Drug Study Format
Drug Study Format
Drug Study Format
Adverse Effect
Generic Name: Midazolam is a derivative of ANAESTHESIA: Hypersensitivity to Skin and subcutaneous Before administering, have oxygen
Midazolam the imidazobenzodiazepine Premedication benzodiazepines or to any of tissue disorders: skin rash, and resuscitation equipment
group. The pharmacological before induction of the excipients of the urticarial, pruritus. available in case of severe
Brand Name: effects of benzodiazepines anesthesia. product. respiratory depression.
Zylam are the consequence of Induction of Central and peripheral
reversible interactions with anaesthesia: nervous system and Monitor and record patient
Therapeutic the gamma aminobutyric As a sedative psychiatric disorders response to medication and level
Classification: acid (GABA) receptor in the component in somnolence and prolonged of sedation.
Hypnotics & central nervous system combined sedation, alertness decreased,
Sedatives (CNS). Benzodiazepines anaesthesia; confusional state, euphoric Monitor for adverse reactions.
intensify the physiological SEDATION IN mood, hallucinations, fatigue,
Dosage: mechanisms of GABA, the INTENSIVE CARE headache, dizziness, ataxia, Monitor BP and oxygen saturation.
2.5 mg most common inhibitory UNITS. postoperative sedation and
neurotransmitter within the anterograde amnesia, the Observe site closely for
CNS. duration of which is directly
Route: extravasation.
IV related to the administered
Gastrointestinal disorders:
nausea, vomiting,
constipation, hiccup and dry
Generic Name: Displaces Short-term History of or active Nausea Monitor blood pressure, pulse,
Tranexamic Acid plasminogen from management of thromboembolic disease. and respiratory status as
Brand Name: surface off brin by hemorrhage History of convulsions. Vomiting indicated by severity of
Hemostan binding to high- Severe renal impairment. bleeding.
affinity lysine site of Diarrhea
Therapeutic plasminogen Monitor neurologic status
Classification: Hypotension (pupils, level of consciousness,
Haemostatics motor activity) in patients with
Agent Thromboembolic, e.g., subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Dosage: arterial, venous, embolic;
1g Neurologic, e.g., visual Assess for thromboembolic
impairment, convulsions, complications. (Especially in
Route: headache, mental status patients with history). Notify
IV changes; myoclonus; physician of positive Homans’
Rash sign, leg pain hemorrhage,
edema, hemoptysis, dyspnea,
or chest pain.
Stabilize IV catheter to
minimize thrombophlebitis.
Monitor site closely
Generic Name: Bupivacaine crosses the Epidural are usedul for Hypersensitivity, Monitor signs of allergic
BUPIVACINE neuronal membrane surgical anesthesia sensitivity to parabens. weakness, long-lasting reactions, including
Hydrochloride and exerts its thoracic surgy, major numbness or tingling; pulmonary symptoms
anesthetic action intra abdominal Obstetrical paracervical (laryngeal edema,
Brand Name: through blockade of surgery or spine block anesthesia. feeling restless or bronchospasm,
ROVACAINE theses channels at the surgery granted that drowsy; wheezing, cough,
SOLUTION intracellular portion of muscle relaxation is not Intravenous regional dyspnea) or skin
their pore- forming needed anesthesia use. tremors; reactions (rash, pruritus,
Therapeutic transmembrane urticaria). Notify
Classification: segment. The block is This technique may physician or nursing staff
headache, blurred
use dependent, where also be for intra-op or immediately if these
Dosage: repetitive or prolonged post-op pain reactions occur
5mg/dl depolarization management. It may
increases sodium fast or slow
decrease the surgical Monitor signs of
channel blockade heartbeats;
Route: risk and morbidity of metabolic
certain patient acidosis, including
populations, for breathing problems; headache, lethargy,
example, patients with stupor,
ischemic cardiac chills or shivering; seizures, vision
disease. distribances, increased
back pain; or respiration, cardiac
arrhythmias, weakness
nausea, vomiting. GI symptoms and
abdominal pain
Signs of an allergic reaction:
hives, red rash, itching;
sneezing, difficulty breathing;
severe dizziness, vomiting;
swelling of your face, lips,
tongue, or throat.
Rovacaine Solution contains Bupivacaine Hydrochloride and Dextrose Anhydrous as active ingredients.
Rovacaine Solution works by inhibiting the generation and the conduction of nerve impulses; increasing the level of the blood sugar;
Solution Name Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Common Side Nursing Considerations
Effects / Adverse
An effective osmolarity greater Treatment for persons Hypersensitivity to any Injection site Always observe aseptic
Generic Name: D5LRS than the body fluids. needing extra calories who of the components reactions (itching, technique when changing
(Dextrose 5% in Lactated cannot tolerate fluid redness, burning) IV fluid
Ringer's Solution) It pulls fluid into the vascular by overload.
osmosis resulting in an increased Coughing and Assess injection site for
vascular volume. sneezing inflammation
Classification: Electrolyte It raises intravascular osmotic Puffy eyes, swelling Monitor vital signs
pressure and provides fluid, of the face
Dosage: 1L electrolytes and calories for Monitor laboratory such
energy.. Fever as electrolytes (Sodium,
Metabolic alkalosis
Route: IV Assess for presence of
Theory Application: Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Nursing Theory: Human Becoming Theory
The operating room nurse today is often thought of as a task skilled, highly technical, process oriented, and efficient member of the operating room team. Nursing education
and preparation in practice, theory and discipline can be overlooked. Perioperative nursing as a specialty is an important, vital factor in the success of the planned surgical
From Parse’s perspective surgery is a crucial event in a person’s life. The meaning of the event from the patient’s perspective is revealed in the way the person moves
through the process. Every individual is viewed as an active participant in his/her health. Patients choose to have a surgery and that choice makes them active participants in the
perioperative process.
Perioperative nursing practice often is judged according to how quickly the operating room can be turned over, how efficiently the surgical staff needs are met, and how
quickly patients can be prepared and moved through the surgical phase.
Nursing activities include checking for appropriate consents, ensuring that preoperative procedures have been completed, identifying environmental hazards, and managing
specific health problems that may interfere with the surgical process.
Nursing interventions are guided by existing or potential problems. Interactions with patients are typically guided by pre-established interviews aimed at eliciting
information related to the patient’s health status. The nurse frequently uses the interview process as a time to offer the patient information and reassurance.
Parse’s Theory has a different focus, the nurse still fulfills institutional policies and procedures when required to do so. Maintaining environmental safety and assisting with
the procedures are important for the surgical process, but they alone do not constitute nursing practice. The difference lies in how the nurse is with the patient and how the goal
is to enhance quality of life.