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08-Issue 8 - The Dream 100

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The Lost Chapter:

The Dream 100

Why This Chapter Isn’t In The Book

When I wrote DotComSecrets, my goal was to teach people how the
sales process works, including all the sales funnels I regularly use to build
and scale multimillion-dollar companies for myself and for my clients. I
also included the scripts and templates I use, so the readers can take the

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strategies they’ve learned and implement them right away. At the time, I
wasn’t really focusing on how to increase their traffic or conversions.

We did talk about some traffic strategies in the book—like the three
types of traffic and the right way to convert each one. Also, I broke down
the steps to funnel hacking, where you learn how to reverse engineer
and divert your competitors’ traffic to your sales pages. But most of the
traffic discussion was in relation to where you’d be sending the different
types of traffic in the actual sales funnels.

Since then, early readers and reviewers have been emailing me and
saying, “Okay, this is working great. Now, how do I get more traffic into
my sales funnels?”

That’s the missing link for so many people. Traffic.

And that’s why I decided to write this lost chapter. To help you see the
strategy behind how we easily direct tons of traffic into our sales funnels.

The Old Way To Get Traffic

Back in the day, when direct-response marketing first evolved, marketers
focused on lists. You figured out who your target customers were, and
then you rented direct-mail lists of people who met those demographics
and other criteria. This straightforward method worked for over a
hundred years, and it still works today to some extent.

If I wanted to sell my new information product to financial planners,

I would rent a physical mailing list of financial planners who bought
something related in the last 30 to 60 days. Then I would write a sales
letter, send it out to those people, and hope for the best. I might add a
little more sophistication, but basically that’s how we got traffic before
the Internet.

When the Internet came around, the whole dynamic changed. Not right
away—it took a while for people to figure out how to use this new type
of media to target people, convert them into leads and prospects, and

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then sell them products and services. There was definitely a clumsy
period where people just tried anything, and almost anything worked.
But once Google came on the scene, traffic generation became a formal
structure based on keywords.

Millions of people would type in keywords to search for something on

Google, and marketers could use those keywords to display relevant
webpages organically or show a paid ad. Pay-per-click advertising blew
up, and some very smart people made a ton of money using Google
Adwords. For about a decade, marketing online was one hundred
percent focused on keywords.

Once social media came on the scene and proved it wasn’t going away,
marketers started shifting from keywords to interest-based focus. Instead
of focusing on search terms and guessing intent, now we can target
people’s interests directly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other
platforms. If I have a wrestling product, I can target people interested
in wrestling. If I have a fishing product, I can target people interested in
fishing. It only takes a couple of minutes to find huge lists of people who
have already demonstrated their interests through Facebook groups,
hashtags on Twitter and Instagram, or memberships in niche forums.

And building these lists is extremely cheap (a far cry from renting those
expensive direct mail lists back in the day).

Smart companies that once used Google and keywords shifted

into interest-based marketing. They found targeted congregations,
using the methods we talk about in DotComSecrets. They built their
own lists, segmented by interest, and found they had an amazingly
powerful asset— traffic they owned. With this kind of traffic, they could
predictably mail out an offer and expect to make a certain amount of
money from that mailing. They also found that other companies would
pay to send ads to those lists. Pretty cool.

The Dream 100 strategy is a blend of all these concepts. Lists. Keywords.
Interests. Paid and free advertising.

I decided to share this strategy here because while the building blocks of

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our industry continually change and evolve, the Dream 100 really utilizes
all of them. And if you understand the strategy, you will have the ability
to get unlimited traffic in almost any market you can dream up. I’m not
going to dive into the individual tactics, because the tactics change. And
they’re different on each platform or type of media. You can learn the
tactics yourself, or you can outsource them— that’s the easy part. It’s
more important for you as the entrepreneur to understand the strategies
because they are the keys to generating unlimited traffic for your sales
funnels. The Dream 100 is the primary way my companies get one
hundred percent of our traffic online. Once you understand this principle,
getting traffic to your website will become really, really easy.

I first learned this concept from a guy named Chet Holmes. He used
the strategy a little differently than I do. He used it to land his dream
advertising clients. I use it to drive traffic online. First I’ll explain how Chet
did it, so you can understand the basics. Then I’ll explain how we’ve used
it to drive traffic.

