SC MTB Mle 311 PDF
SC MTB Mle 311 PDF
SC MTB Mle 311 PDF
Quizzes 20%
Recitation 15%
Midterm Exam 25%
Demonstration Teaching 30%
IM’s Developed 10%
Total 100%
Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students
are expected to:
• define mother-tongue/first language,
second language, diversity, bilingual,
and multilingual;
• identify the major languages utilized
as language of instruction; and
• appreciate the comfort and
complexity of the generation they are
born into.
Mother Tongue – Based Multilingual Education
(MTB-MLE) is one of the distinctive features of the K to 12
program that was signed into law on May 15, 2013 by former
President Benigno Aquino III. The introduction of the MTB-
MLE, specifically from Kindergarten to Grade 3, is grounded
on the belief that children learn best if the language used in
instruction is understandable and accessible to the young
learners. Several studies have shown that the use of Mother
Tongue in early grade instruction has, in fact, yielded
significant, positive results to the students learning across
subject areas or discipline.
• The term "mother tongue" refers to a person's native
language — that is, a language learned from birth. Also
called a first language, dominant language, home language,
and native tongue. If the person no longer understands the
first language learned, the mother tongue is the second
language learned.
First language, also known as mother tongue,
native language, or L1, refers to the language that a
person learns from birth or as their first language,
typically acquired naturally through daily interactions with
family, friends, and community. It is the primary language
that individuals are most proficient in, and it forms the
foundation for their linguistic and cognitive development.
First language acquisition typically occurs in childhood,
and it shapes an individual's cultural identity,
communication skills, and thought processes.
A second language is any language that a person uses
other than a first or native language.
Contemporary linguists and educators commonly use the
term L1 to refer to a first or native language, and the
term L2 to refer to a second language or a foreign language
that's being studied.
- being mindful of all dimensions of human
differences and defining diversity in the broadest sense to
mean the inclusion of all persons regardless of racial and
ethnic background, nationality, gender, gender identity,
sexual orientation, veteran status, religious, secular, and
spiritual beliefs, ability, age, and socioeconomic status.
Diversity embodies inclusiveness, mutual respect,
multiple perspectives, and serves as a catalyst for change
resulting in equity.
- a bilingual person is
someone who speaks two
-language development is
the process by which children come to
understand and communicate language
during early childhood.
Cognitive Development
1. Think of how you acquired and learned the
languages that you have right now.
2. How will you rate your level of proficiency for each
of the language?
3. What language did you acquire first? Second? Or did
you acquire it simultaneously?
4. Do you think it would make a difference if your L1
proficiency was well-established before you were
exposed to your L2?