Essence of God Part 2

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--- ESSENCE OF GOD Part 2 --What is meant by the word Essence?

According to the dictionary, essence is a fundamental nature or quality; a substance distilled or extracted from another substance and having the special qualities of the original substance. God s Essence are as follow; y y y Omnipotent meaning God is Almighty - having unlimited authority or influence. So in short, He is a powerful God Omnipresent meaning He has a characteristic of being present in all places at the same time Omniscient meaning He had the character of having infinite awareness, understanding and insight. So therefore, He is all knowing that He knows even the number of your hair

So when we say God is omnipresent, it only means that God is just one. He can manifest to anyone (if He wants) in any places and at the same time. Moreover, you can found in the scripture (Holy Bible) that tells of God being just one God and nothing else. Below are the reference verses of the scripture proving that there is only one God; Deuteronomy 6:4 The Lord our God is one Lord

James 2:19 there is one God and even devil also believe Mark 12:28-32 Jesus Christ the begotten Son tells that there is only one God Isaiah 45:5-6 God Himself tells that there is none else God besides Him Therefore, those who tells the doctrines that there is three (3), two (2) or even millions of God, is a false doctrine. They were teaching this kind of doctrines even though they were already know the truth is that because they wanted to suit their personal needs. It is so clear that the authors of the scriptures emphasizes that there is just one God and none else.

Who Really God is? As we go back to the scripture, it says, God is a Spirit (John 4:24). He is also a word (John 1:1), In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . It is clear that the Word was God and He is a Spirit.

Does the Spirit utter/talk? Yes. In fact, you can read in the scripture that the Spirit of God utter, (Gen. 1:1-3). So, since God is the Word and also He is a Spirit, therefore the God that we are referring of is our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Why is it that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Father God? Because ...and the Word was God. (John 1:1). However, when the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us... (John 1:14), who do you think this flesh that dwelt in us as human beings? This is our Lord Jesus Christ that dwells on people in the Jewish setting. He came (God itself) in human form (flesh) in order to dwell with people.

Why He did not dwell in people anyway while He is a Spirit? It is because people will tremble upon hearing a voice of something, which is not seen. Try to figure this out. What would be your feeling if these would happen to you.

CONCLUSION: Therefore the God that we are glorifying, praising and giving thanks is our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ. Why Father? because He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrew 13:8). He was the same before He had a Jewish body, that is why He said, ...Before Abraham was, I am (John 8:58). He was also the same in John 1:1 as He was the same in John 1:14: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh. And that, yesterday means In the beginning He was the Word... And Today refers to His becoming a man, and Forever means that He went up and is in the position of the Father (Isaiah 9:6) telling us that He is the everlasting Father.

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