Are you ready?

How to Use the Dream 100 Strategy to Attract Clients

Early in Chet’s career, he worked for Charlie Munger, who you may know
was Warren Buffet’s partner in Berkshire-Hathaway. Chet sold advertising
for one of the company’s legal magazines. At the time, they were really
struggling; they were last in sales in their market. Chet was working with
a database of over two thousand advertisers. He made calls and sent out
materials every day. But they were still number sixteen out of sixteen
magazines in their industry. Dead last.

Then Chet got smart. He did some research and discovered that out
of those two thousand advertisers, one hundred sixty seven of them
were spending ninety percent of their advertising budgets with his
competitors. So, he defined those 167 as his best buyers—they were the
ones spending all the money in the industry. Once he figured that out,
he stopped marketing to everybody, and focused his time and efforts
on those 167. Here was his strategy: he sent out direct-mail pieces with
lumpy objects in them every two weeks, then he followed up with a few

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phone calls. Twice a month he’d mail; four times a month he’d call.

Now Chet was known for what he called PHD—Pig Headed

Determination. So, he just kept going after and after those same people.
Because these were the biggest buyers, they were the hardest people to
reach. But he didn’t give up. After four months of following this strategy,
he got zero response. (Pretty discouraging, right?)

Then in his fourth month, something changed. He landed his

first big account, Xerox. It was the biggest advertising buy ever for the
company. By the sixth month, he had landed 29 of the 167. And with
those 29, Chet doubled sales over the previous year.

They went from number 16 in the industry to number one in just over a
year. And he kept doubling sales for the next three years. Pretty sweet!

Chet used to tell the story of how Charlie Munger brought him into his
office and said, “Chet, this looks great, but is everything legal?” Chet
laughed, and explained to him what he was doing. It was a brilliant
strategy, and it worked for all sorts of people. He got through to Michael
Eisner at Disney, and even landed his Dream 100 Big Kahuna, Tony
Robbins, after 13 years of working the strategy. It was one of the biggest
coups of his career.

Later on in his career, Chet wrote a screenplay and wanted to sell it to a

big Hollywood studio. So, he followed the same Dream 100 strategy. He
researched and found 100 Hollywood producers, actors, directors, and
other people who could make his film a reality. He focused on his Dream
100 list, and relentlessly pursued these guys as well. And yes, eventually
he did sell his film to one of those big studios.

The New Way to Attract Traffic

Now you know how Chet Holmes used his Dream 100 to land clients and
double his sales three years in a row. For my company, I wasn’t really
looking for more clients. It would be too expensive to go after just one
client at a time. Instead, I wanted to take this strategy to the next level,

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and transition it from generating one client at a time to landing big-time
partners. Partners who could each bring in hundreds, if not thousands,
of clients at a time. So we tweaked the strategy a little, and it worked
like crazy! We started using this strategy about a decade ago, and it’s the
main way we have grown and scaled our companies ever since.

My Dream 100 are people who have big lists of my target customers.
I want to partner with them and tap into the traffic they’ve already
collected on their email lists, social media followings, and other media.
Focusing my efforts on the top 100 potential partners, I’m able to reach
and convert warm traffic much faster than building a cold traffic list one
person at a time on my own. (We discuss hot, warm, and cold traffic in
depth inside the DotComSecrets book.)

Let’s walk through the steps you’ll want to follow to build and leverage
your own Dream 100 list.

Step #1: Identify Your Dream 100

The first step is figuring out who your Dream 100 are. My Dream 100 are
people who have my dream clients and customers in their databases, in
their social spheres, or on other media like YouTube channels, podcasts,
or even offline media.

First, I find the people in my market with big lists. These can be email
lists, offline direct mail lists, or both. You may say, “How do I find list
owners?” If you’re in a certain market, you need to be diligently, actively
pursuing that market. Behave like your target customer would. That
means “liking” everyone who’s talking about your topic on Facebook, so
you can see ads from people in your market. Click on the ads; subscribe
to the lists; and start seeing who has the email lists. Who is sending out
information? In other words, who are the players in your field? You need
to be searching on Google the same way. Purchase your competitors’
products, everything you can, so you can find out who the list owners are
in your market. After you identify them, add them to your Dream 100 list.

