Customer Satisfaction in Construction

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Sami Kärnä1, Juha-Matti Junnonen2, and Jouko Kankainen3

Customer satisfaction can be seen either as a goal or as a measurement tool in the
development of construction quality. This paper examines empirically performance of
Finnish construction companies measured according to the degree of customer satisfaction as
perceived by customers themselves. The purpose of the study is to explore empirically the
clients´ main satisfaction/dissatisfaction factors. Empirical data is gathered from nearly 400
construction projects in Finland. The views of customer with respect to the performance of
contractors are measured using five factors; quality assurance and handover, environment
and safety at work, co-operation, personnel, site supervision and subcontracting.
Several implications regarding customer satisfaction were drawn from the findings of the
research. Customers were typically satisfied with the contractor’s abilities to co-operate and
the skills of contractor’s workers and supervisors. In contrast, low satisfaction could be found
for the items related to quality assurance and handover procedures and material. The
common feature for the areas of low satisfaction items is that they come out in later phases of
the construction project. In generally, the quality of contracted work and of overall service
level has an effect on general satisfaction.

Performance measurement, customer satisfaction, quality, construction.

Researcher, Construction Economics and Management, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 2100,
Finland, Phone +358 9 451 5034,
2 Research Manager, Construction Economics and Management, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box
2100, Finland, Phone +358 9 451 3745,
3 Professor, Construction Economics and Management, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 2100,
Finland, Phone +358 9 451 3742,

Customer satisfaction is an important factor in the development of the construction process
and customer relationship. As construction companies face-increasing competition, greater
attention continues to be placed on customer relationships and satisfied customers. Customer
satisfaction enables construction companies to differentiate themselves from their
competitors and create sustainable advantage. Many authors propose the importance of
customer satisfaction and its use for evaluating quality from the customers´ perspective
(Barret, 2000; Torbica and Stroh, 2001; Maloney, 2002; Yasamis et al, 2002).
In order to measure customer satisfaction in construction, the main subjects must be
identified. A customer may be defined as the owner of the project and the one that needs the
constructed facility. In simple terms, the customer is the buyer of the product or service.
Kamara (2000) describes the ´customer´ as a body that incorporates the interests of the buyer
of construction services, prospective users and other interest groups. In this paper, customer
is considered as a project owner or a general contractor in case of subcontracts in contrast
of wider perspective, whereby customer includes: the co-contractors and partners, project
director, project team members, contractors and subcontractors, vendors and suppliers, users
of the product and services and society.
The objective of this research is to examine and deepen the understanding of customer
satisfaction in construction. The following sections discuss these efforts with a literature
review. Subsequently, the results of an empirical study are presented. Finally a discussion
and implications of the findings are presented.

Customer satisfaction is typically viewed as a predictor for such behavioural variables as
loyalty and purchase intentions (Jones and Sasser, 1995; Anderson and Sullivan, 1993).
According to Jones and Sasser (1995), complete customer satisfaction is the key to securing
customer loyalty and generating superior long-term financial performance. Customer
satisfaction also appears to have a stronger and more consistent effect on purchase intentions
than does service quality (Cronin and Taylor, 1992). It is also widely noticed that high
customer satisfaction leads to relationship strength and a deep state of collaboration has been
found profitable (e.g. Storbacka et al, 1994). Anderson et al. (1994) examine briefly the links
between customer-based measures (customer satisfaction) of firm performance and
traditional accounting measures of economic returns. Their findings emphasise that firms,
which achieve high customer satisfaction also enjoy superior economic returns. Companies
use various forms of customer satisfaction approaches in developing and monitoring
product/service offerings in order to manage and improve customer relationships. In addition,
measuring customer satisfaction has several benefits for organisations:
- Improvement in communication between parties and enable mutual agreement
- a recognition of the demand of improvement in the process
- better understanding of the problems
- evaluation of progress towards the goal
- monitoring and reporting accomplished results and changes

