed (Figure 7). Check that the delineation
form shows the right number of points have been snapped (in our case 1) and none have
failed. Note that in Figure 7 we have zoomed in a little to focus better on the watershed.
This is done by selecting the subbasins layer in the Layers panel and then clicking the Zoom
to layer button (in the top tool bar, just under Processing).
Figure 7: Delineated watershed
In QSWAT+ it is possible to divide subbasins into landscape units. Two landscape units are
possible, floodplain and upslope. If we define landscape units, when we later come to define
hydrological response units (HRUs) these will be defined within each landscape unit, and if
we also choose to select only some HRUs, then each landscape unit will be treated separately,
so that each landscape unit contains at least one HRU. The choice of defining landscape units
applies to the whole watershed. It is possible that very small subbasins might fall wholly
within the floodplain, but in general each subbasin will have two landscape units.
Figure 8: Creating landscape units by buffering streams
There are three possible methods for creating landscape units. The first is to make the
floodplain simply as a buffer drawn around the stream reaches. There is no terrain analysis
involved. The width of the floodplain on each side of the stream is set as a multiple, default
10, of the stream width. Main stream width varies with the area draining to it, so the
floodplain width will also vary, increasing downstream. This method is most likely to be
used when the terrain is mostly flat, when other methods can give poor results.
The second method is called DEM inversion. It is calculated by negating all the DEM
elevations and recalculating flow directions, and calculating how much water would then
flow into each point, the flow accumulation. Points where the flow accumulation exceeds a
threshold, the ridge threshold, are designated as ridges. This exactly mirrors the method of
calculating where streams will occur, and the default ridge threshold is set the same as the
stream threshold. A slope position for each point is then calculated. This is the ratio of the
drop from each point to where its water flow meets a stream, to the total drop from its ridge
point (where its inverse flow meets a ridge) to the same stream point. If this ratio is less than
the slope position threshold its landscape position is floodplain, else it is upslope. 0.1 is a
typical value to use for slope position, and is the default (Figure 9)
Figure 9: Creating landscape units by inverting the DEM
The third method of creating landscape units is the branch length method. This uses the same
slope position method, but a different method for defining ridges. We can calculate the
branch length of any pair of adjacent points as the lesser of the distances from each point to
where their flow paths meet (which may be infinite if these paths go to different watershed
outlets). A point is said to be on a ridge if it has a branch length with an adjacent point which
exceeds a threshold. Then for each point in the watershed we use for its stream point where
its flow path meets a stream, and for its ridge point the nearest point classified as on a ridge,
and calculate its slope position as with DEM inversion. Users should note that the branch
length method takes perhaps an order of magnitude longer than DEM inversion to calculate.
Since it is not clear what method will be best for any particular watershed, the choice needs to
be made by the user, and is probably best made visually. The interface therefore allows for
several versions of possible landscape units to be made, and then one to be chosen later when
HRUs are created. To this end, landscape unit rasters show just the floodplain, and are given
the name bufferfloodn if created by buffering, where n is the buffer multiplier, invfloodn_m if
created by DEM inversion, where n.m is the slope position threshold, and branchfloodn_m if
created by the branch length method. Users can therefore if they wish create several
candidates, using different methods and/or different parameters. Figure 10 shows the result
of creating three using each of the methods with the default parameter settings, and making
only the third currently visible in the map canvas. For this exercise you should create the
same three floodplain rasters. Click Done to close the Landscape analysis form.
Figure 10: Potential floodplain rasters created
In QSWAT+ users can select and merge subbasins. This is especially important in avoiding
small subbasins. To merge subbasins, select the option Select subbasins in the Merge
subbasins tab. Hold the Ctrl key and click in subbasins you want to select. Selected
subbasins will turn yellow, and a count is shown at the bottom left of the dialogue window
(Figure 11).
Figure 11: Subbasin identified for merging
For the sake of this exercise, we will not merge the selected subbasin. Release the Ctrl key
and click on the map outside the watershed and the selected subbasin will be unselected.
Checking the option of Select small subbasins provides the option to merge subbasins below
a certain threshold (i.e. either the area in hectares or a percentage of the mean subbasin area)
(Figure 12). For this exercise click the radio button percentage of mean area, and leave the
default figure of 5 in the box next to it. Click Select. It will show you subbasins that have an
area less than 5% of the mean area. When finished click “Save” to save your selection, or
“Cancel” to abandon your selection. You click Merge to perform the merge. Note: You
cannot merge a subbasin that has an outlet or inlet at its exit. So in this example, the only
small subbasin is the one at the watershed outlet, which cannot be merged, and QSWAT+ will
report this.
Figure 12. Subbasins that have an area less than 5% of the mean subbasin area intended for merging with
downstream subbasins.
The third tab in the delineation form is to Add Lakes. We have no lakes to add in our Robit
example, and it is a substantial topic, so we will return to it later in section 10.
To complete watershed delineation you need to click OK. This calculates and saves
information about the watershed, with the message Constructing topology, and causes the
subbasins to be numbered. This step ends watershed delineation, and enables the Create
HRUs option (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Watershed delineation is completed, and Create HRUs is enabled
Having calculated the basins you needed to calculate the details of the Hydrological
Response Units (HRUs) that are used by SWAT+. These are divisions of basins into smaller
units each of which has a particular soil/landuse (crop)/slope range combination.
To do this we click Create HRUs, which opens the Create HRUs form and shows the first
tab, Landuse and soil. The second tab, HRUs, will become available when we have read the
landuse and soil files and established for each pixel in our watershed values for landuse, soil
and slope, as well as assigning it to a landscape unit and to a subbasin.
We need lookup tables to convert from the numeric values found in the landuse and soil maps
to SWAT+ landuse codes and soil names respectively. These lookup tables must be in the
project database. You can prepare these in advance, or use predefined ones like
global_landuses and global_soils intended for use with the corresponding global maps, or,
as we will do here, use the option to import a comma separated values (.csv) file. Lookup
tables for landuse must have the string landuse in their names; lookup tables for soils must
have the string soil in their names, or they will not appear in the pull-down menus Landuse
table and Soil table respectively.
For landuse, select the option Use csv file in the Landuse table pull-down menu. A form
appears asking for the landuse lookup csv file. Browse to Robit/Robit_landuses.csv and click
Open. This reads the csv file and makes a table Robit_landuses in the project database. The
csv file has the appropriate structure for a landuse lookup table. Its contents are shown in
Figure 14. The first line, commonly included, is ignored if its first field is not numeric. On
each other line, the first field, delimited by a comma, is a value from the landuse map. The
second field is a SWAT+ landuse code, as found in one of the tables plant or urban in the
project database, or as defined by the user in a new table. Optionally, a third column with
heading DESCRIPTION can be included, and a third text field (possibly empty, but preceded
by a comma) included on each following line. More than one map value may map to the
same landuse code, but map values may not be repeated. The table name is determined as
follows. First, if the file name contains landuse (as ours does) it is used as the basis.
Otherwise landuse_lookup is used as the basis. Second, if the basis does not exist as a table
name it is used, otherwise successively 0, 1, etc is appended until an unused table name is
found and used. In our case Robit_landuses will be the table name. You will not need to read
the csv file again: if you rerun the project, Robit_landuses will be available in the pull-down
menu (and will be the default selection as it will be recorded in the project file as the landuse
lookup table).
The SWAT+ landuse codes are usually to be found in the tables plant or urban in the project
database, but users are free to set up their own tables. First, they can change the landuse and
soil database from its default of the project database to another database. Second, the plant or
urban table need not use that name: the pull down menus labelled Plant table and Urban
table will include any tables with plant or urban respectively in their names. Users can also
use the Use csv options in these menus to load a csv file with the appropriate data and create
a suitable table.
For grid models, where grid cells may contain only a few landuse cells, there is a danger that
nodata landuse cells could cause the whole grid cell to have no landuse value. To avoid this,
nodata landuse values are replaced by a default value. The default value is the value mapped
by zero in the landuse lookup table, else the first one read. Since the order of entries in
database tables is arbitrary, it is a good idea to include 0 in lookup tables if you are creating
grid models.
For soil, similarly select Use csv file, and then open Robit/Robit_soils.csv. It maps values
from our soil map to soil names found in the SNAM field of the usersoil table we are about to
Unless our project is in the USA and we are using SSURGO or STATSGO, we also need a
table describing soil properties. This traditionally has a name usersoil, or one including that
name, and is typically to be found in the project database. These are the defaults currently in
the form for the database and the table name. You can change the database if you have your
soil data in some other SQLite database, (but it must include your plant and urban tables as
well) and you can use any table with usersoil in its name. The default global_usersoil in the
project database is appropriate for the global soils maps from the FAO, but not in our case.
Leave the default landuse and soil database selection as it is (the project database), make sure
the Soil data option is set to usersoil, and select Use csv file in the Usersoil table pull-down
menu. Open . Robit/Robit_usersoil.csv to create and select the table Robit_usersoil.
The other Soil data options are for watersheds in the USA for which you are using
STATSGO, STATSGO2, or SSURGO soil maps. If you select the STATSGO or the
SSURGO/STATSGO2 option then soil data will automatically be extracted from the
swatplus_soils.sqlite database stored in SWATPlus/Databases. No soil lookup table is needed
with SSURGO/STATSGO2. For STATSGO, a lookup table is required, and it will map soil
map values to one of four options, all based on the table statsgo in swatplus_soils.sqlite:
1 muid values such as AL001
2 muid+seqn values such as AL001+1
3 muid+name values such as AL001+DICKSON
4 s5id values such as TN0042
The lookup table must use one of these options consistently. Where lookup target matches
more than one row in the statsgo table the first (as ordered by increasing id values) is taken.
So the four examples above would all give the first row (id 1) in the table.
We will use one of the floodplain maps we created earlier, to divide our subbasins into
landscape units. Use the pull-down menu labelled Select floodplain map (optional) to select
invflood0_10.tif. This menu will include all files found in the project's
Watershed/Landscape/Flood folder: you can add such files yourself if you wish. They need
to be rasters with the same projection as the project, and must have the value 1 for floodplain
pixels, and nodata everywhere else. If you do not select from this menu. no landscape units
will be created. If you place your own flood maps in this folder you should not include the
string flood in the their names, since such files will be removed by watershed delineation.
Floodplain maps created by QSWAT+ need to be recreated after rerunning delineation
because they are based on the channel network, which is likely to change when delineation is
rerun with different parameters or with changed inlets or outlets.
We will form HRUs based on slope as well as landuse and soil. We add an intermediate point
for slopes (e.g. 10) to divide HRUs into those with average slopes in the range 0-10% and
those with average slopes above 10%. Type 10 in the box and click Insert. The Slope bands
box shows the intermediate limit is inserted.
We will also generate a FullHRUs shapefile: click in the check box. Generating this file is
optional, as it can take some time if there are many HRUs. If you intend to visualise HRU
outputs after running SWAT+ then you need to generate this file.
To read in the data from the DEM, landuse, soil and slope maps and prepare to calculate
HRUs, make sure Read from maps is checked and click Read (Figure 15). There is also an
option Read from previous run. This can be used when rerunning the project, provided you
have not rerun the delineation step, and not changed the soil or landuse inputs, or the slope
bands, to recover information from the project database instead of rereading the grids.
Reading from the database is substantially faster.
Figure 15: Ready to read landuse and soil files
After reading the grids you will notice a number of changes to the QGIS display (Figure 16):
A Slope bands map has been created and added. This allows you to see where the
areas of the two slope bands selected for this project are located. If no intermediate
slope limits are chosen this map is not created.
The legend for the landuse map robelandusenew includes the landuse categories from
its lookup table. (This should also happen for the soil map, but in this case there is
apparently a very wide range of values, from 106 to 198, but QGIS does not recognize
that only 4 values actually occur.).
Shapefiles Full HRUs and Full LSUs have been created and added. This allows users
to see where in each subbasin the landscape units (LSUs) and potential Hydrological
Response Units (HRUs) are physically located. A landscape unit is the region draining
into a channel reach, further divided into the floodplain and upslope regions if a
floodplain raster is used. LSUs form single regions: they each form a single polygon.
An HRU is the collection of pixels within an LSU that share the same landuse, soil
and slope range. HRUs typically form a collection of polygons. If, for example, we
zoom in on subbasin 3, in the Legend panel select (left button) Full HRUs, open its
attribute table (right button), set the mouse to Select Feature(s) (QGIS toolbar, or use
View -> Select -> Select feature(s)) and click on the south-east of subbasin 3, then
scroll through the attribute table to find the line selected, then we get a view like
Figure 17. We see that this potential HRU is composed of several parts, is in subbasin
3 as we expected, drains to channel 57, has the landscape unit Upslope, landuse
AGRL, the soil LVx, and the slope band 10 upwards. Its area of 18.45 ha is 5.4% of
the subbasin and 59.9% of the channel's upslope landscape unit. Close the Attribute
Table Editor. Generating the FullHRUs shapefile is optional, as it can take some time,
but is necessary if you intend later to visualise HRU results. Counts of the subbasins
(9), channels (87) and full (potential) HRUs (516) are displayed in the Create HRUs
form whether the FullHRUs file is created or not.
Figure 17: Viewing a particular HRU
Before you continue with HRU definition, if you look at the main QSWAT+ window you see
that a new item Select report to view is available and you can choose to view just two
reports at this point, which are the Elevation and Landuse and Soil reports. The elevation
report gives information about how much land is at each elevation from the lowest to the
highest, both for the watershed as a whole and for each subbasin (Figure 18). The landuse and
soil report lists the landuse, soil and slope-band areas for each subbasin (Figure 19). It also
lists the areas, divided into landscape units if these are in use, for each channel reach.
Figure 18: Elevation report
Figure 19: Landuse and soil report
It often happens that although we set a certain threshold for the area needed to form a channel
(9 hectares in our case), channel reaches within the network can be very short, because
junctions happen to be near each other, and their drainage areas correspondingly small.
Figure 20 shows a channel reach in subbasin 3 only 72.4 metres long with a drainage area,
landscape unit (LSU) number 121 (highlighted in yellow) of only 0.54 ha. This is in fact
divided into 2 potential HRUs, one of only 0.09 ha! Such HRUs are best removed because
SWAT+ will spend time processing them but their effect will be insignificant. We will later
be removing small HRUs, but there is a rule that each channel reach, and indeed each
landscape unit if we use them, will retain at least one. To counter this there is an option to
merge short channels into neighbouring ones, by selecting a threshold either as a percent of
subbasin or as an area in hectares, and recreating the channel network. Use the slider in the
Short channel merge group (or type in the box) to set the threshold at 2%, select the Re-merge
short channels option and click Read again. We see that the channel count drops to 72, and
the full HRUs count to 4552. If we inspect the landuse and soil report for subbasin 3, we see
that the smallest channel drainage area now is 2.62% of the subbasin, with a drainage area of
9 hectares. If we still think this too small we can change the short channel threshold and
click Read again. But we will continue with the setting we have. The short channel merge
threshold can be set before the first Read if you wish.
At this point you have the options to split landuses, and to exempt landuses, both of which
will affect how HRUs are defined.
Splitting landuses allows you to define more precise landuses than your landuse map
provides. If, say, you know that in this basin 50% of the AGRL (Agricultural land
generic) is used for corn, and the other 50% is used for teff, you could split AGRL
into 50% CORN and 50% TEFF (Figure 22). It is possible to use the original landuse
(here AGRL) as one of the sub-landuses. The percentages are integers and need to
sum to 100 for each landuse you split. Split AGRL into 50% CORN and 50% TEFF as
shown. To do this, first select AGRL in the Select landuse to split pull down menu.
This immediately raises a Select sub-landuse form. Select CORN and click OK.
This completes the first line of the table. Click the Add sub-landuse button, select
TEFF and click OK. This adds the second line. Then change the two percentages to
50, Click Save edits to store the contents of the table as a split landuse, and finally
click Save splits to complete the form and exit from it.
Exempting landuses allows us to ensure that a landuse is retained in the HRU
calculation even if it falls below the thresholds we will define later. For example, we
might decide to exempt the forest landuse FRST (Figure 23). Make this exemption.
Figure 23: Exempting a landuse
There are 3 ways in which ponds and reservoirs may be formed in QSWAT+:
1 Lakes can be added, and these must be designated as ponds or reservoirs (or
wetlands). See section 10.
