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Each instruction in 8085 microprocessor consists of two part- operation code (opcode) and operand. The
opcode is a command such as ADD and the operand is an object to be operated on, such as a byte or the
content of a register. Instruction Cycle: The time taken by the processor to complete the execution of an
instruction. An instruction cycle consists of one to six machine cycles. Machine Cycle: The time
required to complete one operation; accessing either the memory or I/O device. A machine cycle
consists of three to six T-states. T-State: Time corresponding to one clock period. It is the basic unit to
calculate execution of instructions or programs in a processor. To execute a program, 8085 performs
various operations as:
 Opcode fetch
 Operand fetch
 Memory read/write
 I/O read/write
External communication functions are:
 Memory read/write
 I/O read/write
 Interrupt request acknowledge

Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle: It is the first step in the execution of any instruction. The timing diagram
of this cycle is given in Fig. 7. The following points explain the various operations that take place and
the signals that are changed during the execution of opcode fetch machine cycle: T1 clock cycle
i. The content of PC is placed in the address bus; AD0 - AD7 lines contains lower bit address and A8 –
A15 contains higher bit address.
ii. signal is low indicating that a memory location is being accessed. S1 and S0 also changed to the levels
as indicated in Table 1. MIO/
iii. ALE is high, indicates that multiplexed AD0 – AD7 act as lower order bus.

T2 clock cycle
i. Multiplexed address bus is now changed to data bus.
ii. The signal is made low by the processor. This signal makes the memory device load the data bus with
the contents of the location addressed by the processor. RD
T3 clock cycle
i. The opcode available on the data bus is read by the processor and moved to the
instruction register.
ii. The RD signal is deactivated by making it logic 1.
T4 clock cycle
i. The processor decode the instruction in the instruction register and generate the
necessary control signals to execute the instruction. Based on the instruction further
operations such as fetching, writing into memory etc takes place.

Memory Read Machine Cycle: The memory read cycle is executed by the processor to read a data byte
from memory. The machine cycle is exactly same to opcode fetch except: a) It has three T-states b) The
S0 signal is set to 0. The timing diagram of this cycle is given in Fig. 8.
Memory Write Machine Cycle: The memory write cycle is executed by the processor to write a data
byte in a memory location. The processor takes three T-states and signal is made low. The timing
diagram of this cycle is given in Fig. 9. I/O Read Cycle: The I/O read cycle is executed by the processor
to read a data byte from I/O port or from peripheral, which is I/O mapped in the system. The 8-bit port
address is placed both in the lower and higher order address bus. The processor takes three T-states to
execute this machine cycle. The timing diagram of this cycle is given in Fig. 10. WR
I/O Write Cycle: The I/O write cycle is executed by the processor to write a data byte to I/O port or to a
peripheral, which is I/O mapped in the system. The processor takes three T-states to execute this
machine cycle. The timing diagram of this cycle is given in Fig. 11.

Ex: Timing diagram for IN 80H. The instruction and the corresponding codes and memory locations are
given in Table 5.

i. During the first machine cycle, the opcode DB is fetched from the memory, placed in the instruction
register and decoded.
ii. During second machine cycle, the port address 80H is read from the next memory location.
iii. During the third machine cycle, the address 80H is placed in the address bus and the data read from
that port address is placed in the accumulator.
The timing diagram is shown in Fig. 12.
Interrupt Structure: Interrupt is the mechanism by which the processor is made to transfer control from
its current program execution to another program having higher priority. The interrupt signal may be
given to the processor by any external peripheral device. The program or the routine that is executed
upon interrupt is called interrupt service routine (ISR). After execution of ISR, the processor must return
to the interrupted program. Key features in the interrupt structure of any microprocessor are as follows:
i. Number and types of interrupt signals available.
ii. The address of the memory where the ISR is located for a particular interrupt signal. This address is
called interrupt vector address (IVA).
iii. Masking and unmasking feature of the interrupt signals.
iv. Priority among the interrupts.
v. Timing of the interrupt signals.
vi. Handling and storing of information about the interrupt program (status information).