To our knowledge, there are no common methods of measuring customer satisfaction in
the construction industry. Torbica & Stroh (2001) emphasize that the use of “soft”
performance criteria, such as customer satisfaction, in construction is at an early evolutionary
stage. The research literature has focused on satisfaction with consumer goods and services
but a widely used measure of industrial customers satisfaction does not exist (Torbica and
Stroh, 2001; Homburg and Rudolph 2001). In addition, it is important to take into account
that business-to-business marketing is more complex than consumer marketing. It is a more
rationalized buying process; many more people and procedures are generally involved in the
process, and products/services are more complex (e.g. Cooper and Jackson, 1988). Tikkanen
and Alajoutsijärvi (2002) also argue that measurement models in industrial markets are too
simplistic and mechanistic to take into account the complexity of real-life. Thus, the creation
of a common satisfaction measurement and procedure is important in construction, where
projects organizations and collaborative relationships often are of a ´one-off´ nature.
In construction, the relationship between client and contractor constitutes a multilevel
complex in which parties operate simultaneously and collaborate with in-groups of networks.
Therefore, customer satisfaction in construction should be understood as a relationship-
specific rather than a transaction specific construct (see e.g. Homburgh and Rudolph, 2001).
In contrast to other areas of production, where the relationship between client and supplier is
frequently long term, the relationship in construction is periodic and dependent on the
duration of the project. Generally, construction does not share the benefits of regular-line
activities. As a result, traditional customer relationship management models that have been
used in product manufacturing will not produce the best result in construction. In addition,
the mutual co-operation between customer and contractor is strongly emphasised and the
customer’s performance has considerable implications for the outcome of the construction
project. The complex nature of the construction process, changes in project organisation, and
the uniqueness of each project make it difficult to exploit past experiences and customer
feedback in the future.
Soetanto et al. (2001) additionally recognise the satisfactory performance of participants
as a prerequisite to maintaining harmonious working relationships. They argue that
satisfaction surveys provide information to project participants that can be used to help
improve their performance. Results of their importance-performance analysis suggest that
contractors need to improve their performance in most aspects of performance. In terms of
criteria in need for improvement, both clients and architects considered completion of defects
the priority. Barrett (2000) similarly see that client satisfaction is the ultimate measure of
construction quality and will only be achieved if construction companies adopt a strong
external orientation in order to address the full range of quality dimensions that impact on the
Customer satisfaction can be used for evaluation of quality and ultimately for assessment
of the success of a company’s quality improvement programme. According to Torbica and
Stroh (2001), a quality improvement effort will lead to a higher product and service quality,
which will lead to improved customer satisfaction. Their study has confirmed that
implementation of TQM is positively associated with homebuyer satisfaction, and it is the
“total offering” that generates the total degree of customer satisfaction. The customer

satisfaction experienced with the constructed facility and the contracting service defines
project-level quality in construction (Yasamis et al, 2002).


Customers´ expectations and perceived service quality are the functions of customer
satisfaction. Generally, the majority of researchers agree that the overriding model of
satisfaction is the confirmation/disconfirmation model. The most well known models of
perceived service quality, which are based on the disconfirmation paradigm, have been
presented by Parasuraman et al. (1988). The disconfirmation model assumes that customers
have certain preconceived expectations of a product or service before actually consuming it.
These expectations create a frame of reference by which one makes comparative judgements
and gains satisfaction. Customers compare the perceived performance of a product (service,
good) with some performance standard. Customers are satisfied when the perceived
performance is greater than standard (positively disconfirmed). Dissatisfaction is perceived
when the performance falls short of the standard (negatively disconfirmed). When quality is
ambiguous or difficult to evaluate, then expectations play a greater role in determining
satisfaction. In addition, quality that falls short of expectations has a greater impact on
satisfaction and repurchase intentions than quality that exceeds expectations (Andersson and
Sullivan, 1993).
There has also been debate among researchers concerning the distinction between service
quality and customer satisfaction. A wide range of recent literature suggests that service
quality and customer satisfaction are conceptually distinct but closely related constructs, and
recent evidence suggest that satisfaction is an antecedent of service quality. Perceived
quality precedes satisfaction, which is closely related to the customers behavioural responses
(Bitner et al, 1990; Cronin and Taylor, 1992). Ojasalo (1999) associates service quality with
the words “evaluation” and “opinion”, and satisfaction with the word “feeling”.
Customer satisfaction can be experienced at the specific encounter level or at an overall
level of satisfaction. Service encounter satisfaction is the customer’s satisfaction or
dissatisfaction with a discrete service encounter. Overall satisfaction is the customer’s overall
satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the organization based on all encounters and experiences
with that particular organization. It is a question of the accumulation of satisfaction in the
relationship. Cumulative satisfaction is a more fundamental indicator of the firm’s past,
current, and future performance. According to Andersson et al (1994), it is the cumulative
satisfaction that motivates a firm’s investment in customer satisfaction. A customer can be
dissatisfied with a specific service encounter, but satisfied overall based on evaluation of the
total purchase.
We argue that benefits of high customer satisfaction in the construction are not as
straightforward as stated in other areas of production. The main reason for this is the
temporary, unique and one-off nature of construction. As stated earlier, distinguishing
characteristics of projects will broadly affect the relationship between the customer and the
Thus, customers´ expectations play an important role in the evaluation of performance.
Customer satisfaction in the construction industry can be defined as how well a contractor
meets the customer’s expectations. The customer formulates expectations as to what will