I focus on bloggers second. Who are all the bloggers in your

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marketplace? Search Google, search Facebook and blog directories,
search everywhere to find all the top bloggers. Why? Because each
blogger has a platform with hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of
thousands of people who are listening to everything they say. They are
influencers, and some of them belong on your Dream 100 list.

The third group I focus on is podcasters. To find these people, just run
some searches on keyword phrases in your niche on iTunes, Stitcher
Radio, Bluberry, and other podcast directories. You can also just google
your search terms with the word “podcast” or “radio” tacked onto the
search phrase. Write down the names of the top podcasters on your list.

Finally, I try to find social media influencers on my topic. These are

people with big Facebook groups, big fan pages, big LinkedIn groups,
big Twitter followings, etc. Depending on the niche, I might try Pinterest,
Instagram, or some of the interest-based niche websites. I want to write
down anyone who controls the media for large groups of
people in my niche.

Those are the four typical categories that I research—list owners,

bloggers, podcasters, and social media influencers. If you run an offline
bricks-and-mortar business, you may not have big list owners, bloggers,
podcasters, or social media influencers to leverage. But you can still build
a Dream 100 list, and you can still leverage this strategy. If your business
is local, you want to look around your area for other businesses that are
selling similar things to the same target audience. If you’re a chiropractor,
you might look at natural health stores, attorneys, health clubs—you’re

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looking for five or six other segments of people who have the same
target market you do. You can also look at local print and broadcast
media like your local newspaper, magazines, TV and radio. Maybe some
of the local politicians or associations belong on your list, too.

So, your first order of business is to take out a piece of paper or make
a spreadsheet with your list. On that list you need to have names,
addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, anniversaries, business partners,
Facebook pages, websites, blogs, podcasts—as much information as you
can possibly dig up. Don’t feel like you have to find all 100 people right
away. And don’t worry if you wind up with more than 100. Chet Holmes
started with 167. My own list is now around 200 people. Allow your list to
continually evolve over time.

Step number one in this chapter is to start building out your Dream 100
list starting today.

Step #2: Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty

Okay, now that your Dream 100 list has been built out, I’m going to move
on to step number two. I call it Digging Your Well Before You’re Thirsty.
I didn’t come up with that title; it’s an old phrase, though I first became
aware of it through a book of the same title by Harvey McKay. I never
actually read the book, but the title has always stuck with me. If you want
to be successful at anything, you need to dig your well before you’re
thirsty. If you wait to start digging until you’re thirsty, you’re probably
going to die before you reach water. The same is true inside a business.
The time to start networking and making connections is before you need
help selling your products and services. If you haven’t already, you need
to start that process today.

How do you dig your well before you’re thirsty? It all comes back to your
Dream 100. Any one of those people on your list can completely change
your business. I have had single JV partners—one single person inside of
my Dream 100—who have made me over one million dollars each. It’s
important to understand that you’re probably not going to be able to
build relationships with everyone on your list. But creating a relationship

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with even a few of your Dream 100 can change your financial future
forever. Okay? So, you need to start digging the well today—not a week
from now—right away!

The first thing you want to do is to get to know these people. Follow
them on social media; become friends with them, both virtually and
in person, if possible. Subscribe to their email lists, subscribe to their
podcasts, to their blogs, and buy their products. You need to know
exactly who they are, what they stand for, what’s important to them, and
why. So that when you have a chance to talk to them and get to know
them better, you will be prepared.

Every now and then, someone slips past my gatekeeper and manages to
get on the phone with me. It always amazes me how little these people
research and prepare before they talk to someone on the phone. It’s
obvious within sixty seconds that they have no clue who I am or what
I do. Whenever I have a chance to talk to somebody in my Dream 100,
I know virtually everything about them. This is so that when I do get a
chance to talk to them, I don’t embarrass myself. It’s extremely important
that you know them as well as you possibly can, and the only way to do
that is to follow, friend, subscribe, and buy as much as you can.

After you’ve been following them for a while, and you get to know them,
the next step is to figure out some way you can provide value to them.
Notice I didn’t say, “You need to figure out how they can provide value
to you.” That’s how most people do it. I get forty or fifty calls a week from
people asking me to help promote their products or their services or to
help them in some way. All of them hit my gatekeeper and never get past
her. The only people who get through to me are people who provide
value first.