Types of Interrupts: Interrupts are classified based on their maskability, IVA and source. They are
classified as:

i. Vectored and Non-Vectored Interrupts

 Vectored interrupts require the IVA to be supplied by the external device that gives the interrupt
signal. This technique is vectoring, is implemented in number of ways.
 Non-vectored interrupts have fixed IVA for ISRs of different interrupt signals.
ii. Maskable and Non-Maskable Interrupts
 Maskable interrupts are interrupts that can be blocked. Masking can be done by software or hardware
 Non-maskable interrupts are interrupts that are always recognized; the corresponding ISRs are
iii. Software and Hardware Interrupts
 Software interrupts are special instructions, after execution transfer the control to predefined ISR.
 Hardware interrupts are signals given to the processor, for recognition as an interrupt and execution of
the corresponding ISR.
Interrupt Handling Procedure: The following sequence of operations takes place when an interrupt signal
is recognized:
i. Save the PC content and information about current state (flags, registers etc) in the stack.
ii. Load PC with the beginning address of an ISR and start to execute it.
iii. Finish ISR when the return instruction is executed.
iv. Return to the point in the interrupted program where execution was interrupted.

Interrupt Sources and Vector Addresses in 8085: Software Interrupts: 8085 instruction set includes
eight software interrupt instructions called Restart (RST) instructions. These are one byte instructions
that make the processor execute a subroutine at predefined locations. Instructions and their vector
addresses are given in Table 6.

The software interrupts can be treated as CALL instructions with default call locations. The concept of
priority does not apply to software interrupts as they are inserted into the program as instructions by
the programmer and executed by the processor when the respective program lines are read. Hardware
Interrupts and Priorities: 8085 have five hardware interrupts – INTR, RST 5.5, RST 6.5, RST 7.5 and
TRAP. Their IVA and priorities are given in Table 7.
Masking of Interrupts: Masking can be done for four hardware interrupts INTR, RST 5.5, RST 6.5, and
RST 7.5. The masking of 8085 interrupts is done at different levels. Fig. 13 shows the organization of
hardware interrupts in the 8085.

The Fig. 13 is explained by

the following five points:
i. The maskable interrupts are by default masked by the Reset signal. So no interrupt is recognized by
the hardware reset.
ii. The interrupts can be enabled by the EI instruction.
iii. The three RST interrupts can be selectively masked by loading the appropriate word in the
accumulator and executing SIM instruction. This is called software masking.
iv. All maskable interrupts are disabled whenever an interrupt is recognized.
v. All maskable interrupts can be disabled by executing the DI instruction.
RST 7.5 alone has a flip-flop to recognize edge transition. The DI instruction reset interrupt enable flip-
flop in the processor and the interrupts are disabled. To enable interrupts, EI instruction has to be
executed. SIM Instruction: The SIM instruction is used to mask or unmask RST hardware interrupts.
When executed, the SIM instruction reads the content of accumulator and accordingly mask or unmask
the interrupts. The format of control word to be stored in the accumulator before executing SIM
instruction is as shown in Fig. 14.

addition to masking interrupts, SIM instruction can be used to send serial data on the SOD line of the
processor. The data to be send is placed in the MSB bit of the accumulator and the serial data output is
enabled by making D6 bit to 1. RIM Instruction: RIM instruction is used to read the status of the
interrupt mask bits. When RIM instruction is executed, the accumulator is loaded with the current
status of the interrupt masks and the pending interrupts. The format and the meaning of the data
stored in the accumulator after execution of RIM instruction is shown in Fig. 15. In addition RIM
instruction is also used to read the serial data on the SID pin of the processor. The data on the SID pin is
stored in the MSB of the accumulator after the execution of the RIM instruction.

Ex: Write an assembly language program to enables all the interrupts in 8085 after reset. EI : Enable
interrupts MVI A, 08H : Unmask the interrupts SIM : Set the mask and unmask using SIM instruction
Timing of Interrupts: The interrupts are sensed by the processor one cycle before the end of execution
of each instruction. An interrupts signal must be applied long enough for it to be recognized. The
longest instruction of the 8085 takes 18 clock periods. So, the interrupt signal must be applied for at
least 17.5 clock periods. This decides the minimum pulse width for the interrupt signal. The maximum
pulse width for the interrupt signal is decided by the condition that the interrupt signal must not be
recognized once again. This is under the control of the programmer.

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