2 Points can be identified as pond or reservoir points in the inlets/outlets shapefile. In
this case each such point must be within snapping point of a channel. The channel is
divided at the snap point into two, the downstream portion remaining as a channel and
the upstream portion becoming a pond or reservoir. Any pixels with landuse WATR
in the adjacent LSU become part of the pond or reservoir, instead of potentially
becoming HRUs. Here the channel's adjacent LSU is the floodplain LSU if a
floodplain map is selected, else the whole LSU.
3 A reservoir threshold percentage can be set. This is the minimum percentage of
WATR in the adjacent LSU for the WATR area to become a reservoir. When this
threshold is met, the channel is replaced by a reservoir, with area the WATR area of
the adjacent LSU. The default threshold is 101%, effectively turning off the
automatic creation of reservoirs. If we change the threshold at this point we will need
to re-read the data from the landuse, soil and slope maps: Read from previous run is
selected and the HRU creation options are disabled until we click Read again. The
short channel merge setting is retained (or can be changed) and will be reapplied.
Connected channels which meet the threshold for forming automatic reservoirs will
form a single reservoir. The exception to this is when a pond or reservoir has been
marked on a channel during delineation. The pond or reservoir's position prevents it
being combined with a reservoir downstream. This gives users a means to control the
otherwise automatic merging of reservoirs.
Channels which become ponds or reservoirs effectively disappear from the routing (water
flow) network. Channels, landscape units and HRUs that would normally be routed to them
are routed to the pond or reservoir instead.
This watershed has no WATR areas and so no reservoirs or ponds could be formed, even if
we reduced the reservoir threshold.
Once all the data has been read in and stored, the Single/Multiple HRUs choice is enabled.
Dominant landuse, soil, slope and Dominant HRU options provide just one HRU for each
landscape unit (i.e. each is a single HRU option). Dominant landuse, soil, slope chooses the
landuse with the biggest area in the landscape unit, the soil with the biggest area in the
landscape unit, and the slope range with the biggest area in the landscape unit and uses them
for the whole landscape unit. Dominant HRU selects the largest of the potential HRUs in
each landscape unit and makes its landuse, soil and slope range the ones chosen for the whole
landscape unit.
The options with Filter by landuse, soil, slope; Filter by area; and Target number of
HRUs create possible multiple HRUs in each landscape unit. For the Multiple HRUs option,
users can exclude HRUs that are insignificant by considering percentage thresholds or area
thresholds. The option of Filter by land use, soil and slope, will ignore any potential HRUs
for which the landuse, soil or slope is less than the selected threshold. The areas of HRUs that
are ignored will be redistributed proportionately amongst those that are retained within each
landscape unit. The option of Filter by area will ignore HRUs that are below a specified
threshold amount (either percent of the landscape unit, or area). Finally the option of Target
number of HRUs limits the number of HRUs in the whole watershed to a user preferred
amount (i.e. between the lower limit of one HRU per landscape unit and the upper one of
retaining all potential HRUs).
For this exercise, use the method of Filter by land use, soil and slope and choose the
Threshold method of Percent of landscape unit. For landuse, the value of 51 as the
maximum we can choose indicates that there is a landscape unit where the maximum value
for a landuse is 51%. If we chose a higher value than 51% we would be trying to ignore all
the landuse categories in that landscape unit. Hence 51% is the minimum across the
landscape units of the maximum landuse percentage in each landscape unit. For this exercise,
select 10% for landuse, by using the slider or by typing in the box, and click Go. The
interface then computes the min-max percentage for a soil as 51%. Select 10 for Soil, click
Go. Similarly select 10 for slope. At this stage the user can create HRUs by clicking Create
HRUs (Figure 24). The number of HRUs created (651) is reported at the top of the map
canvas. (This figure is higher than the FullHRUs count (455) reported earlier because of the
splitting of AGRL HRUs.)
Figure 24: Creating multiple HRUs by Filter by land use, soil and slope
Create HRUs is now reported as done and the third step is enabled (Figure 25). A file Actual
LSUs has been added and, if you requested a Full HRUs file, an Actual HRUs file has also
been added. These contain the actual LSUs after any channel merges, and the potential HRUs
that were retained as actual HRUs (and so typically has some holes representing those that
were not retained). The actual LSUs shapefile attributes table shows the LSU identifiers, the
channel and the subbasin. The actual HRUs shapefile attribute table shows the subbasin and
channel, the landscape category, (original) landuse, soil, and slope band, and the HRU
number(s). In the case of split HRUs there can be more than one HRU number for a shape,
as it is impossible to show in a shapefile the splitting by arbitrary amounts of the original
potential HRUs. If you look at the Reports now available you will find that there is an HRUs
report that only includes the landuses, soils and slope bands left after HRU selection, and
also gives details of the HRUs that have been formed (Figure 26). If you wish to change the
HRU thresholds then you can click the Create HRUs button again, select Read from
previous run, click Read, change the thresholds and/or the landuses to be split or exempted,
and rerun the Create HRUs step.
Figure 26: HRUs report
A new shapefile has been added, title Channel reaches. This is formed from the channels
shapefile created during delineation, but has channels merged. Another shapefile, showing
the point sources that are automatically added to each channel, and any reservoirs that were
added, has also been added. A point source is added to every channel as a convenience.
Users can add data (in the SWAT+ Editor) for any point sources they want to include in their
model: point sources without data are ignored.
It is strongly recommended to save the project (via the file menu of QGIS) at this stage.
You are now able to click the Edit Inputs and Run SWAT button to start the SWAT+ Editor,
set the rest of the parameters and input data you need, and run the SWAT+ model. This
document does not cover the editor - you need to consult the SWAT+ Editor documentation
for details, but there are a few things you need to know about how to run the Robit example.
Check the next subsection before starting the editor.
Before starting, you can prepare weather generator information. The Robit example data
includes such data in the Robit directory, and no more preparation is required.
Second you will need (if you have it) to supply observed weather data. The Robit example
data includes such data, in Robit/ClimateRobit, and no more preparation is required.
After starting the editor (Figure 27), click Start to import the project and reference databases.
Then on the project summary screen (Figure 28) click Get started, and then on the next
screen Add weather generators now.
Figure 28: SWAT+ Editor project summary
To set up the weather generator, click Import data and select CSV files as the data format.
Browse to Robit/WGEN_Robit_stat.csv as the Stations csv file, and
Robit/WGEN_Robit_mon.csv as the Monthly values csv file. Check the box to state that
you have observed weather data and click Start (Figure 29).
Figure 29: Importing weather generator data
The weather data generator data is imported and you will see a single row since there is only
a single station in this data (Figure 30).
Figure 30: Weather generator data imported
With the weather generator set up, select Weather stations at the top left. In the Weather
Stations form click Import data. The Robit observed data is in the SWAT2012 format, so
leave this as the choice in the first box. For the weather files directory, browse to select the
folder Robit/ClimateRobit. For a directory to save the files you can choose anywhere you
like, but the default of the Scenarios/Default/TxtInOut folder, where other input files will be
stored, is a sensible choice.. Click Start (Figure 31).
Figure 31: Importing observed weather data
The Weather Stations form will reappear, showing a single station with data for precipitation,
temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity and wind speed (Figure 32).
Figure 32: Observed weather data imported
Click the triangular symbol on the left for Run SWAT+, which opens the simulation settings
page (Figure 33).
Figure 33: Simulation settings
Under simulation settings the folder for the SWAT+ input files can be left as the default.
Select Set your simulation period.
We have daily data for the beginning of 1990 to the end of 2013, but to keep down the time
needed to run and to import the output data we will restrict the period to 1990 to 2000. Use
the date picker to change the ending date to 31 December 2000. Note you can adjust the year
forward or backward by decades as well as years. After selecting the year you need to click
on the day (31 December) for the change to register (Figure 34).
Figure 34: Setting the ending date of simulation
Select Choose output to print. . We will use 3 as the warm-up period. SWAT+ will run for
the first three three years, but the output will be ignored.
For the objects to print, some output is preselected. We will visualise a variety of outputs, so
select just three of the top boxes under Monthly, Yearly and Average. Then find and add
channel under Daily, which we will need for calculating environmental flows. We won't
include other daily output as it will take some time to write nearly 3000 records for each
channel, lsu or hru in requested output (Figure 35).
Figure 35: Setting print options
Scroll down and make sure Write input files, Run SWAT+, and Analyze output for
visualization are all checked (Figure 33). We don't need the debug version, which you
would normally only use if the model has errors, to get more information. Click Save
Settings & Run Selected. We see the input files being written, then SWAT+ running, and
the output files being read. They are being stored in an output database,
swatplus_outputs.sqlite in the Scenarios/Default/Results folder. We selected a lot of
outputs, so this takes a few minutes. When it is finished we can Exit SWAT+ editor.
Once SWAT+ has been run and the output imported, so that there is an output database
swatplus_output.sqlite in the Scenarios/Default/Results directory of the project, then a button
Visualise becomes available in the main QSWAT+ form (Figure 36). Visualisation allows
outputs from SWAT+ to be visualised graphically.
Figure 36: Main QSWAT+ form showing Visualisation button
Click Visualise on the main QSWAT+ form to bring up the Visualise Results form (Figure
37). Here the Choose scenario pull-down menu shows the simulations, or scenarios, that are
available, currently only the Default one. Select the one that you wish to display. Then use
the Choose SWAT+ output table to see what tables are available. This depends on what you
chose to print in the SWAT+ Editor, and for HRU results on whether a FullHRUs shapefile
was generated3.
7.2 Visualisation period
The start and finish dates shown are initially the start and finish dates of output from the
Default scenario. Note that the initial year is 1993 since we simulated from 1990 but set
nyskip to 3. You may choose dates within these if you wish, to shorten the period being
visualised. If other scenarios are selected, the dates will be changed if necessary to ensure
there is data available for the whole period.
7.3 Static visualisation
There are three possibilities shown by the tabs for Static data, Animation and Plot. For
static data a single summary value is calculated for each aquifer, channel, HRU or LSU and
displayed as a map. For animation there is an animated display of the value in each aquifer,
channel, HRU or LSU at each time step in the animation. Plot supports the creation and
display of plots of selected variables. This section deals with static data: animation and
3 HRU tables (those with names starting 'hru_') are available for plotting, but not for static visualisation or
animation unless a FullHRUs file was generated. Rather than repeating this warning many times, we
assume in the rest of this section that the FullHRUs shapefile was generated.
plotting are described in the following sections. Make sure the Static data tab is selected.
Static results are created by generating a shapefile, and by default this will be called
<table>results.shp (e.g. lsunit_pw_monresults.shp) and stored in the Results directory of the
current scenario. You can leave this default, or change the file name and location as you wish.
You may notice files called hrus.shp, lsus.shp, rivs.shp, subs.shp, aquifers.shp and
deep_aquifers.shp in this directory. Do not choose any of these as your file name: the first
four are copies of the actual HRUs, LSUs, channels and subbasin shapefiles generated by
QSWAT+, copied into this folder and used as a basis for the results shapefile (and for
animation). The aquifer shapefiles were created for the same purpose. Copying them to or
creating them in the Results directory is done because these shapefiles may be changed by
subsequent runs of QSWAT+ and not have the same HRUs, LSUs, channels or subbasins as
this run had.
The pull-down menu in Choose variables contains all the output variables from your chosen
table. You can select these one at a time and use the Add button to add them to the box
below, or simply click All to get all of them. You can adjust your selection by selecting and
using Del to delete ones, or using Clear to delete all of them. Data from all the variables you
place in the box will be placed in the results file. You then need to select one of them to be
displayed. It is a good idea in general to select All as this allows you to display different
variables without having to change the results file.
Figure 37: Visualise results form
For each variable, for each aquifer, channel, LSU or HRU the output data can have a value
for each day, month, or year of your simulation, or an average year for the whole simulation
(according to what outputs you chose to print). To display the results graphically we need to
produce a single value for each variable for each subbasin, and for this we choose a
Summary. Summaries available are:
Totals: the summary is the total of the values for the variable for the aquifer, channel,
LSU or HRU..
Daily means: the summary is the daily mean of the total, the total divided by the
number of days in the simulation.
Monthly means: the summary is the monthly mean of the total, the total divided by
the number of months in the simulation. The number of months may be fractional
Annual means: the summary is the annual mean of the total, the total divided by the
number of years in the simulation. The number of years may be fractional.
Maxima: the summary is the maximum value for the variable for the aquifer, channel,
LSU or HRU..
Minima: the summary is the minimum value for the variable for the aquifer, channel,
If the output table is an annual average (its name ends in '_aa') the summary method is
already chosen as annual mean, and the Choose summary menu is not enabled..
For variables which are effectively means, such as rates of flow, only some of the summaries
make physical sense, namely the mean for the chosen printout frequency, maximum, and
minimum. Users should therefore exercise caution in choosing summaries for such variables.
You might want to display an expression that is a combination of result values, or some
function of an existing result. This can be achieved as follows.
First, generate a results shapefile as described above, making sure that you include in its
variables at least all that you want to use in your expression. Then right click on its entry in
the Layers panel and select Open Attribute Table. Click on the yellow pencil symbol at top
left to start editing, and then select Open field calculator (abacus symbol).
In the Field Calculator make sure Create a new field is checked, give it a name (at most 10
characters and not already a field name), choose Decimal number (real) as the field type,
change the length and precision if you wish, and then create the expression. The easiest way
to do this is to double click on entries in the centre panel: Fields and Values contains all the
existing field names, Math contains mathematical functions, Operators a variety of
numerical and logical operators (some of which are also available as buttons above the left
panel), and so on.
As you double click on items they are added to the left panel. You can also edit this panel
directly (so you can easily delete mistakes). When the expression is valid the resulting value
from the first row of the table is exhibited below.
When you are happy with your expression, click OK to close the calculator and the yellow
pencil to finish editing. Confirm that you want to save the changes to the layer.
You will find the new field name(s) added to the variables that can be selected for display.
Select one, change the summary method if you wish, and click Create to see your new
variable displayed.
Note that this method adds data to the attribute table of the current results file: it does not add
to the current table from the output database. This means it cannot, for example, be animated
or plotted. To add such data to the original table it is often possible to use an SQL statement:
SQL has a powerful expression language. For example, we could use SQLiteStudio to add a
column flo_diff, the difference between flo_out and flo_in to channel_sd_mon. We proceed
as follows:
In the visualise form select a different output table and then select channel_sd_mon
again to force the table to be reread and the variable made available in the static,
animation, and plot pull-down menus.
Another method to exploit the power of spreadsheets would be to export the table as a csv file
(easily done in SQLiteStudio), import the csv file into a spreadsheet tool like Excel or Open
Office, add the column(s) and generate their data using the functions available in the
spreadsheet tool, edit the table structure in SQLiteStudio to add the necessary column(s), and
import the csv file back into the table
The previous section 7.4 presents a method to produce results values based on functions of
original values, but requires the original values to be in the same table. But SWAT outputs
are grouped in a range of tables: what if a function of values from different tables are
required? We explain in this section how this can be done.
The tables that can be visualised generally have names in the form X_Y_Z4 where X is lsunit,
hru, or channel, and Z indicates the frequency: day for daily, mon for monthly, yr for yearly,
and aa for average annual. If two tables in the same output database have common X and Z
values then they can easily be combined in a natural join. They will automatically share the
same id, jday, mon, day, yr, unit, gis_id, and name columns, so these will appear in the join,
and the remaining columns will simply be the union of all the other columns in the two
For example, if you use SQLiteStudio, then you can open the output database, in the Tools
menu select Open SQL Editor, and type in a command like
Note the new table name lsunit_lswb_mon preserves the X and Z values from the two input
tables, so that the visualise tool knows how to present the data from the new table. Now
reselect the scenario (even if there is only Default), the new table will appear in the output
tables menu, and you can proceed as in section 7.4 above.
This only illustrates a simple case, and you are free to create new tables from old by whatever
means you like. You might, for example, want to join tables from different scenarios, if the
LSUs, HRUs and channels are the same, and the periods of the runs are the same (or you can
prune them to produce the same common period).
The table below shows how the data from tables is collected for different frequencies, so that
The table shows, for example, that to extract data for variable x from a monthly table
X_Y_mon for feature f the SQL statement used by visualise will have the form
And hence that the columns needed in a new monthly table are at least x, gis_id, yr, and mon.
In addition, of course, the new table's name must follow the X_Y_Z6 pattern described above.