How can you provide value to your Dream 100? Could you give them
one of your products or a ticket to an event for free? Is there something
broken on their website you could help fix? Could you send them a gift in
the mail? Did you purchase one of their products? Could you give them a
testimonial? Start thinking about this immediately. It’s all part of digging
your well. You don’t have to provide the same value to all 100 people on
your list. It’s okay to focus on just a few at a time, if that’s easier.

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One of the quickest and easiest ways I know to give value to lots of
your Dream 100 is to start a podcast and invite them to be guests
on the show. A podcast gives you a unique platform where you can
interview your Dream 100 and get to know them better. You can ask
them questions, and provide value to them at the same time. How
is interviewing them providing value? Well, you’re showing off their
expertise to your audience. Your podcast is a platform; it’s media that
you own. When you invite someone you respect to be a guest, you’re
telling them you think they have something valuable to share. That just
feels nice, which is value in itself. But you’re also giving them a chance
to promote their own products and services to your audience. Maybe
you link to their latest book or their signature program from the podcast
webpage. Maybe you give them a sponsor spot for free. You definitely
want to give them a chance to talk about how they help people and
encourage your listeners to check out what they have to offer. You’re
promoting them first, before you ask them to do anything for you.

When you try to get in touch with your Dream 100 by phone or email, you
might get five minutes of their time—if you’re lucky. But when they’re on
your podcast, you have at least 30 minutes of quality time to pick their
brain, learn from them, understand what’s important to them, and really
get to know them on an intimate level. It’s easy to establish a relationship
on a podcast that you can build into a real friendship over time.

Now, you might be wondering if it’s hard to start a podcast. After all,
you’re busy, and this sounds time consuming. But the truth is it’s very
simple to start a podcast. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment.
You can complete an interview in about thirty minutes, and you can list
your podcast on ITunes for free! The time and little bit of money you
invest in creating a podcast will pay you back in spades, if you use it to
leverage your Dream 100.

Another common question I get is “I’ve got this podcast, but it’s brand
new. I only have a few listeners. Why would anyone in my Dream 100
agree to be a guest?” First of all, it’s very hard to tell how many listeners
any podcast has. And I guarantee your potential guests aren’t going to
waste time trying to figure it out. I’ve never had anyone ask me about my
audience size. All I do is say, “Hey, I love what you’re doing. Would you

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consider being a guest on my podcast and sharing your business with
my listeners?” Nine times out of ten they say yes—all because you’re
giving them a platform to share their message.

Do you remember Arsenio Hall? He hosted a very popular latenight talk

show in the late 1980s and early 90s. Recently, he was on one of the
Celebrity Apprentice shows and was tasked with raising money for some
cause or other. He went out and called all his rich friends asking them to
help. It seemed like a slam-dunk. But at the end of the episode, he raised
the least amount of money. Twenty-five years ago, he was a late-night
King. Today, he has no platform. I vividly remember what he said at the
end of that episode:

“When I had my own show, everybody returned my calls.”

It’s so true, and this is what you’re doing with the Dream 100 strategy.
You’re building a platform and providing value so people will return
your calls. You need a platform, and you need one as quickly as possible.
That platform is the easiest and best way to get to your Dream 100,
build relationships with them, and provide value for them for free. Your
platform could be a blog or a YouTube channel, but those take a lot of
time to build, and they don’t provide as much recognizable value as a
podcast. So that’s the next thing on your to-do list. Start your podcast.

Step #3: Promotion - Marketing to Your Dream 100

Now that you’ve been digging your well, certain things are happening.
You’ve gotten to know people. You’ve been interviewing them and
providing value to them. You’re following them on social media. You’re
subscribed to their lists. You’re sending testimonials and recommending
them on LinkedIn. You’re doing everything in your power to build
relationships with your Dream 100.

You have a well. It’s full of water. Now it’s time to start drinking from it.
The next step is to start marketing to these people aggressively.

I’ve been building my Dream 100 now for over ten years. Every time I

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meet a new potential partner or someone I’d like to work with, I add
them to a direct mail list. And every month we send a physical gift out to
these people. Something fun. Every single month. For example, before
we launched ClickFunnels, I went exploring on Alibaba.com. I found these
cool video cards that looked like thick greeting cards. When you open
them up, there’s a video screen inside that plays a personal message.

