Concept Paper - Casinabe

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Concept Paper: Animal Welfare

Mary Demms Zusette R. Casinabe
May 05, 2022
CONCEPT PAPER: Animal Welfare

Animals have a wide range of needs that are consequence to some systems that make
life possible. The idea that the basic interest of animals should be afforded the same
consideration as the basic interests of human beings. The major environmental effects
on animals that involve poor welfare are explained as a prelude to reviewing how to
measure welfare. Suffering and poor welfare often occur together, yet welfare can be
poor without suffering. The situations that result in poor welfare includes body damage,
disease, impaired reproduction, adrenal activity, behavior anomalies and impaired
growth. The need to make direct measurement of poor welfare as well as to use modern
studies of animal preferences is emphasized. The need and idea of systems for coping
with difficulties and the concept of welfare is discussed in relation to suffering. If an
animal has a need, its behavioral and physiological responses that should result in
healing that need can be made. The welfare of an animal is clearly affected by both
failure to cope and difficulty in coping. Welfare is a characteristic of an animal, not
something that is given to it but it will vary from very poor to very good. This can be
measured in a scientific way that is independent of moral considerations. A knowledge
of the preferences of an animal often gives a valuable information about what conditions
are likely to result. The way in which animals is thought as an object to be used which is
little different from something inanimate. Hence, the knowledge of animal functioning
tends to engender respect where the animal has significant capacity for awareness of
itself and its relationships with its environment. The welfare of an individual is it state as
regards its attempts to cope with its environment and this includes feelings and health. It
is important that the process of welfare assessment and the process of ethics should be
separate. The problems mentioned will be the main goal of this advocacy.

Concerns about poor animal care and treatment by many have resulted in a massive
alarm to the body of the treatment and housing of animals. Animal welfare refers to an
animal's quality of life, which includes how well the animal is coping with his or her
current situation and surroundings. Human-animal relationships has a huge impact on
animal welfare. It is our major responsibility to ensure that all animals are treated
humanely, responsibly, and with respect. In its most basic form, animal welfare refers to
people's interactions with animals and their responsibility to ensure that the animals in
their care are treated humanely and responsibly. This advocacy fights to end animal
maltreatment in addition to the programs and regulations designed to improve animal
care and wellbeing. Animal rights advocates that animals should no longer be regarded
as property, treated as resource for human purposes, yet instead be regarded as legal
persons and members of the moral community. Animal abuse can take place in many
forms like the abuse caused by negligence and harm caused by willful acts. The limits
between what is purposeful and what is not are occasionally blurred. Some cases are
decided on the basis of case-specific evidence. Every place today has the eagerness to
promote the advocacy against animal cruelty. Although the acts that are designated as
felonies and the penalties that are imposed for those crimes vary greatly from each
region. . In these multiple layers of regulations and multiple agencies inspecting the
same entity. The acts of cruelty include torture, beating animals as well as activities
such as dog fighting, which result in severe injury and death to the animals involved.
This kind of abuse warrant has the most severe penalties, not only because of their
shocking nature and the immediate harm they give, but also because there are well
known connections between abuse to animals and violence against people. In the case
of neglect, abuse can be a huge result of ignorance. Such as when a pet owner didn’t
recognize that a pet needed veterinary treatment or when it is the result of behavior that
a person should have known would cause harm to animals but allowed to continue.
Everyone must also encourage people to reduce the amount of cruelly produced
factory-farmed meat they eat and work with meat suppliers to implement higher animal
welfare practices. Eliminating some of the worst cruelties farmed animals faces today.
The program will feature examples from across various fields that reflect upon the
ethical and animal welfare. It also aims to examine some examples from animal and
veterinary sciences that use human data, in which human ethical oversight is a way of
concern. The animals need proper nutrition which gives off factors that involve the
animal’s access to sufficient and balanced food and water. Their environment enables
comfort through temperature, noise, and predictability. This will be focused about the
interest to animal behavior, conservation, and most especially welfare. Developed in
collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers, and farmers across the globe,
these high-welfare practices allow animals to behave naturally by ensuring: Animals that
are raised in outdoors has positive benefits for the animals but is also good for the
environment and water quality. Medicines are used only when necessary to preserve
their vital role. Low stress environments lead to healthier animals that produce healthier
food. Positive animal welfare also has benefits for people, the health of farm animals
directly impacts the health of our planet and our food system. The pasture they live on
can also help store carbon in the soil, a process called carbon sequestration. If you
believe that animal welfare is important for your own health and the health of the planet,
then it’s time to start the action. It is to protect and promote the welfare of all terrestrial,
aquatic and marine animals in the by supervising and regulating the establishment and
operations of treating or training of all animals either as objects of trade or as household
pets. Animal welfare pertains to the physical and psychological well-being of animals. It
includes the avoidance of abuse, maltreatment, cruelty and exploitation of animals by
humans by maintaining appropriate standards of accommodation, feeding and general
care, the prevention and treatment of decease, harassment and allowing animals to
express normal behavior.

Our goal is to establish a voice for the animals through a project that focuses on respect
and compassion for all living beings. Animal welfare pertains to the living conditions of
animals who are kept in captivity or are otherwise under human control. In this way,
animal welfare is synonymous with human control of animals. As a guiding hand for
legislation and regulations, animal welfare attempts to mitigate the suffering of human-
controlled animals and to ensure a minimum standard of living conditions and treatment.
Welfare standards can be applied to farms, laboratories, pet stores, horse ranches, and
entertainment facilities, although standards differ widely based on the species and how
animals are used. The bare minimum of living standards that animals in captivity should
1. Freedom from thirst and hunger
2. Freedom from discomfort by providing adequate shelter
3. Freedom from disease, pain, or injury
4. Freedom from distress and fear
5. Freedom to engage in natural behaviors
This is to raise human insights of the moral status of the animals by recognizing them
as sentient being and the legal status of animals to reflect as conscious beings including
the protection that they truly deserve. Through promoting animal rights, to further
respect for both humans and animals, this is to facilitate increased respect for all life by
promoting animal protection education in the community and at all educational levels.
Which it also aims to protect the environment by ensuring that farming and development
activities are sustainable. Action must be rapidly done in a world where animals are not
exploited and are seen and treated as conscious beings.


Conducting Animal Welfare Seminar in a community. Seminar is conducted in a certain
community to discuss responsible pet ownership and proper care of animals. These
lectures also cover animal welfare laws, animal control and pound management. We
request that transport be provided for the speaker. Animals may benefit from the
information gained through animal experimentation and some research with animals is
conducted specifically for the purpose of improving animal health.
But most animal research is conducted primarily for the benefit of humans, not animals.
Moreover, unlike humans, animals cannot consent to participate in experiments or
comment on their treatment, creating special needs that should be taken into
consideration in their care and use. The special needs of animals have evolved over
time into policies for the appropriate care and use of all animals involved in research,
research training, and biological testing activities. Researchers can meet their
responsibilities by:
* Knowing what activities are subject to regulation
* Understanding and following the rules for project approval
* Obtaining appropriate training
* Accepting continuing responsibility for compliance through all stages of a project
Our efforts are targeted towards people of all ages. Whether you’re a student, working
professional, or simply a concerned citizen who cares about animal welfare, you can
participate and contribute to disseminating information about animal welfare. The
equipment needed are: Promotional materials, accommodation, speaker, food,
beverage, access to electricity, and funds provided for photocopied materials.

Improving Animal Welfare and the Law: Practical Approach (Book, 2015), Animal
Concerns (2020), Pawssion Project (2018), Animal Protection (Article in 2020), Bureau
of Animal Industry (

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