QSWAT+ uses the QGIS Print Composer to support the printing of results. Figure 39 shows
the result of adding two more static results files to the display (sedorgn from table
lsunit_ls_aa and maxima peakr from channel_sdmorph_mon), selecting Portrait as the
orientation and 3 as the number of maps, and clicking Print. The print composer is started
and shows the first 3 (in this case) maps in the Results group in the layers panel, regardless
of their current visibility. (It is normal to have only one such map visible at a time in the map
canvas as they are slightly transparent to allow the subbasin, LSUs and channels to remain
visible.) Visible layers in the Watershed group are included as background.
The items in the print composer can be edited. You may want to change the title from its
default of SWAT+ results: <project>, to edit the Company/Author box appropriately,
change the map scales, adjust their positions, add other items, etc. You can then export it as
an image, pdf or svg file. To scale several maps, select the Item Properties tab, click on
one map item, which forms a box round it. Drag a corner of the box to change the scale.
Note the scale number. Then change the others to the same scale, this time by editing the
number and pressing Enter for the change to take effect. The scale bar is attached to the top
left map, so it changes with it. You may also need to use the Position and size settings
further down under Item properties to keep the maps aligned.
When you have finished with a layout, maybe by exporting it as a pdf, closed it and don't
want to revisit it, it is a good idea to delete it from the QGIS Layout Manager, since QGIS
seems to be sensitive to having more than a very few layouts. Open the Layout Manager
(using Project -> Layout Manager), select the layout in the manager panel, and click
Remove. Or, if you have closed but not removed a layout, you can open it again using the
Layout Manager's Show button.
7.7 Animation
To animate, after choosing the scenario and the SWAT output table (e.g.
channel_sdmorph_mon), select the Animation tab. The Variable pull-down menu contains
all the variables from the chosen output table (Figure 40): select one of these (e.g. flo_out). A
new animation layer is created in the map canvas, showing the initial values of this variable
in the simulation (Figure 32). Note that the range of possible values runs from 0 to 1.88 (the
minimum and maximum values for flo_out for the whole simulation period). You can view
the actual initial values for each channel by examining the attribute table (right click on the
Default flo_out entry in the Layers panel and Open Attribute Table).
There are controls to run, pause and rewind the simulation: it steps through daily, monthly or
annual time steps according to the chosen table. The speed of the animation can be adjusted
using the Speed spinbox. You can also investigate the changing values manually, by dragging
the slider, or (with the Visualise Results form the currently selected window) by pressing the
left and right arrows on your keyboard. The date (day, month, or year) of each step appears
above the slider.
The animation is achieved by creating a shapefile, in this case rivs0.shp in the Animation
directory within the Results directory of the scenario. At each time step the values of the
variable are updated and the file redisplayed. Hence this file is being continuously changed. It
is regarded as a temporary file and so is not preserved. If you wish to save a view of the
animation at a particular moment you can pause the animation and make a copy of this file
(remembering to copy the .dbf, .prj, and .shx files as well as the .shp file).
It is also possible to make an animated gif of the animation. Click the green Start recording
button before running the animation, and then the red Stop recording at any point. You will
be informed (after a pause while the file is created) that an animated gif has been created
(called <variable>Video.gif in the Results directory). Click OK to accept the message, and
then click Play to see it run in whatever is the default player for animated gifs on your
machine. Animated gifs can also be played in web browsers. The speed of the animated gif
is determined by the value in the speed spinbox when the Stop recording button is pressed,
so you may run it at one speed, wait for it to finish or press pause, and then change the speed
before you click Stop recording.
The animated gif is made by saving a .png file at each time step in the Results/Animation/Png
directory of the Default scenario. These files are deleted when Stop recording is clicked, so
if you want to use them, perhaps to make your own animation, you need to copy them before
you stop recording.
Note that on MacOS it is not possible to record the title on the canvas, which shows the
changing date as well as the animation variable name. Users might prefer to use the print
composer: see below.
We chose to start with the defaults of a New animation in the Map canvas. If you keep these
defaults and select a new animation, e.g. table lsunit_wb_mon and variable surq_gen then a
second animation will be added to the map canvas. Choosing Current would instead cause
the second animation to replace the first.
Another possibility if you want to watch several animations in parallel is to use the print
composer as the Animation mode. Even for a single animation the print composer offers
more options fo setting the title, author, scale bar etc. This may be recorded if desired. Select
Print composer, choose Portrait or Landscape, and change the number of maps if desired,
and click Start recording. An information form is shown, explaining that the print composer
will open with the initial layout, which you may edit if you wish (to change the title, author,
etc.). Then, if you have changed anything, you should Save as Template, using
AnimationTemplate.qpt, in the Results directory as the template file, else you can simply
close the composer. After doing this, and saving or closing the composer, start the animation.
It runs slowly as it creates a layout and saves it as a .png file at each time step.
Figure 40: Choosing an animation variable
Figure 41: Start animation
As with static visualisation, it is possible to change the colouring scheme used (the colour
ramp and/or the number of classes): right click on the legend entry, select Properties and
then select Style.
7.8 Plotting
Plotting allows the rapid display of output data as line graphs or bar charts, plotting values
against time. It is intended to facilitate comparisons of outputs from different scenarios, or
different aquifers, channels, LSUs or HRUs, or between simulated and observed values.
Plotting is done in two stages, data collection and display. After collection, just before
display, data is saved in a comma-separated value (.csv) file. This file can be loaded into tools
like Excel to support more extensive analysis than provided by the plotting tool SWATGraph
that is supplied with QSWAT+.
As with other visualisation options, start by selecting a scenario and SWAT+ output table.
Then reduce the period if you wish. Next you can select an observed data file if you have one,
and we have observedFlow.csv in the Robit/Observed directory (Figure 33). The structure of
observed data files is described later.
As many plots as you like may be added to the table. You can start by making sure an output
table is selected, e.g. channel_sd_mon, and clicking Add plot. This adds a row to the table,
and already shows the chosen scenario and table. The Unit field is empty and so is the
Variable. This first row is also the currently selected row, and this is important. Whenever
we change the scenario, output table, unit or variable settings through their pull-down menus
we will immediately change values in the currently selected row. When you have more than
one row you can select a row by clicking in it.
Suppose we want to compare the main monthly outlet flows from two scenarios. Then we
could choose for each scenario the table channel_sd_mon. We need to find the channel
number of the outlet channel. There are several ways of doing this.
1 When we use the Unit pull down menu, as each potential choice is highlighted when
we move the mouse over it, the corresponding channel, LSU, or HRU is highlighted
in the map canvas. This is a good way to check we have the right item if we think we
know the unit number, but a rather slow method to find a unit by location, like the
watershed outlet channel.
2 We make sure that the Show Map Tips QGIS button (Figure 42) is pressed, select
the appropriate map in the layer panel (rivs1, gridstreams or drainstreams for
channels; Inlets/outlets for points marked in the inlets/outlets file; Pt sources and
reservoirs for point sources and reservoirs added by QSWAT+; lsus2 or lsus for LSUs;
hrus2 or hrus for HRUs; aquifers for aquifers) and hover the mouse over the feature.
A map tool tip will be displayed showing the unit type (e,g, Channel) and number.
3 We select the appropriate map in the layers panel, as in the previous method 2. We
click the Identify Features QGIS button (Figure 42), and click on the intended
feature, such as the outlet channel (Figure 43). We see from the Identify Results
panel that the channel number is 17, so we select 1 as the Unit.
We select flo_out as the Variable. Now we want to add a second row to the table for the other
scenario. A convenient way to do this is the Copy plot button. This copies the current row to
a new row, and makes it current. Then all we have to do is choose a new scenario and the
second row will be what we want.
7 This number may be different on different machines, or with change in the number of MPI processes.
Figure 43: Identifying the outlet channel
It is also possible to move the current row up or down: this just affects the ordering of the
plots in the output.
To add observed data we select an observed data file, and use the button Add observed.
observed is used as the scenario name, '-' is used for Table, and Unit, and we can select a
variable name from the file.
We use the observed data file observedFlow.csv from Robit/Observed. There is only one
variable, in this file, Flow, so it is already selected in the observed row.
Figure 44: Plot screen
When we have completed the plot selections we click Plot. This invites us first to choose a .csv
file to save the data. We can if we wish later import this into, for example, Excel if we wish to do
further manipulations or use Excel’s graphing tools.
If we do this for this example, we immediately get a message that there is missing data for
1998/1 (i.e. January, as we are using monthly data) for plot 2, which is the observed plot. The
observed data only runs from the beginning of 1993 to the end of 1997. We click OK to close
the message, change the finish year to 1997, and click Plot again. We can choose the same .csv
file, and the tool checks that we are happy to overwrite the file. We click Yes.
Once the data is written to the .csv file, SWATGraph is automatically started to display the data
graphically: see Figure 45. The data has been displayed as line graphs. We can change the display
to bar chart using the Chart Type pull-down box and clicking Update Graph. Figure 34 shows a
plot of the flow out of channel 1 against the observed data file observedFlow.csv supplied with
the Robit example. .
Other SWATGraph options include importing another (similarly created) .csv file, using New
File to Plot, and using the buttons immediately below the graph. These include zooming and
panning the graph, saving the graph in a variety of image formats (the rightmost button) and a
number of editing options (rightmost button but one). You can add a title, add a label to the
vertical axis, change the colours of the plots, and (for line graphs only) change the vertical
axis from linear to log scale, which is useful when there is a wide variation in values.
The data from the .csv file is also displayed. The column headings, also shown in the graph
legend, take the form Scenario-Table-Unit-Variable, where Unit is the aquifer, channel,
LSU or HRU number as appropriate for the table. For an observed plot the form is observed-
At the bottom of the screen some statistics are displayed. These are correlation coefficients
for each pair of plots, and Nash coefficients for each pair of plots where one is observed.
Some of these may be meaningless, of course, if for example you choose to plot four things
that are really two pairs, but it is quicker as well as simpler to calculate them all than it is to
ask the users what they want.
The period is automatically adjusted to include all the scenarios involved (but see below for
observed data).
You also need to be reasonably confident that the things you want to compare are indeed
comparable, so if you are comparing HRUs, for example, they should be the same HRU in
each scenario. But if you are comparing the main outlet channel in each scenario, which gives
figures for the whole watershed, it doesn’t matter how the subbasins, LSUs and HRUs in
each were selected, or how the units are numbered, as long as you select the main outlet
channel number for each.
Figure 45: SWATGraph
To include observed data you need to prepare a .csv file, i.e. a text file where each line
consists of the same number of items (one or more), separated by commas.
The first line must be comma-separated text strings, which will be used as the variables. If the
first string is DATE, or Date, or indeed these four letters in any case, it and the data in the
first column are ignored. The dates are assumed to be the same as in the SWAT output plots;
they are not checked.
The data on lines two to the end (apart from ignored dates) should normally be numeric. If
you do not have complete observed data, you should include the relevant dates in the file,
since dates are assumed to be sequential, but leave the data fields empty. You still need to
insert the same number of commas as in other lines. In fact you can put anything in the
fields, like "missing" if you wish: any field that SWATGraph cannot parse as a number will
be taken to be missing data.
Dates on which some data is missing are excluded from the Pearson and Nash coefficient
calculations (and the number of values used in the calculation is reported). Missing data will
appear as breaks in the relevant line graph, and as missing bars (indistinguishable from zero
values, of course) in bar charts. You can check where data is missing from the data table,
where you will see blank fields, or the text like "missing" that was used in the .csv file.
Table and Unit boxes in an observed plot row will be unavailable, but you need to choose a
Variable. The choices in the Variable pull-down box will be the variables (apart from date) in
the first line of the .csv file.
8 Post processing
Post processing of SWAT+ results is available via the Visualise form, under the tab Post
Three environmental flow statistics are available, Qq, dQp and Qb.
8.1.1 Qq
The Qq statistic provides, for each calendar month, a measure of the flows for that month
(including for each calendar month the flows that occur in that calendar month regardless of
the year) that satisfies the condition that q% of the flows exceed the measure. The user
chooses the subbasin and the value of q. The flow is the flow in m³/s at the outlet of the
subbasin, so if the subbasin immediately above the watershed outlet is chosen then the
statistics are for the whole watershed.
The Qq form initially selects 95 as the percentage q and the outlet subbasin for the watershed
(7 for the Robit example), as illustrated in Figure 46. (If there is more than one watershed
outlet in the model, the one chosen is arbitrary.) The user can change the percentage and
subbasin, and also change the period if desired, before clicking Calculate. The result for
each month is then written to the table. The results can be saved to a text file using the Save
button. If the Append box is checked the results will be appended to the selected file,
allowing for results for different parameter settings to be saved together.
8.1.2 dQp
The dQp statistic provides a single flow statistic for a given subbasin, where d is the number
of days for a moving average, p is a threshold percentage. The initial form is shown in Figure
47. 21 is the default for d, 5 for p, and the watershed outlet subbasin for the subbasin. Users
also need to choose a start month and can choose between Percentile and Mean as the final
statistic selection. The statistic is a flow in m³/s.
Figure 46: Initial Qq form
Figure 47: Initial dQp form
The chosen period is divided into successive year-long periods, starting with the first
day of the start month and finishing with the last day of the preceding month one year
later. Days before the first start month are ignored, as are days at the end that do not
make a complete year. For example, if the chosen period is from the start of 1993 to
the end of 2000 (so is 8 years long) and the selected start month is April, then the
division will give 7 year-long periods, the first running from 1 April 1993 to 31 March
1991, and the last running from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2000. Common start month
choices are January (natural), October (hydrogeological) and April (hydrobiological).
The month should be chosen so that it is not in a low flow period.
Moving averages of length d days are calculated for the daily flows for each year
period, and for each year period the minimum moving average is selected as the flow
for that year.
There are then two possible methods for selecting the final statistic from the flows for
the year periods:
o Percentile: The result is the flow value which is not exceeded by p% of the
flows for the year periods. For the default settings, the result would be called
o Mean: The result is the mean of the flows for the year periods. For the
default settings the result would be called 21Qm. Note that the value of p is
The choice between these methods is made by selecting the appropriate radio button
in the Final selection group box.
The most common dQp index is undoubtedly 7Q10, widely used since the early 1970s by
U.S. agencies dealing with river pollution. Water quality is considered acceptable if the flow
is equal to or greater than 7Q10. Other countries, such as Spain, suggest the use of 25Q10 as
representative of the environmental flow in a year
Note that some authors may use a dQq statistic in which q is interpreted as in the Qq statistic
described earlier, such that the results ARE exceeded q% of the time, instead of the results
NOT being exceeded p% of the time. With that interpretation, choosing q as 95, say, would
be the same as choosing p as 5 (100-q). Typically p is small and q large, so a statistic such as
21Q10, for example, is unlikely to be misinterpreted.
After setting the parameters, the result is calculated and displayed in the form by clicking
Calculate. The result can be saved to a text file using the Save button. If the Append box is
checked the result will be appended to the selected file, allowing for results for different
parameter settings to be saved together.
8.1.3 Qb
The Qb (Basic Flow) statistic provides for a given subbasin an annual statistic and also
monthly statistics. The initial form is shown in. Figure 48. The watershed outlet subbasin is
the default subbasin. Users also need to choose a start month. The annual and monthly
statistics are flows in m³/s.
Figure 48: Initial Qb form
After setting the parameters, the result is calculated and displayed in the form by clicking
Calculate. The result can be saved to a text file using the Save button. If the Append box is
checked the result will be appended to the selected file, allowing for results for different
parameter settings to be saved together.
As well as using watershed divided into subbasins and (optionally) landscape units, QSWAT+
supports division of the watershed into square grid cells. The grid cells are treated by
SWAT+ as small subbasins, and they may be divided into landscape units and HRUs in the
same way. Grids allow in particular for finer control over drainage patterns.
You can create your own grid using watershed delineation as described earlier for the Robit
watershed, but before clicking the Create watershed button you need to check the box Make
grid and set the Grid size that you want in the spin box. Grid sizes are defined in terms of
DEM pixels. So, for example, for the Robit example we have a DEM whose pixels are 30 x
30 metres: you can see the pixel size after loading the DEM by selecting the DEM
properties tab in the delineation form. We will choose a grid size of 3, so that our grid cells
are 90 x 90 metres (Figure 49).
A couple of things have changed in the form as a result of choosing to create a grid. First,
there is no channel threshold to set. Grids cells are in many ways treated like subbasins, but
will be small, so there is no reason to allow multiple channels within them. Effectively
channels are the same as streams. Second, the option to merge subbasins is not available.