I thought these were so cool. So, we ordered a batch from China, and had
them shipped to our office. When we were ready to start coordinating
the ClickFunnels launch, I sat down in my car and personally recorded
150 videos to my Dream 100 list. (If you haven’t figured it out by now,
your list doesn’t have to stop at 100 people!) I loaded each individual
message onto one of these video cards, and I sent them out. Every single
person who got the card, opened it up, and received a personal message
from me. It was unusual. It was personalized. It was thoughtful. And
people just loved getting those cards. The response was amazing. Many
of them went on to promote ClickFunnels for me.

Even more recently, when I was about to launch my new book, I mailed
book-related gifts to about 200 people. I sent a copy of my book and
a t-shirt the first month. The second month I sent them each a Ferrari
keychain. Why a keychain? Because if they helped promote my book
during the launch phase, they had a chance to win my Ferrari. The gift
tied in with the promotion I was working on.

Every month I mail something physical to my Dream 100—for a couple

of reasons. First, I want them to remember who I am. Second, I know that
if they keep getting cool things in the mail from me every single month,
they’re more likely to return my calls and promote me when I ask. We
do this every single month without fail, and it has helped us grow our
company faster and easier than I could ever do it on my own.

I recommend sending your Dream 100 something physical in the mail

every month, even if you’re not promoting anything at the time. Just send
a gift to be nice. One person I know sends his 100 list a new book every
month. He attaches a note that says something like, “Hey, I read this book
and thought you’d enjoy it, too! Check it out.” Just that one simple act has
built amazing relationships with his Dream 100. Every so often, he adds a

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short letter asking the recipient for promotional help with some launch or
product. The majority of the time, he gets amazing support.

What Do You Ask For?

Now, there are different actions you can ask your Dream 100 to take with
regard to promoting your products. The biggest and best thing you can
ask them to do is email their customer list for you. If you can get them
to do that, one email might be mailed to ten thousand, one hundred
thousand, or over a million people.

We’ve had joint ventures with people who have lists of over three million
people. When those people say yes and send an email to their lists, I
suddenly have hundreds of thousands (in some cases, millions) of dollars
in sales coming through to me. Now, I ask you—was that worth sending a
physical gift in the mail twelve times a year? You bet it is! All I’ve got to do is
get a few people to say yes, and I make a huge return on that investment.

So, the first goal is to get them to email their lists. It doesn’t work every
time. Some people will do it once. Some will never do it. Everyone has
different rules about what and when and how they’ll email their list. If they
won’t bite on the email request, I’ll move on to my second level. I’ll ask
them if I can send some direct mail to their customer lists. Very few people
send physical mail to their customers these days. I completely fund the
mailing—including the creative, printing, and postage—and they share
the profit fifty-fifty. Almost everyone I’ve ever asked has said yes.

The next level after a direct mail piece is to ask if I can put a retargeting
pixel onto one of their websites. Sometimes I’ll put it on one of their blog
posts, sometimes on a landing page. And sometimes we’ll do retargeting
swaps where they put a pixel on my site and I put one on theirs. It’s an
inexpensive and invisible way to integrate and leverage each other’s
customer base. My very first online mentor was a man named Mark
Joyner. He drilled into my head over and over again the power and
importance of integration marketing. It’s really important to look at
your Dream 100 and figure out how you can integrate with what they’re
doing. It’s always easier to leverage off your Dream 100 than to try to

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build everything from scratch on your own. If I can get even ten percent
of my Dream 100 to actively promote me to their lists, that’s enough to
make me tens of millions of dollars. I know not everyone is going to do
that, no matter how much I serve them or how much value I provide. It’s
okay, and I understand that. But it’s the best and most ideal situation.

If they won’t actively promote me, the next best thing is to actively
promote to their audiences myself. This has become so much easier in
the past few years. One of the easiest and most popular ways to do this
is through Facebook. Let’s say, for example, Tony Robbins is one of my
Dream 100. I can go into Facebook and buy ads that go to everyone
who’s a Tony Robbins fan. We have similar target audiences; after all,
that’s why he’s on my 100 list. I can go through every one of my Dream
100, find their fans and their followers on Facebook, and I can buy ads
to those people. Even if Tony Robbins or Robert Kyosaki or Dan Kennedy
won’t send an email to their list for me, I can still target all their fans,
friends, and followers on Facebook and show those people my ads.