happen as a result of an action when selecting a particular contractor. The customer’s
expectations of construction are a function of several factors: the customer’s past or direct
experiences with the contractor and similar contractors, word of mouth about the contractor,
and the customer’s personal needs. In addition, a contractor’s marketing activities and image
and the customer’s own investment in the project and the relationship affect customers´
In construction, customer satisfaction does not guarantee loyalty (future work with that
customer). A contractor’s selection criteria are mainly based on price but also on the
contractor’s technical and financial capability and previous experiences of the contractor’s
competence. Satisfaction is therefore reflective of customers´ experiences of and confidence
in the contractors´ abilities and co-operation. A dissatisfied customer will not work with that
contractor in the future but a satisfied customer would not necessarily guarantee future
projects to contractor. Therefore, the main benefit of high customer satisfaction for a
contractor is the opportunity to remain a customer’s potential partner in the future. However,
the essential objective in improving customer satisfaction is to achieve client loyalty, which
can lead, for example, to partnering arrangements. A customer also perceives how he
receives the product and how he experiences the simultaneous production and consumption
process, which emphasise the meaning of contractors´ ability to co-operate (Grönroos, 2000).

This survey was gathered up by using RALA´s (the Construction Quality Association) client
feedback data. RALA is an independent joint association representing clients, contractors and
consultants in Finland. Its aim is to promote prerequisites of construction quality through
three tools: certification of competence, certification of quality systems and project feedback
system. The basis of RALA's feedback system is the standard evaluation, which is part of
each project (figure 1). In practice, the client (owner, or general contractor in case of
subcontracts) fills in a form at project conclusion and delivers it to RALA.
The performance criteria used was developed in expert meetings with a wide range of
representatives from construction management and the real estate industry in Finland.
Feedback system measures contractors performance using a 22-item scale according to five
subheadings, namely 1) quality assurance and handover procedures, 2) environment and
safety at work, 3) functional modes of co-operation, 4) personnel, 5) site supervision and
subcontracts of the contractor. Evaluated factors are shown in table 1 (italicized items are
subheadings). The scale used throughout is from 1 (indicating very high dissatisfaction) to 5
(indicating very high satisfaction) for all the items. Gathering the survey data contains 346
projects. The mix of project-types was: office (54%), residential (27%) and other (consisting
of industrial and infrastructures) project types (19%).

UTILIZATION Transparent feedback
Regular client OF FEEDBACK on enteprise´s operations
feedback of established
in projects
form on projects Markets implemented by it

Figure 1: RALA's feedback system

This section outlines the results from analyses that were conducted on empirical data
obtained from the survey. Table 1 summarizes the different factors of customer satisfaction
in the construction process. The means vary from 2,96 (workability of handover material and
maintenance manual) to 3,83 (capacity of supplier’s personnel for co-operation). The overall
customer satisfaction rate is 3,45.
Table 1: Means, standard deviation, rank and overall satisfaction