(The tab is still there, but its contents are not enabled.) Grid models are designed to be
homogeneous in grid cell size, so it makes no sense to merge them. Otherwise, things are
much the same as the non-grid case: inlets and outlets can be defined, lakes can be added, and
floodplain maps can be created and used to form upslope and floodplain areas. If we do this,
we will find it sometimes the case that grid cells are entirely floodplain or entirely upslope.
The result of clicking Create watershed is shown in Figure 50. The watershed delineation
has been done as before, and then grid cells created to cover the watershed. There are 2,185
grid cells in the result: you can see this by right clicking on the Watershed grid entry in the
layers panel and selection Show Feature Count. A new streams layer Grid streams has also
been created, containing stream reaches to connect grid cells. These reaches are created by
connecting the points of maximum flow accumulation in each grid cell, and you should find
if you make visible the original stream network calculated by TauDEM (the layer named
Streams) that they show good consistency (for small grid sizes) The grid streams shapefile
has an attribute Drainage whose values are the areas in km2 draining to the outlet of each grid
cell, and this is used to set the widths of the stream lines in the map canvas.
After clicking the final OK button on the delineation form, creating HRUs proceeds exactly
as in the non-grid case. Processing times will typically be longer, because we are dealing
with much larger numbers of landscape units or subbasins, and of HRUs. Figure 51 shows
the Create HRUs form after we have selected the landuse and soil maps, imported the csv
files for landuse and soil lookup and for the usersoil table, and clicked Read. There are 2185
subbasins (since each grid cell is a subbasin). 2185 channels (or streams - remember they are
the same) and 2502 potential HRUs. When we click Create HRUs at this point we will get
one HRU per grid cell, since the Dominant HRU choice is currently selected. We can have
more HRUs by selecting a different filter, but it is clear that most grid cells already have only
one HRU in any case.
Figure 49: Making a grid
Figure 50: Grid created
Figure 51: About to create HRUs
You can use a grid created as in the previous section, or one obtained from another source, as
an existing grid. We start, as before, with running the watershed delineation form and
loading the DEM: we will need this because we need to calculate slopes. Then we choose the
Use existing watershed tab, and click Use grid model. Next we load a grid shapefile. We
can use the grid we created in the Demo1Grid project in section 9.1. We will find it under the
project folder as Watershed/Shapes/grid.shp. The delineation form is shown in Figure 52.
The inlets/outlets shapefile is optional, and certainly unnecessary if it only contains outlet(s),
as in our example. The important thing to notice is the Drainage definition box, which
contains three options. These options concern how the grid cells will drain into each other.
The first option, Grid shapefile, is based on using data stored in the grid shapefile. Grids
created by QSWAT+ have attributes PolygonId and DownId. PolygonId (the standard
identifier for subbasins used by TauDEM) is unique to each grid cell. The DownId value is
another PolygonId, indicating which other grid cell this one drains to, or -1, indicating a
watershed outlet. The second option is to use Streams shapefile, and its LINKNO and
DSLINKNO attributes will be used to define the drainage routing. As in the non-grid case,
each stream reach also has a WSNO attribute, which is the same as the PolygonId attribute in
the watershed shapefile. (For streams created by QSWAT+ the LINKNO and WSNO values
will often be the same, but this is not required.) The watershed grid shapefile also has an
attribute Subbasin, and it is these Subbasin values which are displayed in the map canvas
(seen for grids only when you zoom in sufficiently) and will be used as subbasin numbers by
SWAT+. To use the streams shapefile option we select it and then we can load the file
gridstreams.shp created also in the Demo1Grid project in section 9.1., and found in its
Watershed/Shapes folder. In Figure 53 we can see that subbasin 1 drains to 6, which drains to
15 and so on. These drainage routings are defined by the LINKNO and DSLINKNO
attributes in the stream shapefile, but also by the PolygonId and DownId attributes in the
watershed grid shapefile. In fact the streams shapefile is strictly unnecessary.
Figure 52: Using an existing grid
Figure 53: Subbasin number and drainage pattern
If we select for Drainage definition the option Grid shapefile then the option to add a
streams shapefile disappears, and when we click the Run button a streams shapefile is
created with links the centre points of the grid cells (Figure 54). This is created using only
the watershed grid's PolygonId and DownId fields. We do not use any accumulation values,
so the best we can do is link the centres of grid cells. You may think this gives a coarser
model of the physical terrain (though to SWAT+ it will be just the same as the previous
version) but the great advantage is that it can be changed by the user without any danger of
terrain analysis contradicting what the user wants. So if you know that, for example, in part
of the watershed the drainage has been artificially changed for irrigation, you can change the
DownId values in the watershed grid shapefile. Just make sure that all rows have a valid
DownId and there are no circularities! Then choose Watershed shapefile as the Drainage
definition option.
Figure 54: Drainage pattern using watershed grid to define drainage
The third Drainage definition option is Drainage table. This is functionally the same as
using the watershed shapefile, but allows users to create a csv file containing the Subbasin
and downstream subbasin values. When we select Drainage table we have a drainage table
button allowing us to find and load a csv file. If we previously prepared our watershed grid
shapefile using QSWAT+ then we will find in the Watershed/Shapes directory a file
<project>drainage.csv, in our case DemoGriddrainage.csv, created when the watershed grid
was created, with Subbasin and downstream subbasin values corresponding to
PolygonId/DownId values. This can be edited and used as the drainage table. If you create
such a file from scratch, the first line is ignored, and there should then be two integers on
each line separated by a comma. The values in the first column should be non-negative and
unique, and values in the second column should appear in the first or be -1 (indicating an
outlet). Note that these values are subbasin numbers, as seen in the grid labels, to help users
change the values while using the map as reference. Subbasin numbers may be the same as
PolygonId values, but this is not necessarily the case.
10 Adding lakes
Polygon shapefiles may define lakes in 4 categories:
Reservoirs, ponds and wetlands must be associated with channels: they normally have at least
one outlet channel, and they may have several inlet channels (or none). So most of the
calculations involved in delineating such lakes are involved in determining what channels
form the inflowing and outflowing channels for each lake.
A lake is defined as a reservoir if it has an attribute RES with value 1, as a pond if it has an
attribute RES with value 2, and as a wetland if it has a RES value 3. Playas are lakes with
RES value 4. Lake shapefiles without a RES attribute are considered to define only
reservoirs, i.e. 1 is the default RES value.
Playas do not form separate items in delineation: they simply override the landuse their pixels
are assigned from the landuse map, and so directly create HRUs, with landuse WETW.
Reservoirs, ponds and wetlands do form separate items in delineation, so that the subbasins,
landscape units and HRUs of the model only occupy the pixels in the model that are not part
of reservoirs, ponds and wetlands. Reservoirs, ponds and wetlands may be quite large: they
may occupy regions that might be delineated as more than one subbasin were they not
The rest of this section is concerned only with reservoirs, ponds and wetlands, and the term
'lake' is used to encompass all three, but not to include playas.
Lakes are defined in polygon shapefiles, and we first need to understand a little about how
such shapefiles are structured. A shapefile contains a number of shapes, and each shape
consists of 1 or more parts. This introduces an ambiguity into how shapefiles are
constructed. A lake containing an island, for example, could consist of two shapes each with
one part, or a single shape with two parts.
For QSWAT+ we need to represent each lake as a single shape (though it can be in a shapefile
with several lakes). In addition, we will simplify it further by reducing it to a single part, its
outer perimeter. We will be checking how channels cross the perimeter, and having them
accidentally cross islands just makes things unnecessarily complicated. In the example from
the previous paragraph, a lake and an island as two shapes should first be reduced to a single
shape. This is the responsibility of the user, and we will demonstrate how it can be achieved,
by dissolving shapes. The isolation of the perimeter as a single part is done automatically by
Figure 55: Lake composed of multiple shapes
Figure 55 shows a lake composed of 15 shapes. You can see how a lake is composed by
loading the shapefile into QGIS, right clicking on its entry in the Layers Panel, and selecting
Open Attribute Table. More than one entry in this table for what is considered a single lake
indicates it is composed of several shapes. Selecting a line in the table will highlight the
shape, as in Figure 55.
To dissolve the shapes, use Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools -> Dissolve. If the lake is the
only set of shapes in your shapefile you can ignore the Selected features only option and the
Dissolve fields. Otherwise you will need either to select the features in your lake in the map
canvas and click Selected features only, or find (or add) a field, or collection of fields, that
distinguish the shapes forming the lake. Select a location and name for the new shapefile and
click Run. Opening the new shapefile and its attribute table will demonstrate that you now
have a single shape for each lake.
Figure 56: Dissolved shape (detail)
Although we have a single shape, in fact it still may have several parts, because dissolve only
joins together parts that physically touch or overlap. Figure 56 shows the north-east corner of
the dissolved lake, where we see that it was not very well digitized here: several parts are still
separated. When QSWAT+ later selects the perimeter it will select the part with the largest
area. But it will also warn if the next largest part (if any) has an area more than 5% of the
largest part. To avoid a significant part being lost, go back to the original shapefile, go into
editing mode, and drag some points on the edge of one part so they are inside the part you
want to join with. Save the edit and rerun the dissolve.
If you have your dissolved lakes in more than one shapefile, you can easily create a single file
containing them all. Load them all as layers in QGIS, then use Vector -> Data Management
Tools -> Merge Vector Layers. But first make sure they all have the same projection. This
will need to be the same as your DEM's projection.
QSWAT+ needs an integer to identify different lakes. You can define this yourself by
including in your lakes shapefile a field LakeId and assigning a different number to each lake.
Or you can leave it to QSWAT+ to add such a field and numbers 1, 2, etc. This is only done
to the copy of the lakes shapefile within the project. When you load the lakes shapefile each
lake will be labelled Lake n where n is its LakeId value.
The lakes shapefile may also have a field RES indicating with value 1 if the lake is a
reservoir,, or indicating with value 2 that it is a pond, or indicating with value 3 that it is a
wetland, or with 4 that it is a playa. If there is no such field the default is reservoir.
The lakes shapefile is selected in the delineation form, and can be added after you have run
delineation. The shapefile is loaded as a layer, and as with all input maps is copied, in this
case into the Watershed/Shapes directory, keeping its file name. But it is not a simple copy:
each shape is reduced to the outer perimeter of its largest (by area) part. As mentioned
above, the user is warned if there are any ignored parts with an area more than 5% of the
largest part. The rest of the processing happens when you click the final OK button in the
Add Lakes tab. It proceeds as follows:
It is required that each lake has an outlet. Examples which have a single outlet and cause no
problems are illustrated in Figure 57, Figure 58, and Figure 59.
Figure 58: Single outlet; single inlet
The aim is to divide channels which interact with each lake into three groups: channels which
enter the lake (which will terminate at the lake boundary), channels which leave the lake
(which will start at the lake boundary) and channels entirely within the lake. So the single
channel in Figure 57 will be split into a channel within the lake and a channel leaving it. The
single channel in Figure 58 will be split into a channel entering the lake, a channel within it,
and a channel leaving it. Figure 59 involves three channels: two entering the lake and one
leaving it. These will each be divided where they cross the lake boundary, so we eventually
have two channels entering, three inside, and one leaving.
Figure 60 shows part of the channel network after delineation and before channel splitting,
with one channel highlighted in red.
Figure 61 shows the effect of splitting channels. We have highlighted the upstream channel
of the pair that has replaced the previously highlighted channel. The downstream channel is
within the lake.
The aim of splitting channels is to find out what areas drain to where. Areas that drain to the
new upstream channel outside the lake will be routed to that channel and thence to the lake.
Areas that drain to the new downstream channel inside the lake will instead drain directly
into the lake. You might expect such areas to be themselves in the lake, but this is not the
case. Figure 62 shows the original drainage area of the single channel highlighted in Figure
60. Figure 63 shows the drainage areas after splitting channels and then adding the lake.
The lake area has been deleted from the drainage areas. The yellow area in Figure 63 is the
area draining to the new upstream channel. The blue area is the area that remains of the
yellow drainage area in Figure 62 that is outside the lake. This is the area that technically
drains into the downstream channel, but in the SWAT+ model will drain directly into the lake.
In fact in the SWAT+ model the channels inside the lake are removed.
Note that LSUs are formed from channel drainage areas: one LSU per channel if no
floodplain is used, else two (floodplain and upslope) if a floodplain is used. LSU numbers
are related to channel numbers: if a channel has number n then the corresponding single LSU
will have number 10 * n. When a floodplain is used, the two LSUs will have the number 10
* n + 1 (floodplain) and 10 * n + 2 (upslope). This makes it easy to relate LSUs to channels.
A consequence of removing channels inside lakes while keeping channel drainage areas like
the blue area in Figure 63 is that there will be LSU numbers that do not relate to any channel
numbers: the blue area's LSU number(s) will be related to a channel number that has been
removed. If no floodplain is used, the number of LSUs is normally equal to the number of
channels. But if lakes are included the number of LSUs will typically exceed the number of
10.3.2 Problems
Ideally, each channel interacting with a lake should fall neatly into one of the three
categories: entering, leaving and within. But in practice things are not so simple. Lake
boundaries may not coincide with the model of channels and basins created by delineation,
which is always imprecise, and on flat areas like the surfaces of lakes particularly so. Neither
can we rely entirely on the lake shapefile: separated parts can occur as we have seen, and in
any case the perimeter of a lake at the end of the dry season may be significantly different
from its perimeter at the end of the wet season. We have to accept compromises and use our
judgement and local knowledge.
The first problem is when the requirement that every lake must have a channel outlet is not
met. This might happen because a lake is outside the watershed boundary (Figure 64) or
because no channel interacts with it (Figure 65). When there is no outlet QSWAT+ zooms to
the lake with the problem and asks the user if they wish to remove the lake, or if they want to
keep the lake and try to correct the problem. If the user clicks Yes to removal the lake is
removed from the copy of the lakes shapefile in the project. Otherwise the lake remains and
the user needs to correct the problem in some way, such as changing the channel threshold,
burning in a channel map, or editing the lake polygon, and then rerunning delineation.
Figure 64: Lake outside the watershed
Figure 66: Multiple crossings
Figure 66 is an example of a channel (highlighted in red) that starts in the north outside the
lake (perimeter in black) and crosses the lake boundary three times. Since the channel starts
outside the lake and terminates within it, it will be designated an inflowing channel and split
at the point where it crosses the lake boundary which is nearest to the channel source. A
warning is given to the user that this designation has been made.
Figure 67: Another multiple crossing example
Figure 67 shows an example where a channel (again highlighted in red) starts and finishes
outside a lake. Unless there are no other channels leaving the lake (as in Figure 58), the
designation made is that it should not in fact cross the lake boundary; all the water in its
channel basin will be routed into the channel and thence to the channel outlet in the south-
west. Again the user is informed of this designation.
In a similar fashion, a channel that starts and finishes within a lake but crosses the boundary
is regarded as internal to the lake, with a warning to the user. Figure 68 is an example
involving multiple crossings.
A channel that starts inside the lake and finishes outside it but crosses the lake boundary more
than once is designated an outflowing channel, again with a warning, and split at the crossing
point nearest its outlet.
It may be that the designations selected by QSWAT+ in the cases above are not appropriate.
There are also problems where an error is reported and the user needs to take action.
Figure 69: Channel in lake appears to be an outlet.
In Figure 69 the lake is the area in the left and bottom of the figure: there is a spit of land
coming into the lake from the north-east. The channel highlighted in red, mostly internal to
the lake and flowing north-east to south-west, appears to terminate on land, so terminates
outside the lake. Similarly the channel flowing roughly east to west appears to terminate
outside the lake, and the channel flowing to the south-east appears to be an inflow, since it
starts outside the lake. All of these are wrong, and a warning about multiple lake outlets will
be reported. We need to arrange it so that the channel junction is in the lake rather than on
land. We could try to achieve this by editing the channels shapefile to move the ends of the
channels, but if we ever rerun the delineation the error will recur. We could try to avoid this
by burning in the adjusted channels shapefile, but this method is not always reliable. A better
approach is to shift the lake boundary a little, in this case to move a few points at the end of
the spit of land so that none of the three channels cross it.