You can do very similar things nowadays on Twitter and on YouTube. In

fact, one YouTube strategy that we’ve been doing a lot recently is buying
ads to precede all the videos of our Dream 100 and other competitors.
Imagine somebody goes to your competitor’s site; they click play on a
video, and see your ad. Before they ever see your competitor’s video,
they see a video talking about how great your product is. How powerful
is that?

That’s why your Dream 100 is so important. When you know who those
100 people are, you can find dozens of different ways to find those
pockets of customers of your dream clients who are already gathered
together ready and waiting for you.

The final way we leverage our Dream 100 is to buy ads directly on their
websites. Many people on my Dream 100 will happily sell ads on their
websites. Some sell ads on their email lists. Some sell ads in other ways.
All you have to do is ask.

So far, you know how to identify your Dream 100, provide value to them,
and market to them. If you stopped reading right now, you’d have all you

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need to use this strategy effectively.

But would you like to kick it up a notch or ten? Keep reading, and I’ll
show you how.

Step #4: Hacking the Dream 100

I hope by this point, you see the power behind the Dream 100 strategy.
It literally gives you access to huge email lists, huge direct mail lists,
re-targeting for all of your dream clients. It also gives you the ability to
integrate with people who have your dream clients in their businesses
already. If you’re not able to get those people to actively promote you,
it’s still possible to go back and promote directly to their audiences
through social media, buying ads on the websites, and other tactics.

I was discussing the Dream 100 at a recent event and somebody said,
“That sounds really, really cool. But I want to make money today. I don’t
want to contact and have to make friends with a hundred different
people. That process could take weeks, months, or even years. Is there a
way to speed up this process?” I smiled, because I knew the answer was
yes. It was a brilliant point, yet nobody had ever actually asked me that
question before. So, allow me to show you how I hack the Dream 100
strategy to make it work much faster.

The first thing to understand is that every market has what we call
a “good old boys” club. That’s a group of people who are the most
successful in the market. They get to know each other, they meet at
events, and they network. They know each other really well. People
do business with people that they like. It’s true. It’s true at a local level
in small businesses; it’s true internationally; it’s true online; it’s true
anywhere you look in any mature market. There’s always a good old boys
club of the top companies in that market.

Usually, the majority of your Dream 100 fall into at least one, and maybe
two or three different good old boys clubs. And you’ve got to figure out
how to get inside the club. At first, it’s difficult. That’s why when you’re
first starting a business online, and you’re trying to get traffic into your

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funnels, it’s kind of like rolling a large stone up a hill. It’s difficult, and it’s
tedious. But as soon as you get to the top and it starts rolling over to the
other side, it picks up momentum. Eventually, it’s rolling so fast that you
couldn’t stop it if you wanted to. Understand that it’s going to take a
little effort at first, but after you get that rock over the top of the hill, your
business will start growing very, very quickly.

It’s All About Getting Into The Club

I want to share with you a really cool story that will help illustrate how
this process works. There was a movie that came out a few years ago
called Never Been Kissed starring Drew Barrymore and David Arquette.
Drew Barrymore’s character, Josie, had a horrible time getting through
high school. Everyone made fun of her. Her nickname was “Josie Grossie,”
and she hated it. When she finally graduated, she went out and built a
career as a reporter.

After becoming a success as a reporter, her editors asked her to go back and
write an expose about the cool kids in high school. So she went back to high
school undercover to try to get this story. Before long, she slipped back into
her old crowds. She was back in the chess club, and back doing activities
that weren’t viewed as cool. She tried to bring those stories back to her boss,
but he said, “No, we need the real stories. You’ve got to get in with the cool
kids. Those are the stories we want to hear about.” The problem was she
didn’t know how to penetrate into the good old boys club.

Her brother, played by David Arquette, had been one of the cool kids in
high school. He saw what she was doing, and thought it would be fun to
join her.

“It’s not that easy to become cool again,” she said.

