Lecture in GEd 201 - MTB-MLE)

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Mother Tongue Based- UNESCO’s Principles on Language and

Multilingual Education
 Developing a writing system for a
(MTB-MLE) hitherto unwritten language often has
an educational purpose – whether to
CHAPTER ONE record and transmit local history and
knowledge to the next generation, to
Basic Terminologies
use the language in formal schooling,
Mother Tongue – means one’s native language, or to facilitate adult literacy
the language learned by children and passed from acquisition.
one generation to the next.  The educational use of a language
depends, except in the most informal
Language – is the expression of ideas by means of settings, on a written form which can
speech-sounds combined into words. be employed in learning.
o L1 – 1st Language
o L2 – 2nd Language
UNESCO’s Three (3) Principles of
Education in Multilingual World
Bilingual – the use of two languages.
Principle 01
Multilingual – the use of two or more languages.
UNESCO supports mother tongue
Diversity – the inclusion of different types of
instruction as a means of improving educational
people in a group.
quality by building upon the knowledge and
Literacy – the ability to read and write. experience of the learners and teachers.

What is Language? Principle 02

 A system of conventional spoken, manual, UNESCO supports bilingual and/or
or written symbols by means of which multilingual education at all levels of education as
human beings, as members of a social a means of promoting both social and gender
group and participants in its culture, equality and as a key element on linguistically
express themselves. diverse societies.
 Language is the foundation of every
Principle 03
 It is an abstract system of word meaning UNESCO supports language as an
and symbols for all aspects of culture. essential component of intercultural education in
order to encourage understanding between
Language Includes: different population groups and ensure respect to
o Speech fundamental rights.
o Symbols Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual
o Written characters
o Gestures
o Numerals MLE refers to “first-language-first”
o Expression of non-verbal communication education that is schooling which begins in the
mother tongue and transitions to additional
According to Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis MLE is the use of more than two
language does more than simply describe languages for literacy and instruction. It starts
reality, it also serves to shape the reality of from where the learners are, and from what they
culture. already know.
Purpose of MTB - MLE  Alienation from heritage language and
culture, from parents and community.
 To develop appropriate cognitive and  Loss of languages, cultures and of
reasoning skills enabling children to knowledge systems.
operate equally in different languages –
starting in the mother tongue with
transition to Filipino and then English and
to preserve the Philippine Cultural
treasure as well.

The languages considered by DepEd in

its MTB - MLE implementation
1. Iloko
2. Pangasinan
3. Kapampangan
4. Tagalog
5. Bikol
6. Waray
7. Hiligaynon
8. Cebuano
9. Meranao
10. Chavacano
11. Maguindanaon
12. Tausug

Why Teaching Mother Tongue as a

Subject in School Important?
o It will preserve our country’s cultural
o Provides learners with a strong educational
foundation in the first language in terms of
o It is a stepping stone in achieving the aims
of education as well as the goal of
functional literacy.

Benefits of MTB - MLE

 Reduced drop-out
 Reduced repetition
 Children are attending school
 Children are learning
 Parents and community are involved

If MTB – MLE is not used:

 Loss of confidence of students in
themselves as learners.
 Inability to learn the official school
language well.
 High repetition and drop-out rates.

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