Figure 70 illustrates a situation which will also be reported as a lake (on the right) having
multiple outlets. In this case there are three things we could do:
1 We can ignore the warning. The short lower channel (assuming it has a smaller drain
area than the upper one) will by default receive 0% of the lake's outflow, and the upper chan-
nel (assuming no other outlets) will receive 100%. Effectively the lower channel is treated as
internal to the lake. But the outlet routing of 0% remains, and we could change the percent-
ages later with the SWAT+ editor.
2 The short lower channel might disappear if we increased the channel threshold a little
and ran delineation again. However, the channel threshold applies across the watershed and
the new threshold might not be suitable elsewhere.
3 We could edit the lake so that it crosses the upper channel just to the west of the junc-
tion of the two outlet channels.
Sometimes it is natural to make the outlet from a lake the outlet from the whole watershed.
How can we achieve this while obeying the rule that each lake has one main outlet channel?
We don't want to create a short channel with a correspondingly small channel basin. There is
an extra condition that if a watershed outlet (an outlet with no other outlets downstream) is
placed on a channel within a lake and close to the lake boundary, then the channel is extended
to the boundary and the outlet moved to the channel's new outlet. The definition of "close" in
this context is (approximately) the same as used for snapping points to channels: 300m by
default. If a watershed outlet is placed further away from the boundary then the lake is
considered to be closed: it may have inflows but it has no main outflow.
This solves the problem of placing a watershed outlet on a lake boundary, but there is a
similar issue that lake outlets can often occur very close to subbasin outlets, with a short
channel between them. We cannot easily shift the subbasin outlet, which is determined by
delineation, so how can we avoid the small channel and (perhaps) correspondingly small
channel basin? To deal with this there is another special condition: if the outflow channel
from a lake has a drainage area less than 1% of the lake area, then the channel is regarded as
internal to the lake, and the water flow from the channel basin will be into the lake instead of
into the channel.
Normally one expects a lake to have a single outlet. But it is sometimes the case that lakes
have other outlets, water being drawn for irrigation, for example. QSWAT+ allows for
multiple outlets, but the user is always warned if the number of outlets is different from the
most common case of 1. As we have seen, extra outlets are commonly the result of a
mismatch between the results of delineation and the real world. So there is an assumption
that less important outlets are probably mistakes. If there are multiple outlets, QSWAT+
compares the drainage areas of each (according to the original channel network, before lakes
are added). The one with the largest drainage area is designated the main outlet. When the
routing table is constructed, the main outlet will be assigned 100% of the lake's outflow. The
other outlets will route 0% of the lake's outflow to their downstream channels, and so by
default will be ignored. These percentages can of course be changed in the SWAT+ editor.
It can be the case that there is no outlet from a lake: the lake basin is closed. It is difficult to
delineate such a basin because the first step, pit-filling, fills the lake! We have to enable the
pit-filling program of TauDEM to leave the lake much as it is, by creating a watershed outlet
within the lake. We do this by making a 'hole' in the DEM, an area of nodata pixels. We need
to make this as small as possible, because there may be some areas that drain to it but are
insufficient to form a stream. This does no harm as long as such areas are within the lake.
To cut the hole in the lake, create a polygon shapefile. Use the New Shapefile Layer button,
make the geometry type Polygon, and its projection the same as the DEM. Save it
somewhere convenient, and after clicking OK it will appear in the layers panel. Start editing
it (yellow pencil button) and click Add Polygon Feature. Add vertices with the left button,
and when all are added finish with the right button. Click the yellow pencil again to finish
editing, and save. You want a polygon that occupies a region in roughly the centre of the
lake (Figure 71)
To cut the hole, make a copy of the DEM (easily done with Copy and Paste in Windows
Explorer, for example) and name it, say, dem1.tif. Then open the Python Console, and click
its Show Editor button. Make a Python script like the one below, save it as, for example,
rmcore.py. Here -2147483647 is the nodata value for your DEM (which in this case appeared
as -2.14748e+09): to find it right click on the DEM entry in the legend panel, select
properties, and find the Bands data in the Information tab. X and Y are the full directory
paths for the core shapefile and DEM copy respectively.
import subprocess
Python script for cutting core.shp from dem1.tif
Replace the original DEM in the delineation form with dem1.tif, which should look like
Figure 72. Run Create Streams, and the result should be like Figure 73. If the streams are
entering the removed area, all is fine. If they area instead flowing through the lake and
exiting the core area needs to be enlarged and/or moved. Remake dem1.tif as a copy of the
original DEM, edit core.shp, cut the hole in dem1.tif again, reload as the DEM and run
Create streams again
Figure 73: Streams created
If the streams are flowing into the hole, we need to try to make the hole smaller. The process
is repeated as long as we can keep the streams flowing into or towards the hole; Repeatedly
Edit core.shp to make it smaller (Figure 74)
Make a new copy demn.tif (n is 2,3,...) of the original DEM
Edit the script rmcore.py to make it refer to demn.tif and run it
Load demn.tif as the new DEM and run Create streams.
Figure 74: Core shape reduced
If the streams still flow into the hole (Figure 75) we can repeat the process.
Eventually you should be able to reach a stage where the core shape covers only a few pixels
and the streams will stop short of it by a pixel or two. Select Use an inlets/outlets shapefile
and click the Draw inlets/outlets button to place an outlet point at the end of each incoming
stream (Figure 76) and click Create watershed. The subbasins are created (Figure 77).
Figure 77: Subbasins created
If you open the attribute table for the subbasins shapefile and click on the Select all button,
the area not yellow (Figure 78) shows the area that drains into the hole but not with sufficient
size to form a stream. This area will be excluded from the model. If this area is within the
lake there is no harm. If it includes significant area outside the lake, you can try again to see
of the hole can be reduced, or you could try reducing the stream threshold, but this will affect
the whole watershed and may be undesirable. As a last resort you can edit the subbasins
shapefile after the lake has been added, to put the excluded area within a neighbouring
subbasin. Then you will have to run the model as an existing watershed, remembering the
first time at least to recalculate fields, since the area of the neighbouring subbasins will be
wrong at first.
Figure 78: Excluded area
The rules for routing water into and through lakes are as follows:
1 Remember that channels which flowed into a lake across its perimeter were split into
inflowing channels and channels within the lake. The outflowing channels are split similarly.
So channels that interact with the lake are either (a) inflowing but entirely outside, (b) within,
or (c) outflowing and entirely outside.
2 Channel basins for channels outside the lake are routed just like channel basins not in-
teracting with lakes. The only difference is that an inflowing channel has an outlet point cre-
ated at its outlet end (on the lake boundary), the channel is routed to this point, and the point
is routed into the lake. The main outflowing channel has a water point created at its source.
100% of the lake is routed into this point, which in turn is routed to the main outflowing
channel. Other outflowing channels receive by default 0% of the lake outflow.
3 Channels within the lake are removed from the model, and so are not routed.
4 The channel basins for channels within the lake may be entirely within the lake, or
may have some area outside the lake. In the former case they are removed from the model.
In the latter case, the channel basin is reduced to the area outside the lake and all flows that
would normally be routed to the basin's channel are instead routed directly into the lake.
5 In the cases where the outlet channel is taken to be within the lake, the lake's water
point is routed directly to the subbasin outlet at the outlet end of the channel.
6 When a watershed outlet is placed initially within the lake, or at the end of a suffi-
ciently short channel for the channel to taken into the lake, the lake's water point is routed
directly to the watershed outlet.
7 By default in QSWAT+, all channels have a point source created at their source. If in-
puts are defined for any of these point sources, they are routed into their channel.
These rules only describe the default actions of QSWAT+. Users can freely edit the routing
table using the SWAT+ Editor.
The channels shapefile created from the delineation before lakes are added is called
DEMchannels.shp, where the DEM raster is called DEM.tif, and is found in the
Watershed/Shapes folder. Channel splitting creates a new channels shapefile
DEMchannels1.shp. The original is retained because it can be used to locate the channels
mentioned in messages about channels with multiple crossing points with lakes. The
replacement channels shapefile is created by rerunning part of delineation and the LINKNO
values of channel reaches are likely to be different.
Other files affected by adding lakes are the subbasins file Watershed/Shapes/
DEMsubbasins.shp and the channel basins Watershed/Shapes/DEMwshed.shp (not normally
loaded). All of these have the lake areas removed. The last also has channel basins split
where channels were split. The subbasins and wshed shapefiles are later the basis for the
subs1 and lsus1/2 shapefiles respectively.
The extra outlet points at the outlets of channels flowing into lakes, and the water points at
the lake outlets, are added to the inlets/outlets shapefile created by snapping points to streams
and channels. They can be made visible by reopening the delineation form, clicking the
Review snapped button, and then clicking Cancel (to avoid trying to rerun lake processing).
Lakes can also be added to grid models. This is done essentially by designating a number of
cells in the grid as forming lakes.
To add lakes to a grid model, first delineate it as usual: this is the same as non-grid
delineation except you check Make grid and pick a grid size. Then you select the Add
Lakes tab, and click the '...' button to select and load the lakes shapefile. As in the non-grid
case, each lake is reduced to its perimeter, and LakeId values are added if necessary. Then
the grid cells which overlap with each lake are marked as forming part of the lake if the lake
includes at least 50% of the cell.
In grid models, there is no distinction between streams and channels - there are only
channels. Each channel runs from one grid cell to an adjacent one. So after defining which
cells form a lake, it is possible to define channels as not interacting with the lake (neither end
is a lake cell), inflowing (the outlet end only is a lake cell), within the lake (both ends are lake
cells) or potentially outflowing (the source end is a lake cell, the outlet is not). As in the non-
grid case, there can be several outflowing channels. If there are several, the main one is
chosen as the one with the largest drainage area, the user is informed, and as in the non-grid
case the default routing will be 100% to the main outlet, 0% to the others.
In the non-grid case, editing of the lake perimeter, typically by dragging some of the
perimeter points, can be done easily using the shapefile editing capabilities of QGIS. For
grid models it is not so easy: the user could edit the lake shapefile before loading it, but it is
difficult to judge which grid cells will be included or excluded in advance. Instead a simple
mechanism is provided to edit the lake when it has become just a set of the cells in the
watershed grid. There are buttons Remove lake cells and Add lake cells. Clicking either of
these puts QGIS in a mode where grid cells can be selected by left-clicking in them. You can
hold the Ctrl key to make a multiple selection - the selected cells turn yellow - and then click
Ok to make the change or Cancel to leave the lake unchanged. Since there may be more
than one lake in your model, before adding cells you need to select the appropriate lake
identifier in the Lake number box.
Figure 79 shows the initial state of a lake in a grid model. (Cell numbers are removed for
lake cells, but we refer to some cells in the lake using the numbers they would have had
before the lake was added: the numbering system should be obvious from the figure: in each
row cells are numbered consecutively left to right.) We can see that the lake outlet should be
from 2792 to cell 2791 (channel widths increase with their drainage areas), but there are also
potential outlets into 2725 and 2529. QSWAT+ will settle on 2792 for the main outlet and
warn about the others, and we can see that there are only a few cells involved and leave
things as they are. Alternatively we could take the drainage csv file generated when we
delineate grid models, edit it, and use it in a predefined watershed project. We could, for
example, change the DownSubbasin of Subbasin 2726 to 2792 instead of 2725, and change
that of 2530 to 2595. A third option is to decide that this north-west corner of the lake is
inaccurate and encroaching into another natural basin: we need to edit the lake. We can
remove the lake cells occupying cells 2726, and 2530, but then we see that 2530 is now a
potential outlet, and we see that we need to also remove 2531, 2467, 2468 and 2469. The
result is shown in Figure 80
In the non-grid case channels were split at the lake boundary. We cannot split the grid
channels, because they always run cell to cell, but we still place outlet points on inflowing
channels and a water point on the main outflowing channel. For inflowing channels the point
is placed at the channel outlet (so apparently inside the lake) and the routing is channel to
point to lake. For the outflowing channel the point is placed at the source end of the channel
(again apparently inside the lake) and the flow is lake to point to channel.
QSWAT+ supports the use of predefined watersheds, in which the user supplies the streams
and channels, subbasins and channel drainage areas as shapefiles, and no watershed
delineation is done. Generally this is to avoid the delineation process changing the stream
lines or the basin boundaries.
The principal that outputs from delineation can be used as inputs for predefined models is
maintained: delineated models include all the necessary fields described below.
With predefined grid models adding lakes is very simple, and the process is the same as in the
delineated case. The user supplies the grid and the drainage pattern, and adds the lake
shapefile. The lakes are converted into collections of grid cells by intersecting the lake with
the grids, and the inflowing and outflowing channels identified. As in the delineated case, the
lakes can be edited by adding or removing cells.
This is required, with one shape for each lake. There must be a LakeId field in the attributes,
with each lake having a unique strictly positive LakeId value. The shapefile is in fact only
used to calculate the area and centroid of each lake, so it is not required, for example, to
reduce the shapes to outer perimeters only. The area and centroid values are always
calculated from the geometry of each lake, regardless of any other fields which might define
them. The lakes shapefile should also have a RES field indicating with a value 1 if the lake is
a reservoir 2 if it is a pond, 3 if it is a wetland, or 4 if it is a playa. If there is no such field
reservoir is assumed.
The channels shapefile requires four extra fields: LakeIn, LakeOut, LakeWithin, LakeMain.
Values in these fields may be NULL (empty) or 0 (zero), indicating the channel has no
interaction with any lake, or a value found in the LakeId field of the lakes shapefile,
indicating that the channel flows into the lake, or flows out of it, or is within it. Channels
marked as flowing into a lake are regarded as having their outflow point on the lake
boundary. Channels marked as flowing out of a lake are regarded as having their source on
the lake boundary. The LakeMain field is used to give the LakeId for which the channel is
the main outlet: it is only read when LakeOut has a positive value, and must have the same
The channels flowing into lakes may have DSNODEID values, but these are ignored. The
reason is that the requirements above are met by channels1 files created during delineation,
and these have DSNODEID values which correspond to points added to the snapped
inlets/outlets file. But this file is not commonly accessed by users, and in any case predefined
watersheds typically do not need or use inlets/outlets files. So such values are ignored.
Outlet points are created for the inflowing channels, as in the delineated case, but this is done
internally and no inlets/outlets file is created. These points will of course be defined in the
gis_points table and referenced in the gis_routing table of the project database.
This is assumed to correspond to the subbasins with the lake shapes removed, so that in
particular the total watershed area will be the sum of the subbasin shape areas plus the lake
This defines the area draining into each channel. As with the subbasins shapefile it is
assumed to correspond to the drainage areas for each channel with the lake shapes removed.
11 Parameter settings
A range of parameter settings is possible using the parameters form (Figure 81) that is opened
by clicking the QSWAT+ parameters button on the main form (Figure 2).
Figure 81: QSWAT+ parameter form
This directory holds a number of directories needed for QSWAT+ and SWAT+:
Databases contains template project and reference sqlite databases, plus soil and
weather generator databases (if installed)
Documents contains documents like this one
ExampleDatasets currently contains just the Robit example used in this manual.
TauDEM539Bin contains TauDEM executables used for watershed delineation. This
directory is not necessary on Winows if QSWAT is also installed, since QSWAT has
its own set of the same executables
Tools currently contains SWATGraph, a stand-alone version of the QSWAT+ feature
for plotting SWAT+ outputs stored in csv files. In Windows, SWATGraph is not
necessary if QSWAT is installed. In Windows the Tools folder also contains
ConvertFromArc, a tool to convert ArcSWAT projects to QSWAT+.
SWATPlusEditor contains the SWAT+ editor and the SWAT+ executables.
Setting this parameter sets the value for all QSWAT+ projects.
11.2 MPI bin directory
See Appendix IV: Installing and Using MPI. MPI is a tool for reducing the processing
times with large DEMs.
Setting this parameter sets the value for all QSWAT+ projects. The remaining parameters
described in this section are project-specific.
QSWAT+ uses standard formulae for estimating the widths and depths of channels:
where DA is the area draining into the channel in square km, WM is the channel width
multiplier, DM the channel depth multiplier, WE the channel width exponent, and DE the
channel depth exponent. The default values used for these four parameters are shown in
Figure 81. The defaults are intended to provide typically appropriate values, but may not
give good estimates in your area. Changing these values and clicking Save will cause the
values to be saved and used for calculating channel widths and depths, and also saved in the
project file for use in the future. Restarting the project will then place the new values in the
parameters form if it is opened again.