Factor Variable Mean StD Rank

Quality assurance Contracted work quality 3,52 0,80 7
and hand over
Management and implementation of agreed quality assurance procedures 3,26 0,91 19
Workability of handover material and maintenance manual 2,96 1,08 22
Quality of assignment material and maintenance manual 3,21 0,86 21
Degree of completion at handover inspection 3,34 1,01 15
Repair of defects and deficiencies noticed during handover inspection 3,28 1,04 18
Environment and Cleanliness and order on site 3,33 0,83 16
safety at work
Management of work safety on site 3,42 0,77 11
Management of environmental issues and related know-how on site 3,31 0,76 17
Tending to official obligations 3,69 0,83 4
Personnel Skill of supplier’s work supervisors 3,73 0,94 3
Skill of supplier’s workers 3,48 0,75 8
Commitment of supplier’s employees to set goals 3,38 0,83 13
Co-operation Capacity of supplier’s personnel for co-operation 3,83 0,96 1
Agreement about changes 3,58 0,89 5
Tending to notices of defect 3,36 0,91 14
Information flow on site 3,42 0,82 12
Access of supplier’s employees 3,79 0,88 2
Quality of overall service level 3,54 0,87 6
Site supervision and Conformity of supplier’s subcontracting to contract 3,47 0,82 10
Tending to site supervision duties 3,48 0,87 9
Adherence to schedule in accordance with common agreements 3,26 1,10 20

Overall satisfaction 3,45

There is an extensive difference between the loyalty of merely satisfied and completely
satisfied customers. Customers who are just satisfied find it easy to switch suppliers when a
better offer comes along and the level of customer satisfaction emphasise in markets where
competition is intense (Kotler, 1994; Jones and Jasser, 1995). Figure 2 illustrates percentage
distributions of respondents´ view related to five main factors. It can be seen from the figure
that the values for “completely satisfied” range from 12,1 percent (QA and handover) to 26,3
percent (Co-operation). Approximately half of the respondents were satisfied (range 4), 2,0
percent were dissatisfied (range 1-2) and 26 percent were neutral (not satisfied/not
dissatisfied) to the contractors performance. In summary, almost 30 percent of the
respondents were less than satisfied.

Site supervision and




Environment and safety

at work

QA & handover


0% 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %

completely dissatisfied dissatisfied neutral satisfied completely satisfied

Figure 2: Percentage distributions of main factors

A regression analysis was applied to identify those factors that have the greatest influence
on overall satisfaction. Quality, environment and safety at work, personnel, co-operation and
site supervision, and subcontracting were used as the predictor variables, and the overall
customer satisfaction score as the outcome variable. The overall satisfaction score was
produced by summing the mean satisfaction ratings of the five variables and dividing by five.
The results of the analyses are presented in table 2.
The F value (9890,639) is highly significant (p<0,000). As shown in Table 2, the factors
concerning quality and co-operation have a strong effect on overall satisfaction. Therefore,
these factors can be used as a basis for improving overall satisfaction.

Table 2: Results of multiple regression analyses

Coefficients t

Quality assurance and handover 0,292 34,301

Environment and safety at work 0,094 16,713
Co-operation 0,316 35,389
Personnel 0,137 20,022
Site supervision and subcontracting 0,136 16,443

Note: Overall F=9890,636; p<0,000

In order to further illustrate the relationship between contracted work quality and quality of
overall service level, a cross-tabulation procedure was been employed. The data of both
dimensions were collapsed into a three-point scale (low, medium and high). The result of the
cross-tabulation is summarized in Table 3. The entry in each cell indicates the number of
respondents corresponding to that particular cell, and the values in brackets are the
corresponding percentages of the total respondents.
Table 3: Cross-tabulation results between contracted work quality and quality of overall service level

Contracted work quality

Quality of overall Low Medium High Total
service level n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Low 24 6,9 11 3,2 1 0,3 36 10,4
Medium 13 3,8 73 21,1 24 6,9 110 31,8
High 5 1,4 28 8,1 167 48,3 200 57,8
Total 42 12,1 112 32,4 192 55,5 346 100

The cross tabulation provides information about the percentage of respondents whose
perception of quality of overall service level and contracted work quality are either low and
low, medium and medium or high and high. It can be seen from the table that there is
complete agreement regarding 76,3 percent of the respondents’ perceptions of the service
level and contracted work quality. “Other” combinations demonstrate a mainly medium-high
axis. Respondents whose perceptions of service level are low report poor levels of contracted
work quality and so forth. An increase in one is likely to lead to an increase in another. This
result indicates that there exists a dependency between quality of overall service level and
contracted work quality.

