Lecture in GEd 201 - MTB-MLE)
Lecture in GEd 201 - MTB-MLE)
Lecture in GEd 201 - MTB-MLE)
Multilingual Education
Developing a writing system for a
(MTB-MLE) hitherto unwritten language often has
an educational purpose – whether to
CHAPTER ONE record and transmit local history and
knowledge to the next generation, to
Basic Terminologies
use the language in formal schooling,
Mother Tongue – means one’s native language, or to facilitate adult literacy
the language learned by children and passed from acquisition.
one generation to the next. The educational use of a language
depends, except in the most informal
Language – is the expression of ideas by means of settings, on a written form which can
speech-sounds combined into words. be employed in learning.
o L1 – 1st Language
o L2 – 2nd Language
UNESCO’s Three (3) Principles of
Education in Multilingual World
Bilingual – the use of two languages.
Principle 01
Multilingual – the use of two or more languages.
UNESCO supports mother tongue
Diversity – the inclusion of different types of
instruction as a means of improving educational
people in a group.
quality by building upon the knowledge and
Literacy – the ability to read and write. experience of the learners and teachers.