The widths and depths so calculated are stored in the project database tables gis_channels and
gis_lsus. In gis_channels they are the values called wid2 and dep2, the main channel width
and depth, and the area used is the total area draining into the channel. In gis_lsus they are
the values called wid1 and dep1, the subsidiary channel width and depth, and the area used is
the area of the channel's LSU.
If either or both of the tables gis_channels and gis_lsus exist when Save is pressed the tables
are updated. It is therefore possible to complete delineation or HRU creation and then update
these tables, without having to rerun delineation or HRU creation.
The values in the database table gis_channels are also stored in the attributes of a shapefile
rivs1.shp, which can be found in the Watershed/Shapes directory. This is updated as the
database table is updated. Similarly, lsus2.shp in the same directory has the values from
gis_lsus in its attributes, and is updated with the table. . (The use of the number 1 or 2 in
these shapefile names reflects their formation. Number 1 is created from reading files for
subbasins, landuse, soil, etc., and a new version with number 2 is added for lsus since channel
merging changes the shapes, which show the areas draining into channels.)
Mean slopes and channel lengths are calculated as part of delineation. DEMs are obviously
only small samples of the actual terrain elevations, and so these values may poorly estimated.
They can be changed individually in the relevant project database tables, but it may also be
useful to correct a persistent bias by multiplying the estimated figures by a constant. There is
a range of multipliers that can be adjusted from their default values of 1.0:
Reach slopes multiplies slo2 values in gis_channels, the mean slope of the channel,
which is the difference in elevation between the ends of the channel divided by its
Tributary slopes multiplies csl values in gis_lsus. This is calculated as the longest
flow path in the LSU divided by the drop along this flow path.
Mean slopes multiplies the slo1 values in gis_subbasins, and the slope values in
gis_lsus, and gis_hrus. In each case the slope is a mean of the slope values recorded
for every DEM pixel in the subbasin, LSU or HRU respectively. The sll (slope
length) values in gis_subbasins are also adjusted, since they are calculated from the
subbasin's mean slope.
Main channel length multiplies len2, the channel length (and also divides slo2) in
Tributary channel length multiplies len1, the longest flow path (and also divides csl)
in gis_lsus.
As with the width and depth parameters described above in section 11.3, when these values
are changed and Save is clicked, if the relevant tables already exist they are immediately
Also, again as mentioned in section 11.3, rivs1.shp in Watershed/Shapes contains values from
gis_channels, and lsus2.shp values from gis_lsus and are updated together with the tables.
subs1.shp has a similar relation to the table gis_subbasins.
This enables users to select a larger or smaller font size for QSWAT+. It only takes effect if
Save is clicked and QGIS (and QSWAT+) restarted. An attempt is made to immediately show
the effect in the Font point size label, but this is not always accurate. The result is dependent
on the font sizes available.
This is the depth in metres by which elevations are decreased along the path of the streams to
be burned in. Changing this parameter and clicking Save only has effect the next time the
delineation step is done (with the burn-in option selected).
When a floodplain is included in calculating LSUs and HRUs, HRUs in upslope LSUs have
their outflowing water routed by default 90% to the channel (or reservoir or pond if the
channel forms one) and 10% to the floodplain LSU. The figure of 90 is changed by this
parameter, provided it is an integer in the range 0..100 inclusive, and internally the figure of
10 changed so their sum is 100. This affects the relevant entries in the gis_routing table. The
table is adjusted immediately if it exists when Save is clicked.
Clicking the Export Table button on the main form (Figure 2) opens the Export SQLite
table to csv form (Figure 82). You can use this form to create a csv (comma separated value)
file from any SQLite database table. Then, perhaps after editing, you can import the form
into its original table or to another database (which will need to have the table data structure
already defined). This is mainly intended to support the import of csv files into QSWAT+
projects. QSWAT+ supports the import of csv files for landuse lookup tables, soil lookup
tables, usersoil tables, plant tables and urban landuse tables: see section 6.2.1. .
To export a table, first use the Select database pull-down menu, which offers the Project
database, Project's reference database, and Other SQLite database as options. The first two
refer of course to the current project, and the third allows the user to browse for any SQLite
database. The second pull-down menu will then contain all the table names from the selected
database, allowing the user to select one. Clicking Export will then save the database table
to a csv file, with the user selecting its name and location. Clicking Close closes the form.
SQLite tools like SQLiteStudio also support export of tables, but this QSWAT+ feature is
intended as a convenience for users who do not wish to spend the time to acquaint themselves
with such tools.
1 The user should initially prepare station information. The station information should be
prepared for all the climatic variables for which the user has local data. The header for the
table should consist of columns ID (station ID), NAME, LAT (latitude), LONG
(longitude) and ELEVATION. Refer to the example dataset in the folder
Robit/ClimateRobit, e.g. pcp.txt.
2 The actual climate data should have the same file name as the station NAME in the
station data (e.g. station name robpcp corresponds to file robpcp.txt). The format of the
climate data should be as follows: the first line should be the date in the format
yyyymmdd followed by the daily climatic data values. Missing values will be replaced by
-99. The data format for the precipitation, solar radiation, wind speed and relative
humidity is the same. Refer to the example dataset for precipitation data in the folder at
Robit/ClimateRobit, robpcp.txt. The only exception is for maximum temperature and
minimum temperature, in which case the maximum temperature and minimum
temperature are separated by a comma. Refer to the example dataset for temperature
dataset, Robit/ClimateRobit/robtmp.txt.
3 The actual climatic data should be saved in the same folder as the station files.
4 The units for precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and relative humidity
should be mm, degree centigrade, MJ/m², m/s, and decimal fraction, respectively.
5 For each subbasin, SWAT+ uses observed climatic data from the closest station. If there is
no observed station climatic data, SWAT+ will use simulated data using the weather
generator. The algorithm used by SWAT+ is as follows: for example, suppose there are
weather stations with identifiers A, B and C, and tables Apcp, Bpcp, Atmp, Btmp, and
Cslr. Then the result will be:
For precipitation: subbasins will use measured data from Apcp or Bpcp, according to
whether station A or B is closer.
For temperature: subbasins will use measured data from Atmp or Btmp, according to
whether station A or B is closer.
For solar radiation: all subbasins will use measured data from Cslr.
For relative humidity: all subbasins will use simulated data.
For wind speed: all subbasins will use simulated data.
This makes it easy for users to vary climate data if they wish, and to combine measured data
from a number of sources. It is even possible to combine simulated and measured data for
different subbasins: in the example above, for example, if all the values in Apcp are -99
(missing data), while Bpcp is measured data, then subbasins nearer to station A will use
simulated precipitation data and those nearer to B will use measured data.
For each landuse or soil map the user can prepare a lookup table like Robit_landuses or
Robit_soils and put it into the project database Demo1.sqlite in the Demo1 folder
(QSWATPlus_Projects/Robit/Demo1). The project database is created by copying
QSWATPlusProj2018.sqlite when New Project in the main QSWAT+ form is clicked.
Standard landuse and soil tables, namely global_landuses and global_soils are already
included in the project database. These are for use with the global landuse and soil maps
available from the WaterBase website on its data page
http://www.waterbase.org/download_data.html. If you use these maps then you can use these
lookup tables, and the existing tables global_usersoil, plant, and urban in the project database
are appropriate. The global maps are in latlong projection and will need clipping and
reprojecting to your project's projection as described for global DEMs in Appendix II.
In the case of a landuse map, the lookup table should have the string landuse in its name.
Then it will be offered as an option for a landuse table. It must have the same structure as the
table global_landuses in QSWATPlusProj2018.sqlite. So it must contain at least the columns
corresponds to the values in the landuse grid. It is possible that more than one of the
LANDUSE_IDs maps to the same SWAT_CODE, where your data makes more distinctions
than are supported by SWAT+. The SWAT_CODE strings are mostly 4 letters long, but can
be up to 16 characters, and all the ones used in your map must be found in the table plant or
the table urban, or in your own replacements for either or both of these in the project
database. Searching for these codes is independent of case, so that for example RICE in your
lookup table will match rice in the plant table.
In the case of a soil map, the lookup table should have the string soil (but not usersoil) in its
name. Then it will be offered as an option for a soil table. You should copy the structure of
the table global_soils in QSWATPlusProj2018.sqlite. So it must contain at least the columns
SOIL_ID (type INTEGER) and SNAM (type TEXT). The SOIL_ID corresponds to the
values in the soil grid. All the SNAM strings you use must be as follows:
found as SNAM values in the table global_usersoil found in the SWAT+ project
database, or the table you have chosen to use instead, or
found as name values in the first usersoil table if you have used the two table option:
see below, or
if you are using STATSGO, one of the following four options:
1 muid values such as AL001
2 muid+seqn values such as AL001+1
3 muid+name values such as AL001+DICKSON
4 s5id values such as TN0042
The lookup table must use one of these options consistently. Lookup is in the statsgo
table in swatplus_soils.sqlite. Where lookup target matches more than one row in the
statsgo table the first (as ordered by increasing id values) is taken. So the four
examples above would all give the first row (id 1) in the table
Unless your project is in the USA and you are using SSURGO or STATSGO soil data, you
will need a usersoil table to define your soil properties. QSWAT+ uses a structure which
divides soil properties into two tables: a usersoil table giving properties for the whole soil,
such as its hydrographic group and texture, and a usersoil_layer table giving properties for
each layer. But QSWAT+ also accepts the old SWAT usersoil structure in which these are
combined. You can use tables already provided in the project database, like global_usersoil,
or you can create and select your own table. The table name should include the string
usersoil, and if there is a separate layer table its name should be the first table name extended
with _layer. The structure of the two tables is illustrated by the csv files in the Robit dataset
Robit_usersoil_main.csv and Robit_usersoil_main_layer.csv.
An alternative to preparing these tables in the project database is to use .csv (comma
separated value) files as described in section 6.2. Note that the .csv file Robit_usersoil.csv
used the single usersoil structure. If you choose Use csv in the usersoil menu, you can select
Robit_usersoil_main.csv as the usersoil table, and you will then be prompted for the second
layers .csv file, and tables Robit_usersoil_main and Robit_usersoil_main_layer will be
created in the project database.
14.1 Introduction
You may have your own digital elevation map (DEM) for your watershed, but if you don't
this section explains how to obtain and prepare DEM data obtainable free from the web. The
techniques for clipping and reprojecting DEMs may also be useful for DEMs from other
There are also notes about masking DEMs and about dealing with large DEMs in the final
two sub-sections (7.7) that should be of general interest.
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) is a good source of DEM data for almost
anywhere in the world. It is available at 90 metre and, since the end of 2014, 30 metre
The first thing to do is to make a note of the extent of the watershed you want to model: the
maximum and minimum latitudes and longitudes. Decimal longitudes that are west of the
Greenwich meridian should be expressed as negative numbers: if you have a longitude above
180°, subtract 360. Decimal degrees, rather than degrees, minutes and seconds, will be
required for clipping later, so convert yours if necessary (just divide the minutes by 60 and
round to 1 decimal place) and make a note of them.
Choose or create a folder for the maps to be stored. We will refer to this as the map folder.
14.2.1 90m data
You might like to use the less detailed 90m data if your watershed is large or if you are new
to QSWAT+. Go to http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/, and select the SRTM Data Search and Download
menu item. Then select GeoTiff as the file format. You can now select tiles by selecting
Multiple Selection and clicking on them, or by selecting Input Coordinates and entering the
extent. Then click Begin Search and on the next page select the Data Download (FTP) or
(HTTP) for each of your tiles. You will not need the mask. Each tile comes in a zipped
archive file containing a text file with information about SRTM (including citation data) and
a .tif file, plus .hdr and .tfw files. Unzip each archive and put the files in the map folder.
Under Coordinates, select Decimal and click Add Coordinate. Enter, the latitude and
longitude of one of the 4 corners of the extent. Add the other 3 corners similarly. Then above
Enter Search Criteria select the second tab, Data Sets.
Find Digital Elevation, click on the plus sign to expand and find SRTM. Expand that and
check SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global. Then go straight to the fourth tab, Results.
After a few seconds you should see the tiles you need listed. For each one. Click on
Download options (the 5th symbol) and then click Download beside GeoTIFF. Save the file,
close the Download Options form, and repeat for each of your tiles. Note that the save form
says the file is a zipped archive, but its extension is .tif and it is not zipped. Move the .tif
files to the map folder.
Start QGIS and load the first grid (using Layer → Layer → Add Raster Layer, or the
corresponding button on the left of the QGIS window). Select Raster → Extraction → Clip
Raster by Extent to bring up the clip form (Figure 83). Set the Input layer to the grid you just
loaded, set the Clipped (extent) by browsing to where you want to store the result, and use
something like <grid_name>_clip_ll.tif as the file name. It is a good idea when manipulating
grids to set the nodata value, so include in the nodata box -32768 for 90m data and -32767 for
30m data8. You can find the appropriate value by right clicking on the entry in the Layers
panel, selecting Properties, and selecting the Transparency section (or look under Bands in
the Information section.)
You also need to enter the extent you used to download the grids. It is a good idea to widen
these somewhat, say by 0.2 of a degree, to make sure there are no problems. Make a note of
the values you use as you may need them again. Check Open output file after running
8 The value should not matter, as long as it is less than any occurring in the actual data, but if it is different
from the existing no data value it can cause problems with the existing value being accepted as an actual data
algorithm and click Run. Right click on the original, unclipped grid in the Layers panel,
select Remove Layer and confirm. You will be left with the clipped portion. Load each of the
other grids, and clip in the same way.
You should have all the clipped grids loaded. Use Raster → Miscellaneous → Merge to open
the Merge form (Figure 84). Select all the layers you want to merge. Ignore the two check
boxes. Check the type of one of the clip files by right clicking on its legend entry, selecting
Properties -> Information: the type is the Data type, probably Int16, and select the Output
data type accordingly. For Merged, browse to the map folder and choose a suitable name,
perhaps ending in dem_ll to remind you what it is Check Open output file after running
algorithm and click Run.
Check your merged DEM is OK by removing the visibility of the other layers.
Our final task is to reproject the merged grid into an “equal area” projection, i.e. one in which
each grid cell has the same area. The current lat-long projection is not appropriate because at
different latitudes the same amounts of longitude will represent different distances. Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a good general choice for the new projection. It is available
almost everywhere, and while not exactly an equal area projection is sufficiently close for
most SWAT modelling. We need a suitable UTM zone. We can find the zone from a map like
http://www.dmap.co.uk/utmworld.htm, or use the formula (x + 180)/6 rounded up to the next
integer, for a reasonably central longitude x in our area. So, for example, if x is -100 the
UTM zone will be 80/6, or 13.3, rounded up, to give 14. Then we note whether we are in the
northern or southern hemisphere.
Use Raster → Projections → Warp (Reproject) to open the Warp (Reproject) form (Figure
87). Select the merged grid as the Input layer from the pull-down menu. You can leave the
Source CRS unselected as it will default to the lat-long projection of the merged raster. The
Target CRS will need to be set to our chosen UTM projection. This is unlikely to be in the
pull-down menu unless you have used it recently, so click the Select CRS button to the right
to bring up the Coordinate Reference System Selector (Figure 85).
For zone 14 in the northern hemisphere we need to find WGS84 / UTM zone 14N. If we have
used it recently it will appear in the upper Recently used box. Otherwise we have to find it in
the lower box. It will appear under Projected Coordinate Systems rather than Geographic
and can be found much closer to the bottom than the top. However, there are a lot of
projections and it can be tedious to find. Instead we use the fact that a WGS84 / UTM zone
nn in the northern hemisphere has an EPSG number 326nn, while the corresponding zone in
the southern hemisphere has an EPSG number of 327nn. So if you know the zone and the
north or south hemisphere you can calculate the EPSG number. Type 32614 in the Filter box
and the one we want will immediately appear in the middle panel. Select it there, and it will
appear as the Selected CRS at the bottom, along with its extent and its location shown on the
world map (Figure 86). Click OK.
Leave the Resampling method as Nearest neighbour. Since we are keeping the original
resolution there will be little resampling, if any. Set the nodata value: -32768 for 90m, or -
32767 for 30m. Set the Output file resolution to 90 for 90m SRTM, 30 for 30m. This will
ensure that the output has square pixels of the appropriate size.
For Reprojected, browse to the map folder and type in a suitable name, perhaps ending in
dem_utm to remind you what it is
Uncheck Open output file after running algorithm: the projection is different from the current
lat-long projection and should be viewed in a new QGIS window. Click Run.