This article has reviewed customer satisfaction in the Finnish construction industry. Several
implications regarding customer satisfaction in the construction were drawn from the
findings of the research. Customers were typically satisfied with the contractor’s abilities to
co-operate and the skills of contractor’s workers and supervisors. However, low satisfaction
could be found for the items related to quality assurance and handover: workability of
handover material and maintenance manual, quality of assignment material, maintenance
manual and repair of defects and deficiencies noticed during handover inspection. The result
was a surprise, because a broadly held assumption in the construction industry is that
constructors’ abilities to co-operate are rather poor.
The common feature of the low satisfaction items according to this survey is that they
come out in later phases of the construction project and they also require mutual co-operation
between parties. The result can also suggest that contractor and client have not planned the
completion stage or it has been poorly designed. Although not explicitly stated in the result,
it could indicate that there might be a problem in managing schedules. Construction delay
and overrun is a critical issue in the construction business and it has a strong influence on the
success of a project. The result of the regression analysis shows that items related to quality
assurance and handover have a strong impact on overall customer satisfaction. Contractors´
ability to co-operate can reduce the impact of poor quality assurance in the completion stage.

the customer
excpected the customer thinks that aware that completion
formed the schedule holds the schedule according actual
towards does not hold to contract completion
the schedule


consequence of high consequence of low

short - term quality long term quality

expected duration of the construction process

actual duration of the construction process

Figure 3. High short-term quality and low long-term quality of a schedule of the construction process. Adapted
from Ojasalo, J., Quality Dynamics in Professional Services. Helsinki: Swedish School of Economics, Finland,
1994, p.121.
Figure 3 illustrates the construction schedule and changes in customer satisfaction during the
process. The customer is satisfied with the schedule at the beginning of the process, and
dissatisfied during the rest of it. When the customer becomes aware that the schedule does

not hold, customer satisfaction towards the schedule changes significantly, from a high to a
low level. The reason for the low satisfaction remains during the rest of the process, if
nothing changes.
The following situation can also derive from deficient communication in the construction
process. The contractor is somehow unable to communicate essential issues, such as
schedule, to the customer. In our experience, the reason for this throughout the industry is
optimism; the contractor believes that things are going to change for the better, even if the
assumption it is not realistic. It is also widely noticed that contractors skate around negative
subjects in communication with the customer. On the other hand, by well-timed
communication it is also possible to reduce the consequences of failure in managing
schedules. The previous situation can be illustrated by situations in which contractors pursue
short-term customer satisfaction at the expense of long-term quality and high customer


While this study is among the first to measure customer satisfaction in the Finnish
construction industry, it is not without limitations. The evaluation process from the first
experiences of RALA's feedback system is at an early stage, but there are yet some
viewpoints to consider more closely.
Firstly, the background of the respondent must be determined more precisely on the
survey. As mentioned earlier in this paper, the client (owner, or general contractor in case of
subcontracts) fills in a form at project conclusion and delivers it to RALA. It is important to
take into account that, depending on the respondent’s role in the construction process, he/she
might have a different role and distance to the construction project. In other words, it is a
question of levels of customership; in which levels in the organisation measurement has been
taken. For example, it is strongly possible that the project consultant as a client’s
representative measures success of the project differently to the client’s project manager.
Schellhase et al (1999) emphasise that if several people are involved in the decision process,
it is not sensible to limit the survey to one person at the company when collecting data on
customer satisfaction. Indeed, if possible the satisfaction of all members of the client’s
project team should be surveyed. Although it could be difficult to create a situation in which
no one dominates the discussion.
A customer feedback system should tend to develop so as to measure contractors’ actual
perceived performance and perceived importance of the factors, for example by using a
three-dimensional approach:
- basic requirements, “must-be” factors which always cause dissatisfaction
- clients explicitly revealed requirements, which constitutes the basis of contractors´
selection criteria
- excitement requirements, which have a positive effect on customer satisfaction when
customers’ expectations are exceeded
RALA’s customer feedback system gives opportunities for benchmarks of customer
satisfaction within the construction industry in Finland. These benchmarks enable
organizations to monitor customer perceptions of their service and to improve their service
performance. Reference groups for benchmarks could develop, for example, according to

branches of the industry, size of the construction company or the size of the projects.
However, feedback system provides a workable and resource-saving alternative for
collecting customer feedback. Feedback information may be considered more objective than
a contractor’s own feedback surveys, because social interaction components do not exist.


The authors wish to thank the industrial partners, RALA (the Construction Quality
Association) and Tekes (National Technology Agency of Finland) that have made this
research possible.

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