And he said, “Oh yeah? Watch this.” He took this huge container of
cole slaw; and in front of the entire school, he scarfs it down. Instantly,
everyone thinks he’s cool! It’s moronic, but it worked.

Then he walked over to Drew Barrymore, and said something really

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profound. “If you want to be cool, all you’ve got to do is get one other
cool person to think you’re cool.”

She was kind of perplexed at first, and didn’t really understand it. But he
knew what he was doing. He got inside the club. To help his sister out, he
starts talking to the other students saying, “Hey, that girl Josie? We used
to date, but she broke up with me. She’s super cool. I wish she would
date me again.” When this cool kid started telling everyone else that Josie
was cool, she became cool. Almost instantly.

The moral of the story is that all you have to do is have one cool kid think
you’re cool . . .and Boom! You’re in.

What does high school have to do with your business? Keep reading.

A few years ago, I got a phone call from a guy named Tellman Knudson.
He was just starting his business, so he decided to call me up and see if I
would promote his product to my list. I remember hearing the idea and
politely saying, “No, thank you.”

He said, “No worries,” and he hung up.

I didn’t hear from him for four or five months. Then one day out of the
blue, I saw about forty people all mailing their lists on the exact same day
for this guy named Tellman Knudson. I went to his page and looked at
it, trying to figure out what he was doing. I opted in; I went through the
process, and literally, some of the biggest names in Internet marketing
history were all promoting this guy. It was weird.

I remember calling him back after that and saying, “Hey, Tellman, what just
happened in the last three or four months? How in the world did you get
all of these people to promote for you? It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

And he said, “Russell, do you know what happened? I called the first
person. I gave them my pitch, and they said no. I called the second
person, and they said no. I called the third, and the fourth, and the fifth.
And then I called you. You said no. I kept calling and calling. On my 49th
call, the person who picked up the phone got the same pitch, only he

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said, ‘That’s cool. Yes, I will do it.’

So, I had one person. One person in the good old boys club who
thought I was cool. Then I asked him, ‘Who else do you think would be
interested?’ And he said, ‘You should call this guy.’

So I called that guy, and said, “Hey, I’m doing this project, so-and-so
just said he was in. Are you in as well?” And the guy said yes. He called
the third person and said, “Hey, this guy and this guy are in. Are you
in?” And the third guy said yes. The next thirty two calls I made, every
single person said yes.” What Tellman did that first year was amazing. He
launched his product with literally no marketing skills or marketing ability
outside of being able to hack into the good old boys club. He made over
$800,000 in profit.

Pretty amazing!

And that, you guys, is how you hack into the Dream 100.

It’s About The Strategy, Not The Tactics

The Dream 100 is not about getting all 100 people to like you. The
Dream 100 is about identifying the people who already have your dream
customers on their lists, listening to their podcasts, reading their blogs,
or following them on social media. It’s identifying who those people are
and then relentlessly pursuing those people to open up doors, build
relationships, and get one of those people to say “yes” as soon as possible.

Once one of them lets you in—as soon as one of the cool kids likes you—
you can leverage that person to get the second person, and you can
leverage that to get the third, and the fourth. That’s how you will grow
your network. That’s how you’re going to grow your company.

This is the strategy we focus on when we grow our companies. People

always ask me, “What’s the best way to get traffic? Is it Facebook, is it Google,
is it direct mail? How should I grow my company?” Each of those things is a
tactic, a piece of the puzzle. But if you understand the overarching strategy

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of how we do this, you can use any of the tactics you like.

So, one more time:

• Identify your Dream 100.

• Dig your well before you’re thirsty. Build relationships and provide
value first.
• Promote and market to them aggressively.
• Hack into the Dream 100 club as quickly as you can.

You will soon see doors are opening, opportunities are appearing, things
are happening, and you’re able to tap into all the different traffic streams
easily. And you will watch as your company grows consistently, reliably,
and in a way that will make you sleep really well at night.

That is how you use the Dream 100 strategy. I hope this chapter is helpful for
you, and I’m excited for you to apply this with the rest of the strategies and
techniques that you learned inside the DotComSecrets book.

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The information services and resources provided in this book are based upon the current internet marketing
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Any earnings, income statements or other results, are based on our own testing and are only estimates of
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