Figure 87: Reprojection form
Start a new QGIS instance (leaving the old one in case you find you made an error and need
to redo something). Load the dem_utm file and check it looks OK. Note that coordinates in
the box at the bottom are now shown as metres instead of degrees (you won't recognise the
numbers but you will see the difference from the previous instance of QGIS). If all looks
well close the previous instance of QGIS. Choose Discard when asked if you want to save
the project.
14.6 Masking a DEM
QSWAT+ does not itself provide a facility for masking a DEM, because the capability is
already in QGIS. Before showing how to mask, a note about when to do it. Masking, or
reducing the area of the DEM to be delineated, is done for two reasons:
To reduce the amount of time that delineation takes.
To improve the accuracy of delineation.
The first reason is much less true now than it was some years ago because of the improved
speed of computers. Unless your DEM is very large and detailed it will typically take a few
minutes at most to delineate, and as you don't often repeat the process (and QSWAT+ tries to
reduce the amount of recalculation when it is repeated, as well as supporting multi-core
processing) reducing the area more than the rough clipping described in this document is not
likely to be worth doing. See section Error: Reference source not found for more information
about large DEMs.
Masking is also dangerous. If after delineation you find that part of your watershed boundary
is on the edge of your DEM then it is quite possible that you have excluded some of the
watershed, and it will be a good idea to reclip the DEM more generously and run again. So
the general advice on masking your DEM is don't do it!
The second reason is much more compelling. DEMs are far from perfect representations of
the real terrain, and delineation can easily include in the watershed areas which are known to
be outside it. In this case, if you have a reliable map of the actual watershed boundary, you
can use it to clip the DEM precisely.
So we assume you have a good map of the watershed boundary, which we assume is a
shapefile with a single shape in it. We further assume it is in the projection of your final
DEM: if it is in some other projection you can use Vector -> Data Management Tools ->
Reproject Layer to create a new shapefile with the right projection.
We can now use this boundary shapefile to clip our DEM. Start QGIS, load the projected
DEM, and then load the projected watershed shapefile (Figure 88) Check the shape lies
within the DEM, or we made a mistake somewhere!
Figure 88: DEM and mask shape loaded
Then use Raster → Extraction → Clip Raster by Mask Layer to open the clip form (Error:
Reference source not found). Select the dem_utm from the pull-down menu as the Input
layer, and the shapefile layer as the Mask layer Choose the appropriate nodata value for the
raster you are clipping, such as -32768 for a 90m SRTM. You don't need an alpha band, you
should match the extent of the clipped raster to the mask (or you will just create a DEM of
the same size but with a lot of nodata) and you should keep the resolution: these will
probably all be the defaults. For Clipped (mask) browse to the map folder and provide a
name like dem_clip_utm. Check Open output file after running algorithm. Click Run.
Remove the dem_utm to check that we have a DEM clipped to the shape.
Figure 89: Clipping the DEM by mask
Some processing times for large DEMs are shown in Table 1. These are not intended to be
anything more than indicative: while the number of cells in a DEM is probably the main
factor influencing processing time, it is not the only one. DEM sizes are in millions of cells:
for example the 100 million DEM has 10000 rows and 10000 columns. You can see the size
of your DEM by loading it in QGIS, right clicking the entry in the Layers panel and selecting
Properties. The Layer info section under the General tab shows the number of columns and
The times in Table 1 are for running from after loading the DEM to the end of stream
delineation: this includes the two most long-running TauDEM functions (D8FlowDir and
DinfFlowDir). Note that these two functions only need to be rerun if the DEM changes. If
you want to change the delineation threshold, or the inlets/outlets, the rerun will be much
faster than these times. Where there is a second time in brackets, this is for running without
using the Message Passing Interface (MPI), i.e. with a single process. The machines used to
obtain these figures are:
A A 32-bit laptop with an Intel T9400 2.53GHz processor with 2 cores and 2 GB of
memory. MPI was used with 4 processes.
B A 64-bit PC with an Intel i3 3.3GHz processor with 2 cores, 4 logical processors and
6GB of memory. MPI was used with 8 processes.
C A 64-bit PC with an Intel i7 3.4GHz processor with 4 cores, 8 logical processors and
8GB of memory. MPI was used with 16 processes.
See Appendix IV: Installing and Using MPI..
Machine/ A B C
DEM size
100 2100(*) 255(560) 104(450)
25 *(480) 64(140) 28(111)
12 159(205) 28(61) 12(48)
6 42(57) 8 (16) 4 (13)
4 13(22) 3(5) 1(3)
2 7(9) 1(2) 1(2)
1 3(4) 1(1) 1(1)
Table 1: Times in minutes for processing large DEMs (sizes in millions of cells)
* - run failed
There are two conclusions to be drawn from these figures:
In this range of DEM sizes the times increase initially linearly with the size of the
DEM, but later much more sharply. A DEM of 369 million cells processed on
machine C took over 15 hours, much worse than the rough '1 minute per million cells'
that you would expect for this machine from the table. Typically 'Not Responding'
will appear at the top of the main QGIS window and/or the delineation form. This is a
result of the TauDEM processes running in the background but using almost all the
CPU resources. Ignore the lack of responsiveness and be patient!
MPI only makes a substantial difference when the DEMs are above a few million
15 Appendix III: Using a Predefined Watershed and Channel Network
The delineation form allows you to opt for a predefined watershed and channel network by
selecting the Use existing watershed tab.
We deal first with non-grid models in section 15.1. Existing grid models were discussed
earlier in section 9.2; we present precise requirements for them in section 15.2.
On this tab, with Use grid model not checked, you can select the shapefiles containing the
watershed and its subbasins (the Subbasins shapefile), the regions draining into channels (the
Watershed shapefile) and the channel network (the Channels shapefile). Remember that
channels include the streams that define the subbasins, so that the watershed shapefile is a
finer partitioning of the whole watershed than the subbasins shapefile. These files need to
have the same projection as the DEM. If you want to use files generated by TauDEM in a
previous project, then such files can be found in the Watershed/Shapes subfolder of that
project, with names ending subbasins.shp, wshed.shp and channel.shp respectively.
It is also possible, but not necessary, to specify an Outlets/Inlets shapefile, and again a file
from the previous project may be used. If such a file is not specified, only main outlet(s) from
the watershed will be used as main outlets in the new project. You will not be able to mark
inlets, reservoirs or ponds, but you will later be able to add automatic reservoirs by setting an
appropriate threshold for WATR areas.
The subbasins shapefile must be a polygon shapefile (each polygon representing a subbasin)
with the following fields:
The watershed shapefile must be a polygon shapefile (each polygon representing the region
draining into a channel reach) with the following field:
The channels shapefile must be a line shapefile (each line representing a channel reach) with
the following fields:
Note that the RES field has changed from QSWAT, where it had the value 1 to indicate a
reservoir point, else 0. Now it can also take the value 2, to indicate a pond.
Necessary fields must be defined in the original files. Optional fields may or may not be
defined originally. With two exceptions defined below, if optional fields are defined, and if
the Reuse button is checked then their values will be assumed to be correct and reused. If
optional fields are not defined originally, or if the Recalculate button is checked, then they
will be defined if necessary, calculated, and the calculated values inserted9. Any file may have
other fields defined: these will be ignored. The fields may be in any order.
The first exception is the DSNODEID field. This is necessary if an outlets/inlets shapefile is
9 Changes to these files are only made to the copies of the originals in the Source folder of the project.
specified, in which case it is assumed to be correct and its non-negative values must refer to
ID values in that file. DSNODEID values are never recalculated.
The second exception is the Subbasin field in the subbasins shapefile. Even if present and
Reuse is selected it is checked to have suitable values for the SWAT+ basin numbers. These
must be strictly positive and unique, except for basins which are empty, when the Subbasin
values must be zero. If the Subbasin values do not meet these requirements they are
There are some conditions imposed on the fields. The PolygonId values in the watershed
shapefile must be unique, non-negative, and must equal the corresponding WSNO values in
the channels shapefile: each polygon must have exactly one channel reach, and each channel
reach must have exactly one polygon. These two fields provide the connection between the
watershed polygons and the channel reaches. The LINKNO values must also be unique and
non-negative (and will typically but not necessarily be the same as the WSNO numbers.). The
DSLINKNO (downstream link) values must each be another LINKNO value or -1, where -1
indicates a watershed outlet.
The BasinNo field in the channels shapefile provides the link between the channels and the
subbasins: each BasinNo value must be a PolygonId in the subbasins shapefile, defining the
subbasin within which the channel is located.
Files previously generated by TauDEM will meet all these conditions, and their values may
be safely reused.
There is also an assumption made about the channels shapefile. Each channel reach is either
a single line, represented as a sequence of points, or a collection of such lines. The first point
in each line may represent the upstream (source) end and the last represent the downstream
(outlet) end, or vice versa. TauDEM creates stream reaches with the first point at the outlet
end, but either orientation is accepted by QSWAT+. The assumption is that the orientation is
the same for all the reaches. The orientation is checked by finding a reach with an upstream
or downstream reach where the ends of the reaches are within one dem cell of each other:
normally such ends will exactly coincide. When a reach is a collection of lines, these must
link together.
The last four entries for the channels shapefile are only necessary if one or more lakes are
included. The values may be positive integers, in which case they must be lake identifiers in
the lake shapefile (which needs a field LakeId defining the lake identifier), or 0, NULL or
empty, indicating no interaction with a lake. At most one of the three fields LakeIn, LakeOut
and LakeWithin may have a positive value, indicating that the channel flows into, out from,
or entirely within the identified lake respectively. One of the LakeOut channels for each lake
should have the same lake identifier in its LakeMain field, indicating that it is the main outlet
for the lake. Subbasin and watershed shapefiles need no additional fields for lakes, but must
cover only the region outside the lakes. See section 10.6.2.
The optional fields are (if necessary) calculated as follows:
Field Calculation
Subbasin For subbasins which are not empty and not upstream of an inlet, a unique
positive integer. These will be the subbasin numbers for use by SWAT+.
For subbasins which are empty or upstream of an inlet, 0.
Length The total length in metres of the straight line segments forming the reach.
Drop The absolute difference in metres between the elevations of the end
points of the reach.
Note that if a predefined watershed is chosen then the length of the longest flow path along
channels in the subbasin is used for the maximum flow length in that subbasin.
Setting up an existing grid model was described in section 9.2. In this section we describe
the requirements on the existing files used.
The grid shapefile is a polygon shapefile defining the square shapes that together define the
watershed. Each such polygon is treated as a subbasin, and so has a single stream reach
associated with it. With grid models there is no further subdivision based on channels:
channel and stream are the same.
PolygonIds must be non-negative unique integers. DownIds are optional (and ignored) if
drainage is defined by Stream drainage or by Drainage table but otherwise must be either
another PolygonId value (indicating that drainage from this polygon is to the polygon with
that PolygonId value) or -1 (indicating a watershed outlet). The drainage pattern so described
must not be circular: following the pattern from any polygon must eventually lead to an
If subbasin values are included they will be used for the SWAT+ subbasin numbers if they are
unique and positive. Otherwise they will be recalculated.
If drainage definition is by Stream shapefile then a stream shapefile is required, with the
following fields:
The WSNO values must be unique and each must be a PolygonId value in the grid shapefile
(and each polygon in that file must have its id as a WSNO value in the streams shapefile).
The LINKNO - DSLINKNO values define the drainage pattern, so the LINKNO values must
be unique and non-negative, and the DSLINKNO values all -1 (indicating a watershed outlet)
or another LINKNO value. Drainage must not be circular.
If DSNODEID values are included they are used as references to the inlets/outlets shapefile
and should exist as ID values in that file.
If Length and Drop values are provided and Reuse is checked then these will be used as the
length in metres and the drop in metres of their stream reach. Otherwise these values will be
An outlets/inlets shapefile, if provided, must be a point shapefile with the following fields:
If drainage definition is by Drainage table then a comma-separated value (.csv) file must be
identified. Its first line is assumed to be column headings and is ignored. The following lines
must consist of pairs of integers, the first being a PolygonId value from the grid shapefile,
and the second either another PolygonId value or -1. All polygons in the grid shapefile must
be represented. The drainage file is just another way of presenting the PolygonId - DownId
relationship that may be contained in the grid shapefile, and is provided as an alternative for
users who wish to define a particular drainage pattern on a grid model. A suitable initial
drainage table is created when a grid model is created by delineation, and may be found as
<proj>drainage.csv in the Watershed/Shapes directory, where <proj> is the project name.
This section is mainly for Windows. On Linux and Mac MPI is standard, and comes as Open
QSWAT+ uses TauDEM, Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Maps, as the main
component for doing watershed delineation.
The current version of TauDEM is designed for modern multicore architectures. A multicore
CPU has more than one processor: 2, 4, even more. By using an implementation of the
Message Passing Interface (MPI), TauDEM can take advantage of multiple cores, splitting
tasks into several processes distributed between them, and speeding up calculations. It is also
able (provided your machine has enough memory) to process very large DEMs: up to 4GB.
You may obtain and install MS-MPI, and we give some instructions below. Then QSWAT+
will take advantage of it. There is no point in doing this unless you have a multicore CPU,
and probably not much unless you have large DEMs: see Appendix II for some examples of
processing times on large DEMs.
It is possible the first time you run one of the TauDEM executables after installing MS-MPI
that you get a TauDEM error, and in the details you will see
Fatal protocol error: check version between Mpiexec.exe, Msmpi.dll, and Smpd.exe.
The way to fix this is to remove or make inaccessible the copy of msmpi.dll that is stored
with the TauDEM executables in order to enable them to run without MS-MPI. Go to the
directory SWATPlus/Taudem539Bin and rename msmpi.dll to, say, msmpidll (which is better
than removal as you can restore it later if necessary).
Restart the machine (otherwise it will not be able to find the executable
runs, after restarting your machine you should check all is OK by opening a
command window and running the command mpiexec -help. If there is an error
saying that mpiexec is not a valid 32-bit command then download and install the
2008 version of MS-MPI from
On the QSWAT+ main screen there is a QSWAT parameters button. Clicking this enables
users to set the location of mpiexec.exe (by default C:/Program Files/Microsoft MPI/Bin).
Users should also make sure Use MPI is checked: this is checked by default if the MPI Bin
directory exists. Then MPI will be used during watershed delineation provided the Number
of processes spinbox in the Delineate watershed form is set to some positive number. This
should be left at zero if MPI is not installed. See Appendix II for some example times for
large DEMs on different machines with typical settings of the number of processes.
MS-MPI supports multi-process computations across several machines. So you may get a
Windows firewall query as to whether you want to allow the MS-MPI program manager,
smpd, access to networks. Since TauDEM only runs multiple processes inside your machine
you may Cancel access (unless, of course, you are using MS-MPI for other purposes for
which it needs network access).
Separate TauDEM executables (D8FlowDir, DInfFlowDir, etc) may also raise the same
query, which is annoying - but it only happens the first time you use them!
Figure 90: Cancelling network access for MPI
17.1 Purpose
The purpose of this tool is to help users migrate from using ArcSWAT to using QSWAT+. It
is only concerned with reusing data developed for ArcSWAT projects. As well as reading this
guide, users will also need to acquaint themselves with QGIS and QSWAT+ documentation.
The essential steps in QSWAT+ are much the same as ArcSWAT. Creating the model consists
of first delineating the watershed, then combining the delineated watershed with landuse and
soil data, and defining HRUs. At this point the work with GIS is complete and an editor is
used to add weather data, edit inputs as required, and then run SWAT+.
The conversion tool has three particular purposes in mind, for which it offers Full , Existing,
and No GIS options.
Full conversion is for users who want to rebuild their ArcSWAT project from scratch,
and take full advantage of the new features of QSWAT+. After conversion, they will
be at the start of their SWAT+ project, about to do watershed delineation. The data
they need that could be collected from the ArcSWAT project: the maps, soil data,
weather data, etc. will be available, and they will be able to create a model as close to
or as different from their ArcSWAT project as they wish.
Existing conversion is an option for those who aim to keep their model as close as
possible to the ArcSWAT one. An immediate problem with shifting from Arc GIS to
QGIS is that the watershed delineation software is different, and can give different
results. Watershed boundaries may shift, streams may move, the numbers and
boundaries of subbasins may change. To avoid this, the existing option uses the
subbasins and streams generated from Arc GIS as an existing watershed, and so
preserves the watershed boundary, the streams and the subbasins. No delineation is
done in QGIS, so multiple channels within subbasins cannot be created: all HRUs will
drain into the main channel, as in ArcSWAT. Adding landuse and soil maps is done
within QSWAT+, as is HRU calculation, so the details of HRUs may differ from the
ArcSWAT model. A major advantage of the existing option (shared with the full
option) is that since there are subbasin, stream and HRU maps inherited or created
that are consistent with the model, they may be used for geographic visualisation of
No GIS conversion is an option for users who just want to run SWAT+ on their
existing model without any preparation like delineation or defining HRUs. Nothing is
done in GIS, so the subbasins , streams and HRUs are not changed. But no
geographic visualisation of results will be possible.
The conversion tool copies much of the ArcSWAT project, and then changes the contents
of some copied files, but it does not affect any of the files in the ArcSWAT project. Nor
does it rely on them afterwards: QSWAT+ always maintains the files it uses within its
own project structure. So your ArcSWAT project is safe, and you can change it or delete
it later without affecting the QSWAT+ project.
17.2 Instructions
Once you have selected the parent directory you will be invited to reuse the ArcSWAT project
name or create a new one. Once the name is chosen, the tool checks to see if the QSWAT+
project directory exists already. If it does, the tool checks that you wish to delete it, and does
so if you confirm that it should.
Deletion of an existing directory to make the QSWAT+ project directory sometimes seems to
fail, with a message being displayed to say so. Sometimes this message appears although the
deletion has in fact taken place. If this happens you can do the following:
Check with Windows Explorer if the directory exists and if so use Windows Explorer
to delete it.
If there is still a problem, check that there is nothing else (like another Windows Ex-
plorer window) accessing the directory or one below it.
Open the Task Manager (right click in the taskbar to find it), switch to the Details tab,
and kill any processes with Name python.exe. Python processes seem often not to die
when they are exited.
If all else fails and you still cannot delete a directory, reboot the machine.
When the QSWAT+ project directory has been created, as a directory with the project name
within the parent directory, the conversion tool creates all the subdirectories needed, and sets
up a new project database, and reference database.
Then the conversion tool opens a form for you to make the choice between Full, Existing, or
No GIS conversion.
If you choose Full or Existing, a new project file is created (a .qgs file with the project name
in the project directory) and the DEM, landuse and soil rasters and shapefile maps from the
ArcSWAT project are copied in, rasters into Watershed/Rasters and shapefiles into
Watershed/Shapes. In this process the DEM is converted to a GeoTiff, as this is required by
QSWAT+ delineation.
QSWAT+ normally uses two shapefiles to mark points. The first is the inlets/outlets shapefile
and includes the main outlet(s) and any inlets that were defined in the ArcSWAT model. Note
the Monitoring Points shapefile generated by ArcSWAT includes points at stream junctions as
well as main outlets and any extra points defined by the user. QSWAT+ does not include in
its inlets/outlets shapefile the points which are stream junctions: they are implicit in the
model. This means that if you have marked any additional points as monitoring points (and
which have created subbasin boundaries) and are using the Full option you will need to add
them by hand: QSWAT+ includes a facility for adding more outlets manually.
If you are using the Full option, delineation will use the inlets/outlets shapefile. It is possible
that some points in that file will not snap to the stream network that QSWAT+ calculates. If
this happens, you can fix it either by editing the inlets/outlets shapefile using the shapefile
editing capabilities of QGIS, and dragging the affected points to their streams, or it may be
sufficient to increase the snap threshold from its default value of 300m.
If you have reservoirs or point sources they will be added to the inlets/outlets shapefile.
QSWAT+ can also define reservoirs itself if it finds areas of water above a user-definable
threshold percentage of a landscape unit, so you may find later that your reservoirs in the
inlets/outlets shapefile become unnecessary. If you choose this option in QSWAT+ and it
creates a reservoir from one or more channels where you marked a reservoir, then it may be a
good idea to return to delineation, remove the reservoir from the inlets/outlets file and rerun
delineation. The marking of a reservoir and then choosing to create reservoirs on channels
with a threshold amount of water in their drainage basins is a way of stopping adjacent
channels being merged to form single reservoirs, so unless this is what you want the marked
reservoir should be removed.
The numbering of reservoirs and point sources is likely to be different from the ArcSWAT
numbers. You can check what numbers have been given to a point source or reservoir by
selecting the item in the inlets/outlets shapefile in QGIS and using the Identify Features
button to find the ID value.
If in ArcSWAT you marked a subbasin outlet and later added a reservoir to that subbasin, the
reservoir is placed at the same position as the outlet. This causes problems with QSWAT+
watershed delineation (when using the Full option) because it will only use one of the two
points. To prevent this, move such reservoirs a little upstream before running delineation. To
do this in QGIS 3, first select the inlets/outlets shapefile in the Layers panel, uncheck the box
in the inlets/outlets legend beside Outlet, so that outlets are not visible and you won't select
one by accident. Then click the yellow pencil Toggle editing button to start editing. Click the
Vertex tool button (third right from Toggle editing). When you then slide the mouse over a
reservoir in the map canvas, it turns red. Left click on it and slide the mouse a little upstream.
A small red cross slides with the mouse, showing that you have grabbed the reservoir. Left
click again to place the reservoir in the new location (on a channel, of course). Finally click
the Toggle edit button again, and confirm the changes are to be saved. Make the outlets
visible again so you can see they have not been moved.
If you have added point sources to all subbasins in ArcSWAT and are using the Full option,
you might like to remove them before doing delineation. QSWAT+ will add point sources to
all channels, so you are very unlikely to need the ones you added, and they will cause
unnecessary divisions between landscape units. To delete a point source, select the
inlets/outlets shapefile in the Layers panel, click the yellow pencil Toggle editing button to
start editing, hold Ctrl and click on each of the point sources in the map canvas in turn. Each
will turn yellow. If you make a mistake release Ctrl and click away from any point to cancel
the selection. When you have selected all you want to remove, click Delete Selected (red
dustbin), then click the Toggle edit button again, and confirm the changes are to be saved.
If you use the Existing option the inlets/outlets shapefile is not used. The subbasins
shapefile from ArcSWAT is used as both the Subbasins shapefile and the Watershed shapefile,
and the stream network is used as the Channels shapefile. QSWAT+ allows one stream but
multiple channels within subbasins, and the Watershed shapefile defines the areas draining
into channels. Since ArcSWAT did not support such a feature, channels are set the same as
streams. Since we also use the subbasin numbering from ARCSWAT, reservoirs and point
sources should be correctly placed: no correction as with the Full option is necessary. The
conversion tool adds the attributes required by QSWAT+ to the various shapefiles, so
running the delineation form should involve no more than clicking Run and then OK.
17.3 Landuse and soil data
For both Full and Existing options, the landuse and soil maps from ArcSWAT are copied.
We also need the relevant lookup tables (unless the soil map is SSURGO). Users are invited
to choose to use their own comma separated value(CSV) file for each of landuse and soil if
they have one (they can supply it when they run QSWAT+). Otherwise the following
procedure is used to create lookup tables:
The landuse and soil maps are read, and percentages of each value occurring in them
are calculated.
The percentages of the watershed for each landuse and soil are read from the Arc-
SWAT project's LanduseSoilsReport.txt
The two lists are matched by being placed in descending order of percentage, which
should give the relation between map value and landuse or soil name that comprises
the lookup table.
If the lengths of the lists differ the percentages from the map are reported in
landuse_map_percentages.txt or soil_map_percentages.txt which is placed in the
QSWAT+ project directory for manual comparison with the ArcSWAT LanduseSoils-
Report.txt, and no CSV file is generated.
If consecutive percentages in a list differ by less than one percent, or if percentages in
corresponding lists differ by more than one percent, the user gets a warning message.
If there are percentages which are themselves less than one percent, the user is also
The CSV files are saved as landuse_lookup.csv and soil_lookup.csv in the project dir-
When, later, QSWAT+ is run there is an option Use csv for the landuse and soil
lookup tables which allows these files to be read (and stored as database tables for fu-
ture runs of QSWAT+). In the meantime users can inspect these files and correct
them if necessary. This will certainly be necessary if in the ArcSWAT project more
than one map value was mapped to the same soil or landuse.
The landuse and soil maps saved in the ArcSWAT project have been clipped to the ArcSWAT
watershed boundary. This is convenient for creating lookup tables, since the percentages
calculated from maps are correct for the watershed, but a disadvantage when using the Full
option as the QSWAT+ watershed may not agree precisely with the ArcSWAT one.
QSWAT+ will report if the percentage of the watershed covered by the landuse or soil map
falls below 95%. If this happens users should, if possible, replace the landuse and soil maps
with unclipped maps. QSWAT+ does not initially create HRUs where soil or landuse is not
defined, but it will later enlarge all HRUs proportionately so that their total area is the same
as the watershed. So falling below this 95% threshold may not be too much of a problem if
the unclipped maps are not available.
For all three options (Full, Existing, and No GIS) weather generator, observed weather, and
some reference data is recovered from the ArcSWAT project.
17.4.1 Weather generator data
The ArcSWAT Default/TxtInOut directory is searched for .wgn files, each of which contains
data for a weather generator station. Each different station has its data added to the
weather_wgn_cli and weather_wgn_cli_mon tables in the QSWAT+ project database.
Data in the tables crop, fert, pest, septwq, till, and urban tables in the ArcSWAT project's
reference database may have been edited by the user. To make such changes available in the
QSWAT+ project, data from these tables is extracted and placed in tables arc_plant,
arc_fertilizer, arc_pesticide, arc_septic, arc_tillage and arc_urban in the QSWAT+ project
In each ArcSWAT scenario's TxtInOut directory, the fig.fig file is read to find recday, recmon,
recyear or reccnst commands. The corresponding data files are converted into the csv format
used by SWAT+. Daily, monthly and yearly files are converted into files with the same name,
but with extension .csv, placed in the corresponding SWAT+ project's scenario's TxtInOut
directory. Average annual data files (from reccnst commands) are amalgamated into a single
file called rec_const.csv in the SWAT+ project's scenario's TxtInOut directory. Each data file
contributes one record to this file, and the name of this record (its first field) is generated as
follows. If the data file's name was Np.dat, where N consists of one or more digits, then the
name is ptN. Similarly Ni.dat gives a name inN. Otherwise the new name is the old one
prefixed by x, to make sure it starts with a letter.
17.4.5 Dates
Start and end dates, plus the NYSKIP value for the simulation are read from the ArcSWAT
project's file.cio and placed in the QSWAT+ project's time.sim and print.prt files respectively.
18 Appendix VI: Conversion from QSWAT to QSWAT+
18.1 Purpose
The purpose of this tool is to help users migrate from using QSWAT (or QSWAT3) to using
QSWAT+. It is only concerned with reusing data developed for QSWAT projects. As well as
reading this guide, users will also need to acquaint themselves with QSWAT+ documentation.
The essential steps in QSWAT+ are much the same as QSWAT. Creating the model consists
of first delineating the watershed, then combining the delineated watershed with landuse and
soil data, and defining HRUs. At this point the work with GIS is complete and an editor is
used to add weather data, edit inputs as required, and then run SWAT+.
The conversion tool has two particular purposes in mind, for which it offers Full and No
GIS options.
Full conversion is for users who want to rebuild their QSWAT project from scratch,
and take full advantage of the new features of QSWAT+. After conversion, they will
be at the start of their SWAT+ project, about to do watershed delineation. The data
they need that could be collected from the QSWAT project: the maps, settings like
thresholds that are common to QSWAT and QSWAT+, soil data, weather data, etc.
will be available, and they will be able to create a model as close to or as different
from their QSWAT project as they wish.
No GIS conversion is an option for users who just want to run SWAT+ on their
existing model without any preparation like delineation or defining HRUs. Nothing is
done in GIS, so the subbasins, streams and HRUs are not changed. But no geographic
visualisation of results will be possible.
18.2 Instructions
18.2.1 Prerequisites
We assume you already have QSWAT or QSWAT3: the conversion tool is in fact supplied
with QSWAT (and from now on we use QSWAT to include QSWAT3). You will need to
install QSWAT+, and a suitable version of QGIS, probably QGIS 3.22 as instructed in the
QSWAT+ user manual. You will also need to install the QSWAT+ Editor from the SWAT
18.2.2 Conversion
Once you have selected the parent directory you will be invited to reuse the QSWAT project
name or create a new one. Once the name is chosen, the tool checks to see if the QSWAT+
project directory exists already. If it does, the tool checks that you wish to delete it, and does
so if you confirm that it should.
Deletion of an existing directory to make the QSWAT+ project directory sometimes seems to
fail, with a message being displayed to say so. Sometimes this message appears although the
deletion has in fact taken place. If this happens you can do the following:
Check with Windows Explorer if the directory exists and if so use Windows Explorer
to delete it.
If there is still a problem, check that there is nothing else (like another Windows Ex-
plorer window) accessing the directory or one below it.
Open the Task Manager (right click in the taskbar to find it), switch to the Details tab,
and kill any processes with Name python.exe or python3.exe. Python processes seem
often not to die when they are exited.
If all else fails and you still cannot delete a directory, reboot the machine.
When the QSWAT+ project directory has been created, as a directory with the project name
within the parent directory, the conversion tool creates all the subdirectories needed, and sets
up a new project database, and reference database.
You may see a couple of messages “libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile”.
This warning is a known feature of QGIS and can be ignored.
Then the conversion tool opens a form for you to make the choice between Full or No GIS
If you choose Full , a new project file is created (a .qgs file with the project name in the
project directory) and the DEM, landuse and soil rasters and shapefile maps from the QSWAT
project are copied in, rasters into Watershed/Rasters and shapefiles into Watershed/Shapes.
All scenarios are copied, as in the No GIS option: see below.
If you choose No GIS. an empty project file is created and the QSWAT+ directory structure is
created. The DEM, landuse and soil rasters are not copied, and neither are most of the
shapefile maps created in the QSWAT project. But the Scenarios directory is copied in its
entirety, which means in particular that the TablesOut directories in the default and any saved
scenarios are copied (and renamed Results). The Default scenario will be overwritten when
you run SWAT+, but any saved scenarios (plus the default one if you save a copy before
running SWAT+) will be available for visualisation and comparison with the result of running
18.3 Data
For both options (Full and No GIS) landuse, soil, weather generator, observed weather, and
some reference data is recovered from the QSWAT project.
The data from the crop and urban tables in the QSWAT project reference database is copied
into tables plant and úrban in the QSWAT+ project database.
If the QSWAT project did not use STATSGO or SSURGO soils, the data from table usersoil
in the QSWAT project reference database is copied into a table usersoil in the QSWAT+
project database.
The QSWAT Default/TxtInOut directory is searched for .wgn files, each of which contains
data for a weather generator station. Each different station has its data added to the
weather_wgn_cli and weather_wgn_cli_mon tables in the QSWAT+ project database.
The QSWAT Default/TxtInOut directory is searched for pcp1.pcp, tmp1.tmp, hmd.hmd, slr.slr
and wnd.wnd files. If any are found, it (and for precipitation and temperature its successor
files if any) are used to create the data for weather gauges of the appropriate category. Data
about the gauge is placed in weather_files and weather_sta_cli tables in the QSWAT+
project database, and the observed data itself placed in appropriate files in the QSWAT+
project's TxtInOut directory.
Data in the tables fert, pest, septwq, and till tables in the QSWAT project's reference database
may have been edited by the user. To make such changes available in the QSWAT+ project,
data from these tables is extracted and placed in tables of the same name in the QSWAT+
project database.
In each QSWAT scenario's TxtInOut directory, the fig.fig file is read to find recday, recmon,
recyear or reccnst commands. The corresponding data files are converted into the csv format
used by SWAT+. Daily, monthly and yearly files are converted into files with the same name,
but with extension .csv, placed in the corresponding SWAT+ project's scenario's TxtInOut
directory. Average annual data files (from reccnst commands) are amalgamated into a single
file called rec_const.csv in the SWAT+ project's scenario's TxtInOut directory. Each data file
contributes one record to this file, and the name of this record (its first field) is generated as
follows. If the data file's name was Np.dat, where N consists of one or more digits, then the
name is ptN. Similarly Ni.dat gives a name inN. Otherwise the new name is the old one
prefixed by x, to make sure it starts with a letter.
18.3.7 Dates
Start and end dates, plus the NYSKIP value for the simulation are read from the QSWAT
project's file.cio and placed in the QSWAT+ project's time.sim and print.prt files respectively.